
The pendulum is swinging back towards the monopoly model that destroyed cable. Time to dust off the old Jolly Roger and teach streaming an old lesson of what happens when you price gouge people.


People were obviously pissed off at cable’s fragmented model, but what killed it was the existence of video on demand services over the internet. The fact that at a certain point Netflix had everything certainly helped in adoption, but the biggest factor was not having to view at a specific time.

There is no such killer improvement on the horizon. All there is is the fragmented streaming market, or piracy.


Those on demand services arose to plug the hole of piracy.

FartsWithAnAccent, avatar

Yarr, the killer improvement was here all along!


I keep saying, we already fought this war, we already won.

Fuck around and find out 🏴‍☠️


Maybe it’s time to cancel Amazon prime. I don’t feel like they even met their commitments any longer for delivery… So what’s it all for?

TheHighRoad, avatar

Good point. Amazon is definitely trying to make COVID issues the new normal.


I still always try and make above 25£ or whatever the minium delivery amount is, despite a decade and a half of Prime.

So I don’t know what I’m getting for it either.

The one thing in life I cannot abide are adverts and I will not tolerate them.


The internet has gotten 3x shittier in the last 12 months.

GladiusB, avatar

Covid kindness is over. Buckle up buckaroos.


the money is drying up, gotta find new ways to monetise

snaggen, avatar

All these services turning into shit, are the services without a viable business model to begin with. What I find interesting is that it is obviously possible to become leading in a field, just by burning investors money.


It wouldn’t matter if they were drowning in money, if you told them they could have a few pennies more from each customer, they’ll do it. It’s how greed works.

CosmicCleric, avatar

There’s a reason for it, people don’t push back enough. We all need to push back more than we have been.

They’re noticing the pushback so far, but they’re thinking they can break through it and come out victorious on the other side.

Do you really want to pay a monthly fee to be forced to watch commercials?

The whole point of commercials was that you didn’t have to pay otherwise to watch the show.


I’ve cancelled everything in my life that requires a monthly payment (asides vehicle and rent).

It’s not that I can’t afford it, it’s that I’m fucking sick of it.

FordPrefect, avatar

^ This. 💯

CosmicCleric, avatar

It’s not that I can’t afford it, it’s that I’m fucking sick of it.

And that’s how they win, it’s what they count on. It’s a death by a thousand cuts for us and more profits for them.

Don’t give up now, you won’t just fail yourself, you’ll fail everyone, if you do.


Eternal September is real. It’s sad

CosmicCleric, avatar

Apparently this is how cable started, and then they did the same thing lol

CosmicCleric, avatar

That was in back before the Internet though.


The internet was invented in the 60s

CosmicCleric, avatar

I know, I was there. But I’m talking about when it was used by the larger general public, which was in the 90’s. Before that, it was people dialing up on modems to BBS’.


Partly, this is because “the free market will solve it” is just a neoliberal lie. Sometimes, there’s simply no other choice as corporations race each other to the bottom.

So this streaming service might have gotten shitty, espensive or unethical, but you can move to another right? Oh no, looks like they’re shitty and unethical too, just slightly differently.

Then in six months time, they’ve each absorbed one another’s shitty, greedy practises anyway, ensuring consumers are fully exploited with nowhere else to go.

But the true power of neoliberalism lies in its giant book of premade excuses, so neoliberals (or neoliberals in disguise) will of course read from the next page:

“Oh that’s just because there isn’t enough competition. We just need to deregulate heavily and allow companies to do whatever the streaming equivalent of dumping toxic by-products in the river is!”

But of course, that won’t ever come true either. The companies that already exist will grow more profitable polluting the river and new entries into the market will be either stamped out, bought and stripped for parts or enshittified by the same greed over time.

Following the flowchart taught at exclusive, expensive schools the world over, the next excuse is to blame the consumers.

“Oh if people really cared, they’d simply stop buying things entirely. But they don’t, because these companies continue to bring in record profits. So secretly, consumers actually love their chocolate being picked by child slaves”.

While they do fight back with boycotts, public outcry and (in this case) things like password sharing and piracy, it’s nothing companies can’t crush if it looks like it might actually dent their profits.

At some point, consumers need to pick their misery and the choices are bleak but obvious.

They can accept the minor misery of advertising, even as they pay a subscription, just like the corporation knew they would.

They can escalate their own misery further by boycotting the entire platform or industry.

But the moral high ground doesn’t make spending your few hours of personal time each day staring at the wall suddenly as entertaining as whatever content you’re no longer watching.

Also, the company doesn’t care. That was part of their calculations and they’re still making even more money.

Or finally, they could maximise their misery and actually do something, like busting out the guillotines or becoming a politician that opposes neoliberalism yet is somehow allowed power.

So anyway, people are tired. The fight never ends and some people have fought it for 50 years already. Encourage them to take the third option by all means, but don’t shame them for taking the first option.

They might already be miserable enough.

captain_aggravated, avatar

And the thing is, the product everyone’s got their butts in a bunch over is garbage television. Amazon Prime, Hulu, Netflix, HBO Max, Maytag Plus, there’s nothing good on any of them.

CosmicCleric, avatar

[very verbose initial response]

Honestly don’t mean this as an insult, but you might want to consider being more concise, so that your point comes across better.

So anyway, people are tired. The fight never ends and some people have fought it for 50 years already. Encourage them to take the third option by all means, but don’t shame them for taking the first option.

I’m not purposely trying to shame people, but I’ll definitely get on their cases if they don’t push back and let this crap continue.

It’s called consumer advocacy, and it shouldn’t be shamed away and not done. Those who are causing the problems in society would benefit the most if this happened.

If we all work together, it’s been proven that it does turn things around.

They might already be miserable enough.

It’s not my fault they’re that way, it’s the fault of the people making society horrible so they can selfishly make more money for themselves, which must be fought against.

The ones making Society horrible definitely win when no one pushes back.


Honestly don’t mean this as an insult, but you might want to consider being more concise, so that your point comes across better.

I’m cool with ranting. I enjoy the act of writing, blogs are long dead and it’s important to articulate why so many things in the world are fucking shit.

If we all work together, it’s been proven that it does turn things around


The ones making Society horrible definitely win when no one pushes back.

They also win when people do push back, because thats how the game has been rigged. The extent of the public’s power is making them win slightly less.

The only way to stop companies doing unethical things is strict regulations, ruthlessly enforced. The only times “consumer advocacy” ever works is when the government steps in, which is why the ultra wealthy go to so much effort to ensure they never do.

One good person in politics, with power, is worth a million people boycotting.

CosmicCleric, avatar

If we all work together, it’s been proven that it does turn things around



They also win when people do push back, because thats how the game has been rigged.


The only way to stop companies doing unethical things is strict regulations, ruthlessly enforced.

Its the most important way, but not the only way.

One good person in politics, with power, is worth a million people boycotting.

Definately agree with this. But its not a zero sum gain, an either/or. Both can happen, and increase the odds of success.


They should also make people watch add bofore they are handed their Amazon Prime order. Unless they pay for the higher tier subscription.

Anyway, good to know that Amazon is finally doing something to fix its fledgling revenue from Prime.


reminds me I need to setup sonarr, radarr and jellyfin


A worthy investment.


My stack + Jackett and unpackarr + telegram for notifications. It works perfectly


Check out prowlerr over jacket, I found it much better

crimsdings, (edited )

Interesting, I tried prowlarr aswell just found Jackett easier and “it just work” which is probably simply because I use it for so long.


To each their own!

TheHighRoad, avatar

Does anyone have a comprehensible guide for setting all this up?

CosmicCleric, avatar

I am not paying to watch commercials. Fuck that.


I think most of us pay for the shipping, the video is just a bonus. That said, their exclusives aren’t that great and they just end up in medusa.

CosmicCleric, avatar

I think most of us pay for the shipping, the video is just a bonus.

You’re not wrong, but the point though is to not reward them for bad behavior.

It’s a death by “1,000 cuts” if you do.


There’s been a lot of discussion recently about how companies have been making shitty decisions, which prompt people to move to the open-source alternatives, like what happened with Reddit, Twitter and Unity etc. However, is there a viable alternative for film-related media, beyond simply piracy?

While Lemmy, Godot etc obviously have many costs, primarily servers and development, they don’t have to deal with licensing in the same way to get content. Is there an existing alternative, or do you see a way for there to ever be an existing alternative without some rich company already backing it?

player2, (edited )

Yes, it’s /c/piracy! Using torrents. Open source, community ran, providing free and equal access to information for all.

Or Usenet which is direct network access to enormous private digital media libraries to download to your own computer.

captain_aggravated, avatar

I buy used DVDs off eBay, sometimes from pawn shops or thrift stores.

EqMinMax, avatar

Time to telegram.


Where do I find this stuff on telegram?

EqMinMax, avatar

There are some telegram bots and channels. But those can’t be shared here because of piracy reasons. Try searching in search engines, you may get few.


I’m baffled by the unrealistic demand for constant infinite growth from corporate shareholders and management. Those days are numbered.


Tell me you just woke up from a 50 year coma without telling me you just woke up from a 50 year coma


It’s basically one massive Tragedy Of The Commons (if one is being nice, Ponzi Scheme if one is not being nice) were “somebody else” is supposed to pay people good salaries and “somebody else” is supposed to pay the taxes that support the whole damn structure in which these people are getting rich and get to keep their riches and “somebody else” is supposed to “buy my shares” at a higher price.

Everybody expects “somebody else” to take on the costs of keeping the system going all the while cashing in on all the things only possible thanks to that very same system they contribute into the minimum they can get away with.

It makes all sense for a single economic actor to act in a purelly extractive way when all others have a more balanced economic posture, but the problem is that over the last 4 decades ever more of the economic activity has passed into the hands of such people and now most of it is done like that (which is why “rent seeking” is so common) and the rest of the economic actors (the ones who produce rather than extract) can’t keep up anymore, hence why we’ve reached a point were the broadening of both financial empoverishment and fall in quality of life - i.e. the things that can be purchased with the dwindling money most people earn are themselves getting worse) has become very visible and even painful for many.

TheSaneWriter, avatar

Indeed, but no one knows what that number is. Corporations are currently of the mindset of “that will happen in the distant future, so we can keep going.” Of course, eventually, that distant future will become the present and things will collapse, but they’ll keep saying it’s in the future until then.


That s my cue for cancelling i guess


I still dont understand the need of people who watch tv series. How fucking empty and boring must their lives be.

FordPrefect, avatar

I can’t speak for anyone else, but yes, mine is.

I’ve never had Prime though. The reason my life is boring and empty, is (I think) because I avoid participating in things I don’t wholeheartedly approve of.

Viewing media, is an insidiously passive form of participation, so I do intently watch plenty of TV\movies (recently figured out it’s about 6-8 things a week).

The rest of my life is just household chores, bicycling, & traveling when I get the chance.
Doing Things makes me feel like Ged.


The first step is realizing its a problem. Dont let TV take care of your life brother.

FordPrefect, avatar

So real; I have just years of old '90s SciFi etched into my brain. SciFi novels, too, but it might be nice if some percentage were nonfiction? I dunno, honestly at this point I’m just glad when I see media with a plot that I don’t immediately foresee the denouement of.

Weirdly, I watch less TV now than when I had more monthly bills to work off.

I was even doing pretty well about steering clear of social-marketing sites, until SMBC-comics added a comments section directly below the first of four stops on my (semi-)daily funny pages.


Having ads in fucking movies makes a service feel cheap / lower value. But the price is staying the same, so where’s that button to cancel?


That’s the great part, you can’t cancel.


You can cancel. Source: cancelled recently.


I ended up googling cancel prime membership, and that led me to a page with a cancel button.

CharlesDarwin, avatar

I’d say we crossed the Rubicon on this front decades ago, when in-person, at the theater, movies started showing actual ads and not just trailers before the movie you just paid for (and it was at the same price, of course).

I remember the first time I experienced this in a theater. My GF was like “…the hell?” and people were fucking booing the ads. But it didn’t matter enough - the ads are still here.

And yeah, it still annoys me.


how are you just allowed to drastically lower the quality of a subscription like this. yeah i’m selling my new streaming service, it has 7 channels, $1 a month. no actually sorry it’s $7, 3 channels, and 2 of those channels just run ads on a loop. thanks for keeping autorenew on.


Used to have prime. Never got the same day delivery they promised. Box was always smashed to fuck (the normal delivery was often quicker and less damaged). Used it for the movies and a couple of shows. 11 quid a month was already a lot, if you’re going to add more on to take features off the normal tier then they can go and fuck themselves. Will never buy it again, they make enough money and dont pay their taxes.


Why don’t you just make a free version that plays ads? You know that reason why every sane person uses Tubi?

You know that one site which is the only that I don’t use my ad blocker on, because I actually respect them enough to let the ads play


Because people are ready to spend money to see ads just for the convince of cheaper monthly subscription fee.


There is no cheaper subscription. The current prime sub gets adds added. Ad-free will cost more then the current ad-free subscription. “I’m altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further.”

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