@ddnomad@infosec.pub avatar

Use Firefox or Safari, the more people use Chromium-based browsers the faster we get to the situation where Google completely owns the Internet (and they almost do now).


What about Mullvad? I’ve been considering it for a while, especially because I really like the idea of vpn+browser resulting in the exactly same fingerprint as most of the other user of the same VPN, but I’m kind of unsure because I haven’t seen almost anyone talk about Mullvad yet, which may be a red flag.


Mullvad is a fork of firefox so it’s okay to use

@ddnomad@infosec.pub avatar

Mullvad is trusted. They are pretty open with their policies, exist for a long time already, not involved in any privacy scandals (to my best knowledge), charge flat and fair fee without 60% sales and other dubious marketing practices. It is one of the better VPN providers, not in 5/9 eyes (they are in 14 eyes though), you can buy a subscription with crypto, which (assuming crypto was acquired anonymously too) is a good start for some privacy guarantees.

Pretty much every cyber security professional I know uses Mullvad in one way or another, usually as part of a more complex solution.

But all in all, please bear in mind that VPN is not some magic silver bullet to preserve your privacy and anonymity. With VPNs you basically shift your trust from your ISP to the VPN provider. That trust you put into the provider, it is still a requirement. Not to mention that a good chunk of tracking is happening on a lower level nowadays, so if you use Mullvad on Windows / any Apple device etc. do not expect to become untraceable :)


I’ve been using Brave for years especially on Android. It’s secure, open-source and supports all chrome extensions and easiest to recommend anyone. I guess majority people care only about that much. Firefox needs improvement on Android, besides that their leadership are not saints either.


I think that the number 1 reason to not use brave is that is based on the chromium engine. The number 2 is that they use limited anti fingerprinting tools and support his self built tracking and ads. The others about ideology of the CEO i think are not so important.


Why don’t you like Chromium? I’m looking for a Chrome alternative that IS based on Chromium. I have tried Firefox countless of times. Last time I used it 2 months. But chrome is just imo better, more stable, more compatible. And I’m so used to having to do calculations in the address bar and having the result without having to press enter.


more compatible

That’s because at this point Google basically has a monopoly on the web. They’re pushing what they want, because they control most of the browser marketshare through not only Chrome but every other browser based on it. That’s also the main reason to not use Chromium-based browsers, because it’s helping Google strengthen their monopoly.


I know. But compatibility it not the only problem for me with Firefox.


I’ve had zero compatibility issues with Firefox in the last, oh, 5 years? It was an issue a long time ago but not these days. If you absolutely, 100% must use a Chromium engine then Vivaldi isn’t too bad, but do your own research on their organization and see if it’s right for you.


Chromium is made by google. And google define with the chromium engine the web standard. Search about the deprecation of the manifest v2, and will know how the google monopoly is not a good thing as well


Ok see? Now, those are clear, thoughtful reasons no to use brave. Everything else is just a badly written resentful hit piece.

@Sanrasxz@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I always find it funny when people bring ideologies of the creator into discussions like this about software. Like no, I don’t give a fuck about what this guy’s opinions on political issues is. Are there any issues with the piece of software itself? You’re trying to argue about the product, not the creator behind it.


This is really just a rip on the CEO because of his political beliefs. I imagine if he donated money to some sort of left wing thing there would be no story. Just another tech person doing what they do. It’s so amazing how divided everyone is nowadays, always looking for some reason to hate someone. That goes for left, right and center!


How dare we hate an unrepentent bigot!


Did you even read the whole article or just skim it until you got uncomfortable with the condemnation of homophobia? First of all, the issue isn’t that Brendan Eich donated to a right-wing cause, it’s that he supports a cause with the goal of stripping a minority group of their rights. Second, the article goes on to explain specific shady anti-privacy, anti-content-creator, pro-crypto practices and builds a strong case against using the browser that’s completely separate from Eich’s personal failure to be a decent person.


Wanting to restrict the rights of minorites isn’t a valid position. It’s vile and worthy of hatred.

@DarkWasp@lemmy.world avatar

People are allowed to support whatever they feel like, especially when they don’t want to support someone’s bigoted beliefs. Is that not the free market?


Oh the Internet… Wonderful place. I don’t feel like I was hateful or said anything groundbreaking. Yet got some very strong responses and negative points. Everyone seems to have forgotten this is America where people can have different views on things whether that is on cultural, political or whatever issue. This is the best country in the world but people have done a good job of dividing everyone. How can this be a horrible racist country when thousands of minorities risk life and limb to come here every year? When we had a war to end slavery. Also with everything granted in the Constitution and Bill of rights no country even comes close. You want to talk about homophobic, there are still many countries where gay people are killed and even hung. There are many minorities whether that is race, sex or whatever that have done very well in America, because it’s based on what you do. So if a CEO wants to donate to whatever he believes in that’s his right because I guarantee you there were lots of CEOs who donated on the other side. So I agree with everything Jeff Bezos believes or does? I’m sure I don’t but I use Amazon because I like the service, that’s my choice. So if you want to be a dick and rip me then do that it’s your right. I will still have my opinion because it’s mine.


I can’t think of a reason why anyone would use a browser other than Firefox and it’s forks.


Probably the lack of site isolation on mobile afaik


It doesn’t support HDR for example and a lot of websites are “optimized” for chrome or refuse to work unless you change your useragent to chrome


That seems like more of a reason to use FF…


Because, for years, Chrome and its forks were basically the only good browsers out there. Both Internet Explorer and Firefox were in bad shape at the time.

Internet Explorer never recovered its reputation (and Edge itself is a fork of Chromium, anyway), and, by the time Firefox recovered, too many people were integrated into the Chrome ecosystem, and too many of those people believe it’d be too difficult to switch (and most don’t really care since Chrome’s issues have yet to personally affect them).

@Sanrasxz@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Because Firefox on mobile is a pile of shit to be honest. It works great on desktop, but the mobile experience is subpar. For a chromium browser, Bromite used to be an option, but it seems abandoned now. Brave is one of the few Foss chromium browsers left that also supports adblocking.


Works fine for me. The sheer ability to have addons like ublock origin on mobile, something that no chromium-based browser allows you to do, was enough to convince me to switch.


I am using Brave on iOS mainly because of its superb YouTube support - It has a built in ad block, can download videos offline and play minimized. Is there any way I can achieve this with any other browser? I would switch immediately.


I dont use brave, but is this how most people choose what browser to use? Weather or not the dev supports gays?

@panbroggi@feddit.it avatar

Well it should be a reason IMHO.

@OptimusPrimeRib@sh.itjust.works avatar

You can find dirt on pretty much any corporation that exists.

I don’t use brave but if I boycotted every app and every company that has done bad things I wouldn’t have much of anything to browse through.

@panbroggi@feddit.it avatar

I know how compromises work, but the fact is we cannot let it be every time just because “they all have issues”. Taking decisions based on beliefs is not an error, and I am in strong favor of this.


Learn to see some gray - your statements lack about nuanced understanding of these situations.


There isn’t a product in the world, even my most used and beloved, that makes me care enough to bother looking up beliefs of involved executives.


You do you.


Exactly. People here need to realize that the majority of non-Western people have had enough of struggles to deal with. They’re also struggling to make ends meet, let alone caring about a product executive’s political views. If the product can deliver what it’s supposed to do – in this case, a browser that blocks ads – they’re fine with it. And the Brave browser works well on midrange Androids, which are often used in many third-world countries. Firefox and its add-ons are quite resource-intensive for midrange devices.


I personally don’t care if the CEO support gay people or not, I just want a good product lol. Brave on Android is really great so I’m happy with it.


Probably not how most people choose, no, but if it’s important to some then why not let them make that choice?


It’s foolish to willingly trust financial vampire Peter Thiel with your data.


Unfortunately, there are the ame stuff about Firefox too. Mozilla Foundation is such a corrupt organization with extreme shady finances.

Foundation’s main income is royalties by google: 567M per year.

Donations: 7M (which almost goes to the CEO’s bonuses)

the CEO gets 700K salary and 4.6M bonuses. Lmao.

I’d suggest, using Firefox but not donating to them.


Google keeps Mozilla alive to give the appearance of competition.


Google keeps Mozilla under their thumb so that they keep using Google search by default


The only reason Google keeps Mozilla alive is so they can claim Chromium doesn’t have a monopoly on browser engines.


Yes, exactly. They already know that fines for monopoly is more expensive that half a billion to spare to mozilla, lol.

Such a bad time to live.

I only have hope to Ladybird 🐞 now 🥺

@OddFed@feddit.de avatar

I still root for servo.org


Not to forget that around 70% of the revenues cone from a single, non-disclosed, customer. My wild guess: it’s Google…

EDIT: And they just significantly reduced their expenditures for Software Development

@OddFed@feddit.de avatar

Mozilla is not doing too well, but they are far from being Brave Software Inc. or Google. It’s not like choosing between Musk and Zuckerberg. It’s like choosing between Neil deGrasse Tyson and Hitler.


Hitlerscape lol


I used brave in the past sometimes still do. I don’t care for the leadership. The browser is opensource and solid. I use librewolf as my main browser now though.




How about duckduckgo? That’s my to go. Also I have all my password from Ransome websites stored in brave browser, any idea how to migrate them to another browser? I really like that I can connect my account and my password migrate with me.


Dude not cool. Stop using websites to ransom people.


Random* ;(

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I ditched Brave ages ago when the ad and crypto bullshit really ramped up, and finding out Peter Thiel was involved and Brendan Eich was a bigot, were more than enough to keep me away from Brave.

I currently use Arc on desktop because it makes my life as a busy dev much easier to organize, and Safari on iOS because every browser on there is just Safari anyway. iOS Safari + custom DNS to block ads. Works for me.

I’d use Firefox but Arc’s organization features have become insanely useful.


What are you upset about an opt-in feature?


Lol. Don’t mind the troll. Go back to reddit dude

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Yeah I don’t even reply to them on Lemmy. Reddit had enough vapid trolls; we don’t need them here.


and finding out Peter Thiel was involved

For his vendetta against Gawker (which was more or less entirely executed by paying for people’s lawyers if they had a reason to sue Gawker) or for being a general dickbag elsewise?

Because I totally get why Thiel was pissed at Gawker - it wasn’t just outing him as gay, but outing him as gay as a time while he was in a country where being gay was punishable by death. Gawker genuinely did something that could have got him killed.

But if you demand moral purity from people making products you support, you’re going to have a bad time unless everyone involved is under 25, just because of value drift over time. Doubly so for politicians, for example Hillary used to be a vocal opponent of gay marriage, until that would cost her more votes than it was worth.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

It’s more about the fact that I just don’t like anything he stands for. I don’t demand anything from anyone, but I have the freedom to choose what and who I support at any given time.

The sad reality is that a lot of tech bros have moral and political aspects I don’t like, and I’ve been in the tech space for years. They can do whatever they want, just like I can say “nah, not interested.”


Who cares? As liberal I’m sick of the mellow-dramatic outrage culture. People aren’t perfect. Who knew? If you don’t use brave what’s the alternative? Google, who is much worse? Maybe “don’t let perfect be the enemy of good” and stop using the lefts social capital to alien people over small personal gripes.

I notice people who write these types of articles never open themselves to the same sort of scrutiny.

@1984@lemmy.today avatar

Firefox is probably the best alternative but I agree about people looking for flaws. We are all flawed to same degree. It’s unrealistic to expect everyone to have the same opinions about things as yourself.

But that being said, if you find those opinions to be extreamly offensive, don’t use their products. I’m off Google almost completely for that reason. I despise them and am actively telling people to stop using them.


This article us about brave browser, not search.


I didn’t differentiate so I don’t see how that’s relevant. My comment stands either way even if I did.


Not really, if we’re talking browsers then ff is the obvious alternative.

@nanoUFO@sh.itjust.works avatar

Right we shouldn’t use brave because CEO donated $1000 to some law author doesn’t like. Maybe we should leave lemmy too because creators believe in things most other people don’t like. These kind of morality plays are stupid, who knows what every devs and ceo of company actually think and do with their money and honestly if it’s legal who cares.

@Stumblinbear@pawb.social avatar

“some law”

Imagine believing supporting a law that removes the right for same sex couples to marry is on the same level as believing communism isn’t that terrible

nanoUFO, (edited )
@nanoUFO@sh.itjust.works avatar

Imagine believing some American law is equal to genocide of minorities and students protesting for democracy. At least lemmy is open source otherwise I think it wouldn’t have gotten as far as it has.


One is a law that actually affects real people. One is a belief. What is hard to understand?!? These aren’t remotely the same thing.

If someone threatened to murder your family vs someone who paid someone to murder your family — which person is worse?

@nanoUFO@sh.itjust.works avatar

One is a belief that has killed a ton of people? Go to lemmy.ml and say something about the genocide in China and see what happens. I don’t really get it, do you also check every person working on all the software you use to make sure they subscribes to the same ideals as you? How do you know they aren’t doing something worse with their money. Isn’t seeking universal healthcare or stopping billionaires from fucking you something more worthwhile to put your energy into? Where do you draw the line exactly because I’m confused.


You keep moving the goal posts.

If you can’t see the difference between someone’s random opinion on the internet and someone paying actual money to oppress actual people - I don’t think we have much common ground to have a reasonable discussion.

@nanoUFO@sh.itjust.works avatar

I feel the same way about you ignoring the whole genocide topic. I guess we agree to disagree but fuck people who can’t respect other peoples rights in general.


I mean, support a homophobic asshole if you want? This blog post isn’t lying. If you’re ok with making excuses for that or even accepting it, then that’s your choice.

@nanoUFO@sh.itjust.works avatar

I don’t? I don’t use Brave. Kinda bad rhetoric on your part. That’s like me saying, “support a genocidal regime if you want, guess you hate minorities.”


Not at all! You’re literally making excuses for a homophobic asshole. With a not-difficult-to-find public history of it. And then complaining about people suggesting to not support him. I don’t think I’m the one struggling with rhetoric in this comment section…

@nanoUFO@sh.itjust.works avatar

I’m literally talking to a intellectually dishonest lemmy.ml user that cannot be engaged at any reasonable level. Goodbye.


So why exactly should people stop using brave browser? This article is just smearing campaign, I can easily write much more compelling reasons as to “why you should stop using Firefox browser”, coming from a Firefox user myself

drathvedro, (edited )

Some examples:

  • Mitchell Baker laid off 250 employees, including prospective Rust team, to increase her own salary two-fold
  • Firefox is full of telemetry out of the box, including the infamous Pocket which is all about tracking and now hardwired into the browser
  • Mozilla fully controls your browser, they can and do sometimes install addons remotely, including ones that are straight up ads
  • Mozilla is almost exclusively funded by Google, and does what Google says it to do, like deprecating XUL and HTTP, and implementing manifest v3… One might argue the whole BAT thing has more merit than using a browser which existence is hanging on it being the Google’s anti-monopoly lawsuit insurance.

Ugh. I was trying Firefox, but there are too many extensions I use that use Chromium that I need. I’m too torn on what to do.

Clbull, (edited )

I think we have far bigger problems than Brendan Eich in the tech industry. Far more people have suffered or died in recent years from tax cuts and austerity lobbied by by some of the biggest billionaires (i.e. Zuckerberg, Gates, Ballmer, Musk, Bezos) than from the causes Eich has funded.

Can we truly call ourselves humanitarians when we continue to lap up everything that big tech gives to us?

At best, we’re hypocrites for cancelling Eich whilst simultaneously sweeping issues like worker exploitation, political/medical disinformation, erosion of privacy, etc from the rest of big tech under the rug.


At best, we’re hypocrites for cancelling Eich whilst simultaneously sweeping issues like worker exploitation, political/medical disinformation, erosion of privacy, etc from the rest of big tech under the rug.

Literally 90% of lemmy users are trying to get out of the hands of big tech and try to minimize the affects of their consumption of technology, I don’t user any social media outside of Linkedin to get jobs, Whatsapp (I live in south america so I’m forced to use It), youtube (I don’t have a excuse for this one except its not easy to stop using) and things on fediverse which I consider ethical for now.

Also just use firefox smh. Its good and awesome and open.


I think people should be able to call a wrong out without having to call all wrongs out.


Gates didn’t lobby for tax cuts and austerity. fortune.com/…/bill-gates-lobbied-joe-manchin-infl…

Nor did Bezos: www.bbc.com/news/business-56657596

Austerity hurts Amazon’s retail business, so the idea that Bezos would lobby for it is ludicrous.

Interesting that you bring up political and medical disinformation, which is something else Eich is known for: nytimes.com/…/brave-brendan-eich-covid-19.html

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