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CubitOom, in U.S., Big Oil Exploit Guyana Border Dispute to Attack Venezuela

Why is the land in dispute? Before oil was found, who owned it?

Jaysyn, (edited ) avatar

Guyana, since 1899. This is quite literally propaganda trying to drum up support for Venezuela's illegal invasion via tying the USA's support for Guyana to the Isreal - Palestine war.

Only actual idiots would fall for this.



Drewfro66, avatar

It was disputed before the oil was found, but the ownership wasn’t pushed much because the land was not particularly valuable.

In colonial times, first, both were owned by Spain. Then the Dutch colonized Guyana, but a definite border was never set between Guyana and Venezuela. Then the British conquered Guyana from the Dutch. The border dispute was inherited by Venezuela and Guyana.

It’s not as simple as “Guyana has oil, Venezuela wants oil, Venezuela is invading Guyana for their oil.” Instead, oil has been found mostly offshore of land Venezuela has always claimed as its own. On top of this, the oil is mostly being extracted by countries that officially consider Venezuela an enemy state, and those countries are deploying their military forces much closer to Venezuela’s undisputed territory than their own (though this is, of course, nothing new to the United States, who don’t even hesitate to conduct patrols in the South China Sea, let alone the South Caribbean).

It’s impossible to say for sure, but if Guyana wasn’t solidly aligning itself with the United States and its corporations, it’s unlikely that tensions would be as high as they are.


Venezuela had the US represent it in a boundary dispute with the UK over British Guiana. They settled things back in 1899. Then in 1962 Venezuela decided to stop recognizing that settlement. The UN has been pushed Arbitration several times and given steps to settle it but it has not officially been resettled. The UK and Guyana have administered the area the entire time. Venezuela has no legitimate claims and it is basically sour grapes that Maduro is using to distract his shitty his dictatorship is.

Jaysyn, in U.S., Big Oil Exploit Guyana Border Dispute to Attack Venezuela avatar

Nevermind that Guyana has asked for the USA's assistance fending off their imperialistic neighbor...

livus, avatar

And nevermind the fact that this whole thing has been going through international arbitration at the International Court of Justice.

Venezuela is the one ignoring international law on this.

notannpc, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

The only good nazi is a dead nazi. Gotta love how tech illiterate fascists are.


Shhh, Don’t let them in on the secret.

ExotiqueMatter, in Iraqi resistance will fight until last US soldier expelled: Official avatar

Let’s goooo

rodolfo, in Iraqi resistance will fight until last US soldier expelled: Official

aaaah… usa destroying whole countries: infrastructures, economy, traditional culture, health, art… how could one be against iraqi resistance? best of luck iraqi people, you’ve suffered too much and deserve peace.

MossyFeathers, in Festive cheer for Filipino fishers after supply boat evades Chinese vessels

I wonder why they haven’t tried rigging up suicide boats yet. Boats with no crew except some mannequins rigged up to look lifelike. Control them with radio or satellite, fill them with c4 or a similar explosive, and when the Chinese boats try to ram them, detonate the boat.


This, it would put a stop to the ramming strategy real fast.

CocktailSuckers, in The ‘Brain Drain’ is a Symptom of How Capitalism has Failed the Healthcare Sector

That’s not true, just look at the USA, they’re the most capitalist country and they have Free healthca… Ups ¯_(ツ)_/¯

livus, in Qatar sent millions to Gaza for years – with Israel’s backing avatar

Israeli sources responded by pointing out that successive governments had facilitated the transfer of money to Gaza for humanitarian reasons and that Netanyahu had acted decisively against Hamas after the October 7 attacks.

Nothing says "humanitarian" like cash in a suitcase. /s

livus, in U.S., Big Oil Exploit Guyana Border Dispute to Attack Venezuela avatar

This article doesn't mention the recent International Court of Justice arbitration, which seems a bit dishonest.

It's true that Exxon Mobil is basically co-opting Guyana, but that doesn't magically make Venezuela right.

As for this article, it's a bit rich trying to paint Venezuela's actions as anticolonial when Venezuela has literally been petitioning the ICJ to allow Britain a voice in the proceedings as Guyana's former colonial masters.

DaveFuckinMorgan, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked avatar

Reminder, Lemmy Kilmister collected nazi memorabilia. It might not be as deep as you think. Half the time metal with neo nazi themes just sounds like a bunch of dinosaures yelling.


Sorry, are you saying that Lemmy probably was into Nazis beyond collecting their stuff or that that’s as far as his interests went?


There’s a difference between Motorhead, the Sex Pistols, and someone like Slayer who all used Nazi imagery to provoke in a problematic way and bands that claim to be part of the National Socialist Black Metal scene. I mean… I can’t understand the lyrics on an Absurd record without the lyric sheet, but the giant blank sun in their artwork is a dead giveaway


Just searched “band absurd” and found artwork with a sonnenrad. Fuck Absurd.

Ookami38, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

This whole thing is disgusting. Nazis suck. So do people calling for violence or removal of rights from literally any human. Buncha Nazis in here, just against a kind of person it’s ok to be horrible to.


This is actually a philosophical problem. I think it’s the parable of pacifism, if I remember right? Basically, the advocacy for total pacifism and acceptance of all groups doesn’t work if one group is specifically advocating for the death of the others because then there’s a net loss.

So yes. No nazis. Period.


It’s the paradox of tolerance and it’s bullshit. Daryl Davis has converted more KKK members talking to them than anyone has with a fist.

Edit to add: killing Nazis doesn’t defeat fascism. You can kill people with weapons, but words are the armaments of ideas. You want to kill an idea, it’s through words.


World War 2 would like to disagree with you. Fist and guns are very effective at dealing with Nazis.


Oh snap, Nazis all died in ww2? Fuck why didn’t these guys get the memo?

People died in the war. Some of them were Nazis. But NAZIS themselves did not die. You can’t kill an IDEA by killing people. You kill an idea with better ideas, with kinder words, and with more compassion.


Kill all nazis. 🤷

The amount of nazi sympathizers in this thread is too damn high.

“we should have a polite chat with them as they work to genocide everyone they don’t like” no thanks.


This thread IS full of a bunch of psychopaths, but it’s not the ones advocating for not-violence.

By all means, if someone’s already getting, or in imminent danger of becoming, violent, do what you have to to stop that. Anything else and you’re a murderous psycho.


It’s not about converting nazis. First off, I’ve heard that he supposedly has a 95% success rate and I’d call that bullshit for basically anyone claiming a 95% success rate. Secondly, fuck nazis. Once you throw in on murder of innocents you’re no longer innocent.

“oh that’s not very tolerant of you!” neither is your burning of crosses and donating your money to defend people who strung people up in trees 🤷


My? Careful, don’t make such bold assumptions. Nazis suck, I’m with you on that. But do you actually not see the issues with what you said? Why are we assuming the individual has done something to hurt anyone, rather than just have some less-than-savory beliefs? It’s all very convenient, using the sins of a few in a group you hate to blame the whole group, right? I’d hate it if anyone else decided they hated a group enough to wish every member dead because of some small populations shitty actions. It’s a bit thought policey, and a lot fucking insane.


using the sins of a few in a group you hate to blame the whole group, right?

First off, I was very specific in my condemnations. Re-read my comment instead of using your reflexive pro-nazi mentality.

Second off, the nazis aren’t a loose blanket grouping of ideologies. They had a specific mindset, with a specific goal. I’m willing to play with the idea that “boots on the ground” soldiers were just taking a paycheck, but anybody ideologically onboard was so specifically for one reason and one alone.

It’s only “thought policey” in the way that you can be charged for having a murder vision board of your ex laid out with their movements and company all laid out for the perfect murder. No, you HAVEN’T committed a crime but all signs point to “You’re gonna commit a crime.”

TLDR: Fuck you if you don’t want to get yoked up for being a nazi, don’t put in with nazis. 🤷


It’s a shit argument and it’s ABSOLUTELY thought policing. You can’t say someone will do something until there’s been something done. It’s just not how things work. Yes, that includes if they strongly believe that any specific group of people should be killed, for any reason, unless they’ve ACTUALLY KILLED A PERSON OR MADE AN ATTEMPT. Anything short of that? That’s called thought policing bud.

Unless you’re not talking modern-day Nazis. If you’re just talking about the WW2 Nazis that actively rounded up Jews and didn’t see any problems with it, well… Yeah, we went to war over that. It was one of the few good reasons for a conflict. That’s dead and done.


Your entire argument is we’re not allowed to so much as CRITICIZE a nazi until they commit a genocide, regardless of the fact that they already did that once.

Eat my whole ass, you murderous nazi piece of shit.


Who said anything about not criticizing them? Jesus you are unhinged. The fuck you think I’m doing everywhere else? Making actual fucking arguments about why Nazis are bad, not just spouting “kill people kill people!”

Do you want to END Nazis or do you just want to be able to KILL Nazis?

Sway_Chameleon, avatar

It’s called the “Paradox of Tolerance” if we are tolerant of all including the intolerant than intolerance will eventually win out and eliminate tolerance, therefore society should not tolerate the intolerant.

M137, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

I live in the larger city right next to the town/urban area where the Midgård company is located. I had only vaguely heard about them before and didn’t know where they operated from. I found a disturbing amount of people living very close to me (geographically) that are in the register. I’ll be sure to spread this and hope to get them to be known nazis by most people around here. Absolute filth… I haven’t been able to go through the whole list yet, but I both really hope and really hope not to find someone I know on it. It would be nice to blow up the life of someone like this, but at the same time, it would suck to find out that it’s someone you know. I’m very left leaning, and so are most people in my life, and in this country, my city and especially my part of the city in general, but it’s of course impossible to really know stuff like this about everyone you come in contact with.

Going to follow this closely and really wish to see some nazi fucks get found out by others around them and have consequences rain down on their pathetic lives.


If you downvoted this comment, you’re a fucking piece of shit. I hope your name is in this list or another and that you get found out and shamed.

vivadanang, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

How did the neonazi music shop get their customers SSNs?


Like ultra conservatives, most neonazis probably aren’t real smart


Most likely its a payment plan for purchases. Klarna is a company where you can delay payment and such. They are a third party connection, so I believe a webshop will not know that is input on Klarnas end. But who knows how Midtgård does in their checkout process…

mob, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

I don’t know shit about this band/this type of music… is it actually the kind of music that only Nazis would listen to?

Like, if someone leaked a Pantera fan list, I guess I wouldn’t be on the wagon to ruin all their lives, even though Pantera is pretty well known for racism, shouting White Power and Nazi sautes n shit.…/pantera-shows-cancelled-after-f…

if you didn’t know about Pantera


Such a fucking shame learning about great music being made by terrible folks. Sooooo many rockers with controversy, be it racism, underage groupie fucking, or otherwise.

Thankfully there’s no shortage of really talented people making awesome music these days. May need to dig around a bit, but my Spotify is an absolute labyrinth of more tunes than I can possibly get through. I’ve had to make annual playlists for every sub genre I’m into just to attempt to keep my archive manageable.


Yep. Lot of bands you’d like to support, to buy their music, later find out they are damn bigots, nazis, whatever asswipes you can find. Especially in the metal scene. Makes me sad


Extreme music is made by extreme people

littlecolt, (edited )

This makes me incredibly sad.

Edit: seriously tho. I never wanted to believe the band members were racist or anything. The song Rise was always my go to to show people how inclusive they wanted to be. “Taught when we’re young to hate one another, it’s time to have a new reign of power. Make pride universal so no one gives in, turn out backs on those who oppose”

I always thought that song especially was saying “we must not hate one another. We must all be proud of who we are and turn our backs on those who continue to hate.” I may need to do some deeper thinking about it all. I have not listened to them in many years. Dimebag dying legit hurt.


Damn it. Why did you have to make me aware of this? :/ I love Pantera.


You think you have problems?!

I used to be a big Lostprophets fan… 😭

TheLowestStone, avatar

If you don’t know about this one already, do yourself a favor and don’t Google it.


Sounds like a call for googling


huge mistake


Phil Anselmo did a nazi salute. This made me sad. But the band didn’t market themselves as nazis or write songs that praised nazism or overt racism. I wouldn’t mind if someone knew that I own all their albums (except the one where they were apparently a hair band; I never saw that in stores when I was buying CDs). They didn’t make nazi music, so I can defend it.

I won’t send money their way because of the nazi salute. That I can also defend.


Oh yeah, I’m not trying to blame a fan base over the actions of a group/artist. I also don’t know what type of music the original post is about. Maybe they do make music thats like “we are Nazis and so are you if you sre listening” and then I’d probably be understanding of consequences of being fans.

But that Nazi salute is definitely not the only documented racism by Pantera members, and I’m sure you know that.

That doesn’t make their fans racist imo

P00P_L0LE, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked avatar

incredible amounts of nazi-treat-defending in this thread. wish I could say I’m surprised but, of course, I’m not.


Nazis are the lowest-hanging fruit. Thus we see many dwarven fruitarians here. And dwarven fruitarians seriously deserve mocking.

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