@Jake_Farm@sopuli.xyz avatar

Hey, why didnt I get a notification about why my comment was deleted?

@pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar

There’s always a reason given when comments are deleted. Afaik it doesn’t even need to be your comment but could be the comment you replied to but I’m a newbie


But do they taste like the real deal?


If you need steel toe boots you choose from the selection of STC.



Why is one of their styles called Trump?


I’m not sure, it sounds cool unlike that republican lol


Probably because it can also mean triumphant


Fair enough, I would have to look into the company to see when they opened. I’d just be a bit worried if they opened after 2016



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  • naevaTheRat,
    @naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I find a lot of satisfaction in not walking around draped in someone else’s skin like a ghoul but idk



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  • naevaTheRat,
    @naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I actually think it’s weird as shit to kill somebody, peal their skin off of their corpse, soak it in noxious chemicals, and then like make a hat out of it or whatever.

    Like seriously that’s fucked up, the only reason you don’t think that is because you don’t recognise the personhood of the creature who’s skin you’re using.

    They feel just like we do, they have families and friends, they play, they explore, they get scared, they feel pain. I don’t think they’re things to use.


    They do all of that. But they still make good boots. The world is brutal. Life is brutal. Everything isint daisy’s and rainbows. Ever seen a cat torture a lizard or a bunny for no good reason? That’s just life my guy. Life is death.

    @naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    This sounds deep but actually is quite shallow thinking.

    Life is many things, and can be many more further still. We could strug our shoulders at premature infants “life is brutual babies die” after all, or we could build incubators and give people hope.

    We could drive past a car crash “life is death” why bother?

    You can justify any monsterous act by looking for the bleakest things in the world and telling yourself it’s fine. That’s just faulty reasoning, I ask cats for moral guidance and you shouldn’t either.


    Animal parts have utility. So we use them. You’re crazy to think otherwise.

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar

    I just hope you’re not like that in real life or otherwise have no friends bro. That thinking is so wrong. What do you even do in the vegan lemmy community with that thinking? 🤮 Where do we get as a society with people like you? It’s not even an option for me to use real leather! It doesn’t come to my mind! So don’t bring it up here. I asked for VEGAN boots! Lots of people suggested nice looking boots (thanks) and as they are sold, there is a demand for vegan boots. Also, I hope that most people buying boots with animal-leather just don’t know and need to be shown a brutal video to understand what’s actually on their feet.


    I don’t know if they can see your response because I temp (don’t know how to infinitely) banned them a few hours ago. Idk what the deal is with people coming in here feeling the need to be like that and say that, but at least they’re not going to be coming back soon

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar

    Thanks for helping me out. They drove me nuts


    Np. The owner of this community and I are looking for people to help moderate btw. If you’re willing to help out and be able to step in when someone like that comes in that would be excellent and most appreciated :)

    You don’t have to ofc, but you seem to be able to handle those kinds of people with patience and dignity and I would be more than willing to add you as a mod. You can also submit “reports” that I am able to see and action off, that would be really helpful as it took some time for me to see just how many comments that person left after I moved on from the post.

    Also, anyone else reading, you are more than welcome to apply to help by dming the owner or I. Much appreciated!

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar

    I’d be willing to do it but need to look into how lemmy moderation works. I guess there must be some kind of admin panel to view reported comments? I’ve been in the support team from vtlog.net so I know how to handle angry people complaining about sth not working but this would be a new challenge! I’m free this week, but I’m of course working so moderating couldn’t happen all day but only in the afternoons and on the weekends.


    Yep there’s a report panel, but nobody has sent a report since I became a mod lol

    So the comment threads can get very long before I see them and by then I am less willing to delete an entire thread because there are usually really good replies that I want to stay there. Banning is still on the table though

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar

    I get that! I’ve never reported comments on here because I love open discussions as long as it’s on-topic and based on facts I don’t see a reason to report stuff. And seeing a mod in my thread means they already read it so no need to report :)


    Amazing justification for murder.^/s^ Please stay on topic next time someone asks where to buy clothes…

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar

    You know that’s not for “no reason”? They do it to stay alive. They don’t even kill the animals before they rip off their skin sometimes.

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar

    Plus I’ve seen videos of dogs still alive while they ripped off their skin. I mean they aren’t actually even dead before they get brutally hurt with pain no one should ever dare to describe.


    True. I can’t imagine a material that is more horrific than skin that isn’t yours


    Weird. I couldn’t imagine wasting a good hide on nothing.


    Mushroom leather is next to identical to Hyde leather but no environmental drawbacks and they can also be composted


    I’m very skeptical about its durability compared to some good leather, but maybe! I would think that an animal hide would be fully compostable though as well


    Look into tanning methods and you wouldn’t want to compost animal leather

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar


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  • Cornpop,

    Go ahead and make me into some boots when I die. The fuck do I care I’m dead better than just rotting in the ground


    You know they don’t collect the leather after the cows die of natural causes, right?


    Your dog’s skin would look good on my feet.


    Haha I hate dogs, I’d buy some dog leather boots. I always said I’m gonna make a hat out of my cat when it dies though.

    @chiraag@mastodon.online avatar

    I have boots from here and they're great (I personally got the WVSport Insulated Waterproof Hiking Boots, but they also have other types of boots):

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar

    Thanks for recommending them again! Seems like they are very likeable xD


    Will’s Vegan Store has great color options for dock boots as well as an option for insulated boots for winter. I have the blue dock non-insulated and love them. I haven’t had issue with them or anything else that I’ve ordered from the website.


    Highly recommend the WVS Dock boots. Have them a few years already and they still look like new!

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar

    They get recommended a lot!


    I also have their hiking boots and theyre fine too. Only the sneakers I bought are a complete flop. Not durable (look shitty after only a year)…

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar

    I bought some boots from their store today :D

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar

    Right!? Seems like a good option


    Depends where you are, Mr. Posting-from-lemmy-dot-world. There’s a shop in Amsterdam where I bought vegan work shoes with the steel toes, cushioning etc two years ago, still going strong through various kitchen jobs. These are the ones actually: vega-life.nl/…/eco-vegan-shoes-easy-walker-advanc…

    I have a pair of the vegan Dr. Marten’s but honestly they take a while to dry out after heavy rain, otherwise they’re spot on.

    pabloscloud, (edited )
    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar

    it doesn’t as I am buying them online. Also how dare you decide I am a man. Ok, my name is haha


    Then having them posted, presumably? I think that matters!

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar

    You’re right! I’ve added the German flag to my profile :D


    Isn’t Vegan Leather just a fancy name for plastic?


    No, mushrooms


    @FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

    He’s thinking of polyurethane leather which got rebranded from PU leather to vegan.


    Fair enough, marketerd suck


    It depends, I think the marketing has recently shifted to putting the word vegan in a bunch of things in the hopes that it would get more sales. The cheaper stuff seems to be plastic, but some of the higher quality stuff seems to use better materials. There’s more people buying the cheaper stuff so that’s what comes up when you search for “vegan leather” these days

    @douglasg14b@lemmy.world avatar

    Isn’t the quality stuff still just plastic and rubbers? Just a better kind for the job? Or are there other durable organics that do the truck 🤔


    Apparently people are saying the mushroom leather is good. I personally don’t have or want leather/leather-like stuff, so I could be out of date or wrong, but I remember there was leather made from plants that was offered as being premium and durable.

    Edit: here’s some examples, I’m not sure if how they all rack up. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plant-based_leather

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar


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  • douglasg14b,
    @douglasg14b@lemmy.world avatar

    I mean sure, that’s your choice, but using intentionally extreme, almost misappropriated, verbiage is a bit much no?

    Ripping the skin off implies living when it occurs, and “pets” is largely fabricated for shock effect (as is the term “ripping”). It’s quite cold & “surgical” compared to the image you’re painting of my dog having their skin ripped.

    To be clear, I’m not anti vegan or anything, nothing here has implied that, I’m just calling out the verbiage for what it is.

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar

    It is indeed intentionally extreme as it is extreme to me that this occurs. I’ve literally seen it in videos on youtube. It’s not too exaggerated therefore as this happened in the past. Of course I can’t prove that’s the case for every single piece of leather and that’s also not the case. I’m pretty sure more than half of it is not from living dogs, but I’ve seen it happening and that’s why i don’t want to have real-leather on my foot unknowingly if it’s from a dead animal or not. And even if it’s from a dead animal it’s not the right choice for me when there are alternatives that don’t include animal skin. Does that make sense?

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar

    So your okay with using plastics in place of real leather because you enjoy the aesthetic and are willing to use a substance that is known to contaminate and harm the life you hold in such high regard and plants you eat in place of those animals.

    I wonder if there is a vegan leather shoe company. Only leather from animals that lived humanely and died of actual natural end of life causes.


    Oh another user commented about Mylo Leather. Created from mushrooms. Thats neat

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar


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  • neurospice,

    They commented below about finding about the mushroom leather. But if people think that it’s going out of your way buying plastic boots vs not doing that they might get confused. Discussing the harm certain materials can cause for the environment, and ultimately the animals that reside in it, is good, but I’m sick of it being bought up as a ‘gotcha’ moment for veganism.

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar

    Plastic is a recyclable material which therefore aligns with sustainability goals. Indeed some companies let customers send in their old shoes so they can be up-cycled. Plastic is a very durable material too! It has a lower impact on the environment compared to animal-based products. Choosing plastic over animal skin also aligns with ethical considerations, as it avoids contributing to the exploitation and suffering of animals for fashion and apparel.

    Btw many vegan leather options are made from sustainable and eco-friendly materials, including plant-based alternatives like pineapple leaves, apple peels, and mushrooms. These alternatives often have a significantly lower environmental impact compared to traditional leather production, which is known for its heavy use of resources and harmful effects on the environment.

    Moreover, the idea of using leather from animals that have lived humanely and died naturally is not a widespread practice in the fashion industry. The majority of leather comes from animals that are raised and slaughtered specifically for their skin, which goes against the principles of veganism that prioritize the well-being and ethical treatment of all animals.

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar

    @neurospice better? I’ve only later found out that plastic is actually not that wide-spread in boots as I thought


    Um my comment wasn’t meant to imply that you needed to remove the old one / edit it, but yeh it looks better? I’ll repost what I said in the reply as I can’t find anymore.

    Discussing the harm certain materials can cause for the environment, and ultimately the animals that reside in it, is good, but I’m sick of it being bought up as a ‘gotcha’ moment for veganism.

    • My comment I can’t see anymore

    I’m just going to state this before anyone jumps in and claims leather as a material is more “eco-friendly” than plastics. The process of getting the leather is very polluting to the environment as the entire animal agricultural industry is. The leather doesn’t magically appear one day at the store, it comes from exploiting animals and the environment. Plastics are also bad for the environment and even human health. So, we should strive for an alternative that is neither of those, which we seem to have found.

    I think the main point about the plastic is it breaking up into smaller bits and polluting the environment, but I’m not an expert on that.

    @Jake_Farm@sopuli.xyz avatar

    Petrolium faux leather is not only less durable, but more damaging to the environment.


    Source on these claims? Leather production isn’t exactly easy on the environment, nor the health of (typically third-world country) workers involved in the process.

    Personally I’ve been wearing the same pair of synthetic leather boots to my job which has me walk ~20k steps a day for 5 years now, and the only part of the shoe showing signs of wear is the rubber sole, which I had to glue back on.

    @OddFed@feddit.de avatar

    That claim could be easily debunked with a five minutes Google research. 🙄

    E.g. interestingengineering.com/…/plant-based-leathers…

    @Jake_Farm@sopuli.xyz avatar

    I specified petrolium based.

    @OddFed@feddit.de avatar

    Oh true. My bad!


    Looks great, but how to buy?


    I have no idea. I just know its being made and is quite high quality


    Nobody said anything about the environment or it being better???

    OP is trying to find clothing that doesn’t involve animal exploitation

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar

    Thanks 🙏


    How aren’t you exploiting animals when you’re destroying the literal environment they live in to cover up you weak fleshy human feet?


    Read the community sidebar, particularly the “as far as is possible and practicable” in “What is Veganism?”.


    I can’t believe how much people arguing with the premise of the question has ruined this thread.

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar

    I think I found some good looking ones :D


    Not exactly the same color but it’s the look not the exact color I was looking for ;) I’m still open for other suggestions and maybe someone else benefits from suggestions as well :)


    My partner has had these ones for a while and they’re stills going strong. www.vegetarian-shoes.co.uk/…/18431_p.html

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar

    Thanks for the tip! Sadly, too small. I need 41 or better 41 1/2 :)


    What about these: www.nae-vegan.com/en/unisex/…/boots_702-656.html

    I bought a pair of etnas last year and I like?them a lot, comfortable, warm, non-slip most of the time.

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar

    very nice! Thanks for sharing! Stylish, one customer said they are not for hiking tho which I wanted to buy them for. I go for walks with my dog a lot. But again, thanks for sharing and I’ll take them into consideration :)

    @pabloscloud@lemmy.world avatar


    I also found these as another example but they are a little high

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