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Tb0n3, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

Implying you couldn’t figure out by meeting them. I’m guessing just like people who listen to Christian music these people are loud and proud. Probably have SS tattoos on their neck. Unless it’s actually decent music and random listeners just got doxxed as Nazis.


Do they list the bands somewhere? I’m on mobile and the website is pretty bad


What is Christian music?


Super cringe faith music. Like easy listening with lyrics all about Jesus.


ok, and how is that the same? It’s like getting mad at puppies and kittens lol


Maybe if you read the comment that you replied to which explained the analogy then you’d know


I don’t get the analogy because it makes no sense. You’re comparing Nazis to people who hate Nazis lol


Ok so when you compare things it doesn’t mean that you think they’re identical, for example if i compare the similarities between the number one with the number two I’m not saying that 1=2; they are both sigle digit integer values and someone can say that without equating them.

The statement made was that Christian music fans and nazi music fans share a trait, though the trait is expressed differently - that trait being that they are very easy to identify from outward appearances and that it would be hard to know one without knowing about their beliefs. People who listen to Christian music tend to wear crosses and talk about Jesus a lot, Nazis get swastikas tattooed and talk about Hitler.

That doesn’t mean they’re the same in every regard or morally equivalent, I have a lot of things in common with Hitler and so do you, if someone pointed out the fact we all have respiratory systems that doesn’t mean they think we’re culpable for genocidal war crimes.

Armen12, in IOC boss says individual athletes cannot be punished for acts of their governments, defending move to allow Russians and Belarusians to compete as neutrals

He’s right, blaming the innocent civilians for something a dictator does is morally and ethically wrong. Germany had to go through all of this before. Other countries guilty of genocide are allowed in the Olympics like China, which is one of the worst offenders and cheats every single time, so why are they allowed?

cameron_vale, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

When they came for the neo-nazis I said nothing.


And then when they came for you… joking no one intolerant enough to come for someone else was left.


I’m too high to parse that


When they didn’t come for neo-nazis, neo-nazis came for you.

notannpc, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

The only good nazi is a dead nazi. Gotta love how tech illiterate fascists are.


Shhh, Don’t let them in on the secret.

Yoz, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

As a Brit I hate fucking scandinavians. They smell like spoiled milk.🤢

SharkAttak, in Morocco has received nearly three times more armored vehicles from the United States than allocated to Ukraine avatar

Well how else could they keep the Saharawi menace at bay and keep their stolen land?

PanArab, avatar

Not quite. Morocco has historical claims to the Western Sahara as well as Mauritania. Morocco was carved up by the Spanish and French during the scramble for Africa in the 19th century. While Morocco eventually gave up its claims to Mauritania it retained the Rif and Western Sahara.

livus, avatar

historical claims

That's a bit misleading.

PanArab, avatar

I’m willing to discuss the nuances, but you just linked me to a very long Wikipedia article.


Stolen land? Every single person alive today is on stolen land. The only difference is how recently their ancestors stole it.

Even the first nations of North America stole land from other tribes for a few millenia before the Europeans showed up and stole it all.

The world has never been, and will never be, a static place.

There are plenty of reasons to help out disadvantaged or oppressed groups, ownership of land just isn’t one of them.

livus, avatar

Contested ownership of land is one of the driving forces behind violent oppression, torture, internment without due process, ethnic cleansing etc etc.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with being opposed to this stuff.

Every single person alive today is on stolen land.

Plenty of our ancestors raped people but saying "every single person alive today has DNA from rape" is not a very good reason to support more rape now.


Every single person alive today is on stolen land

Who the Aborigines stole the land from? Or Polynesians?


Each other.

These people fought, they aren’t some sort of saints that always got along peacefully for 60,000 years.

This part of history always gets ignored, but there are archeology studies showing it definitely happened.


Interesting theory. So Americans stole the land from Americans because there was a civil war? That’s definitely a way to look at it.


You’re grouping together people who were not together. The different tribes that existed were similar to the countries that exist today, though obviously a little less formal in nature.

It’s not a civil war when two different tribes fought. Any more than it would be a civil war if Canada and the US fought.

tun, in ‘Fighting is all around’: Myanmar faces deepening humanitarian crisis

Since the coup, it (Myanmar military) has bombed schools, hospitals and displacement camps across the country, burned tens of thousands of homes, and committed widespread atrocities including torture and mass executions, according to the UN.

Squizzy, in IOC boss says individual athletes cannot be punished for acts of their governments, defending move to allow Russians and Belarusians to compete as neutrals

The Russians have been cheating for how long anyway!? I’d never trust a win from them. Olympics is shite now

vivadanang, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

How did the neonazi music shop get their customers SSNs?


Like ultra conservatives, most neonazis probably aren’t real smart


Most likely its a payment plan for purchases. Klarna is a company where you can delay payment and such. They are a third party connection, so I believe a webshop will not know that is input on Klarnas end. But who knows how Midtgård does in their checkout process…

DdCno1, in Israeli military runs racist '72 Virgins' Telegram channel: Haaretz

desecrating the bodies of Palestinian martyrs

This wording alone should tell you just how biased and thus unreliable the article you just posted is. This site even goes so far as to call the entire war by the name Hamas gave the October 7 pogrom, “Operation Al Aqsa Flood”. That is not okay on several levels.

Posting this “article” clearly goes against one of the few rules of this place that prohibit hate speech, bigotry and propaganda.


If you find the article so objectionable read this “article” in Haaretz instead. Let me know if you have any problem with their wording, I’m guessing for some reason you won’t!


Why did you put this in quotation marks? That’s an actual article and actual reporting instead of the Islamist propaganda site that you originally posted.

I read it and I think this is highly problematic. The IDF should definitely not operate such a channel and there needs to be an investigation into how it came to be.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

“IDF should definitely not operate such a channel […] how it came to be.”



ThEy SaId ThE sAmE tHiNg.

You racist asshole.


You can’t tell most Israelis and Palestinians apart based on their physical features, including skin color, because they are from the same region and closely genetically related to one another. Only someone who knows very little about this region and conflict would try and make this about race - and on top of that, you are so confidently wrong that you are needlessly aggressive.


The IOF should be destroyed, period.


If the IDF gets destroyed, the result would be October 7 times several thousand, a second Holocaust. Do you want millions of dead Israelis? It seems to me like you do, based on your rhetoric.

Once Hamas gets destroyed, the result will be relative peace for a few years. That’s the difference.

Limitless_screaming, avatar

Once Hamas gets destroyed, the result will be relative peace for a few years. That’s the difference.

No it won't. Settlements getting built on their land, while enduring constant raids by the police, militants, and armed settlers is the worst outcome Palestinians could get.

The occupation's militia is an immoral terrorist group that's very well equipped, and it must be destroyed.

library_napper, avatar

Because Haaretz is a propoganda channel for Israeli Hasbara.

There are fine Israeli media outlets, such as 972 and B’Tselem


F.U.C.K. Y.O.U.

Israelis got Israel as reparation for a genocide.

50 years later they are competing genocide.

Stop straw manning data sources.

Stop blank checks to Israel.


Israelis got Israel as reparation for a genocide.

From who? Germany?



From the UN...

Do you think Israelis are indigenous?


Reparations are given by the group who perpetrated violence to members of the group of victims of violence, even many generations later. I see what you mean though, a justification for the creation of Israel was that Jews have historically been persecuted and did not have a homeland, but to me that doesn’t fit the definition of reparations.

Yes, the UN had a partition plan that was rejected by the Arabs. The Arabs of the area were under the impression that one can’t make a country in the place where there is already a country (especially by giving the minority population a majority of the land), but before negotiations could proceed, Jewish militias came in and started blasting. Then they established the state of Israel and have been expanding ever since, rejecting any peace offers along the way.

Do you think Israelis are indigenous?

Not Israelis but Jews were about 25% of the population of Mandatory Palestine in the 1940s. They have existed there for thousands of years alongside Muslims and Christians, so yes Jews are indigenous.

Still, no excuse for occupation, oppression, and genocide.


No Idea what your on about bruv.

Sounds like you wanna call Israeli's indigenous.

They aren't. They were installed by the white man to be a great camp fire across the pond.


Rightful Punishment to armed foreign settlers, not a pogrom. The Pogrom is what the Zionist Entity has been doing since the past 7 decades.

Yes, it was the Tufan Al-Aqsa, nothing else.

If you don’t like hate speech and bigotry, don’t support the genocidal Zionist Entity.


Yes, those civilians that were raped, tortured, murdered had it coming for being born on the “wrong” side of the border (or because they were just working there or on visit).

What an absolutely despicable, vile, evil thing to say. You should be ashamed of yourself!


They chose to Occupy the lands. They got punished for it. Don’t try to say that Israeli “Civilians” don’t have a role in this ethnic cleansing. Most of them are Dual Nationals and ran away from their “God Given Land” at the first moment. You don’t cry about these atrocities when the indigenous people are the ones targetted first.


So five year old Ethan Kapshetar chose to occupy this land? Or was it his eight year old sister Aline when they were both murdered, together with their parents, when they tried to escape from the terrorists?


If they were in a moving vehicle when they were killed it was probably an Israeli helicopter that did it.


They weren’t born on that side of the border. So other countries just let anyone visit without authorisation?

mindlight, in Israeli military runs racist '72 Virgins' Telegram channel: Haaretz

For the uninitiated that value knowing possible interests and angle on information:

Al Mayadeen (Arabic: الميادين, transl. “The Plazas”) is a Hezbollah-aligned Lebanese pan-Arabist satellite news television channel based in the city of


Ok and? They are re-reporting what Israeli liberal outlet Haaretz said.

Also Wikipedia’s biases itself depends on citations


The second citation about it being Hezbollah-aligned leads to a one-paragraph article in a French newspaper that makes no mention of Hezbollah but instead loosely claims (with no evidence) that it’s tied to Iran and Syria instead lol

tree, (edited )…/0000018c-5ab5-df2f-adac-febd01c3000…

haaretz article referenced in this article if you don’t like this one from your enlightening wikipedia search to decide whether you trust a news source or not.

DdCno1, (edited )

Can I ask you how you came across this website?

PanArab, avatar

Almayadeen is big in the Arab world. I trust it far more than I trust Alarabiya for example.


Isn’t that how discourse is supposed to work though? If there are issues with the credibility of a source, it’s fine to point those out. And then you respond with a different source to which the criticism does not apply.

Where is the issue?

tree, (edited )

There is no issue with the source other than it not being the new york times or the washington post or the bbc, every source that is not one of those is unreliable state affiliated media propaganda and is scary and bad because it makes me confused because it says things that make me have to think critically and actually engage with what I’m reading instead of just mindlessly guzzling down the western liberal/center consensus of a handful of “papers of record”.

And then you respond with a different source to which the criticism does not apply

I did not do this, I responded to with the source REFERENCED IN THE ARTICLE it’s in the title of the post, you can literally see it. You clearly did not read the article, no less the title of the post.


There is no issue with the source other than it not the new york times or the washington post or the bbc

  1. NYT, WP or BBC are also suspect sources, especially when it comes to the Palestine conflict. You will not find me saying anything else.
  2. Issues with the source you cited (that don’t involve it’s Hezbollah affiliation):
    • It’s not the primary source (that appears to be the Haaretz article, but I can’t confirm that, since that is paywalled)
    • It gets the name of one of the parties involved in the conflict wrong (it consistently refers to the IDF as IOF (replacing “Defense” with “Occupation”). I get why they do it (the IDF claims to “defend” an area that they are actually occupying), but that’s not how you do journalism. Nobody thinks that North Korea is a democratic republic, but any news article about it will still refer to it as “DPRK - Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea”. Because that’s its name.

So pointing out that the source you posted is biased and potentially unreliable is fine. You citing another source (even one cited in the article itself) is completely par for the course. Hell, now I really would like to know, why you chose to post a secondary source when you had the primary source avaiable to you?


but that’s not how you do journalism

Eh? Most so called reputable sources do it all the time. When was the last time you saw a Western source get the abbreviation of the Chinese Communist Party right?


There’s no such thing as unbiased reporting, you must always analyze the information given through the lens of the interests of the person giving it to you. This Hezbollah-aligned source, regardless of framing, is reporting on things that can be independently verified, whereas the media in my own country and the west in general has been caught in wholecloth lie after wholecloth lie. Therefore, in lieu of perfect knowledge, I choose the source whose claims are more readily corroborated by evidence.

Saltycracker, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

Why is do they never explain what makes it neo nazi.


Neo = new

Nazi = Nazi

So, they’re not the old nazis, but they’re still flying swastikas and preaching the destruction of “inferior races”

jimmydoreisalefty, in 57% Gaza and 82% Wedt Bank residents agree with Oct Hamas attack

Washington has called for the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority, currently led by Abbas, to eventually assume control of Gaza and run both territories as a precursor to statehood. U.S. officials have said the PA must be revitalized, without letting on whether this would mean leadership changes.

Arab allies of the U.S. have said they’ll only get involved in post-war reconstruction if there’s a credible push toward a two-state solution, which is unlikely under the Netanyahu government dominated by opponents of Palestinian statehood.

Shikaki said that Gaza residents are more critical of Hamas than those in the West Bank, that support for Hamas typically spikes during periods of armed conflict before leveling out, and that even now most Palestinians do not back the militant group.

Despite the devastation, 57% of respondents in Gaza and 82% in the West Bank believe Hamas was correct in launching the October attack, the poll indicated. A large majority believed Hamas’ claims that it acted to defend a major Islamic shrine in Jerusalem against Jewish extremists and win the release of Palestinian prisoners. Only 10% said they believed Hamas has committed war crimes, with a large majority saying they did not see videos showing the militants committing atrocities.

Shikaki said the most popular politician remains Marwan Barghouti, a prominent figure in Abbas’ Fatah movement who is serving multiple life terms in an Israeli prison for his alleged role in several deadly attacks during the second Palestinian uprising two decades ago. In a two-way presidential race, Ismail Haniyeh, the exiled political leader of Hamas, would trounce Abbas while in a three-way race, Barghouti would be ahead just slightly, the pollster said.

Overall, 88% want Abbas to resign, up by 10 percentage points from three months ago. In the West Bank, 92% called for the resignation of the octogenarian who has presided over an administration widely seen as corrupt, autocratic and ineffective.

PanArab, (edited ) in 57% Gaza and 82% Wedt Bank residents agree with Oct Hamas attack avatar

My heart goes out to the people in Gaza. We have let them down. Liberation doesn’t come cheap and they are paying the price alone.

No Algerian today would say the war for liberation was wrong. But it cost Algerians 1.5 million, 45k were killed in one day by the French. I don’t think there were ever a freedom that was won for a little cost. From Vietnam to South Africa to Afghanistan, always had to pay more than the colonizers and invaders in human lives.

PanArab, in Qatar sent millions to Gaza for years – with Israel’s backing avatar

Gaza has 2.3 million and Hamas isn’t just a militia. They are a political party that legally and fairly won elections and called for elections that the PA keeps delaying and are the government in Gaza.

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