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AdamEatsAss, in International Chess Federation (FIDE) to ban and punish transgender players

Why are men and women separated in chess competition at all? There is no logical reason other than sexism and transphobia. The reason the top women in the world are so far below the top men is because chess has historically been a man’s game and the history of and continued sexism has no doubt kept out women who could be just as good as the best men. I play chess regularly online and have lost to both men and women. I wouldn’t be surprised if several top chess players chose to leave fide in favor of other competitions over this.

JohnEdwa, avatar

Having the current best female chess player, Hou Yifan, be at rank 55 and be the third woman ever to be in the top 100, while the second best woman, Aleksandra Goryachkina, is at rank 347, doesn't exactly paint a very gender-balanced playing field.

letsroll, avatar

I think the point is that the field should be left alone. Let players of both genders rank wherever they do. Seems odd to separate the genders for a non-physical sport.

JohnEdwa, avatar

In a way they are as there is no "men only" tournaments. There is open for all, and a few women only. You just won't see any women in the open for all tournaments as they fail to qualify so ending the womens tournaments would just result in having no female competitors at all.


Then you will get all the top tournaments with maybe a few women, none of them will likely win (based on current ranking), which will cause possibly even less women to try chess and reinforce the vicious circle (less win also equals less money, less sponsors). Basically, after that you will get protests as well.


They do that, in the men’s division. The men’s division is open. Anyone can participate.


There are 16 times as many male chess players than women so men dominate the open category by sheer number alone, it’s basic statistics.

As such the woman’s category is not so much a separate thing but a subset of the open one and if nothing else it provides visibility and a competitive field where women can deal with female instead of male asshole competitors so they can comfortably be catty queen bees instead of learning how to chest thumb.


Do you think that activities that are dominated by a certain gender are that way “naturally”, or would you maybe agree that societal factors and sexism play a role too? The idea of “just leave things alone and let people do what they want” often ignores the subtle way that men and women are encouraged towards or discouraged away from those activities.

iridaniotter, avatar

Since men have been getting support and funding for over a century in sports and games like this, you end up with them dominating the field. Women’s categories bring in more female players that otherwise wouldn’t have a chance if the entire game was open only. But on the other hand, this enables concern-trolling over “transgender invasion”. It’s also applied questionably to sports that maybe don’t need this such as in the case of Zhang Shan & Olympic skeet shooting. It can reinforce gender stereotypes. Finally, I’d say it’s frustratingly slow at leveling the playing field.



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  • iridaniotter, avatar

    I’ll assume you just didn’t understand what I meant so I will repeat it. Men and women can both play chess. Male brains are not superior to female brains. The reason there are more male pros in chess is because of the centuries long head start they had. To rectify this, there must be a conscious effort to boost female chess players. The current strategy to do this is to create a women’s league. At this rate, perhaps by 2100 there will be an equal mix of male and female pros, and we can abolish the gendered division in chess because it would no longer serve any purpose.

    solrize, (edited )

    I’m a chess fan. Men-only events were abolished in the 1980s. There are now women’s events (no men allowed) and open events (everyone allowed). In practice open events are 90% male, and the male players, especially at the lower levels, tend to fit the smelly and socially inept stereotype. Playing in them can be unpleasant for women, and women’s events exist basically to provide playing venues where women can enjoy competitive chess while staying the hell away from us clueless males. As a clueless male myself, I can get behind that, no problem. I understand and I’m fine with it. How do cis women feel about playing alongside trans women? Idk, I’m cis male and I don’t feel entitled to spout off about that. But I think they are the ones I’d want to listen to the most.

    The top levels from what I can tell aren’t as bad as the lower levels, since the effort it takes to reach that level of chess tends to weed out the clueless and lazy. There is still bad stuff though, e.g. the incidents with GM Alejandro Ramirez.

    You might like the book Chess Bi tch (that is the title, damn censor bot),by WGM Jennifer Shahade reviewed here , about her experiences in both women’s and open chess events coming up through the ranks.

    As for FIDE, there currently aren’t really alternatives at the top levels. FIDE on the other hand is not much of a factor in lower and mid level chess. Those events tend to be regulated by national and ad hoc federations, etc.


    Does what cis women think about playing trans women really matter? You wouldn’t give a racist a time of day for saying they don’t want to play a black person, why should we care what TERFs think?

    RickRussell_CA, avatar

    Because it’s a restricted participation class, and like it or not the details of those restrictions are important to the participants.

    If the class exists because women want it, then it’s reasonable ask women participants what they want.

    If someone proposed a restricted class limited to PoC, it would be entirely appropriate to ask PoC what they think about the proposal.


    You’re looking at my analogy the wrong way. I’m saying that if a racist said they didn’t want to play with black people as they don’t see them as equal, we wouldn’t give them the time of day, so why do we give bigoted women the time of day because they refuse to accept transwomens gender?

    RickRussell_CA, avatar

    if a racist said they didn’t want to play with black people

    If the larger community proposed a restricted class for black people, we would still listen to black people about whether they thought it was a good idea, not the racists.

    The previous commenters’ statement that we need to listen to the women in the women’s restricted participation class, with respect to rule changes for the women’s restricted class, is valid. I think you’ve jumped to a conclusion that women chess players would oppose including trans chess players, without a basis in fact. It’s not clear to me that proposed restrictions on trans participation are actually coming from women participants.

    But if women players are concerned about the effect of including trans players (whatever effect that may be), clearly we should listen to them. The limited participation women’s class exists to serve the needs of the women in that class.


    It’s more like a tiny minority of cis women think all trans people should be shot at dawn and they get all the press, and are the only ones permitted to be acknowledged as “true women” with rights and shit—ironically.

    source, am woman who really doesn’t care where people piss and shit and thinks we can’t get evidence on whether trans people have advantages in sport or not unless we let them, y’know, do sport

    RickRussell_CA, avatar

    I think similarly. If, as a previous commenter implied, the main concern is discomfort related to social mixing between men and women participants, then the vast majority of female chess players are probably fine with including transwomen. But it’s their restricted class and they should be full stakeholders in any decisions.

    I think every sport has its own challenges regarding trans/intersex participation in restricted women’s classes, and it’s certainly not my role to tell women participating in those classes that they should accept participants with male genetics. I’m 100% behind social acceptance of trans identity, but athletic contests add a dimension that I am in no way qualified to comment on.


    Nah, I don’t buy it. The assumption with this line of thinking is that trans women don’t inherently belong to that class of participation. The majority of a group (cis women) do not get to unilaterally decide who is/is not a part of the greater group (women).

    If someone proposed a restricted class limited to PoC, it would be entirely appropriate to ask PoC what they think about the proposal.

    But following this analogy through, you’re not asking all PoC. You’re asking the majority of the subset (for example, black participants) whether a minority of the subset (for example, Asian participants) should be allowed to participate or not.

    In this case, the organizers of these tournaments are picking and choosing their own definitions for who qualify as “women” and listening only to those opinions. The decision is already made, and pointing to the remainder to justify the decision is working backwards from that conclusion.

    RickRussell_CA, avatar

    The assumption with this line of thinking is that trans women don’t inherently belong to that class of participation

    I don’t think it’s right to call it “an assumption”. By definition, a restricted competition class uses rules to establish who is allowed to participate. These rules are willfully and intentionally composed. When circumstances arise that make the rules ambiguous in some way, the participating community is called to clarify them.

    This isn’t unique to women’s chess, it applies to any restricted class sport or competition.

    But following this analogy through, you’re not asking all PoC. You’re asking the majority of the subset (for example, black participants) whether a minority of the subset (for example, Asian participants) should be allowed to participate or not.

    To be clear, I am not in any sense telling the chess world, much less women players, how to set the rules for their restricted class of competition. I am saying that women chess players are stakeholders in the rules of women’s chess. Precisely how their input is to be converted into a decision is not in my scope of understanding, and it would be presumptuous of me to hazard a guess at how they prefer to operate women’s chess.

    The decision is already made, and pointing to the remainder to justify the decision is working backwards

    Agreed, and that was not my intent.

    I genuinely don’t how or if women chess players were involved in this decision, I’m only responding to the assertion that asking “what cis women think about playing trans women” is morally equivalent to asking racists whether they want to play against black people. It paints current women players with a broad brush and disenfranchises them from the management of their own competition.


    I’m only responding to the assertion that asking “what cis women think about playing trans women” is morally equivalent to asking racists whether they want to play against black people.

    But I think this part is where the disconnect is happening. Before this decision, cis women and trans women were both components of women’s chess. The act of conferring with only a subset of that group implies that the other does not fall into that category. Relying only on the majority group’s opinion on the status of the minority group is itself an assumption that one of the groups inherently belongs less than the other.

    RickRussell_CA, avatar

    The act of conferring with only a subset of that group

    Cis women are stakeholders, I didn’t mean to imply that they are the only stakeholders That may be lack of clarity on my part. I definitely did not mean to suggest that ONLY cis women’s opinions matter, or should be considered in rulemaking.

    I offered that as a counterpoint to the assertion that the opinion of cis women is morally equivalent to the opinion of racists.

    Again, I don’t really know how or if women chess players (cis or trans) were solicited for their opinions on these rule changes.


    Great comment, very insightful.

    Also, censor bot? Where is there a censor bot?


    I griped about the censor bot here:

    DontMakeMoreBabies, in Disabled man without hands or legs is left without carers

    Billionaires exist and this poor man can't get a goddamn health care worker.

    At all levels of government we're (worldwide) making due with less while these fucking parasites grow.

    Shit is going to get ugly in the next few decades...


    Eat the rich, problem solves itself.

    I’ll argue that you only need to eat five rich. The first two will be shocking, the next two will be surprising that they were eaten despite all the security measures, the fifth being eaten is the reminder that the rich will be eaten.

    You’ve taken care of like, 50% of the billionaires parasite issue with those 5, the remaining few will suddenly decide that social welfare programs are a good idea and donate so much that they are no longer billionaires.


    Why do we keep saying ‘eat the rich’?

    Just take their wealth and give it to those who need it. It is literally that simple.

    Make them part of the working class. It’s a fate worse than death in their eyes.

    Nutteman, avatar

    Thats… literally what eat the rich means


    The problem is it's just a phrase. You can keep repeating it ad nauseam, but unless it comes with actual strategies to complete a goal... it's as meaningless a phrase as all the rhetoric that right-wingers throw around. And they're much better at it.

    yogthos, avatar

    It’s not like entire books have been written by people who ran successful revolutions overthrowing the capitalists or anything.


    That’s figuratively what eat the rich means.

    Nutteman, avatar

    Dammit I’m a FOOL i’m never going to have SEX now


    Don’t worry. Stick with me, I’ll teach you all the pedantry you need to trick some idiot’s pants off.


    I’d like to propose for maximum psychological impact they should be literally eaten using whatever gold plated dishware and diamond knives they’ve got laying around.


    Eat the rich and more rich pop up. It takes more than just "let's get rid of who we think the sole problem is and everything will turn out fine". The rich didn't just appear from a vacuum, they've accumulated power and wealth for centuries, if not millennia. "Eating the rich" would require vastly more fundamental changes than just grabbing goods from the nearest billionaire and tossing at "the poors".


    Lol Eat the rich is a euphemism for killing them…not just taking their wealth.

    Skyline969, avatar

    No. Dine upon the flesh of the rich. Consume their nutrients so that you may absorb their power.


    The problem is that value is derived from property rather than from work. You earn substantially more by owning a machine than by operating that machine, which rewards people who have money more than people who have skills.

    HumanPenguin, avatar

    Yes but their is not real answer to that. Even comunism where people own the means of production. Turns into a state where the leaders of that state make more money owning the machines then the workers on those machines.

    Any system will always result in a cost to start the industry be it land in the past. Machines in the present or AI in the future. Those who have the resources to provide work for others will always have some form of power. And power will always lead to corruption.

    All differing political stratagies do is change the process for gaining that power.


    Humanity would probably have to eliminate psycho/sociopathic behavior. Something like 1% of humanity (much higher rate in billionaire and CEO populations, like 25%+).

    Like you said, designing a system that prevents them from taking control without pretty draconian measures that are likely to catch many false positives (and still be evaded by skilled psycho/sociopaths) seems pretty difficult.

    Maybe AI will be able to filter them out of the population, but that’s full of moral and ethical pitfalls too.


    Turns into a state where the leaders of that state make more money owning the machines then the workers on those machines.

    Except not really. Corruption is a problem but corruption happens in bourgeois democracy too, the overwhelmingly main source of wealth extraction that we can eliminate is surplus labor value extraction brought about by property relations. State socialism cuts away a massive problem while still retaining smaller ones.

    yogthos, avatar

    Not everywhere…

    The real (inflation-adjusted) incomes of the poorest half of the Chinese population increased by more than four hundred percent from 1978 to 2015, while real incomes of the poorest half of the US population actually declined during the same time period.…/w23119.pdf

    From 1978 to 2000, the number of people in China living on under $1/day fell by 300 million, reversing a global trend of rising poverty that had lasted half a century (i.e. if China were excluded, the world’s total poverty population would have risen)…/c883fc7496aa1b920b05dc2546b…

    From 2010 to 2019 (the most recent period for which uninterrupted data is available), the income of the poorest 20% in China increased even as a share of total income.…

    By the end of 2020, extreme poverty, defined as living on under a threshold of around $2 per day, had been eliminated in China. According to the World Bank, the Chinese government had spent $700 billion on poverty alleviation since 2014.…/china-poverty-xi-jinping.html…/lifting-800-million-people-out-of…

    Kushia, avatar

    This is why the Chinese people are very supportive of their government. You would be too in this situation.

    yogthos, avatar

    Exactly, no great mystery as to why Chinese government enjoys overwhelming public support.

    yogthos, avatar

    How many times are people going to face this claim?

    China’s pretty much popped their real estate bubble already, yet consumer spending is already recovering.


    I’d not repeat the Pooh meme if I’d were you. It implies Obama being a N-word. But libs and racism go hand in hand, so there you go.

    Ronin_5, avatar

    The answer is no, because of the fundamental differences in how Japan and China are run.

    Japan is modeled off of a capitalist imperialist economy, similar to the US. And as such, it will stagnate and requires imperialism and increasing levels of exploitation to maintain its economy. It does not have the tools or methodology to develop further without imperialism. And thus, it stagnates.

    Meanwhile, China is socialist. It uses dialectical materialism to solve social issues and promote cohesion. And instead of profit, it will seek to optimize material conditions, and identify the barriers to doing so, creating a strategy for development. Through Marxian economics, it understands that productivity comes through cooperation and labour, and not profit. Optimization can be performed throughout the supply chain through central planning.

    China runs under C—>M—>C, while Japan runs under M—>C—>M.

    China does have problems but it also has the tools to solve them, instead of just sweeping it under the rug.


    Seriously. How much do you get paid for shilling China so hard? And where do I sign up?

    yogthos, avatar

    happy seething and coping to you little buddy


    Sick catch phrase bro. Did they teach you that one in shill school?

    yogthos, avatar

    It’s pretty hilarious how I posted sourced information that made you really mad, but since you had no actual counter point to make you just proceeded to expose yourself as a clown by regurgitating personal attacks you’ve memorized. A great way to tell us all that you’re really mad, but too dumb to say anything intelligible on the subject. 😂


    Oh you got me. I’m so mad and dumb.

    Dude, you endlessly post about how awesome China is. I don’t have to love everything about the west to realize that that’s fucking weird.

    Every time anyone calls you out on anything you use your “seethe and cope” catchphrase.

    It’s either your job or you’re a nut. It’s not worth debating you.

    yogthos, avatar

    The fact that you took the time to write this drivel is pretty hilarious. It’s nice to know that my posts really get under the skin of people like you.


    You either have zero self awareness or you’re a shill. I don’t really care. Either way you suck.

    yogthos, avatar

    You keep on replying with your childish personal attacks on me here, so clearly you do care. Good of you to expose yourself as an angry loser who attacks random people on the internet. That’s all you are.


    I do care that someone might get roped in to your weird agenda and I feel it’s necessary to call you out as the shill you are.

    If you had balanced arguments it would be different, but you’re very black and white in your support of China and hatred of the west. When challenged you go straight to “seethe and cope” catchphrase. You don’t have discussions in good faith so there’s no point in discussing with you and nothing you say should be taken at face value.

    yogthos, avatar

    The only one who isn’t having a discussion in good faith is the one who just follows me around and makes personal attacks because you’re upset with the what I’m saying. Thanks for finally admitting that you really are bothered by what I say loser.


    Following you around? Lol you really think you’re that interesting? You post about how great China is every where you go. I don’t need to follow you. Any time I see a pro-China post and/or the words “seethe and cope” it’s you. You’re boring and predictable. Get a life man.

    yogthos, avatar

    I post about a lot of things, but all you appear to focus on is when I talk about China because seeing positive news about China gets under your skin. You keep telling me to get a life, but here you are making another vapid comment because you just can’t help yourself. The fact that you don’t even realize what a pathetic loser you are is really the cherry on top. Nobody in this thread agrees with you, and your drivel has been downvoted into oblivion here. Take a hint.


    Ha! Just saying things doesn’t make them true. Might want to look at those numbers again.

    If you’re that disconnected from reality that you can’t even see that you’re the one being downvoted, why should anyone take you seriously?

    And really, hook me up with whoever’s paying you. I need some extra work and I’d be much more discreet with my shilling.

    yogthos, avatar

    LMFAO thanks for letting us know that you don’t even understand how federation works. Go look at what this thread looks like outside your loser instance

    It’s quite the irony that the guy who posts from an instance that blocks half of lemmyverse talks about people being disconnected from reality. 😂


    I don’t get paid to sit on Lemmy all day shilling for China. I’m not too worried about how it all works or how many alt accounts you have downvoting me.

    yogthos, avatar

    What you should be worried is your mental health buddy. The fact that you spent days harassing a stranger on the internet because you disagree with their politics shows that you’re a deeply troubled individual. I really do feel sorry for you and sincerely hope that you get the help you clearly need.


    I mean, you could just stop replying too. 🤷‍♂️

    yogthos, avatar

    But I’m enjoying watching you lose your shit here, it’s basically free entertainment.



    I see your shill script insists you have the last word. I can do this forever.

    Catfish, avatar

    Why so fragile? All of you liberals are the exact same, you can’t comprehend that the majority of the world doesn’t share your brainless politics so you have a meltdown when your zero-thought analysis doesn’t hold up to the slightest scrutiny. No one respects your ideas because you can’t back them up in any sense. You don’t even know where your own ideas come from.

    When pressed to explain your viewpoint instead of putting forward anything all you have are personal attacks. You accuse others of being paid to voice these ideas because your pathetic capitalist ideology projects it’s insecurities onto it’s opponents as a defense mechanism. Your ideology is so insecure you believe that big scary dictators are paying people $5 a day to fuck with you on the internet. What kind of schizophrenic hellworld do you live in? You live in a solipsistic echo chamber you constructed to cope with the scary things they show you on the news. Live in the real world with the rest of us when you’re ready.

    Valbrandur, avatar

    When challenged

    The challenge in question:

    Seriously. How much do you get paid for shilling China so hard? And where do I sign up?

    An excellent display of the western liberal’s attempts of initiating a “good faith discussion”, for everyone to see.

    Valbrandur, avatar

    Seriously. How much do you get paid for shilling China so hard?

    Dude, you endlessly post about how awesome China is.

    When a communist with a politically-oriented account who posts on communist communities of communist instances makes primarily posts in support of communism and communist countries (any explanation for his motives is beyond the comprehension of the limited and finite human mind, he must have been paid by someone to post that comment):

    ghost_of_faso2, avatar
    QueerCommie, avatar

    Every time anyone calls you out on anything

    There’s nothing to call him out on. All that you dronie losers say is “how dare you say a country that I don’t like is good with sources, you’re not allowed to do that!”


    The term dronie is gaining traction within left-wing spaces and I love it


    “why are we talking about the communist party of china under an article about how the bourgeoisie continues to accumulate wealth to the detriment of the proletariat?”


    This thread is about a dude in Ireland. It has nothing to do with China.

    Say what you want about the west, but China isn’t what the world should be either.

    ksynwa, avatar

    The comment it is in reply to says:

    At all levels of government we’re (worldwide) making due with less while these fucking parasites grow.

    So Yogthos provides a counterpoint where a government is investing in the lower rungs of the society instead of squeezing them. If you want to dispute the mentioned facts it’s one thing but the comment is still relevant and not out-of-nowhere China shilling.


    This thread is about a dude in Ireland. It has nothing to do with China.

    “why are we talking about the communist party of china under an article about how the bourgeoisie continues to accumulate wealth to the detriment of the proletariat?”

    The thing is that the comment rings true about the other AES countries also. OP (of the thread, not the post) has identified a problem, and the commies are suggesting a solution to the problem, with statistics that prove it to be viable. You’re dismissing the solution as off-topic, but it’s very relevant. The thread is directly relevant to the article, and the reply is directly relevant to the thread.

    Say what you want about the west, but China isn’t what the world should be either.

    But it is. In lieu of something better, we should all be like China.


    Bringing out the guillotine again.

    PowerCrazy, in Egypt official tells Europe to take in 1m Gazans if ‘you care about human rights so much’

    Perhaps if Europe claims to care about human rights so much, they should simply stop funding, supporting or otherwise enabling a genocidal state?


    Sorry fam, best we can do is let Israel into Eurovision.


    they should simply stop funding, supporting or otherwise enabling a genocidal state?

    You mean Hamas, right?


    Which one?

    dingus, (edited ) in Rishi Sunak saying ‘a man is a man and a woman is a woman’ branded ‘sickening’ and ‘ridiculous’ avatar

    This chucklefuck is a year younger than me.

    I read The Second Sex twenty fucking years ago. It was written over 70 years ago.

    Like, they keep acting like gender is performative is a new idea when it’s absolutely old as living fuck at this point.

    How long do we keep giving them to accept that this is clearly true and has value as a way to discuss a variety of subjects, from social expectations of what cisgender women are “supposed to look like” to why gender and biological sex are different things (on top of biological sex being a lot more vague than conservatives tend to think. protip: intersex people exist!)?

    How long do they get to hide behind “It was a different world back then” when books written about this very subject come from that ancient fucking world they’re always referencing for why they’re such bigoted fucking shitheels.

    They shouldn’t get to hide behind “it was a different world back then” when a number of us who are older than this dipshit are familiar with these ideas already because these ideas existed before we were fucking born.

    Maybe their stupid asses should have picked up and read a fucking book (that wasn’t Mein Kampf) in seventy fucking years.

    Anyway, it is sickening and ridiculous this far into the future this is still being discussed like its a controversial issue and not clearly fucking painfully obviously the reality of the situation.


    Time, research, facts, priority, urgency… None of it means anything to them. They quote texts that are nearly 80 years old as if it’s modern science while calling laws and programs programs that are 60 years old outdated, even though they’re meant to hopefully level the playing field for people who were heavily abused for hundreds of years and now are only medium-abused.

    Commenters keep talking about stopped clocks being right twice a day, but they’re worse than that. These aren’t stopped clocks, these are creepy old dudes jerking off in the corner and they happen to own a watch.

    Someone asks them, “hey Steve wants to know what time it is,” and they respond, “SHOW ME STEVE’S GENITALS! EW! Got anything younger?”

    dingus, avatar

    These aren’t stopped clocks, these are creepy old dudes jerking off in the corner and they happen to own a watch.

    I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a more accurate description, honestly.


    divide et impera

    Everybody knows. You don’t have to fight. Talk about the important topics.

    LibertyLizard, avatar

    Reactionaries and fascists usually seek to “return” to a mythologized version of the past that never truly existed. This is exactly what makes them so radical and dangerous.

    dingus, avatar

    The downvotes all over this thread without response arguing anything really say it all, don’t they?

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

    What's crazy is we're talking about 1% of the population. All of this insanity over letting one out of a hundred people do something that harms nobody else. As if there's no other problems in the world.

    dingus, avatar

    According to these dimwits, people being able to be true to themselves is the source of all the evils in the world.

    Anyway, yeah, agreed. It’s such a small fraction of the population it beggars belief.


    That’s why they’re choosing to pick on them.


    Conservativism thrives on having an outgroup. The more marginalized the better. Fuck these regressive shit heads.

    Trans people are people.

    bravesilvernest, in If India ordered a murder in Canada, there must be consequences

    never previously in the friendly and orderly West.

    Well, started reading the article, got to this line and cringed.


    yes, that line had me laughing too.


    For a kinder and friendlier colonism.

    Syldon, avatar

    It is a vague reference that they are following the route of China and Russia by ignoring and abusing the laws of western states.


    Oh no, its a clear reference to the blind eye the west & the world has turned to the ongoing genocide of Muslims & Christians in India by Modi govt & the Hindu supremacist thugs it supports.

    Syldon, avatar

    A valid point but the emphasis in the statement is that it is an “explosive charge” this week. Those murders have been going on for decades. This is about the change in the audacity of these crimes.


    It’s very hard to care when religious people kill each other. They are clinically insane due to trauma from abuse in their childhood and are very unlikely to recover. The best we can do is to protect children from these evil cults.


    The laws of Western states that the West only selectively follows? Gee…

    Syldon, avatar

    If I go to another country I follow the laws of that state. It is called respect.


    What if the state itself doesn’t follow those laws?

    Pagliacci, in Vivek Ramaswamy Wants to Raise Voting Age to 25 (or have a "competency test" for people 18-25)

    Sure, as long as we also have a competency test for retirees as well.

    I wonder who scores better?


    I’m sure he wants to write the competency test as well. I wouldn’t count on it to be fair.


    Competency tests for everyone!

    “These are librul questions! The test is BIASED! The hollowcost is a lie! Ain’t no Jews get killed in WWII!”


    And then someone gets in that decides that “competency” means whatever they want it to mean, and enough of their party mates run with it, and before you know it we’re back to shit like this:

    rjs001, in Taiwan reports second large-scale China air force incursion this week avatar

    How can a country intrude into its own territory? These separatists need to be put in their places.


    Fuck the CCP.

    rjs001, avatar

    -Go back to your Fox News

    -Learn the proper names of things before attempting to engage about them because it only makes you appear foolish to use the wrong acronyms


    Fuck Fox News too

    rjs001, avatar

    Go back to watching your Fox News. You are clearly caught up in their racist propaganda


    This is a bot ass reply if I’ve ever seen one


    Fox News and Russian/CCP media use the same double talk, enemy at the gates, boogie man bad speak. Supporting Russian aggression in Ukraine or Chinese aggression in Taiwan is the as supporting American agression in the middle east. It all has the same stink.

    rjs001, avatar

    Aww, another western conservative who doesn’t know proper acronyms and defends Nazis, how original


    Lol, I went to high school in the years after 911 and had trash thrown at me and had to have a meeting with the principal when I stopped saluting the flag. I felt like everyone lost their minds and were replaced by pod people. If you’re going to make personal attacks, take a bit of time to check the comment history of who you’re insulating. I’ve never once simped for America.

    rjs001, avatar

    You clearly are simping for american and the conservative nut jobs in the country with their racist lies about china

    CannotSleep420, avatar

    Something to consider about western propaganda is that it has many mouths saying the same thing. If fucks news and similar cranks were the only ones peddling the China bad shit, you would see more division along the kayfabe lines between the demonrats and the rethuglicans.

    yogthos, avatar

    I love how liberals are only capable of regurgitating a handful of tropes they memorize like the bots they are.

    CannotSleep420, avatar

    Stunning and bold.


    It can’t, so this must not be part of the PRC’s territory! :)

    rjs001, avatar

    I bet you agree with the January 6th rioters too!


    How are those things related? There’s a wide spectrum between “right wing wacko” and “tankie nutjob”.

    rjs001, avatar

    Because both are ridiculous conservative conspiracy theories with no basis in reality


    The existence… of the nation … of Taiwan … is a ridiculous conservative conspiracy theory?

    My man, I’ve been there. It existed! Go figure

    rjs001, avatar

    There is an island called Chinese Taipei with a group of conservative nut jobs try to claim a historically ridiculous claim of independence


    Gosh, really? Did they just move out there? How did they get there? Are there many of them? Eye opening stuff!

    rjs001, avatar

    Yes, they moved there and committed ethnic cleansing against the indigenous people of the island. They looted China, lost the civil war and then killed natives when they fled to Taipei.


    Wow that sounds awful, I guess my imperialist government really misled me! Thanks for finally telling me the truth

    rjs001, avatar

    You are welcome


    Western Tawan has no claim over the Island of Taiwan.


    rjs001, avatar

    Go back to watching your Fox News


    Go back to sucking Winnie the Pooh’s cock. Too bad he’s too scared to ever actually do anything. He knows that he’s just a little dictator that can only impress or oppress his own people. It would be funny to see how hard you fail, just like you did the last time you decided to pick a fight with your neighbor, Vietnam.

    rjs001, avatar

    Yay, racism! How original

    AngryCommieKender, (edited )

    No racism there. I can not be racist against my own family member, which you are. You just wanna wave that card because you think it will work. That was pure anti-CCCP sentiment because your entire dictatorship is nothing more than a paper tiger, just like the other wannabe superpower, Ruzzia. You’re an authoritarian dictatorship, the US is imperialistic, the Ruzzians are fascists. Of the three the only one that is even worth negotiating with is the US, because at least they will pay lip service to their people, unlike the genocidal CCCP and Moscow.

    China was nothing but a bully to their neighbors for 4500 years and you want to claim that you aren’t a wannabe bully because you got your face smashed in 50 years ago by Vietnam, and you haven’t dared to try since? Get out of here with that shit. You aren’t communist. You aren’t capitalist. You’re still Han bullys, and just waiting to genocide everyone that isn’t. Just ask the Uigers.

    The difference now is that the rest of the world won’t let you, and you’re scared of trying because you fell as a power over 100 years ago, have never caught up, and though you tried hard your leaders ensured you’ll never surpass the US. You got close. That one child policy really bit you guys in the ass.

    rjs001, avatar

    Your comment is literally filled with racist comments agaisnt Chinese people to the brim. I guess that makes sense as it seems you have a history of racist remarks. CCCP? Haha, it seems you don’t know the name nor can you write

    CannotSleep420, avatar

    You know the redditors have migrated to lemmy when there are people unironically calling China West Taiwan.

    Ataraxia, avatar

    Ah so you’re one of those qanon guys. Jfc…

    rjs001, avatar

    Whilst you are the one to defend the fascist dictator in Ukraine


    So let me get this straight, a group of people overwhelmingly wish to separate, and the government tries to prevent them from doing that, and you don’t think that’s imperialism? I bet you don’t feel the same about separatism in Catalonia, Donbas, Kurdistan, or the Zapatistas. Classic tankie logic: imperialism good when done by purported “communists.”


    Do you feel the same about the people of Donbas?


    Uh, yes? I don’t support the blatant invasion and warcrimes by Russia but I can recognize Ukraine has a fascist problem too.


    You do support Donbas independence though?


    Read the first two words of my comment tankie 🤣🤣


    I did, but then I also read the rest of your comment, which muddied things a lot.

    You’re getting pretty damn hostile and evasive about this.


    Muddied? There’s this thing called “nuance.” I support Donbas independence, I simply don’t think it gives Russia the right to invade anywhere outside of Donbas, is that that complicated to understand?

    TheLepidopterists, avatar

    So if you invade another country and as part of their defense of their country, their military enters your country, they’re now the aggressors?

    Do you apply that principal to all conflicts, or only against enemies of the West?


    Huh? When did Ukraine invade Russia?

    TheLepidopterists, avatar

    They’ve been shelling and raiding the Donbas, which you consider to be independent, for about 9 years.

    Surely you are aware of this, it’s pretty essential background on a political topic that you are highly opinionated about.


    They invaded Donbas, who is allied with Russia.


    So let me get this straight: if the US/Canada were hostile with each other, and the people of Alberta, Canada, were separatists that allied themselves with the US, but the Canadian government refused to recognize Alberta’s sovereignty, you would support a full-scale, deadly American invasion of Canada?

    TheLepidopterists, avatar

    To be clear, to be a true analog the province needs to be an ethnic minority which is being targeted by the national government.

    Say Alberta was the only majority English speaking province, and Ottawa started putting up statues of a Quebecois terrorist leader from 80 years ago who lead the massacre of 100k English speakers and allied with Hitler during WW2, then they announced that English would be banned from all government facilities including primary schools, and when Alberta tried to secede they sent Nazi paramilitary death squads to harass them and started bombing them daily.

    At that point, if the US interceded and went past the Albertan border to attack other military targets in Canada, you would consider that a war of aggression by America against Canada and not them defending their ally, Alberta?


    At that point, if the US interceded and went past the Albertan border to attack other military targets in Canada, you would consider that a war of aggression by America against Canada and not them defending their ally, Alberta?

    If America’s massacring civilians in Ottawa and Toronto? Yes, of course I would. Any sane person would. Stay in Alberta.

    You people call yourselves anti-war? I think you’re the real liberals here.

    TheLepidopterists, avatar

    What number of civilians have to die before your defensive war is an unacceptable war of aggression now?

    Did the Allied counter offensive against the Nazis come in below that number? How about the Union during the US civil war?


    You people are pro-war whenever it’s convenient for you I guess. Those comparisons are out of line and clearly different as I already explained.


    Sounds like you’re the one who’s pro-war whenever it’s convenient for you. When it’s not convenient, you just say “that’s different!” And refuse to elaborate.


    So you support America invading the Middle East when a hostile government oppresses separatists that ally themselves with the US there?


    No. Why would I?


    Because it’s exactly like what Russia is doing in Ukraine.




    So what makes it different that you can support Russia’s brutal invasion?


    Show me where I said that.


    You are bad faith, intellectually dishonest people.


    Speak for yourself, you are the one trying to put words in my mouth.



    TheLepidopterists, avatar

    How did Russia invade the Donbas by putting troops in it after being invited? Please admit that the answer is that you actually believe the Donbas is Ukraine and don’t care about its people’s self determination so I can quit asking you this question that you have been dodging for like an hour now.

    MattsAlt, avatar

    What an awful analogy that misses any sort of context or nuance about the situation.

    That’s the problem with liberals like you, that you think things can be understood by imagining it as something superficially similar.

    Do you understand what historical materialism is?


    If I considered it justified for the US to enter the war on the side of the separatists, I would absolutely say that it is then justified for the US to invade Canada proper.


    When 99.9% of people who unironically use the word tankie, and think that ‘fascist’ means ‘anything I don’t like’, also fiercely oppose Donbas independence, and when the one I’m talking to is also refusing to just give a clear answer, I’m not about to say I’m in the wrong for asking some clarifying questions.

    Also, why doesn’t it give Russia the right to invade? Was it wrong for the allies to invade Germany proper during WW2?


    when the one I’m talking to is also refusing to just give a clear answer

    I very clearly said I supported their independence, but okay.

    Also, why doesn’t it give Russia the right to invade?

    So let me get this straight, you support civilians being massacred and innocent lives being lost? You really think Ukraine is on the same level of Nazi fucking Germany? Honestly I wouldn’t even much of a problem if they just invaded Donbas but they’re invading the whole fucking country and causing so much death and destruction. How is that justified? How can you call yourself anti-war and anti-imperialism and justify a brutal invasion? Some true colors being shown…

    TheLepidopterists, avatar

    I very clearly said I supported their independence, but okay.

    But you are clearly being deceitful, just in this comment you basically admit that you don’t actually support their independence.


    Honestly I wouldn’t even much of a problem if they just invaded Donbas

    The DPR and LPR invited Russia. How could they have “just invaded Donbas.”

    Please explain

    A) The Donbas isn’t really independent and you consider it Ukrainian property. **(Surely not, you insist that this isn’t the case)**B) You consider soldiers who are in a foreign country to be invaders regardless of the relationship of the two states? **(Can’t be this or the US is invading half the planet right this second, including Taiwan)**C) ???

    Please enlighten us.

    This isn’t even getting into the point that multiple people made that you’ve ignored for half an hour, that once you’re in a war with someone who wants to conquer you, sending your soldiers into their territory isn’t an act of aggression, otherwise the US and the Soviets aggressed against the Nazis, which only an actual Nazi would claim.

    (To be clear, I don’t think you’re a Nazi, just an intellectually dishonest liberal).


    I very clearly said I supported their independence, but okay.

    You then added a lot of seeming qualifiers.

    So let me get this straight, you support civilians being massacred and innocent lives being lost?

    Please show me where I said this.

    You really think Ukraine is on the same level of Nazi fucking Germany?

    Please show me where I said this.

    How can you call yourself anti-war and anti-imperialism

    Please show me where I said this.

    Some true colors being shown…

    The true colours of yourself, having to lie about me to make your point.


    you support civilians being massacred and innocent lives being lost?

    no, this was why the people’s republics of donetsk and luhansk invited military aid, and was the cause behind the Minsk agreements as well as Russia recognizing the Donbas republics

    TheLepidopterists, avatar

    Wait, do you support Donbas self rule or not? Are they not allowed to invite their ally (Russia) to support them militarily in a war of aggression by their neighbor, Ukraine?


    I very clearly am saying I support Donbas but Russia has taken it too far and has become the larger aggressor.

    TheLepidopterists, avatar

    How should Russia have defended their allies, the DPR and LPR without attacking their aggressor’s supply lines?

    Can you think of any wars in which both participants didn’t attack least try to attack military supply chains?

    TheLepidopterists, avatar

    Tell me, what are your opinions on Crimea and the Donbas, CatholicSocialist?


    I think all regions deserve self-autonomy determined by democratic referendums, unlike the tankies that think the Republic of China should be re-annexed…

    TheLepidopterists, avatar

    So you oppose Ukrainian rule over Crimea and the Donbas?


    No shit sherlock.


    So you oppose the Ukranian puppet government’s use of fascist militias to commit ethnic cleansing there?


    Um, I support peace and democracy.


    That’s good, so do I. But there are other people, people wearing totenkopfs and firing mortars into town squares full of people they call cockroaches for the language they speak, who feel quite differently than us. What is your solution to this, so that peace and democracy can prevail?


    Idk, not my place to say. Your solution to oppression of a minority group in one province is full scale war and mass murders of tens of thousands of civilians? Holy shit you guys are warmongerers, America should be paying you! Guarantee you wouldn’t feel the same if America was Russia and Ukraine/Donbas were countries in the Global South in this case tho.

    TheLepidopterists, avatar

    It doesn’t seem like you do given you referred to the current war as an invasion by Russia and Ukraine has been shelling it’s neighbors the LPR and DPR for nearly a decade.

    Can you clarify why Russia shouldn’t be involved in the war between Ukraine and its smaller neighbors?

    JohnBrownsBussy2, avatar

    Was the United States Civil War imperialism?


    The Civil War was imperialism but it was good imperialism. Fascist breakaways are a bit different: the Union taking over the South was infringing on their self-governance, but that’s a good thing, Confederates were pure evil. It’s like after WWII and Axis powers became occupied, could you technically call that colonialism? Maybe, but they needed to be.

    If Taiwan was blatantly fascistic, genocidal, had slavery, etc. I would support China colonizing them… but they aren’t. They’re neoliberal (much like China), which is lame, but they’re not a Nazi state. Remind me, who was the first in Asia to legalize gay marriage?

    Your comparison is bad faith.

    TheLepidopterists, avatar

    If Taiwan was blatantly fascistic, genocidal, had slavery, etc. I would support China colonizing them… but they aren’t.

    Taiwan AKA the Republic of China was founded as a settler colonial military dictatorship


    And are they a military dictatorship today? Even when they were, they weren’t a threat to world peace or humanity like the Confederacy or the Japanese Empire. By that logic do you think the US military should intervene in African military dictatorships?

    TheLepidopterists, avatar

    The KMT was certainly a threat to Formosans, and to leftists living in the island they’d seized.

    If the Confederacy had survived the war as rump state in Southern Florida and continued to claim to rule the entire US South and in the mid nineties claimed to be a democracy and then finally elected a non-military president in the aughts, would you call the US imperialist for not recognizing the Confederacy?


    Wait, so China is Neoliberal and fascist and state capitalist!

    And here I was thinking words had meanings.


    Oh please you hexshits use fascist and neoliberal interchangeably all the time, and you’re not wrong.


    Please show me where I’ve used neoliberal and fascist interchangeably.


    Not you particularly, but people obviously call the US/EU “fascist” sometimes and “neoliberal” other times.


    And that’s relevant here why?

    g_g, avatar

    because you hexshits are a monolith obviously

    Commiejones, avatar

    I see you also read PostingMachine

    JohnBrownsBussy2, avatar

    Okay, that’s consistent. Given that the modern incarnation of Taiwan was founded as a fascistic & genocidal settler colony, what was the timepoint at which a decisive end to the Chinese Civil War shifted from acceptable to unacceptable in your eyes?

    rjs001, avatar

    Almost like the reason some of the population is because they stole from the Chinese people and fled to the island when the people fought back. The oppressor doesn’t deserve to get to pick to be independent


    And how long ago was that exactly?

    rjs001, avatar


    JohnBrownsBussy2, avatar
    silent_water, avatar

    do you know the history of how the KMT became the ROC or are you asking loaded questions without any knowledge of the history?


    Countries change dumbass

    silent_water, avatar

    settler-colonists remain settler-colonists. also if NATO support vanished overnight, reunification would be inevitable.


    You do realize Xinjiang was started as a colony right?

    silent_water, avatar

    what does that have to do with the price of butter?


    China is a setter-colonist state…

    silent_water, avatar

    those words, you use them, but I don’t think you know what they mean


    I bet you don’t feel the same about separatism in Catalonia, Donbas, Kurdistan, or the Zapatistas.

    Literally none of those are imperialism. Imperialism isn’t having a region want independence. Do you think Scotland not being allowed to have a vote is imperialism?

    Chapo0114, avatar

    Not them, but fucking yes? Like, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales were literally conquered by imperialist England.


    Germanic migrants were doing imperialism in Wales, you heard it here first folks


    Yes fucking genius.

    meth_dragon, avatar

    group of people overwhelmingly wish to separate

    this is just not true. the overwhelming majority want a return to the status quo, a status quo that was very consistently gravitating towards china before the US decided to stir shit using its DPP puppets. the taiwanese people are perfectly capable of understanding which side their bread is buttered on and that their families cannot subsist on a diet of freedom and democracy.

    meth_dragon, avatar

    i can’t believe i enabled images for this

    they’re not even figures, they’re just snippets of text from natopedia that somehow unequivocally support my claim

    what am i supposed to do with this? gloat?


    If you actually read it you would know the vast majority either want to keep the self-governance or become fully independent (50%). Both of those are some form of separatism, even if most of them don’t want anything radical that could trigger a war.

    meth_dragon, avatar

    and a plurality of people believe that maintaining the status quo == independence

    where is the gotcha?


    I said Taiwanese people are overwhelmingly separatists. Proved to be true, seeing only 18% want China having any control over them.

    meth_dragon, (edited ) avatar

    jfc, points for trying to turn this into a semantics game but sorry, fuck you

    lets look at bbc, first result we get when we search "台独民意调查“ on because apparently is too spicy for google’s techbro commissariat. whatever, close enough:


    even tries to reframe it by breaking up de facto status quo supporters into two camps but plurality still supports status quo

    how about cn language natopedia

    2020, NCCU (same as the bbc study):

    1. “尽快独立”占7.4%
    2. “偏向独立”占27.7%,为历年最高
    3. “永远维持现状”占23.6%
    4. “维持现状再决定”的民众比例持续下降至28.7%
    5. “尽快统一”占0.7%创下新低

    2021, united news:

    1. “尽快独立”占18%
    2. “维持现况再独立”占16%
    3. “永远维持现状”占51%
    4. “维持现状再统一”占6%
    5. “尽快统一”占4%
    6. “无意见”占3%

    2022, ‘taiwanese public opinion foundation’ (read: cia cutout):

    1. “坚持台湾独立”占27.3%
    2. “赞成但不坚持台湾独立”占22.8%
    3. “维持现状但偏台湾独立”占11.3%
    4. “永远维持现状”占8.4%
    5. “维持现状但偏两岸统一”占6.0%
    6. “赞成但不坚持两岸统一”占9.4%
    7. “坚持两岸统一”占2.4%

    look at how they progressively split the status quo category (the size of which does not demonstrably change) into smaller and smaller demos to try and push an agenda

    let’s give you the benefit of the doubt and more closely examine what is obviously the most compromised source here. this is the cia cutout’s (shitty and completely unprofessional) paper from this year. they’d probably lose funding if they put something as damning as actual independence vs status quo numbers out there so they decided to go with plausibly deniable second order opinion sets and STILL get blown the fuck out

    just take the L dude, taiwanese are completely cognizant of the fact they’re being primed to be the next ukraine and most of them understandably want no part of that


    You’re putting Chinese character as if anyone here know how to read it.

    The only thing in the website you linked show this:


    I’ve never heard of the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation. It’s hard to find info about it.


    a group of people overwhelmingly wish to separate

    No they don’t. You are just flat out fucking wrong.


    The “status quo” for most Taiwanese is de facto separation genius, and they don’t want to do anything rash.


    No it isn’t. The status quo is that Taiwan is a region of China, independently governed. This is the case for MANY places around the world, here in the UK for example we have Scottish and Welsh governments, independent of the UK government. Scotland has its own parliament. Does that make it independent? Fuck no it doesn’t and there’s no mechanism for it to leave either.

    There are MORE people in Scotland that want Scottish independence than Taiwan. Chew on that for a bit.



  • Loading...
  • Awoo,

    This is semantics. You’re playing with the difference between independent as a country and independent in governance, two different things. You’re not participating in good faith, as per usual.


    And my original comment was based on “separatism” which includes independent governance. Most Taiwanese hate China either way.


    No it fucking doesn’t, because that’s what it is right fucking now. You can’t be a “separatist” if you already have that. You’re just a status quo-ist.

    Fuck me talking to nazis hurts, you’re all unbelievably uneducated.

    stempo, in Florida Has Approved PragerU ‘Curriculum’ for the Classroom

    This is horrifying. This is fascism. Teach them an alternate reality from birth. Gotta make sure those white kids keep feeling special. Gotta make sure the black kids know they were better off enslaved. Perfect. Our country is soooooo fucked.


    To be fair, there’s alternate history that was being taught in schools prior to this (I haven’t looked into the prageru program, so I’m not sure what they teach that’s alt history yet). But the 1619 project is a good example of alternate history that was/is being pushed and taught at schools.

    Rumblestiltskin, avatar

    Where is it being taught in school? I think Trump and DeSantis banning it being taught in school is just a publicity stunt claiming the woke left is rewriting history.


    Alternative history is taught all the time everywhere. I was shocked when I worked in a school to hear the teacher telling kids about Columbus “discovering” America. When in reality he was put on a pedestal in response to anger against Italian immigrants. They needed a national hero to be treated better. You know, because they were not white.

    …maybe there is a connection point of everything we don’t teach…


    This was eye-opening (as a product of American schooling).

    Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong


    I would recommend the pod casts:
    The Dollop: if you can take a joke about history you will enjoy the gross tales of America’s history.

    Stuff You Missed in History Class: a much more sanitized look at all of history with a bit of feminism thrown in.

    Rumblestiltskin, avatar

    I am sure incorrect history is being taught in many places but I was talking about the 1619 project being taught in schools. It just seems like a manufactured political outrage.


    Ah, I don’t know the project and assumed it was a group collecting wrong history taught in schools. Understand now. :)

    rephlekt2718, avatar

    Is the 1619 project alternate history?


    Yes it was co-authored by Harry Turtledove /s


    I do agree with you about alternate history in general, and PregerU is straight conservative misinformation


    Ah yes, well-researched history about topics that make white conservatives uncomfortable. That “alternate history”? What do you think is false in the 1619 project? I’m curious.


    I’m not conservative.

    The premise that America started as a country when the first slaves landed in 1619 is false.


    When do you think America (as a country, not a nation-state) started? And what makes yours more factual than the 1619 narrative?


    1776 is when America started. In 1619 there was no America the country, it was brittish colonies. 1619 wasn’t even the first African slaves to step foot on the North American continent, they were just the first to arrive to one specific colony in Verginia.


    I see. This is the level of understanding we’re dealing with.

    I know all that. That’s why a said as a country, not a nation-state; to differentiate between national culture and government It was the nation-state that started in 1789. I’m not wasting any more time arguing with you. It’s clear we won’t understand each other.

    Dasnap, in Putin Signs Gender Reassignment Ban Into Law avatar

    I’m reminded of one of my old memes when I see people in power pull shit like this.

    People can’t revolt if you force them to have to fight for their right to even exist first.


    Or maybe fascists are just transphobic bigots who want to torture and kill trans people because, well, they're fascists, it's what they do?

    You need to understand the far right doesn't give a damn about economic issues. Not one crap. (Because most far-right supporters are middle-class or higher, for the record!) They want power for one reason, and one reason only: to lord it over the minorities they consider their inferiors, if not outright killing them.

    This isn't a "distraction", it's the fucking goal.


    Why not both? Far right movements, at least as far back as the transition of the Tories into the conservative party in the early 1800s, have been lead by the interests of the ultra rich. Far right “philosophy” has always been to their service, whether its regressive “economics” of Malthus or the complete fiction of scientific racism. Almost definitionally, there isn’t a far right movement without a ruling class that it supports and is supported by; that’s what they are trying to “conserve”.

    Part of this is having a permanent underclass. Or more than one. Just as the “middle class” is under the ruling class, the under class must be beneath them. This is part of the conservative mindset, which again is created and nurtured by the ruling class for this purpose. The difference between garden variety conservatives and fascists, in this regard, is simply that fascists want the elimination of the permanent underclass.


    the whole point of conservatism is to preserve and reinforce the social order.

    it's not progress.


    Fair enough. I just get pissed when people like OP suggest bigotry only exists because Economically Anxious^TM people are being manipulated by The Elites^TM. Anyone who's interacted with well-off people for longer than a few minutes knows being economically secure doesn't magically make you not a bigot anymore.

    And I hate the implication bigotry is somehow "less important" an issue than economic inequality. Especially since the two are so intimately intertwined, especially in the US, it's impossible to make progress tackling one without tackling the other.

    Dasnap, avatar

    I’m not LGBT or anything so I do have a bias, this is mostly something I observed from my time with the upper-middle class. Up until maybe 2014, while these people were far from saints, they seemed to be far more passive about social issues beyond the economics. Then the misinformation age hit and their opinions went from ‘I don’t want to pay the medical expenses of the poor’ to ‘I don’t want to pay for someone’s gender reassignment surgery’. The bigotry seemed to be at the forefront once the billionaire controlled media told them it should be. While yes I’m sure there’s a lot of pure bigotry, I’d expect there to be less if billionaires weren’t around to sway.

    This is just a chicken and egg situation on the cause so sorry if I was underplaying the bigotry aspect.


    Yes, because in 2015 gay marriage was legalized.

    I guarantee these people were absolutely as shitty about LGBTQ+ issues before 2015, they just talked about them less frequenly around you since they didn't have to think about gay people too often. But I guarantee they were just as horrible towards gay people back then-- if not moreso, since they thought they could get away with the toxicity since no one cared-- as they are today.

    Source: was woman with a ton of LGBTQ+ friends before 2014. Bigotry hasn't gotten any worse since then, just louder. (And the good news is the reason the bigots have gotten louder is because more normies are becoming tolerant or accepting of LGBTQ+ people, causing the remaining bigots to realize they're losing control of society and flip the hell out!)

    supersane, in Israel's siege of Gaza is illegal, EU says

    Obviously illegal. Collective punishment is a war crime and makes Israel a monster. Imagine if there was a murderer in your building and the feds blew the entire building up.


    Israel is willingly lead by a monster.

    veganpizza69, avatar

    “The only democracy in the Middle East”


    Oh I love allegories. Let me try.

    Imagine there was a murderer in your building. But he is not really interested in murdering you, he keeps shooting at some other people you also hate. The feds have tried to go into the building to extract the murderer, but his friends and you lynched the feds when they tried. The murderer has stockpiled his guns in the building and the feds figure that if they can’t get to the murderer at least they can destroy his guns and vantage point from which he is firing at people. They don’t really want to destroy the building but the murderer is actively trying to kill people and the people he is trying to kill demands action.

    You receive a text message that the building you are in will be destroyed shortly. You want to leave, but now the murderer says he will kill you if you do.

    It is a very silly thing to think that having a “civilian” stay in a legitimate military target ( rocket launcher and or rocket storage ) makes it a place that is untouchable!


    And then you left and srill the rocket kills you even when you ate not in the building anymore

    Comment105, (edited )

    Are you telling me there are people being told their building will be blown up who leave the building to go stand just a few meters away on the street it sits on?


    There wan an incident where people were told to evacuate and then the evacuation site was bombed, yes


    How far away from the building did they evacuate?


    Not excatly like that. They were told to evacuate to a particular place were they will be secure because supposedly Isael wouldn’t strike… and then, they strike that place anyway.


    There is no helping the clowns in this forum. They’re lost and don’t understand the costs of living in a terrorist society. There has been billions spend on providing aid, proving avenues, providing resources to the gaza strip.


    “the cost of living in a terrorist society”

    If Hamas orders civilians to stay in buildings that will be bombed, those lives are taken by Hamas, not Israel.


    100% agreed


    As is punishing all Russian passport holders for the action of the government. So it’s either both EU and Israel are monsters or neither is.


    Launching missiles across borders is different than securing your own borders. You can’t possibly really be trying to equate the two?


    “Collective punishment is a war crime”. Except for Palestinians and Russians, of course. And anybody we disagree with. Fuck those civilians.

    We are hypocrites. We have double standards.

    I am just pointing it out.


    Hmmm let’s stay on topic. I didn’t say I support collective punishment of Palestine or anyone. I said missiles aren’t the same thing as border restrictions, because they clearly aren’t. Do you actually disagree?


    There’s a bit of false equivalency here methinks


    “Collective punishment is a war crime”. Except for Palestinians and Russians, of course. And anybody we disagree with. Fuck those civilians.

    We are hypocrites. We have double standards.

    I am just pointing it out.


    Can we agree that “not letting people with Russian passport travel in NATO countries”

    And “Slaughtering civilians en masse in retaliation to a terrorist attack”

    Are just a wee bit different as far “collective punishment” goes?


    You missed the point :

    Russia invades and terrorises the Ukrainian civilians. We punish Russian civilians aka collective punishment.

    Hamas invades Israel and terrorises Israeli civilians. Israel punishes Gaza civilians aka collective punishment.

    In the first case we are OK. In the second case we scream at Israel (the OP post) “Collective punishment is war crime!!”

    We. Are. Hypocrites.


    ……you’re comparing passports to murdering civilians.


    Something tells me you still are not getting the point about collective punishment. But hey, you won’t be the first person who can’t see the hypocrisy in all of us.


    Smooth brain take


    Says the NPC gen z tik toker


    Not being able to spend summer in the Algarve and being brutally murdered is totally the same thing.


    “Collective punishment is a war crime”. Except for Palestinians and Russians, of course. And anybody we disagree with. Fuck those civilians.

    We are hypocrites. We have double standards.

    I am just pointing it out.


    Starving people to death via a siege and not allowing passport holders to visit are worlds apart.

    Aside from that, it would be a violation of sovereignty to say which countries other countries had to allow in. Countries can and do block passports all the time.


    You missed the point :

    Russia invades and terrorises the Ukrainian civilians. We punish Russian civilians aka collective punishment.

    Hamas invades Israel and terrorises Israeli civilians. Israel punishes Gaza civilians aka collective punishment.

    In the first case we are OK. In the second case we scream at Israel (the OP post) “Collective punishment is war crime!!”

    We. Are. Hypocrites.

    Scary_le_Poo, (edited ) avatar

    Please, by all means, inform the class what “collective punishments” Russian Citizens are currently facing that are directly equivalent to what Israel is doing.

    You won’t because you’re a 🤡 and you know it.


    You’re missing the forest for the trees.

    I feel like if I continue to argue with you we’ll end up debating what the meaning of every word.

    Blocking people’s access to all food, electricity, and water is entirely different than a country banning travel from another country.


    Collective punishment IS a war crime. Travel is a privelege, not being able to go on holiday to specific places isn’t punishment. Do you realise most countries aren’t permitted to travel somewhere?


    It’s not about traveling, and not about Russians at all. I just gave an example. Look,

    Ursula von der Leyen was against Russians destroying the energy infrastructure of Ukraine.

    The same Ursula supports energy blockade of Gaza by Israel.

    It’s just pure hypocracy.

    In both cases the civilian population suffers the most. In both cases it’s a war crime and should be condemned.


    You’re on about something completely different now.


    This is not valid in all cases as I know multiple Russians and those living in EU continue to do so with no issue and those living in RU say it doesn’t affect them. You can even find interview with random RU citizens in RU and they all say it doesn’t affect them or that they want to attack UA BC Nato boarder is too close.


    You missed the point :

    Russia invades and terrorises the Ukrainian civilians. We punish Russian civilians aka collective punishment.

    Hamas invades Israel and terrorises Israeli civilians. Israel punishes Gaza civilians aka collective punishment.

    In the first case we are OK. In the second case we scream at Israel (the OP post) “Collective punishment is war crime!!”

    We. Are. Hypocrites.


    And you dont grasp how comparisons work.

    No wonder the world is fucked


    Ursula von der Leyen was against Russians destroying the energy infrastructure of Ukraine.

    The same Ursula supports energy blockade of Gaza by Israel.

    If you don’t see a hypocrisy from our leaders of the west, you brainwashed.


    Supporting Israel in this is hypocritical, yes. In the scenarios you present, Israel and Russia are both the antagonists

    greenmarty, (edited )

    I don’t think I missed the point though.

    I’m ststating that Russians don’t seem to be directly afected aside from having their favorite EU vacation destinations accessible via France or Turkey instead directly from Moscow. It means that so called collective punishment was either ineffective or so mild, that it had almost no effect on dayly lives of citizens.

    You compare this with bombing city, being cut out of water, food, medicine and energy.

    If anything, Russians collectively punished Ukrainians by shelling,detroying their energy and tradic infrastructure to make winter as bad as possible for UA.


    As a punished Russian living in Lomonosov, let me explain you what has changed for us since this “punishment” started:

    Absolutely nothing.

    (Oh, yes, Coke bottles are now green, instead of red.)


    Didn’t you just describe Putin’s warm up run in the late ninties?


    Remember when they did this?


    Real Qinshi HuangDi legalism energy

    jernej, in Ukraine war: Burger King still open in Russia despite pledge to exit

    I thought burger king staying was the punishment

    Hyperreality, in Schools in France send dozens of Muslim girls home for wearing abayas

    For those who don't get this, 'Laïcité' is what the French call the secularism which is part of their constitution.

    Plenty are as serious about it, as many in the US are about free speech or the right to own a gun.

    Obviously this is also in part a more recent phenomenon. France has a large Muslim population and laïcité is arguably interpreted more strictly by those who wish to combat the influence of Islam on French mainstream culture.


    good summary


    In Quebec we usually have to explain the difference between secularism and laïcité by mentioning that secularism is the separation of church and State by accommodating all religions equally while laïcité is the separation of church and State by excluding religion from the public domain. Quebec’s take on laïcité is more relaxed than France’s.


    Laïcité should be the accommodation of all religion. Laïcité is tolerance. But the fascists are turning it into bullying religions.


    That’s secularism. It’s as if you just didn’t read what I wrote.


    So what is the rebuilding of Notre-dame de Paris ? Secularism too ?

    Fascism it is.

    Kecessa, (edited )

    Is it getting rebuilt for it’s religious importance or historical importance? Do they rebuild all churches that burn down?

    Hint: Answers start with h and n


    That’s just hypocrisy here. The building is used for religious ceremonies. There’s nothing more religious than this church.

    Now mind you I’m not against rebuilding it, because I’m not an anti religion zealot. I’m merely pointing out the hypocrisy of hunting Muslims out of schools in the name of laicity while rebuilding a church with state money.


    Funny how you skipped both questions

    magnor, avatar

    Well you should read this.

    The state actually does pay for a big part of church maintenance.


    Although it seems to be something that can apply to any religious buildings and especially the ones built before the law on laïcité came into effect (kind of a grandfather clause)… It could be argued that at this point they have an historical value that more recent buildings don’t have…

    magnor, avatar

    Absolutely. But incidentally most religious buildings dating from before 1905 are catholic or protestant. So this is not neutral. And some of those buildings have no real historical value per se, at least not any more than any other random building from that era.


    I don’t think it’s not neutral just because historically buildings of other religions didn’t get built… The proof that it’s neutral is that even for the pre-1905 non christian buildings the same law is applied instead of only paying for buildings of the majority’s religion. Financing newer non-christian buildings to reach some kind of equilibrium wouldn’t be neutral and would go against the spirit of laïcité… The older buildings have a patrimonial value as they’re a representation of France’s values before 1905…

    magnor, avatar

    We should not kid ourselves: this is, as you said yourself, a grandfather clause. This was meant to slightly appease religious people post 1905. The historical value argument is, in most case, rather moot. Plenty of non religious buildings are older and have arguably more cultural value and yet are not maintained with public money.

    Besides, the spirit of laïcité is being completely subverted lately. I mean, on the one hand we hear discourse such as is quoted in this article, and on the other our president is still chanoine de Latran. You’d think such staunch defenders of the separation between church and state would take issue with holding a clergy title…

    As an addendum, one should keep in mind that in 2017 Macron ran on a platform that heavily criticized the left’s “obsession with laïcité”. What is happening today is pure unadulterated opportunism.


    So catholaïcité then! On a ça au Québec aussi 😂

    magnor, avatar

    Yup, exactly.

    magnor, avatar

    Actually the State does pay for a big part of church maintenance: link.


    Definitely shouldn’t be accommodating to ancient cults. I don’t want people who never grew out of believing in Santa to decide how to educate children


    That’s Quebec’s take, government employees in a position of authority (including teachers) can’t wear religious signs, the rest is free to do what they want (unlike France’s version where students can’t wear religious signs either).


    I think what’s so annoying about these laws is that they go à contresens, by strengthening religion in civic life. These girls are now forced to go to religious schools if they want to continue wearing their harmless cultural dress. In fact, religious schools have exploded in population since the laws on laïcité have passed in France. Many of those girls would have otherwise integrated into French society and become bored of religion, just like Catholic children do, if they went to a normal school. I remember listening to a French philosopher on a debate program say “Seuls les pays qui ont interdit le port du voile ont fini par l’imposer”. I don’t know if that’s literally true, but I think banning makes many muslims feel defiant and more passionate about their religious identity.

    It’s especially galling in Canada, which has one of the most well-integrated and moderate Muslim minority populations in the world. A law like this is actively harmful to the goal of lessening “la pertinence de la religion dans la vie civile”. It goes against its own goals, to solve a problem that doesn’t exist.


    Since you’re mentioning Canada, at the same time in Quebec (the only place with a similar law) it’s only for government employees in a position of authority so I don’t think it’s really an issue considering we already impose restrictions on the same employees when it comes to displaying political signs and it received support from many people that are part of the groups most affected because they don’t want to have left a country where religion is part of politics only to go live somewhere where it’s trying to do the same thing. Creating a barrier between the two where we say “If your religion is so important to you that you can’t accept to remove the sign you’re wearing while at work, it might mean you are not ready to represent a laïc State” isn’t a bad thing. I wouldn’t support a ban for students or all government employees and so on (like France is doing).


    I’ve heard this argument that it’s “not so bad” in Quebec, but I don’t know why we need to accept any “badness” at all. What countervailing benefit justifies the cost? Students will not convert to Sikhism or Islam because they’re taught by a Sikh or Muslim teacher. It’s a non-issue.

    Contrary to what you say, the affected groups are far from supportive. In fact, I would not be surprised one bit if, like in France, Muslims in Quebec have hardened their views, becoming more devout, in response to la loi 21.


    I said it’s not an issue and that it’s not a bad thing, not that it’s “not so bad” and that we’re tolerating “badness”.

    It’s not about conversion, it’s about discrimination or the appearance of discrimination by an employee of the State.

    How does a Jewish defendant feel when a judge that’s visibly Muslim makes a decision against them? Well that judge represents the State and the State needs to be neutral and to have the appearance of neutrality in front of the people it has authority over.

    And again, that judge couldn’t have a hammer and sickle pin on their robe even though the freedom of political opinion and of expressing it is as protected as the freedom of religious expression. Can you imagine a visibly communist judge making a decision against a private business suing the government? Yeah, that wouldn’t fly.


    How does a non-white defendant feel when a visibly white judge, which are most judges, makes a decision against them? Or a man rules against a woman who is a rape victim? Such things happen all the time. People seem perfectly happy with state representatives being white, without quotas or positive discrimination to improve diversity. Why all this concern for “social justice” only when it comes to these minority religions?

    Do you really think there is no “badness” at all… for anyone? Some people have had to make a difficult decision between career and identity. You might be blasé about that decision, but for some people it would be as difficult as being forbidden from speaking your native language, or forbidden from being openly gay.


    The difference here is that skin color and gender aren’t a choice, whereas wearing a religious sign, just like wearing a sign of your political allegiance, is a choice.

    Unless you tell me that wearing a kippah isn’t a choice for the wearer, which would be in direct violation of our charter or rights and freedom…

    The people concerned also get affected if their religious sign can’t be worn because of uniforms, they don’t go and sue employers that tell them they can’t wear a safety hat over a turban or that they can’t drive a transport van while wearing a burqa that hinders their view. If their sign is so important that they can’t satisfy the criterias for the job they just go work in another field and that’s it.

    The State doesn’t have to guarantee access to jobs to people who don’t fit the criterias for the job, including the responsibility to appear neutral. The perfect State employee in a position of authority would be a robot that looks nothing like a human with a gender neutral voice, since we can’t have that we’re stuck telling people that they need to adopt a neutral appearance to work certain jobs or they can go do the equivalent job in the private sector if it exists or they can take other tasks which don’t put them in a position of authority, including some very good jobs for the State!

    Floufym, avatar

    To be fair, it is more correct to say « France is a racist country hiding behind laïcité and feminism to justify their Islamophobia. »


    All other religious symbols are also banned (in schools), so this argument seems pretty weak. One can agree or disagree, but considering religion a private matter that should stay out of the public buildings is a perfectly legitimate stance, in my opinion.


    No one ever was removed from school for wearing a Christian cross.

    Banning religion from public space is actually against the French constitution, and it’s not a fair fight against religion, it’s racism against Muslim.


    Christian crosses are actually forbidden in French school (from what I read). I don’t know if anybody ever got removed from school from it, but the rule is there. I can’t talk on what is against or not French constitution as I am not qualified to do so (not even for my own country), but I trust that if that’s the case, courts will determine that.

    A final remark, being Muslim is a choice, is not a birth condition nor a race (or ethnicity). This means that at most you can talk of religious discrimination, not racism. Coincidentally religious discrimination is very common in very religious countries (including Muslim countries), both towards other religions and even more against atheists or apostates.


    No. The crosses banned are the big ones that the teacher would put on the wall. People are free to wear any pendant they like.

    The teacher need to not show any religious sign because it represent the state.

    Forbidding people to dress how they like or even show that they have a religion is fascism. It’s like forbidding same sex couple to show that they love eachother.

    And I can’t care less about Muslim theocracies, they are fascists and that is the problem. What I care about is that France is becoming fascist too, and I am ashamed of it. Becoming fascist to fight fascism is an irony that doesn’t make it better.


    Accprding to ……/French_law_on_secularity_and_con… you seem incorrect. The point is exactly that of preventing religious displays in schools, and I wouldn’t call it fascism. In fact, fascist regimes have done exactly the opposite, giving huge visibility to religion and (the case in Italy) making Christianity religion of the state.

    The comparison with same sex couple showing displays of affection seems completely ridiculous to me, especially because Muslims are disproportionally affected only because Islam is a religion in which there are more symbols, but it is not targeted specifically against then.

    What is important is that people can, if they choose to do so, freely profess their own religion, or the lack thereof. This does not mean that this can be done in any space, and I am personally a big supporter for schools being very neutral spaces.


    When a school ban children because of their religion it’s not really neutral.


    The school did not ban children though, nor because of their religion.

    The school complied with a law that forbids religious symbols/garments. Also the children were not banned, were asked to wear something else and most did.

    Muslim children are perfectly able to attend school, provided that they do so without visible religious symbols, exactly like everyone else.


    We didn’t ban children, we merely told girls how they should properly dress, because that they were too modest to the liking of the racists.


    “We” actually told everyone what NOT to dress, because some dresses are actually not (only) garments but religious symbols. Again, if you use this argument I will play the devil’s advocate and support people going in KKK uniform to school. Wouldn’t we want to tell boys how to dress, no? Or a good ol’ SS uniform.

    Clothes sometimes are more than pieces of cloth we cover ourselves with, and some of them have religious value, whether you acknowledge it or not. You can argue that for you schools should NOT be a neutral space (regarding religion), but you can’t make up argument such as religious clothing being worn for modesty.


    Except it’s not a religious dress. It’s a cultural marker. But yeah, sure just make it like all Muslims are fanatical terrorists, that will include them well in the society.

    Do we ban metal heads then because they’re satanist worshipers?


    Except it’s not a religious dress.

    That’s just because culture and religion are somewhat related. This does not make religious garments not religious.

    But yeah, sure just make it like all Muslims are fanatical terrorists, that will include them well in the society.


    Do we ban metal heads then because they’re satanist worshipers?



    When this whole thing is a strawman from the government to avoid talking about the terrible state of the school, I find it funny that you’re talking about strawman. Especially to dismiss legitimate comparisons.


    Your comparisons are strawman arguments because they are argument nobody (definitely not me) made, which you are using to try to deligitimize other arguments that you can’t challenge (apparently), by somehow pretending that your strawman and my arguments are similar.

    Talk about the poor state of French schools if you wish, it is an important topic, but this doesn’t make religious garments less religious. Your argument was that these are cultural markers, and NOT religious symbols, which is a pretty easy claim to debunk with a quick research on why those garments exist, who wears them, what they represent, etc.


    Do you know what a strawman is? You don’t seem to know.

    The strawman is the abaya because it’s a non issue that the government is advertising to make it the political subject of the return to class period, that in order not to talk about the actual issues. That is what a strawman is: an argument to deviate the discussion. It has nothing to do with a comparison.

    A comparison helps to understand an argument, or make parallels to make the reasoning more robust.

    This lecture was free. You can try an actual argument now rather than trying sophisms like a troll.


    A straw man fallacy (sometimes written as strawman) is the informal fallacy of refuting an argument different from the one actually under discussion, while not recognizing or acknowledging the distinction.


    Not sure what your “lesson” was referring to, but your old comment is exactly the definition of a strawman.

    Let me remind it to you:

    But yeah, sure just make it like all Muslims are fanatical terrorists, that will include them well in the society. Do we ban metal heads then because they’re satanist worshipers?

    Nobody made any argument about making all muslims like fanatical terrorists, nobody mentioned anything about metal heads (we were talking about religion), but you wanted to use the refusal of these ridiculous made-up arguments because you couldn’t anymore defend your main thesis (I assume), which is “Except it’s not a religious dress.”.

    So your “comparisons” are strawman because they have nothing to do with the other comparison term.

    This said, I argued my way to every comment, you moved the goalpost 10000km now, moving from “they are not religious dresses” to “the whole topic is a strategy from the government to distract from…” (which might also be true, but it’s completely unrelated as we are already discussing of this particular subject), and now you call me names for the sake of using basic logic in my conversation. Well, this lesson is free as well, it’s called learn to fucking discuss like an adult. I am blocking you in the meanwhile because it’s now obvious that you have absolutely no argument and you argue in bad faith as well.


    Let's not pretend children have a choice how they dress.

    The alienation that children feel when they are forced to look different from their peers is a strong point for school provided uniforms.


    Hey! Another fascist classical idea!


    Being prevented from engaging in a social dynamic with your peers is a bit different from being forced to engage in a social dynamic, I'm going to consider uniforms the lesser evil.


    As you said, religion is a private matter.

    While the school institution should absolutely avoid anything that has to do with religion, the students are still private entities. Taking away their freedom to express themselves in any way is one of the worst things to do to a young person and will only have the opposite effect.

    Twist or turn it as you want, this law is just racism they wrapped up nicely.


    I believe there are a huge number of ways we want to avoid young people express themselves in school. I am thinking for example about Nazi simbols, but the examples are countless. It’s just that according to you religion is not “one of those things”. I bet you wouldn’t defend someone to express himself by coming to school in full KKK outfit in the same way, would you?

    Also, given the fact that the law applies to everyone, I don’t find it racist, and not even discriminatory. Again, Muslim people are disproportionally affected just because Islam has many of such symbols and garments, not because the law targets them specifically.Christians’s veils are banned as well (like the one nuns wear),the difference is that only few people in specific contexts wear them.


    Its funny that Islamists use the term “Islamophobia” considering they teach an homophobic culture themselves. Dont ask for tolerance if you are not willing to be tolerant yourself.


    Fuck all zealots, especially the fascist ones.


    Fuck all zealots

    Exactly. Also muslim.


    I wish we would put half as much energy into fighting racism and fascism.


    And homophobia


    That is far closer from the truth indeed.



  • Loading...
  • 30mag,

    Thanks, this is interesting.

    airdi1, in Twitter to ditch bird logo, Musk says avatar

    Musk think the problem is the logo. Only if he knew, the logo is fine it is him that people dont like.

    Rhaedas, avatar

    The logo has been very successful in branding the company, as well as the companion verb "tweet". I think a company has reached peak when its name or something connected is used as an action verb. If he had taken over McDs he'd be tossing out the arches and even Big Mac with claims that they are the problem.

    Twitter may have not been in great shape financially when he took over, but at least it had somewhat of an image. Musk is the contractor you called to fix a leak in the roof, and he burns the house down. He fixed the leak alright.

    MxM111, avatar

    Honestly, I would drop the McDonald’s clown. He is weird and some children and even adults are uneasy or outright scared of him.


    Honestly the clown has more or less been dropped. I hardly see him anywhere.

    Carighan, avatar

    Yeah, replace him with Bill Skarsgård!


    They already dropped him for basically that reason back in 2016.…/why-mcdonalds-get-rid-ronald-mcdona…

    pizza_rolls, avatar

    Don't besmirch Ronald like that

    Rhaedas, avatar

    As said, Ronald disappeared a while ago for other reasons, but along with that McD became more of a "modern" look and got away from catering to the family at a kid's level. They still changed successfully. My point was that Musk would throw everything out and do something totally not designed to bring people to eat there, and then blame everyone but himself. His most successful work seems to be when he lets other run the show, and his real problems started when he forgot that and tried to be front and center on everything without anyone filtering his ideas and verbal thoughts. Elon Musk a decade back would now have a different image had he just hired and listened to a good PR person.


    The difference of course is that McDonald’s hired a marketing and PR firm to design a successful marketing campaign as well as a cohesive branding strategy that integrated its online and television advertising with an update of their store architectural design.

    Musk on the other hand is basically a wrecking ball destroying Twitter. He is not doing a very good job of reinventing the company and likely scared off any future employees who may want to work there, while being the target of a large class action lawsuit against people who were illegally fired.


    What’s the new word for microblogging on X corp? “Musk x-ed this morning that …”


    Funny, because "x-ing out" is what I do whenever I accidentally click on a twitter link nowadays!

    blivet, (edited ) avatar

    Yes, the name of the company, the logo, and the idea of “tweets” are all a charming evocation of a world filled with brief messages. Twitter has problems, but branding isn’t one of them.


    But now we can call them “Regretful and sad late-night attempts to get her back” (based on Ex)

    I think it’s much more catchy and advertiser friendly than “Tweet” /s


    Imagine if he thought that “X-ing” was a viable alternative to “tweeting”. Heck even “tooting” and “firefishing” would fit better


    You say that like x-posting isn’t a common term


    logo 8s fucking perfect. never have i ever doubted that logo or wished it change. it’s Twitter’s while identity. that guy 8s bonkers


    If he wants to get rid of the bird why is he changing the name to Eggs?

    pinkdrunkenelephants, (edited ) in Louisiana police accused of ‘unconscionable’ abuse in ‘Brave Cave’

    Folks, we need to sit down and have a serious talk about this, because this is not the first time U.S. cops have been caught running fucking torture houses in major cities.

    This is exactly the kind of bullshit the founding fathers knew would happen when tyranny sets foot on U.S. soil. Say what you will about them, in this case they’re absolutely spot-on.

    They founded the U.S. in the middle of a revolution sparked by fuck-shit treatment inflicted upon them like that by the British. They had to fight a particularly nasty war to gain their independence, so they gave us the right to speak and of weapons ownership because they knew, one day, we’d have to do it again.

    We are WAY past that time, folks. Holy shit.

    FYI: We have spooks forum sliding and concern trolling, specifically to discourage you from supporting or joining a revolution.

    They do it because they know how powerful we are when we work together. How powerful we are compared to them and the powers that be. How powerful you are and how important your thoughts, feelings and choices are.

    Why else would they find a simple Lemmy thread enough of a threat to be worthy of attacking?

    So don’t listen to them. Don’t allow them to manipulate you or to control the conversation. Don’t give them the fight that they want. They are clearly speaking in bad faith. Simply downvote them into a hole and stand strong.

    Apes together strong, mofos 😎


    Sadly, the wrong populace of the U.S owns most of the guns.


    Then that needs to change, as in now


    Good luck getting Lauren Boebert’s etc gun’s away from her without her calling to action.


    No no, I mean people who oppose the blatant torture shit need to go get armed.

    Neato, avatar

    And then what? Shootouts when any cop tries to detain you? These torture houses aren't the first stop after arrest. And people aren't going to jump straight to lethal violence at a traffic stop.


    If that’s what it takes. It’s either that or allow them to continue torturing and oppressing American citizens. Do you really want that on your conscience?

    Neato, avatar

    If that’s what it takes.

    Cool. You first.


    That's a cowardly comment if I've ever read one. You could have just shut up but had to show the world your a afraid to stand up for what's right.

    Neato, avatar

    stand up for what's right.

    By shooting cops? Starting a revolution? Are you doing that? People love to call for violence on the web while sitting at home doing nothing. It's hypocrisy plain and simple.

    I'm not saying they shouldn't do that. But every person saying "just go do X" while they themselves are too cowardly to be doing it first is pathetic. I'm not on here saying we should all violently overthrow the police state. Because I'm not out there.


    By stopping the wrong doing that is causing real harm to people.

    You can try to justify your lack of action all you want but I see you.

    Nobody, other than you, said anything along the lines of "you go first."

    Ideas are being shared on how to combat injustice. That is doing something. Well it's doing a hell of a lot more than "Cool. You first"


    Surprise surprise, a pro-establishment concern troll trying to bait us by making the conversation all about us and not about the fact that cops are literally torturing innocent people post-9/11 style and need to be overthrown to be forced to stop.

    Everybody just fucking downvote and ignore this cretin. Nothing you say to him will convince him to support a revolution because he wants things to stay the way they are.

    He is openly stating he cares more about our egos than he does about the innocent lives cops are taking on the regular. He gives not one single fuck about anyone other than himself and neither does anyone else who says the same things he does.

    Just downvote him and ignore him. We can topple the old state together and put in a new one where there likely aren’t any cops, let alone any that can fucking torture people.

    We don’t need to convince people like him that our cause is just.

    Fuck him. Honestly.


    Am I taking crazy pills? Why are you getting downvoted lmao, what is the average age group here? Seems like a bunch of edgy teenagers.

    Neato, avatar

    This always happens. Internet tough guys. Everyone pushing for revolution and arming themselves. But they never have useful ideas what to do next not nor are they bothering to even protest.


    adjusts glasses jUsT sTaY oUt of oUr wAy


    Just do us a solid and stay out of our way please and thank you.


    You have been brainwashed as to how horrible a society can become, to the point you think an armed populace rebelling is impossible / impractical.

    The more people start thinking like you do, the faster we move towards repeating that cycle of oppression the founding fathers attempted to break out of.


    Just ignore him.


    In one ear types response, out the other. 👍

    OurTragicUniverse, (edited ) avatar

    So you should be out there, gunning down cops and setting a good example for us! Not whinging online about people telling you to get on with it.


    No, this thread is specifically for all of us to have this talk. It is not a floor for you concern trolls who care only for keeping the system going at the cost of everybody else’s lives, hopes and dreams.


    Lmao, misunderstanding a point to the highest possible degree 💀

    OurTragicUniverse, avatar

    So what is the point? Talking about revolution endlessly but never doing anything? Bitching out anyone who calls you out on this? Enlighten me.


    The whole point of the thread is to talk seriously about revolution. You might not like it, but it’s what we’re going to do, and right now you’re doing nothing but complaining while offering nothing of real value, so we’re going to ignore you now. Good day

    OurTragicUniverse, avatar

    So you're not actually going to do anything yourself? You just want to inspire other people to go storm police stations and shoot up judges?

    Yeah, you're not suspicious at all.


    No, the secret is to win. You play the game on the side of the road or in custody with the cops. Then when you have your chance you ambush.

    krolden, avatar


    Neato, avatar

    OK. Goodluck with that. I don't think it's a sustainable solution right now. But you do you.

    krolden, avatar

    Sustainability is the last thing I’m concerned about when it comes to state sanctioned violence.


    I wouldn’t worry about her, I heard she has had her hands full.

    photonic_sorcerer, avatar

    A bunch of idiots with guns stand no chance against the US military. This isn’t a fight you can win by force.


    It’s not “the us military” that they are fighting. Also don’t say dumbshit stuff like that since if the “US Military” is bombing american cities your liberal drivel is irrelevant.

    Neato, avatar

    your liberal drivel is irrelevant.

    Aaand there it is.


    So who are you fighting? Neighbors and civilians that don't vote like you?

    pinkdrunkenelephants, (edited )

    The police departments that keep doing this shit.

    I actually am being kind of serious about this. The fact that cops are running fucking CIA-style black sites shows us that

    1. They’re escalating their oppressive garbage
    2. Some spook is showing them how

    And those alone are enough justification for physically throwing them the fuck out. Go read about the nasty shit the U.S. government did to Middle Eastern men it kidnapped in its war on terror in the 00’s. Their tactics are very similar to how this site and other torture mills U.S. cops have been caught running operate.


    I think there is some confusion. The context, as I understood it, was that "they" are conservatives and are not fighting the military. So I wanted to know who they were fighting.


    It’s all good. Questions like yours are exactly why I came out and said what I said. We the people need to have this talk. We should have had it 20 years ago.

    So I hereby claim specifically that We the People of the United States of America need to start physically overthrowing police departments we catch doing shit like this – and I mean the entire police department of whatever city or county it happens in – and either completely shut down the department or replace every single member wholesale. Physically throw them out; shoot them if necessary. Same with judges, attorneys or any other state actors who participated.

    If we don’t we will subject the Zoomers and Alpha Genners to the same horrors we were forced to grow up in… allowing that to happen is in no way conscionable and if we let cops get away with shit like this, we will have no room to blame Boomers and their horrific abuses for the way the world is. The only ones we’ll have to blame at that point is us.

    OurTragicUniverse, avatar

    You need to stop talking about this and start doing it, otherwise it's just more useless empty talk. Go get your mates and all your guns and evict some police departments and judges.

    I look forward to hearing about you on international news, this is going to be huge!


    Your not even American. Why so invested in this thread?

    And why have you commented multiple times telling people to start shooting, while at the same time saying that we shouldn't even talk about it?


    Because he’s likely a paid spook out forum sliding. Just downvote and ignore him. Any response you give to him is him successfully distracting you from talking about the scandal or revolution. He’s goading you for that purpose.


    My reason for sharing that was to bring to light that they are commenting in bad faith. It's not for them, it's for other people reading.


    It’s all good, I am too.

    OurTragicUniverse, (edited ) avatar

    I'm here because this was a conversation to read and I was bored and scrolling. I got invested because you guys are acting like bad faith actors trying to stoke a 'far left uprising' so the US media and politics can use this as evidence for even more facism.

    You're the one who has twice now told people they are all talk and no action and yet are offended by people telling you to take up arms and get on out there to fight the good fight.

    If you have any common sense, you'll see that this person calling everyone who doesn't agree with them a 'paid spook' and telling you to ignore them all in favour of listening only to their incendiary drivel- should not be taken seriously to when they tell you to go on a mass murder spree and steal from national guard arsenals.

    Go shoot up police stations and murder judges though if you believe that's what you have to do to. No one here is stopping you. Take all your mates and see how far you can get. I'm sure this will be what it takes to set your country right.

    (I'm also not male, so don't be using he/him on me)


    Bitch, you're the bad faith commentor here. I have no respect for what you are doing and who you are. Please kill yourself and make the world a slightly better place.

    pinkdrunkenelephants, (edited )

    🤦 And now I’m being forced to engage with an obvious concern troll for whom I have no hope of convincing to accept the validity of our way of thinking. Wonderful.

    To anyone else reading, let’s start by pointing out the obvious:

    You’re the one who has twice now told people they are all talk and no action and yet are offended by people telling you to take up arms and get on out there to fight the good fight.

    You need to stop talking about this and start doing it, otherwise it’s just more useless empty talk. Go get your mates and all your guns and evict some police departments and judges.

    So you should be out there, gunning down cops and setting a good example for us! Not whinging online about people telling you to get on with it.

    Obvious projection and lies are obvious. I actually specifically said only if necessary anyway so this idiot is obviously just strawmanning the pro-revolution stance, and they’re doing it because they are either being paid to do it or are a bootlicker.

    A quick check through their post history shows that they’re from the UK, and that fact makes me think this idiot in particular is likely some ignorant anti-American bootlicker who couldn’t even be assed to read the room. We’re Americans. The article is about a torture facility that was secretly being run by cops in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. As in not Britain. Like, have a look at this:

    First of all, USAians 🤣

    Secondly, someone who is going to undermine American efforts to liberate concentration camps in WW2 because of the same dumbass racists running the police departments I’m advocating we overthrow, specifically to stop concentration camps and literal torture facilities from continuing to operate on U.S. soil, is not someone you should be listening to or taking seriously at all.

    Our dumbass troll friend even disrespected a dude whose fucking grandma was liberated from a concentration camp by U.S. troops and they still complain.

    Even this post here is a big bag of hot air with no real substantive arguments against revolution at all, so it is any wonder I tell you all to not feed trolls like that?

    The most they offer is an attempt to undermine my credibility here:

    If you have any common sense, you’ll see that this person calling everyone who doesn’t agree with them a ‘paid spook’ and telling you to ignore them all in favour of listening only to their incendiary drivel- should not be taken seriously

    Which doesn’t work because you all can go through my post history and watch me cuss out racists and evil people of different sorts, then watch people try to call me out for being angry – like I’m sure our dipshit troll up here will do as soon as they see this because they clearly have an axe to grind – and then relent when I tell them to their faces plainly that I don’t care about what they think, because I have done nothing but speak in earnest the entire time I’ve used Lemmy.

    I’ve ditched entire Lemmy servers when I called them out for not doing anything about Hexbear tankies brigading, or blatant vote manipulation, or rape apologia on their own servers, stuff no one else apparently had the courage to do, because that’s just how I roll. And when our dear dipshit concern troll tries to go through my post history to try to discredit me, that’s all you’ll see.

    Because I am being 100% honest, open, and in earnest about this. We need to throw out these shitty governments that blatantly and flagrantly abuse their own people in the most horrific of ways, murder people on the street because of their race, and allow corporations and charlatans to claim our lands and make off with trillions of dollars of our own hard-earned money. I don’t care what happens to me as a result of saying what I am saying. If I cared about what anybody thought or would do in kind, I wouldn’t have this account.

    But we can’t say that about this idiot who’s obviously just lying and arguing in bad faith simply because they don’t like Americans.

    Anybody who would seriously oppose revolution against city governments that are raping and torturing their citizens Is Not Someone You Should Take Seriously At All. In no timeline does engaging with anyone like that seriously accomplish anything positive.

    They’re nothing but an over-inflated bag of immature vitriol and you all need to start treating them as such.

    And stop letting them forum slide.


    I wonder if more transparency, accountability, and oversight might be a more effective remedy than you know… just killing cops.


    They’ve proven time and time again they’re tyrants and are self-aware about it, and therefore need to be physically removed, but we both know you’re just here to forum slide and not to have an honest debate, so ignoring you now

    photonic_sorcerer, avatar

    Liberal drivel my ass. If you take up arms against the cops, expect heavy resistance. Go ahead and get yourself killed.


    It’s not against the military. Nobody mention the army or marines you dummy. This is about the police. We can take those fuckers. Pigs don’t have artillery and air support.

    photonic_sorcerer, avatar

    They will once you start an armed rebellion.


    The most we’d have to deal with is the National Guard and we can just steal shit from their armories.

    photonic_sorcerer, avatar

    Fucking hell, you guys have no idea what this kind of armed rebellion entails, do you?


    You don't know the limitation of military actions on US soil. The National Guard would be called the military is for foreign affairs.

    OurTragicUniverse, avatar

    I think these idiots are cops pretending to be 'antifa', to try and rile up folk into storming police stations.

    Either that or kids.


    I think it is a combination of bootlickers and a few cops. I don't think it is to goad anyone into doing anything. They don't want people to actually attack them. I think they are trying to get people to say certain things that would be criminal so they can arrest them before they attack.

    So be careful with your words. Instead of saying "I am going to kill the baton rouge police chief," say "I am going to effect change" or something along those lines.

    At the same time watch for those that are trying to goad you into typing something they can take action on.

    The hosts of fediverse instances DO NOT have the resources to fight government subpoenas over what you say.

    OurTragicUniverse, avatar

    I'm talking about you and the other idiot who wants to get people killed doing this.


    I know. :)

    I write that not for you but for other people to protect themselves from people like you.


    The concern trolls are probably just spooks paid to forum slide. They did a hell of a job – nobody ever got a chance to seriously talk about the notion; we all spent the entire time arguing with them instead of focusing on what matters, myself included.

    The government’s real power here though is in the fear – everyone’s afraid to openly talk about such things because they fear they’re being spied on by NSA spooks or the FBI or whatever. And most importantly, it’s become taboo and socially unacceptable to talk about revolution, and that’s the way the government set it up through decades of propaganda and how it intends to keep things, down to the very last innocent life. When everyone feels comfortable openly talking about revolution, there’ll be no need for anybody to be afraid anymore, and that’s what the system truly fears. Then it’ll be impossible to arrest people for fomenting such talk since they literally can’t actually arrest everybody.

    That, clearly, is the most important thing that needs to happen. Once the wall of fear comes down, so does their shitty house of cards they’ve been using to control everybody. The concern trolls are here to keep it up, hence the forum sliding.


    …As if military personnel wouldn’t join and blow the head off a crook cop or military officer in a civil war.


    Isn't the military being woke a conservative talking point? If they are woke then they're on our side. :)


    They are so silly that they think other people don’t think for themselves either.


    Them goat herders in Afghanistan made a pretty good effort.


    Did they though? I don't think so.

    The Vietnamese people made a good effort and successfully repelled the US military.


    The Taliban are back in power in Afghanistan, aren’t they?


    Because we left. They were pretty weak until we left.

    Vietnam on the other hand maintained the ability to inflict major casualties throughout.

    I'm in agreement with you that poorly equipped groups can make an impact. I disagree that the goat herders in Afghanistan did.


    Well, the reason the Vietnamese won was through mastery of the environment. They knew the jungles inside and out, and the American military didn’t.

    We the People need to get to know our cities well because, if something like a revolution actually happens soon, that’s where most of the fucking fighting’s going to be. Plus, these are cops we’re dealing with. Setting up ambushes for them would be pretty easy. It’s open fighting during something like, say, a protest that the cops have always held the advantage of, simply because they were willing to use crowd control tactics and take advantage of the lay of the land while protesters were unwilling to.

    So, know thy streets, to start.


    So we should hunt cops. I’m down.


    A lawsuit filed Monday by Baton Rouge grandmother Ternell Brown provides chilling details about one such search. In filings at Baton Rouge’s federal courthouse, Brown recounts how she was out driving on 10 June when two officers, Lawrence Jr and Matthew Wallace, noticed prescription medications in her car during a traffic stop.

    Brown asserts that she had offered to show the cops that she had a valid prescription, but they didn’t want to hear it. They took her to the Brave Cave, ordered her to fully undress, and made her spread her vagina to officers who were men, the lawsuit alleges.

    That’s the new normal our kids will be trapped in if we don’t.

    CapgrasDelusion, in Ukraine running out of options to retake significant territory

    As far as I can tell, this prolifically posting account has literally never posted an article that wasn't negative on Ukraine, and posts about 90% negative on the West in general. For whatever that's worth.

    FaceDeer, avatar

    And half the comments in this thread are from queermunist, who's all for the "just let Russia have what it wants and everything will be great" side.

    The flood of Rexiters did a lot to smother the tankie presence on the Lemmyverse, but it's clearly still a strong undercurrent.


    Eager to see what coping everyone switches to when it becomes obvious to Ukraine that the deal Russia offered in 2022 before the Kiev withdrawal was the best possible reality they would ever see again. Little Weimar on the Dnieper. No NATO, no EU, no Donbass, no Crimea.

    Then again the epic bacon sirs will probably be given a new shiny thing in Asia or Africa to focus on.

    FaceDeer, avatar

    Here's another one.


    Wow, not even a crumb of cope? What about the jets? Potential gamechanger I think.

    BaroqueInMind, avatar

    I feel like I could invade your home unprovoked and take over your kitchen, eventually trashing up the floors to setup trenches to prevent you from retaking it and you'd just agree to negotiate and let me take your bedroom to fuck your mother.


    Yeah and public spending is just like personal finances, don’t you agree?

    BaroqueInMind, (edited ) avatar

    I mean, I'm very wealthy, and the country I live in is also very wealthy. And we both agree we can spend pennies of the vast amount of our tax dollars to fuck up a shithole struggling incompetent third-world country like Russia through a highly competent proxy like Ukraine without lifting a finger. So yes I agree.

    You also didn’t refute what I said about invading your home, so you sound like a tankie cuck. PM me your address please and I can help show your beautiful kind mother a good time.


    Oh dear, I thought you were at least smart enough to gather the economy isn’t personal finances.

    Have you tried mailing your thought provoking posts to Putin? Maybe it will change the reality I described. Maybe he never considered it’s not very nice and he should simply leave, and actually you can win anytime.

    Have a nice Sunday night seething at the internet in your mansion, be sure to get your butler to telegram Putin before bed

    BaroqueInMind, avatar

    No I'm actually impressively stupid.

    No I haven't thought about it, because I'm happy sending Ukraine 30 year old dusty ancient arms and equipment that was sitting in storage, and surprised it is still capable of pushing Russian shit back up their asses. Hopefully many of them will die, fuck them Russian soldiers.

    Thank you, I will definitely enjoy my weekend. Although it's not a mansion, I'm very certain with a high degree of confidence it's nicer than the shithole tankie hovel you live in, which makes me pity you for how pathetic you have become, not seethe.


    lmao, still seething? Let that virgin rage out


    Lol, it’s like finding shitty Easter eggs


    You joined a platform founded and inhabited by Marxist Leninist and checks notes … expected them to leave. Wtf?

    FaceDeer, (edited ) avatar

    No, I expected them to go hide in their little corner of it when the bulk of the population moving here turned out to reject their particular view on reality.

    Whether they "founded" the platform is irrelevant, it's an open platform and they're going to be in the minority.

    Edit: Oh, and since you switched the goalposts from tankies to "Marxist Leninists", I figured I should point that out. I'm specifically talking about the people who think Russia's full of awesome and manliness and crap like that, rather than being the kleptocratic mafia state basket case it actually is. "Marxist Lenninism" is just a word those people use to sound intellectual.


    😂 Lol

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    I hate myself for bringing the likes of you from datahoarder. Liberals are brainwormed…

    FaceDeer, avatar

    In the past day I've been described as being "from" noncredibledefense and "from" datahoarder. I do happen to subscribe to both those communities, but I'm not "from" anywhere in particular. Those are just some of many subjects I'm interested in. It's odd, this sort of community identification never seemed to come up on Reddit. And you personally certainly didn't bring me here, I don't know who you are.

    Also, not sure why you've identified me as a "Liberal." Haven't voted for them in several elections now.

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    I was the one who made the big post for datahoarder to consider Lemmy as second base. Funny you are so active here.

    FaceDeer, avatar

    That's not why I came here, though. I was active on a great many other subreddits, and I "found out" about the Fediverse through other channels. I think I recall seeing that post, now that you mention it, but as I recall I already had an account here (or perhaps on, which I tried out for a bit before switching to

    What's "funny" about me being so active here? I was active on lots of different subreddits on Reddit. You're active here too apparently, is that "funny?" Honestly, I have no idea what point you're trying to make.


    We joined a platform founded and inhabited by Marxist leninists and checks notes … Expected them to not support an authoritarian capitalist country. Is that really too much to ask?


    Glad you understand what America is, and why the Marxist-Leninist here criticize it. Welcome home.

    Trudge, avatar

    They’re 10% positive on the West? Thank you for this valuable information comrade. We’ll be sending them back to the reeducation center for ideological training purposes.

    honeynut, (edited )

    Ha, I knew it! I knew the OP was a Kremlin asset and it wasn’t just me grasping for reasons to not engage with an article from a credible mainstream source because it presents an inconvenient reality.


    Well I don’t believe you’re real either.


    If this is a play on my username, I laughed.


    I guess Washington Post is Russian propaganda now…

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    Democrats are working hard for Putin, after blaming Trump.

    CapgrasDelusion, (edited )

    I didn't attack the source. I just pointed out that someone posting more than most on lemmy could push a certain point of view using any and all sources if they cherry pick.


    Wow, that’s a new one. “I can’t question the legitimacy of the source so I’ll question the legitimacy of the poster as a way of refusing to engage with reality”

    CapgrasDelusion, (edited )

    That's certainly quotes around a lot of things I didn't say. I admit I need to do a better job seeing past my own biases.

    I also admit OPs posting pattern is materially irrelevant to the contents of the Washing Post article on its own. I was just pointing out a larger pattern within the c/worldnews community as a whole. In that context someone with an agenda can have influence.

    But I'm not sure why I did. They seem like a nice person and post good faith articles. This was probably a misaimed shot on my part, true or not.

    ToastyWaffles, avatar

    God forbid someone tries to have a well rounded opinion on the situation through all the western propaganda by contributing articles outside of the one narrative you choose to believe.


    I actually read most of Nightowl's submissions for the reason you mention, to read outside my "narrative." But they have an agenda and people should know that.


    Posting “90% negative on the West in general” is still softballing it.

    But yeah… still lots of pro-Russian propaganda flowing around here.


    Thanks for looking into it!

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