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mob, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

I don’t know shit about this band/this type of music… is it actually the kind of music that only Nazis would listen to?

Like, if someone leaked a Pantera fan list, I guess I wouldn’t be on the wagon to ruin all their lives, even though Pantera is pretty well known for racism, shouting White Power and Nazi sautes n shit.…/pantera-shows-cancelled-after-f…

if you didn’t know about Pantera


Such a fucking shame learning about great music being made by terrible folks. Sooooo many rockers with controversy, be it racism, underage groupie fucking, or otherwise.

Thankfully there’s no shortage of really talented people making awesome music these days. May need to dig around a bit, but my Spotify is an absolute labyrinth of more tunes than I can possibly get through. I’ve had to make annual playlists for every sub genre I’m into just to attempt to keep my archive manageable.


Yep. Lot of bands you’d like to support, to buy their music, later find out they are damn bigots, nazis, whatever asswipes you can find. Especially in the metal scene. Makes me sad


Extreme music is made by extreme people

littlecolt, (edited )

This makes me incredibly sad.

Edit: seriously tho. I never wanted to believe the band members were racist or anything. The song Rise was always my go to to show people how inclusive they wanted to be. “Taught when we’re young to hate one another, it’s time to have a new reign of power. Make pride universal so no one gives in, turn out backs on those who oppose”

I always thought that song especially was saying “we must not hate one another. We must all be proud of who we are and turn our backs on those who continue to hate.” I may need to do some deeper thinking about it all. I have not listened to them in many years. Dimebag dying legit hurt.


Damn it. Why did you have to make me aware of this? :/ I love Pantera.


You think you have problems?!

I used to be a big Lostprophets fan… 😭

TheLowestStone, avatar

If you don’t know about this one already, do yourself a favor and don’t Google it.


Sounds like a call for googling


huge mistake


Phil Anselmo did a nazi salute. This made me sad. But the band didn’t market themselves as nazis or write songs that praised nazism or overt racism. I wouldn’t mind if someone knew that I own all their albums (except the one where they were apparently a hair band; I never saw that in stores when I was buying CDs). They didn’t make nazi music, so I can defend it.

I won’t send money their way because of the nazi salute. That I can also defend.


Oh yeah, I’m not trying to blame a fan base over the actions of a group/artist. I also don’t know what type of music the original post is about. Maybe they do make music thats like “we are Nazis and so are you if you sre listening” and then I’d probably be understanding of consequences of being fans.

But that Nazi salute is definitely not the only documented racism by Pantera members, and I’m sure you know that.

That doesn’t make their fans racist imo

solrize, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

I didn’t know neo-Nazi music was a thing. I’ve heard “Springtime for Hitler” but that was supposed to be parody.

MonkderZweite, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

So are they “Neo-Nazi music” fans or Neo-Nazis who are music fans?




I mean, lots of fascists seem to like RATM because they never thought about the lyrics. I don’t know if that phenomenon goes both ways, but I’d imagine there’s probably at least one Neo-Nazi song out there with a slappin bass line. It probably mostly sounds like bad metal or generic 90s grunge if I had to guess, though.


“Rage Against the Machine’s guitarist blasts Romney’s VP pick and unlikely Rage fan”


as a black metal fan, it does happen that you find a cool band with unintelligible vocals, google the lyrics and turns out they’re neonazis

Riven, avatar

I think the crux of the issue is that these people bought and supported the nazi bands by buying products on the website which is clearly a nazi website with clear nazi symbolism being displayed.

I wouldn’t blame a rando not knowing they’re a nazi band but if that rando actively buys from a site that has nazi symbolism and isn’t hiding what it is then I’m a lil sus you know. At least I wouldn’t support that sort of stuff once I became aware of it.


Is one Nazi better than the other?


Oscar Schindler existed, so yes.


They are Neo (from the Matrix) who are Nazi Music fans

athos77, in Morocco has received nearly three times more armored vehicles from the United States than allocated to Ukraine

Media bias / fact check for Voice of Europe;

Bias: Extreme Right

Credibility: Low

.Notes: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Anti-Islam. Voice of Europe also has a poor track record with fact checkers.

Overall, this site is Questionable due to extreme right wing bias, promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories and poor sourcing. A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence.

Sure sounds like a source I want to line the litterbox with.


As far as I can tell they just translated a Defence Arabia article and cross-referenced it with publicly available information on US deliveries to Ukraine. In another comment, I cited the original article (in Arabic) that they appear to draw from.

athos77, (edited )

I don't care. I'm tired of people submitting bullshit sources and then coming up with a reason as to why it's okay to listen to them just this one time. It drives attention and revenue to those sources, encourages their bad behavior, and normalizes the source as 'sometimes okay' in people's minds, eventually leading people to be less critical and and more susceptible to the bullshit the source wants to spread. Which is EXACTLY how propaganda outlets work.


Kick him in the dick!

Dogyote, (edited )

How about we engage with the content? They didn’t make up the numbers, so why is Morocco getting more tanks than Ukraine and why do they need so many?

Deceptichum, avatar

Who knows, maybe a better source would have provided some much needed information.


First sentence says where they deployed them, dingus.

Deceptichum, avatar

Oh so you knew why Morocco needed so many, yet you asked?


Nah I asked first and looked later. I was so overcome by the need to pop someone’s little righteous justice boner I couldn’t help but comment first.

protist, (edited )

The comment you’re responding to explicitly stated why they don’t want to engage with this content. To try answering your question though, I’m going to guess it’s because Morocco has been buying US arms for a lot longer than Ukraine has. In the title, “has received” is incredibly misleading, it makes it seem like the US is giving tanks to Morocco, but they’re buying them.

  1. I don’t care how they feel about the source. I think we’re all grown-ups here and are capable of seeing through any propaganda the source may have added to the facts. I’m here to discuss the factual content of the article, which is rather interesting. I haven’t been following the drama of northwestern Africa’s territorial disputes.
  2. Don’t guess, because you’re just wrong. 1st sentence. “The received tanks were immediately deployed to the southern part of the country, specifically to the disputed Western Sahara region.” Some other commentors added more relevant info, so nice of them.
  3. “has received” is indeed misleading, if you’re in high school. No one receives weapons for free, not even Ukraine or Israel. Obviously Morocco paid for them.
livus, avatar

Thank you


So that Morocco can enforce itself as the Israel of Western Sahara.


Obviously because Morocco makes sure Western Sahara stays a colony deprived of rights, so the West keeps getting those natural resources for cheap.


If you’re tired of bullshit sources, you should stop citing Media Bias / Fact Check.




Because it is itself a bullshit source.


While it’s true that Voice of Europe is baseless propaganda with no credibility, the same is true of, so in this case they’re correct, but purely by accident.

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

It’s true that MBFC biased but it’s consistent with its bias. Just shift their ratings to the right by about a meter then it will be accurate.


Well, no, because it’s also extremely biased in how it assigns factual reporting scores, and by extension, overall credibility scores. Not to mention they equivocate “bias” (on a scale zeroed at USA neoconservatism) with credibility.


Is it their fault that right wing “news” outlets lie all the time?

SkepticalButOpenMinded, (edited )

Why do you say that media bias fact check is baseless propaganda?

edit: One of the most left leaning but highly factual news sites I go to is This site is almost always against the major mainstream media consensus, but backs up its claims with lots of high quality reasoning and evidence. MBFC rate it left-center and high factual reporting.

It gives Jacobin, probably one of the biggest left leaning news sites in the US, a left leaning and high factual reporting score. Jacobin calls themselves left leaning, of course. For anyone who knows history, it’s right in their name. So what’s the problem there?

Meanwhile, it gives all the major right wing news sites poor ratings. Fox News, Breitbart, Epoch times, etc. get an extreme right and Mixed factual reporting score.

So I understand why you would besmirch MBFC if you’re some rightwinger. But, from the left, I don’t understand. Reality has a left leaning bias.


Bruh of course a .ml says this shit

ergifruit, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

as a Norse pagan, i want to kick every last one of these freaks in the dick. we need to work even harder to get these braindead removed away from our spaces. a reminder to all our other pagan friends: if you let a cockroach into your home, it will nest.


I once went to a pagan pride festival and noticed that the vendor with Norse stuff had “No Nazis” signs up. Up to that point, I didn’t know that Nazis had infiltrated Norse paganism. It sucks and it makes me worry about my daughter’s boyfriend who is really into Norse pagan stuff. I hope I have raised her well enough that she will punch him in the dick if he starts in on any neo-Nazi shit.

twykomantis, in Palestinians Killed 'Execution-Style' in Gaza School: Report

This genocide brought to you by: United States armaments, the military industrial complex, and Zionism.

welldraught, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

now all band together, let’s make bullying kill itself…

PowerCrazy, in Nearly half of the Israeli munitions dropped on Gaza are imprecise ‘dumb bombs,’ US intelligence assessment finds

Damn if only Israel had been using guided munitions to ensure they hit the hospitals they are aiming for directly, instead of the parking lots of those hospitals.

ThePac, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

Yo if you’re a nazi you’ve already accepted being a complete piece of shit so you can simply fuck off and die

YeetPics, avatar

Surely the rest of us can assist them

TimewornTraveler, in South Korea to increase defense spending over five years



Don’t speak in alien here


Dude don’t speak in alien 👾👽

popcap200, in Finland to sign defence pact with US

Lol great job Russia. Sure succeeded at getting more US military bases on your border. 😂

For the curious, Finland recently joined NATO, so making official agreements with other NATO members is expected.

Whaler_Shaver, in 57% Gaza and 82% Wedt Bank residents agree with Oct Hamas attack

I would like to believe that these polls are not really representative due to the overall chaos and that many of these people supporting the attack on Israel are in misguided denial or ignorant of all the atrocities committed by Hamas and only a minority are barbaric enough to support it whilst knowing and believing all the grisly details. But I am not convinced…

Kben, in Israel calls for all 1.1 million civilians to leave Gaza City within 24 hours avatar

I feel like im going nuts.We are watching the destructon of a civillian population take place,cheered on by western goverments and media.I just feel sick

ModernRisk, avatar

“But they are allowed to defend themselves” says the Western presidents.

This has nothing to do anymore with defending themselves. This is just another path to their genocide mission.


Is it really cheered?

Most people only agree that the murders on civilians started by Hamas were absolutely horrible and unnecessary. As for what is coming after I don’t think normal people are happy about either.

yogthos, avatar

All western mainstream media and western governments are firmly supporting Israel. So, yes the west is actively endorsing genocide here.

Pxtl, avatar

Western governments are supporting Israel because they just got over a thousand people butchered.

They’re also asking Israel to show restraint in Palestine. Even the US, Israel’s chief arm’s dealer, is telling them not to do war crimes. Is it meaningless chin music? Of course. But it’s not necessarily an “endorsement”.

If your friend sees his kid get grievously hurt, you support him. When he gets his gun, you try to talk him down. Now, the problem in this story is: you gave him that gun.

I don’t think the west is endorsing genocide.

I do think that, if it really comes to real actual genocide: They armed it.

edit: I thought that weird name looked familiar, so I figured I’d check. Why are they always vatniks? by[email protected]

No, I don’t think Putin is draining any swamp, but I do think he runs a far more competent administration than western oligarchs.

(Side note, speaking of WWII: Remember that Soviet flag on the Reichstag picture? That’s of a Ukrainian. Taken by a Ukrainian).

And now thanks to the help from the west Ukraine is run by literal fascists. Maybe something you should reflect on.

In any case, this conversation is clearly pointless since you evidently live in an alternate reality. I’ll just let you figure things out on your own and reconcile the fantasies you’ve built up with the real world as it becomes increasingly more difficult to ignore going forward.

(emphasis mine)

blocked. Life is too short for people like this.

yogthos, avatar

I’m hearing this repeated over and over, but its simply not true. CNN is covering it somewhat adequately. Go to their website.

Yes, fox are freaks. Obviously. And that is the most mainstream media. And what is happening in Gaza is a war crime. But it is willful blindness to say it is being reported in nowhere for the mainstream.

yogthos, avatar

Show me where CNN says what’s happening in Gaza is a war crime and condemning Israel over it?


Its not the job of journalists to make that kind of judgement call. Only to report the facts on The ground. They have written plenty of articles about what Human Rights Watch, EU politicians, UN has to say on the matter.

yogthos, avatar

The fact that what Israel is doing in Gaza is a war crime is a plain fact according to the international law and the UN. The journalists aren’t being asked to make this judgment, it’s already been made. They’re asked to report the facts which they are not. The fact that you feel the need to try and whitewash this really says volumes.


Me too, it’s completely insane


Which western governments are cheering it on?


Pretty much all of them?


Cheering maybe not. Unconditional support for effectively genocide? Absolutely.

Sir_Kevin, avatar

Both sides are murdering countless innocent civilians. This whole situation is horrible. There are no winners in this war.


I’m still baffled by what Hamas was thinking this thing would achieve. It’s giving Israel the excuse to completely wipe out Gaza. It’s one thing to destroy the wall and attack a military base, but murdering entire villages was only going to have one outcome. It’s like they wanted the opposite of Palestinian liberation.


My guess is that they wanted to provoke Israel into attacking, hoping that the rest of the nations in the area would use the atrocities as a justification to attack Israel.


They must know that the support for Palestinians by neighbouring countries has only been limited to lip service by most Arab countries for decades. They’re all too happy to buy Israeli tech to spy on their own populations, that’s basically the bargain they made to stay in power.

There’s basically only Iran and Lebanon that are actual “allies”, and that’s basically more Iran using those groups to make things difficult for the US, and not anything that would actually help Palestinians.


They want to go out in "a blaze of glory" rather than fade away. Israel has been clearing them out slowly and nobody is stopping it, but if Hamas provokes Israel into doing it quickly maybe that will generate enough outrage that the world will try to stop it.


This is what I don’t get either. Israel’s reaction is 100% predictable. They knew their attack would result in thousands of their own people getting killed. Did they have an objective that they thought would help improve the lives of Palestinians living in Gaza?


Yeah there’s one universal truth in war: everyone loses. Maybe it’s their life, their sanity, their resources, or their supporters, but everyone loses.

yogthos, in US must be ready for simultaneous wars with China, Russia: Commission avatar

Alternatively, US could stop playing world police and start fixing its many domestic problems.


They aren’t even playing world police.

Playing world police would be doing things like helping Venezuelans.

I guarantee you, every modern instance you can think of where America is “playing world police” is actually a calculated effort to maintain its global interests. Or at least, the global interests of its ruling class.

yogthos, avatar

well yeah, US is an extractive empire that’s subjugating the rest of the planet for the benefit of its oligarchs

Rapidcreek, in UNICEF: 700 Palestinian children killed by Israel


yogthos, avatar

different link from UN about the statement…/gazas-children-pay-the-heaviest-price-wi…

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