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tun, in ‘Fighting is all around’: Myanmar faces deepening humanitarian crisis

Since the coup, it (Myanmar military) has bombed schools, hospitals and displacement camps across the country, burned tens of thousands of homes, and committed widespread atrocities including torture and mass executions, according to the UN.

Yoz, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

As a Brit I hate fucking scandinavians. They smell like spoiled milk.🤢

Armen12, in IOC boss says individual athletes cannot be punished for acts of their governments, defending move to allow Russians and Belarusians to compete as neutrals

He’s right, blaming the innocent civilians for something a dictator does is morally and ethically wrong. Germany had to go through all of this before. Other countries guilty of genocide are allowed in the Olympics like China, which is one of the worst offenders and cheats every single time, so why are they allowed?

RandAlThor, in China ‘mediated Myanmar peace talks’

China’s influence in Myanmar far-reaching. They are the main source of arms to both the Burmese military junta and the guerillas fighting the Junta. They have re-launched Communist Party of Burma and its military wing People’s Liberation Army (of Burma) since the coup in 2021. Make no mistake of who the puppet master behind the farce in Myanmar is.


Pretty big claim that China, who seem pretty neutral on this conflict, are actually the puppet masters behind it. Even weirder since you’re basically accusing them of arming both sides. Why would they do that? Where’s the evidence for any of it?


The weirder thing about that claim is if China is arming both sides, then how are they a puppet master? A puppet master chooses who wins and who loses to control the puppet. If they’re not choosing a side, then they’re letting the combatants decide for themselves. The exact opposite of a puppet master.

You could argue China is an agent of chaos as they’re letting things play out however it will play out. But puppet master is hilariously wrong by even the most casual observation.

RandAlThor, (edited )

To the long time observers in the region it is well known that China has long been supplying weapons to the guerillas operating in Myanmar since after WWII. There is a long history of China’s active involvement in Burma which started with Communist Party of Burma (wiki link provided). China trained the communist guerillas of Burma. Once Communist Party of Burma (CPB) collapsed into its ethnic factions, their relationship with Beijing continued. The largest private armed organization or faction that broke off from CPB is the United Wa State Army with a standing count of 30,000 soldiers, the world’s largest private army - as big or bigger than armed forces of some countries including Sweden, Belgium, Georgia, Portugal. China sent an OFFICIAL representative to Wa State Army parade as an indication of how close the relationshi[…/masters-our-destiny-myanmars-25000-uni…]. Well known defense magazine Janes Weekly wrote an article of Chinese military equipment on display at the parade […/united-wa-state-army-military-parade-…]. Interestingly, the official currency and language in Wa State is the Yuan and Mandarin.

Recently in 2021, China has resuscitated Communist Party of Burma and its military wing People Liberation Army and they are active once again.

Article stating Indian government suspects Chinese helping guerilla groups on its border with Myanmar, outlining Beijing’s links to the guerilla armies in Myanmar: […/79601798.cms]

China also has been the main supplier of arms to Burmese military for decades. In the last 10 years under current Junta boss Min Aung Hlaing who was formerly the chief of staff of armed forces, Burmese military has complained of the reliability issues with Chinese weapons and have begun to seek alternative sources elsewhere - mainly Russia, but also India. Here are articles indicating who’s arming the illegitimate Junta in Myanmar: [(…/who-is-selling-weapons-to-myanmar)] […/myanmar-weapons-russia-china-singapo…]


This China-backed Wa State Army seems to be staying neutral in this conflict though?


While they are not yet an official combatant they are supplying arms to the other guerillas as is China. I used the Wa State Army as evidence of Chinese relationship to the guerilla armies in Myanmar. It is also well documented and they flout their Chinese relationship internationally. China has an equally imbedded relationship with other guerilla armies.


That a China-backed militia is staying out of the conflict seems to me like it actually confirms that China wants to be neutral. And since you tried to pass this off as some sort of evidence for your claim that China is arming both sides, which it clearly isn’t, while not mentioning they are on neither side, makes me think you’re just trying to bullshit me.

homesweethomeMrL, in South Africa selects Russia's Gazprombank as partner for PetroSA refinery


ThePac, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

Yo if you’re a nazi you’ve already accepted being a complete piece of shit so you can simply fuck off and die

YeetPics, avatar

Surely the rest of us can assist them

knotthatone, in IOC boss says individual athletes cannot be punished for acts of their governments, defending move to allow Russians and Belarusians to compete as neutrals

I agree with this in principle, but the way they were allowed to compete as the “Russian Olympic Committee” was bullshit. You can’t have a team called “totally not Russia (wink)” and expect that to be a meaningful punishment for the nations leaders

I think the athletes should only be able to compete as citizens of the world with no reference or acknowledgement of the banned country allowed.


That will never work as long as they’re the only country in that situation. They would need to be mixed with athletes from other unrelated countries for this to make sense.


The point isn’t to disguise them. The point is to call attention to their country’s misdeeds by refusing them the honor of flying their colors. Perhaps the individual athletes should still win medals, but the IOC wouldn’t assign the credit to Russia, who would not be eligible for them.

BreakDecks, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked
Showroom7561, in A Sobering Christmas Reality: Cocktail of Hazardous Pesticides in Wine has Tripled

I hate to break it to wine-drinkers, but alcohol is a group 1 carcinogen. If the risk of Parkinson’s due to pesticide use scares you, you won’t get away from cancer by going with organic wine.

Even the WHO isn’t afraid to say that No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health, so the choice is in your hands.


I think the difference can be drawn in parallel to cigarettes: an unfiltered cigarette is worse than a filtered one for smoking. Both are obviously bad for you, but if you’re stacking carcinogens and other health concerns, eventually you’ll reach someone’s breaking point. I don’t think anyone is claiming alcohol is healthy, but I also don’t think the response should be “it’s already unhealthy, so this isn’t won’t stop anyone”. Every risk associated decision we make adds to the statistics pool for whether we get sick. Mitigating that might actually worry someone enough to switch to a healthier (not healthy) form of alcohol consumption.


Both are obviously bad for you, but if you’re stacking carcinogens and other health concerns, eventually you’ll reach someone’s breaking point.

I agree that that happens, and I think it’s crazy that some people will actually double-down on their use when faced with that reality.

Why even have a “breaking point” for something so totally unnecessary to your happiness and future? Are people so hooked in harmful substances that they simply can’t find a less destructive alternative?

I just don’t get why people hate good health so much.

I don’t think anyone is claiming alcohol is healthy

Unfortunately, for quite some time, people claimed that wine was healthy because of the antioxidants it contains. That is, until actual science put a “hell no!” to that theory. It turns out that poison, no matter how many antioxidants it has, is still poison.


Can I have a source that filtered cigarettes are “healthier”


I found one source! It was sponsored by the British Tobacco Company, lol.

Nah, it’s difficult to find recent data of it - because I get the impression from the papers I have found - the idea was thrown out as a marketing ploy in the 50s and has no significant impact on risk.

Instead it just makes cigarettes worse for the environment - because the filters don’t decompose.


I mean it serves a purpose, it’s so you don’t get pieces of tobacco in your mouth. But other then that, I don’t think it does much at all. The amount it obstructs could surely be counteracted by being able to smoke more tobacco by not having a burning ember near your fingers.

shreddy_scientist, avatar

The thing about carcinogenic compounds, which are also toxins, is it’s entirely about dosage. Pesticides being toxins and carcinogens makes the comparison nearly apples to apples with ethanol. The human body can handle a lot more ethanol than pesticides, as the latter are often either highly toxic or highly hazardous. If ethanol was even in the same ballpark as pesticides, the history surrounding its consumption would look quite unfamiliar. With ethanol concentration remaining overall the same, yet the pesticide concentration increasing as well as incorporating additional pesticides, the chances of ethanol resulting in uncontrolled cell growth is becoming a secondary issue. As the article identified, “50% fall under the category of ‘highly hazardous pesticides.’ Furthermore, 45 of these are carcinogens, 25 act as endocrine disruptors, impacting hormone systems and leading to birth defects, developmental disorders, and infertility.” Not only are many of these pesticides highly hazardous and carcinogenic, but the fact some are endocrine disruptors is quite distressing. Microplastics cause many issues within the body’s endocrine system, and this is already a massive problem. Now there’s another avenue facilitating interference with the body’s communication between different organs/tissues. Basically, cancer from ethanol consumption shouldn’t be much of a concern. Especially when issues from ingesting even small quantities of highly hazardous pesticides include neurological damage, reproductive disorders, difficulty breathing, immunosuppression, increased risk of cancer, seizures, and even death.



The thing about carcinogenic compounds, which are also toxins, is it’s entirely about dosage.

Agreed. The scientific consensus is that there is no safe lower limit for alcohol.

The human body can handle a lot more ethanol than pesticides…

To clarify, synthetic pesticides are quite harmful to humans and animals. Biopesticides, found naturally in many plant species, are quite safe by comparison. And plants containing natural toxins (i.e. fiddleheads, red kidney beans, stone fruits, etc.) are quite safe to consume when properly prepared.

Indeed, you are still benefiting from the consumption of those fruits and vegetables.

If you can, stay away from man-made pesticides in all food sources.

My point was that going with organic wine (to not have as many pesticides) won’t stop wine from being harmful at any dose.

Basically, cancer from ethanol consumption shouldn’t be much of a concern.

Well… I’m sure nobody agrees with that. Alcohol consumption is a leading preventable cause of cancer death in U.S, with that study concluding that “there is no safe threshold for alcohol and cancer risk.”.

shreddy_scientist, (edited ) avatar

There are no biopesticides which fall into the highly hazardous category, so those aren’t very applicable here. While organic options may help side step this problem, thats only an option for those able to spend more during the holidays, which is becoming increasingly rare. As far as the cancer from ethanol quote, that’s just half the full thought. The following sentence highlights why it’s without question the lesser of the two evils.


This isn’t the appropriate way to analyze health policy. If alcohol is bad for you, but we as a society have decided that it is ok for people to poison themselves, then when some unscrupulous capitalists makes it even worse for you, you don’t say “who cares it’s already bad for you, lol.” and then moralize about how if everyone doesn’t consume the exact same substances you do, they somehow deserve it.

It is ok for a certain level of toxicity to be permitted, but additional or different unwanted types of toxicity to be a public health concern.


you don’t say “who cares it’s already bad for you, lol.” and then moralize about how if everyone doesn’t consume the exact same substances you do, they somehow deserve it.

I think you got that wrong.

The idea to share this information is to empower someone to make an informed decision about the potential consequences that their actions could have on their health.

I can’t possibly blame someone for not knowing better, as I’m certain that their local wine shop doesn’t put cancer warning labels on the bottles.


The idea to share this information is to empower someone

This also doesn’t seem desirable. Societal health isn’t achieved by a group of individual decisions. It is created by regulations on how much pesticide should be in consumer goods or how much risk various consumables should pose to an individual.

Caveat emptor isn’t a desirable public policy.


However what he showed is that regulators do not reflect the reality of the threat of alcohol consumption on the regulations that are meant to protect the people. Hence the need to inform the individuals who otherwise blindly consider that the current set of regulations leaves no hazardous substances available on the market.

Showroom7561, (edited )

Individuals can work with what they can control, while also pressuring their government to regulate what they can’t.

Can you avoid all pesticides? No.

Can you avoid all alcoholic beverages? Yes.

Edit: clarification

deegeese, in Nearly half of the Israeli munitions dropped on Gaza are imprecise ‘dumb bombs,’ US intelligence assessment finds

Which is the munition of choice for causing maximum civilian deaths.


Modern day weapons from the west, probably carpet munitions. I don’t think they’re using them, but I could be wrong. 🤔

Worse I’d imagine to be chemical weapons ala Asad.


Maximum civilian deaths, obviously nuclear weapons. Maximum deaths with minimum blame, probably very close to what Israel is currently doing. Use an indeterminate mix all kinds of various technological weapons from a variety of vendors and a variety of doctrines. Ensure that no one person is to blame for any specific atrocity, always suppose that “better” weapons could have lead to a “better” outcome. Otherwise bomb indiscriminately for as long as you can get away with it.

Whaler_Shaver, in 57% Gaza and 82% Wedt Bank residents agree with Oct Hamas attack

I would like to believe that these polls are not really representative due to the overall chaos and that many of these people supporting the attack on Israel are in misguided denial or ignorant of all the atrocities committed by Hamas and only a minority are barbaric enough to support it whilst knowing and believing all the grisly details. But I am not convinced…

popcap200, in Finland to sign defence pact with US

Lol great job Russia. Sure succeeded at getting more US military bases on your border. 😂

For the curious, Finland recently joined NATO, so making official agreements with other NATO members is expected.

shiveyarbles, in Nearly half of the Israeli munitions dropped on Gaza are imprecise ‘dumb bombs,’ US intelligence assessment finds

So to connect the dots, Israel is purposely killing thousands of civilians. Is the Biden administration still on board?


Biden is still lying about headless babies, so yes.

Its astounding, he found the single hill to die on that gives trump a shot of winning the election. Democrats really are head-up-ass stupid


Israeli intelligence probably has pics of Biden’s son on Epstein’s island or something.


Nah. The US just doesnt want to lose the strategic advantage of israel as an ally.

Thats literally all it is. A spot on the game board is more valuable than human lives.

PowerCrazy, in Nearly half of the Israeli munitions dropped on Gaza are imprecise ‘dumb bombs,’ US intelligence assessment finds

Damn if only Israel had been using guided munitions to ensure they hit the hospitals they are aiming for directly, instead of the parking lots of those hospitals.

welldraught, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

now all band together, let’s make bullying kill itself…

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