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I_Eat_squirrels, in Nations strike deal at COP28 to transition away from fossil fuels

Tldr: nothing happened

The text highlights the failure of nearly 200 nations to reach an agreement at the COP28 climate summit to reduce global fossil fuel consumption.

There was disagreement among countries regarding transitioning away from fossil fuels, since arabs suck balls, leading to a lack of consensus on clear targets and plans.

Some countries advocated for phasing out specific fossil fuels to curb emissions, but they faced opposition (the fucking arabs).

Ultimately, the summit concluded without a unified strategy to tackle climate change, reflecting a missed opportunity for collective action.


OPEC once again fucking the rest of the world.

livus, avatar

Yeah, Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber would not be smiling this hard in this picture if Cop28 actually did commit to phasing out fossil fuels in any meaningful way.

NeuronautML, in ‘I am a Zionist,’ says Biden at Hanukkah event, promises continued military assistance to Israel

Where did you come from, where did you go, where did you come from Genocide Joe ?


That’s a lots of questions for him


He only heard the last one, it’s alright.

gnuhaut, in ‘I no longer feel at home here’: German Muslims frustrated by Israel backing

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Germans still are racist, genocide-supporting pieces-of-shit, particularly if you know what a joke denazification was. I should know, I grew up here.

The whole society is antisemitic, which is why they support Israel: The crypto-fascists can pretend not to be antisemitic by getting the all-clear by the “official” Jewish representative on earth, Israel, while at the same time secretly celebrating the fact that many Jews would rather go to Israel than return to Germany.

The rest, which like to think of themselves as not racist, have developed a fetish towards Jews and Israel. A kind of “positive” racism, in which Jews (assumed to be one and the same as Israel) are not held to the same standard as everybody else. They should be allowed to ethnically cleanse and have an apartheid-ethnostate because of how extra fragile they are. In a German’s mind, all Jews are Zionists, they all deserve to steal land from Palestinians, and anyone who objects to this is clearly antisemitic, since that’s basically what present-day Judaism is all about. They’re not only playing into the hands of old-school antisemitism by insinuating that all Jews are, in fact, responsible for the horrific crimes of Israel: they’re painting a total caricature of Jews and Judaism at the same time. They are, therefore, racists.

And then, of course, there’s a the other racism: Islamophobia. Hating on Muslims is a perfectly normalized and widespread, even among “lefty” liberals. And to a German, a Palestinian is just another kind of Muslim, really.


That is the second most unhinged comment I’ve read here today. What complete nonsense. Literally every single thing you are saying is not just wrong, but diametrically opposed to the actual truth.


Oho, is that so? Have you looked at literally any comment section anywhere in the German-speaking internet (and I’m not just talking about conservative newspapers): There’s a ton of shit that goes unmoderated and barely pushed back on, about how Islam is a barbaric religion, they’re backwards culture is just incompatible with “our enlightenment values”, they should assimilate or get out, and so on. People speak like this real life too, I’m like bio-German and people will say shit like that to me, and except me to agree with them. They’re very surprised when they get pushback. Some quite openly, others sort of couched in some way so as not to appear too racist.

And that Germans have a super weird complex about Jews is 100% true. They’re like a prop they get out whenever it’s convenient, usually to make themselves look humble and reformed. Meanwhile, literally every politician is constantly proclaiming unconditional support for Israel as a “Jewish state”, that has a “right to exist” and “right to defend itself”, which actually means (though that’s not usually spelled out explicitly) to have a Jewish ethnostate, to not let Palestinians return from the areas they were ethnically cleansed from, and to slaughter Palestinians for daring to fight back against what is actually an attack, and not in any way “defense”. To deny any rights of Palestinians basically.



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  • gnuhaut,

    Depends on the reason they support Israel, I guess. If, like in Germany, it’s justified because Jews are some special kind of people unlike others, that need a separate country just for themselves, because it’s supposedly impossible for them to live safely in our society. That shit is some twisted form of antisemitism.

    Jack, in Revealed: more than 160 representatives with climate-denying track records got Cop28 access

    blocked efforts to pass domestic legislation limiting greenhouse gas emissions

    If only there was a way to not have legislators that choose to cause a mass extinction and kill billions of people. If only it was possible for people to somehow choose more ethical Green legislators instead…

    “Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don’t fall out of the sky. They don’t pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents, and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses, and American universities; and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It’s what our system produces: garbage in, garbage out. […] If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you’re going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain’t going to do any good; you’re just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it’s not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here… like, the public.” - George Carlin

    PhictionalOne, in ‘I no longer feel at home here’: German Muslims frustrated by Israel backing

    It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the country who effectively eradicated Jewish life in Germany and large parts of Europe is backing Israel. According to Wikipedia there are only 120 synagogues in Germany, compared to ~45 000 churches and ~2 700 mosques today. Before Nazi Germany there were around ~2 800 synagogues.

    The German state and every German citizen has the historic obligation to protect Jewish life.

    The easiest way to project this outward to the public is to support the only state founded upon Jewish tradition, in comparison to the plethora of Christian or Islamic tradition ones.

    That the Israeli government is right wing is imo obvious and Israeli citizens are apparently fed up with it as well.

    I hope that the killings end and that there is a way for peace and cooperation in the region. Every person using an ideology/religion to divide rather than connect shouldn’t be considered a good human in any society.


    Every person using an ideology/religion to divide rather than connect shouldn’t be considered a good human in any society

    Let’s assume you can find such evidence, what do you do? The muslim guy in the article claims that far right wingers are more likely to commit a hate crime against jewish people, this just sound very untrue. Why? Because if you tune in to many friday mosque gathering and translate what the imams are saying, it’s pure antisemitic hate speech. Not anti zionist, but also anti jewish.


    The easiest way to project this outward to the public is to support the only state founded upon Jewish tradition, in comparison to the plethora of Christian or Islamic tradition ones.

    Well I guess that justifies the ethnic cleansing then, since it’s for the high-minded goal of creating an ethnostate for Jews. Who could object to that? Are Jews special in your mind to deserve an ethnostate? What about all the other historically oppressed groups? Maybe we should support creating ethnostates for them as well? And ethnically cleanse all the people currently living there?

    veganpizza69, avatar

    That the Israeli government is right wing is imo obvious and Israeli citizens are apparently fed up with it as well.

    Why did they vote for them? Why aren’t they rioting to overthrow the regime?

    I hope that the killings end and that there is a way for peace and cooperation in the region.

    This is about as useful as praying for peace.

    There’s never going to be peace with active settler goals and apartheid, the whole premise is violent from the start.

    Amaltheamannen, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

    AFA Sweden stands för Antifascistiskt Aktion, or Antifascist Action. Not Stockholm based as they claim, there are many groups.

    Great job in leaning Midgard, they also regularly doxx Swedish Nazis on their main website.

    HerbalGamer, avatar

    Correction: The name of the Stockholm-based group is AFA Sweden, not AFA Stockholm.

    They noticed :)

    taanegl, in ‘I no longer feel at home here’: German Muslims frustrated by Israel backing

    Germans are confused. They don’t want to be anti-semitic, for obvious reasons, but at the same time are so detached they cannot see the parallels between how the nationalist nazi party and the current Isreali government.

    We have secret police, kidnappings, separate prisons with own interrogation, civilians are tried as soldiers and they are literally performing pogroms to take over land.

    The issue here is of course that a bunch of old dottering liberals are sitting behind the wheel, checking their turn signals and adjusting their glasses, incapable of seeing they just hit a deer. It doesn’t hurt that they too probably believe Palestinians should just up and disappear, because it would be politically convenient.

    Ooops, (edited ) avatar

    All I read here is: "I am stupid and could not be bothered to open a history book ever. So I am delusionally calling everything I don't like a pogrom, everyone I dislike a nazi and pretend that I'm a holocaust 2.0 victim. And then I detach myself completely from reality and tell the lie that countries supporting mine for decades and (unlike me) working for a free and independent state actually want to get rid of me. Because how else could I justify my righteous hatred of everyone else?"

    Just fuck off. Delusional rabid morons like you are the problem.

    PS: Nice touch with the "old dottering liberals" in control in Germany btw... Showing that it's not just history you are lacking in but you just use every term as an insult while obviously not understanding its meaning, really crowns this master piece of stupid narratives.


    Uh oh! I made the Zionist ANGWY!! UwU

    The German government is a liberal government (fact), Nazis would chase Jews away in the beginning before sending them to murder factories (fact) and Israel is a colonizer (fact).

    Fuck off back to Netenyahu, and remember to cup his balls when you slob his knob.

    Ooops, avatar

    Oh, so you don't understand the words colonisation or zionist either and were just conditioned to use them as a random insults. That really fits...

    It would be funny trying to understand what goes on in your propaganda-damaged brain, but I have better things to do with my time.


    This is the most corn cob ass reply I’ve ever seen.


    Don’t forget the parrellels between the Gestapo police and their entire spy infrastructure. One step away from Hydra carriers.

    DdCno1, in Israeli military runs racist '72 Virgins' Telegram channel: Haaretz

    desecrating the bodies of Palestinian martyrs

    This wording alone should tell you just how biased and thus unreliable the article you just posted is. This site even goes so far as to call the entire war by the name Hamas gave the October 7 pogrom, “Operation Al Aqsa Flood”. That is not okay on several levels.

    Posting this “article” clearly goes against one of the few rules of this place that prohibit hate speech, bigotry and propaganda.


    If you find the article so objectionable read this “article” in Haaretz instead. Let me know if you have any problem with their wording, I’m guessing for some reason you won’t!


    Why did you put this in quotation marks? That’s an actual article and actual reporting instead of the Islamist propaganda site that you originally posted.

    I read it and I think this is highly problematic. The IDF should definitely not operate such a channel and there needs to be an investigation into how it came to be.

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    “IDF should definitely not operate such a channel […] how it came to be.”



    ThEy SaId ThE sAmE tHiNg.

    You racist asshole.


    You can’t tell most Israelis and Palestinians apart based on their physical features, including skin color, because they are from the same region and closely genetically related to one another. Only someone who knows very little about this region and conflict would try and make this about race - and on top of that, you are so confidently wrong that you are needlessly aggressive.


    The IOF should be destroyed, period.


    If the IDF gets destroyed, the result would be October 7 times several thousand, a second Holocaust. Do you want millions of dead Israelis? It seems to me like you do, based on your rhetoric.

    Once Hamas gets destroyed, the result will be relative peace for a few years. That’s the difference.

    Limitless_screaming, avatar

    Once Hamas gets destroyed, the result will be relative peace for a few years. That’s the difference.

    No it won't. Settlements getting built on their land, while enduring constant raids by the police, militants, and armed settlers is the worst outcome Palestinians could get.

    The occupation's militia is an immoral terrorist group that's very well equipped, and it must be destroyed.

    library_napper, avatar

    Because Haaretz is a propoganda channel for Israeli Hasbara.

    There are fine Israeli media outlets, such as 972 and B’Tselem


    F.U.C.K. Y.O.U.

    Israelis got Israel as reparation for a genocide.

    50 years later they are competing genocide.

    Stop straw manning data sources.

    Stop blank checks to Israel.


    Israelis got Israel as reparation for a genocide.

    From who? Germany?



    From the UN...

    Do you think Israelis are indigenous?


    Reparations are given by the group who perpetrated violence to members of the group of victims of violence, even many generations later. I see what you mean though, a justification for the creation of Israel was that Jews have historically been persecuted and did not have a homeland, but to me that doesn’t fit the definition of reparations.

    Yes, the UN had a partition plan that was rejected by the Arabs. The Arabs of the area were under the impression that one can’t make a country in the place where there is already a country (especially by giving the minority population a majority of the land), but before negotiations could proceed, Jewish militias came in and started blasting. Then they established the state of Israel and have been expanding ever since, rejecting any peace offers along the way.

    Do you think Israelis are indigenous?

    Not Israelis but Jews were about 25% of the population of Mandatory Palestine in the 1940s. They have existed there for thousands of years alongside Muslims and Christians, so yes Jews are indigenous.

    Still, no excuse for occupation, oppression, and genocide.


    No Idea what your on about bruv.

    Sounds like you wanna call Israeli's indigenous.

    They aren't. They were installed by the white man to be a great camp fire across the pond.


    Rightful Punishment to armed foreign settlers, not a pogrom. The Pogrom is what the Zionist Entity has been doing since the past 7 decades.

    Yes, it was the Tufan Al-Aqsa, nothing else.

    If you don’t like hate speech and bigotry, don’t support the genocidal Zionist Entity.


    Yes, those civilians that were raped, tortured, murdered had it coming for being born on the “wrong” side of the border (or because they were just working there or on visit).

    What an absolutely despicable, vile, evil thing to say. You should be ashamed of yourself!


    They chose to Occupy the lands. They got punished for it. Don’t try to say that Israeli “Civilians” don’t have a role in this ethnic cleansing. Most of them are Dual Nationals and ran away from their “God Given Land” at the first moment. You don’t cry about these atrocities when the indigenous people are the ones targetted first.


    So five year old Ethan Kapshetar chose to occupy this land? Or was it his eight year old sister Aline when they were both murdered, together with their parents, when they tried to escape from the terrorists?


    If they were in a moving vehicle when they were killed it was probably an Israeli helicopter that did it.


    They weren’t born on that side of the border. So other countries just let anyone visit without authorisation?

    mindlight, in Israeli military runs racist '72 Virgins' Telegram channel: Haaretz

    For the uninitiated that value knowing possible interests and angle on information:

    Al Mayadeen (Arabic: الميادين, transl. “The Plazas”) is a Hezbollah-aligned Lebanese pan-Arabist satellite news television channel based in the city of


    Ok and? They are re-reporting what Israeli liberal outlet Haaretz said.

    Also Wikipedia’s biases itself depends on citations


    The second citation about it being Hezbollah-aligned leads to a one-paragraph article in a French newspaper that makes no mention of Hezbollah but instead loosely claims (with no evidence) that it’s tied to Iran and Syria instead lol

    tree, (edited )…/0000018c-5ab5-df2f-adac-febd01c3000…

    haaretz article referenced in this article if you don’t like this one from your enlightening wikipedia search to decide whether you trust a news source or not.

    DdCno1, (edited )

    Can I ask you how you came across this website?

    PanArab, avatar

    Almayadeen is big in the Arab world. I trust it far more than I trust Alarabiya for example.


    Isn’t that how discourse is supposed to work though? If there are issues with the credibility of a source, it’s fine to point those out. And then you respond with a different source to which the criticism does not apply.

    Where is the issue?

    tree, (edited )

    There is no issue with the source other than it not being the new york times or the washington post or the bbc, every source that is not one of those is unreliable state affiliated media propaganda and is scary and bad because it makes me confused because it says things that make me have to think critically and actually engage with what I’m reading instead of just mindlessly guzzling down the western liberal/center consensus of a handful of “papers of record”.

    And then you respond with a different source to which the criticism does not apply

    I did not do this, I responded to with the source REFERENCED IN THE ARTICLE it’s in the title of the post, you can literally see it. You clearly did not read the article, no less the title of the post.


    There is no issue with the source other than it not the new york times or the washington post or the bbc

    1. NYT, WP or BBC are also suspect sources, especially when it comes to the Palestine conflict. You will not find me saying anything else.
    2. Issues with the source you cited (that don’t involve it’s Hezbollah affiliation):
      • It’s not the primary source (that appears to be the Haaretz article, but I can’t confirm that, since that is paywalled)
      • It gets the name of one of the parties involved in the conflict wrong (it consistently refers to the IDF as IOF (replacing “Defense” with “Occupation”). I get why they do it (the IDF claims to “defend” an area that they are actually occupying), but that’s not how you do journalism. Nobody thinks that North Korea is a democratic republic, but any news article about it will still refer to it as “DPRK - Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea”. Because that’s its name.

    So pointing out that the source you posted is biased and potentially unreliable is fine. You citing another source (even one cited in the article itself) is completely par for the course. Hell, now I really would like to know, why you chose to post a secondary source when you had the primary source avaiable to you?


    but that’s not how you do journalism

    Eh? Most so called reputable sources do it all the time. When was the last time you saw a Western source get the abbreviation of the Chinese Communist Party right?


    There’s no such thing as unbiased reporting, you must always analyze the information given through the lens of the interests of the person giving it to you. This Hezbollah-aligned source, regardless of framing, is reporting on things that can be independently verified, whereas the media in my own country and the west in general has been caught in wholecloth lie after wholecloth lie. Therefore, in lieu of perfect knowledge, I choose the source whose claims are more readily corroborated by evidence.

    Mongostein, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

    I found another one by posting this to Facebook

    tourist, avatar

    Just because you listen to them doesn’t make you a neo nazi! Free speech is dead!

    • HitlerFan1488 with a roman statue avatar

    There are legitimately people here arguing that just because you don’t understand the language, you probably aren’t a fascist for liking clearly fascist music that you have to work hard to find, especially if you don’t natively speak the language.


    Maybe they just vibe with hate and the fascist imagery is a comforting reminder of their favorite message boards? Just because the only music you listen too is made for Nazis doesn’t make you a Nazi. You being a Nazi means you enjoy Nazi music. Not exactly causation but nearly a one to one correlation. I don’t know what I meant by this. I started with a joke and now I’m just arguing logic semantics. This is a mess. I’m sorry, hitting post anyway though.


    Hahaha, I gotchu. On an individual basis, it’s totally possible that a Japanese person may genuinely stumble upon it and like it purely for the tunes. At an aggregate, it becomes increasingly obvious that there are tendencies that lead people out of traditionally popular Japanese music and into obscure northern European Nazi music.

    deafboy, avatar

    Come back after you type “Finnish metal” into youtube search bar, find a pretty good melodic powermetal song. It’s stuck in your head for days, so you download an entire album. You start to hum along as you listen, but it’s not enough. You find the lyrics in a language you never have spoken before, so you learn it phonetically. You share your discovery with friends and family. It’s fun AND educational! But that’s not enough, you often wonder what it all means, so one day as you listen, you open a new tab, type in “Terasbetoni - Orjatar, translated lyrics” to find…

    ThisSlave woman Hard was the work in the midst of woods, Wearing the axe and play on the shoulders, heart burning with desire, Yearning will make you go through the snow, Knowledge of what shall become keeps you strong! Slave woman! Obey my quest, Know your place! Slave woman! Work my will, And you shall be rewarded! Divinely rewarded! There shall be battles in the fields of death. On stake is the life in disastrous times! Man with an ardor shall get what he deserves, So please and serve, or he shall punish you! Slave woman! Obey my quest, Know your place! Slave woman! Work my will, And you shall be rewarded! Divinely rewarded! Slave woman! Come to me, And work your magic! Slave woman! Heed my words, For that is your law! Slave woman! Obey my quest, Know your place! Slave woman! Work my will, And you shall be rewarded! Divinely rewarded!


    Individually? Possible, totally. In aggregate? It’s not a secret that Japan has an uncomfortably large fascist subculture. Putting 2 and 2 together as an aggregate makes sense.

    Of course, I wouldn’t go up and assume a random Japanese person listening to fascist northern European metal is necessarily a fascist, but if they also had the rising sun flag of Imperial Japan on their car, or hanging in their room? Absolutely.

    deafboy, avatar

    Totally. The subtlety is, thankfully, not a virtue most fascists are known for.


    Now, this band were a parody of 80’s Manowar. They are as far from nazis as you can go…


    Manowar had that one song titled ‘Pleasure slave’, if memory serves. No idea if it was a serious song or not. Those were some weird times for music.


    And had the the best bands :)

    Nerrad, avatar

    First you just Luke the music, soon you’re hanging out with other fans, and suddenly you discover one day that you have become a #nazi.


    Fuck nazis, but I have a friend who got into a lot of Russian techno artists because he watched livestreams of Russian women on OnlyFans playing that music during shows. He didn’t find nazi music (to my knowledge), but he did have to invent a cover story for his Ukrainian wife for how he discovered the artists.

    However, if you can recognize the iconography in the bands’ merch and still listen, I don’t care how lit the music sounds, fuck you for listening.


    On an individual level, this is possible. At an aggregate? No.


    This was sort of my reaction after seeing this again while looking for something new on Lemmy:

    Just because you listen to rap about drugs and murder doesn’t mean you actually do drugs and murder. Nor does it necessarily mean the artist does, it could be their persona.

    But I also know nothing of the band or their music, so idk whether anyone that listened to them would automatically be a hardcore Neo-Nazi or just an eccentric metalhead. Just like I don’t know rap, so I myself can’t pass judgement and it just feels weird to see others do so, I guess I can assume they are more informed than myself.


    I was listening to a podcast that suggested the main reason the Nazis wanted to kill Jews is because they felt that the rise of Christianity, originating among the Jews, was what weakened the Roman Empire and caused it to crumble.

    For their own empire, modeled along Roman lines, they didn’t want the same thing to happen.


    Replace Jewish people with like Templars or something and I’d read this trashy historical fiction


    ehh… I see a lot of ‘the nazis were pagan not christian’ apologism; their belt buckles say otherwise. the vast majorities were church going christians who had wildly varying records on which sects participated in persecution but overall none stepped up to stop the state’s genocide, so like catholics, they can protest but I’m not convinced.


    Hitler hated Christianity for its worship of meekness, weakness, a dead man, etc, but used it very well politically. Nazi leadership ranged from full on Christians to pagan weirdos. Jews were associated with Bolshevism, and their hard antibolshevim especially appealed to people who had emigrated to the Weimar Republic during the Russian revolution. Communism and unions were the first targets and how they wedged themselves in to power in the first place. Hitlers first major political victory was the concordat with the Roman Catholic church, promising freedom of religion. In the late 30s Catholic pulpits were ordered to recite a condemnation of Hitler for betraying the concordat. The Nazis implemented a Christian denomination and sent pastors and priests who didn’t comply (many did of course) to the camps. One of these was the famous poet who wrote the “first they came” poem, at first a Hitler supporter who recanted when it was too late, like many of them.

    They had all kinds of weird views about Aryans, a very fluid and subjective category in practice, and the history of Aryans. There were archeologists tasked with digging up the magnificent history of the Aryan race etc. Some people like Japanese were honorary Aryans etc. Down to weird specific traits of people based on the false premise of race being a real thing.

    Zippy, in Russia Takes Control of Iraq’s Biggest Oil Discovery for 20 Years |

    This is Russia and China, if you read the article, increased control of the middle East and locking down additional world energy control.

    ChapulinColorado, in Zara Pulls Ads After Allegations Of Anti-Palestinian Images Go Viral

    Sounds like a case of some edge lord marketing senior director idiot thinking any publicity is good publicity.

    This will bring awareness to the brand and we can dismiss it as “omg, we totally started the campaign before the elimination of Palestinians”.

    Even if Israel had not attacked or responded to attacks or whatever you want to call it, you have to be pretty tone deaf to think images of rubble and dead mannequins would be a good look given the current events elsewhere in the world. Dumbasses.

    Drusas, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

    This is the kind of doxxing I can get behind.

    Drinvictus, in Puma Drops Israel

    Nice. Ik getting everything Puma now. I think the other side of a targeted boycott is to show support for any company that makes the right decision.


    Now we have a whole new chapter in the debate. Is it okay that some companies will follow suit just for the money? Do we say "It's okay to jump on this bandwagon". Personally I don't care if there's a ‘being good’ competition, so long as the being good is more than superficial. Curious to hear what others think.


    Oh i have absolutely zero doubts that they do it for the money. The same argument is very commonly brought up for companies celebrating Pride Month. But even if they do it for money it still brings attention to a movement. Especially if they make more money after a decision. Then others might follow.

    Quaxamilliom, in Puma Drops Israel

    Is this the first time BDS has ever worked? Good win none the less!


    Not really. Look at their site; they have a list of major victories. They need more people before they can do something decisive, but they've been isolating Israel economically over the years.

    library_napper, avatar

    Ben & Jerry’s was a big story

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