@EmperorHenry@lemmy.world avatar

Okay, so the creator of Brave might be a bigot and some of the stuff it does with crypto currency is a little sketchy? And the ads it replaces with the blocked ads are somewhat invasive?

So disable the crypto stuff and use ad-blocking software along with its own adblocking functions.

If a mechanic fixes my car and does a really good job, but he might have some shitty opinions of gay people, as long as he fixes my car I don’t care about what he might think of gay people.

Everyone needs to be aware that there’s propaganda everywhere. microsoft and google REALLY want you to use their browsers and people are tired of the data MS Edge and chrome collect.

I for one, hate that chrome constantly connects other shit to your google account with just one accidental click sometimes. Edge does the same shit, but brave is the only chromium based browser that doesn’t deceptively do shit like that.

I still like firefox better and I only have brave for those rare instances where firefox won’t work on a website. And I don’t actually believe that the creator of brave is actually a bigot. Pro-liberty, Pro-privacy and anti-surveillance types are always getting smeared as bigots when they aren’t.


My thoughts exactly


I don’t use Firefox because of its poor security compared to chromium. I’d love it if a sane, well-polished, open source chromium based browser came along and replaces Brave.

@EmperorHenry@lemmy.world avatar

You can get web filters and extensions.

Adguard for desktop has pretty good filters for malware and phishing domains

Then there’s also avira browser safety and bitdefender traffic light. Emsisoft browser protection, malwarebytes browser guard.

Firefox also gives you a lot of stuff in the about: config menu to prevent many different kinds of tracking from advertisers and the websites themselves.

AdNausem is another good browser extension.


It’s not what he thinks of gay people. It’s that he spent his money to successfully deny gay people rights and nullify marriages that were already recognized. That’s not somebody I want to give money to. Look on Hacker News for his comments about why he made that donation, and you might change your mind about whether he is actually a bigot. He has never apologized for his actions.

@EmperorHenry@lemmy.world avatar

Again, the sheer volume of propaganda that’s out there about everything that helps protect your privacy. People still think the Tor network and the Tor Browser are exclusively used by criminals.

Some people think that VPNs are exclusively used by criminals namely viewers of CP.

And it’s because of shills, some from the government and some from corporations, mixed in with groups of people that spread lies like those that people think that.

Brave is a relatively good browser. In terms of privacy it’s way better than chrome and edge. And I know for a fact that google, maybe microsoft too are trying to take control of everything by forcing everyone to use their own browsers so that they can be spied on easier and they’re also trying to make it so you can’t visit their own websites with an adblocker enabled.

Brave has adblocking built in and it blocks a lot of trackers from collecting your data too.

Even if the creator of brave is bigoted against gay people, which I still don’t believe he actually is. Is he the one trying to restrict access to pro-gay stuff online? Is he the one trying to restrict people’s access to anything at all? Google and Microsoft are trying to do those things if you don’t use their browsers with no extensions in them

If he was a bigot back then, is he still a bigot now?

Again, I only ever use brave when I can’t make something work with firefox. Which is almost never.


If he was a bigot back then, is he still a bigot now?

Yes, he is. As I said, he has posted why he spent money to deny gay people the right to marry and to nullify the marriages of gay people who were already married, and he has not apologized for it since.

Which is almost never.

Then there is no problem. Just tell people to use Firefox.

@EmperorHenry@lemmy.world avatar

Well there is one problem. A lot of websites will lock you out if they see you using firefox. I have to spoof my useragent to show I’m using…some other browser. Ha! Nice try! You almost got me to reveal some of my op-sec

@EmperorHenry@lemmy.world avatar

As I said, he has posted why he spent money to deny gay people the right to marry and to nullify the marriages of gay people who were already married,

Yeah and it had a lot of success, didn’t it?

A majority of even republican voters are in favor of allowing consenting adults to marry. A majority of republican voters are also in favor of medicare for all and ending the illegal wars the US is involved in. And a majority of republicans are also against all the toppling of democratically elected leaders that the US does too…once they’re made aware of it anyway.

If he’s still a bigot, the solution would be for the LGBT community to reach out an arm of friendship to him.

Once he realizes that they’re going through all the same problems he’s going through he won’t hate them anymore.

@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

This article is useless trash. There is no real technical argument here except “founder bad”.

I do have reasons for not using Brave, but it’s to do with the annoying defaults and the crypto integration. They default whitelist Google, LinkedIn, and Facebook garbage that I have to go and toggle off.

Given the level of effort and extensions like Facebook container on Firefox, I just prefer the better experience for me. This bullshit about getting on identity politics agendas I find abhorrent and repulsive. This author’s a stupid fuckhead.

@Reygle@lemmy.world avatar

Did you read the whole thing and you’re just okay with them quietly pulling sponsored links for FTX?

@linearchaos@lemmy.world avatar

Not sure about OP,

I read the whole thing and it doesn’t really bother me because I’d never touch their coin crap. The whole we’ll pay you to browse smells like a pyramid scheme.


CEO is an ass: check

They’ll sell my traffic: check

They’ve added a half assed insecure tor implementation: check

They’ve replaced ads on websites with their own to an illegal level: check

They’re trying to use crypto currency to fund themselves and did that to a level that got them charged by the FTC: check

Once their crypto plans fails, they’ll probably either sell more of my data or fold up: check


Runs all my chrome plugins

Tight IPFS integration without running Kubo

Decent P2P bookmark/history syncing to unlimited nodes without making an account

Very solid anti-fingerprinting when combined with privacy badger.

Small enough that selling my data will have less reach than Google or Microsoft selling my data

Blocks youtube ads, even on mobile (while they still can)


They default whitelist Google, LinkedIn, and Facebook garbage that I have to go and toggle off.

They have to do that, otherwise things like the “login with Google” buttons disappear from sites, breaking logins for many users.

I wouldn’t be affected by the settings being enabled by default as I always create a local account, but I’m also not the average internet user. My parents and most of my friends would though, and those are the users Brave are trying to get to use their browser.

@linearchaos@lemmy.world avatar

This really sums up everything I felt while reading it.

I’m still using it and Firefox in lieu of Chrome

Brave + Privacy badger has the only working fingerprint reduction (coveryourtracks.eff.org) I can find. So I know brave is tracking me, but all the sites I visit had a hard time doing so if I don’t log in.

I use IPFS quite a bit and I really like that it’s integrated without me having to install Kubo everywhere. I tried the companion in FF but it still opens ipfs:// in brave.

The CEO is a piece of crap. That seems pretty average IMO.

They’ll sell my data. Anyone that can fingerprint me will do the same. I have one smallish company selling my data instead of google or Microsoft.

They have previously done shitty things and they have put in too many fake features in the name of privacy like a half assed TOR implementation.

I’m not against trying other things. but every time someone says OMG BRAVE IS THE WORST. It ends up with a very slight Utility > Evil function for me.


Your reasons are discussed in the post. Did you just read the first section and then get mad?


How was your day?


This article is useless trash. There is no real technical argument here except “founder bad”.

fantastic, I’ll give you a technical one: it’s Chromium based and considering the monopoly it has, it’s an issue (technical as well, for the web as a whole).

This bullshit about getting on identity politics agendas I find abhorrent and repulsive. This author’s a stupid fuckhead.

Your lack of self-awareness is truly astounding to witness but I guess that’s fully expect from a stupid conservative fuckhead.

@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

From KHTML to Webkit, to Blink. Forking forked forks, but still open source. If we were talking about a closed source browser then it would be a travesty. Today what Google’s doing with Web Integrity is disgusting, but their freely available codebase is not. If the Linux kernel supplanted the NT kernel and Apple decided to re-develop the Mac and iOS (however absurd the notion is given the gigantic amount of work required to do, let’s just say hypothetically), and Linux had a “monopoly” on kernels by getting 95% marketshare across mobile and desktop systems, I highly doubt there’d be an uproar for the sake of “muh choices”.

As to self awareness, conservatives like iPhones, and liberals love them some Chik-Fil-A, and I can write off pointless articles trying to get me to shop elsewhere over “founder bad” for gender or identity politics. My best friend is a gay man, and I am happy for that couple to have the right to do so. If I didn’t use a product or service because of a political misalignment, I wouldn’t use anything. Companies that work against socialized medicine irk me because I think we need that, and companies that support gun control irk me because I live by castle doctrine.

There is room in this country for people that purple and cross their ideals, this idea of absolutes is absurd. Gender and identity politics are pointless to even address given the challenges ahead of us, how about we give a shit about…housing or healthcare? Let’s maybe do something about climate change by addressing gentrification and long commutes? Let’s fight together to keep our WFH.

Selective outrage is where all the LGBTQ issues belong for the short term, we have real problems.


They aren’t.

The author also makes a much more compelling argument than you on their position, and the article supports the argument with verifiable fact and links.

Only one side of the equation uses the phrase “identity politics”, and it’s the broken flailing, desperate side - Gay people are going to get married, trans people exist and interracial couples are going to walk down your main Street holding hands and smiling. You need to accept these basic facts about your fellow human beings.

@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

One of my best friends is gay and married, and I fully support their right to do so and be recognized as a couple. I just don’t see how the politics of a founder need to have any bearing on how I use the product. Conservatives like using iPhones and liberals still like their Chik-Fil-A food and Marvel entertainment despite Perlmutter moving huge amounts of money for conservative support. It’s hypocritical for people to froth at the mouth over Brendan Eich while they still order from Amazon, shop at Walmart, and patron many other conservative companies. Identity politics in consumerism is ridiculous, and pandering to the virtue signaling helps no one. “Founder bad” arguments are pathetic, as are the constant reminders that we need to shop X for social causes.



@poopsmith@lemmy.world avatar
  • founder has donated several thousand dollars in support of anti-gay-marriage groups
  • they optionally replace ads on websites with their own ads
  • they are associated with crypto schemes (like their own cryptocurrency), and previously promoted an ftx widget
  • they sometimes add affiliate links to the end of urls, so they can collect revenue


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  • Akashic101,

    Find me one case where someone of the “woke left” harmed a child and I list you ten where a priest raped a minor


    Remember, it’s okay to harm kids because priests used to do it too according to the woke left.

    I am against both. Why are you trying to excuse one with another you disgusting person.


    the owner doesn’t support harming kids? so, abolish all Judaeo-Christian influences in our society? because that is a much greater threat to children than the trans and gays.


    Another case of a groomer defending the actions of their own cult because another group used to it

    I am against both but to you lot you have to be for one or the other right?


    is there any actual proof of trans people preying on children outside Republican echo chambers? no. Yet, you attack them based on the accusations of a group that regularly abuses children.

    seems to me like your opposition to LGBT is entirely a cover to protect the people who are and have been a demonstrative a threat to children. rather than respect the modern day NAMBLA Accusation, that just like this latest anti LGBT trend comes from the Republicans, Conservatives and staunch Christians that attack children.


    Yes, loads, but do they come from sources you would like to acknowledge? No.

    You will pass it off as misinformation no matter the videos or photos included because that’s what you do.

    I support LGB, everything else isn’t a sexuality and has actively destroyed what great progress the gay community has done.


    It’s an ad for Vivaldi

    Edit: oh and the author REALLY wants us to see their virtue signals.


    This article did not present a compelling case for abandoning brave. Who cares what the founder thinks about various political issues. If the software is good, then that’s all that matters.

    Don’t get me wrong, I support same sex marriage, but people have a right to oppose the concept as marriage is a government idea that is tied up in politics.


    I oppose marriage ad an institution


    People have a right to support slavery as a government idea that is tied up in politics. /s


    What’s your logic? That slavery and same sex marriage are similar?


    That owning slaves is wrong and denying rights to gay people is wrong and treating it as a political issue where both sides are valid is nonsensical.

    @AustralianSimon@lemmy.world avatar

    This article did not present a compelling case for abandoning brave. Who cares what the founder thinks about various political issues. If the software is good, then that’s all that matters.

    Don’t get me wrong, I support same sex marriage, but people have a right to oppose the concept as marriage is a government idea that is tied up in politics.

    Agree. I voted for SSM in Australia. Honestly I think government has no business in relationships but it does for basically healthcare and taxation. How much of modern tech was built off Nazi or other evil creator tech, where do we draw the line? I’m sure Eich isn’t the only CIS white male CEO that is anti-SSM but isn’t open about it. It comes with a lot of religious bigotry. Do we refuse to use products that faith holders develop?

    How about let users choose their experience. IMHO Firefox has a long way to go to recover its golden years and the mobile app is in fact crap so it won’t lure me back until performance is fixed. Until then Vivaldi is my main.


    Did you only make it past the first paragraph? Cause you missed the years of scummy shit they’ve done, completely unrelated to politics.


    Your question doesn’t make sense. But anyway, I read the rest of the article, but very quickly as I found it to be unconvincing from the start.

    The adding shit to the URL is scummy but that’s no longer there. The author spends an excessive amount of time on this issue Eva use it’s no longer there. It was a bad move by Brave, but they retracted from it pretty quickly it seems.

    The crypto stuff doesn’t bother me. I am not anti crypto. I think it’s an interesting technology that has potential. A lot of people, I think, are lashing out against crypto because they don’t understand it and there are too many crypto bros.

    @riley0@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Yandex is working so nicely for me lately–even better than Firefox. I think any possible spying by Russian capitalists or government will have little to no effect on my life.


    The points in this article have nothing to do with the actual browser. For the record I use Firefox, librewolf, and brave

    Some sites are broken with a Firefox base.

    • the founder is controversial. so what? Does the product render pages with pretty good fingerprint blocking? Yes
    • crypto exchanges are under scrutiny and brave uses crypto. so what? does the product render pages with decent cross tracking isolation? Yes
    • their crypto has little value and was a failed experiment so what? Does the browser remove ads? Yes

    If you’re going to write about how something sucks, talk about it with substance, point out code that does XYZ to confirm negative statements.

    @mirror_slap@lemmy.film avatar

    Well, fork, I hadn’t looked at this team behind Brave. I use both Firefox and Brave. Bye bye Brave…


    Don’t use Mozilla either


    I’ve heard this a couple of times but never an explanation why. What is the moral problem with Mozilla?



    Maybe it’s not a moral issue for you as “deplatforming is good when it doesn’t target us”


    Use Mozilla




    They support deplatforming and censorship


    We have to go at least towards the least worst.



    I’ll take someone who’s against targeting kids over some company that support deplatforming and censoring for the current thing


    Afaik they had shutdown a fork.

    Also, I don’t think it’s really sensible to become a fork of Brave as Brave itself is a fork of Chromium. So, it will end up adding more delays.

    @AphoticDev@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Oh boy, this comment section is gonna be spicy. I can already smell the smoke from the Brave enthusiasts heads exploding.


    Meh. It’s all just moral BS that I don’t care about. Going to keep using it.

    @dantheclamman@lemmy.world avatar

    Oh yeah they’ve been freaking out, and a surprising number of right wingers


    It's just the one but he's all over the place

    Dude has a serious fixation on calling everyone a groomer


    I moved from Brave and now I may move back because it seems to upset the woke liberals lol

    I support “stop targeting kids” so that makes me a transphobic bigot for even just saying that so I’ll proudly accept it


    It does make you a transphobic bigot. My earlier post to a comment you made is no longer appearing so I’ll restate. Get out of your bubble and get your head out of your ass, to which you replied “no u”, like a toddler. I am out of my bubble actually. I’m a straight, white, cis male who grew up in a small farming town. Took some time to overcome the “values” that I grew up with but I managed.

    Never once have I felt attacked, fearful or even remotely threatened by anyone who is lgbtqia+ and no, the lgbtqia+ aren’t targeting kids. I’m not saying there couldn’t have been instances of individuals within that group but no more so than any other group. For instance, how is your outrage at the church? Are you attacking every institution that has ever had a pedophile in their ranks? Basically don’t try to cherry-pick data because there’s more to refute your arguments.

    You’re too stupid and scared to realize that you’re being radicalized by disinformation. I’m sure you’ll never change but maybe you’ll stop drinking the kool-aid some day. The only solace the rest of us have is that our society progresses, even with people like you as dead weight.

    @Ataraxia@lemmy.world avatar

    I left brave 2 years ago. Never looked back lol.

    @wildcelt@lemmy.world avatar

    I get people wanting an alternative Chromium based browser. Vivaldi, IMO, is a much better than Brave, and doesn’t have all the annoying crypto weirdness.

    I don’t use either, though, I use Firefox


    Vivaldis UX is too bloated and slow sadly. Try and drag a tab out and watch it all just refresh


    Why not chromium?


    Still looking for a browser that has side tabs and is running chromium


    I started using Arc and have loved it.

    @wildcelt@lemmy.world avatar

    Hmm, I tried Arc but didn’t really “get” it. Perhaps I should give it a longer try


    I’ll admit, it’s pretty weird but I’ve enjoyed the way I can organize things. I’ve also heavily used the split screen feature for work.


    If you care about privacy, don’t use Vivaldi. They’re closed source so no matter what they claim there’s no way to know if they’re actually following their word. If you care about privacy and need to use Chromium, Ungoogled Chromium is good.

    @dantheclamman@lemmy.world avatar

    I do like Vivaldi. Continuing that Opera way of life, though without Presto sadly.

    @infyrin@lemmy.world avatar

    Any browser that is becoming complicit in web slowly becoming DRM is a browser we all should avoid, yes even people’s dear Firefox is getting into the trend.

    I’ve never touched Brave browser either. Seems overrated anyways.


    What’s Mozilla doing?

    @linearchaos@lemmy.world avatar

    Hell if I know, they denounced it publicly last week.


    dear Firefox is getting into the trend.

    care to explain?


    I use both Firefox and Brave. Just disable all the crypto stuff. Also, Brave is the only open-source browser on iOS that has ad blocking.

    PerfectParanoia, (edited )

    does firefox not have an IOS version? It might not have an addblocker out of the box but, in android at least, it supports addons and thus ublock origin.


    It does not support ad blockers on iOS because all iOS browsers are forced to be Safari reskins due to App Store policies


    Oh wow ok. So ios firefox is webkit based? Weird stuff.


    I’ve read the article via Firefox, with NoScript enabled. Am I doing this right?

    @AphoticDev@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Don’t bother with NoScript. Just use uBlock Origin, it is capable of blocking scripts as well, and with finer control than NoScript is capable of.

    @mog77a@lemmy.ml avatar

    Seconded. uBlock origin is ridiculously powerful and configurable. It can DRAMATICALLY speed up site loading while only occasionally breaking functionality. Typically if the site is entirely JavaScript rendered like reddit.

    @AphoticDev@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    It’s definitely the most powerful plugin of any kind, for any browser.


    nope not quite as effective in my opinion. also I use them both, ah ah ah. Anyways, Brave founder seems to be Javascript creator, so… NoScript seems more adequate as a joke.

    @AphoticDev@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    NoScript blocks scripts per domain. uBlock Origin can block scripts per domain, per site, and per script. So you can block any script from Google across the whole web, except on their own sites, rendering their tracking inoperable. So in this, I’m sorry to say but your opinion is objectively wrong. uBlock has more functionality and finer control than is possible with NoScript. In fact, uBlock is the most powerful security plugin available for browsers. Turn on script blocking and advanced mode, and you don’t need anything else to protect your browser.


    I’m in web dev, not quite the front end guy I have to admit. Blocking a whole site it’s more effective. full stop. site isn’t working? not sure I’m losing anything. furthermore I can whitelist my localhost during dev allowing google/facebook/twitter/etc. stuff for example, and remove it anywhere else. add that I browse only in private. also as I said, i have ublock enabled side by side with noscript: I need to fine tune something? well I have my options, you know. so no, my opinion is not objectively wrong. it’s just that we have radically different needs: you want to have the (most legitimate) chance to spend time filtering script by script, I need to be quick around things. It’s my way better than yours? prolly not, but that vm helps me a lot. peace.



    Fuck Mozilla too

    @linearchaos@lemmy.world avatar

    I prefer bypass paywalls clean, it does a better job of surgically removing the paywall even if the site is actively trying to stop you from disabling javascript.


    I’ll try it. thank you


    Give uMatrix a try over NoScript, there’s a bit of a learning curve to it but it’s a lot more powerful.


    I’ll try it. thank you


    “The Brave web browser has carved out a niche over the past few years as an alternative to Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and other mainstream web browsers.” Excellent article my only criticism is that firefox is not a mainstream browser lol. Im saying this as a proud firefox user.


    It definitely is. It’s a top 3 browser


    Its fifth.


    It’s not? I was thinking it would be second to Chrome only. No way Edge is leading it, right?


    It is, he’s on glue


    According to this page, no, it isn’t. Chrome is in first place with over 60% global market share on all platforms, followed by Safari, then Edge, then Samsung, and then Firefox.


    Sure it is.

    @infyrin@lemmy.world avatar

    Considering 63.55% of users use Chrome and 19.95% users use Safari, 2.79% for Firefox. I think it’s accurate to say that it isn’t as mainstream as people would have wanting you to believe.

    And of course a Firefox user will be biased.


    If I'm using it it's mainstream, lol. I am as middle of the road tech wise as you can get.


    Don’t use Brave because of the ads and crypto currency stuff

    I don’t see why how one person even the CEO and founder’s political beliefs from 15 years ago should stop anyone from using a product today. Unless we want to expose all 7 million+ people who voted for and passed prop 8 in 2008 and cancel them all into oblivion.

    @dantheclamman@lemmy.world avatar

    He didn’t just vote for it. He donated and doubled down on it, despite it being an acknowledgement he helped strip the rights of some of his own employees. People are free to disapprove of that behavior


    Unless we want to expose all 7 million+ people who voted for and passed prop 8 in 2008 and cancel them all into oblivion.

    I’m ok with holding them accountable. I say that as someone who was bigoted (in a light way - no wish for harm, but just thought it unnatural due to how I was raised) against LGBT people when I was younger.

    If you want to call me out for what I thought when I was 18yo, I can proudly accept culpability and tell you that my values have changed. I can explain why they changed. I can defend me of today while throwing me of the past under the bus. By the time Prop 8 was up for debate, I’d long-since evolved. This fucker hasn’t grown, apparently.

    @Ibaudia@lemmy.world avatar

    The fact that its main 2 gimmicks are a shitty ad blocker and integrated cryptocurrency should be enough of a red flag, honestly. Just use Firefox, people!

    @SMITHandWESSON@lemmy.world avatar

    I downloaded it just yesterday, and I uninstalled it after reading this article. Back to Firefox for me!


    No fuck Mozilla



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  • Warfarin,

    I know you lefties love supporting deplatforming and censorship but I don’t



    Firefox doesn’t block ads on my iPad. Only reason I still use brave


    Correct me if I’m wrong, but i believe that’s because it’s not really Firefox, everything on apple devices is forced to use safari, all you do with the “Firefox” installation is change the ui.


    You are not wrong, no correction needed. However, their “Firefox Go” browser blocks ads, so it’s a little annoying that the full browser doesn’t. I only really use brave for YouTube on it anyway. Firefox I still use for normal browsing there and everywhere else.

    @Ibaudia@lemmy.world avatar

    You can install add-ons, at least on the android version. One of them is Ublock!


    Firefox is significantly slower though…

    @Ibaudia@lemmy.world avatar

    Not really that significant when you’re using it, I promise. I’m usually all for speed, but FF has better functionality than the competition.


    Speed is significant though. “Functionality” (whatever you mean by that) is less important.

    @Ibaudia@lemmy.world avatar

    Built-in features are much better, respects privacy (compared to Google), add-ons have more possibilities, etc.


    I am using Brave on iOS mainly because of its superb YouTube support - It has a built in ad block, can download videos offline and play minimized. Is there any way I can achieve this with any other browser? I would switch immediately.

    @Ibaudia@lemmy.world avatar

    If you want to swap teams, Android has Revanced. Otherwise I don’t think so.

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