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peeonyou, in Ukraine war: Kyiv claims first victories of counter-offensive - BBC News avatar

it literally took 1 day for the cia and nafo freaks to overrun lemmy world news…


Maybe you’re just discovering what the median opinion of the mainstream public looks like?


TIL iam a CIA freak

Isotretinoin, in Fighting Remilitarization in Japan

personal view: the thing with japan is that after ww2 they got heavily disarmed ,they focused only on defensive military . Now ,after the Ukraine war and the problems they face with China(and north Korea) they decide to increase the military budget ,just like everybody else “if my neighbor is buying a gun ,shouldn’t I also have one ?” Everybody says that we are at the start of the second cold war ,I tend to belive it .

redditors_re_racist, in US blacklists flight schools across world for training Chinese pilots

lmao, more american cope

RotaryKeyboard, in Trump finds no new lawyers in time for Mar-a-Lago documents arraignment

The last-minute scramble to find a veteran trial lawyer was a familiar process for Trump, who has had difficulty hiring and keeping lawyers to defend him in the numerous federal and state criminal cases that have dogged him through his presidency and after he left the White House.

A man who is known for not paying the people who work for him, throwing his supporters under the bus at any opportunity, and brazenly breaking the law? What lawyer would even want him in the same room with him?


Still, a scary number of people think to themselves “this is the guy we need as president.”

twitterfluechtling, in Trump finds no new lawyers in time for Mar-a-Lago documents arraignment

Didn’t Trump try to throw his previous lawyers under the bus by getting them to provide wrong confirmation? Weren’t they only saved from being liable themselves because communication acquired by the FBI proved they were mislead themselves?

Well, actions have consequences, even if it took waaaay too long in this case. I mean, even if he’s sentenced for life, how long will that be?



Trump might have made Evan Corcoran, another former lawyer who withdrew from his defense in the Mar-a-Lago documents investigation, into a witness against him. According to the indictment, after Trump was issued a subpoena last year seeking the return of any classified documents, Trump took steps to remove boxes of documents from a storage room that Corcoran intended to search through in order to find materials responsive to the subpoena. The steps Trump took to have those boxes removed from the storage room, an episode now at the heart of the obstruction charge, caused Corcoran to certify a false certification to the justice department confirming that no further documents were at the property, the indictment said.

Even the likely 20 year sentence could be a “life” sentence for Trump.

nimnim, in Iranian President Visits Latin American Countries in an Attempt to Strengthen Multipolar World Order avatar

Dictatorial regimes across the globe collaborate with one another, displaying a greater sense of unity compared to democratic nations. This camaraderie can be observed in countries like Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, and numerous others.


reddit brainrot in action

cadellin, in Trump finds no new lawyers in time for Mar-a-Lago documents arraignment

I feel like someone who has the necessary experience and clearance isn’t going to want to throw that away on case which they will lose and likely be asked to put that clearance at risk by their client within the first 5 minutes.

Anarch157a, in Trump finds no new lawyers in time for Mar-a-Lago documents arraignment avatar

several attorneys declined to take him as a client.


Trump has also seemingly been unable to find a specialist national security lawyer, eligible to possess a security clearance

good luck clearing those charges without experts.


He will likely cry mistrial

ActuallyASeal, avatar

I think that is an actual threat if he can’t find an expert. The judge might assign someone if he can’t find one himself just to avoid that.


Can you envision being on that candidate list for random selection? It’s a form of career ending Russian roulette or watching the Vietnam draft on TV. People know if you’re drafted it’s not your fault, but being thrown into an impossible situation where just being involved might put you in jail like many of the lawyers who came before you into that role …

Having your number come up would be really tough.

ActuallyASeal, avatar

Meh. Lawyers represent unsavory clients all the time. I think Trump’s treatment of his lawyers is the issue for most. Using them as political spokespersons and his reputation of not paying.

My guess is it’ll go like this:

Trump: Judge, I can’t find a lawyer with the skills to represent me.

Judge: Give me the list of people you tried to get to represent you.

The judge looks over the list see someone they knows.

Judge: Mr. X is appointed to Trump’s lawyer team and will be paid 1.2 x [standard rate]. Trump will put Y amount into escrow to ensure payment.

Add some rules about what exactly the appointed lawyer will do and done. Trump can’t argue for improper representation later.


where just being involved might put you in jail like many of the lawyers who came before you

Just to clarify, his previous lawyers went to jail for lying to courts on behalf of Trump or providing Trump with advice on how to get away with crimes. Defending Trump doesn’t automatically get you in trouble.


I think there’s a huge personal risk to the lawyers too.

If Trump doesn’t like how this lawyer is representing him, he can sic his angry mob on the lawyer.

Omnimater, in Trump finds no new lawyers in time for Mar-a-Lago documents arraignment

Lmao can you imagine that man defending himself in court?!

ActuallyASeal, avatar

He does have a pair of lawyers already.

top former federal prosecutor Todd Blanche and the former Florida solicitor general Chris Kise, according to people familiar with the matter.

What he’s struggling with is finding someone who is an expert in national security law, can get a security clearance and is willing to represent him.


That makes a ton of sense lol that’s a career ender very easily

Robert7301201, in 'Dead' woman found breathing in coffin at own funeral

Aren’t bodies usually embalmed before funerals? In this case it’s a good thing she wasn’t, but usually it helps avoid the whole being buried alive problem.

loops, in Ukraine war: Kyiv claims first victories of counter-offensive - BBC News avatar

ITT: Russian sympathisers coping

It’s good news; though, nothing spectacular like the earlier offensive. It’s to be expected though, the muscovites have had time to build up those defences.

Rogue_General, avatar

Hopefully the exodus from Reddit will help drown out the authoritarian-worship here.

Yes, my Russian-sympathizing friends. You can certainly classify the actions of Russia and China as imperialist & bad too, and it will not detract from the imperialist & bad stuff the US or “the West” has done. Most humans can walk and chew gum at the same time, you can too!

Edit: My first downvote here! Looks like there are indeed some people who can’t walk and chew gum at the same time :P


Muh both sides!

What do you understand the word “Imperialist” to mean?


Wikipedia’s first paragraph is:

Imperialism is the practice, theory or attitude of maintaining or extending power over foreign nations, particularly through expansionism, employing not only hard power (economic and military power), but also soft power (cultural and diplomatic power). Imperialism focuses on establishing or maintaining hegemony and a more or less formal empire.

Russia (and the Soviet Union) has had multiple rounds of imperialism throughout its history. Slicing bits off Ukraine and its continued occupation of parts of Georgia in the modern era certain counts as expansionism. It also exercises cultural power by using state controlled Russian-language media to influence both domestic and foreign populations.

Rogue_General, avatar

Thanks for that, I was too lazy to respond to him. Glad someone else brought the receipts


It’s shit like this that makes this one of the hardest wars to follow. Before that, it was Syria.

The Russian commanders, who were wrong to invade, have learned a lot since the initial invasion. It’s the same reason that Assads army was much better after they lost a lot of their soldiers. When you have a lot of your army die, on average, the ones remaining are the ones who managed to stay alive who, again on average, are now much more experienced combat troops.

The Russians did exactly what Ukraine did during the Russian offensive. They pulled back behind their minefields, and then used artillery to drop more mines on the assaulting force that was in the process of clearing mines. This was the same tactic that the Ukrainians used to great success that caused a bunch of Russian tanks to be blown up in columns in Vulhedar.

Remember, good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. If the basis of your view of why you think a given side is losing is because you don’t like them, then you aren’t actually interested in the war. Just in cheerleading your team.

Honestly, I can’t understand the strategic goal of how the Ukrainians are running this particular offensive. It truly seems to be to spend as much Ukrainian blood to secure western financial and logistical support. Not to actually gain territory they can hold. At least, that’s my best guess with articles like this in the American media: Politico


The “Muscovites”?

FaceDeer, avatar

Russians, without any double meanings that Russian sympathizers could jump in and say “aha, racists!” or “aha, russophobes!” over.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

He is a Russophobe. Report him.


Russophobe because he’s antiPutin and anti-invasion? Tf you smoking tankie

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

You are the one sniffing, projecting neofascist.


Sure, you just keep gargling Putin’s cock and calling everyone else fascists. lmao. I’m a Marxist. Proud anti-imperialist. Full-on America-bad here. But I’m not going to defend a literal authoritarian dictator and an obvious war of aggression. You 🤡

CannotSleep420, avatar

You claim to be a Marxist, yet you deepthroat the boots of NATO and the fascist Maidan regime. And people call us redfash.


Pretty sure that describes pretty much the entire planet now.

CannotSleep420, avatar

you know it’s possible to ‘dislike’ Russia and at the same time know that they will completely overpower Ukraine, right? you’re letting your hatred for Russia blind your understanding of military power and strategy

FaceDeer, avatar

Anyone that “knows” they will completely overpower Ukraine apparently stopped paying attention to reality many years ago. They’ve been proven to be incapable of it.


oh cool, i’ve found the military understander. so what is Ukraine’s strategy here? What does victory look like for them?

In weapons, ammunition, and soldiers Russia outnumbers the AFU, as assessed by any reasonable expert. Russia sees this as a special military operation, not a war. They are comfortable being conservative with their resources and not committing too many at once (which is what they’ve done so far). Even with this restraint, they are killing Ukrainian soldiers at a higher rate than Russian soldiers are dying. Russia has an army, including reserves, of around 2million soldiers.

Look I hate seeing young men sent into a meat thresher because they are serving the interests of NATO and capitalist interests. I wish the AFU had the courage to not waste the lives of their soldiers and come to the negotiating table so that no more lives are senselessly wasted

FaceDeer, avatar

I wish the AFU had the courage to not waste the lives of their soldiers and come to the negotiating table so that no more lives are senselessly wasted

What’s to negotiate? Russia has seized Ukrainian territory. Ukraine wants it back. There’s nothing for Ukraine to concede.

The only side “wasting” lives here is Russia, if they’d just go home the war would be over. Ukraine’s not going to try seizing any Russian territory.


i am once again urging you to understand that the war began in 2014.

the LPR and DPR regions are ethnically russian. they were living peacefully until 2014 when their political parties were disbanded and they’ve been systematically shelled by ukranians every day since 2014. minsk 2 would have reintegrated Donbas with Ukraine with some protections for its minority population, but Ukraine didn’t even implement the first step. zelensky was elected on a platform of ending the war, but when he tried Azov told him they would rather coup his government than stand down. at some point when negotiations are broken down the only thing any organization has left to do is resort to violence, which the Russian state did when it felt threatened enough by NATO (which if you’ll recall spent months warmongering prior to the invasion start) to justify the risk.

FaceDeer, avatar

Of course, the people of the Donbas were just sitting there peacefully doing nothing when all of a sudden the Ukranians started shelling them. That was the start of the military action, silly me. Good thing all those vacationing Russian soldiers happened to be there a the time to defend them.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Funny thing is what you sarcastically said is very close to what happened. I think you should be part of reddit legion on Ukrainian frontlines.


In 2022 it also just happened that russia was hosting possibly the largest military excercise in recent memory right on Ukraine’s border when the situation turned too menacing. Good they happened to have all those cruise missiles ready as if they hadn’t acted, russia would have been wiped out or something…

Occam’s razor cuts well on the two “possible” viewpoints of this war.

First is that big country sees an opportunity to capture land from a smaller one. In multiple stages between 2014 and 2022. A very limited amount of assumptions that can explain what is happening…

Second presumes that all the occupied areas secretly wanted to be a part of russia, nato is threatening russian territory while not being present, non affiliated soldiers with russian (but not russian) equipment occupy areas, a jewish president turns out to be in charge of a genocidial nazi regime that just has to be replaced with a peaceful one, and finally all of this is best achieved by a 3 day (actually 476) special military operation that has a goal of achieving something, but nobody actually knows what.


That’s the most tankie shit I have read in a while. I don’t get how anyone with a modicum of humanity can go out of their way to defend the war of aggression Russia is waging against the people (mostly civilians!) of Ukraine.

You seriously need to stop living in your tiny bubble. The shit you are spewing is just sad and you probably don’t even get why what you say is awful.

So I sincerely ask you to either become a better person or just stfu.


Stop, you will make them cry back to lemmygrad!


Ukraine has the Leopard and the Abrams. The Abrams was made specifically to fight the Soviets. In a weird way it’s like the Abrams is “going home”.

ISW is one of, if not the most highly regarded military think tanks in the world. They’re backing these claims which means it’s true.

Ukraine hasn’t even used F16s or the Abrams yet and they’re still succeeding. Russia is using T-90s, but mostly T-72s. Do you know the last time the M1A1 went up against a T-72? When the US invaded Iraq, the US defeated the Iraqi army within a month.

YOU seem to be the one who has no idea what they’re talking about

yogthos, in Extremely dry spring leaves southern Albertan farmers on the road to ‘zero production’ avatar

This is how famines start.


couldn’t have happened to a nicer people (anglo settlers)

frippa, in Silvio Berlusconi, former Italian PM, dies at 86 avatar

Go bunga bunga in hell😈🍾🍾🍾

Iballl, in 'Dead' woman found breathing in coffin at own funeral

“I’m not dead!”
“I’m sure she will be soon, she’s very ill.”

I’m guessing they just had an extremely weak pulse? I worry that hospitals will start cudgeling patients to make sure! Although I think I’d prefer that to waking up in a buried coffin…

Perhaps we should bring back safety coffins?

JackOfAllTraits, in 'Dead' woman found breathing in coffin at own funeral avatar

Ah yes, my deepest fear…


This is exactly why I want to be cremated.

JackOfAllTraits, avatar

Ah yes - burned alive

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