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Gradually_Adjusting, in US health department recommends looser restrictions on cannabis avatar

The heart of the matter is not FDA regs, but the 13th amendment; it’s not about this drug classification or that, the whole “war on drugs” is just a crowbar to widen the slavery loophole in our constitution. The fact that we’re such an imprisoned populace (per capita) is explicitly a matter of shareholder value.

But thanks, FDA, for being the change in a small way.


But thanks, FDA

Where are you getting FDA from? No one should be thanking the FDA for anything as of late considering they have been the political arm of pharmaceutical companies for at least the last 10 years. I think you meant to say DEA regs.

HHS is who recommended to change the schedule.

I agree with the spirit of your comment though, the war on drugs is a tool of oppression, a way for the government to criminalize non-violent, otherwise law abiding citizens they don’t agree with. The fact that they also get free labor out of it is just icing on the cake.

polyrhythm, in Legit Cali? avatar

This is your standard Five Finger Nug Punch packaging. In all seriousness if this post is satire, well done, it made me laugh really hard.

If this post is not satire, oh boy, please don’t smoke that.

SnailMagnitude, avatar

Cheers, never had Five Finger Nug Punch b4 but 5 Deadly Venoms is one of my favourite movies, might stick it on.

Delta3DStudios, (edited ) in Dry Herb Vapes: Just getting started... avatar

Around 15 years ago, I learned about dry vaporizing, but I never gave it a try. A year later, I bought a cheap knockoff vaporizer from a local smoke shop, and it turned out to be terrible. Funny enough, I recently dug it out and found it still sucks (laughs).

Then, about a decade ago, a friend introduced me to the Pax1 vaporizer, and I was blown away. It was a game changer—a portable, handheld device for dry herb vaporization. From that point on, I was hooked. I started with a Davinci Ascent, created aftermarket accessories for it, and eventually founded Delta3DStudios. Now I get to play around with various dry herb vaporizers and come up with ways to improve them or make them more user-friendly.

Transitioning from smoking to dry vaporizing can be challenging for some. Many heavy smokers claim that dry herb vaporizing doesn’t give them the same “hit.” The truth is, their bodies are used to the effects of a toxic mix of carcinogens and carbon monoxide. Fortunately, I had an easier transition. My partner didn’t allow smoking indoors, but they let me vaporize indoors during one cold winter. I quickly adapted to the vaporizer, and it had a positive impact on my health, which I hadn’t anticipated. First, my sense of smell returned with a vengeance. I didn’t realize how much smoking had affected it. Additionally, as someone who frequents the gym, I noticed an increase in endurance and lung capacity. My lungs felt lighter. This is just my personal experience, but the difference between smoking and vaporizing was incredible.

At this point, I’ve handled countless vaporizers, and I’ve lost count of how many devices (working, dead, broken, etc.) I have in my collection (which I use to test new accessories for the market, haha).

Here are some tips from one enthusiast to another:

  • Different temperatures extract different active compounds from the herb. Low temperatures work best for sativa strains, while higher temperatures are better for indica and CBD strains. You can vape a hybrid strain at low temperatures to extract the sativa side and at high temperatures to extract both sides. You can also start at a low temperature for one session and then increase the temperature for the next session.
  • Every device performs differently. Some are stealthier, some heat up faster, some produce larger clouds, some provide tastier vapor, and some are easier to clean, among other differences. There is no such thing as a “perfect” device for everyone in every situation. I use different devices depending on my mood, location, and whether I have guests. Some of my favorite butane-powered devices are not meant for sharing because they’re prone to combustion, which affects the flavor of subsequent sessions.
  • It’s not recommended to reheat the herb at the same temperature, but you can have one session at a lower temperature and then increase the temperature by 20 degrees Fahrenheit or more for each subsequent session.
  • Don’t jump straight to the maximum temperature, especially with portable vaporizers. Enjoy the journey. Start at a low temperature, around 300 degrees Fahrenheit, and gradually increase it by 10-20 degrees every few minutes.
  • Temperature sensors usually monitor the heater’s temperature, not the core temperature of your herb. If you take hard or fast draws with many devices, you might cool down the heater faster than it can recover the temperature. Depending on the device, try slowing down your draw. I recommend a draw speed of 15-20 seconds to slowly fill your lungs. Of course, high-powered desktop devices may allow for harder draws, but I’m speaking generally.
  • Many portable vaporizers have underpowered heaters due to size constraints and power limitations imposed by lithium power cells. It takes some time for a portable device to reach optimal extraction temperatures. Therefore, it’s especially important to start at a low temperature, like 300 degrees Fahrenheit, for the first 1-2 minutes before increasing it to your desired level. This helps the device “preheat,” allowing it to adjust the temperature faster when you start taking longer draws at higher temperatures.
  • With regular use, people often build up a tolerance to their usual device. Load sizes, temperature settings, draw patterns, and more become habitual. By switching devices once or twice a year, you can “reset” these tolerances. It doesn’t have to be an upgrade to a more powerful device. Sometimes, switching to a weaker, budget-friendly device can help reset your body’s tolerance. I do it often to avoid overmedicating. So, don’t throw away your old devices—cycle through them from time to time!
  • Vaporbonging is another fun way to enjoy vaporizers when pairing them with glass. However, keep two things in mind: Firstly, you don’t need excessive filtration. Conditioning the vapor with moisture is enough; massive percolators and multiple water chambers can strip the vapor of its flavor (which can be useful when vaping unpleasant-tasting hash, for example). Secondly, while cold glass and ice may be enjoyable for smoking, they cause vapor particles to condense into larger particles, resulting in more throat irritation. Therefore, when vaporbonging, use warm or hot water in the glass pipe instead of cold water and ice.

I could talk endlessly about this topic—I spend way too much time experimenting with and studying these devices and the wonders of this plant. Feel free to ask anything you’d like. I no longer contribute to Reddit, so I’m happy to share my knowledge here!


Finally bought in via Dynavap and after a few days of fiddling with it I was sold.

Back in 2020 I finally switched from smoking cigarettes to an e-cig, and the switch is very similar to that. Going thru that experience made it much easier to accept that initially the hits would feel unsatisfying but it doesn’t feel that way for long.

I have zero desire for smoking cigarettes anymore - the flavor is gross and harsh. Its already looking like I’ll eventually feel the same about smoking herb. I still smoke a social joint or bowl on occasion but now that vaping gives me the taste of the herb with no harsh, I just prefer it.

Way easier on the wallet too.

Delta3DStudios, avatar

Hey that’s awesome - happy to hear you made the switch. For sure the Vapcap is a unique vaporizer in this industry, I knew when I handled my first vapcap (the og glass model with metal cap) it was going to be a hit as soon as I saw people modding the design and the metal versions hitting the market.

George (the inventor and founder of Dynavap) and I actually go back a ways - we both founded our business in the same year and got kicked off paypal around the same time :lol: I have an original first-gen titanium Omnivap and currently enjoying a 2020-M which was personally gifted to me by George at an industry trade show in Vegas (ah I love how small-business this industry was a decade ago haha, it’s a lot bigger now than it used to be for sure).

Cheers to your health!


Been using some storz and Bickel vapes for about 4 years and still learned a lot of great tricks from this. Thanks for posting!

Delta3DStudios, avatar

Woot! This industry has done so much for me over the years, I’m happy to have the opportunity to drop some knowledge and share with others

Smokeydope, avatar

Gold mine of a post, thank you for sharing. I will be referencing this in the future.

Delta3DStudios, avatar

Lol, happy to drop some knowledge for novice users by all means don’t hesitate to reach out - I’m a fountain of knowledge and love to share what I do know or have experienced thanks to my position in the industry :-)

Smokeydope, avatar

@delta3dstudios Hello, I saw you were quite the dry herb enthusiast hope you could help a newbie out with some questions

I have the airizer max BTW

1, how do I know when my bowl is done for? Should I try to squeeze every bit of smoke out of it or can I be satisfied when there’s very low quantities of smoke per pull at high temps?

  1. What does ABV mean? I gather that its short for the used updecarbolized flower that vapes produce as a byproduct.
  2. How do I best clean the brown reclaim flouid that builds in the glass? I heard simmering the pieces in milk work good but I’m not a milk drinker. Can I throw the pieces in butter with my flower when I make cannabutter?
  3. Do you think its worth buying the longest stem for the airizer max? The stem it comes with is okay but I saw the solo 2 stem is longer and comptable.
  4. I saw you make custom accessories on your site, anything for airizer specific? Can I order stuff for my vape? I would really like a base to hold it firmly up and a skin if possible.
Delta3DStudios, avatar


Lol for sure you could say I’ve made a living studying these devices and how to make life easier with them.

I have the airizer max BTW

Awesome portable, especially for flavor chasers like myself :-)

1, how do I know when my bowl is done for? Should I try to squeeze every bit of smoke out of it or can I be satisfied when there’s very low quantities of smoke per pull at high temps?

This is a topic that comes up often! Don’t be embarrassed to asked, especially on a new platform like this one. Few things to consider

  • As mentioned previously, different temps release different medical benefits. Not all of us vaporize to max temp. Depending on time of day, I may prefer a low temp session, and stop vaping at a max temp of 385F. Other times in the evening I may want to max out at 425F or hotter. Don’t be afraid to temp step up to a certain point and then call it quits when you feel you’ve reached your desired “butter zone” for extraction.
  • The color of your cooked herb is a representation of the chlorophyll content in the herb. The specific shade of brown will vary depending on device and temperature used. So taking a photo and posting it to the group asking “iS iT fUlLy CoOkEd” is useless. Instead the key thing to know is that 100% complete extraction (at one set temperature!) results in 100% uniform color across every flake of herb in the oven. Now of course you could obtain 100% extraction at 325F… and everything is the same shade of brown… then cook the herb again later at 400F and cook out everything between 325F and 400F (which may be a lot or a little depending on the strain you’re cooking)
  • Not everyone obtains a 100% complete extraction - some people toss it when the flavor tapers over to burnt popcorn, or when the vapor production peters out. The choice is really up to you personally and your desired effects

What does ABV mean? I gather that its short for the used updecarbolized flower that vapes produce as a byproduct

Yep “ABV” stands for “already been vaped” or others call it “AVB” - already vaped bud - either term is acceptable for cooked/vaporized herb which hasn’t been burnt to ash.

How do I best clean the brown reclaim flouid that builds in the glass? I heard simmering the pieces in milk work good but I’m not a milk drinker. Can I throw the pieces in butter with my flower when I make cannabutter?

There are indeed many different ways to clean the “vape honey” out of the glass stems.

Some people indeed make a chocolate milk simmering in a pot of milk and then throw in chocolate chips. Others like myself wash the pieces in a high % ISO alcohol to clean them (and grinders with ISO and a fresh toothbrush) - then pour the green/brownish mixture into a clean glass pie plate (or deep glass plate) and then let evaporate in sunlight (or I put mine on a 5.1 surround sound system which evaporated faster thanks to the added heat from the stereo system lol) - then use a fresh clean razor blade to scrape up the “film” left behind on the pie plate - this stuff can be dabbed or added to your dry herb to “turbocharge” a vaping session. Be sure to let it fully dry out before scraping up however! Otherwise the taste isn’t the best lol.

I suppose you could absolutely use butter for the same purpose - the vape honey will melt with the heat and bind to the fats in the butter. Just keep things at a low temp to avoid burning the butter, and to avoid overheating the honey (the lower the temps you use, the less you burn off and the more “full spectrum” your honey effects remain.

Do you think its worth buying the longest stem for the airizer max? The stem it comes with is okay but I saw the solo 2 stem is longer and comptable.

The Arizer Air Max uses the same size stems as the Air1, Air2, Solo1, and Solo2 (NOT the ArGo) - this means there is over a decade’s worth of stems and aftermarket stems on the market compatible with your device. I even have a cheap chinese “bubbler straw” stem which is a 10-inch long mini vertical inline bubbler stem for my Air1/Air2 (and no doubt Air Max, but I don’t have a max in my personal collection yet)

Absolutely different stems will alter your experience - don’t forget to consider a waterpipe adapter stem. EdsTNT used to make wood stems (with steel metal ovens) which would be yet another vaping experience. One day in the future I may consider making my own stems for the Arizer portables (using my industrial stainless steel metal 3D printers)

I saw you make custom accessories on your site, anything for airizer specific? Can I order stuff for my vape? I would really like a base to hold it firmly up and a skin if possible.

I’ve made some stem cases and funnels in the past for the Arizer stems which are available on my website ( ) - I’ve tried to organize every category by device and what I confirm is compatible. But I’ve tried to focus more on generic accessories like scoops and debowlers (both mason jar desktop options, and portable air-tight containers), universal waterpipe adapters, etc to work with a wider variety of devices. That said, I do have an Arizer Air1 in my desk (and an Air2 floating around somewhere) I could totally try and make some custom accessories for the Air Max - especially if you have a ruler or calipers to help measure key dimensions to confirm they match my existing devices which I could use for test-fitting.

Right now is actually my slower season so I have time to work on side projects. Shoot me a private message and we can always talk about custom widgets if you don’t see something specific on the website.

Blizzard, in What's your favorite way to smoke?

I switched from joints to a vaporizer 6 years ago and haven’t looked back. Allowed me to quit smoking (cigarettes), is much more enjoyable and healthier.

gnomesaiyan, avatar

Agreed. It really hit me when I saw the amount of AVB I was collecting that wasn’t getting incinerated into my lungs.

bizzle, avatar

I have a Pax 3 that I really wanted to like, but joints are just so elite


Do yourself a favor and get some budkups. They’ve changed the way I smoke and make the pax a much more portable option.

bizzle, avatar

I already have some 😂 I don’t like how it tastes, and the quality of the high seems different. I don’t know if that’s true, scientifically speaking, but it feels like it.


When you smoke joints you also get a kick from nicotine.

bizzle, avatar

In the States, a joint is just pot. My apologies for the confusion


Assuming there’s tobacco, which is not a safe assumption.


I love a joint, but vaporizing tastes so much better to me. I definitely need a full 6 pack of kups to match the feeling of a joint, but I usually don’t need that much these days, and I get the benefit of better taste and all that ABV that I turn into tincture. Recycling!


This is the way. I also got Pax 3 + budkups (should really be included in the set!) and I’m really happy with it. Tried other vaporizers from friends but none was at the same level (vaporizers, not friends).

But the golf ball and hose comparison was hilarious.

gnomesaiyan, avatar

Yeah, the Pax is okay, not the best. Even when clean, my newer Pax Plus still feels like I’m sucking a golf ball through a garden hose.


There are different end caps that help with better circulation and remedy the Private Pyle effect.


Tinymight 2 for the safe best buy, or research your way for a good vape. A pax is not a vape that’ll help one switch.


This is the way

Tb0n3, in [8] I’m high and waiting for food at in n out and it feels like time is standing still AMA

Hope you didn’t drive there.

WhatsHerBucket, avatar

I’m a professional passenger

GONADS125, in Why are glass pipes for activated charcoal filters so rare?

The filters reduce the amount of THC you get to the point that you’ll end up smoking more to get the same level of high, so you might not be reducing harmful byproducts in the end.

Not to mention, those charcoal filters mostly help with particulates. You’re still breathing in combustion and harmful byproducts that are produced, like benzene.

If your concern is for your health, you simply shouldn’t be combusting. You should consider switching to dry herb vaping.

Also important to note that this same dilemma exists for water pipes/bongs. With water filtration, it does reduce the amount of tar and particulates to a minor degree, but it much more effectively filters THC out of smoke than the tar and particulates. So while it does reduce particulates and tar to a very minor degree, you’re being left with more tar and particulates per THC molecule.

When comparing the THC to tar/particulate ratios, you get more tar and particulates per THC molecule from water pipes and bongs than from an unfiltered joint! Again, this is because you have to consume more from bongs to match the amount of THC from the unfiltered joint, because of how water filtration disproportionately filters out the THC over particulates. [1]

People who say that bongs/water pipes are to filter out the bad stuff are just terribly misinformed. That has never been the point of water pipes/bongs. The point is for the water to cool the smoke, and with bongs, to create a vacuum and condense the smoke. [2]

New studies have demonstrated that smoking out of a bong significantly increases the propensity for one to develop cannabis-related lung damage and health issues (widely referred to as “bong lung”).

This is largely due to the borotrauma (pressure difference on the lungs pulling thru water) and higher concentration of smoke/condensed smoke in a bong rip (far more smoke than you’d be able to inhale from a pipe/joint/blunt hit). Bong lung can cause irreversible lung damage and seriously affect quality of life.

Subjects typically develop large peripheral paraseptal lung bullae and are predisposed to spontaneous pneumothoraces [sudden onset of a collapsed lung]. The underlying mechanism for bullae formation is uncertain, but probably relates to direct lung toxicity and repeated barotrauma as the smoker performs frequent valsalva manoeuvres in an attempt to derive a greater drug effect.[3]

The definition of a bulla is an air-filled space of > 1 cm in diameter within the lung which has developed because of emphysematous destruction of the lung parenchyma [the portion of the lungs involved in gas exchange].[4]

There are two views as to the formation of bullae: both believe bullae to be the result of the increased intra-alveolar pressure that is present. [5] [Remember, bongs/water pipes cause unnecessary barotrauma on our lungs.]

Bong use can also lead to a particularly bad type of bronchitis, that often becomes chronic and people developing this bronchitis and continuing to smoke with it is believed to possibly play a role in developing bong lung.

The bronchitis that people get, the really nasty bronchitis, does tend to improve if you stop [cannabis use]. But what we, as lung doctors, see in people that don’t stop smoking cannabis, we see people coming in with lungs which are very, very badly damaged with lots of destruction of the lung tissue, and that is irreversible.” [6]

Bongs have always been my favorite medium, as I like the fucked up head high. But it’s just not worth the health risks to me. I switched to a Valcano and a Mighty+ and I’m happy with the switch. Took some getting used to, and it’s not quite as much of a inebriateling “dumb” high like bongs, but that’s just due to oxygen deprivation anyway… Vaping is great too because all of the Already Vaped Bud (AVB) can be used to make edibles! You get a second use out of all the bud you vape. Definitely recommend water baths for taste.

ImplyingImplications, (edited ) in 50% of Americans Have Tried Cannabis, highest in a quarter century

What a coincidence! About 50% of drug arrests in America are cannabis related: ACLU

polyrhythm, (edited )

Insane. The good news is that data you shared was from 2010, and we’ve been in a steady decline since. Down to 40% in 2018 (Pew). And according to the NCDAS in 2020, “over the last decade, arrests made for the possession of marijuana have dropped by 58%.”


What happened in 2019 that made the number tank so fast?

Blizzard, in Legit Cali?

Upvoting this just in case it becomes a meme here.

RedEyeFlightControl, in Recreational weed is now legal in Minnesota: What to know avatar

Congrats Minnesota!!!

PlantJam, in Absolutely. Fuck. Alcohol.

Not even just an actual hangover. It feels like I’m not properly hydrated for several days after a night of moderate drinking.

prettybunnys, in Study: Inhalation vs Injection

…. So how long until we’re gonna be injecting marijuanas


Looks like only the bad parts go up, so my guess is not very soon


Don’t most things need a lower dose when injected? I wonder if the bad parts would still go up if a more comparable dose was used.

ProcurementCat, (edited )
SeaJ, in Study Finds 79% of Americans Believe Marijuana is As Safe or Safer Than Tobacco

Depends on how they are smoked. Joints are fucking terrible for you.


We should say how it’s consumed, because the arguably safest way to consume marijuana doesn’t involve smoking at all (edibles).


The benefit is that it isn’t chemically addictive. It is behaviorally addictive though. Both are very bad when inhaled (of course).


(Nods as he puffs from his Dynavap).

I’m never going back from the dry herb vapes! When you’re smoking cannabis, you’re turning perfectly good THC into carcinogens. Why would you do that‽ Better to vaporize your cannabinoids without setting them on fire.

CloverSi, in New Legal High, What is RAF?

Found some more info. It’ll get you high, but looks pretty dangerous.


Yeah I heard that many died coming down

BoomBoomLemon, in Should Cannabis Be Regulated Like Alcohol?

Unpopular opinion but alcohol is basically poison. Weed still fucks you up and in no way should anyone be doing anything significant while high. It’s not the same as coffee.

detwaft, in Should Cannabis Be Regulated Like Alcohol?

Impaired is impaired. Shouldn’t drive if your ability is compromised, especially when most people only start off with half a clue.

Coffee is also dangerous in the sense that it masks the sensation of fatigue, but you are still impaired. Driving tired is extremely dangerous as well.

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