
It’s not just lemmy that’s benefiting from Elon Musk.

Whether its lemmy or mastodon, or kbin that grows, we're all benefiting. That's the beauty of federation.

Wage_slave, avatar

The more i see and recognize the use of the term “Federation”, the more my inner geek hopes this is how IRL Star Trek starts.

“The federation started as a group of loosely associated social media and information hubs where people would share ideas, porn and memes. The ideals and social structure would eventually spread to a much larger and more dynamic series of instances that built up to and even greater federation of the human online colonies. As it grew, first contact was made and the inter galactic trade federation was established to trade porn and memes, would eventually go onto to much more larger, important, totally not porn related causes. To explore strange new worlds, and seek out new…”


There is a whole star trek instance conveniently enough:


I love the fact that you can now have a website that ends in .website. It’s like having [email protected] as your address.


I can’t wait to charge aliens 5.99 intergalactic glonches to see my butthole every month.


“…to seek out new porn and new positions. To boldly jerk off to something no one has seen before…”


There were stories that Tesla had a team in place to distract Elon any time he showed up to the office, and I absolutely believe that. Now that Elon has Twitter to distract him, I wonder what that team is up to.


Twitter under Elon looks similar to the UK under Brexit.

ultratiem, avatar

So smooth sailing right? Right??




Can we have something nice here please? I miss when the internet was nice, and you were allowed to talk to each other about whatever you wanted.


SirStumps, avatar

You have pretty skin.

ininewcrow, avatar

Throughout history, the wealthy always have a habit of congratulating themselves on work that others have created while doing their absolute best to mess everything up.


I don’t know what’s going on here but I’m just glad to be part of something.


We couldn’t have done it without you


Your hair looks small.


Thank you! I got it off the back off a well fed lady!

Sygheil, avatar

Xport to


That is right baby. The Fedi is a life raft always waiting to scoop people up.


It’s not the rebrand that’s killing Twitter. Elon is. He’s proving to himself that he cannot, in fact, run Twitter better than the prior owners.


Yeah. I left with the bluetlicker shitstain bump up in every reply. The dumbest people to ever buy a device and learn English that somehow didn’t choke on rocks as a kid…

Just had enough and had to leave


I wonder if previous twitter execs are feeling a bit bad to have sold him twitter to see it destroyed like that.

I mean it certainly proves Elon is an idiot as he used fraud to manipulate the price and got played instead.

But was it worth it to let him destroy Twitter just because he tried to defraud it?

Master, avatar

As someone who doesnt use twitter… yes this was totally worth it!


I’d be bummed out but happy I have an unlimited supply of hundred dollar bills to wipe away the tears.


They got $44 billion, double what sane people thought the company was worth. It would be irresponsible not to take Elon for a ride.


Also illegal, since Twitter was a public company- they can’t discriminate on bona fide offers or they risk being sued.


Responsible financially, as agents of the corporation, sure. And I understand why they did it. Morally though (and I would argue civilly) it was wildly irresponsible. Thousands of people lost their jobs, hundreds of people are now forced to work at Elons insane business under threat of deportation if their visa is invalidated, and hundreds of millions lost a trusted, dependable direct link to governments, public figures, and other notable people. The world is a worse place for having let this deal happen. What is responsible financially is often irresponsible in pretty much every other way, and I wish this perspective was represented more.

As a shareholder in a number of other large corporations, I would actively like for buy-outs like this one to fail, even if it would make me a quick buck now, even if that quick buck is a lot. I much prefer stability to major erratic changes, even when they benefit me.


An easy counterpoint to what you just said: mahney. Nobody cares about doing the responsible thing when billions are on the line. Also, a lot of people say they wouldn’t do something for a billion dollars which just boils down to “you didn’t get a chance like that and you never will”. Hypotheticals are easy till it actually happens to you.


I have morals that I will not violate. Money does not matter to me beyond enough to comfortably live on my own (and I have reached that point already). I give the rest away to people in need, because that’s how my moral system works. You’re welcome to think whatever you want about hypotheticals, but in this case it doesn’t matter if they sold or not. The people making this deal would have been obscenely rich either way. At a certain point, money is nothing more than bragging about a big number, your life doesn’t get materially different. If your moral system allows for that kind of action, good for you I suppose, but I can assure you its far from a universal perspective.


hundreds of millions lost a trusted, dependable direct link to governments, public figures, and other notable people.

It should not have been trusted and pervasive to such an extent. If anything, better to cut the dependency now than later.


That’s a fair argument, and to an extent I agree. That said, I don’t think firebombing something hundreds of millions depend on is not the ideal solution, and it could have been handled differently, like by adding contingencies, for example. Or working in some form of transition period.


In an ideal world, yes. But face it, you, I, and my aunt’s puppy knows that’d never happen. Get every govt agency in the world to cooperate? Yeah right. This might have been one of the best ways we could realistically have ended it.


I disagree. Nationalizing Twitter is definitely idealistic thinking, but adding some small contingencies to the deal definitely is not, and is actually pretty standard in large mergers, to maintain stability.


I wonder how long twitter would able to run at a loss if elon didn’t take it over as a slapstick joke went wrong.


I’m sure the previous execs are crying into their wads of cash. So much sympathy for them.

Lol. Like if they gave a shit they would have forced that buyout to go through.


To be honest, for me it absolutely was the rebranding that made me delete the app.


Why? I’m really curious what difference the rebranding made to users


It’s stupid and unnecessary.


Imagine your favourite fancy restaurant suddenly adopts an extreme “Batman” theme. Same food, but just hardcore decorated a la the Dark Knight. You’d probably still go there, but you’d have a different time. And you’d reconsider the types of people you’d bring there, etc.

Brand is far more than the logo in the top corner, and I think marketing textbooks are going to use Twitter -> X as an example of how not to do things.


Now I’m imagining meeting a professional contact at a classy Italian sit down place, but the waitress greats us with a deep gravely “I’m Batman.”

Thank you for building that moment for me. And yeah, I see exactly your point now. If I hadn’t already left X, I would be concerned about sharing a personal and professional brand with it.


For me personally it was simply a gut feeling of how stupid that name and logo looked on my screen. I was of course annoyed but everything else going on before, but that didn’t yet push me away. This is a minor thing, but it was the tipping point.


If you said it was the final nail in the coffin, sure. But for that to be the only reason?? Why??

Are you one of those “my brand truck is better than yours because … bowtie” types?


You are jumping into conclusions. See my other answer here


How’s bluechew or whatever, I still haven’t gotten an invite


Lemmy would be soaring too if it weren’t for terrible database code allowing for easy ddos.


Hopefully they can fix that issue and the communist communities stop having hissy fits.

JoYo, avatar

they’re prob ddosing themselves for failing the purity tests.

DarthBueller, (edited )

I had one tell me “you know nothing about communism, stop talking,” and I was like, oh, that’s right, I know nothing despite being well informed about the history of workers movements going back to the 1840s, Das Kapital, the Manifesto, and despite these noble ideals, the fact that every single communist government relied on purges to accomplish its goals, formed an exclusionary ruling class, and were corrupt as fuck. Fucking teenagers and their black and white thinking.


When people say stuff like that it’s not about politics, it’s straight up about gatekeeping.


But you see, that wasn’t real Communism. Communism is a great and perfect egalitarian society by definition, so when it inevitably devolves into just another brand of stratification and oppression then it’s not Communism anymore. Next time it’ll work, though. We’ll still follow exactly the same formula that’s failed spectacularly every time it’s been tried, but this time it’ll work. For reasons. And if you say otherwise you’re just a status-quo liberal (never mind the fact that those supposed status-quo liberals are the ones implementing real tangible change that actually affect peoples’ lives while all the Communists do is endlessly wank about some glorious revolution that’ll happen some time in the nebulous future.)


Try using a smaller instance. I recently switched from to and it’s lightning fast. While you still get all the content from :)

Khrux, (edited )

I find it interesting how many people are looking for the overall lemmy experience. The first thing I did was find the community niche that interested me and the relevant instance, then when I’ve exhausted that instance I switch to the Everything tab and all find the generic content.

Edit: I accidentally wrote fine the community niece…


How did you like the community niece?


They fined her, so they obviously thought she did something wrong.


Man, this is what I get for being illiterate.




Yeah that’s what I said after my first community niece too.


I find it interesting how many people are looking for the overall lemmy experience

I’m one of them. I use Sync so the whole caboodle feels like just one site to me, whether it’s the Everything feed or my subscribed.

(I am not a techy person)


I also use sync, although I bought the lifetime ad-free version for Reddit years ago for like $5 and now it’s $100 which I can’t afford here which is a shame. Still, it’s my favourite app and I’m very familiar with it.


A hundred dollarydoos for an app to view a free website!?


It’s the reddit pricing swapped over exactly, I’m not outright against an independent app creator having a paid option, because it’s a very high quality app that deserves support, but I do feel it’s soo steep. There are also subscription options but I never take those, and the ads are reasonably unobtrusive.


So the developer has no underlying API cost to justify it and is pocketing it all? Obviously they can charge what they want and people can spend their money however they like, but this seems like an absolute con!


The developer is definitely pocketing it all, however they were very active on Reddit in maintaining and improving the app with the most quality of life options I’ve seen across any app. Honestly if the paid option was $10, I’d go for it, since I get hundreds of hours of use out of it. Also back in the reddit days, you could find the paid version for free online pretty easily.


I think I’m up to 5 lemmy instances now. Various reasons that others will figure out as they gain experience.


switched from LW to discuss online

Draconic_NEO, avatar

At least it’s open for collaboration so people who can or help contribute to fix bugs for them are able to do so. That’s the beauty of open source, anyone can help out.

miz_nocturnal, avatar

Just deleted my Twitter account. Of course, the app gave nothing but errors so I had to do it on desktop, but it’s done!


So now you have an ex-Twitter account. Or an X account for short.

Maybe Elon was truly 200 IQ with his naming


I deleted all of mine and move to mastodon when I heard Elon was possibly going to buy it. I’m glad I did, because who knows what he has all implemented since then.

I am sure my account was never “deleted”, even under Jack, but at least I know I gave the best chance for my data to be deleted.

yuunikki, (edited )


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  • jungekatz,

    Is it any good?



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  • sokz,

    It feels like the 2008-10 era twitter based on my experience. I didnt have anyone I knew on twitter either.


    I wanted to use mastodon, but I haven’t even used twitter in years, so then I realized I just don’t social media that way anymore (or much at all for that matter).


    I got it and I’m trapped in a weird bubble of shit that doesn’t really interest me and I don’t like microblogging I think

    Frostwolf, avatar

    Same. @squizzy, I don’t like microblogging in general either. I was raised in the golden era of forums (the days of phpBB and vBulletin). My twitter account hasn’t been touched for years now.


    I mostly used twitter for checking trending topics for news


    I was finally super duper permabanned from Reddit, and decided to give up. No more workarounds, new accounts, new emails, spoofing MAC addresses, multihop VPNs… And I’ve got to say, I have gotten more done in the past few weeks than in the last year combined.


    super duper permabanned from Reddit

    What the hell did you do?!


    I posted unpopular opinions. Perpetually for over a decade.


    I got permabanned for canning a right wing troll a loser. Apparently I had repeatedly violated the rules ¯_(ツ)_/¯


    I got permabanned for shitting on russians (I am a Polander so it’s my default behavior).


    I never used Twitter save for occasionally hearing about tweets, but I have been enjoying using Mastodon because in practice it’s basically just a way for me to have a feed of cool astronomy pictures.


    I found cool astronomy pictures on Reddit, and some now on lemmy! Cheers for random cool pictures of space.


    Is this migration already called xit? Because it should…

    makingStuffForFun, avatar



    Not sure which I like more. I think I’ll use both.

    Frostwolf, avatar

    tweXit does have a nice ring to it. Made me laugh 😂




    Xitting the Xitter (shit-ter)

    ininewcrow, avatar

    Xatter (shat-ter)


    Any android app recommendations? I’m yet to use Mastodon.


    I use Tusky on android, I’m happy with it.

    Lemmyboi, avatar



    Anyone using tooot ??

    tabular, avatar

    Only tried Tusky from F-droid store, no complaints.


    It’s in the playstore too if you’re not familiar with f-droid like I was.


    Megalodon is definitely the one.


    Use as a PWA. It’s really good!

    It’s a Twitter UI clone, perfect for replacing behaviors without being too jarring of a UX switch.


    I also recommend

    southsamurai, avatar

    Megalodon or moshidon would be my recommendation


    Official one, Tusky and for advanced users is Fedilab.


    ‘Trunks’ is a brand new one I’m liking an awful lot.

    Edit: they have a web based front-end as well:


    Tusky, Fedilab


    Megalodon is quite good.

    DeadGemini, avatar

    I use Tusky, and I like it. It’s on F-Droid too

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