Bishma, avatar

I’m currently in the market for a new phone because Samsung ended security updates for my current one, not because there’s anything wrong with it. And I’m noticing that my choices seem to be buy a phablet or buy a total POS.

Remember when Samsung made a flagship phone in multiple sizes, and then also made a giant phone so big it had a built-in stylus? It wasn’t that long ago. Now the flagship phone comes with a stylus.

noughtnaut, avatar

Look into rooting it and putting a different Android rom on it, I’m sure there’s something for your phone to extend its life quite a bit.

…unless you’re tired of that phone.

Bishma, avatar

Yeah, I’m still weighing that as an option.

It’s dumb, but I’d sort of hate to take a nice, private rom and then sully it with Google Play services so I can get the apps I have to use for work.

Dremor, avatar

You may want to take a look at Fairphone if you want a phone that gets updates for a long time. The current one will be supported at least until 2028, maybe 2031.

Bishma, avatar

I’d love to get a fairphone, but the 4 is only available on T-Mobile (or it’s MVNOs) which doesn’t work for me, and the 5 has no plans for a US release.

Dremor, avatar

'merica, land of the free, and of shitty carriers 😅.

jordanlund, avatar

Smart phones killed small phones. Really, a small smart phone runs into usability problems.

I loved my old Kyocera slider, but all it was good for was phone and SMS.

1" screen, phone is about the size of a credit card.


2G is dead in most places


It still exists, just not for us consumers. How else they gonna force us to use the newer networks that cost so much to build.

2G is now available only to commercial entities using it for data connections for remote reporting stuff. Oil fields still use it for SCADA reporting, for example.


“Small smart phones run into usability problems” for you.

Samsung S4 Mini was fantastic for me. Still own a couple. I’d be happy with an updated version.

jordanlund, avatar

Well, yeah, I have giant, manly hands. :)


Lol, I didnt downvote you, BTW. That was someone without a sense of humor!

jordanlund, avatar

It’s cool, I’m not QUITE as downvote proof as I was on reddit, but I’m getting there! ;)


weeps in dead battery

I had it flashed with LineageOS and would still legitimately use it as a daily driver if its charge would last longer than it takes for me to disconnect it from the charger and bring it outside my doorstep.

I had also bought a replacement battery but it was still so old that it barely made any difference.



Try some other batteries out there. Mine will still chew through even a good battery (Verizon version, no lineage for me).

user224, avatar

I really liked it when I tried my Samsung GT-S5830i again. It only has a 3.5" screen. It’s just perfect for one-handed use. And it has a home button. I miss those.

But anyway, I still probably wouldn’t choose a small phone. I prefer bigger ones overall. I really liked phablets when that was a thing. 6-7 inch screen but in 16:9 aspect ratio. For me, that’s gold, as I usually use my phone in landscape (I am typing this on phone in landscape too).

pavnilschanda, avatar

I remember the last time this got brought up and I complained about my thumb not being able to reach the other side of the iphone 3 mini. Well, I tried the Samsung Z Fold the other day and I really like how narrow it is to the point where my thumb can effortly reach the other side when the phone is folded. Perhaps I’ll get that phone in the future when my current iPhone 13 mini dies. At the same time, I do enjoy my Apple Watch though and I appreciate the longetivity of the iPhone compared to other brands.


My friend got the original galaxy fold and kept it until this year when she bought a fold5. She still has the original fold as a backup phone, too. I’m not sure longevity is necessarily a worry, by that metric.


I got the fold 3 and the one thing that suprised me above everything else is how sturdy the phone is. How durable it is. Ive had it for just over 2 years and i domt think i will upgrade when the contract ends. Its exactly what i need and is still working perfectly without a scratch on it.


This is the angle that makes me reconsider folding phones. Either fold direction, and you’ve got a smaller screen that’s usable in one hand.


It’s a nice idea, but I’d be worried about the wear and tear on the folding screen. I can’t imagine it would hold up through the years of use I put phones through.


I appreciate the longetivity of the iPhone compared to other brands.

I used my galaxy 4s mini for literally a decade.


Have the new Z Fold after years of owning borderline-phablets and the usability is much better. My previous phone (Galaxy S20+) felt too big and painful to use one-handed, yet typing with two hands felt awkward. This splits the use cases. Slim one-hand phone on the outside. Mini-tablet typing monster on the inside. 🤌


Phablet? Now that's a term I haven't heard in a very long time.

DynamoSunshirtSandals, avatar

The Z fold is 67.1mm across in folded mode. The iPhone 12 & 13 Mini is 64.2mm.

pavnilschanda, avatar

So that must be my the cover making my iPhone hard to reach, gotcha. Though I suppose I wouldn’t expect to use a cover as thick if I use the fold


I’m still on my pixel 3 which is line at the cusp of the size i can handle. I want smaller but every new phone is bigger. It’s so infuriating.

mihnt, avatar

Pixel 5 is roughly the same size as the 3.


So it is. I wasn’t ready for a new phone when it came out and I’m still not a fan of punch hole cameras. I’d rather have a forehead and chin.

mihnt, avatar

Eh, I wasn’t either at first. Most of the content I’m viewing is nowhere near the pinhole so I never really notice it.

I’m on a 7 Pro now and my daughter has my 5 because the phone size works with her tiny self better.


Same, lots of accidental screen presses on my 4a.

I’d rather the HTC stereo speaker bezels


Curved screen edges are also the worst for that. The glare on them also makes them mostly useless visually. Don’t know why they caught on so much


The #a line is usually a bit smaller then the flagships. The 4a was the perfect size. 3a was huge compared to it. 6a is slightly larger than the 4a. The 6 is massive compared to the 6a

skankhunt42, avatar

I’m on a pixel 3 also. The size is important but the front facing speakers are amazing. I can’t find anything else like it.


cries in Pixel 6a I miss my pixel 3…

LazaroFilm, avatar

Their idea is but I giant phone or a watch phone. I love the mini. It’s too bad.


I had to get the pro max because the 12 pro was getting too hard for me to read comfortably 😭😭

I just turned 40


I think the S23 is the perfect size, I wish that was the standard, with some larger ones for people who like that.


I just got S23 because I wanted a flagship phone, but got tired of large phones that don’t fit in pockets properly. So far S23’s size has been really good. It’s large enough that it doesn’t get annoying to use it for a long time or read long articles, but still small enough that it’s generally more convenient to carry everywhere.


I’m actually using a Titan Pocket currently. Works well enough for me. The security updates are lagging behind that’s getting me considering switching back, but I’m otherwise cautious how I use it.

It’s a nice feeling device, and makes me wish they’d make more BlackBerry style phones with bigger displays and Android capability.

People see you whip the titan out and think “oh he’s doing that rollback technology thing”, then you use Android Pay and they really flip out lol.


I hope more manufacturers would adopt the Blackberry style of phones. Titan Pocket has proved that you can have Android running decently on such a device. So why not bring back QWERTY keyboards?


Same experience when i was using the Jelly 2, people loved it when i pulled it out to pay with NFC.


I believe the (old but still decent) best small Android is the Samsung s10e

LennethAegis, avatar

That's still my current phone. Newer phones just look so absolutely massive.


Same, holding on for dear life with my S10E. It’s the best form factor, great power button finger print reader, dual SIM, I mean, what’s not to love. (battery is kind of meh, but I’ve added a halo ring and a magnetic induction battery).


What’s the point of a small phone if you’re going to stick a big battery to it?

My phone is big, but I don’t need an external battery. I’m curious to see the size and weight comparison between my phone with a big built in battery, and your phone + battery combo.


Pixel 5 and Zenphone come to mind, too.

Amilo159, avatar

Zenfone and pixel 5 are same size as galaxy S22/S23


Using this right now. If they revived the galaxy mini line (~4in screen) I’d absolutely buy it.


Except for the Bixby button, I mostly like my s10e. I have large hands, but still wish it was slightly shorter.


Have you looked into remapping the button? I use Button Remapper and I have it configured to open Google maps and Spotify


They will have to pry my iPhone 13 mini from my cold dead hands! Small phone gang unite! ✊


I want a smaller smartphone but not an iPhone. It’s sad that Apple is the only manufacturer still producing reasonable sized phones. Small phone gang unite and push for other manufacturers to follow Apple on this one!


Yea i wanted iPhone mini as well but it’s hard for me to miss abilities such as using OG Firefox (not some stupid skinned safari) with ublock origin and NewPipe.


Unfortunately even Apple has announced they are discontinuing their smaller phone, citing poor sales, so it seems the small phone gang is too small to have any market power.


They say that all the time because it disposes of the issue without them needing to provide any evidence.


What’s your alternative theory?


What do you mean?

They don’t want to make a product. They say “consumers don’t like it”. You ask for evidence. They say it’s confidential, or they deliberately sabotage the availability of the product and say, “see?”

It’s standard marketing.


I’m asking for your theory as to Apple’s reason for cancelling the small phone since you don’t believe the reason they’ve provided.


Deciding to make or not make a product is not a simple thing. Lots of decisions are part of it.

They just don’t want to talk about it and want you to buy one of their other products.


So you have no alternative theory, but you’re just assuming Apple are lying about their reason because they won’t share their company data that led them to that conclusion?


Who said anything about lying? Why is this place so toxic.

It’s marketing. They are telling you a story to sell products.

Unless you consider marketing lying, which I suppose is one possible interpretation…


You said they are just saying it’s poor sales, but it actually isn’t the reason. That would make their posted reason a lie.

If marketing is not based in reality, yes, it is lying, and there is nothing toxic about calling it what it is. There is plenty of dishonest marketing out there, and some of it is even legal. But I would hardly call a discontinuation announcement “marketing” since you’re literally doing the opposite of trying to sell them the product. You’re telling them they can no longer buy the product.


Could partly be that they don’t want to support the development effort. Fewer phone sizes to support means they can get away with fewer staff working new versions of ios.

N4CHEM, (edited )

I don’t believe the small phone gang is small, we just have one option: a pretty expensive iPhone mini.

I want a small phone but not an iPhone, I have no option therefore manufactures assume I want a humongous phone. That’s flawed logic.


What about Asus Zenfone?

i_love_FFT, avatar

Discontinued after the 10 🥲


Did they cite any reason for the discontinuation?

Prking, avatar

Lack of sales


And that only add validity to Apple’s reasoning. The small phone market is too small.


And apparently people buying small phones do not buy a new one every years but wait for them to die, further reducing the cash grab pot.


Make things up much?


ASUS has denied a previous report about the possible shutdown of the Zenfone division. The company issued a press statement, rubbishing claims from a Taiwanese media outlet that reported that the Zenfone 10 would be the last flagship in the Zenfone line.…

i_love_FFT, avatar

Thanks for the news, you made my day! I have an 8 which still works very well. I was on the verge of getting a 10 while I still could…

ericisshort, (edited )

If it is actually a larger demographic, then it would be huge opportunity for any of these other phone makers, especially those that are struggling. I highly doubt they are all unaware of the opportunity to make a smaller phone, so I suspect they have stayed away because they don’t think it will be a profitable market.

As production quantities go down, costs go up, and with the lower prices that these vendors sell at compared to Apple, their margins are already much thinner, so they have much more risk than Apple in introducing a smaller phone unless they are confident there is a large enough market for it. They simply have much less wiggle room than Apple in which to create a profitable product out of a smaller phone. Since Apple is pulling out and the others haven’t even bothered to try to compete with them in the decade that this big phone trend has been trending, I don’t think there’s any other conclusion that we can draw other than the small phone market is not large enough to pursue, but I’m open to other possibilities.

Edit: Someone else mentioned the small Asus Zenphone, which was also discontinued due to poor sales. That means at least one other manufacturer tried to make a small phone, and they came to the same conclusion that Apple did, so I see even less reason to doubt them.


ZenFone isn’t small, it’s the same size as a regular iPhone/Pro, not the Mini, so I can’t see it proving anything about small phone demand that couldn’t equally be applied to a regular iPhone or S23 etc. It also isn’t discontinued.

DynamoSunshirtSandals, avatar

I was going to say that the Mini should be pretty cheap now that it’s two generations old – the 13 is down to $629 new, after all, and the Mini ought to be $100 cheaper…

But it looks like Mini demand has actually driven prices much higher than the normal 13. Strange, almost as if there IS demand for small phones…


Small supply means just about any demand change can have a big impact on price.

Apple doesn’t care about used phone pricing, and until they announced the discontinuation nobody really paid any attention to the 13 mini for a while.


almost as if there IS demand for small phones…

There is but the demand is small. The smaller the demand gets, the more they flock to whatever options are available.


I don’t believe the small phone gang is small, we just have one option: a pretty expensive iPhone mini.

You have it backwards. You have no options because your gang is too small. You used to have options but the market has moved far far away from that.


They haven’t made it in two years now. They stopped with the 13.


Right, but I’m pretty sure they never said anything about discontinuing it altogether when the iPhone 14 came out, and most people just assumed they were just skipping a year on it. It wasn’t until right before they released the 15 lineup that they said the smaller phone was actually discontinued.


They never officially discontinued the mini line in the first place. They just didn’t release new models after the 13. The announcement that they discontinued it was that they were discontinuing production of the 13 mini, which they had kept making alongside the regular 13 after the 14 lineup was released. Up until the release of the 15s, you could still buy the 13 mini new from Apple. Discontinuing the 13 mini killed off any way to buy one new.

There’s still strong rumors that they might use the mini frame for the next SE model. It has pretty close to the same external dimensions as the 3rd gen SE, but would bring more screen real estate in the same package since it would be edge to edge instead of have the bezels. And it would also fit the rumored “release a mini every few years” strategy since they only release an SE every couple of years anyway.

The SE cannibalized mini sales because, for the most part, people that wanted the smaller size cared more about price than features, and the SE was the same size and quite a bit cheaper. Replacing the old iPhone 8 based SE with an iPhone mini based SE would kill two birds with one stone. It would let them use up a bunch of the excess stock they have laying around due to the poor sales, would bring the mini to a lower price point which would make it more popular, and would remove the competition between the SE and the mini.


Yeah, we’re saying the same thing, but for the sake of brevity, I might have spoken in a way that led you to believe I’m saying something else. I did not know about the rumors of the new SE using the mini frame, so that is some slightly good news for the small phone gang.


Small people want small phones. Small people have small hands. Small hands can’t carry very much money.

It’s simple economics.


Lol. You would think that, but I’m a small person counter example, and the market is proving there are more like me than those who want small phones.

gunpachi, avatar

There is the samsung galaxy base line up of the ‘S series’.


The base galaxy s is the same size as a base iPhone. 6.1 inch screen.

There’s nothing mini about it in the least. The iPhone mini had a 5.4 inch screen.


Asus makes small phones (for now).

GrammatonCleric, avatar

Damn, Steve Jobs got his posthumous hooks in ya


Fellow 13 mini user here, and I’ve never loved a phone more.

Zerlyna, avatar

I still have an SE 2020 and now wondering if I can get a Mini. I had a 6+ and got rid of it because it made my hand cramp. I hate big phones.


The 13 mini made me switch to apple after years of android and even Ubuntu phone.

The form factor is the only reason I buy a new phone so let’s hope there’s still be a market for people like us.


iphone 13 is gaint! I don’t I’m on the same page as you lol


They won’t. It’ll break and you won’t be able to repair it before then.


Haven’t thought of small phones in a while, unless you look into dumb phones, like Nokia 3310 reboot.

Great little phone, but does not have smart features that smart phones have.

Nice to see the sizes being compared, I was not expecting it, but wow have phone become huge.

I wonder if Pine64 or similar would create a small phone, they have launched phones before…


The PPP is still too far from being useful for me to think they could deliver a uzbl small phone

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