
And dark mode users can’t understand how anyone could prefer light mode, so there you go.


Yup. Light mode literally gives me a headache, I can’t stand it.

Pratai, (edited )

Wholeheartedly agree.

We’ve been reading dark text on white paper for centuries, and now- people are saying that anyone that enjoys “day mode” is crazy.

So much so, that I once posted a screenshot of an issue I was having on my screen- and everyone jumped my ass because I was not using night mode.

My question was never answered.

EDIT: check the replies to this comment and you’ll see exactly what I mean. SO much butthurt!


Paper uses pigments, it just reflects the ambient light. Screens however actively emit light.

Let’s compare screens to sky. What is easier for your eyes, to stare at a flying airplane during daylight, or to watch stars at night?


Irrelevant. We are accustomed to dark text against light backgrounds. The is no argument here.



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  • Pratai,

    Again, centuries of reading dark text on light background.

    Argument is over.


    It's only over if you contractually agree to only ever read anything on paper with a flashlight held directly behind the pages shining light through the paper right into your face.

    Pratai, (edited )

    You are a funny person. So the discomfort I get from the light a screen emits when the screen is predominantly white is not there because the wire wrote that dark mode doesn't make you blink more often?

    And your argument about paper being white is suddenly fitting because people who enable dark mode and like it better never did that because of light even if that is what they say they did it for.

    But hey, if you want to get irrationally angry because some people use a button you don't like to use on their computer, you do you I guess...


    If you’re not going to read any of the articles I posted- I don’t see a reason to continue the discussion.

    Also, anecdotal evidence doesn’t carry much weight here.


    No one in this discussion claimed that any mode was objectively better, they just told you why people use dark mode. If you portrait yourself here like you did in the support thing you are so bitter about, the reason you didn't get any help was not your screen color setting, just saying.

    I don't know why you seem to really need light be objectively better, but this topic no one gives a flying f about seems to be really important to you. What a weird hill to die on. For the record: I don't care who uses what stinking color mode. It's literally one click so treating that shit as some sort of fundamental decision is bullshit either way. I (and everybody else here) just.told you why we use that mode. That's all.

    I only chimed in because your paper argument was blatantly missing the point and you acted all arrogant about it nonetheless.

    Final remark: your "articles" are op-eds without any citation or data so they qualify as "anecdotal" at best. So if you want to lead this discussion with empirical evidence, why don't you go first, eh?


    I never said it was better. I said I got ridiculed and told I was wrong for choosing it. As I have been here.

    My point is that there’s factual science that suggests it’s not really better for you in any way (which was frequently offered as a reason to support using it), as well as the fact that human beings have been reading black text on light backgrounds for centuries. It has nothing to do with light emitting nonsense. It has to do with adaptation.

    It’s what we are used to. Period.

    I honestly don’t care one way or another- but this discussion absolutely proves my original point. People need to lighten up.


    Screens showing white pixels do in fact not emit more light than when they emit dark areas. You heard it here first, folks


    Okay, now you’re purposefully missing the point. I’m sorry Reddit is having a slow day, but I’m done being roped into your argument.

    Blocking this dumb shit now. Have a nice day for yourself.

    100thCatMarch, (edited )
    100thCatMarch avatar

    Ok I actually read the article and was not satisfied with what I saw. The zapier and wired article links to some hella outdated literature (screens have improved a lot from 1998 and 2003 screens).

    In the articles you also linked, they also said blue light has more of an effect on eye strain. Age may also be a factor (no shame in getting old). Here's an obligatory article presenting a case on the usage of dark mode. Honestly, it's a not too well researched topic. There's research for and against the use of dark mode.

    It all comes down to personal preferance. You can't just go up to a person and say "Hey fuckwit, your theming is wrong". That's universally considered rude. Though if you want to reduce eye strain, it all comes down to blue light level. You can also use e-ink screens however, screen latency is still an issue there.

    I just wanted to put articles that conflict with your links. People might see it and say "Ohhhhh I'm gonna switch to light mode because this guy has shiny blue links". Reader, please, do as you please. Also, don't reply to this.


    You can’t just go up to a person and say “hey fuckwit, your theme is wrong””

    Might I direct you to my original point before I mention the irony in your statement?

    100thCatMarch avatar



    Then go back to reading books while we enjoy modern technology


    I stated a point of opinion, rooted in factual evidence, and it hurt your butt.

    Look at that, a little bit of Reddit, right here on lemmy!


    Go to your local shaman to help your wound next time, your argument is invalid


    Go ahead and disprove the findings in each of these links. Bulletpoints would be preferable:…/dark-mode-chrome-android-ios-scienc…


    Ah yes real scientific journals


    You didn’t bother reading any of the links did you? Or you’d have seen where the information comes from.

    Done here. Sorry it bothers you so much, but making you feel better about it is t my responsibility.


    So blink more and you will be fine lmao one of the articles even says there is very little to no scientific work done in blue light emissions and I’d bet there is about the same amount done for dark mode too

    Pika, (edited ) avatar

    I can’t disprove any findings that the article never claims. I just read through all three of those. That was the biggest waste of time I did today.

    Nothing in those articles stated any evidence or facts(article 2 doesn’t even talk about dark mode past the first paragraph btw, it transitions into blue light and calling it dark mode). Nothing was peer-reviewed. None of them even took a side.

    That being said, I decided to do some research of my own on the college portal, it doesn’t seem like there is much actual research on the matter period. The closest thing I could find is a study indicating that usage of dark mode can cause you to be more honest, which i have saved to read later because that sounds interesting.

    What I do know is, I could barely read article 1 and 3 due to the text on the screen. I actually have a headache from the strain of the black text on white background. I really don’t understand how people can do that. Like sure white text on black screen can be a pain at times as well but, at least it doesn’t give me a headache. It’s not like dark mode implementations are white on black, most of them are a white on grey or a grey on black to allow for a lesser adjustment, it’s OLED themes that do pitch black with white text. I can do dark theme any day, my eyes hurt with OLED themes


    Cool anecdotal story. That certainly disproves everything I have said so far. That must mean that there’s no possible way OTHER people can prefer it the other way.


    If we’re talking adaptation, then ‘centuries’ is fairly irrelevant given how long our generations are…

    Also, hasn’t it really only been a small number of centuries where reading has become a regular and critical function for the majority of the population?

    Combine that with the fact that it’s long been easier/cheaper to make a uniformly light-coloured ‘paper’ and dark ink, than the reverse.

    Using our history of dark-text might just be allowing the technology of the times to drive the future.

    A more interesting comparison might be that we started with dark displays and light text (amber and green-screens) and moved to white displays with dark text later on.

    Was that change due to a desire to mimic the paper medium?

    Was it down to the quality of displays at the time (light bleed on CRTs might have driven this flip from dark to light once uniformity and brightness reached useful levels)?

    Or was it because more people prefer dark text over light?

    Regardless I’d like to finish by virtually girding my loins, brandishing my digital spear, and warning everyone that they’ll have to pry dark-mode from my cold-dead hands.




    Paper doesn't emit light. It's not even similar, let alone the same thing.

    I use an ereader with black on white, but the lack of an option to use dark mode on a screen guarantees I never consider touch your app again. It's eye cancer.


    It's literally 100% exclusively about where the light is coming from.

    Combined, those articles link to one actual bit of research where they tested in a dark room with participants 6 fucking feet away from a 24 inch dim screen. That's not even sort of representative of the real world.


    You’re wrong. I suggest you deal with it.

    MudMan, avatar

    But... all of those have to do with light (and are mostly clickbaity articles that do admit in the body of the thing that dark mode does reduce eye strain, limit battery drain on most handheld devices and lower the impact of blue light). When your big argument against dark mode is "well, it's less eye-searingly uncomfortably, so it may induce you to use an application too much" I think us dark mode defenders can rest our case.


    I have to drop out of this discussion because apparently, according to some people here- simply talking about it makes me butthurt.

    You see, I’m not allowed to disagree with it. So I’m going to just not use dark mode in silence.

    And here I was hoping this place would be different from Reddit.

    MudMan, avatar

    Nah, you can absolutely just... prefer light mode. Besides this being the "unpopular opinion" magazine (which is to say, we're all here to be called out on our unpopular hills to die on, it's part of the fun), the colors you use for your websites are up to you. The only objective thing that matters here is that having a toggle available is better than not having a toggle and being locked to one or the other.

    Buuuut, it's also true that the articles you're referencing are pretty bad and don't quite say what you seem to say they say. Those two things aren't mutually exclusive. I'm not annoyed at you for that. I'm mostly annoyed at the way media misreports scientific studies, honestly.


    You’re the only butthurt in the replies.




    Try a black background on an OLED screen and you’ll probably understand.


    I remember reading a while ago that there are people who stand up before wiping, and people who wipe before they stand up, and neither camp can fathom how the other does it. This is giving me that same energy.


    Whatever you do, don’t wipe during stand up, it was super embarrassing and the comedian roasted me for half an hour.


    What the fuck. Do you stand up and then bend over first? That’s actually insane to me.

    Scooter411, avatar

    And all public restrooms seem to cater to the sitters. Fucking toilet paper dispensers are basically on the floor these days.


    This is in fact an unpopular opinion. You heathen.

    Joking aside, when I was first learning HTML my teacher always hated when students inverted the colors to make a “darkmode” because she said it gave people headaches. So I guess it’s a thing.

    Depending on how old you are, your vision also naturally dims as you age. This is also why stuff designed by older people is often blindingly bright to young people and vice versa. I’m willing to bet that if a survey was done it would show that the popularity of darkmode drops sharply as users age.

    gdbjr, avatar

    I’m 53 and I can’t stand non dark mode. So either I’m an outlier or your theory is wrong.


    I might be older than you and I’ve been using dark mode since it first became available on Android. If I make it to a hundred I’ll still be rockin’ dark mode.

    Sir_Kevin, avatar

    I use either depending on the situation. Generally how bright of an environment I’m in.


    I like day mode in sunlight and dark mode in low light or if I'm reading in bed with the lights off. Definitely depends on the type of screen you have. The Samsung Tab S8 isn't even OLED but it's bright even with the settings turned right down so reading black on a blinding white screen is uncomfortable in the dark

    Pika, avatar

    It’s not just the tab s8, I have a tab s7 and it’s super bright and obnoxiously loud even at the lowest settings. I don’t understand why there is not more control over it.

    degrix, avatar

    Dark mode can be harder on the eyes and/or give headaches to people with astigmatism. It has to do with halation. White text on a black background is blurrier than black text on a white background. There’s a nice accessibility description here. I personally dislike dark mode for that very reason.

    Pika, avatar

    fully agree, I dislike light mode but the true black dark modes hurt just the same after extended periods, grey mode somewhat like how discord has it hopefully turns into standard for dark mode styles instead of OLED style dark modes

    TheBlackSwordsman, avatar

    This is true af. I have an astigmatism in both eyes but I still prefer darkmode. Mainly because of the look, but at night light mode is way worse than the blurry text (which is solved by increasing the font size)


    I can’t stand dark mode. A lot of things that were high contrast in light mode become illegible to me. Like dark blue text on a black background. Dark blue also tends to be the default color for keywords in most programming languages.

    moon_matter, avatar

    Dark blue also tends to be the default color for keywords in most programming languages.

    The only place I see that happen anymore is in PuTTy. IDEs and text editors have pretty good dark themes these days.


    In fairness dark modes with blue text are really badly implemented dark modes.

    Of course, I dislike a well implemented light mode (any background color other than blazing searing white) a lot less than a badly implemented one.

    Edit: I’m really just saying I wish developers and designers would get better at their jobs.


    I do indeed find this opinion unpopular, but I’ll support your right to have it to my death!


    For the longest time it was light mode only everywhere, and I wouldn’t wish the same suffering on anyone. Including both should really just be standard design practice


    First of all, it probably depends on the type of screen. Secondly, it might be because 9f the brightness settings. Thirdly, the most used apps by the person. Some apps are better in light mode and vice versa. Fourthly, it depends on the way the person’s eyes are sensitive. For some, like me, white text bleeds into dark backgrounds and that makes it harder to read, but the dark mode feel and comfort make it much less straining in the end. Another reason could be the perceived sense of elegance which is just subjective with no explanation.


    Go see an optometrist


    I legitimately cannot read dark mode. Like the text just blends into the page. People who bully light mode users are bullying people for using an accessibility feature :(

    Let people use the UI that lets them read. Like I cannot send a screenshot on discord without 5 people harassing me.


    Side note, this makes it really sad when apps neglect a light mode, like steam or discord. Steam just doesn’t have one and discord’s has weird colour contrast, I can’t explain why but it feels like an inverted colour interface and not traditional light mode like say Mastodon

    bandario, avatar

    That really is the most unpopular opinion I’ve ever seen on here. You win. Game over.

    Vertelleus, avatar

    Congratulations on the unpopular opinion. May your future be ever blinding blue-white and headache inducing.

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