Which privacy-focused search engine are you using?

TL;DR - which privacy-focused search engine do people recommend, preferably one that can also easily be used as a default option in Safari?

I ditched Google in about 2016ish I would guess, and since then have used DDG as my default search engine.

As someone entrenched in the Apple ecosystem, it’s always seemed like a sound choice, as it’s one of the search engines built in to Safari on both iOS and macOS.

After spending a bit more time recently playing around with and updating my Docker containers, I started hosting a Whoogle container, which seemed to work pretty well, but I don’t see many out there talking about it, so not sure how good it actually is. I then tried a SearXNG container, but either had it misconfigured or just wasn’t getting many search results back.

At the moment I’m trying out Startpage, but I know there are potential privacy concerns since they were part-bought in 2019 by a US ad-tech company.

I’m also playing around with different browsers at the moment, flicking between Safari, Firefox and Brave. At which point I stumbled across Brave Search, which seems pretty promising.

So, which search engines do you all recommend?

UPDATE: Probably should’ve done a poll! But latest (if I’ve captured everything correctly) is:

  • DuckDuckGo - 10
  • Qwant / SearXNG / Kagi / Brave - 4
  • Startpage / Ecosia - 2
  • Google - 1

As to my other questions around browsers:

  • Majority seem to use Firefox
  • Some mentions of Brave
  • One mention of Arc

DuckDuckGo from the browser, because 90% of the time I can get where I want with the appropriate ! bang from the address bar.


With the appropriate ! bang from the address bar

What does this mean? I want to like DuckDuckGo, but it’s kinda messy.

ornery_chemist, (edited )

They are basically shortcuts. For example, I can type “!w ibuprofen” into DuckDuckGo (or the address bar because I have it set as my default search engine) and be brought immediately to the wikipedia page for Ibuprofen. There’s also !yt for youtube search, !so for stack overflow search, and many more.


I’m using Ecosia. Planting trees FTW!


I run a pihole to block ads network-wide. I tried doing a general search for a bit of info on it and didn’t find much, but I guess my question is are the ads they run more like sponsored results, or like actual advertisements?


You can find info here: …helpscoutdocs.com/…/314-privacy-friendly-search-…

TLDR they have ads, but related to your current search, not your profile. And they are Bing based.


I use presearch. Pretty happy with it. Never paid out my rewards, they’re just growing


ddg.gg for the win.

Started using them when I confronted the Google filter bubble for the first time.

But what totally sold me? DDG provided me link for a product I had searched for in vain on Google for years at that point, using the exact same query.


Please reveal the product. I am consumed by curiosity.


Steel leveling jacks, manual, center screw variety, used extensively for leveling mobile homes back in the day.

First time I used DDG to look for them, BOOM, half way down the page a manufacturer in Enid, OK. G? Literally for years kept serving me up pneumatic, expensive, industrial gear or services.


That is definitely not what I was expecting

@reflex@kbin.social avatar

That is definitely not what I was expecting

Please reveal what you were expecting. I am consumed by curiosity.


Titanium leveling jacks most likely


Your post may have just convinced me to try ddg. My problem with Google is that increasingly it does not give me what I am looking for and instead gives me what it thinks I should want. From your description it sounds like ddg is what Google used to be.


Pretty much. They deliver a couple of sponsored entries per search, but even those have been occasionally productive. No harm in trying for a while, you can always change if it’s not working. GL&HF!


I used to think Google search was clean until I used ddg. For some reason I prefer how ddg display searches.

@popekingjoe@lemmy.world avatar

Been using Qwant for a few years. Good enough for 90% of searches imo. For whatever’s left, I’ll use DDG, Google in incognito, or Bing.


privacy focused … called qwant



Brave search user here (on Firefox ✌️), i prefer its UX and UI more than duckduckgo. It has better local result for my region, has discussion-like feature, now also has “summarizer”, and it also still has bangs. So far they are not shy showing “search elsewhere” button.


Duckduckgo was brutal on my battery I switched back to Firefox


Do you use it on mobile? Have you had any success configuring it as default search on mobile because I gave up (iPhone)

@schmurnan@lemmy.world avatar

Would love to know this, and this did form part of my OP in terms of which search engines could be “hacked” into Safari.


I only know how to do it on firefox android and desktop. Here is their official guide


I’m using an Ad-, Tracking- etc blocker in all my devices, so I’m not too worried about using Google or Bing when I do.

But I’m hosting my own instance of SearchXNG and that’s often simply the most powerful and flexible search engine.


Also self-host SearchXNG. Its definitely the way to go. I like you can choose which search engines to pull from

@schmurnan@lemmy.world avatar

I replied to another comment on here saying that I’d tried this once before, via a Docker container, but just wasn’t getting any results back (kept getting timeouts from all the search engines).

I’ve just revisited it, and still get the timeouts. Reckon you’re able to help me troubleshoot it?

Below are the logs from Portainer:

<span style="color:#323232;"> File "/usr/local/searxng/searx/network/__init__.py", line 165, in get
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    return request('get', url, **kwargs)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  File "/usr/local/searxng/searx/network/__init__.py", line 98, in request
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    raise httpx.TimeoutException('Timeout', request=None) from e
</span><span style="color:#323232;">httpx.TimeoutException: Timeout
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 09:58:13,651 ERROR:searx.engines.soundcloud: Fail to initialize
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Traceback (most recent call last):
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  File "/usr/local/searxng/searx/network/__init__.py", line 96, in request
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    return future.result(timeout)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/concurrent/futures/_base.py", line 458, in result
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    raise TimeoutError()
</span><span style="color:#323232;">TimeoutError
</span><span style="color:#323232;">The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Traceback (most recent call last):
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  File "/usr/local/searxng/searx/search/processors/abstract.py", line 75, in initialize
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    self.engine.init(get_engine_from_settings(self.engine_name))
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  File "/usr/local/searxng/searx/engines/soundcloud.py", line 69, in init
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    guest_client_id = get_client_id()
</span><span style="color:#323232;">                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  File "/usr/local/searxng/searx/engines/soundcloud.py", line 45, in get_client_id
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    response = http_get("https://soundcloud.com")
</span><span style="color:#323232;">               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  File "/usr/local/searxng/searx/network/__init__.py", line 165, in get
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    return request('get', url, **kwargs)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  File "/usr/local/searxng/searx/network/__init__.py", line 98, in request
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    raise httpx.TimeoutException('Timeout', request=None) from e
</span><span style="color:#323232;">httpx.TimeoutException: Timeout
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 09:58:13,654 ERROR:searx.engines.soundcloud: Fail to initialize
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Traceback (most recent call last):
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  File "/usr/local/searxng/searx/network/__init__.py", line 96, in request
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    return future.result(timeout)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/concurrent/futures/_base.py", line 458, in result
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    raise TimeoutError()
</span><span style="color:#323232;">TimeoutError
</span><span style="color:#323232;">The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Traceback (most recent call last):
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  File "/usr/local/searxng/searx/search/processors/abstract.py", line 75, in initialize
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    self.engine.init(get_engine_from_settings(self.engine_name))
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  File "/usr/local/searxng/searx/engines/soundcloud.py", line 69, in init
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    guest_client_id = get_client_id()
</span><span style="color:#323232;">                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  File "/usr/local/searxng/searx/engines/soundcloud.py", line 45, in get_client_id
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    response = http_get("https://soundcloud.com")
</span><span style="color:#323232;">               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  File "/usr/local/searxng/searx/network/__init__.py", line 165, in get
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    return request('get', url, **kwargs)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  File "/usr/local/searxng/searx/network/__init__.py", line 98, in request
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    raise httpx.TimeoutException('Timeout', request=None) from e
</span><span style="color:#323232;">httpx.TimeoutException: Timeout
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,024 ERROR:searx.engines.wikidata: engine timeout
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,024 ERROR:searx.engines.duckduckgo: engine timeout
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,024 ERROR:searx.engines.google: engine timeout
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,024 ERROR:searx.engines.qwant: engine timeout
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,024 ERROR:searx.engines.startpage: engine timeout
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,024 ERROR:searx.engines.wikibooks: engine timeout
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,024 ERROR:searx.engines.wikiquote: engine timeout
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,024 ERROR:searx.engines.wikisource: engine timeout
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,025 ERROR:searx.engines.wikipecies: engine timeout
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,025 ERROR:searx.engines.wikiversity: engine timeout
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,025 ERROR:searx.engines.wikivoyage: engine timeout
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,025 ERROR:searx.engines.brave: engine timeout
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,481 WARNING:searx.engines.wikidata: ErrorContext('searx/search/processors/online.py', 118, "response = req(params['url'], **request_args)", 'httpx.TimeoutException', None, (None, None, None)) False
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,481 ERROR:searx.engines.wikidata: HTTP requests timeout (search duration : 6.457878380082548 s, timeout: 6.0 s) : TimeoutException
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,482 WARNING:searx.engines.wikisource: ErrorContext('searx/search/processors/online.py', 118, "response = req(params['url'], **request_args)", 'httpx.TimeoutException', None, (None, None, None)) False
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,484 ERROR:searx.engines.wikisource: HTTP requests timeout (search duration : 6.460748491808772 s, timeout: 6.0 s) : TimeoutException
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,485 WARNING:searx.engines.brave: ErrorContext('searx/search/processors/online.py', 118, "response = req(params['url'], **request_args)", 'httpx.TimeoutException', None, (None, None, None)) False
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,485 ERROR:searx.engines.brave: HTTP requests timeout (search duration : 6.461546086706221 s, timeout: 6.0 s) : TimeoutException
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,487 WARNING:searx.engines.google: ErrorContext('searx/search/processors/online.py', 118, "response = req(params['url'], **request_args)", 'httpx.TimeoutException', None, (None, None, None)) False
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,487 ERROR:searx.engines.google: HTTP requests timeout (search duration : 6.463769535068423 s, timeout: 6.0 s) : TimeoutException
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,489 WARNING:searx.engines.wikiversity: ErrorContext('searx/search/processors/online.py', 118, "response = req(params['url'], **request_args)", 'httpx.TimeoutException', None, (None, None, None)) False
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,489 ERROR:searx.engines.wikiversity: HTTP requests timeout (search duration : 6.466003180015832 s, timeout: 6.0 s) : TimeoutException
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,490 WARNING:searx.engines.wikivoyage: ErrorContext('searx/search/processors/online.py', 118, "response = req(params['url'], **request_args)", 'httpx.TimeoutException', None, (None, None, None)) False
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,490 ERROR:searx.engines.wikivoyage: HTTP requests timeout (search duration : 6.466597221791744 s, timeout: 6.0 s) : TimeoutException
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,490 WARNING:searx.engines.qwant: ErrorContext('searx/search/processors/online.py', 118, "response = req(params['url'], **request_args)", 'httpx.TimeoutException', None, (None, None, None)) False
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,490 ERROR:searx.engines.qwant: HTTP requests timeout (search duration : 6.4669976509176195 s, timeout: 6.0 s) : TimeoutException
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,491 WARNING:searx.engines.wikibooks: ErrorContext('searx/search/processors/online.py', 118, "response = req(params['url'], **request_args)", 'httpx.TimeoutException', None, (None, None, None)) False
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,491 ERROR:searx.engines.wikibooks: HTTP requests timeout (search duration : 6.4674198678694665 s, timeout: 6.0 s) : TimeoutException
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,491 WARNING:searx.engines.wikiquote: ErrorContext('searx/search/processors/online.py', 118, "response = req(params['url'], **request_args)", 'httpx.TimeoutException', None, (None, None, None)) False
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,492 WARNING:searx.engines.wikipecies: ErrorContext('searx/search/processors/online.py', 118, "response = req(params['url'], **request_args)", 'httpx.TimeoutException', None, (None, None, None)) False
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,492 ERROR:searx.engines.wikiquote: HTTP requests timeout (search duration : 6.468321242835373 s, timeout: 6.0 s) : TimeoutException
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,492 ERROR:searx.engines.wikipecies: HTTP requests timeout (search duration : 6.468797960784286 s, timeout: 6.0 s) : TimeoutException
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,496 WARNING:searx.engines.duckduckgo: ErrorContext('searx/engines/duckduckgo.py', 98, 'res = get(query_url, headers=headers)', 'httpx.TimeoutException', None, (None, None, None)) False
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,497 ERROR:searx.engines.duckduckgo: HTTP requests timeout (search duration : 6.47349306801334 s, timeout: 6.0 s) : TimeoutException
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,511 WARNING:searx.engines.startpage: ErrorContext('searx/engines/startpage.py', 214, 'resp = get(get_sc_url, headers=headers)', 'httpx.TimeoutException', None, (None, None, None)) False
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:02:05,511 ERROR:searx.engines.startpage: HTTP requests timeout (search duration : 6.487425099126995 s, timeout: 6.0 s) : TimeoutException
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:04:27,475 ERROR:searx.engines.duckduckgo: engine timeout
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:04:27,770 WARNING:searx.engines.duckduckgo: ErrorContext('searx/search/processors/online.py', 118, "response = req(params['url'], **request_args)", 'httpx.TimeoutException', None, (None, None, None)) False
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:04:27,771 ERROR:searx.engines.duckduckgo: HTTP requests timeout (search duration : 3.2968566291965544 s, timeout: 3.0 s) : TimeoutException
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:04:50,094 ERROR:searx.engines.duckduckgo: engine timeout
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:04:50,187 WARNING:searx.engines.duckduckgo: ErrorContext('searx/engines/duckduckgo.py', 98, 'res = get(query_url, headers=headers)', 'httpx.ConnectTimeout', None, (None, None, 'duckduckgo.com')) False
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2023-08-06 10:04:50,187 ERROR:searx.engines.duckduckgo: HTTP requests timeout (search duration : 3.0933595369569957 s, timeout: 3.0 s) : ConnectTimeout

The above is a simple search for “best privacy focused search engines 2023”, followed by the same search again but using the ddg! bang in front of it.

I can post my docker-compose if it helps?


First thing that comes to mind is are you running it on Host Network? That’s a requirement


For search engine, I go with SearXNG, and for web browser, Mull. Or hardened Firefox, on PC.

@schmurnan@lemmy.world avatar

Do you use a self-hosted SearXNG, or one of the other hosted instances?


Self-hosted under a VPN would be the way to go if you want to be 100% sure.

The problem with public instances is that you can’t really know what the owner does with the data. There are safe ones, and malicious ones. I’d just look for one that has a good reputation.

@schmurnan@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah I have a self-hosted one but I’m struggling to get results. I posted under another comment on this thread, was just gonna ask for some support troubleshooting.

Completely agree though, self hosting over public instances all day long.


I recently started using Duck Duck Go instead of Google.

I still had this thought that Google was the best technology as I went from the early web (remember… altavista.digital.com, yahoo, …) and I remember that Google was really a game changer when it started to become popular.

I tested setting DDG as default search engine in my desktop and mobile browsers, thinking that when I don’t have expected results I would go to Google… I never had to switch to Google because I was wrong, DDG is as good as Google while being better from privacy point of view.

For the browser I use Vivaldi on both android and desktop.


I’ve been using DuckDuckGo for years now and recommend it all the time.

I get decent, reliable results so haven’t shopped around.


This. Clean, reliable and functional. Although I’ve never wrapped my head around how they make their $$


They place ads in the search results.

If you disable your ad blocker, the first search result will almost always an Amazon ad. I test searched for “Headphones” and it also shows a row of JBL headphones at the top ala google shopping, which is an ad as well.

Really, they make their money the same way as google, they just don’t track your searches and site visits.


They still run ads, just less profitable ones since they’re less intrusive, aren’t personalised, and most never see them anyway because if youre on DDG in the first place, you’re also likely to be using adblock.


Do you find DDG to be slower than Bing or Google? A few years ago I thought there was a noticeable delay with DDG, but not with Google.


Not really, they’re both nice and snappy.

@EpicFailGuy@kbin.social avatar



Been a duckie for years now but I find myself going back to google for things like maps and shopping (that nearby search is a godsend) have you found any privacy mindfull alternatives?


Unfortunately not. If anyone knows of something I’d be keen.


On Android you can install Organic Maps, but the downside is that you’ll need to download the maps for each area you want to have a map of (which, takes storage)

OsmAnd+ seems to be a good alternative recommended often, but I just haven’t used it.

On PC, OpenStreetMaps is your friend


On Android you can install Organic Maps, but the downside is that you’ll need to download the maps for each area you want to have a map of (which, takes storage)

OsmAnd+ seems to be a good alternative recommended often, but I just haven’t used it.

On PC, OpenStreetMaps is your friend


I started paying for Kagi a few months ago and I'm loving it. Search results and tools are great. People balk at paying for a search engine, but at least this way I know I'm not the product.

@schmurnan@lemmy.world avatar

I’m seeing a lot of love for Kagi as well. Not sure I’m quite ready to have to pay for search results, but I fully appreciate people that do. I have lots of subscriptions already and am trying to reduce them (i.e. self-hosting Vaultwarden as a replacement for 1Password).

@psykon@kbin.social avatar

I often recommend people using the "100 searches" trial of kagi to see if it might be worth it for them. I tried it and for me the price is worth it because of the custom filters and weights for results. It's really nice to search for something and all results on the first page are relevant content (no ads, seo-bait pages or stuff like Pinterest).

@1984@lemmy.today avatar

People don’t even know what that feels like I think. Google has messed them up.


I remember the days when a Google search would usually get me what I wanted in the first result. And if not, at least it would be on the first page.

Now it’s a mess of sponsored links, videos, and other irrelevant suggestions.


The weird thing for me is that by paying to use, you will need to be uniquely identified, and that opens doors for losing privacy in several ways. How is that addressed by kagi?


They address this on their website and go in further detail on their privacy policy. You’d have to read through that to decide if they do enough to earn your trust. But in my opinion not having any advertising removes most of their incentive to try to collect user data. I suppose there could be a temptation to collect the data to resell, but since a large portion of their income relies on the reputation of being a search alternative that has a focus on privacy I feel the risk to their reputation would be greater than whatever revenue that would generate.

Of course there are all kinds of companies that flew too close to the sun and sold out user privacy for a Coke and a smile. I’ve decided to go with Kagi and have been very happy with them so far. If they ever sell out I’ll cash out, but they seem to be the best option for me right now.


Kagi has been great. I’d like to see more searches on their $5 plan as 300 searches a month doesn’t feel adequate. It has been great being able to promote, demote, and block sites from searching and I have found my results to be more helpful and relevant than Google alternatives I tried. I don’t think I have used Google search at all since signing up. Highly recommend.


I’ve been loving my kagi trial. I used my 100 searches. I’ll wait to see how long I can suffer before I buy it.

@ChaoticEntropy@feddit.uk avatar

I tried ecosia and startpage, the results through both are just 95% garbage. Duck Duck Go seems to be okay.

I use Vivaldi as my browser, includes ad block and various useful, if bulky, features.

@Herowyn@kbin.social avatar

Using qwant because it's developed and hosted in France. Better than supporting a US company as a European.


I started using qwant last year for the same reason and I haven’t looked back. Search results are excellent. I sometimes switch to Startpage as a proxy for google.


But qwant uses bing

So you’re still supporting Microsoft

@Herowyn@kbin.social avatar

They use their own indexer.


I think there was some drama a while ago about them collecting and sharing data which got them delisted from PrivacyGuides? Not a good look imo.

Here’s what I’m talking about


Does anyone have experience/thoughts about Mojeek?

I just recently learned about it and haven’t really explored it, but curious.



I’ve played with it a bit. It’s just okay to me. I’d rather just use DDG.

@pogosort@kbin.social avatar

The concept is nice but the search results are less than ideal.


Mullvad Leta


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