
“If someone recommends Brave to you, you should ignore them, because they are wrong.”

I stopped reading here. If you would like to present objective technical arguments, please try not to sound like a 5 year old “I’m right, you’re wrong, blah blah”.

Use Brave or use Firefox. They both work great for privacy, but I find Brave is easier to configure to be private.

phar, (edited )

Or if you don’t like the article, check up on it from other sources instead of burying your head in the sand?

Edit: a word


that would require some bravery


Ah yes let’s ignore everyone that challenges our own opinions because that’s the best way to never be wrong and always feel safe.


Thank you for being a great example of exactly what the author refers to.


Today, a Lemming did not learn what a thesis statement is.

@linearchaos@lemmy.world avatar

When is the last time you saw a thesis that began with "you should ignore them, because they are wrong.”

He had a great opportunity and lots of eyes here from people who use brave to show them how it’s problematic. He started his opinion article with nu’uhhhhhh

Compelling summary: “You’ve been hearing a lot about Brave, maybe you use it yourself, you should look into the company you’re supporting and how they’re turning their back on you before you continue”

Start with privacy issues with tor

Show a historical track record of illegal action add swapping and referrer swapping

Show their shady crypto currency issues. trading out FTX for their own stuff, the FTC/SEC looking into them selling their coin as a security.

Show the CEO is a horrible person.

Make the case that their going to sell your data more unscrupulously than Google or Microsoft.

But no, he’s a horrible journalist that can’t manage to put the critical points first.


Maybe you should keep reading then


Firefox works well enough for me. Never given me any problems or grief. I don’t really understand the fascination with chromium forks or the insistence on using them instead of Mozilla’s engine.


Unfortunately there are enough websites that are broken and don’t work in Firefox… and some of them I just cannot avoid using (company tools, recruitment platforms etc.) because I am position where they can just tell me to use Chrome or GTFO.


I get the company stuff but I honestly can’t think of a single site in any recent history that harassed me about using Firefox. If it does I just look for alternatives or irritably switch to edge or whatever for a couple of minutes. It’s not something I’ve even had to consider to be an issue tbh


Is that article a psyop by advertisers and big corps to get to our data by getting us to ditch for a faceless corps browser?

@AphoticDev@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I hope you didn’t hurt yourself with all that stretching.


Whilt my comment was a bit tongue-in-cheek… What stretching? The article literally tells you to use other browsers. Browsers that take your data and track you.


The article suggested Firefox and Vivaldi. Are you saying that Firefox and Vivaldi "take your data and track you"?

@scripthook@lemmy.world avatar

I just use Firefox and DuckDuckGo


You might want to explore librewolf. It’s built on Firefox but with more privacy features.


Librewolf is definitely the best option for privacy imo even though I don’t use it. I tried to use librewolf but it gives me issue using odysee. Seems to be like a common issue and I’d rather just config Firefox than use YT


Isn’t It just Firefox without Mozilla stuff? 99% Firefox with arkenfox or betterfox are the same thing


I believe very similar. I like that librefox is ‘out of the box’ secure(ish) and easy for everyone without dealing with Firefox templates. I generally trust privacytools.io and they have a note in regards to Firefox that says “Hardening & Tweaking: The default settings of Firefox are not the best choice to be a privacy respecting browser. Use Firefox Profilemaker to adjust the settings. An alternative is to download the hardened Arkenfox’s user.js - Place this in your Firefox’s user.js directory and it will fix everything for you. You can also do it manually.

Mozilla decided to include a unique download token in downloads from the Firefox website and uses telemetry to send the token and assign users with IDs. However, releases from the Mozilla FTP doesn’t include the token. If you don’t like any of this circus, choose LibreWolf instead.”

@Grant_M@lemmy.ca avatar

Same here 100%


DDG with their Microsoft agreements and subpar search results isn’t the answer for me.

Qwant and Startpage fit it better


I’ve been using DuckDuckGo on Android and have enjoyed it for both search and browser. Can you TLDR the Microsoft agreements, I’m out of the loop.

NecroSocial, (edited )


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  • dantheclamman,
    @dantheclamman@lemmy.world avatar

    His political donations suggest a broader lack of moral values, which is borne out by the business model of his browser, which sought to steal ad space from websites and enable the broader economy of speculative tokens. Just suggests a lack of ethics all the way down


    Amen dude. This is the best take iv seen so far.


    Changing links to add their affiliate codes was enough of a shady thing for me to swear off this browser. No telling what kind of a fast one the company will try to pull in the future.


    This doesn’t give a balanced overview of the positives of Brave, for example they have Tor integration which is interesting: brave.com/tor-bridges/

    @AphoticDev@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Don’t use Tor in any browser except the Tor browser. Since the whole point of Tor is being totally anonymous with no way to identify you, if you’re able to be fingerprinted you’ve broken the whole thing and you shouldn’t even bother. And yes, you can be fingerprinted in Brave, with a high reliability. The best browser for resisting fingerprinting is the Tor browser, followed by LibreWolf.


    followed by LibreWolf.

    I’d expect it to be Mullvad’s browser, considering it’s literally an un-Tor’d Tor browser :p


    Thanks. Whenever I raised the issue of homophobia or his general support of right-wing causes that threaten people’s privacy (see the aftermath of Roe v. Wade for example), I got downvoted, be it on the PrivacyGuides sub where they adore the browser, or right here just weeks ago.


    Lmao. The basic leftist argument always boils down to nothing more than… REEEEEEE! MY FEELINGS! Not an argument. Try again.


    you saying that from an openly radical leftist instance is intriguing.

    @danhab99@programming.dev avatar

    Why was appointing Eich as CEO so controversial? It’s because he donated $1,000 in support of California’s Proposition 8 in 2008, which was a proposed amendment to California’s state constitution to ban same-sex marriage.

    Besides this I cannot find another good reason not to use brave. Nobody point to a specific line of code that ruins privacy, not enough reasons.

    @charonn0@startrek.website avatar

    Good enough for this gay Californian.

    @danhab99@programming.dev avatar

    Gay Nuyorican

    @charonn0@startrek.website avatar

    I don’t know what you’re saying, but I infer it’s not meant kindly.

    @danhab99@programming.dev avatar

    I’m gay and I’m from New York ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ

    @pozbo@lemmy.world avatar

    Their carrot-on-a-stick routine with the BAT they fail to pay is enough for me to have switched.

    False advertising is false.

    AccidentalLemming, (edited )


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  • danhab99,
    @danhab99@programming.dev avatar

    I’ve been using brave for over a year. I can’t remember the last time I saw an ad on my screen. Now there might very well have been some But I have no memory of it.


    I’m with you here. Been using brave for several years and i definitely haven’t noticed any ads.

    @gila@lemmy.world avatar

    I stopped using it because it was kinda shitty. Some page elements in my webapps just didn’t display or work correctly. Firefox is the more polished experience now. But it is kinda nice not having to morally justify your choice of browser, too.

    @loutr@sh.itjust.works avatar

    They block the website’s own ads, but inject their own instead. So the user still gets ads, but the profits go to Brave. I know that if the site’s owner is aware of that and goes through the process of registering with Brave they get a share of the profits, but this should really be opt-in. As it is, the whole scheme is shady as fuck.


    They do point out a couple of instances of questionable if not outright scummy things (e.g. the affiliate codes situation) but the article mostly gives off “stop using brave, I’ve decided it’s cancelled” vibes.


    So you’ve read all the way up to that line and closed the article didn’t you ?

    @danhab99@programming.dev avatar

    There were 3 points:

    1. CEO is a dick: not enough of a reason
    2. Swapping ads: I have ads disabled anyways so what do I care. If I did care I wouldn’t block ads in the first place

    3.1. Promoting/friendships with crypto: ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    3.2. Privacy leak: it happens ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    3.3. Partnering with weird people: ¯_(ツ)_/¯



    Because Firefox is better.

    I don’t care what the CEO of a corporation is doing because most of them are conservative pieces of shit.


    Honestly I don’t care who or what he personally donated to. But the ad model is the problem for me.


    Not saying I like the ad model but how else are people to make money to keep software going. Not enough people donate which is why we have some much Ads currently.


    LibreWolf manages. But the idea behind Brave was to make a for-profit company.


    They just started showing ads again on YouTube when watching on Brave. Which is a very good way to get me to permanently switch elsewhere! Thanks Brave!

    @asunaspersonalasst@lemmy.world avatar

    Brave called, they want you bacc 🤸‍♀️


    Too fuckin late for them. I wanted an excuse to leave for a while.


    I'm still seeing no ads

    @avidamoeba@lemmy.ca avatar

    I hadn’t read the details of their intended ad network. I just recall it sounded shady. Now that I read about it, it sounds very similar conceptually to Google’s Privacy Sandbox. I’m not sure if this is a better or worse approach than the status quo but I surely don’t trust Brave Inc, a startup with a questionable business model and investors, with gathering and processing this data.

    @wolandark@lemmy.world avatar

    How I love seeing people talk the big talk about ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom’ but also do their best to remind everyone that “your’e free as long as you agree with them”, else they attack with pitchforks and torches. Lovely. (Yes I’m talking to you).


    I normally agree with xkcd, but this is a huge straw man.

    It's not the government oppressing you, but you are being oppressed. It's not the government restricting your speech, but your speech is being restricted.

    People complaining about their speech getting restricted aren't saying "...by the government" and it's a cop out to pretend that's what they're talking about in the first place. That's not the conversation when it comes to canceling and deplatforming. That's not what people are complaining about. When people say "the right to free speech" in this context, they aren't talking about a specific legal, constitutional doctrine. They're talking about the social contract. They're saying, "hey, we generally believe in freedom as a concept, why are other people shushing me for voicing my opinion?"

    Note I'm not a "free speech absolutist", I don't think we should give everyone a megaphone and tell em to have fun. Sometimes canceling is the appropriate response. There's a lot of social media assholes out there stirring up shit and they should get muzzled.

    But this particular argument is bullshit.

    The argument we should be making is this: what you are saying is itself so heinous and dangerous that it is a violation of the social contract. The government is not silencing you, but we will.

    And we should also keep in mind that just because the government isn't silencing someone, that doesn't mean it's perfectly fine that we do. Mob mentality is a thing and sometimes we (the mob) can go too far. We should be measured about canceling and deplatforming.


    I couldn’t disagree more.

    The only form of restriction/censoring of speech that has any bearing whatsoever on this discussion is that which is enacted by the government. Pretending that some other person is somehow “restricting their speech” and “oppressing them socially” (!?) by telling them to shut up or leave is disingenuous at best.

    While we’re at it, “canceling” isn’t a thing. It’s a buzzword made up by the right to complain about the fact that they just got shown the door. Aww, boo hoo, did your feelings get hurt when you said your hot take & got told to fuck off? Maybe go reflect on that.

    The argument we should be making is this: what you are saying is itself so heinous and dangerous that it is a violation of the social contract. The government is not silencing you, but we will.

    Sorry, no. I’m under no obligation to listen to anyone, and I can walk away and/or kick them out of my space for any reason I choose. There’s no theoretical line their speech needs to cross before it’s somehow morally acceptable for me to tell someone to fuck off. I really couldn’t care less if you think I’m an asshole, so long as my conscience is clear.

    I will not be “measured” about making a choice I think is the right thing to do, even if you disagree with it.


    Literally every opinion I hold is morally right, and I have the right to gather other like minded people and oppress anyone who says otherwise. I am never wrong.

    • ASK_ME_ABOUT_LOOM, 2023

    [transcribed from lip reading via telescope, as he was too high on his horse for the rest of us to hear]


    That’s not even close to the position I hold, but you do you.


    How is refusing to use a product that no one is obligated to use anti-Freedum? Sometimes I wonder what people think freedom even is. In a free country you are free to vote with your dollars, it is absolutely free and democratic to boycott products that do things you don’t like. Did you even read the article or just rage after you realized one of the reasons people want you to stop using this browser is because the CEO is a bigot? Why people twist logic into knots trying to defend hateful people is beyond me.

    @wolandark@lemmy.world avatar

    There is no rage in my comment. I get a lot of rage coming from you’re direction and that’s why I won’t dignify your paragraph of nonsense any lmore than telling you to try to understand what I said. also you are only proving me right but acting this way. You rage at me because you think I might have a different opinion and god forbid if someone thinks differently 😆

    @pozbo@lemmy.world avatar

    What if I told you that brave browser was woke?

    Would you instinctually repeat your favorite phrase; go woke go broke?

    @wolandark@lemmy.world avatar

    The fact that you think I would favor a silly phrase like that is laughable. I still wouldn’t use brave because of the crypto crap, I couldn’t care less about who is woke and who is asleep since I have no problem with the lgbt community and in fact I have friends irl who belong to it. No It is the blatant fascism that I have a problem with. You can choose to use whatever software you want and again I couldn’t care less, but hating someone and sanctioning them and their product because they allegedly donated to something against what you like or think is right, is stupid. If you have the right to choose a certain thing, others must also have the choice to choose the opposite. That is freedom. Expecting ( forcing ) everyone to conform to your world views and standards is literally fascism.

    @pozbo@lemmy.world avatar

    I need you take a step back and realize that you think people not sanctioning a product because they don’t like the moral code of the owners is “stupid”.

    You won’t sanction their product over their decision to bind crypto to the browser.

    I won’t sanction their product because I find their morals to be lacking.

    Neither of us are wrong, but one of use is inflammatory.


    Why has no one forked brave yet?


    I believe someone did and named it the braver browser, but it got smacked down immediately.


    That’s obviously a trademark issue, but forking it should be pretty straightforward. You just can’t call it (basically) the exact same thing.


    Name my hypothetical fork “Coward”? Got it.

    @avidamoeba@lemmy.ca avatar

    There’s already ungoogled Chromium.

    @EricHill78@lemmy.world avatar

    I just started using it and it’s great. Partnered with Ublock Origin it’s a decent experience with no bloat.


    With new WEI base I dont think i’ll be using chromium anymore.


    There’s no point in it. Brave is just Chromium with their customizations


    I use a derivative of this browser for what I call “junk surfing” and I find it personally satisfying to feed it garbage searches, just for the fun of collecting an obscure crypto I know will never accrue any true value.

    But if they are willing to give it to me, I’ll take it.

    The important searches go through FF or the DuckDuckGo browser.


    There’s an extension for this. adnauseam.io


    That’s devious.

    @Wish13@lemmy.world avatar


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  • red,

    Products of Chinese companies aren’t really a good alternative for different reasons

    @blobcat@artemis.camp avatar

    probably because it's a locked down browser with an awful design and tracking enabled by default

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