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ActionJackson, in Elon Musk says X will fund legal bills if users treated unfairly by bosses

I assume he means people who are fired for contributing to the increased hate speech on Twitter and not people who are fired for criticizing his shitty cars

MinekPo1, avatar

Yeah he’s known for rage firing people. Also not related but as a child he was pushed down a flight of stairs for making a (supposedly) insensitive joke to a kid who lost his dad to suicide.

jerome, avatar

Jeeze, he's such a cunt of a human.


Rage firing at his own companies is bad enough, but he was trying to get people fired from completely unrelated companies for their tweets about Tesla.

Back in 2018, The Wall Street Journal reported that Musk actively monitored Twitter for tweets containing the hashtag $TSLA, often used by Tesla short-sellers. Musk would reach out to executives at companies to investigate employees who were potentially publishing negative tweets about his electric vehicle company.

During that time, Musk reportedly emailed former Volkswagen CEO Herbert Diess in July 2018, questioning whether one of Diess’s employees was using Twitter to criticize Tesla anonymously. Business Insider later reported that Volkswagen determined the tweets were posted by the employee’s brother.

Musk also allegedly texted Lawrence Fossi’s employer. According to the WSJ, on July 23, 2018, Musk sent a text to the top executive at Fossi’s company, asking the boss whether he knew his employee, known on Twitter as Montana Skeptic, “was obsessively trashing Tesla via a pseudonym,” as disclosed in the report.

Following the incident, Fossi voluntarily deactivated his Twitter account and ceased writing for Seeking Alpha. Expressing his surprise at the extent to which Musk would go to quash criticism, Fossi commented, “I’m a nobody and he calls my employer?”


So that’s what makes you a billionaire. You need to find talking to people in a shitty way rejuvenating. Luck obviously but you also got to be really excited to talk to people about how they need to do what you want all time.

cheeseblintzes, in Musk sues law firm because he’s mad that Twitter paid $90 million bill avatar

They say women are too emotional to run the world, yet this motherfucker can’t even run a single company without constant foot stomps.

Elon Musk the kinda guy to try to sue Santa for not bringing him enough emeralds.


Anger somehow don’t count as an emotion in the patriarchy.

cheeseblintzes, avatar

you’re right… unfortunately.


He probably did scream at some slave in south Africa for not bringing him enough emeralds.

cheeseblintzes, avatar


ZeroEcks, (edited ) in Israel calls for all 1.1 million civilians to leave Gaza City within 24 hours

And go fucking where and how?? They all will just catch the train?? A boat?? A really big bus??


The Israeli military said it would operate “significantly” in Gaza City in the coming days and civilians would only be able to return when another announcement was made.

Famously leaving and returning is very easy for Palestinians and they will have no reservations leaving with a potential of returning.


Just leave bro! Trust us™


Yeah there’s no way the city isn’t just annexed into Israel.


Yeah they are not just going to do that. First they will flatten it and kill anyone who stayed in it THEN they will annex it.


They don’t care. They already cut off the water. The Israeli government is hoping to see as many men, women and children dead in the deserts and plains of the region as possible.


There’s a history of returning millennia after being forced to leave in that part of the world. I’m sure the Israeli government has a similar timeframe in mind.


Haven’t you heard? They’re taking a train to go camping.

bloopernova, in Ukrainian parents invited to ‘collect their children’ from Russia - avatar

That sounds ominous as all fuck.


"Walk into my parlour" said the spider to the fly.

PowerCrazy, in Shell Silently Abandoned Its $100 Million-a-Year Plan to Offset CO2 Emissions

CO2 “offsets” have always been bullshit green washing. The only way to regulate emissions is by directly regulating emissions. Not coming up with elaborate loopholes.


Hey, I purchased a palm oil farm in Gabon pristine African forest land, and without getting these carbon credits for not cutting it down, I’d cut it down every single year

HollowNotion, in After Netflix, Disney is cracking down on password sharing

After Netflix, I am cracking down on paying for these services.

PerogiBoi, avatar

I did and now I am having a better user experience with a lot more content.

I would like to thank Netflix and now Disney for my newfound hobby for self-hosting. I am having a blast learning new marketable skills and improving my digital life.


Jellyfin + Kodi + Jellyseerr and the rest of the arr stack really is amazing. Feels like I have my own netflix, just wayyyy better


any good instructions for setting this up on raspberry pi?


I really like YAMS. This will get you a setup based on docker that runs the *arr stack, qbittorrent, and has support for VPN out of the box. Lets you choose between Plex, emby, and jellyfin. It’s also extremely easy to add sabnzbd (or whatever usenet dl client you want) by just copying a few lines in the docker compose file. It also makes updating wicked easy, just ‘yams restart’.


YAMS looks interesting. Have you checked out Saltbox?


That looks cool. I’m solid with yams right now but I’m going to bookmark that in case I need to change.

AceSLS, (edited )

This is the best one I’ve seen yet. Although I used this one instead and customized it to my needs (Prowlarr instead of Jackett, arch-qBittorrentvpn instead of Transmission, etc)

Be sure to protect yourself while torrenting!


What does Kodi provide in this stack?


Upscaling and better codec support than jellyfin

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

Having everything in one place is so much more convenient

qooqie, in Starbucks: slave and child labour found at certified coffee farms in Minas Gerais

Hasn’t Starbucks had multiple instances of these sorts of headlines? I feel like nothing really happens about it


Standard corporate cycle. Use illegal/slave labor, get caught, media tour oopsie, pay fine aka cost of business, everyone forgets, repeat

Owners/ceos need to be held accountable so they actually care what is happening

queermunist, avatar

everyone forgets

Do we? I will never forget Starbucks uses child slaves. What good does that do?


Don’t shop there. It’s the only thing they care about. And tell people you know or can influence via social media or other means.

queermunist, avatar

I haven’t gone to a Starbucks for years and I don’t even know anyone that does lol


The whole coffee industry does, well at least 95%. It’s just the whole economy of Africa needs better standards. ( not their fault, they need to be paid more )


I’m no corporate shill, but the verification and constant need for reverification must be pretty challenging to enforce.


Especially when you don’t actually care.


Exactly. They likely give some half ass attempt but given that the supply industry is rife with slavery, and people still buy coffee, they don’t lose sleep over it.

Coffee itself is a highly substituteable good, making a tragedy of the commons scenario for those who try to ethically source their beans


While I generally agree that C-levels need to be held accountable, I fear that will just lead to paid patsies taking the fall. I think the board of directors should be held accountable.


Maybe the company should face jail time. Aka no business allowed so only expenses may show up on the PnL for a given time.

feedum_sneedson, (edited )

Starbucks will not have wanted to be using slaves, they only pay the workers 2¢ on the cup anyway. It is a fairly minor expense in the greater scheme of things.

What it is, is an emergent risk in extended labour chains (or “cascades”). Particularly prevalent in harvest work. At some point your supply chain transparency breaks down, how ever many steps of outsourcing deep that might be.

Unsurprisingly the gangmaster not actually paying his workers is likely the lowest bidder, so in the cruellest sense of the “free” market, every company wants to use slave labour. But to a global business with at least some accountability, this is a massive fuck up in oversight.

You could think of it as stochastic slave trading, if you wanted to over-intellectualise it. Certainly oligopsonies generate market pressures that strongly incentivise the emergence of modern slavery and labour abuse in the supply chain.


This is just apologia for Starbucks’ core capitalist nature.

At some point your supply chain transparency breaks down, how ever many steps of outsourcing deep that might be.

No? If you restricted your purchasing to people growing coffee in specific areas with a high degree of oversight and frequent audits, this wouldn’t happen. The coffee would cost (them) a lot more, of course, but it’s certainly possible to do this.

The point is an oligarchy could incentivize high worker wages and ethical business practices through lots of mechanisms, the primary one being “pay more money for your supplies.” They don’t. We should be burying all these companies in the grave.


Yeah, no it isn’t. If anything it’s an indictment of that nature. However it is a mechanistic explanation of how these conditions emerge in supposedly legitimate supply chains. It’s very common, unfortunately.

You’re correct that the largest purchasers of certain high-value crops can use their stranglehold to improve conditions; a lot of them claim to do so and use this in their own media campaigns. That’s why this is such a fuck-up for a company like Starbucks versus, say, a small Scottish berry farm.


Owners/ceos need to be held accountable so they actually care what is happening

This. Until someone with real power is actually held accountable for the shit they purposefully or passively allow, nothing will be done about it as long as long as it remains profitable.

aaaaaaadjsf, in Israel-Palestine escalation live: Strikes hit Gaza after Hamas offensive avatar

"We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians … Choose peace rather than confrontation. Except in cases where we cannot get, where we cannot proceed, or we cannot move forward. Then if the only alternative is violence, we will use violence."

  • Nelson Mandela

I guess the time has come where Palestinians cannot move forward, and have to use violence.



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  • Bnova, avatar

    Yeah totally, words are a war crime. Get a grip you’re hysterical.

    Grayox, avatar

    Right?!? Literally the most reactionary take possible, acting like Isreal hasn’t done anything wrong to the Palestinians, or had gaza under crippling sanctions for decades…



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  • Bnova, avatar

    It’s moderated, your shit was removed lmao.

    Galgo, (edited )


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  • Bnova, avatar

    Do you not understand how federation works?

    DoiDoi, (edited ) avatar

    there’s a modlog at the bottom of every page if you want even more evidence of how hilariously wrong you are

    that’s where I had to go to see you calling internet comments “war crimes” since your post had been removed

    also - lol, lmao


    Lol it was removed by a hexbear mod on the hexbear instance. Only you and your fragile commie buddies were spared from the horrors of his dumb take


    Also, too bad this place isn’t moderated, getting hard to choose between it and Reddit

    Then go back to reddit then and spare us your concern troll moaning in support of a genocidal ethnostate. Any violence done by Palestinians is self defense at this point.

    Also, this place is heavily moderated, it’s just not an echo chamber where you’re going to see nothing but opinions identical to your own (dogshit) worldview. Yes, your first comment was removed, as well it should have been. farquaad-point

    aaaaaaadjsf, (edited ) avatar

    “It is of no use for Israel to talk of peace, if they still hold onto the Arab territories of which they conquered.”

    Want to guess who said this one?

    The Palestinians have been pushed to breaking point by decades of apartheid. Obviously terrorist acts and killing civilans by any side is unjustifiable, but general Palestinian resistance against Israeli military targets and soldiers is self defence at this point. And let’s be very clear, you can’t steal Palestinian people’s homes, kick Palestinians out of their land, and joyfully watch Palestinians being bombed in an open air concentration camp , which Israeli settlers have been doing to Palestinians, and not expect a response in turn. You reap what you sow.


    The Palestinians are a sovereign people being genocided by an occupying armed force. What are they supposed to do? Just wait there patiently to be exterminated one by one?

    This could easily be stopped by Israel just getting the fuck out of Palestinian land.

    ComradeKhoumrag, avatar

    Palestinians: got their land stolen by Israel

    Israel: Surprised stealing people’s land makes them want to shoot you


    gravitasium, avatar

    Yes, the land is stolen. Yes, resistance is legitimate. No, murder of civilians is not acceptable, no matter which side does it.

    Would you really hold the same view if native Americans massacred American civilians in the US today?

    autismdragon, avatar

    Personally my stance isn’t so much that I think its “acceptable” as I think its “an unfortunate reality”. Revolutions are not clean, ever. Individuals involved in it do bad things. Holding the oppressed to the standards of having a completly clean revolution (impossible) is just counterproductive. I support the revolutionaries even if not every action they take is morally right. I dont withdraw my support for something that is good on the whole because of individual acts that are not good.

    Its also worth noting that Israel chose to put civilians on the front lines of a settler project, and that this is kind of the obvious consequence of that. It can easily be argued, I think correctly, that they wanted this so they could look like the victims. Despite them being the oppressors.

    Kuori, avatar

    if u.s. “civilians” were intentionally aiding in the genocide their government is carrying out? yes, killing them would be 100% justified, no matter who did it or when.

    Commiejones, avatar

    Settlers are not civilians. They are non combat support for the illegal occupation.

    ComradeKhoumrag, avatar

    Yeah you’re right your right I’m just being a shitter sorry

    However, your last question is a little interesting. I would support it If native Americans were slaughtering Americans while they were still stealing their land. Israel is contemporary colonialism, and because they can get away with it and still be the victims, that is white supremacy

    GnuLinuxDude, avatar

    Remember when Israel just mowed down peaceful protestors after Trump moved the American embassy to Jerusalem? That embassy hasn’t been moved back under a Democratic president, either.…/2018–2019_Gaza_border_protests

    This is but one example, under a climate of constant incursion into Gaza and stealing ever more land. That’s what Israeli settlements are, after all. They claim land from Palestinians, force them out of their homes, then move in Israeli families.

    Anything Hamas does is self-defense.


    The Palestinians have been using violence for over half a century and achieved nothing. Regardless of the morality of armed struggle and the desire for revenge, it is in fact counter productive. Apartheid in South Africa didn’t end because of military action, it ended because the ANC was able to mobilise world opinion against the white regime. It ended because of sanctions and isolation and making the nation a pariah. If the Palestinians had chosen that course of action early on I think we’d be in a much better place today. All these attacks do is harden world opinion against them.

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    Israel is funded and propped up by USA. How are you expected to turn USA and Anglos against USA, when they support Ukraine and Israel, both run by Zionist heads? (Zelensky is a Zionist.)


    You could start by asking the ANC. They were able to do exactly that by mobilizing public opinion in the US and othe countries. They were phenomenaly successful to the point where no politician in the US or UK could continue to support the apartheid regime.

    As it is now, after this attack, support for a Palestinian homeland will hit rock bottom. The only person who benefits from this is Netanyahu. Think about that for a minute.

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    Blacks allow West to portray itself as an inclusive culture, because of centuries of European exploitation being historically known to the world. Israel allows USA to fund and commit cyber terrorism globally, bully Iran for the “oil” and “influence” Middle East affairs. Complete Palestine colonisation is the goal of Israel and its military funder USA.

    Netanyahu could be assassinated tomorrow and replaced by another US puppet.

    queermunist, avatar

    “World opinion”

    I think you mean ‘the opinion of the US and it’s allies.’ The world is much bigger than that, and opinions about Israel in the rest of the world are not great.


    Israel has labeled BDS, the actual peaceful option, terrorism.

    FoundTheVegan, in Flowers Growing in Antarctica Are the Latest Sign of Environmental Catastrophe avatar

    To watch climate change is to know what the deer in the headlights must feel.

    Powerless to change alter fate and prevent our death, while being forced to watch it's screeching approach.


    We’re witnessing the birth of the new pasture lands the deer will graze on after humanity has been roasted off the planet.

    Think positive


    I don’t think there are deer on Antarctica, or any herbivores for that matter. It would be interesting to wait thousands of years and see what comes around to fill that niche.


    or just import cattle from Argentina in a few decades.


    There aren’t any now


    You’re conveniently failing to mention the millions of people who will suffer and die with no fault of their own. This is not positive thinking, it’s privilege and ignorace.


    I think you’re missing the joke of the above comment


    It’s positive for all the things that will thrive after humanity is gone.

    So there’s that.

    ComradeChairmanKGB, avatar

    Runaway greenhouse effect. We’re taking the rest with us.

    Sunstream, avatar

    Eh, the tardigrades will probably survive. That’d be enough for me.


    Who knows, in 75 million years, maybe there will be tardigrade descendants with extra legs wondering Wtf happened 75 million years ago to wipe out most life.


    I didn’t conveniently fail to mention shit. I hate people and look forward to a lot of us dying from our own ecological mismanagement.


    Tell that to younger generations in developing countries - they have done nothing wrong and will suffer because of other’s actions. It’s debatable how much people like you and me - provided you are someone selling labor and consuming averagely living in a developed country like me - can do compared to highly emitting upper-class people, but we certainly can’t just accept the consequences of climate change like it only affects us or we are the judges of letting it doom those least responsible but most affected.


    Deer usually have ample power to prevent their death; most of the time they have sufficient time to get out of the way, but they do not do so.

    Which really makes the comparison even more on point, since as a whole our civilization could have taken action but chose not to.


    We wouldn’t be powerless to change, though, if conservatives were not working tirelessly to prevent us from changing. Conservatives are holding the wheel and forcing us off the cliff. And they are mocking us as they kill us.


    Care to elaborate a bit more on the death part? You honestly think it’s going to kill you?


    Yes. As someone on the gulf coast, I fear being without power for multiple hours in the summer one of these coming years, I could suffer heat stroke or actually die.


    If couple hours without electricity is potentially lethal for you, then climate change is the least of your worries.

    Olgratin_Magmatoe, (edited )

    There are temperature/humidity ranges that make it impossible for any human to be able to cool themselves off through sweating. If we surpass that point and don’t have AC, all humans experiencing that temperature/humidity will die after a period of time.

    Nobody is safe when the atmosphere itself is lethal to human life.…



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  • Silverseren, in Indian politician threatens to nuke Canada on live show

    I am glad that the rest of the world is finally finding out just how insane Indian politics is. There's a lot of fearmongering, grandstanding, and really stupid political stances going on in India, along with rampant human rights abuses.

    You think Republicans in the US are insane? They've got nothing on what goes on in India.

    ConditionOverload, avatar

    Most Indians they have emigrated out of that shithole country will never talk about this kind of thing or any of the actual lawlessness, level of corruption, bigotry, and religious intense that happens in India.

    I’m an Indian who’s moved to the US and I’m pretty pissed off that the US openly welcomed Modi after the was banned for what he did in the riots in the early 2000s.

    Hopefully the world gets to know the real India.

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    I would not frame it as “real India”, but as what has happened since 2013 national elections, BJP neofascist Hindutvavaadis took over the government, media and legal institutions. The problem is BJP’s supporter base is sizeable, and it kind of is proportionally similar to how half of USA supports Republicans.

    The real India is not neofascistic, many people hate the poison of news and TV media, nationalistic movies and Hindu-Muslim vitriolic politics.


    Let’s not give republicans stretch goals ok

    Egon, (edited ) in Ukraine tells critics of slow counteroffensive to 'shut up' avatar

    There sure are a lot of Lemmy bro-gaders and NATO shillbots in this thread. That’s the only explanation for people disagreeing with me.


    Putin isn’t going to fuck you, bro. Give it up.


    Theyre parodying a droney.


    Literally anyone who disagrees with me is by definition a bot running out of a basement in Langley VA.

    Egon, avatar

    Don’t be ridiculous! Sometimes they’re running on the Hilldawgs server.


    The Buttery Males are coming from INSIDE THE INSTANCE!

    AphoticDev, avatar

    New drinking game. You take a shot everytime some hexbear pops into another instance and posts any comment that:

    1. Is positive towards Russia, China, or the DPRK.
    2. Is negative towards NATO
    3. Is genocide apologetics, or dismisses human rights violations by current or former communist countries as fake or not something to worry about

    Garanteed to kill you before the day is over.


    Yeah, take a shot every time one of us dirty commies denies the existence of Saddam’s WMDs. The biggest propaganda machine in history would never lie about it’s rivals.

    AphoticDev, avatar

    You hexbears are always so angry. I suggest getting a vibrator, it’ll help you release some of that tension.


    We can vibe and hate America at the same time, actually hammer-and-vibe

    AphoticDev, avatar

    Not gonna lie, I love that emote.

    Egon, avatar

    You seem super chill tho. Are the brigaders in your walls?

    AphoticDev, avatar

    It’s wild that I didn’t even mention brigading, but most of the comments from hexbears are defensive about it. It’s not brigading to comment on posts on other instances, so stop feeling insecure about it. Especially when there are so many other valid reasons people hate you guys.

    Egon, avatar

    Yeah my bad, I mistook you for another idiot.
    Of course we are defensive about it! Its a tiring accusation.
    Yes so much to hate like analysing news, investigating claims and not tolerating bigots. Gets you big mad.

    AphoticDev, avatar

    I was speaking more along the lines of the endless emotes and troll comments. I don’t think people have a problem with many of the comments that have actual meat to them, even if they vehemently disagree with what’s said, like I often do. The ones posting the same trollface emote fifty times though? That’s assnine and annoying. Then those same users complain that nobody wants to “debate” them. That’s not debate. It’s not even a conversation.

    Egon, (edited ) avatar

    take a step back and notice that those comments are in response to someone else engaging in bad faith behaviour. Hexbear does not have a downvote function, which has fostered a culture of mocking people acting in bad faith. If you do not like people dunking on idiots, then get mad at the idiot

    Egon, avatar

    Brigading is clicking on the article that is on the top of all brigading
    Why is it inherently bad to be negative towards NATO and good to be positive towards Russia, China or the DPRK? I thought you guys liked nuance.
    I have yet to see anyone do genocide apologetics or dismiss human rights violations. Thinking critically and investigating claims is a good thing, and you thinking otherwise shows how pathetic you are.

    New drinking game:
    Take a shot when libs call people disagreeing with them “brigading”
    Take a shot when libs use the word Tankie or authoritarian without being able to define them.
    Take a shot when libs fail to provide a source.
    Take a shot when the only source they can provide is Wikipedia, Kiev independent or Radio Free ____
    Take a shot when they do double genocide theory.
    Take a shot when they use bigoted language.
    Take a shot when they act like smug little shits and then cry foul when they get treated like smug little shits.

    LoveSausage, avatar

    Here is the thing. It’s only liberals that threats this as a football game were you have to cheer on one of the teams. If you actually know the history and some form of idea about the geopolitical stage, you can be on the side that actually wants peace. Not “until the last Ukrainian is dead” that the west wants.

    Egon, avatar



    How dare anyone be negative towards the belligerent arms cartel that has had its hand in multiple coup governments, and destroyed numerous countries.

    You all act so offended by people not swallowing your narrative.

    Gelamzer, avatar

    Is genocide apologetics, or dismisses human rights violations by current or former communist countries as fake or not something to worry about

    USA whould never lie just forgot

    The USS maine

    Guld of tonkin

    Nayirah testimoney


    Gaddafis Viagra

    yogthos, avatar

    And if you want to die from alcohol poisoning in an hour then just take a drink every time a dronie moans when people point out basic facts to them.


    Why would you do that? How does it sound funny to you that US propaganda is so important to you that you would poision yourself if you weren’t surrounded by it? It get you were trying to make a joke but the joke is that, " if I encounter anything other than US propaganda I need to self harm so I don’t acknowledge it."

    It is just wild to me that you exist in a state where this seems like a banger post.

    AphoticDev, avatar

    You’re right, better to “think for myself” and only listen to Russian propaganda.


    You do understand reality exists right. It isn’t just US propaganda vs Russian propaganda. There is an actual objective truth that can be found. It isn’t particularly hard. No one here is claiming to have special wisdom here.


    Seems to be an equal amount if not more Putin shillboys happy to amplify the Russian propaganda machine here too!

    Egon, avatar

    Lmao I am literally mocking your exact sentiment. People disagreeing with you does not mean they’re bots or paid to post. Get out of your echo chamber

    yogthos, avatar

    If these people weren’t gullible imbeciles they wouldn’t fall for propaganda so easily in the first place.

    Egon, avatar

    It’s cute in a sad way


    I don’t like the framing of people believing what they’ve been told by teachers, parents, and the media all their life all being gullible imbeciles.

    Some of them even examine both sides to get a full understanding of the issue, by watching both CNN and Fox News.

    yogthos, avatar

    It’s true that US propaganda machine is unparalleled, but at this point one has to work hard not to see the gap between the narrative they’ve been fed and the reality.

    Russian economy was supposed to collapse within months, Russia was supposed to be isolated geopolitically, Russia was supposed to run out of weapons, Russian military was supposed to crumble, western wonder weapons were supposed to be game changers, and so on.

    It’s been around two years now, and literally every one of these predictions has turned out to be completely false. This is openly reported in mainstream western media nowadays.

    Given that, I fail to see how any person capable of even a modicum of critical thought continue going along with the narrative.

    And we see this same behavior manifest itself in many other areas. For example, people continue to believe articles claiming that China’s economy is going to collapse despite decades of such articles being false.

    Continuing to believe media that has been so consistently wrong does require at least a certain amount of gullibility in my opinion.

    honeynut, in McConnell on Ukraine proxy war: "We haven’t lost a single American in this war. Most of the money that we spend, is spent on replenishing weapons, so it’s actually employing people here."[paraphrased]

    This. Is. An. Investment. In. Democracy.


    If Europe got involved and stopped Germany in Poland, world war 2 may never have happened…

    rikudou, avatar

    Why no one ever mentions Czechia? They literally had a summit about our country where we kinda weren’t invited and decided that yeah, Hitler can take huge parts of Czechia, because that will surely stop him from expanding. Because it’s usually the case - when something is very easy and costs you close to nothing, you immediately stop because you’ve had enough, right?


    Damn right. Also don’t forget austra was given away.

    Commiejones, avatar

    I don’t know if this is a joke or not and at this point I am afraid to ask.


    Gotta be from that one copypasta from like three days ago



    MyDogLovesMe, in Climate records tumble, leaving Earth in uncharted territory - scientists

    The 1% truly think they are going to sit it out underground in their billion dollar bolt-holes/bunkers. It’s like thinking you’ll survive the tsunami by standing on a chair.


    And they’re dragging us all down with them. That’s the most pissing part.

    tallwookie, avatar

    more like the 0.01%, but it’s completely doable. lots of military science to back it up.


    What do you mean, military science? Studies held by militaries? How would anyone access said research?


    I honestly don’t think they’ve really thought that far ahead.

    They know they’ll be better off than everyone else and I guess that’s enough.

    swnt, avatar

    There are actually quite a few places where they buy bunkers - but with luxury and stuff. it’s also marketed as a way of safe spot to retreat when the surface goes bad.

    obviously, it’s rather a big ,“we found a way to make money out of rich peoples fears and doubts” rather than actual security measures. if things really go bad, how are they going to know, that their security guards aren’t going to ditch them? and if they isolate, then they cannot sustain their lifestyle in a bunker with bunker food.


    They will probably mostly survive. But then they’ll realise that all productive and smart people are dead and their money is worthless in the new world.


    all their wealth is basically dependent and built on the labour of all society, they’re not escaping this. They’ll have more privilege to suffer less relatively to the majority of the people on this planet, but they’re not escaping this


    I suspect they might be afraid of people, not of climate.


    Did you consider that it might be good for humanity to lock our billionaires into bunkers? We should lock them in in order for us to survive.

    The difference is marginal: just a matter on which side you place the door handles.

    unconsciousvoidling, avatar

    i get the sense that they cannot control their thirst for power. it’s like trying to wrestle away a bottle of booze from a drunk. they’ll make whatever excuses are necessary to convince themselves that this is the way it has to be and they need more.

    neptune, in Western-made armor isn't working in Ukraine because it wasn't designed for a conflict of this intensity, Ukrainian analyst says

    They are talking specifically about tanks in the article. The armor on the tanks provided to Ukraine is allegedly not thought enough for mines, etc.

    flying_monkies, avatar

    Yeah, that's what I wasn't following. MBTs are going to need repairs, no matter how heavily armored, when you run them over a minefield, hit them with anti tank missles or drones. APVs aren't designed to survive that, just to keep the occupants alive from something that would have turned them into a thick red mist.


    There isn’t enough armour in the world to stop a few proper anti-tank mines or anti-tank missiles or anti-tank drones.

    agent_flounder, avatar

    Uh have they tried using anti mine systems to clear a path? I’m pretty sure western military doesn’t just go charging forward crossing their fingers…


    For known minefields yes. For a regular road that might have one or two mines, no. Mine clearing is extremely slow. Even if you do it, someone might come in the night and plant more mines. The best you can do is keep an eye out for signs that mines have been planted.

    kiwifoxtrot, avatar

    The Russians made the defensive mine fields more than double the width of any mine clearing explosive device. This means they can’t quickly clear a section and move through without being sitting ducks.

    Lmaydev, in Lab-grown meat can be halal and kosher

    It always amazes me people think this being that created the universe cares what meat they eat.


    If you read through the stories that define them, it makes a lot more sense. Blood and sacrifice are intertwined with life and righteousness. God is holy and set apart, and can’t be in the presence of less – so their lives and habits are built around remaining in relationship to their God.

    So the careful handling of death, food, and blood makes perfect sense from that worldview, whether you personally agree with it or not.


    That makes even less sense.


    No, no it does not. Like, not at all.

    Sabata11792, avatar

    Just wait till you find their opinions on the oppsite hole.


    Cares about the meat you eat and the meat you beat


    Always have!


    A lot of food handling instructions in religion are rudimentary sanitation practices. For example, food must be consumed same day, not left out. Don’t eat raw shellfish. Don’t drink blood. Wash your hands.

    capt_wolf, avatar

    Pretty much all religious texts at their core are “how to not die,” “how to make more of you,” and “how not to be an asshole,” with an overarching guilt system to enforce it.

    Everything else is either people misconstruing things because they can’t make sense of their own existence, either through mental illness, misguidedness, or plain old ignorance.


    Hey there’s also hallucinations in there


    You’re telling me this enormous being with 6 wings surrounding flaming wheels covered with eyes that God is speaking to me through isn’t real?


    Hey sometimes the mushrooms in the desert hit different


    I’d never thought of religion as a form of Darwinism before.


    I would maintain that there’s a statistical sprinkling of that stuff mixed in with other arbitrary rules like not mixing textiles and not giving loans.


    Let’s not forget all the absurd shit religions have. Like Killing non-believers, treating women as object, pedophilia and more.


    Then drinking milk should be a sin, the unholy comes out of my butt.

    DarkGamer, avatar

    And isn't it funny how the gods are always concerned with the same things their worshippers are? It would be odd to care deeply about regulating the sexual and dietary habits of the ants in our backyards. If god(s) were real I'd expect their interests to be wild and beyond our understanding, and not about what hats humans can wear and what meat is acceptable.


    The in-lore explanation is that we are created by the god(s) in their own image. Much like if you made a toy to play with other toys, you’d probably make something humanoid, or at least anthropomorphic.

    Unless you want to talk about Lovecraftian horror gods, but in that lore, humans weren’t created by the gods (as far as I know).

    DarkGamer, (edited ) avatar

    Created in their image perhaps, but generally not in their own capability, understanding, and therefore one would assume, interests. Gods are like us because we imagine them like us, because humans draw from what we know and what we are concerned with when we imagine and dream and hallucinate. Religious writers cannot accurately fathom the interests of those with superhuman knowledge and capability, and so the gods typically want what the people who claim to speak for them also want, and offer solutions to whatever the worshippers are concerned with. Lovecraft was brilliant for acknowledging this limitation in his own way, he was known for not describing the horror because it is far too horrible and beyond our comprehension.


    Yes, but when communicating to these minions, it makes sense to translate your intentions into what they can relate to.

    If I want a way to control my ants so that they stay away from some places but go to others, I might teach them to avoid soap and seek sugar.

    They might not understand what my bed is because it’s too big and alien for them, but if I put some soap around it, they will avoid going there. They might not understand what I mean by “go to my neighbor’s garden”, but they will be able to follow a trail of sugar to that place.

    So especially if the interests of the gods are wild and beyond our understanding, I’d expect them to give us some relatable proxies instead.

    DarkGamer, (edited ) avatar

    While I see your point, I've never met nor heard of someone training ants in such a way, it would take a very odd and unusual person to hold and act on such an interest. If this is an analog for gods I suspect they are not entirely right, provided they exist at all.

    I'm also at a loss as to how rules about sex and dietary restrictions would lead to some greater goal beyond our understanding. Religious rules aren't typically physical boundaries to exploration like the soap line. It's more often rules about things like sacrificing animals, what hats to wear when, how to treat people inside and outside the religion, when to fast, when to feast, when to pray, what to eat, and who needs to be obeyed, (spoiler: it's always the men who claim to speak for gods.)

    Uranium3006, avatar

    organized religion is and always has been about using laws to control people and take their money through brainwashing backed with death threats where and whenever they can get away with it


    The reason these practices are in place are historical

    Think about a time before modern sanitation. You eat THIS meat, you fucking die. So obviously God doesn’t want us to eat it because otherwise he wouldn’t have made it a dirty, deadly meat. Even today, these meats kill people occasionally.

    I’m an atheist, but I think it’s still worthwhile to understand the perspectives.


    People didn’t have modern sanitation elsewhere as well. That’s not the reason, the reason is that these religions were followed by people who lived “like pigs”. And since the pigs live like their owners, they were dirty and nasty as well. This religious ban is a mirror of people who followed these religions.


    This is dumb as fuck


    And highly antisemitic.

    Nerorero, avatar

    Lmao what

    stopthatgirl7, avatar



    Pigs in no way live like their owners. They live in big pile of mud and eat anything to this day lol

    CanadaPlus, (edited )

    Bad chicken will kill you dead too. Apologists of these religions advance these hypotheses but they’re not really supported by anything scientific or in the historical records.

    Food taboos of all kinds are a common cultural feature (for example, modern Westerners don’t like insects), and the Judaism-derived religions incorporated the food taboos of the Jews sometimes.


    Have you tried killing the chicken with e scimitar?


    Opinions on religion aside, more acceptance of lab grown meat is better for energy efficiency and reducing unneeded animal cruelty.


    I once asked a Muslim neighbor over for dinner.

    They explained they could never eat anything I have prepared in my kitchen, because I eat pork.

    Way to go religion, keep making sure your arbitrary rules keep people apart.


    Religion was (and often still is) a way to keep poor people in check.

    The whole idea of heaven/hell, reincarnation, karma etc. is so people accept their shitty roles in life.

    Don’t worry that the king is living in luxury and you are suffering as it’ll all even out eventually.

    As you say preventing them mixing with other groups is also a great way to keep your cult going.

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