
What happens If you later see a video of a someone eating a hamburger?

booty, avatar

Nothing? What the fuck are you even talking about?


If videos is all it took to change people’s minds then I’d be drowning in threesomes after showing my gf porn.

booty, avatar

Man the comment section here is so fucking wild.

More than i would have expected honestly.


A few seem to be breaking the rules for this specific community too, there was one even going into detail describing a processing facility, and when reprimanded by another user they said they didn’t care.

I was hoping to learn something interesting, but maybe another time in a less popular thread


I don’t see those comments while logged in because they’re from instances that went crazy with the defederation. Lots of redditors who will post ”I like eating meat tho” on a vegan comm from that shithole shocked-pikachu


I’ve seen those videos, a lot of them. I still choose to eat meat. I totally disagree with the implication that anyone who eats meat is being willfully ignorant of evidence that would convert them.


So then why do you eat meat? Are you just a selfish narcissist who thinks their pleasure is more important than anything else? Or what is it?

Because scientific evidence hates you.


Scientific evidence is unbiased, you hate them.


Of course I’m not a ‘selfish narcissicist who thinks their pleasure is more important than anything else’, that’s total hyperbole (and the fact you exaggerated the fuck out of something doesn’t make anyone think you’re more intelligent or your point holds more weight).

I will answer you, but my reasoning really doesn’t matter. For me its a combination of the lack of impact I as an individual consumer can have on that industry, and the negative affects veganism can take on your nutrition.

Also, there is ZERO scientific evidence that humans should not eat meat. Unless you’re trying to say those videos are “scientific evidence” that I should be vegan, in which case I think you have psychosis.


If every one went vegan like vegans do, then there absolutely wouldn’t be a lack of impact, what a bizzare thing to suggest?

If everyone acts like you and goes “ah well, I can’t change anything”, that flawed “logic” can be used to commit any number of atrocities.

I do like that “scientific evidence” argument though. Like, “sorry judge there’s no scientific paper decrying killing people with a car so I did it”. You don’t need a scientist to tell you to do an objectively good thing - in this case stopping the unnecessary culling of sentient life for your tastebuds.

  1. I understand that fully, trust me, but I only control my own actions. I do not care enough about the issues surrounding meat production to take that action knowing I will not enact any change. If I cared enough about those issues, I wouldn’t care if anyone else followed. (As you have).
  2. That logic only applies on an individual basis, and has to be weighed against how much you care about something.
  3. I feel you have my point confused, you think I said: “There is ZERO scientific evidence that humans abstaining from eating meat would have a positive impact on our world.”

I said: “There is ZERO scientific evidence humans should not eat meat.”


What do you mean you’ll have no impact?? You realised for every piece of meat you don’t eat, that’s less demand for an animal to be killed right? Not to mention the significant reduction in carbon emissions. That’s not including the change you impart on others. I was convinced to go vegan, and I’ve convinced others as well.

Your first point is just straight out wrong. Do you vote? Or is the fact your vote doesn’t single handedly decide the election enough to dissuade? Your logic could be used by a murderer to go “well, there’s murder in the world that I can’t stop, so I might as well keep murdering!”. Very very broken logic.

I agree with you the only argument against veganism is “I don’t care”. But then you must accept you are a person who knowingly commits bas deeds, deeds you could easily stop today, but choose not to out of greed.

And your third point is just weird? If you accept that scientific discourse agreed abstaining from meat has a worldly positive impact, isn’t that enough? Or is the scientifically supported increase in life expectancy associated with veganism not enough?

seitanic, avatar

Are you just a selfish narcissist who thinks their pleasure is more important than anything else?

I’ve been a vegan for almost a decade, and I’ve finally started to see how self-entitled carnists are. How I used to be. I thought that I was entitled to the bodies of other living, sentient beings.


Holier than thou.


Maybe you should consider the possibility that some people in some aspects of life really are holier than thou and you could learn from them. Imagine someone pointing out to a serial killer how not killing is more moral and the killer answers with “Holier than thou.”. Would this be a good comeback?


I think it's worse to admit that you're fine with inflicting that kind of pain on animals and still enjoy the end result. There's a reason they tell parents to be wary of kids who enjoy torture. You're just a step below that.


Eh I can’t give up cheese

But killing cows does suck, they’re cool. Like big cowy dogs.

I’m drunk, I apologize.

But also life is just random coincidence and we’re probably the only place it exists and it seems like everything is out to get everything else already. Fuckers can’t eat me, I’ll eat them. I’m coming for you, flesh eating bacteria. I have teeth. They’re real creepy. Like bones in my face made to chew things. FACE BONES.


Go order some nutritional yeast and use it to make vegan cheese. You can use it directly on things like you would use parmesan, or use it to make cheeses similar to nacho cheese, or mac and cheese. This is one of those things like MSG where all the snack food companies already know about it and are using it to great effect in the products you’re already eating.

No animals are coming for you and you don’t have to eat them either.


A friend told me that she asked her father to watch a vid for her bday. He agreed and converted after seeing it. For this reason, I cowardly avoid seeking out such material (I love meat). I know that I should switch. I’m just selfish enough not to.

booty, avatar

That’s fucked up and you should be revolted with yourself for admitting it.


I think we shoulf reduce meat production and make laws so millions of animals dont het abused every day and i aldo saw the videos but i just like meat so i dont think that everyone becoming a vegan would be a good solution. I of course 100% support if someone makes the decision themself. If a meat substitute is found that tastes like meat and solves meats flaws then i would happily switch.


i just like meat so i dont think that everyone becoming a vegan would be a good solution

Neat argument

“They’re absolutely right morally but I like the taste so really some systemic murder and rape of sentient beings is OK in my book”

Wonderful morality you’ve got there


I feel like that sign is a bit alienating, which is unfortunate because it perpetuates the idea that vegans are holier than thou. As a person that (i think) understands the basic reasoning behind veganism (intentional non-participation in animal exploitation and cruelty?) i wish that more people would consider it. Hey, maybe that should be a sign


People have been saying that for decades. It doesn't work. I never understood the concept of "protests shouldn't make me feel uncomfortable or inconvenience me." That kind of undercuts the purpose of a protest and trying to spread a message. If you make it so it's easy to ignore, it doesn't work. Without fail there's always the "ugh, someone who tries to make me feel bad about torturing and killing animals is simply not going to convince me to do otherwise." It's such a shitty excuse.


Are you aware of the backfire effect?…


I'm generally not confrontational and honestly usually tell people to try their best, but I get tired of people coming to a vegan community and being assholes.


The excuses are always weak because no is trying to convince you or even themselves. They’re politely telling you to fuck off because your type is known for being confrontational and they don’t want to be dragged into an argument.

You’re trying to tell people to cut off the majority of their food supply. That’s an idea that is frankly absurd for most people and it’s a little annoying that egoactivist vegans haven’t taken the hint.


so just as a thought experiment, if you saw what was essentially a modern day holocaust, how would you go about convincing people that willfully(or through lack of knowledge) ignore it? Would you just say "oh I’d better not cause a scene, that would be really egotistical of me "? also cut change != cut off, there are vegan options for a huge range of palates, we are just so used to the current meat diet that anything else feels alien, despite other societies doing fine with these diets.

seitanic, avatar

This is something that I often think about in connection with veganism.

I can sit down and watch a video about how vegetables are produced. It might be boring, but I could watch it.

Most carnists, on the other hand, can’t sit and watch how hamburger, sausage, cheese, etc. is produced. For them to enjoy that food, they have to ignore all the suffering behind it.


Highlighting contradictions in people’s beliefs is good, actually. If they choose to be willfully ignorant of cruelty while reaping the benefits, then they’re not going to face that contradiction from you asking nicely while carefully avoiding any implication that they might be doing something wrong. Rather, it’s the opposite - you want to make it as difficult as possible for them to ignore what they’re doing. But of course, since they are trying to remain ignorant, it can be expected that they will react with hostility when you call attention to it, no matter how nice and polite you are about it. The only way to avoid provoking such a response is by allowing them to keep the cruelty out of sight and out of mind, in which case they will have little motivation to go vegan and you’ve rendered yourself useless.

People who have neither been convinced nor convinced others of veganism love to offer their perspective on how we can be more convincing which invariably seems to consist of defanging our criticism and going out of our way to avoid making people to confront the cruel realities caused by their actions.


ITT: A bunch of non-vegans complaining that content posted to a vegan community makes them uncomfortable.

Also ITT: A bunch of people who haven’t been convinced to go vegan asserting how to convince people to go vegan. Not them, but other people of course.


I know I’m going to piss off every single group with this unpopular opinion, but I view veganism/vegetarianism and religion similarly.

Both of them come with benefits and downsides. The extent of these benefits and downsides differ from person to person. There’s no “right” answer, talking about your choice is perfectly fine and I don’t really care what you do either way, but I don’t like it when you try too hard to convert me.


and I don’t really care what you do either way, but I don’t like it when you try too hard to convert me

Internet apathy politics in a nutshell.

If you aren’t and won’t be converted anyway, why should anyone be quieter to please you?

booty, avatar

There’s no “right” answer,

That’s where you’re wrong kiddo. Murdering innocents who are just trying to live their lives for no reason other than your pleasure is actually wrong and makes you evil.


Do you hold any strong ethical beliefs at all? Would you also say they are religious? Would you also say that it is up to each individual to decide what is right for them and we should respect that and not push too hard?


What are your reasons for comparing veganism to religion? Aside from having a strong opinion I see no real similarities. To me it feels like non vegans want this comparison to be valid to be able to make it about personal choice when it really is about respecting others.

Also the “there is no right answer” argument is always in favor of the status quo which is factory farming animals. Is that really something you want to preserve?


If your belief is that people shouldn’t try so hard to convince people of their beliefs, then why are you trying to spread that belief to others instead of just keeping it to yourself?


I’m saying that’s what I believe in, I didn’t say you have to agree.


Cool, I don’t agree.


People that want to convert you to their religion are usually concerned about YOU (saving your soul, etc.), so it’s reasonable that it’s YOUR choice to decline. The only concern is about your own well being.

People that want to convert you to veganism, on the other hand, are only concerned about the animals you’re exploiting - it has nothing to do with you personally. Your choice to decline means you’re condemning hundreds of animals to die every year for the rest of your life. This is a hard pill to swallow for animal sympathizers, so you must understand why arguments by vegans tend to be quite passionate.

But the two really aren’t similar, other than the fact that they both make you uncomfortable.


I’m completely on your side, but I disagree that declining veganism condemns hundreds of animals to die. If someone goes vegan, does that mean that those animals will then live?


Those animals wouldn’t be born. It’s supply and demand. The less demand there is for meat, the cheaper it gets, and the less incentive there will be to breed more of them. The goal is to reduce suffering as much as possible, and that can only happen if people stop paying for it.


I get the theoretical point, but I highly doubt that if one person goes vegan, it will cause the meat industry to produce 100 less cows. It will just create slightly more waste.

Don’t get me wrong, more people absolutely should go vegan, I just never liked the view of “you single person can change something”, because that’s just false. It should be marketed more as being part of a bigger group that can create change.


Do you also not vote, because one single vote doesn’t change the outcome?

And that’s besides the point anyways. Me not murdering humans also doesn’t stop them from getting murdered worldwide, but that doesn’t mean I can just walk around and kill people, the same way you have no justification to torture and murder non-human animals, just because they will keep getting killed by others.

jerkface, avatar

This is rationalization. You are experiencing cognitive dissonance and trying to rationalize a narrative that relieves it.

silent_water, avatar

when your understanding of philosophy is so poor that you can’t conceive of secular ethics

ButtBidet, avatar

Seriously, non vegans need to shut the feck up unless they’re willing to make the effort to stop hurting animals. Otherwise I’m not interested in their opinions.


I, on the other hand, went vegan so that I can be justified in not watching those videos blob-no-thoughts

And now instead I get to watch this cute video of a cow that’s friends with a dog, without having to repress awkward questions about why animal cruelty is only socially condemned for certain animals and not others.


What does that dog eat?


The dog is obviously vegetarian


Unlike cats, which are obligate carnivores, dogs are only opportunistic carnivores and do just fine on vegetarian and even vegan dog foods.


To be fair, I feel like there's a lot of videos that would traumatize you if you watched them, not just ones related to meat. Sure there's traumatizing videos you should watch, but actively seeking that stuff out seems like no way to live.


Ok, but it's about something people actively and blindly participate and fund. Not just folks watching traumatizing videos for fun.


Everyone is like “Yeah I know it’s bad.” But they still actively refuse to acknowledge just how bad it really is.


I’ve seen the video i have worked on farms it doesnt bother me terribly


I watched some pretty terrible films. Watching those did make me cut down on meat and milk, and it made me try to source my animal products from more ethical sources. I still haven’t been able to make the full commitment to veganism or vegetarianism, though, unfortunately.

That being said, I do wish these kinda of films were shown in schools. It would make most people more conscious of the cruelty and harm caused by these industries, and maybe there would be more push to move to more ethical ways of doing things in the meat and dairy industries.

jerkface, avatar

ethical rape. ethical murder. ethical looking the other way.

I spent years chasing my tail trying to be an “ethical” consumer of intelligent creatures. Each time realizing, fuck, I’ve been lying to myself, complicit in my own brainwashing. There’s no such thing as the ethical consumption of intelligent creatures.


This is fair. You are right. I am not claiming that my way of eating is ethical as it stands at all. I am in the camp of wanting lab grown meat to be widely available and cheap. That is ethical if done right. I already eat meat substitutes, but my finances are not great and sometimes it’s hard to beat the cost effectiveness/nutritional value of regular ground beef or eggs and bacon. In those cases I at least try to buy the least tortured meat I can afford, if you get what I am saying. I do appreciate that there are empathetic people like you in the world.


The videos made me want stricter regulation, it didn’t make me want to go vegan or cut down on meat.

But there are other reasons to be a little more conservative with meat in my diet.


Locking this thread as it lost any usefulness and it’s getting popular among edgelord kids


A lot of cruelty under capitalism is publicly permitted because people don’t see how the metaphorical sausage is made.

blanketswithsmallpox, avatar

I'm pretty sure the vast majority of adult meat eaters have seen multiple videos and still continue to eat meat. Very few have actionable ability to directly stop the suffering so they then stop caring. One person cutting down on red meat will never be enough until there's enough lab grown meat and/or delicious FakeMeat alternatives to satiate western society at large. We still a long ways away from that.

Until then, vote for people who want to cut down on brutal industrial practices.

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