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deconstruct, in Biden Summit With Arab Leaders Canceled, Jordan Minister Says

Don’t be surprised if it’s back on by the time Biden is done meeting with Netanyahu. Jordan and Egypt are wasting a great opportunity.


What opportunity are Jordan and Egypt wasting?


The oppurtunity to pressure Biden and thus pressure Netanyahu into limiting or ending the war.

As it stands now, Biden will talk to the Israelis, then go home.

yogthos, avatar

They’re talking with adults in China and Russia instead.

authed, in Photos: An Israeli air raid on al-Ahli Arab Hospital kills an estimated 500

Why the US supports Israel is mind boggling except for the fact that the US also drone hospitals

yogthos, avatar

birds of a feather and all that

deconstruct, in US gives Israel ‘private backing’ for ground invasion of Gaza. Fuck the US and Israel.

After the severity of Hamas’ attack noone should be surprised.

yogthos, avatar

fuck right off

bazookabill, in Majority of the UN Human Rights Council participants turn their backs in protest as US ambassador gives her speech. The world has had enough!

This is not world news, this is you posting sht on mastodon lol

yogthos, avatar

It’s a video of UN HRC participants turning back on the US regime. Not sure how it’s relevant what platform the video is posted on. Try to engage with the content maybe?

jackmarxist, in US vetoes UNSC resolution for Gaza, again avatar

Change back the title to the original or the post will be removed.

yogthos, avatar

So we’re not allowed to provide commentary in the submissions?

Just to be clear, the original title highlighted the fact that US is a genocidal regime. US is openly supporting and facilitating the genocide in Gaza by Israel. There is no rule on this subreddit that titles for submissions cannot be editorialized to provide additional context. So, on what basis were you threatening to remove my submission?

@OurToothbrush @zephyreks thoughts?

BrikoX, in US gives Israel ‘private backing’ for ground invasion of Gaza. Fuck the US and Israel. avatar

The nation that experienced genocide themselves now vow to commit it themselves, and the world powers cheer. The world is broken beyond repair.

yogthos, avatar

Nobody except the west is cheering this. The west is the global pariah now.


The West’s government, I am appalled at what my government is doing and I’m doing all I can.

yogthos, avatar

Sure, it’s western regimes that are at fault here, and plenty of people in the west are shocked and appalled by this.

BrikoX, avatar

Half the world supports them, another half of the world is agnostic and not doing anything, and the 3–4 countries are against it. No action to stop a genocide is an action in and of itself.

And I said world powers because while Russia and China are agnostic, they are happy with the end result of US using their resources to support Israel.

yogthos, avatar

The west is only about 20% of the world population wise, and pretty much all the rest supports Palestine. China and Russia aren’t agnostic either. Russia compared what Israel is doing to the siege of Leningrad by the nazis, while China said that what Israel is doing goes beyond self-defence

BrikoX, avatar

I’m talking about oranges, and you are talking about apples. World powers =/ world population.

Where exactly did Russia or China expressed their support for Palestine? All I can see is Russia offering to be a mediator and China urging negotiations which are dead propositions, while the US offers Israel public and financial support for their genocide.

yogthos, avatar

Both Russia and China have clearly stated that the UN resolution stating that Palestine has to be granted independence must be implemented. Both Russia and China are demanding that Israel stops its genocidal campaign against Palestinians. This is literally the resolution that Russia introduced at the UN securitry council stated and the west voted down. US has now both amendments proposed by Russia on Wednesday

If you don’t understand how stopping the genocide in Gaza and implementing an independent state of Palestine is direct and tangible support, then I don’t know what else to tell you.

BrikoX, avatar

Both Russia and China have clearly stated that the UN resolution stating that Palestine has to be granted independence must be implemented.

Do you have a source for that?

Both Russia and China are demanding that Israel stops its genocidal campaign against Palestinians.

Not really. Both resolutions called for humanitarian ceasefire, release of all hostages, aid access, and safe evacuation of civilians. Nowhere, did it acknowledge what is happening in Gaza by the Israel hand same way it didn’t include the language of “self-defense” that Israel and US wanted. Fucking theater, everyone knew going in they wouldn’t pass. Posturing doesn’t solve anything.

yogthos, avatar

The resolutions that US vetoed were the first step. First thing that needs to happen is to stop Israel from doing a ground invasion in Gaza. This isn’t theatre this would literally save countless thousands of lives.

China has also formally stated that what Israel is doing goes beyond self-defense…/china-israels-actions-in-gaza…

BrikoX, avatar…

This is identical to what TASS released. But I can’t find where they initially pledged their support for the independent Palestinian state. Do you have a source for that?…/chinas-xi-jinping-backs-just-caus…

Thanks. Rare area where I agree with China.

The resolutions that US vetoed were the first step. First thing that needs to happen is to stop Israel from doing a ground invasion in Gaza. This isn’t theatre this would literally save countless thousands of lives.

I don’t disagree with you on the merits that the resolution passing would be a positive thing, it’s just that it was a stupid show and nothing else. Everyone going in knew that it won’t pass and everyone was free to vote however they wanted as it would have been vetoed either way if not by US, then by France or UK. So it is theater and political games on internation scale without any real solution.

China has also formally stated that what Israel is doing goes beyond self-defense

As did EU, but it’s pointless words without further actions. Both EU and China pledged humanitarian aid to Gaza, but it can’t even be delivered without Israel approval, and they simply refuse.

yogthos, avatar

This is identical to what TASS released. But I can’t find where they initially pledged their support for the independent Palestinian state. Do you have a source for that?

This is an official statement by the president of Russia as published in TASS which is the official state media. The statement clearly says that Russia’s position is that there needs to be an Independent state of Palestine as originally proposed by the UN. I’m not sure what else you’re asking a source for here?

I don’t disagree with you on the merits that the resolution passing would be a positive thing, it’s just that it was a stupid show and nothing else.

It’s not, this is how the geopolitical process works. Countries propose these resolutions and then they are voted on. The US is now in a minority position and it’s forced to resort to vetoes of these resolutions. Eventually, either US will be forced to accept a resolution on a ceasefire or further expose itself as backing genocide by Israel. The political pressure on Israel and its sponsors will continue to grow as time goes on.

BrikoX, avatar

This is an official statement by the president of Russia as published in TASS which is the official state media. The statement clearly says that Russia’s position is that there needs to be an Independent state of Palestine as originally proposed by the UN. I’m not sure what else you’re asking a source for here?

The article you linked just parrots the TASS that they “reiterated his country’s support”. I asked if you have a source where they initially offered support?

And if you are going to quote me, use the full context, not cherry-picked sentences to fit your argument.

yogthos, avatar

TASS is the official Russian state media source, what part of this are you still struggling with?

Apollo, in Majority of the UN Human Rights Council participants turn their backs in protest as US ambassador gives her speech. The world has had enough!

The same human rights council that was previously headed by Saudi Arabia? Man being shunned by them has got to sting.

yogthos, avatar

I mean the US was allowed to head it too, and it sure as fuck isn’t any better.


I’d look to the US for what human rights look like long before I look to a country where women are second class citizens and homosexuality is illegal, and that’s saying something.

yogthos, avatar

Anybody who’d look to a country that was built on the genocide of the native population, inspired the nazis, has been at war 225 out of 243 years of its existence, massacred over 6 million people with its war on terror while displacing another 37 million, and is now openly backing a genocide by Israel, really needs to check their moral compass.


Oh yeah dude don’t get me wrong, fuck the apartheid state of israel.

It still doesn’t make Saudi Arabia preferable to the USA in terms of human rights lol

yogthos, avatar

US is objectively responsible for far worse crimes against humanity across the globe. SA might be worse domestically, but in a global context there’s no contest here.


You need to consider that modern-day Saudi Arabia is literally a US foreign policy “success story” before you say that.

masquenox, in West On Wrong Side of History, Cannot Be Relied Upon To End Aggression

When has the west not chosen the wrong side of history?

wildncrazyguy, avatar

To name a few:

  • moon landing
  • banning CFCs
  • German purity law

moon landing

You mean that thing the US only did because of a nationalist pissing contest?

banning CFCs

Who were the first to use them in our appliances, pray tell?

German purity law

Hmmm… okay - I’ll give you this one (I sure as hell hope you’re referring to the beer laws).




Last time I checked Russian forces were still inside Ukraine, no?


So? The west is supporting the country being invaded, without that aid, Russia would have won the war by now.


The west is supporting the country being invaded

Oh, sure… but not enough to actually score a decisive victory over Russia, eh? You know… that thing the Chechens managed back in the 90s without the most gigantic military logistical machine in the history of civilization sitting right next to it’s western border?

Yeah… I don’t think that’s the flex you think it is, Clyde.

yogthos, avatar

If overthrowing a democratically elected government and installing a fascist regime in its place is your idea of being on the right side of history then you really need to get your morals checked.

bartolomeo, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

Is there any way to verify the claim or does it rest on AFA’s credibility?


People have posted links to the database in this discussion.

peter, avatar

I think they mean verify that it came from that site and isn’t just a list of random people



Mongostein, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

I found another one by posting this to Facebook

tourist, avatar

Just because you listen to them doesn’t make you a neo nazi! Free speech is dead!

  • HitlerFan1488 with a roman statue avatar

There are legitimately people here arguing that just because you don’t understand the language, you probably aren’t a fascist for liking clearly fascist music that you have to work hard to find, especially if you don’t natively speak the language.


Maybe they just vibe with hate and the fascist imagery is a comforting reminder of their favorite message boards? Just because the only music you listen too is made for Nazis doesn’t make you a Nazi. You being a Nazi means you enjoy Nazi music. Not exactly causation but nearly a one to one correlation. I don’t know what I meant by this. I started with a joke and now I’m just arguing logic semantics. This is a mess. I’m sorry, hitting post anyway though.


Hahaha, I gotchu. On an individual basis, it’s totally possible that a Japanese person may genuinely stumble upon it and like it purely for the tunes. At an aggregate, it becomes increasingly obvious that there are tendencies that lead people out of traditionally popular Japanese music and into obscure northern European Nazi music.

deafboy, avatar

Come back after you type “Finnish metal” into youtube search bar, find a pretty good melodic powermetal song. It’s stuck in your head for days, so you download an entire album. You start to hum along as you listen, but it’s not enough. You find the lyrics in a language you never have spoken before, so you learn it phonetically. You share your discovery with friends and family. It’s fun AND educational! But that’s not enough, you often wonder what it all means, so one day as you listen, you open a new tab, type in “Terasbetoni - Orjatar, translated lyrics” to find…

ThisSlave woman Hard was the work in the midst of woods, Wearing the axe and play on the shoulders, heart burning with desire, Yearning will make you go through the snow, Knowledge of what shall become keeps you strong! Slave woman! Obey my quest, Know your place! Slave woman! Work my will, And you shall be rewarded! Divinely rewarded! There shall be battles in the fields of death. On stake is the life in disastrous times! Man with an ardor shall get what he deserves, So please and serve, or he shall punish you! Slave woman! Obey my quest, Know your place! Slave woman! Work my will, And you shall be rewarded! Divinely rewarded! Slave woman! Come to me, And work your magic! Slave woman! Heed my words, For that is your law! Slave woman! Obey my quest, Know your place! Slave woman! Work my will, And you shall be rewarded! Divinely rewarded!


Individually? Possible, totally. In aggregate? It’s not a secret that Japan has an uncomfortably large fascist subculture. Putting 2 and 2 together as an aggregate makes sense.

Of course, I wouldn’t go up and assume a random Japanese person listening to fascist northern European metal is necessarily a fascist, but if they also had the rising sun flag of Imperial Japan on their car, or hanging in their room? Absolutely.

deafboy, avatar

Totally. The subtlety is, thankfully, not a virtue most fascists are known for.


Now, this band were a parody of 80’s Manowar. They are as far from nazis as you can go…


Manowar had that one song titled ‘Pleasure slave’, if memory serves. No idea if it was a serious song or not. Those were some weird times for music.


And had the the best bands :)

Nerrad, avatar

First you just Luke the music, soon you’re hanging out with other fans, and suddenly you discover one day that you have become a #nazi.


Fuck nazis, but I have a friend who got into a lot of Russian techno artists because he watched livestreams of Russian women on OnlyFans playing that music during shows. He didn’t find nazi music (to my knowledge), but he did have to invent a cover story for his Ukrainian wife for how he discovered the artists.

However, if you can recognize the iconography in the bands’ merch and still listen, I don’t care how lit the music sounds, fuck you for listening.


On an individual level, this is possible. At an aggregate? No.


This was sort of my reaction after seeing this again while looking for something new on Lemmy:

Just because you listen to rap about drugs and murder doesn’t mean you actually do drugs and murder. Nor does it necessarily mean the artist does, it could be their persona.

But I also know nothing of the band or their music, so idk whether anyone that listened to them would automatically be a hardcore Neo-Nazi or just an eccentric metalhead. Just like I don’t know rap, so I myself can’t pass judgement and it just feels weird to see others do so, I guess I can assume they are more informed than myself.


I was listening to a podcast that suggested the main reason the Nazis wanted to kill Jews is because they felt that the rise of Christianity, originating among the Jews, was what weakened the Roman Empire and caused it to crumble.

For their own empire, modeled along Roman lines, they didn’t want the same thing to happen.


Replace Jewish people with like Templars or something and I’d read this trashy historical fiction


ehh… I see a lot of ‘the nazis were pagan not christian’ apologism; their belt buckles say otherwise. the vast majorities were church going christians who had wildly varying records on which sects participated in persecution but overall none stepped up to stop the state’s genocide, so like catholics, they can protest but I’m not convinced.


Hitler hated Christianity for its worship of meekness, weakness, a dead man, etc, but used it very well politically. Nazi leadership ranged from full on Christians to pagan weirdos. Jews were associated with Bolshevism, and their hard antibolshevim especially appealed to people who had emigrated to the Weimar Republic during the Russian revolution. Communism and unions were the first targets and how they wedged themselves in to power in the first place. Hitlers first major political victory was the concordat with the Roman Catholic church, promising freedom of religion. In the late 30s Catholic pulpits were ordered to recite a condemnation of Hitler for betraying the concordat. The Nazis implemented a Christian denomination and sent pastors and priests who didn’t comply (many did of course) to the camps. One of these was the famous poet who wrote the “first they came” poem, at first a Hitler supporter who recanted when it was too late, like many of them.

They had all kinds of weird views about Aryans, a very fluid and subjective category in practice, and the history of Aryans. There were archeologists tasked with digging up the magnificent history of the Aryan race etc. Some people like Japanese were honorary Aryans etc. Down to weird specific traits of people based on the false premise of race being a real thing.

BreakDecks, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked
brainschaden, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

Are there more lists like that?


See Unicorn Riot’s torrent of internal data stolen from Patriot Front, fascists in the US. Hey, I’m sharing that download on a perpetual basis. I have a gig link uploading, so grab that fucking data.

Wait, I happen to have the link. Check this out!…/patriot-front-fascist-leak-ex…

DaveFuckinMorgan, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked avatar

Reminder, Lemmy Kilmister collected nazi memorabilia. It might not be as deep as you think. Half the time metal with neo nazi themes just sounds like a bunch of dinosaures yelling.


Sorry, are you saying that Lemmy probably was into Nazis beyond collecting their stuff or that that’s as far as his interests went?


There’s a difference between Motorhead, the Sex Pistols, and someone like Slayer who all used Nazi imagery to provoke in a problematic way and bands that claim to be part of the National Socialist Black Metal scene. I mean… I can’t understand the lyrics on an Absurd record without the lyric sheet, but the giant blank sun in their artwork is a dead giveaway


Just searched “band absurd” and found artwork with a sonnenrad. Fuck Absurd.

M137, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

I live in the larger city right next to the town/urban area where the Midgård company is located. I had only vaguely heard about them before and didn’t know where they operated from. I found a disturbing amount of people living very close to me (geographically) that are in the register. I’ll be sure to spread this and hope to get them to be known nazis by most people around here. Absolute filth… I haven’t been able to go through the whole list yet, but I both really hope and really hope not to find someone I know on it. It would be nice to blow up the life of someone like this, but at the same time, it would suck to find out that it’s someone you know. I’m very left leaning, and so are most people in my life, and in this country, my city and especially my part of the city in general, but it’s of course impossible to really know stuff like this about everyone you come in contact with.

Going to follow this closely and really wish to see some nazi fucks get found out by others around them and have consequences rain down on their pathetic lives.


If you downvoted this comment, you’re a fucking piece of shit. I hope your name is in this list or another and that you get found out and shamed.

homesweethomeMrL, in South Africa selects Russia's Gazprombank as partner for PetroSA refinery


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