
Uhhh, porn is definitely addictive… not against banning or removing it, but…


“Addictive” means so many different things to different people at this point, it’s become useless. If you can compare the erotic materials I share with my spouse to heroin with a straight face, I’m not the one with a problem.


Lol, you jump straight up to haroin? Just because you and your wife have a healthy relationship with porn doesn’t mean it can’t be addictive to other people. If someone has physical withdrawal symptoms from not consuming the thing, it’s an addiction.

Like, caffeine is highly addictive, but you wouldn’t compare that with haroin.


I absolutely would compare caffeine with heroin when making the point that the term “addiction” has become so broad as to be meaningless.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

It’s always incredibly ironic when the party that favors small govt, minimal State, is also the one that loves to make the most bullshit laws curtailing personal freedom.

Not exclusive to the USA, unfortunately.

uis, (edited )
@uis@lemmy.world avatar

Because all those “minimal State” parties are usually corporate beaurocracy parties.

Maybe except anarcho-comunists, they are for “no State at all” or direct democracy.


Well, without knowing it, they are for a very strong dictatorial government.


I’m pretty sure when they say small government they just mean they want a gov that isn’t strong enough to keep them from being the assholes they really are.


Look you can call me any name in the book. The current where children can easily form para social relationships with what are essentially pornstars and it’s extremely easy for teenagers to become sex workers isn’t healthy.

I’m not saying Hawley is right but there needs to be some real effort to address this.


This is a mass panic attack over manufactured or overblown fears. But this isn’t going to stop far-right politicians and their allies from capitalizing on this fear.

Bold statement from a guy publishing an article speculating about how the GOP will suspend the first amendment.


Weak statement about the party that is LITERALLY banning books and writing laws against teachers discussing objective historical fact in classrooms across the country.

Not to mention the main point you’d ignored/missed while skimming the headline, which is that pornography is first amendment protected speech according to the law and the gop have been actively working to ban it, as a pillar of their party, for over 50 years at this point.


pornography is first amendment protected speech according to the law and the gop have been actively working to ban it, as a pillar of their party, for over 50 years at this point.

Politicians have been fighting the “moral decay” of society for longer than 50 years, and neither party has had a monopoly on trying to legislate their view of morality.

How close do you think we are to successfully banning pornography in the United States, timeframe-wise?


Or even secretly renting hookers and escorts, even if they are gay or trans.


Don’t mind the ladybugs.


So, let’s get this straight. They’re going to take a bunch of dudes, take away their porn, not teach them sexual health, not tech them about consent, strip abortion rights, make women scared to come forward, teach them it was their fault, and do nothing about police ineptitude/corruption. I’m not even exaggerating when I say that it seems like the GOP wants a generation of rape babies. Banking on their future voting bloc?


When you start talking about consent they get uncomfortable and that’s just a bridge too far. It’s really, really close to accountability, the one thing they hate more than anything else.


If I had no context and read your comment I’d think you’re describing the Taliban or some other islamofascist government. The GOP has really gone off the deep end.


The gop has really gone off the deep end

“You merely adopted the deep end… I was born I it!”

-The gop


I mean, even with context it’s no different.


rape babies.

Rabies for short.

@altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar

And you just know these guys are the first in line giving some egirl money on their chaturbate

@HelloHotel@lemmy.world avatar

Wouldnt that be illegal under their disired rulings

@altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar

Doesn’t stop em

@HelloHotel@lemmy.world avatar

So, rules for the, not for me situation.


America is losing the fucking plot!



A very small yet very loud part of the USA is losing the plot and their mind. The rest of us are just trying to get on with our own lives while navigating the mine field that is the gop magats.


I mostly agree with you. I’d say the “rest of us” have a certain population that feel like getting on with their own life is now being made impossible/illegal/unsustainable. That leads to disharmony between citizens who would be better off teaming up against the common enemy of Oligarchs. The GOP feels like a symptom of legal human rights violations at this point. If we just keep living our own lives like I would also like to, the blight will just continue to get worse.


Listen to them when they say:

Evil triumphs when the good people do nothing.

@IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

Wouldn’t it be nice if these clowns stopped trying to legislate away their hangups and instead sought some fucking therapy?


A mentally unwell population hyped to chase an overblown issue is easier to control. They’ll let themselves be exploited as long as the moral panic is hijacking their attention, which is why there is always a new one.


Can we stop blaming this on being “mentally unwell” and recognize these people are assholes? I was suicidal for 18 years, and I managed to never be “unwell” enought to pull the lever for a Republican or to think that policy should only be made for the interests of people like me, so clearly mental wellness isn’t the deciding factor here. Most Nazi voters weren’t mentally ill, and neither are most of these people. They’re deeply, profoundly selfish, not sick.


There wouldn’t be a massive media aparatus from TV to social media meant to manipulate and indoctrinate people into conservatives if it was just a matter of people being inherently good or bad. Hell, this is as old as organized religion, which is historically constantly intertwined with power.

It is a matter mental unwellness. It might not be the same type of mental unwellness as yours, but many people out of vulnerability, insecurity, loneliness or nihilism end up becoming prey to manipulative groups. How many times have I heard stories of people who struggle with something in their lives and end up joining a church and pretty much changing completely. Have you never seen anything like that?

Some people spent all their lives being told what to believe and have a hard time even imagining anything else. Some people who are today completely rabid fascists used to be decent and just lost themselves in a rabbit hole for one reason or another. I get that right now even trying to talk them out of it is a nigh impossible effort, but this wasn’t an inevitable fate written on their soul. It’s a result of widespread propaganda and disinformation that twisted them.


I never said it was fate. Of course propaganda plays a role. All I’m saying is that hate isn’t a mental illness. People are morally responsible for their hate. Lumping people like that in with mentally ill people will make our lives harder, and they’re hard enough already. Associating us with them will make it easier, psychologically, for other people to involuntarily commit us or even kill us (check the stats on police shootings and severe mental illness). I’m not saying people are born to hate. I’m saying we have enough problems, please don’t advocate mixing them in with us. Call hate a “social illness” and treat them that way. We have enough problems.


Fair, “social illness” is a good way to put it.


Fucking therapy? I’m interested


Look up sexual surrogacy. 😉

@GustavoM@lemmy.world avatar

As someone who stood in front of some dude trying to force me to suck his dick (and I fucked off immediately) and getting back assaulted by randoms on the midschool (while dressed) yet I’m still an hetero, biological male…? What the heck is going on? Why on earth I’d start sucking dicks just because I saw some dude naked on screen? That’d be ridiculous, and a demonstration of a severe lack of wit and common sense. That is like, staring at my own cock would make me gay or something amongst those lines.


But would you do it for a Klondike bar?


Dumb af and would never happen. I’m sure the porn industry has enough money to buy off politicians.


Or interesting information about them


Never say never.


When you pry it from my warm, sticky hands...


It is mind boggling to me that in the year 2023 we’re complaining about porn, LGBT existence, and fucking book content. Isn’t this what we were laughing at 20 years ago? About book burnings and how stupid the previous generations were for fearing and banning media that challenged them?


History is cyclical if large chunks of the population refuse to acknowledge it.


It is mind boggling to me that in the year 2023 we’re complaining about porn, LGBT existence, and fucking book content. Isn’t this what we were laughing at 20 years ago?

It’s easy to forget because of how quickly the cultural zeitgeist shifted when it finally did, but the early 2000s was still very homophobic. Watching pretty much any comedy from that era reminds you of just how common the punchline to jokes was just, “teehee they’re gay.”


In the early 2000s it was exceptionally common to hear things referred to as “gay” if they were “bad” in some way. Chandler’s “Dad” in friends is one I look back on and shudder. I understand when boomers say things like “things were different back then, but our ability to reflect and do better is what moves our species forward. Not dig in and scream no!


You ever watch Lily Simpson on You Tube, she does analysis of trans characters and their treatment in older media. Her analysis of Chandlers dad actually showed they weren’t that bad of a depiction.


Yup been watching Scrubs and while a still funny show a lot of the time, there’s still a lot of jokes that make me cringe. I’m sure it’s like that for any show in that era.


Scrubs was cringe even when it was fresh


Fair lol.

@uis@lemmy.world avatar

I think you are missing about whole point of jokes being jokes.


tee-hee it’s scared and regressive


Of course. Humor is never used to other out-groups so they can be treated as less. Gay jokes are just good clean fun. Like racist and misogynist jokes. /s

carl_dungeon, (edited )

You should watch the documentary show about the duggars and how they’re part of a huge cult that systemically indoctrinates kids, fucks them, and gets them into politics. It’s disgusting. It’s an organized push of quiverfull fundamentalist shit being pushed into law.

@thomcat@midwest.social avatar

Shiny Happy People, for the people wondering what the documentary is called.


Thanks- I had forgotten!


AD&D is a gateway to Satan worship and witchcraft. /s

@A_A@lemmy.world avatar

… AT&T ?


Dungeons and Dragons. Tabletop roleplaying game. Because it featured demons, magic, etc with elaborate books documenting it all, conservatives condemned it.


More context for OP, AD&D is Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, basically it is the second edition of Dungeons and Dragons before they started using the 3E, 3.5E, 4E, 5E nomenclature.


Biblical Satan, not the real one.


You’re selling Comcast short there. They put in the effort, they should get 1st place. Please have their medal ready somewhere between 6am and 2pm on Tuesday, if they don’t cancel.


ATT was honing their evil while Comcast was still in diapers. You should look into the history of ATT and just how long they have been around in various forms.


See also: the Carterfone and Hush-a-phone decisions.


ADHD? Some days, I think it might be…


The real impact of the 9/11 attacks: There is direct line from shock and confusion to nationalistic rhetoric and “'OOORAH!”- patriotism to the rise of the Tea Party, the growing influence of the Evangelicals up to the emergence of Trumpism and Qanon.


Don’t forget that the CIA armed and trained the militias that would eventually become Al Qaeda. We were the architects of our own demise.


Isn’t this what we were laughing at 20 years ago?

We were laughing, they were seething and planning.


Human nature doesn’t change that much over time. Teenage me thought the future would be awesome because people like me would be in power. Adult me knows that people my age and younger are like everyone before them, just younger.

@uis@lemmy.world avatar

Most of them ARE previous generation.

@Arotrios@kbin.social avatar

This is not going to stop porn. All it will do is criminalize the actors, producers, and viewers.

I'm reminded of the drug war, where they took a relatively harmless narcotic used disproportionally by minority populations at the time (Marijuana), and used it to criminalize and imprison large swaths of the population, especially within the black community.

It's no coincidence that most of the folks targeted by this effort are women and sex industry workers, which skew liberal by a large degree. Note I'm not just talking about prostitution or porn actors, but the entire sex industry, including toys and books.

The GOP is scared shitless of the rising power of women in modern society, and being able to criminalize and consequently attack the revenue stream of sex industry workers is a way to blunt it. There's also an element of class warfare involved, as OnlyFans or similar sites are often the most economical way for a young woman to lift herself out of poverty if she has no other marketable skills.


Marijuana was so they could arrest hippies. Cocaine was so they could arrest black people.

Source: one of the guys responsible for the war on drugs straight up said it.

@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

Crack was for black people, cocaine was for rich people. That’s why 5g of crack got you the same sentence as 500g of cocaine


No, cocaine was for black people in the 50s and 60s. Crack wasn’t a thing yet. Crack was another way they came up with to put black people in prison, but that was in the 80s.

@Arotrios@kbin.social avatar

Actually, when William Hearst originally started the campaign in the 20s to take out the hemp farmers that were competing with his timber business (he bought up most of Humboldt so he could corner the paper market), he targeted Hispanics (primarily Mexicans) with Marijuana in his articles about drug crimes and how they were ruining America. Henry Ansligner bought it hook, line and sinker, and he set the tone until the 40s, when hemp was briefly made legal for the war effort. Note that Jack Herer's The Emperor Wears No Clothes does an excellent job illustrating this historical relationship.

Once the Beats started smoking weed in 50s, hemp was criminalized again, and the prohibition was expanded to felony status as law enforcement started targeting the evolution of the Beat movement, the hippies.

The subsequent prohibition on cocaine products was targeted at black neighborhoods (as per the GOP intention during the Nixon/Reagan era), and was built upon the "successes" of the previous marijuana prohibition.

This is why I don't think they'll stop at porn.

@uis@lemmy.world avatar

Nah, hippies were using LSD


Sweet summer child. A group can do more than one drug. Sometimes even at once.


The GOP is scared shitless of the rising power of women in modern society, and being able to criminalize and consequently attack the revenue stream of sex industry workers is a way to blunt it.

I agree that this is a big part of the war on porn. These stuffy prudes are seeing soceal/cultural norms changing before their eyes and they hate it.

I also think they’re using it as an angle of attack to undermine online privacy/security in an effort to chill free speech/expression online. It’s all about control.

@Jaysyn@kbin.social avatar

The death rattles of a dying political party embracing .

The GOP has lost something like 11 of their last 13 special elections & just keep digging their grave.

If we keep voting Blue, keep doing exactly what we are doing to preserve the USA, the won't be a national party by 2028.

@ZombieMantis@lemmy.world avatar

The fight doesn’t end at the ballot box, but it does start there. Everyone needs to vote. Vote in the primaries, vote in the general, vote in local elections, & vote in state & national elections. Make yourself heard, & organize.


This. I don’t care if you love your local representatives. If they are ok running as a Republican, vote them out.


I wish there were non republicans running. Usually there’s one person running, and they’re generally republican. And no - I don’t have the time to become a politician.


Yea I hear ya. That was the case in my old township. The same 2 people have been running it for two decades and I can’t remember anyone ever challenging them. There are also two other positions that are always blank on the ballot. No idea if those positions are just vacant or someone wins via write-in. I haven’t actually looked.


OTOH, maybe it doesn’t need to take any time. Just put your name on the ballot as a Democrat. Don’t campaign. If you’re elected, you can do better than a Republican by just not showing up.


I’m not sure that’s true - I mean, presumably some things have to happen for the position or else why have it? I guess in terms of being in a group of legislators that’s less true, but town supervisor or dogcatcher or whatever - I’d get elected once, then when there’s no one at the meetings or doing whatever needs to be done to IDK, plow the roads or something or no one answers a call to catch a dog - I’d not get elected again, so have I accomplished anything doing that? And I don’t like to claim I’ll do something and then just never do it, it’s even worse to go in knowing I’m never going to do it, but I’d prefer no one to a Republican. Plus, then I become a public individual and lose a lot of privacy rights and am liable to get attack ads etc, even if I’m actually just a “straw candidate” to have a D on the ballot.


I think you grossly underestimate the sheer number of fuckbrains in this country.

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