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TheBroodian, in Taiwan reports second large-scale China air force incursion this week

How can China violate its own airspace? thinky-felix

exohuman, in Man who threatened Biden shot dead in FBI raid in Utah avatar

Yeah, umm… what did he think would happen when he threatened the life of a sitting president?


I mean what was supposed to happen? Are we meant to be scared of the FBI? They can’t even take down an overweight elderly man with a combover…


The guy openly posted that the FBI wouldn’t dare raid him because they’d get a 45 ACP in the face. I’m no law enforcement apologist but that kind of boast can put people on edge. Specific threats of violence should never be acceptable.


I also prefer my threats of violence to be vague and unactionable.

I’ll see you soon.


Not if I see you first.


My god you are such a troublesome priest…


I'm not a priest, buddy.


I’m not your buddy, pal


Right? The US government kills people for no reason all the time and this guy thinks he’ll be safe after giving them a reason

temptest, avatar

It’s worth pointing out that the victim probably isn’t in social circles where the government killing people for no reason all the time gets much attention. Hyperreality is a serious thing, the guy’s worldview probably makes it seem like free speech exists, unless it’s a bad slur on facebook dot commie.

ThomasMuentzner, avatar

a death sqaud in a banana republic … psychic evaluation in a civilisation ?

Flashbert, in Germans caught celebrating Oktoberfest with Nazi salutes

This ia huge clickbait sadly. It’s some random small oktoberfest, where some drunken germans maybe doing the Hitler greeting.

I’m not saying it’s okay what they do, but by far not world news. This would be maximum local news if at all.


Of all the posts on the Internet, why is it this one you take issue with?


Of all the comments on the Internet, why is it this one you take issue with?


The implication of whining about click bait on this post which is no worse than anything else, is Nazi sympathizing. That’s why this post is different.


Why do you have to choose one?


Why make a point of only this one?

lud, (edited )

One doesn’t have to publicly criticise literally everything before criticizing this. That’s ridiculous.

Why were you complaining about the comment? Aren’t there more important problems to worry about, like world hunger and world peace, or the invasion of UA?


Lol more downvotes please! Let’s not pretend we left the Nazis, sympathizers and troll farms on Reddit!

Deathcrow, (edited )

Well they are also playing “Erika” which is a right wing dog whistle, though maybe not as uncommon in these circles, as outright Nazi salutes

Edit: Also curiously most people, myself included, never find themselves in danger of accidentally heil hitlering even when blackout drunk. Seems to become a more common occurrence in Saxony though.


I wish i could extinguish every trace of fascism in every aspect of reality. I really do. Stupid Nazis are hindering me from enjoying old german folk songs without being judged :(


Well I’m thinking the same, but then I’m not sure where to put this video (ignoring the sound track) on a scale from drunken singing to obvious Nazi salute.

Maybe i don’t know enough about Bierzelt culture. If they were singing Hölle, hölle, hölle or Atemlos, would you notice the (right) arm in the air? The arm movement seems unnatural (if the intention was signing with arms in the air), but this could still sort-of pass as not 100% Heil Hitler.

The band chose the song, for sure, that’s questionable. The event organisers should not allow this to happen. But the guests, should they leave? Sit down quietly and wait for the next song?

I could be in that tent and not recognise the song. Not my kind of music.

I could see people innocently copying the movement of others. It may be a tent full of Nazis, scary, but the video does not proof this.


Maybe i don’t know enough about Bierzelt culture. If they were singing Hölle, hölle, hölle or Atemlos, would you notice the (right) arm in the air?

Did we watch the same video? In the Twitter thread I saw the lady right in front was doing multiple Nazi salutes in a row, very excited about the song. Don’t think there’s any ambiguity what she was doing


blocking op it is

Flinch, in Biden calls China a 'ticking time bomb' due to economic troubles avatar

Man leading country with the largest homeless population in the world says country which eliminated extreme poverty within its borders is about to collapse, of course this is true and should be taken seriously very-intelligent


Uhhhh China has almost 5x the homelessness as America…/List_of_sovereign_states_by_ho…

Krause, avatar

I love not accounting for population size! However, let’s see how the countries can be compared when we do:

Uhhhh China has 4x the population of the US

Uhhhh the US has more people in prison than China despite having 4x less people in the country


But 5 is bigger than 4

Why bring up prison, is this a general “which country is worse” discussion?


Discussion is too generous for this circlejerk

dRLY, avatar

A lot of homeless people do end up in prison both for all of the anti-homeless laws in various cities. For some folks it may end up being a better option than just outright dying in the streets from lack of food, medicine (love how the richest nation can’t put our tax money into anything that actually helps all of us), and/or from the elements. So while your point of bringing up prison population is a valid one. It is still (in part) related to homeless population numbers, just not totally useful by itself.

That being said, I do think that China is actually putting much more effort into dealing with the problem. As bringing people out of poverty/homelessness is crucial to keeping support of the masses. When enough people are just tossed out and can’t get help. It will lead to dramatic and very widespread revolts and even civil wars. That is true for any nation, no matter what system is in place. Socialist nations were birthed by such widespread poverty for the many while the few hoarded the wealth and resources. It is kind of one of the main points Marx and other anti-capitalist theorists base their shit on.


Executed people aren’t homeless or imprisoned, either.

morrowind, avatar

You can sort the chart to adjust for population:

(last column is homeless/10k)

Fissionami, avatar


1.4 Billion vs 332 Million


Stop quoting western imperialist sources, china has the least homelessness in the universe


Buddy, you realize you’re quoting a source from 2011? Over the past decade GDP/capita in China has more than doubled and the number of people living below the poverty line has dropped from 100 million to less than 1 million.

Do people not check facts anymore? Jesus fucking Christ man. It’s like y’all never learned the basic scientific process.


Buddy, I’m talking homelessness specifically, not just poverty. Show me proof China’s reduced homelessness significatly. Because the most recent figure I could find was 2015… where there was an additional 500,000 homeless people from 2011, largely due to exploited migrant labor.


Do people not check facts anymore?

Likewise, do people not cite sources for their own claims?


Heard of Google?


Heard of the burden of proof? Lead by example and Google it first

Besides, providing sources isn’t just to support your ideas, but for people to evaluate the quality of your info and gauge your integrity. 101 stuff, but go on lecturing about the scientific process while practicing none of it yourself.


So… You have no counterargument, no source for your 2015 claim, and nothing of value to contribute? Carry on.

You’re one of the biggest failures of democracy: democracy assumes people discuss in good faith. Meanwhile, you use decades-old data to provide misinformation while pretending to be informed and follow it up with uncited claims… Because, reasons?

Here, I’ll help you Google:

[GDP per capita]…/gdp-per-capita

[Poverty rates]…/9781464818776.pdf?s…

[Link between poverty and homelessness] ……/Homelessness_Poverty_FullReport.pdf&a…


You’re one of the biggest failures of democracy

Where do you think I live?? xDDD

Here, I’ll help you Google:

Help me?? lmao Dude, that’s your fucking homework. It’s late and half-assed so I’ll give you a C. Nice try throwing around a 100+ page PDFs around like that means anything. You give a quote with a page number, Mr Scientific Method dude.

Now go forth practicing what you learned today instead of being a giant hypocrite, little grasshopper.


Have you never learned about primary sources? No competent scientific reference format asks for pages except for books (of which these aren’t) and papers within conference proceedings (of which these also aren’t).

Still waiting for my 2015 source…


Wow. Just wow. You cite a 2011 article, ignoring everything about China’s massive growth that has been the topic of international discussion for years and you think it’s someone else’s job to disabuse you of your own generated self-ignorance brought about by your willful ignorance and your confirmation-bias-driven cherry picking? Did you even bother to check the date on that bottle of copium before swallowing the whole thing?

Fuck off with your undergrad intro to logic bullshit and own up to your mistakes and then go read a fucking book about history that isn’t written by European propagandists. No I will not provide you with links.

mothringer, in Climate records tumble, leaving Earth in uncharted territory - scientists

I’ve seen the first chart in a lot of news stories, and it’s a scary graph, but that second one looks positively terrifying by comparison.


And the Antarctic ice figure is even more severe. The trend is quite stark.

slacktoid, avatar

I dunno dude… They all just get progressively worse.

Send_me_nude_girls, (edited ) in Sweden denies Polish official's claim its preschools have "masturbation rooms" avatar

How fucked up in the head do you need to be to make shit like that up? It’s not even just an adult, which would be stupid enough, no, it’s an education official.


I mean it’s not much different than…/urban-myth-litter-boxes-schools-bec…

Make up some disinformation. Use it as a talking point to get people on your side and advance your goals


On the one hand, it’s similarly ridiculous. On the other hand, I think just about everyone would be more startled disgusted by the claim here.


I think falsely claiming preschoolers have rooms for masturbation or anything sex-related is still a tad worse than falsely claiming they shit or pee weirdly. They serve the same goal of attacking public schools, but one still just seems more fucked up than the other.

interolivary, avatar

Conservatives generally have an astonishing skill at coming up with the weirdest bullshit to justify their hate of anyone progressive.

HubertManne, avatar

considering their tendency to project im always worried its not made up.


Poland is very religious. Their politicians know that religious people are essentially brain damaged and will believe pretty much anything as long as it comes from someone they view as an authority figure (even if its proven wrong, they’ll still stick with it). Raising children to be religious is child abuse.


Reality is a team sport, to some people. Claims are not evaluated. They’re simply accepted or rejected based on interpersonal trust.

They think you’re the same way. They think that’s all there is.


I think it’s about the general view on masturbation. Like I guess some people in Poland would love to tell preschoolers that masturbation is wrong and shouldn’t be done at all. If anyone teaches children it’s ok, but they shouldn’t do it in front of everyone, it’s easy to imagine it leads to the idea of a masturbation room, which can easily cause outrage in Polích population despite the fact it’s actually nothing wrong.


*uneducated official


How fucked up in the head do you need to be to make shit like that up?

About as fucked as any conservative regressive representative, pundit, or a good chunk of their voters.

GarbageShoot, in China helping to arm Russia with helicopters, drones and metals

Just an endless slew of clickbait “China bad” headlines all the time. Really makes you wonder about if there is some sort of systemic problem with western media.


It’s going to be hilarious in a year or so when we’ll have LLM bots churning these types of articles out even at respected news outlets, and all critics of this narrative will still get smeared as being bots themselves


It is called propaganda


Be careful, saying something like that might get you called a wumao

SexMachineStalin, avatar

me casually just responding to NAFOids that I get paid 50CNY an hour to :anti-cracker-aktion:


If you want to see consent being manufactured, go into the Telegraph and click through to the journalist’s post history article history


Of course it’s hexbears again, fucking cancer


Thank you for your valuable comment


Thank YOU for your waste of oxygen.


Uh oh someone sounds upset


deep breaths, you’ve got this

booty, avatar

All these reaction images make you seem mentally deranged.

booty, avatar

Back in the short bus, come on.

booty, avatar
Ram_The_Manparts, avatar



taking the opportunity to make fun of disabled kids isnt it


No, just him.




You must appreciate that the huge gifs come across as very childish?


They’re probably just emojis on their end. Tis a bug.

ToastyWaffles, avatar

Stop you’re scaring him!

Frank, avatar




booty, avatar



what is federation?

Gelamzer, avatar

All he did was make a comment you are already whining


Stop whining mate.


::: spoiler emoji

xi-lib-tears wining

Gelamzer, avatar

No selfawareness

Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

Oh baby, are you alright? You need a little lie down?


Better hexbars than you.

Flinch, avatar

welcome to federation, enjoy your stay mao-wave


Authoritarian countries tend to be criticised in liberal western democracies, you know, because of all of the authoritarianism.


Everyone is a little bit authoritarian. It’s the intent and end result that gives it meaning. You don’t see France being criticised these days do you despite their citizenry being vocal about their regime’s mismanagement. We’ve even seemingly had a Western media blackout effectively on it for the past month (they’ve had riots/protests).


When was the last time France massacred protestors by using tanks to turn them into red paste?

When was the last time France rounded up its citzens based on ethbicity and religion and put them into reeducation camps?

Western media blackout? Maybe in your bubble mate, though I tend to follow these things deliberately so I’m not best placed to say. Western media is a joke regardless - owned and controlled by a few wealthy and powerful individuals, who sadly almost all hold similar politics beliefs.

ComradeChairmanKGB, avatar

Name one country that’s not authoritarian


How much control do you really have over a government that only has two parties? FPTP is a failure. It leaves government without accountability, pisses on the principle of equal representation, and shifts power towards the few areas that may actually flip.

If you lose this federal election, so what? Eventually, people will get angry enough at the current ruling party to flip.

If you vote, so what? Unless you’re in a swing state, your vote might as well not exist for the presidential election.

What about representation in the house? Well, again, your vote doesn’t really matter unless you’re in a swing district (which tends to be suburban). If you’re urban (liberal) or rural (conservative), you might as well not vote either.


China is bad. Really bad. You’d know if you could afford to travel instead of being some poor idiot experiencing the world through propaganda on the Internet.

ComradeChairmanKGB, avatar

being some poor idiot

You ever consider that us poor idiots might disagree on what makes a country bad? Get real you chauvinist clown.

experiencing the world through propaganda

Hypocrite, you’re projecting so hard I’m surprised your back hasn’t blown out.

ProcurementCat, in ‘We Cannot Win’ Says Top Russian Commander

Yeah, even Putin knows this. But now it’s about making Ukraine bleed as much as possible for the insolence of resisting russia. The cruelty is the point.


Putin is a sadistic bastard. But his time will come and when it does I hope the Gadaffi-like death he fears most will seem like a picnic.

sanguinepar, avatar

Meh, I’d rather he saw trial and the rest of his life in jail. Justice is important. More than revenge IMO.


He’s a sadistic fuck, yes, but this blade cuts both ways. Ukraine is now and for the foreseeable future going to be staunchly and unrepentantly anti-Russia, and Ukrainian strategic leadership are taking the Finnish approach in the war and have more or less committed to shattering as much of the Russian military that Putin sees fit to throw at them as an overall strategy. It’s an existential struggle for Ukraine, and they are committed to either winning, or taking Russia down with them to the greatest degree possible.

Even if support for Ukraine dries up and Russia is able to pull out an eventual “win”, it’s going to be a decade at least before Russia poses a credible threat in any meaningful sense (and realistically, I’m not sure Russia will recover from this in anything less than about a half century, considering how many unique points are contributing to their strategic failure).


In some way yes. I would expect he’s more sadistic with Russians than Ukrainians at this point: imo the point is to hold as much as he can, especially crimea, until Ukraine ask for a cease fire, or even better a frozen front with a frozen war until everyone forget about it.

Maoo, in Ron DeSantis Proposes Unprovoked War on Mexico avatar

Bruh you’ve gotta use vague signals and let the think tanks work with journalists to manufacture consent first.

AlexisFR, avatar

Yeah, DeSantis should be good at this, sadly…

I’m way more worried about this Facist than trump.

nan, avatar

Trump talks bigly but is not very effective.

DeSantis is not charismatic at all but I think he would be effective at what he attempted to do.

autismdragon, avatar

I used to be very certain about the “Desantis is the effective fascist we warned you about” thing but more and more his buffoonery comes out, and I don’t think he’ll be president. That said, he’s being pretty effective in Florida despite his buffoonery.


Florida is a circus fit for such a clown.

Frank, avatar

It’s also a good illustration of the failures of Liberal Democracy. I think Florida is like 51% red 49% blue.

AcidSmiley, avatar

A major problem with DeSantis is that he’d have more support from the military and the intelligence community than Trump, which is a massive problem if the GOP ever tries a more serious coup than Jan 6. I also think he’s an actual true believer when it comes to racism and transphobia. Trump uses these strategically, DeSantis seems to have a real, burning wish to exterminate people.

Frank, avatar

Desantis is lagging Trump by 40 points. That could obviously change between now and '24, but he doesn’t seem to have the juice for this.



0110010001100010, in Congress approves bill barring any president from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO avatar

Serious question, if the orange dictator returns to power does this actually…you know…stop him in anyway? What happens if he just does it anyway? It’s not like there will be any consequences…


What would he exactly do? This is basically saying he won't have the ability to order it on his own.

FaceDeer, avatar

I suppose he could order the US military to physically leave NATO bases, and physically eject NATO allied personnel from American bases.

InternetCitizen2, (edited )

It would be up to officers to recognized that as an illegal order and deify it.


I, for one, hope they don’t deify illegal orders.


A certain portion of the population seems to already deify anything Trump says.



Hyperreality, (edited )

He won't be able to withdraw from the treaty itself.

He'll be able to publicly say he won't defend NATO allies, he'll be able to withdraw troops, withdraw diplomats, withdraw ambassadors, no longer have US personell attend meetings, refuse to continue funding NATO HQ, sabotage command and control, undermine leadership, and on and on, until the NATO treaty is barely worth the paper it's written on, leaving European NATO wholly unprepared for a potential invasion. It's too late to prepare for that if they start right now.

Russia might then take a gamble. A lot of people thought they wouldn't take that gamble in 2014. People thought they wouldn't take that gamble in 2022. People think they won't take that gamble if Trump gets re-elected.

Or Russia doesn't take that gamble. They simply engage in provocations. Military exercises near the border. Bomber runs which are aborted at the last moment. Some more extravagent extra-territorial assassinations. The chance of a miscalculation skyrockets, the chance of accidentally starting a war increases significantly.


They’ll just ignore him like they did most of the time.


You’re not wrong.

jump, in Israel-Palestine escalation live: Strikes hit Gaza after Hamas offensive

i want to wake up to a world without Israel


You and Hams have something in common.

DoiDoi, avatar

so weird how the victims of a genocide would prefer the apartheid state to not exist


Look I know that genocide is bad. I just want to do one more genocide to even the score man! Who cares if we kill a bunch of kids; they’re Jewish!

DoiDoi, avatar

Palestine is not enacting a genocide. That assertion is frankly disgusting.


Have you read Hamas mission statement - it literally is to commit genocide

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Go fuck yourself, Hamas literally exists as a militant group to push back against Israeli military terrorism.


They will if Hamas gets their way.

DoiDoi, (edited ) avatar

you’re a fucking clown


TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Are you a real person? WTF


Yeah just like Russia totally wants to kill every last Ukranian, right? You clowns have nothing but projection.

SexMachineStalin, (edited ) avatar

When the Apartheid rule in South Africa ended, a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” was set up to prevent just this kind of retaliation from materializing. Even the Big Black Book of why Israel is peepeepoopoo according to South Africa that I have, even suggests also setting up a Truth and Reconciliation Commission for this same reason for when Palestine is liberated.

However, you are more than likely engaging in a bad-faith argument, so…


Kuori, avatar

okay well thanks for your prognostication but israel is doing a genocide now

what may or may not happen in the future according to the world’s least informed dipshit is irrelevant

Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

I know it’s unlikely to happen, but you liberals should really start asking yourselves why these sort of hypothetical scenarios are required to justify your worldview.


they’re in constant state of terror to the tune of “they’ll do to us what we did to them!”

see also US slaveowners with their constant fantasizing about slave revolts, and their increased brutality to the enslaved to prevent it.

see also ancient spartans living in constant terror of a slave uprising and brutalizing their enslaved populations.

see also current US whites malding about the non-white population rising…

always the same shit with these fucks.

Frogmanfromlake, avatar

Have libs really begun to abuse the word “genocide” so badly that an act of war by itself against an oppressive state is now considered genocidal?


Ok Hitlerite

rjs001, avatar

Not just without Israel but where every single colonizer is either doing hard labor to pay for their crimes, deported to Europe or dead

fiat_lux, (edited ) in US tourist destroys 'blasphemous' Roman statues at the Israel Museum

For anyone interested in why the guy lost it, it's because similarities between the Ancient Greek stories and stories found in Hebrew scripture used to be explained away some Jewish followers as "Both were independently inspired by (my) God and it is testament to His Power".

They claimed that there were almost no Greeks in ancient Israel, and that no worship was of other religions was really tolerated by the rulers then anyway, so the Greeks couldn't have even have had their own temples even if there were enough followers of a Greek god. If there were enough people for it to be a thing, there would be... you know, archaeological evidence of Greek temples and religion and worship in Israel predating the Judeo-Christian split. Right?

The followers claimed that because of all that, when the Talmud was written by a group of rabbis arguing about what the exact teachings of God really were (because it used to only be handed down through spoken word and Christians were being all "lol no, He never said that"), each Rabbi who contributed to the Talmud could not have been influenced enough by man-made beliefs for it to have hugely affected what the group agreed God definitely said and did. And they definitely couldnt have put things from multi-god religions in there. Therefore the basis of modern Judaism is and always has been rock solid, even though there is a huge chunk of time between when it happened and when it was written down.

And all was well... until 1978 when someone dug up the 2.5m tall statue of Athena imported from Greece and attached to a purpose-built Greek temple in Beth Shean / Scythopolis from 200 years earlier than the Talmud, 37km / 22mi from Nazareth (in the opposite direction of Greece) - in a pretty unavoidable place on the road to Jerusalem. Oops.

tl;dr You got your many-God filthy religious icon in my certainly pure, true, and original single-God belief system that we declared 200 years afterwards!

Edited to add: a little extra context. This Museum keeps the Dead Sea Scrolls and has an entire separate building of the museum, away from the archaeology collection, that is very religiously targeted where those Scrolls are shown. The Scrolls have also not been on display for a long while because of conservation work, but they just started exhibiting them again. So this guy was likely a religious zealot who came to see the Scrolls exhibit, but he stumbled into the archaeology department where they're a little more... science and evidence-based. And the museum is state funded. And the government owns the statue, Scrolls, and basically every Jewish religious artifact in existence. There are a lot of layers here, like everything in the region's history.


“I must destroy anything that preceded by religious obsession”. So ISIS aren’t the only barbarians.


Humans have emotional and often destructive reactions to information that conflicts with what they were always taught. No belief system or culture anywhere in the world is immune to that. Some cultures are a bit more flexible because their belief system doesn't go as hard on the "this is the only possible truth" line, but there are still times when it happens.

FiskFisk33, in Family of man who drove off collapsed bridge sues Google Maps for 'misguiding him to death'

That’s ridiculous, but I think the title makes it sound a lot more ridiculous than it actually is.

[the lawsuit] also named several private property management companies allegedly responsible for the bridge and adjoining land.

If he could just drive off a collapsed bridge without any warnings someone has clearly not taken their responsibility.

If there’s a lack of signage and road blocks, and the map says the road is fine, I can see how one would make such an error.

I don’t agree google maps should be held accountable here, but if this bridge has been collapsed for a decade, I can see why someone would want to at least pose the question.

Syldon, avatar

I am with you 100%. Expecting Google to be responsible for road maintenance is a frivolous. Google will sue them for legal costs.


Absolutely not. Google played a part in causing this death, it might have been a minor part, but it was a party in the death. The court will decide how much.

This isn’t a frivolous claim, this is Google not being able to maintain their maps safely. Google needs to put more resources into map maintenance, and respond when people submit safety issues with their mapping data.


All signs and barriers kept getting moved/stolen.

peter, avatar

If the bridge was no longer there why wasn’t there massive unmovable concrete barriers in the road?


I was as baffled as you are, until I law the location it happened.

PureTryOut, avatar

Well, could you link it? What about the location makes it obvious that they didn’t plate unmovable concrete barriers?


The OP already linked an article which tells you

mikegioia, avatar

The article doesn’t have pictures or mention why there were no barriers, which I think this person is asking.


Ohhhhhhhhhh, my bad. Think I need another coffee!

mikegioia, avatar

The article just says there were no barriers placed. There were no pictures but it mentions Snow Creek Lake in North carolina as the location if you want to map it on google.

TonyTonyChopper, (edited ) avatar

I don’t get any results for Snow Creek Lake NC. There’s a Snow Creek township but it doesn’t have any lakes I can see

Ok the first paragraph says

Snow Creek in Hickory, North Carolina

other sources lead me to it

Unless they fixed the bridge since this incident it still says you can use this road…

Bitrot, avatar

It says the road is closed now.

TonyTonyChopper, avatar


TonyTonyChopper, avatar
Bitrot, avatar

Wow, looking through the 10 year old street view images I couldn’t even see the bridge at first, it’s not very large, the type you likely drive over every day without even thinking of it as a bridge. That’s a disaster waiting to happen, looks like any street. At speed it could be bad during the day, nobody expects to be driving along and suddenly the road is gone. At night impossible. I’m surprised this is the first time it’s happened, if it hasn’t happened before.

Madison_rogue, avatar

I have read because it was a private road, they are legally not allowed to place an unmovable object


That doesn’t make sense. If it’s a private road, wouldn’t that mean you can place whatever you want on it? It’s your road.

Bitrot, avatar

Just depends on the “they”. Local government wouldn’t touch it, the owners could have. I’d say it’s a slam dunk case against the owners for exactly that reason. Google ignored numerous reports so they may get some blame too.

Madison_rogue, avatar

The developer never turned over the road to the North Carolina DOT after completion of the subdivision.


I would agree, however if this statement from the article can be proven:

The lawsuit adds that Google had previously been notified about the collapse and several attempts had been made for the route information to be updated.

Then there might be an argument that Google was negligent in not updating it’s maps. I’d agree that it’s a weak argument and that the Terms of Service likely contains a clause like “you are responsible to watch out for road conditions”. But, if the bridge has been out for a decade and multiple attempts to update Google about the collapsed bridge had been made, that may rise to the level of negligence.

silvershrimp0, avatar

I encountered this issue too. An overpass near me was demolished but Google Maps was still showing it there. I submitted an edit and included a link to the state DOT's website about the project that clearly stated the overpass would be permanently demolished and not replaced. My edit was rejected.

Bitrot, avatar

Google’s editing algorithm is atrocious.

I’m a local guide, although I haven’t really done much in ages. Still, one day not too long ago I was standing in a new business that wasn’t on maps yet. I added the business, photos, hours, even their phone number and it was immediately rejected.

Sometimes you can get small changes approved but change more than one or two things and it’s immediately rejected too. Doesn’t help much with saying “road isn’t here” though.


I tried to report a restaurant as closed. I was looking forward to eating there while out of town. It was empty, had a big CLOSED sign in the window, and was surrounded by construction equipment and road barriers. I took pictures of all of this and they still rejected my edit.

They did approve my addition of a river access in the middle of nowhere, though.


Keep in mind it’s not an all or nothing thing, they’ll assign percentages of fault. It’s also important that they name name basically anybody involved because the others will try to blame Google to shift fault off of themselves.

Effectively you want to name everybody possible so that they all fight it out.

TonyTonyChopper, avatar

I wonder if a HOA owns the land

MrPhibb, avatar

This is what I was thinking, suing Google sounds like a cash grab as there’s government agencies and possibly private land owners responsible for putting up barriers and signs warning the bridge is out. Google maps is useful, but you still have to use some sense rather than blindly following it, heck, I’ve run into cases where it can’t figure out how to get to a street (that actually happened yesterday).

Bitrot, avatar

Directing people onto a road that has had a collapsed bridge for a decade, despite numerous reports that the bridge is collapsed, does not leave them blameless.

MrPhibb, avatar

Why, why are they under any obligation to be accurate? I"ve used them since you had to print out the directions, they’ve told me to make illegal turns, go the wrong way down one way streets, use a road with a bridge out, use roads that don’t exist and more, and while annoying, I just rolled with it, because they never promised me anything more than that the directions were prolly accurate.


I imagine Google maps gets it’s data mostly from municipal and regional open data sources which often have downloadable road information.

If that’s the case no one in the city’s GIS department ever disconnected the road to show it was no longer connected, as they may never have been notified since people likely don’t ever think to notify the GIS guys of unplanned changes to road systems.

mojo, in No Longer About Kids: Florida Judge Allows Trans Adult Ban For Large Swaths Of Care

Wow who could’ve thought that fascism would simply stop once it got its way?

NotErisma, avatar

>I just discovered your username is also an emoji


KoboldCoterie, in Man who threatened Biden shot dead in FBI raid in Utah avatar

Sounds like (purely speculation, since the details aren’t available) he pulled a gun on or otherwise threatened the agents coming to arrest him, based on his other behavior. Told them to come back with a warrant, they did so, and he took issue?

Either way, posting on the internet about assassinating government officials, regardless of whether it’s serious or not, was probably not the smartest opening move.


“Opening” is quite an interesting word in this context


He was posting over and over on how he’d kill the prez, the veep, and Alvin Bragg for months. The one that finally did him in was talking about sniping Diamond Joe. They paid him a visit, and he got squirrelly on 'em.


Thats just the official story. What actually happened was that dark biden’s Cyber-Brain picked up the threat, so he used his lazer vision while at a rally in New Mexico to vaporize him.

The media is totally censoring the thousand mile long lazer beam the president shot out of his eyes. They have the footage, but they are too afraid to tell the truth, because then the Clinton Mutant Teenage Turtles will kill them.

Read all about it on that guys truth social page.

seahorse, avatar

Dark brandon strikes again!

Landrin201, avatar

That won’t stop the far right from turning him into a martyr


Or from producing more of them.

DarkGamer, avatar

They sure are big on traitors and hostile to the rule of law lately.



DarkGamer, avatar

The right used to at least pretend to be into law and order.


They still pretend, they just also pretend that the rule of law is different than what it is.

You know how many far-righters have "back the blue" and thin blue line bumper stickers?


Yes the same guys who rant about government tyranny yet defend police (government employees/enforcers) at every opportunity love to also rant about the rule of law unless those rules are applied to them or their current flavor of the week messiah.


And yet here were are in a thread about the state murdering someone over words and liberals are falling over themselves to “back the blue” hardest.


They still are.

“Law and order” is a racist dog whistle.


They’ve always backed conservative cops enforcing conservative laws against “other people” but letting conservatives off with a warning.


They were never into law and order.

They were just into law beating and brutalizing black and poor people.


He never said they were. He said they pretended to.


They turned a dumb cunt that jumped over a barricade to rush a bunch of men with guns into a martyr.

They’ll turn this guy into The Jesus to Trumps God.

AOCapitulator, avatar

What word did you try and use there?

Starlet, avatar

it was cu nt, it’s only censored on hexbear


What you mean that won’t STOP them? That actually STARTs them again!


He must've forgotten to add " Minecraft.".

rjs001, avatar

No video, no proof that he threatened them. Innocent until proven guilty should be clear that this ought to be read as an extra-judicial killing

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