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reverendsteveii, in Amazon execs destroyed years of evidence before FTC action, agency says

of course they did, the penalty for getting caught destroying evidence is far, far less than the penalty for the price fixing they’re accused of. the law is designed to incentivize them to do this.

we could make it so that the penalty for destroying evidence in a court case once its been subpoenaed is twice the penalty of the original case, but we don’t. we could make CEOs responsible for the actions of their employees (after all, they’re quick to claim responsibility for the actions of their employees when those actions generate money), but we don’t.


It’s not though. It usually laxed but generally rules of procedure allow a judge to accept spoliation as proof of the crime they’re accused of.

captain_aggravated, avatar

It’s not going to stop until we start holding executives physically responsible for their crimes in disfiguring ways. “Why is the right half of your face missing, Bob?” “Insider trading” he writes on an index card because he’s been debarked.

utopianfiat, in Russia dismisses Ukraine peace plan: ‘Let’s decide it on the battlefield’

But remember, it’s the rest of the world that’s warmongering! Also up is down!


Come on, not even zelensky had any hope they would accept this peace plan. They’re basically asking Russia to stop the war and give back all the territory they occupied. The Ukrainian counter offensive stopped at a brick wall, the Russians have no reason at all to do this.


The counteroffensive is moving forward slowly because the Russians put a ton of mines and trenches in the way. Plus they committed their best troops to stopping it. Still Ukraine is slowly moving forward in the south.

I wouldn’t want to be there right now on either side. But basically the Ukrainians are winning because their artillery is better. Once Ukraine moves their artillery within range of the highway along the Sea of Azov, the troops protecting Crimea will have their supplies threatened. This is the general plan and they’re getting closer.


I never said this in unwinnable, but don’t make any sense to propose a peace plan to Russia right now demanding them to return all the land they occupied. Ukrainians are not dumb, they know this, this peace “proposal” is just a piece of propaganda to western media to say they are trying to start peace talks with Russia or some shit. The Russian ministry answered this out of anger but he’s not wrong, the Ukraine is only getting their territory back if they can put a huge pressure on Russians, possibly only if they can manage to make Russia fear to be attacked on their own territory. And even if this happens we have to trust Russians won’t nuke Ukraine to protect their own territory.

FaceDeer, avatar

Pretty crumbly and porous brick wall, there. And they apparently neglected to build it around Sevastopol.

bluGill, avatar

War is normally a slow process. In historical terms Ukraine is making good progress.. it is mostly fiction where wars are one in a couple days.

Skullgrid, avatar

Except Israel.

bluGill, avatar

There have been a lot of exceptions. However the majority of wars are longer as if you don't think you can win surrender terms are generally better than death.


Sure, if you fight in the middle of the desert with little cover and no mud, progress is fast once you cut through the defensive lines. Vs fighting in mud and forests.


Western people are funny to say the least, i dont know why, if it has something to do if the fact u guys always lived in such a privileged position that u can live in a fantasy world.

Try to be pragmatic. I never said it had to be quick, I never said this is unwinnable right now, I just said that makes no sense for the Russians to accept this terms right now, and Ukrainians are not stupid, they know this. Or were u expecting putin to wake up this morning feeling bad for what he have done and just move his troops out of Ukraine?

yogthos, avatar

Hmm, let’s just see what an actual war historian has to say about that…/vlahos-ukraine-shares-same-fate-as


Up until about a week ago, this talking point was still current, but it’s time for a refresh.



They’re making slow progress constantly but the front lines are barely moving. There’s obviously a chance for a big break through as the first defences are always the heaviest and it should get easier after that, but there’s still a long way to go, and they’re both taking heavy casualties every single day.


There’s obviously a chance for a big break through as the first defences are always the heaviest and it should get easier after that

That’s the opposite of Russia’s defensive doctrine, which would only be exacerbated further by the ability to deploy reserves where necessary. It could be a different story if Ukraine wasn’t having to commit their exploitation forces just to try to reach the first lines of defense; even if they break through tomorrow they won’t really have the manpower to do anything with it.

yogthos, avatar

The only actual progress being made is in destroying the equipment NATO managed to cobble together and losing trained manpower. Even if a miracle happened and Ukraine managed to make some breakthrough, what exactly is it going to be consolidated with given that they spent past three and a half months beating their head against a wall. They’ve already thrown in all the reserve brigades that were originally meant to come in and consolidate the gains now.


They didn’t have any hope because Putin is a warmonger. Any “peace plan” that Russia would find acceptable would just delay the inevitable and give Russia time to build back up, they’ve already shown their cards. Russia needs to give up on its territorial aspirations and give back what it’s stolen. Russia could’ve held onto Crimea even had it just not invaded Ukraine, the rest of the world had basically turned a blind eye to it (it wasn’t right, but that was the reality), instead they get to watch their military turn to dust, just like Putin will be doing within a decade.


I’m not judging who is or who isn’t a warmonger or whatever, let’s just be pragmatic, it makes no sense at all for Russia to accept those terms. Were u expecting the Russian Govt. to suddenly wake up one morning feeling bad for what they’ve done and just move the troops out of Ukraine, including Crimea who’s under Russian control for over a decade now, and say “sorry, my bad”? This 10 point plan they “proposed” was only made so western media can say they’re trying to stop the war, which they aren’t. And again, I’m not saying they have to stop the war, I’m just analyzing things objectively.


I’m saying Putin can stop this war right now by going home. This is all Putins’ fault supported by oligarchs. It makes complete sense for putin to accept these terms, because he will eventually be forced to.


What makes you believe we will eventually be forced? Do you still think our sanctions will make Russia collapse?


When the bombs are on his doorstep caused by his own ignorance.

krolden, avatar

So you’re cheering for WW3?


No. That was not the question


There are no oligarchs in Russia.

Words have meanings. An oligarch is someone who has political power through wealth.

Russia is an autocracy, and Putin allows people to be rich, so long as they don’t try to translate that into political power.

America has oligarchs, Russia just has rich people that contribute to an autocracy.

… I’m honestly not sure which is more evil as a political system.


I would say what is in the U.S. because there are more thorns that have to be removed from the rose.

krolden, avatar

So you’re saying Crimea is not part of Ukraine?


I’m not saying that all, but facts on the ground were that, 2014–2022, Russia had control of Crimea and nobody was going to do anything about that for fear of getting into conflict with Russia. That Crimea even “passed” into Russian hands without much of a fight from the international community is probably what emboldened Putin to go after the rest of Ukraine. What I’m saying is that had he stuck to just that sort of low-level “piecemeal” approach to carving out sections of Ukraine, like what was do e with Crimea, he wouldn’t have gotten nearly the amount of international backlash that he got.

Is Crimea part of Ukraine? Yes, but when it comes to international borders, facts on the ground are what matter in the long-run. Had Putin bided his time, eventually it would’ve just been accepted as fact. Nobody else would’ve ever cared enough to start a war over it. With Putin going for all-out-war though, he’s revealed Russia’s military weakness and facts on the ground have become mutable again, giving us the chance that we’ll hopefully see Crimea come back into Ukraine.


Bad bot.


bots are at least logical


I mean, if Putin doesn’t want to die, he can always gobtje fuck home. I mean he can still suck a bag of dicks and then choke on them.


holy shit stop invading and leave? OUTRAGEOUS! the nerve of zelensky to ask for what is Ukraine’s! I think you should go join the trenches to show how mad you are!


No, see when he says “a fairer distribution of global benefits” that needs to start with distributing ukrainian benefits to russian oligarchs obviously!


Why do you want to force the people of Crimea and the Donbas to be subjected to a government that they despise? Why don’t those people have any right to self determination?


they can move to the shithole that is russia if they want to live under a shit government


You want huge populations to be forcibly removed? That sounds like genocide


you mean like the Uyghurs? genocide is really fucked, what are you doing about the Uyghurs?

edit: no-one is forcing russian simps in Crimea to move anywhere you absolute nonce, they can live free under ukraine or go suck balls in russia if thats what they want


They were getting bombed and murdered by the ukrainian military since 2014. Thats not what I call “living free”

jcit878, (edited )

the ukranian military were bombing civilians? please, lets see a non-cooker source.

Also i love you mention 2014, i wonder what relevant action happened then that made the whole area a shitstorm? i dunno, must just be a coincidence, surely nothing to do with the incompetant half-strength military staffed by drunk conscripts that has been shooting rockets at hospitals and malls for the past 18 months

edit: also respond to the Uyghur situation. by default you are condoning genocide


What’s the uyghur situation? Is that a part of Ukraine?


you know what i love about lemmygrad? it takes no effort to bring out the stupid

bad year to be a wannabe soviet cooker mate


Zelensky knowing that there wasn’t a hope in hell of Russians accepting this is false? You know it, I know it, we all know it. It’s just politics. Of course Zelensky has to offer something, even if he knows they won’t bite.

The Russians have to claw something out of this debacle to sue for peace. And I hope the Ukrainians give them nothing, and take back the Crimea while they’re at it.


The Ukrainian counter offensive stopped at a brick wall

What a bunch of Putin propagandistic nonsense.

yogthos, avatar

Either Putin propagandists have now infiltrated mainstream liberal media or you have no clue regarding the state of the war, I’m going to go with the latter here


They’re basically asking Russia to stop the war and give back all the territory they occupied.


Krause, avatar

time to remind people that zelensky made having peace negotiations with putin ILLEGAL…/russia-annexation-ukraine-peace-talk…


Get back under your stone on lemmygrad

BaroqueInMind, avatar

Tankies gonna tank. @Krause please go fuck yourself somewhere else.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has formally ruled out talks with Russia after it illegally declared four Ukrainian regions to be part of Russia.

Zelensky’s decree released Tuesday declares that holding negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin has become impossible after his decision to annex four regions of Ukraine. The decree also approves the decision of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council to strengthen Ukrainian defenses and seek more weapons from the country’s Western allies in response to Moscow’s move.

Ah so “has become impossible” is now “has been made illegal”. Tankie text comprehension, I presume.


time to remind people that zelensky made having peace negotiations with putin ILLEGAL

Can you quote the part of the article which made you think so? I don’t see the article saying what you claim it says.

<span style="color:#323232;">A reminder from the KidsPost team: Our stories are geared to 7- to 13-year-olds.

It’s alright if you are younger than that. Otherwise, I think all you achieved is reminding people how dishonest and untrustworthy lemmygrad users can be. You would have helped your cause more had you not made that comment.


Nobody actually has any argument against this except ad hominems, which is usually fairly telling.


I guess if we ignore the two comments pointing out how the article doesn’t state what he claims Zelensky said, then yeah nobody has any arguments.

Or were you expecting arguments against a fictional statement? Because I can come back with some just as fictional counter-arguments if that’s what you were looking for.


They cannot see those comments same as vampires can’t see themselves in a mirror.


Yeah, and ban people for posting dissenting comments. So their users can believe no dissenting opinions exist.

It’s a bid sad they cannot spot that the article, which is very short and written for children, does not say what they claim it says, but well.

Blursty, avatar

This is the end of this thread. There’s no comeback to this.



krolden, avatar



There really is nothing to negotiate anyway.

Ukraine does not want to give up territory.

Giving Russia anything for it is tatamount to paying a ransom. It would only encourage Russia to invade again in a decade or less.

Russia turning around and giving up the territory without gaining anything is just accepting complete defeat. They won’t do that.

So it’s a battle of attrition, both morale and economic.


Russia’s upper house of parliament on Tuesday voted to support the treaties that make the Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions of Ukraine part of Russia.”

Неужели так трудно понять чтение, товарищ?

CannotSleep420, avatar
bennieandthez, avatar

Yea they are.

LastYearsPumpkin, in Family of man who drove off collapsed bridge sues Google Maps for 'misguiding him to death'

Don’t get tricked by big media the way they did with the McDonald’s hot coffee lawsuit.

Google was notified for a decade that they had a dangerous route listed. Safety standards aren’t made for people acting perfectly, they’re made for having multiple layers of safety for things that can kill or maime you.

Yes, there is SOME level of personal responsibility, but if Google told 100,000 people to do something dangerous, it’s inevitable that someone would have a combination of factors that caused someone to do it and die.

Google just claims over and over that it’s too big and has too much data to be able to have any sort of customer service or maintenance, and this is the result.

Yes, other people are also responsible, but that’s what the legal system is for, to look at evidence and not headlines and place blame. I wouldn’t be surprised if Google settles out of court on this one and promises to fix their maps.

ksynwa, avatar

Citations Needed podcast did an episode about “frivolous” lawsuits where they talked about the McD coffee lawsuit too:…/episode-107-pop-torts-and-the-re…


It’s great that people are getting educated on things like this.

Legal Eagle also did a similar episode -

ares35, avatar

Google just claims over and over that it’s too big and has too much data

"ok, google. how many pieces should you be sliced into in order to rectify this?"


Well their name ain’t Google no more.

Let’s start with 26 slices.

  1. Uppercase and lowercase.

Maps have been around for thousands of years and have always been unreliable. You’d think the legal principles involved would be well explored by now.


What did bid media told public about got coffee lawsuit?


It’s commonly used as an example of a frivolous lawsuit, because everyone knows coffee is hot right? Of course coffee can burn you.

The issue is that this particular coffee was negligently hot, so hot that the victim had third-degree burns on her privates. Also, the victim originally only sought coverage for medical expenses, but instead McD went to court and had to pay out a much larger amount.

Anyone who thinks this lawsuit was frivolous, try to find some of the pictures of her burns.

Bitrot, avatar

The media reporting was that is was frivolous, someone burned themselves on coffee and wanted to blame McDonald’s. That wasn’t the full story.

doublejay1999, avatar

IIRC the narrative and the headline was “duh ! Hot coffee is hot! Idiot! “. ……But it turned out something like, McD coffee was like 99 degrees versus 70 degrees for your average cup and it was decided that makes a difference.

You’d have to check that, but that’s what I remember .

IMHO you still handle a hot drink like it could scald you , that’s your responsibility and your taught that from like 5 years old . However, you wouldn’t expect to be handed pretty much boiling water in a plastic cup .


Well it was super super hot, like you said. It was handed off to some grandma, the lid popped off, and the super hot coffee spilled all over this very old woman’s inner thighs. There were pictures.

Old people have notoriously thin skin. Literally. So this hot-ass coffee burns this old woman’s thin skin, and I think the resulting burns needed to be fixed via hospital visits & maybe surgery. So yeah it wasn’t a frivolous lawsuit.


This kind of thing is why I hate Google Maps. There is no way to ensure that edits are carried out based on your local knowledge, whereas with OpenStreetMap you can just go make the changes that need to be made. It’s been very satisfying for me to go contribute to OpenStreetMap when I see that paths are added or changed, so that the map reflects reality. Meanwhile Google Maps won’t even move an entire park that is in the wrong place.


I can edit my street as a dead end to lower bar traffic, cool!

AbouBenAdhem, (edited )

You’d still get plenty of traffic from Google Maps, etc.—it would only be the cool people who stopped using your street.


People do check this stuff for vandalism.


Thanks for helping put in some work.

HurlingDurling, in Tourist climbs Brussels statue, breaks it

*looks at article

OH THANK FUCKING GOD! He wasn’t American


What article? lol


stopthatgirl7, avatar

Click the “Read description” part.

robbotlove, in China helping to arm Russia with helicopters, drones and metals

when Russia becomes the third world nation in a proxy war.

MariaRomanov, avatar

Russia has been a third world nation since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Politicians just like to use the Russian boogeyman to scare people who remember the Cold War. Putin may be a monster, but China is the real threat.


China was considered a true partner of the West until 2008.


Business was good, fake news was doing daddies' biddings while jobs were being shipped out.

MariaRomanov, avatar

Both the US and China have legitimate security interests that are at odds with each other.


but ChinaAmerica is the real threat.



America collaborates well enough with the rest od the countries. Americas system is bullshit but China is having even more control and is even more destructive. Both are shit but China is more of a threat


Collaborate? Is that what America does when they invade a country and murder its people?


I think it’s the bit where they install a military outpost and destroy the host’s energy infrastructure.


No no no, they liberate the country from dangerous potential socialist values, a perceived will of the country to distance themselves from the US, or, you know, because they can.


Thats why I hate america too, and its capitalist system. They are mostly jerks. But they chrisitan way of not knowing what to do except of bombarding is really weird.

But at least its cooperating eith EU and some counctries.


More of a threat to who?


It’s the opposite. China is the one better at collaboration. I don’t think they even sanction anyone unlike America. Standard communist regime behaviour of helping everyone to mess with hardworking capitalist nations and prevent them from making profits.


The only people that matter are white and European.


Why not both?

MariaRomanov, avatar

I guess everything is relative. I should have clarified that I meant China is a threat to America’s dominance of the world stage.


I have no problem with that.

MariaRomanov, avatar

Yeah to be fair some people will have a problem with it and some won’t. I think it will be interesting to see who comes out on top.


My money is on the Chinese.

MariaRomanov, avatar

Maybe, but the housing crisis and shrinking population gives me pause. Not to mention I think there is more internal dissent in China than people like to talk about. China still hasn’t caught up to the US militarily and the gap is no longer closing in.


Russia literally invaded two countries and stole their land and people. Your post is ridiculous.

mihor, avatar



Okay lol

utkonos, (edited )

Do Abkhazians and Ossetians really count themselves stolen Georgian citizens? Do they really count their land as Georgian land stolen by Russians? Your post is ridiculous.

MariaRomanov, avatar

Russia is certainly a regional threat but countries invade and dominate other countries in their sphere of influence all the time. Russia does not have what it takes to dominate on a world stage like they did after World War 2. Their economy is weak, as is their military.

yogthos, avatar

the least racist redditor on lemmy


“usa good china bad

ww3 great”


I’m losing the plot. I don’t know what’s real anymore. Liberal confusion is bloody contagious.

MariaRomanov, avatar

What does race have to do with it?

yogthos, avatar

Oh please, we all know the real reason China is seen as a “threat” by Americans.

MariaRomanov, avatar

It’s all about money and power, mate. Not race. The US and the Soviet Union are both predominately Caucasian and they were at odds for the better part of the 20th Century. Race has nothing to do with it.

yogthos, avatar

When it comes to China, racism isn’t exactly hidden.

MariaRomanov, avatar

What are you on about? You didn’t address my counter-point. You merely restated this blatant propaganda.

yogthos, avatar

sure buddy

MariaRomanov, avatar

You still aren’t addressing my point. “Buddy” here is an attempt to bring me down a peg. You are using logical fallacies.

yogthos, avatar
MariaRomanov, avatar

I never dismissed your claim. I did counter it with logic. You have yet to counter in return.

yogthos, avatar

The fact that you think you countered it with logic really highlights the fact that you’re not very good at logical thought. The fact that westerners are racist doesn’t preclude them from hating other systems such as USSR for other reasons. The fact that you don’t understand this shows you lack any capacity for logic. You keep pretending racism isn’t the reason westerners hate China, but the fact is well documented. So in addition to not being capable of understanding basic logic, you’re either a liar or just deplorably ignorant.

Maybe next time you try to pretend to be intelligent do it on a topic you have clue about.


Sorry, but the real threat to what exactly?

Edited: aside from Taiwan, Hong Kong, several other nations in the east. My question was more in the context of China as a threat to anything in the western hemisphere. They are the eastern version of the US, no doubt about it.

MariaRomanov, avatar

The US status as a hegemony.

With India on the rise as well I think we are transitioning into a pre-WW1 like multipolar balance of power which could slide into WW3. Safest option would be China and the US dominate everyone else and we get another Cold War, but we will see.

PP_BOY_, avatar

I understand your sentiment but as a history major I need to clarify that Russia is literally the Second World Nation. As in, the First, Second, and Third categorization emerged to describe pro-NATO, pro-Warsaw Pact, and unaligned countries.

MariaRomanov, avatar


Lawliss, in Ron DeSantis Proposes Unprovoked War on Mexico

This cunt talks about Iraq like he did something there. He was a fucking lawyer 😂.


Posing as a human rights lawyer and illegally aiding in the torture of POWs at Guantanamo is the best way of forming a valid opinion on Iraq!

o_0, avatar

didn’t he torture people in gitmo?


He worked there for sure, but we don’t know all the details of what he did there. He probably just advised the actual torturers that what they were doing was legal.

o_0, avatar

There was a Vice Documentary that got canceled recently, apparrenlty he watched people get tortured and recommended force feeding and other fucked up things…/desantis-guantanamo-force-feed…


He did. He enjoyed giving the order to shove feeding tubes up assholes. I can provide a link from Harpers.

He is shit with legs.

o_0, avatar

please share any info you have, he needs to be destroyed

Frank, avatar

Wasn’t he the lawyer in charge of coming up with legalese to justify torturing people?

AcidSmiley, avatar

Well, he did use his position to gain the trust of gunatanamo prisoners and when they told him what was particularly stressful to them, he passed that info on to make conditions worse for them. Like, a prisoner would tell him “we usually pick the vegetarian option because we think the meat here isn’t halal” and a week later, no more vegetarian food option. Things like that. There’s also a pretty harrowing account of how he oversaw hunger-striking prisoners being force-fed. People screaming and throwing up and shitting themselves in agony and he stood next to that and laughed. I honestly believe that if he didn’t join the navy to live out his murderous sadism, he’d be a serial killer with a collection of human body parts in his basement. Guy’s a complete fucking monster.

Showroom7561, in 80% of bosses say they regret earlier return-to-office plans

and say they would have approached their plans differently if they had a better understanding of what their employees wanted…

😂😂😂😂 Yeah, because they really care about what employees wanted. /s

More like productivity went up when people WFH, and having them back in the office dropped productivity back to where they were before the pandemic.

Lower productivity means lower profits. These bosses suck at their job 😂


Yeah they should really consider replacing themselves with AI.


More like productivity went up when people WFH, and having them back in the office dropped productivity back to where they were before the pandemic.

Lower productivity means lower profits. These bosses suck at their job 😂

Not to mention the most talented employees left their in-office jobs for different fully remote ones.

flyingsquirrel, in The price of rice is skyrocketing, and it's pushing millions more people towards starvation

Mainwhile, Russia is actively engaged in the destruction of Ukraine wheat export terminals, and India remains silent.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar…

Its okay to support what Russia is doing, since they call Russians cockroaches and Asians inhuman. India is a supporter of BRICS and Russia.



TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Honk more, fascist. This is why we call your ilk fascist, unironically.


Try harder.


This reads like an ironic shitpost. No one can seriously believe that one person saying mean things can rationalize an invasion that’s killing thousands and hurtsling food security for millions.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Nazi speak is “one person saying mean things”. Truly a fascist take.


I can point you towards many racist political figures throughout history who weren’t fascist. Racist is not the same as fascist. Sure, fascism usually requires creating an in group and an out group, but it’s also a lot more than that and needs to be larger than one person. Even if this person is a fascist, it still doesn’t even mean anything. He doesn’t have the political power to do anything fascist with.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Your pseudo intellectual hipster word salad does not detract from the fact that all of Ukraine’s institutions are very much Nazi to the core. Zelensky last year even paid homage to Stepan Bandera, Hitler army’s collaborator.

pancakes, avatar

You can’t actually be this detached from reality…


Yeah. All those damned Jewish Nazis in charge over there.

If you were any dumber, you’d be a doorstop.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Well, you are a doorknob for sure!


Tbf “Asians are subhuman” is what the nazis used to justify killing millions of Russians, Ukrainians, and other USSR ethnicities. Millions of ukrainian red army soldiers are rolling in their graves.

  1. I can’t find one source for this that doesn’t come back to elrisala.
  2. Even if this story is true, one asshole doesn’t justify the genocide that Russia is committing in Ukraine.
  3. Even if this story is true, it happened long after Russia started their “special military operation” and can’t be used to justify it.
astral_avocado, avatar

Where do you people come from

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Looks like has been successfully invaded by white libs

NuPNuA, and lemmygrad instances are full of tankies. Way I see it it’s only a matter of time before they defederate due to having to deal with sane people since the site blew up or people defederate from them as they’re just bloody annoying.


I’m ready for that to happen. It’s getting old already.


They’re fun to troll at least.


While true, at which point does defederating make sense? Been wondering this myself. Reality is full of bad actors so we should be capable of countering these threats without purely relying on censorship. OTOH that takes time and energy best spend elsewhere.


I think it all depends on user levels. At present the activity isn’t that much that mods can’t deal with any arguments the difference in opinion creates. When you get to Reddit user levels that becomes a lot more difficult.


India, Indonesia and the rest of non alignment countries do not need to enter this war set up by the West.


From what I read India and Russia are really old friends, that’s why India isn’t saying anything and they do lot of business.


Historical and political reasons too. USA keeps arming Pakistan with modern weapons, and they have a single target to use them on. It would be stupid of India to put all it’s weight behind US if that’s a one-sided affair. In an ideal world everyone would side with what is moral, unfortunately we don’t live in that world.


So true.


More than old friends. India is heavily reliant on russian arms. Replacing them would be a slow, expensive process. Considering it is surrounded on two sides by aggressors with regular conflicts, jeopardizing relations with Russia is not an option.

astral_avocado, avatar

I agree with you that India doesn’t need to take sides, but I’m pretty sure Russian/West cooperation had been increasingly positive since the cold war ended, right until Putin decided he wanted to be an imperialist again. The West didn’t make him invade a sovereign, non-threatening country.


Russia imperalist is akin to someone bombing Iraq, Vietnam and Afghanistan?



Well… Yes.


yes, your point being?

Russia is excused because USA is also doing bad stuff? Because that is a weak fucking argument.


Pssst, you’re allowed to criticize more than 1 country


Is that why NATO and the EU cannot be baddies?


Iraq was a bullshit war. Cheney, Bush, and Rumsfeld should be in prison for lying to American public to involve us. The Iraqi civilian death toll was obscene. Few will disagree with this.

Ukraine is a bullshit war. Putin should be in prison for lying to involve Russia in it. Few outside Russia disagree with this.

It’s not a soccer match. These statements are self-consistent, not contradictory.

astral_avocado, avatar

A tankies one weakness… he’ll never recover.


I agree; the joke is that multinationalism is used as a shield. Russia is a far-right fascist state just like America has a right and a far right party, just like how Europe is sliding back to fascism, and while China dives into its thought police hell world all while all of the above exploit the rest of the world and or there own citizens to push nationalism to its upmost cancerous potential untill the whole house of cards snaps on the inferno thtis clmiate change.

astral_avocado, avatar

They’re both bad


Enter the war, no. Make a simple moral comment on who the agresssors are and that they should stop, years.

LollerCorleone, in Cop28 president says there is ‘no science’ behind demands for phase-out of fossil fuels avatar

This entire summit is a farce.


it certainly has some ‘war is peace, freedom is slavery’ (and all that) vibes


It was completely undermined by lobbyists in the past years.

Octagon9561, in More than 10,000 Palestinians killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza in past month (0.49% of population)

Anyone who defends Israel at this point is a genocide denier.


bUt iF iSRaEl wAntEd a GEnOcIDe wHY WOulD tHE DeATh cOUnT bE So LoW?



What is Israel supposed to do, though? Just let the Hamas attack go unpunished? I get that there’s something between doing nothing and what they’re doing, but I’m just curious what people think they should have done instead. (Realistically. Obviously leaving is no longer an option for them because all the people who live there.)


This is the same excuse Turkey uses when people bring up Armenian genocide. If we think really hard and cannot find some in-between solution, does that mean the genocide is justified? Is it our job to, or are we even capable of, finding a solution? Is it not the job of politicians or some other professionals?


What do you mean unpunished? Based on the history of Israel and Gaza, the attack on Israel was the punishment. So beyond the fact dropping thousands of bombs is absolutely unacceptable, any lethal retaliation is not going to help the situation. It’s an emotional reaction with devastating consequences.

AdlachGyfiawn, avatar

They should probably let the two million prisoners out of the giant open air prison.


Instead of indiscriminately bombing thousands of people, maybe send in troops to clear out the areas they’re concerned about?

I dunno why this is some crazy unthought of idea?


At the same time, everyone else is calling for genocide of Jews. Cool stuff.

BigMacHole, in 'It's an outrage': L.A. County sheriff's deputy killed in ambush outside Palmdale station

What’s his life worth, 10 thousand? Write a check and move on.


His life had “limited value.”



😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

TropicalDingdong, in Iceland allows whaling to resume in ‘massive step backwards’

Can any Icelanders explain the point of this to me?


I’m not from Iceland, but $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.


No we can not. This is fucked up. It’s one rich guy’s hobby:

ivanafterall, avatar

Amazing that such sweeping devastation can be tracked back to one piece of shit.


I’m not Icelandic nor am I a lawyer, but i bet he would stop if his car were harpooned enough times.


I’m pretty sure he would stop if he were harpooned once. Harpoons don’t just grow on trees y’know, gotta be thrifty.


Im Icelandic and I can confirm this. This massive asshole (Kristjan Loftson) has plenty of money and one hobby, killing whales. He as lost aprox. 20m€ on whaling in the years he has been hunting them.

BlinkerFluid, avatar

…kill him?

I mean, or watch hundreds, thousands of whales die.

Just one dude, man. I dunno, not Icelandic so it isn’t really an opportunity I’d have but, um. If all else fails, right?


He will probably kill 10-20 finback whales so we are not talking about very large numbers. Also it would not be good for Icelandic politics if someone would kill him, he could become somekind if whale killer martyr and Iceland would continue to kill whales after his death.


Then someone should kill them for their stupidity. Cancer doesn’t go away unless you cut it all out.

RubberElectrons, avatar

Would it be more whales? Less?

There’s a minimum whale population before genetic defects start having impact between mates…

I’m not advocating direct violence, but mixing sand into the hunting boat’s engine oil and other more peaceful methods should be considered if the government won’t listen to reason by its people.


he could become somekind if whale killer martyr

Well that’s just as easily solved by more killing. There can’t be more than like 20 people in the country that have a massive boner for murdering whales.


The killing will continue until morale improves


The rise of far right politicians and fascists is directly related to the dramatic drop in assassinations of political figures.

The solution? Start murdering fascist and far right politicians that exploit the working class and the environment to add to their already endless coffers. This is the only viable answer.

Change my mind.


let the whales decide his fate


Then you kill the next figurehead for whaling. Eventually, they’ll get the point.


Whatw as that expression again… “an eye for an eye… Is a really great idea”?


Killing evil people is a time-honored tradition.


One that seems to have fallen out of favor the last few decades with these ultra rich fascist assholes being more prominent all over the globe the last decade or two


Then who will kill the people who became evil by murdering?


Killing someone is not inherently evil.

See also tolerance paradox.


Unless you subscribe to any one of most of the worlds’ belief systems. Or unless your parents did and some of it sort of rubbed off on you. Or if you think law and order is important. But outside of that, yeah, of course, killing is completely neutral moral gray area. /s


Virtually all legal systems make allowances for killing someone in self-defense.

And you could probably fill a library with all the written works on the ethics of killing.

But yeah, sure, let’s just pretend that it’s completely self-evident that killing is always wrong.

Who said it’s morally neutral?


“killing isn’t inherently wrong”

I don’t care to argue anymore semantics. You get what I’m saying and I get you. I just think that killing feels wrong for good reason, and that’s a very popular opinion. Stop acting like it’s a silly one.


Killing is wrong in general, but can be justified by circumstances.

It is never neutral. Only ever unacceptable or justified.

E.g. killing billions by making the world uninhabitable is unacceptable, whereas smashing an oil execs face in with a baseball bat is obviously justified.


Then you would have no qualms explaining that to their 4 year old daughter who watched you do it.


Why would I force a child to watch violence? You’re a very strange person.


It’s justified


It’s needlessly cruel


I’m sure we can find volunteers willing to kill themselves once they’re done with the killing. 🤷‍♂️


If he’s doing this for profit, there has to be a consumer… Who are the consumers and what are they buying?


Sadly, there is whale meat in our supermarkets and restaurants. The only reason they can sell it is because some of the whale is “necessary” for “research”, and the meat is a “byproduct”.


What kind of research necessitates killing whales??


Research of the taste of whale meat


Why are you government or judges so shady when it comes to this? Like, what is the actual reasson, that this is not forbidden and nobody is in jail? You have a democracy in iceland, right?

alternative_factor, avatar

So it's not some indigenous thing like in the Americas and is just pure evil capitalism? Ugh!


Yup, we don’t even eat whale, only tourists do because they think it’s part of our culture.

eatmyass, in Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia avatar

If someone tells you they’re not going to kill you, they’re calming you down to kill you later

should’ve remembered this simple rule

TomBombadil, avatar

The true Anon rules never miss

Alaskaball, avatar

And neither did the missile lmao

wheresmypillow, in Nearly 80% of Texas' floating border barrier is technically in Mexico, survey finds

Every state’s geography has different challenges. Texas is blessed with natural resources and rich farmland. It is a rich state. Spending that money on murder buoys instead of immigration services is a crime against humanity.

zephyreks, in Kevin Spacey cleared over all sexual assault charges

There needs to be trust in the justice system. Otherwise, there’s no point in having a justice system. If he’s cleared, then there wasn’t enough evidence and he should be considered innocent. That’s how our justice system works. Don’t break the social contract because of your vendetta against rich people.

The problem is that our society doesn’t encourage people to immediately report crimes nor provide sufficient support for people who have been abused.


While you may trust implicitly, many have witnessed and experienced enough injustice to understand how the world works.


Do you think OJ Simpson is innocent? Would you want your daughter or sister to marry him?

The are different standards for a reason. Society is perfectly capable of being aware that someone is a giant dickbag without there being enough evidence to justify using the power of the state to remove their freedom and incarcerate them. Those are two extraordinarily different things and you know it.

To suggest otherwise is to imply that the government is a perfect arbiter of dispute that we should all just blindly accept. Something tells me you wouldn't be so keen on that stance when it worked against your interests


I think we need to recognise the moral panic of the situation too. People are out there looking to cancel others, others are out to use the moment for financial gain, and then there is the legitimate ones too. We dont know which they are and for the most part, the judicial system is only OK at separating them.

If you can smear someone and that’s it their life is over, no matter the truth of it, then what justice is that?

What’s the truth here… not very many people know, clearly.


I think we could use a little more moral panic about the actual number of people who are actually raped every year and maybe worry a little less about your proposed miniscule hypothetical

Also, learn to read:


To replay your own argument: something tells me you wouldn’t be so keen on that if you were the one being accused of a crime you had not committed.


Hahahaha, that's hilarious. Because I'm actually at extraordinarily high risk of that happening. I'm a nurse. That happens all the time to nurses.

Thorough investigations are done. And no, I don't worry about it. You know why? Because I'm not a fucking rapist sexual predator and everyone who knows me knows that.

You gotta wonder about people who are sooooooooooooo worried about being "falsely" accused of rape that they think false accusations are worthy of jail time. What exactly are you doing out there in the world that this is a major concern in your life? That you think it's even possible for your whole life to be ruined over a baseless accusation?

Because this is simply not something I worry about at all.

Also, maybe actually take ten seconds to read about this person. This was not one accusation, it was dozens in multiple countries spanning decades:


This is way too close to “if you’ve done nothing wrong, you’ve got nothing to hide” logic.

What exactly are you doing out there in the world that this is a major concern in your life?

Making terrible choices in friends, for one. Never been accused of SA, thank christ, but figured out too late that many people live in their own reality, and rewrite history once the friendship ends. Have also known people who have been in that situation, and even if no charges end up being pressed, it’s still a gut-wrenching situation to be in.

The issue of how to handle SA accusations is such a nightmare that it’s practically inevitable that we have both innocent people convicted, and guilty people acquitted at the same time. Most of the time we don’t have the kind of oversight and institutional procedure you would enjoy if accused.


You're being deliberately obtuse and conflating completely different situations, and I think you're doing it on purpose to muddy the waters. An accusation after a breakup that cause a fight among friends is a very different situation from a report to the police. Even a report to the police often doesn't trigger an investigation. And God knows it rarely triggers an actual prosecution. These are simply not things that you need to worry about, if you're not running around the world raping people. If it causes you anxiety that severe, get therapy.

Because it's not the giant boogeyman that internet apologists like to pretend it is, with data:

Compared to actual real sexual assault, which IS a huge problem:

Because I'm sorry, but losing a few friends is not a terrible enough consequence for me to get worked up about. Shit happens, friends get in fights and stop being friends over all sorts of dumb shit. I see zero reason why that would cause someone to go through their lives in mortal fear that they might be "falsely" accused of a sex crime.

The issue of how to handle sexual assault accusations is not complicated. I told you, we handle them all the time in the medical field. You default to protecting the accuser, you do a thorough investigation, if the investigation turns up no evidence, you move on.

A "he said, she said" situation that never gets formally investigated, but causes the breakup of some friendships is not as terrible as being actually raped. It's just not.

ahugenerd, (edited )

People, for a whole host of reasons, can be and very much are in different situations than you. Some have very little defense against such allegations, and so it should not be very difficult to understand that they could have their lives destroyed in an instant by false accusations.

For instance, if they engage in non-normalized sexual relations (for their area or country, obviously), be that interracial, same sex, BDSM, etc., particularly if they are not “out”. It’s very easy to go from “he tied me up and we had a great time”, to “that guy did me wrong somehow so now I’m going to press charges and claim he tied me up against my will and raped me”. If you don’t think this happens you’re living in a dream land.


You're living in a dream land if you think going to the police with nothing more than "yes I went over to his house consensually and it turned bad from there" is likely to result in a legal prosecution.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but this has actually happened. The case I know of, personally, involved a bar owner. He was exonerated after a few years being dragged through the mud, but he ended up having to shut down his bar and move out of town to be left alone. This stuff happens.

Do I have a better alternative? No, it’s a complex issue and we definitely don’t want to victim blame, but we also don’t want to destroy people’s lives over just allegations. It’s a delicate balance. I think one thing we could do, at very least, is to actually stand by the innocent until proven guilty ideal and not publish the identity of the accused until a verdict comes out. This is the way it is in most of Europe and a “perp walk” happening like it does in the US would free highly illegal.


I’ve given a lot of thought to this issue in the past and I think it all boils down to one indisputable fact:

“You just believe her” is completely at odds with “innocent until proven guilty.”

“We should believe women” is a laudable phrase, and it makes us feel good to say it, but men are victims as well, especially trans men. “We should believe victims” would be better, but it is a begging-the-question fallacy, it assumes the victimhood is true. The people who made that not possible are specifically the people who have made false allegations in the past.


It is far, far more common for women who allege to be completely ignored, ridiculed, dragged through the mud should they choose to pursue charges. That's a simple fact of the world. RAPE IS A BIGGER PROBLEM THAN FALSE RAPE ACCUSATIONS.


You have zero empathy. I feel bad for your patients.


I also express little sympathy for people who worry more about the side effects of the Covid vaccine than they do about the negative effects of actual Covid. Because one of those things is an actual serious problem, and the other is a boogeyman used for political purposes.

Supported by data. You know, kind of like the difference between false accusations of rape and ACTUAL RAPE.

So yes, I am more concerned about actual rape. The thing that happens to orders of magnitude more people.


The people who have made false allegations in the past are exactly the reason we can’t just believe every victim that comes forward without proof. They are why we can’t have nice things. It’s not about the odds and ratios either, the state putting a completely innocent person in jail is a travesty of the system. The travesties of what we do to each other are the realities of living on a planet with other humans, we are terrible to one another regularly. We must do the absolute best we can to support victims of sexual assault…untested rape kits are a fucking abomination for instance and I’d be fine with tar and feathers for whoever let that happen. But we still must stop short of allowing even one innocent person to be put in jail.


I recommend watching “The People vs OJ Simpson” on this. It doesn’t really get into guilty vs not guilty, but just showcases just how complicated things got in that case.


As soon as they started arguing over the hair samples I started understanding how complicated that case was.


The government performing arbitration is a power that society has vested in them. The solution to a flawed system is to fix the system, not vigilantism.

The lack of trust in the judiciary is a failure of government and a failure of society.


I don't believe OJ Simpson is innocent, even though not convicted in a court of law. Sorry, not sorry


and he should be considered innocent not guilty.

FTFY. Words have meanings and those meanings are important.


Innocent until proven guilty*


This wasn’t a US court… Does that apply on London?


Yes, the UK justice system works on the same principle


GTK… Thanks


NO! That is how the court system, and therefore the state sees him in regards to punishment and treatment. That does not mean, and has never ever ever ever meant, that being declared not guilty means they are proven to be innocent. Just that there’s wasn’t evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.


Innocent until proven guilty is literally the fundamental basis of our justice system. He is innocent by definition.


Yeah, more apologetics from someone who doesn’t get that our system is clearly failing us and we want, no DEMAND something new and different.


A new justice system? Might as well overthrow the government and start over then, because the common law system is literally the foundation of society.


It is the single largest common belief that literally holds together our larger society like glue.

I like your style btw your holding your own in this very candidly. Respect.


That’s exactly what we want, yes. And we’ll end up getting it too, with climate collapse, so trying to intimidate me into submitting to a system that is inherently biased and abusive and has done nothing but hurt myself and everyone I know and love personally will get you nowhere.

I will NOT change my mind on this and you can’t make me.

WE will not change our minds on this and you can’t make us.

We can and will make something better and there’s nothing you can do to stop us.


iridaniotter, avatar

This is the same justice system that lets people do lynchings. The only people that should trust it are rapists and white supremacists.

astral_avocado, avatar

They do? Which lynchings did the justice system rubber stamp?

iridaniotter, avatar
133arc585, avatar

Wow. Reading through those Descriptions is rough. Many of them involve the cop lying with verbal testimony not matching bodycam footage. One I saw was after the guy was already restrained, he bit the cop’s finger, so the cop shot him. Others show that they are looking for (or will make up) any excuse to shoot: one person had a lighter in their hand which caused the cop to shoot and kill them. It’s honestly disgusting that people will go out of their way to defend this system. I guess that’s a level of privelege that I just don’t understand; how can you possibly be sure you’ll never be in such a situation with a lying, murderous police officer?

astral_avocado, avatar

Huh, looks like this is talking about cops, of which there are millions of in America, and cops lying in reports, and not a about a court of law ruling a lynching was okay.

133arc585, avatar

You’re taking an overly specific definition of lynching and framing the situation wrong, and coming to a bad conclusion.

A court’s refusal to punish it, in nearly every case, is tacit support. They aren’t saying “please, lynch!” but they’re saying they won’t punish lynching.

This also easily fits any definition of lynching that’s not so restricted so as to only include “hanging black people from trees in town squares”.


Obviously, no one should be convicted if evidence is insufficient. The issue that I have is that it’s difficult to believe someone is innocent when multiple people have alleged similar complaints. Does that make him guilty? No. But it increases my suspicion. And I’ll never be able to shake that suspicion. It doesn’t mean I want him locked up. It only means that I’m not comfortable with his art going forward. Which is a shame, because he’s one of the best actors of our time.


I’m not saying to blindly trust the judiciary, but that not trusting the judiciary is an inherent failure in society. We need to fix that, not focus on individual cases that will keep happening if our judicial system is morally and ethically compromised.


Innocence is VERY SPECIFICALLY NOT WHAT COURTS declare. They only ever declare that there wasn’t enough evidence presented to proof guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.


The presumption of innocence is an internationally-recognized human right.


Right, so the only thing the court states is that innocence could not be disproven. Incidentally that’s similar to how statistical hypotheses are being proven - by showing that it’s unlikely to be false.

lazyvar, (edited ) avatar

The presumption of innocence doesn’t preclude the fact that criminal courts don’t find someone innocent, rather they find someone not guilty.

This is for the simple fact that it’s neigh impossible to establish someone’s innocence, whereas it’s easier to establish that there isn’t enough evidence to consider someone guilty.

This case is, and sexual assault cases in general are, a great example why we can’t expect criminal courts to establish innocence.

These are often cases with little evidence available either which way, because often there are no other witnesses. Even if there would be physical evidence of a sexual act, it’s still challenging to prove under what circumstances those acts have occurred, specifically on the matter of consent.

To expect a court to be able to say with certainty that something hasn’t occurred is unreasonable.

That is not to say that it isn’t good that we have these high standards before we impose punishment onto someone, but it is important to recognize what it means when a court comes to a decision.

Additionally the presumption of innocence is just that, a presumption to establish who has the onus to prove something, there is no additional meaning attributed to it in the legal principle beyond establishing who has the onus to prove the facts at hand.

In that regard it’s rather unfortunately named, as it would’ve been more apt to name it “the presumption of not guilty” but I suppose that doesn’t roll as nicely off the tongue

To add to that, that the presumption is specifically a principle that only has meaning in criminal court, because the burden of proof is generally higher than in civil court.

People can be, and have been, found liable in civil court for the very thing a criminal court has found them “not guilty” on, on the very basis that criminal court can’t establish innocence and that the bar that needs to be met in civil court is generally lower than in criminal court.

As such to bring up the presumption of innocence in a vacuum is kind of like bringing up the generally recognized human right of freedom of speech when a social media company bans someone and removes their post.

Yes, the concept exists, but it’s irrelevant because it doesn’t apply to the topic at hand, because the concept aims to govern a very specific circumstance that isn’t applicable here and withholding the important context surrounding it (i.e. the role it plays in criminal court for the presumption and the fact that it only limits governments for the freedom of speech) masks the limitations of said concept.

None of the above aims to reflect my opinion on Spacey’s innocence (or lack thereof), rather it aims to provide the necessary details to put things into context.

acosmichippo, avatar

In terms of punishment from the government, yes. The court of public opinion is another matter entirely. Civil court too.


Do you think the people are not part of the government?

acosmichippo, avatar

no, we are not part of the government. same reason the 1st amendment does not apply to private property. it protects speech from censorship from the government.


Considered innocent, by the state organs. Considered innocent, in how the state treats them. NOT EVER AT ALL PROVEN innocent by the courts.

Courts are not and have never been concerned about proving innocence. All they care about is guilty or not guilty. Not guilty could mean innocent, but again, the courts don’t care about that.


The standard is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. If someone is declared “not guilty”, defacto they should be considered innocent.


Considered innocent, by the state organs. Considered innocent, in how the state treats them. NOT EVER AT ALL PROVEN innocent by the courts.

Courts are not and have never been concerned about proving innocence. All they care about is guilty or not guilty. Not guilty could mean innocent, but again, the courts don’t care about that.


What I’m saying is that the basic social contract used to be that you would be considered innocent until proven guilty by your peers. If we abandon we mess with the foundations of society at our own peril.

astral_avocado, avatar

Surprising to find some sane, reasonable voices here. Thanks for being you.

BettyWhiteInHD, avatar


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