
Some solutions:


Just use a proper ad-blocker like uBlock Origin in combination with a browser like Firefox or LibreWolf that supports proper ad-blocking extension. Fuck this Chromium garbage that deprecated MV2 because Google is scared of adblockers. Don’t support Google’s monopoly on browser rendering engines and use Firefox or something even better like LibreWolf.


Did you read what the addon is about? It’s not an adblocker but is to be used in conjunction with one. All it does is circumventing the adblockerblocker. It specifically recommends being used together with uBlock.

Btw, I use FF with uBlock. But I am not everyone, so when I stumbled across this, I thought it might be helpful for some people.

And I found it ironic, that Googles own extension store contains an extension that circumvents the YouTube adblockerblocker.

netchami, (edited )

I know, but uBlock has built in circumvention features, and you can add custom blocking rules or filterlists to uBO without having to install an additional extension. If the addon becomes outdated, it might start interfering with uBlock Origin. It’s best not to combine uBO with any other ad-blocking addons and just use the existing mechanisms like custom rules and filterlists to extend uBO if needed. The uBO team is constantly working on ensuring that the built in circumvention mechanism works, most of the time, the only thing a user needs to do is clear the cache and update the filterlists.

And I found it ironic, that Googles own extension store contains an extension that circumvents the YouTube adblockerblocker.

It will probably be taken down soon lol

BroBot9000, avatar

Thank you so much for sharing Yattee and the guide.

Redjard, avatar

Where is YouTube ReVanced?


Not mentioned, on purpose 🤫


I think people are fully misunderstanding this comment


Oh I guess I could see the other side.

I meant we don’t talk about revanced club

PeachMan, avatar

ReVanced is definitely worth mentioning, but I’m here to tell you that GrayJay is better.


GrayJay is a YouTube/Twitch/anything update away from breaking.


How is that different from any of these other apps? It’s being actively developed so any update breaking can be patched.

PeachMan, avatar

Lol so is ReVanced my dude


ReVanced doesn’t use the YouTube app/website, it modifies the YouTube apk into a completely different thing. The only thing that can break ReVanced is server side changes from YouTube.

PeachMan, avatar

And does something make you think that Google isn’t capable of doing exactly that?

They’re updating server-side rules constantly. And EVERY app update is also accompanied by a server-side update, even if it’s small.


Ah but there’s the catch, ReVanced just depends on server side YouTube changes.

Meanwhile, GrayJay depends on app-side & server side YouTube, Twitch, etc etc.

PeachMan, avatar

Lol no, ReVanced also depends on app side changes, they could harden the YouTube app and make it more difficult to modify. The only upside is that it would take several months for those changes to actually start affecting users, when the old versions of YouTube are phased out.

OR, they could just block ReVanced on the server side and ban everyone that uses it, if they wanted to

Don’t be naive and think that Google can’t easily block ReVanced. They just haven’t tried to yet. They’re one of the biggest companies in the world, if they gave a shit it would be gone overnight, just like Vanced was.


For iOS I really like Vinegar.


Currently not working, but Firefox Focus is!

A fix for Vinegar is on the way.


Tangential question - what is stopping youtube from restricting access to their API for 3rd party apps like Reddit did?




Remember people start logging out for these services. Any day they could decided to start terminating accounts if this whole anti Adblocking campaign doesn’t get subscriber numbers up


Sideload uYouPlusExtra on iOS


I am aware of this option, but sideloading on iOS currently kinda sucks. You have to use AltStore which sometimes goes unmaintained for a few months, even when it’s maintained it’s kinda buggy and the Windows version almost never works for me. It’s also not available for Linux. And you have to connect your phone to a computer running AltStore every 7 days, otherwise the app will stop functioning. It’s just not a great solution and especially bad for less tech-savvy users.


You don’t have to use AltStore. I re-sign the IPA myself and install with Apple Configurator


But you still have to do it once a week, right?


If you don’t have a paid developer license yeah. But I do so I don’t have do deal with that.


I’m definitely not gonna pay Apple money to use my device that I already paid way too much money for the way I want to. But I just switched to Android (GrapheneOS to be percise) and now I don’t have to deal with any of this BS anymore.


Ya know, I’ve seen a lot of posts regarding Elon Musk spam in this community, and calls to “ban” them, yet every week we get gloom and doom posts like this when some new subset of the world starts seeing this shit. I’d really like to see a pinned message about the fix, which is…

  1. Install Firefox or a derivative, and add the uBlock Origin extension.

If you visit YouTube and see the pop-up, the page isn’t loading the video content, or it just seems to be acting strange, do the following:

  1. Click on the uBlock Origin brown shield in your extensions.
  2. Click the three little gears icon to enter the settings.
  3. Make sure you’re in the Filter lists section from the top and click the Purge all caches button below it.
  4. Click the Update now button.
  5. Wait until the filter update completes.
  6. Refresh the tab(s) that YouTube is in.
  7. Press play.

I literally have no other installed add-ons for ad blocking, anymore. Only uBlock Origin. Any time I see the message or YouTube starts acting up, I just repeat those 7 steps above for any YouTube tab that was already open, and viola, the video plays. It has simplified so many issues for me and reduced the number of adblock extensions I need to run.

I definitely plan on donating this holiday season to their team, probably the biggest share of the pie between the FOSS apps I enjoy and appreciate. Should uBlock Origin ever fail, I’ll just stop going to YouTube.


Apparently you can’t donate to them.…/Why-don't-you-accept-donations%3F


Weird. One way or another, they’re gonna get my money!! How dare they make a great tool for free, and accept nothing for their time and contributions!! The nerve of some devs, I tell ya! /s


Take it to the list maintainers <3


Or do what uBO’s creator suggests: donate to the silent Chads maintaining the lists uBo depends on.


I don’t currently have the money for donations, but this would be important information that should be spread around more


Straight from their GitHub Readme:….

bitwolf, (edited )

The element picker and disable JS button are also a life saver. Gets around so many shitty things about the modern web. The one thing I agree with from Brave (Firefox all the way though) is including uBlock by default (I just wish they gave credit).


Yeah they really are. I use to use firefox but now I use a modafied version called librewolf. It comes with ublock by default


Why not LibreWolf, a privacy oriented browser that ships with the real uBlock Origin? ;)


And using Firefox or its derivates supports the Internet. Chromium’s near-monopoly only helps Google dictate web standards.


wdym with the rral ublock origin? 👀👀


Because Brave ships with a very limited ad blocker that is not uBlock Origin


Or just live with a couple five second ads, it’s not the end of the world. At the end of the day, YouTube is a business, not a charity.

Number1SummerJam, (edited ) avatar

Intrusive and sneaky ads like the ones on YouTube should be heavily regulated if not illegal.

Edit: especially ads louder than the average content volume, repetitive jingles designed to get stuck in your head, billboards, and ads thrown in the middle of the video you’re watching

yesterdayshero, avatar

Sounds like you haven’t watched a lot of free to air tv haha

makingStuffForFun, avatar

I can honestly say, apart from seeing it on on the background when visiting parents or similar, that I haven’t watched free to air TV in maybe 15 years. Been streaming or downloading all that time.

yesterdayshero, avatar

I hardly watch it either. Just found it funny all the complaints above could be applied to what free to air tv has been doing for decades.

makingStuffForFun, avatar

Agree with you completely.



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  • yesterdayshero, avatar

    Yet they still get around it through sound mixing. Any regulations against using jingles or having ads interrupt what you’re watching?


    Luckily all that is prosecutable by Ofcom here so it very rarely happens.


    Free to air is heavily regulated in my country if it had a fraction of the fraudulent grifter ads Google would be shut down


    Ads in those are also regulated in civilised countries.

    Excrubulent, avatar

    “Loud” is unfortunately hard to quantify. There’s a lot of psychoacoustics that mean that the number of decidels really doesn’t tell you what’s loud and what’s not.

    This is a great demo of how sounds can appear extremely loud without actually being physically very loud:

    Anyway the point is that it’s hard to make rules about this kind of thing, because sound is subjective and there are ways to circumvent any restrictions you make.


    “Loud” is unfortunately hard to quantify.



    Thought this would be Tom Scott. I was not disappointed.


    Googles ad platform is utterly full of fraudulent scams and grifters. Bring on regulations and HEAVY fines for Google making profit of fraud and crimes.

    ColdWater, avatar

    Ublock Origin on firefox still work for me no filter


    Firefox with Adblocker Ultimate working fine for me as of last night. I’ll check again tonight.


    They blocked me with that combo on my PC a week ago.

    omnissiah, avatar

    A bit unrelated, but do you know if there is a hardened firefox for linux (just like Mull for Android)?


    I use a betterfox userscript for hardening Linux Firefox

    omnissiah, avatar

    Will look into it, thanks!


    LibreWolf is a hardened Firefox also available on Linux.


    Librewolf is one that might work for you

    Sunrosa, avatar

    It’s pretty random whether you get the message or not. Some of my friends, including me, straight up cannot watch youtube on their website half of the time anymore, because it full blocks us. It’s not just an annoying message, videos actually just don’t play. But I only get it on some days. I think the message only pops up if you’ve been watching for more than like an hour straight. Then again, some of my friends have never seen the message. Who knows. Just more weird big tech server bullshit. Like how twitter’s api works 15% of the time (for me).


    Purge cache and refresh does the trick if you have problems with the firefox+ublock combination. Or you have some other active extensions which prevents ublock from doing its thing.

    ColdWater, avatar

    Been watching for 3h straight and still no pop or problem with videos but when time eventually come I’ll try to setup UBO filter or using 3rd party frontend

    vanontom, (edited ) avatar

    I’m daily using uBlock Origin (with Firefox) on Windows, and ReVanced on Android, and have experienced zero indications that Google is at war with ad blockers. These two are fucking fantastic and highly recommended. I don’t expect it to last forever, but bravo to these devs and contributors.


    It isn’t blocking my uBlock Origin on Firefox.


    Or mine on Vivaldi. It was showing me the notice the other week, but seems to have stopped now. Either they are now time limiting youtube before the ad blocking thing comes back, or uBlock upped the ante.


    Your uBlock probably updated. uBlock has pretty much been able to successfully block YouTube’s adblocker block since YouTube started blocking adblockers, so long as you kept the filters updated.

    Magister, avatar

    It does on mine, sometimes, so I clear cache, update uBlock, restart Firefox. In general it blocks them again


    Yeah, all Google accomplished with this bullshit was finally getting me to switch from Chrome to Firefox as my main browser on desktop.

    Alchemy, avatar

    Pretty much, also encouraged me to download uBlock, and now I see how many items it blocks from pages like YouTube. Spoiler: It’s a lot.



    I have two tabs open…one is a site that is overtly and actively promoting products to me, with literal links to retailers where I can buy the stuff they’re promoting…the other is YouTube.

    The promotional site’s uBlock counter is at 4.

    YouTube’s is at…139.


    Leave that YouTube tab open open for a day and see how many thousands of items uBlock has blocked.


    I see absolutely insane numbers on Google docs, 10000+ blocked. My total per year is now over 5 million. A lot more intense than a few years ago, where it took multiple years to reach 3 million.


    Wow I haven’t even looked for all time blocks! I’ll have to look…


    Holy shit, I have multiple tabs open and have only been using Firefox as my default browser for about 1.5 3-months (August 9th). Each YouTube tab has over 10k blocks and lifetime blocks since installation is over 4.1 million!

    Edit: found the document I made in Obsidian to plan my move from Brave to Firefox and the created data is August 9th.

    sweetviolentblush, avatar

    Yup, I left youtube up on my laptop all day today and this is ublocks total. It’s fucking crazy that some people don’t bother with adblockers

    joelthelion, avatar

    Never seen that banner or an ad. I guess it’s just a matter of time though 😕

    Zak, avatar

    uBlock Origin is reliably blocking the blocker blocker for me at this time, though a few popups got through a couple weeks ago.

    BombOmOm, avatar

    Same, uBlock in Firefox is doing it 100% for me. Haven’t even seen a youtube ad or a complaint that I should stop blocking ads.


    Well if you are using Firefox, you obviously life the easy life. But what about the Edge or Chrome users here? Habe some respect for those poor guys.


    They suffer voluntarily simply by choosing not to switch their browsers to non-chromium.

    Hamartiogonic, avatar

    Yeah, that suffering is self inflicted if we’re talking about home users. In an enterprise environment you might need to convince your admin to add Firefox to the company portal.

    melroy, avatar

    Same, it's a cat and mouse battle .. lol


    I feel sorry for Chrome/Chromium users who can’t even use real ad-blockers because Google is scared of uBlock Origin and deprecated MV2

    Zak, avatar

    I don’t. Most of them have the ability to use something else and have chosen not to.


    That’s another way to see it.


    Yo dawg, I heard you like blockers


    Brave is dropping the ball. It’s the only mobile option.


    I use Firefox with uBlock Origin on Android. Isn’t there the same for iOS?


    iOS web browsers are forced to use the safari/WebKit engine, so you don’t get Firefox extensions, sadly.

    The main benefits of using Firefox on iOS is if you prefer it’s interface or want to sync with desktop Firefox (which is why I use it).

    ijeff, avatar

    Hyperweb might work though.

    Number1SummerJam, avatar

    Brave for iOS (sorry firefox gang I appreciate you guys) is working fine for me. I had some issues with both Firefox/uB and Brave on windows getting the pop-ups.

    dual_sport_dork, avatar

    I got the pop up a couple of times until I manually updated uBlock’s filters list. After that, no issues.

    noxy, avatar

    No, they most certainly are not.

    Orbituary, avatar

    Shhhhh. Don’t tell anyone the way.


    Be brave, tell everyone

    Xylight, avatar

    I wish I could donate to ublock origin so badly. I never even saw the popup.


    I didn’t know they don’t accept donations:…/Why-don't-you-accept-donations%3F


    They make some interesting points, though.


    As asked by uBo’s creator: please donate to the list maintainers instead.

    What a solid guy.


    I get there’s a heap of people on here who’ve somehow never seen these new anti-popup measures before, but they’re definitely becoming more prevalent.

    I switched to uBlock and purged the caches and it seems to have fixed the issue (for now anyway)

    At some point I’ll have to find a more permanent solution like switching browsers but right now things are working


    Use clients such as LibreTube. It works great and even allows skipping sponsored content.

    snausagesinablanket, avatar

    purged the caches

    Do this daily.


    I only had to do it once. Haven’t seen the pop up since.



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  • perviouslyiner,


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  • atrielienz,

    No. There are dozens of us! Dozens!


    a more permanent solution would be using an alternative front end like piped. there are a lot of public instances available


    But it’s difficult to trust Piped and other 3rd parties with your login credentials. Especially for people who make a living on YouTube. Even if they themselves might be trustworthy, they can’t be perfectly secure, so it becomes added vulnerability.


    wait what? piped doesn’t use your login in any way tho? you manually import subscriptions from Google checkout and you create a piped specific login for syncing that across devices. at no point will piped ever ask for your Google account


    Ah, cool then.


    I saw them, then I purged ublocks cache and updated and they have been gone ever since (also on firefox, because I switched as soon as I read the news that they would pull this stunt on all chromium browsers a year ago).

    Nihilore, avatar

    If you have a VPN just set your location to a place they don’t run ads

    sweetviolentblush, avatar

    No change for me, youtube sure is trying but ublock origin keeps fighting the good fight


    Gotta love those guys


    Firefox + uBlock Origin here still holding strong.


    LibreWolf (Fork of Firefox without the crap like Pocket or Sponsored sites) is great too. It also comes preinstalled with uBlock Origin. It’s what I recommend to everyone.


    I'd rather not personally. I can just disable all that anyway.


    LibreWolf also makes significant privacy and security improvements by applying certain settings from Arkenfox user.js and from the Tor Browser. Sure, I can debloat and harden Firefox myself, but all of that is already done on LibreWolf, so that’s what I recommend to new users, as they like to stick to the default settings.


    Yeah its fair enough, but it's easier to just use FF for me, I don't care if they want some anonymous usage statistics and trying to be fully private online is a fools errand. Base FF is good enough imo.


    It’s not just Mozilla telemetry that LibreWolf protects you against, it also prevents random websites from fingerprinting you and the preinstalled uBlock Origin blocks trackers and all of that shit


    I’m also on Librewolf, but most people are not all that tech-savvy, so basic Firefox is better for them just because it has auto-update.

    ZeroCool, (edited ) avatar

    It’s also not that difficult to configure hardened Firefox. It takes a minute or two and there are plenty of written and video guides that’ll have even the least tech savvy people up and running quickly. The tech literacy required to reasonably protect your privacy isn’t very high anymore. The biggest hurdle is getting people to care about their privacy in the first place.

    Librewolf is a wonderful project but not something I recommend very often in my personal life, if only because most people just don’t need or want that level of protection at the expense of convenience.


    Where does LibreWolf compromise on privacy or security?


    You can also use the Firefox profile maker which is basically lets you create a new Firefox profile with the features and hardening you want. The website:


    I keep forgetting that Windows doesn’t have a proper package manager. From a software architecture point of view, an application shouldn’t be responsible for updates, this should be handled by the operating system or a specific component of it, the package manager (which Windows doesn’t have, at least not by default).


    I still haven’t run into any issues with this setup.


    Fully, you say?

    <span style="color:#323232;">$ yt-dlp -f 22
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">[youtube] Extracting URL:
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">[youtube] WFEEZBmUYTM: Downloading webpage
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">[youtube] WFEEZBmUYTM: Downloading ios player API JSON
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">[youtube] WFEEZBmUYTM: Downloading android player API JSON
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">[youtube] WFEEZBmUYTM: Downloading m3u8 information
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">[info] WFEEZBmUYTM: Downloading 1 format(s): 22
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">[download] Destination: Noiselund - Are You There? [WFEEZBmUYTM].mp4
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">[download] 100% of   12.82MiB in 00:00:04 at 2.99MiB/s

    Oh, guess not.

    Sunrosa, avatar

    Yeah yt-dlp has been my strat this whole time anyway. Also Piped and Invidious get the job done when i’m too lazy to type in one short command for every video I watch.

    Also, specifying format with yt-dlp is unnecessary (“-f 22”) if you have ffmpeg installed iirc because it automatically selects the highest quality, thus shortening the command even further.


    I use -f 22 to set a lower quality actually, because most videos on youtube are needlessly larger than my 5K monitor.

    Sunrosa, avatar

    Higher resolution videos actually have better bitrates on youtube. Like if you select 4k even if your monitor is just 1080p, the video will look much better.


    The video stutters for me if I do that

    Sunrosa, avatar

    All the more reason just to use yt-dlp. I know it takes a tiny bit of time to set up, but it’s well worth it. I’m able to download 20-minute videos that would have otherwise buffered in less than a minute. I can simultaneously queue up a bunch of videos, and watch them with zero stuttering.


    You can also put “alias y=yt-dlp” in your ~/.bashrc to minimize it to “y”. Or set up a keyboard shortcut to a script that executes the command with your clipboard content.

    Or do the same with “mpv” instead of “yt-dlp” to watch the video stream directly without downloading.

    MeanEYE, avatar

    Nooo. YouTube thinks it’s fully blocking ad blockers. In reality nothing’s changed.


    EU based Firefox + uBlock Origin user here. All very good :)

    TSG_Asmodeus, avatar

    Canada based same, is this only happening on Chrome or something?


    Exact opposite here, no issues on chrome, blocked on Firefox.

    TSG_Asmodeus, avatar

    Weird, I haven’t even gotten a warning yet.

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