
I think a downloader will be neccessaire, it will cost too much money if we bought them all.


Looks like it’s time to cancel prime

toxicbubble, (edited )

this was the last straw? it wasn’t workers peeing in bottles, or businesses being displaced to build warehouses, or tax avoidance, or sweat shop wages for international workers?

to the trolls below, I’m a full time activist, you’re just keyboard warriors

BolexForSoup, (edited )
@BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar


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  • funkless_eck,

    Please lord, don’t let chat bubble strawmen be the rest of my life. Amen.


    While hilarious I think the guy was making a fair enough point lol

    Though we can all do better of course.

    @garretble@lemmy.world avatar

    It’s far easier to just not use Amazon than it is to not own a phone or computer.

    Yes, it sucks there are no good options to buy an “ethical” phone, but phones are basically a necessity. Instead of shopping from Amazon you can shop from tons of other places.

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    @BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar


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  • blivet, (edited )
    @blivet@artemis.camp avatar

    Yeah, I try to buy stuff from brick and mortar stores. I figure that even if it’s a big box store at least there are actual employees working there who live in my area.

    But I can’t even find the kind of underwear I like at any physical store near me. Even online, Amazon seems to be the only place that stocks it.

    The same goes for the style of jacket that I prefer. I’ve spent months looking everywhere, and the only place where I've found even an approximation of what I want is Amazon.

    I’ve noticed that even in big box stores nowadays the selection is pretty limited. You'll see a wall of racks full of the same item. I don't know if it's supply chain issues or if they've just decided that it's not worth the trouble of trying to stock a variety of items that only appeal to a relatively small number of people.


    I went to Home Depot store looking for some (admittedly kinda weird) hardware and after browsing around for a while the store associate told me to buy it on Amazon.


    Oh god. You’re one of those people who act like raising kids wasn’t possible without all the modern luxuries. You’d have failed as a parent 30 years ago.


    That’s a big leap, from third purchase sippy cup to incompetent parent without modern luxuries.

    sounds like you had a traumatic childhood that’s turned you bitter. Was it your Father? Mother? Both? If you can’t tell us, do you have someone you can talk to these things about?

    Lets review. buying a third sippy cup, sent you off the handle to reply and talk down to this parent, going so far as to say they cant do it. that’s savage, brutal… why?


    Because the idea that kids are so difficult to raise without next day delivery is a pathetic thing to imply.

    That is all.


    if your children are raised, do they live near or far away? Do they keep in contact? or do they treat you like their attacker?

    You went without next day delivery, so you must have had a tangible solution to give to your child in need. What did you give them? Love? indifference? a life lesson with a smirk on your face? Sorry kiddo no cup no juice, walk it off? tell us. please.


    Is this AI or were you having a stroke?

    Either way, I go to a store and buy one. It’s pretty easy.


    You keep avoiding my questions. You really got a firm opinion on sippy cups. That is your prerogative. In closing, since i can see this conversation staying on sippy cups and not the root issue. No i didnt have a stroke, this is not AI. is human interaction so foreign to you that you presume its a robot talking to you??? in either case. Enjoy your store bought sippy cups. We lesser parents will buy them online :(


    there are no good options to buy an “ethical” phone

    Actually there are. Look up Fairphone and Shiftphone


    As someone who recently tried the Fairphone 4 out to replace an absolutely dying OnePlus 5 I’ve had for years as well as the guy who uses open source everything/advocates for the same - It’s not a mainstream option at all yet. If they could decouple the software from the hardware better maybe people would be willing to deal with the bugs but eOS and Lineage, while awesome projects I support, don’t play with many “secure” apps at all due to how Google decided to lock them down and that alone is a deal breaker for anyone working where you need access to say…Outlook. Banking apps can have issues (depending on the bank) which while maybe easy to work around for you and I is a huge pain in the ass for most folks who just want their phone to work. Having to jump through hoops to get the Play store on there in the first place is not going to work for anyone who isn’t fully committed to the de-Googled experience. F-Droid is the first thing I install on a new phone but there’s no way it’s going to be my only portal to apps I need.

    They are certainly meeting their own set goals, and the hardware while bulky doesn’t feel cheap or anything, so that’s great. I really love how easy it would be to replace most of the phone if/when broken, and the commitment to fair labor practices and control of the supply chain is tremendously commendable. But for a tool most humans rely on for day to day life, the honest truth is neither project is quite there yet to be adopted in the mainstream.

    If it sounds like I’m shitting on either of these companies that isn’t my intent at all. I’m following the progress with FP5 and really look forward to seeing the ideas set here grow if they can.


    If it sounds like I’m shitting on either of these companies

    It does. The style of your argument makes the situation more complicated. No one said mainstream. From the sound of what you’re saying, monopolistic companies hindering compatibility will keep it that way. Apps will have bugs that need to be worked out, that’s just a given. Stating don’t get it because it’s not viable atm just makes this cyclical since there will be no consumer push to work the kinks out or let people learn about alternatives.

    @BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar

    I think his point is it's a big ask to ask people to deal with buggy/less feature-rich hardware for a product they use - arguably depend on - every day. It's a valid point bring up.


    I never said don’t get it, I was replying about viable alternatives. It’s just not for the majority of the market right now. It sucks, and I’d buy some future Fairphone or equivalent in a heartbeat once I can actually use it as my daily driver phone and not need to carry a second one for business use.


    That’s a bummer. Hope they manage to iron out those issues because I was planning on getting one when my Samsung dies.


    I mean… get one and try it out! They have a fair return policy.


    Yo, morbid black mirror episode. they start advertising the PNY villages to sell their phones “Now with more Suicide Nets!!!”


    It’s very easy to not order anything off Amazon


    You’re not wrong but on the other hand if you only have morals if it’s easy then I’d say your morals ain’t worth shit


    Apparently Americans would die if not for uber and amazon.

    @FordPrefect@startrek.website avatar

    The number of people who think they’ve ordered food delivery “from” a local restaurant, not realizing it was actually made in an UberEats\DoorDash all-in-one “ghost kitchen” located in a nondescript building nearby, vastly exceeds the number of people who’ve heard the term “ghost kitchen”. One of the most well-known local pizza shop’s deliveries, actually come from ghost kitchens, here.


    ah yes, the contrarian absolutist here. i don’t wear brands unless they’re second hand, i use the cheapest electronics to suit my needs & use them til they break or can’t be repaired. i make an EFFORT to reduce consumption & about large corporations when i can, what the fuck are you doing to help?

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    @BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar


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  • toxicbubble,

    it’s common sense that Amazon is destroying the economy, but keep licking bezos’ butt

    @blanketswithsmallpox@kbin.social avatar

    Have fun purchasing ethical power, food, textiles and electronics unless you're already rich working at a non fortune-500 company lol.

    @JoMiran@lemmy.ml avatar

    Fortune 500 employees are some of the worst paid and most exploited. See Amazon, Walmart, etc. Even at the white collar level they get paid shit. The old “work for a Fortune 100” bit hasn’t been relevant since the dot-com boom.


    Top level Devs at Amazon get paid 1m a year, plus stock options

    @JoMiran@lemmy.ml avatar

    Top level devs at Amazon would get paid that anywhere. They aren’t competing for a spot at Amazon, Amazon is competing for them.


    That kind of undermines your original comment…?

    @JoMiran@lemmy.ml avatar

    How? People used to dream of working for a Fortune 100 company because landing one of those coveted jobs was a way to secure a well paying job with a nice pension. Those days are gone. Now you either make yourself priceless so that everyone is competing for your skills, or you work for a small firm that values your existence and sees you as part of the team. In a large company, with very few exceptions, you are just a disposable cog in the machine.

    For context, I know a lot of developers that worked for Amazon. They all left. The mythological $1M devs are paid that to make sure the competition doesn’t have them. They aren’t employees, they are IP.

    bernieecclestoned, (edited )

    I think it’s very role dependent. I’ve worked for all sizes of companies and there are shit jobs and shit managers in all of them just as much as good ones.

    It’s a little facile to say all those people are disposable cogs, promotions are achievable, new business units, stock options, health insurance etc etc

    Landing a job in a top company still does your CV some good.

    If you want security and a good pension, then the public sector is probably a better fit.


    Did you just tell him to learn2code? 😆


    i already do actually, been vegan for years, how about you?

    @blanketswithsmallpox@kbin.social avatar

    Very nice! I try to be as green as possible. Being poor contributes to that more than anything else lol.

    Can't even remember the last time I've had a classic slab of red meat that wasn't ground already lol. Chicken is so much cheaper. I'm happy to report that dairy will be carbon neutral in the USA by 2050 too. Not separating calves from mom is becoming more and more popular too!


    Those all impact others. Nobody gives a shit about others. This impacts them, which is the only thing that matters to pretty much everyone. Look out for #1.



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  • Ferrous,
    circuscritic, (edited )

    Get bent. You moralizing keyboard pseudo-activitist.

    Why aren’t you out right now on a picket line? Why are you wasting time on a forum, instead of helping the homeless? Why aren’t you…

    How far are you willing to take your arbitrary purity tests? Instead of supporting someone who is intending to support an action you clearly also support e.g. cancelling Prime, you’re lecturing them why they should have done it sooner. Or why their choice is less moral then yours.

    I bet that if Ted Cruz came out tomorrow to be the deciding vote on Medicare For All, and publicly stating his intent to do so, you’d scream about how Dems shouldn’t support any bill that has the support of such a scumbag. Because to you, the purity test is more important than the actual result and impact.

    And if you’re not American, then insert whatever relevant politician and issue would be comparable to your county. The point still stands.


    This is the best reply to some smug fart-sniffing “oh THAT’s why you etc etc but WHY NOT OTHER THINGS?!” bullshit I’ve ever read.


    Just shut the fuck up and keep giving shitty corporations your money.


    Glancing at your comment history makes it pretty obvious that typing out angry comments is the only respite you have from a life where you feel worthless and lack the ability to take control enough to get out of your pit of despair.

    Normally, I’d take pity, but I genuinely think the world will get slightly better when you finally stroke out while hammering out yet another mean spirited and pointless comment that adds nothing of value, just like you.


    Damn. Delicious.


    Brutal, Savage, Rekt…Absolutely; Taken Down. 👏👏👏


    …this made me hard, in my pants 👌


    Their points are still valid, being smug doesn’t erase that. And your being an aggressive cunt about it doesn’t further the conversation, it just entrenches people.


    So being a smug self-important douche doesn’t entrench people, but calling out their smugness in a manner that you deem too aggressive does?

    Got it.


    You’re an internet poet. I want you there whenever I read these bullshit grandstanding keyboard activist posts.


    Pretty sure I recognized their smugness, but sure i f you want you’re both divisive.

    Learn from it or don’t.


    I’m a full time activist actually lol, ive been protesting with picket signs for years around the country , how about you?


    I travel the country doing woke anti-racist training in blue states, and based anti-reverse racism training in red states.


    Yeah, not sure how it took this to get people to finally cancel.


    It was those things for me, I cancelled Prime years ago and never buy from Amazon (I will browse however and reach out to the seller via their own website)


    “All Of My Awesome Pirated Media To Keep Being Great Quality, Ad-Free, and Forever Accessible”


    Just do it.


    I’ve been paying Amazon for more than 25 years just for the free deliveries. I don’t watch anything on Prime, it’s so hard to navigate between the free and rent videos. Been torrenting since the 90s, yeah I’m old, so my advice stands -get a good VPN, and sail the seven seas-


    BitTorrents initial release was in July of 2001. You were not torrenting since the 90s. In the 90s we were still on Napster, soulseek, Usenet, and IRC. Limewire, DirectConnect, and The Pirate Bay wouldn’t come around until into the 2000s. I used BitTorrent mostly to get actual Linux ISOs at first because it was better than downloading for several days only to discover at the end that your md5sum checked bad. The pirating came later once the trackers got a better selection than the competing protocols.


    Meh, I’d consider Emule and Napster type things torrenting.

    I don’t recall if they used peering though. I thought they did (twas a long time ago).

    @FordPrefect@startrek.website avatar

    The Kademlia network (eMule, Kazaalite, etc), did indeed use a global P2P Distributed Hash Table, to resolve which IPs hosted which content, which the torrent protocol also does … some of:

    Unlike the mainline torrent protocol, Kademlia’s DHT (like the modern-day Tribler DHT), also resolved filenames to content, allowing in-app search.

    With torrents, one needs to consult a DHT crawler, or an index site (which sucks; centrally operated sites are fragile, compared to DHTs), whereas eMule & more contemporarily Tribler, have two layers of DHT, enabling decentralized search without relyiance on someone having created a listing at some particular site & that site being online to search its index.


    Thanks for the background.

    Been a while since I used emule (surprised I remember it!), and I honestly didn’t know the details even then (I was lazy and it worked).


    eMule was introduced in 2002, which is again NOT THE 90s. Napster also uses a very different protocol, without any of the distributed file sharing. With P2P like Napster, soulseek, and DirectConnect you downloaded a complete file from one person only. Once you had it and could share it, someone could get it from you. But downloading bits of the same file from multiple peers at once was not a thing until after BitTorrent’s release in 2001.



    It’s been a while (was working in a call center back then, plenty of bandwidth), but my memory sucks. Lol


    P2P filesharing has been around since the '90s.


    His point was that bittorrent wasn’t around in the 90s


    Not really. “Torrenting” has become synonymous with “P2P filesharing,” so it’s clear what OP meant.


    With Netflix already having ads we are now 75% of the way to “cutting the cord” going back to reinventing cable again.

    @Chais@sh.itjust.works avatar

    And that’s why people started sailing the high seas again.

    @Black_Gulaman@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Arrrrrr! RD be the GOAT.


    Fr. Stremio is everything.


    My NAS is my best friend.

    @0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

    I had to upgrade mine probably 2 years ago now. I had nearly maxed out the 12TB I had. Now I have almost 30TB and some breathing room. Granted a lot of that is non-movies/TV but a good chunk of it is.


    I’d be interested in building one… what do you recommend ?


    I have an Asustor Drivestor 2 and a 4tb Seagate NAS HDD. IIRC, it was around $300 total. I’ve only been using it for a few months, but it’s an easily expandable setup if you want to add more storage later!



    Honestly everytime I have to feel proud for sailing I dance like an idiot while the magnet links are being being pasted on the real debrid

    @FordPrefect@startrek.website avatar


    • Ad-blocking (before anything online)
    • DHT crawler, or index sites if DHT has too many results
    • right-click/long-press on magnet URL
    • copy link
    • paste magnet link
    • remove tracker URLs (not needed)
    • go
    • enjoy

    Hm, 8 steps, is one more than the 7 stages of grief; but I’ll take this over yet-another subscription service that continually degrades in quality for the dollar.

    @BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar

    What is a DHT crawler?


    Ha, I never stopped.

    @maggiemaybe@hear-me.social avatar

    @OldWoodFrame @ZeroCool yeah I will never, Comcast/Xfinity are total scum bags and I would pay extra to never give them money ever again. Unfortunately I am forced to use them for Internet, there’s no way I’m paying for their cable TV programming.

    TimeSquirrel, (edited )
    @TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar


    I've still been out here since Napster. Welcome back aboard, we kept the torrents warm for you.


    What are the cool kids using these days?

    @TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

    Seedboxes. Download the torrent on someone else's computer, and then directly download it to yours through an encrypted connection. Sorta like a "money-laundering" for pirated content.

    @IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

    I was using torrents for years before I started messing with Usenet. Now I’ve got it set up it’s easy to grab pretty much anything and at higher quality than before.


    Honestly still just using Qbittorrent with a VPN; it’s a dream now that fibre is pretty ubiquitous. Mine hit 100MB/S yesterday, a 1.4Gb file takes about 10 seconds


    Qbit+VPN to grab, radarr/sonarr to catalogue, overseerr to request, and plex/jellyfin to watch.


    As someone who doesn’t sail the high seas, I thank you. Sometimes it looks like there won’t be any classic media left without your efforts.


    I like something I saw on here awhile ago that was something like " streaming services where only successful because they where slightly more convenient that pirating " for a while I mostly used a couple of streaming services despite most of the apps having really bad interfaces . But my Plex server has been growing in size lately while the streaming services are being cancelled.


    My breaking point for paying for something that I could otherwise get for free is convenience. Doesn’t even need to be a lot, I just refuse to pay for a product that artificially more of a hassle than the identical product that I can obtain for free.

    It’s not so much that I want a superior product, it’s that I refuse to pay money for an inferior alternative.


    My line is ads if I’m paying for something I’m not watching ads . I actually pay for YouTube premium because it’s worth it in my opinion for the amount I use for it and I use YouTube music alot too .

    @ares35@kbin.social avatar

    if it was still just netflix, and everybody didn't have their own streaming service, that would be different.

    but when you add up netflix, prime, disney, paramount, peacock, max, and whatever else, the wallet definitely says it's just like cable.

    do one at a time and rotate, maybe have one you 'always' have. you can't watch 10 different services at once anyway.


    Or just download what you want and say “fuck ‘em”

    @JoMiran@lemmy.ml avatar

    Some of us never stopped sailing the high seas matey. Yarrrrr!


    i stopped using amazøn years ago. shop local & stop killing the economy. it’s just gonna get worse the more money you give them


    Should I shop at the Target, Wal-Mart or the CVS instead?

    There are no “local” stores near me. Just massive corporations who treat their employees like shit. Costco is the exception to the treating-their-employees-like-shit rule, but sometimes I don’t need a lifetime supply of an item.


    Yeah, those behemoths all share responsibility for killing the mom and pop stores. It’s not impossible to shop around to local variants. But probably the best solution is to learn how to kick the habit that American culture has foisted upon us all of buying endless piles of useless crap.

    I cancelled my prime subscription years ago. I occassionally restart it for a month at a time if I need some esoteric hobby thing and I would be forced into paying for shipping or for prime. Then I’ll watch some stuff on their streaming service. Last time I used it, it was awful. Half of the shows were gatekept behind some ad system. And the “Amazon Originals” are all just extraordinarily expensive shows with terrible writing. Uhg. I am making it a point to not have an active prime subscription when Christmas rolls around. We (the collective we, as in, humanity) don’t need more garbage.

    @wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Thats a lot of words to ignore the comment you’re replying to.

    All those stores sell neccessities as well as junk, so distilling it down to simply not buying junk is reductive and dismissive. If someone needs clothes and Walmart and Target are the only places available, are they supposed to go nude? Additionally, you’re literally ignoring that they said that there are not local options available to them.

    Nome of what you said is particularly untrue, it’s just completely ignoring the comment you replied to.

    @FordPrefect@startrek.website avatar

    Yeah, where my Mom lives, the food options are:

    • Walmart
    • An erratically pricey local grocery, that rents its building (which has a leaky roof, requiring them to move product when it rains)
    • Dollar General
    • A farmer’s market that’s open once a week for a few hours before the afternoon heat, a few months a year, if no events have pre-empted it, having an inventory of which about 30% is bulk-bought supermarket produce with the labels (sometimes) removed
    • A 90 minute drive; no trains, no buses (literally, no buses) to the next largest town

    And she lives in a town people drive to, to get food, clothes, medicine, etc.

    She gets as much as she can from the local grocer, for whatever that’s worth; the inventory is frequently poor, & about on-par with Dollar General so far as brand-representation, goes. When tourists ask if the store has something, they get pointed to Walmart.


    yes actually, you answered your own question


    I agree but I can’t really afford to. My local hardware store is great but their prices are higher than big box hardware stores or amazon on many items. For example I replaced an outdoor GFCI outlet that cost $25 local or $18 from big box hardware or amazon. The outlet cover was $10 local or $5 anazon.


    It’s the same where I live. Do I shop local and spend 2-5 times more for the item or buy it from lowes or Walmart? The kicker is that it is sometimes even the exact same brand and model item.


    Yohoho my dudes and dudettes and dudex. And a bottle of rum.


    yarg harg fiddilidee, bitches, bros and enby hoes


    Seems like a lot of companies are testing how much they can get away with lately.


    Actual management strategy is “you don’t know what your boundaries are until you push against them”

    @CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

    Actual management strategy is “you don’t know what your boundaries are until you push against them”

    This is why it’s so important not to get tired and quit, but instead to always push back.


    This happens when you have to grow endlessly and hit a ceiling (in this case, number of users). Then you have to squeeze those users further so the numbers go up again. Of course you are killing the product in the long run because more and more users cancel but that’s not a big deal to the people making the decisions. (Well, the people doing actual work might object but nobody cares about them.) The shareholders that got obscenely rich will just leech onto the next big thing and the CEOs sail to their next product to ruin with a huge golden parachute. Rinse and repeat. Meanwhile, civilisation crumbles and decays, before it burns in the sadly inevitable climate catastrophe.


    But Amazon crumbling isn’t civilisation crumbling… In fact, it opens doors for more small business owners.


    You are incorrect though. Netflix and Uber (or any ride sharing app) have shown once people are hooked they will pay the increased rate to consume the product.

    @Asuracharya@lemmy.world avatar

    Yes and people are paying unfortunately Netflix succeeded and now everyone is trying ads 😔


    So I’m really confused about the whole Netflix thing. It hasn’t asked me to set a household location and the whole no password sharing thing was supposed to have taken effect back in May, right? Since May, my family has continued to use Netflix as if nothing has changed and we said if they try to charge us extra, we will cancel. Our Netflix is regularly used at 4 different “households” and they have yet to charge a fee and have not automatically set a household like they claimed they would.

    @Asuracharya@lemmy.world avatar

    I was talking about advertisement in Netflix

    @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

    Call it what is is: GREEDFLATION.


    Or maybe capitalism?

    @Da_Boom@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

    Nah, at this point anything subscription related is technofeudalism

    @viking@infosec.pub avatar

    Just cancelled my prime membership. The movie offer was rather boring tbh, and I get more interesting series elsewhere.


    I had been considering cancelling my Amazon subscription. I don’t know what I’m really paying for, just for expedited shipping? I don’t even use Amazon prime videos since it’s mostly garbage. Thanks to Amazon for making my decision easy to cancel.


    In the UK it was where they showed Mr Robot and a few other things on streaming services and channels not usually available here. It introduced me to Halt and Catch Fire and other good stuff. YMMV depending on location of course.


    I actually realized I almost never take advantage of real prime perks anymore and the cost was ridiculous. Nearly $200 a year and all for maybe faster shipping?

    I can get most the things on eBay or wherever anyways and it’s the same Chinese crap. Or free shipping anyway from Amazon.

    Local is even better and maybe I can actually try shit on and not buy literal garbage. It’s hardly worth it.


    Dear every single streaming service:



    This way people can watch everything without having an elitist “I’M PAYING FOR ENTERTAINMENT” section of the world who are the only ones that can talk about all these new shows unless they sail the high seas with an eye patch on, which is yet another argument for MAKE THE AD TIER FREE FOR EVERYONE.


    I agree but … why would they do that when the vast majority currently paying will keep paying and live with the ads. Those that won’t will either cancel (based on the Netflix account sharing experience, this will be small) or pay the higher fee. There’s no way they let people watch for free.


    Because it’s the right thing to do and those greedy shits make a fortune off of ads and don’t need our money and okay I know, I know, MORE MONEY. Greedy shits. I mean… wouldn’t the ads be more valuable if they knew more people were watching? Or something?

    Look, I’m just trying to get us all free Disney+ here, okay? Help me out here. :)



    It all “ads” up. Right?

    I’ll see myself out…

    @Reken@lemmy.world avatar

    These streaming companies are giving people more of a reason to use Jellyfin every day


    What’s jellyfin?

    @captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

    One of several systems for self-hosting video files. I’ve lost track if Jellyfin is a fork of Plex or what. I personally use Kodi.


    I’m using Kodi + Real Debrid for over a year now. Works really great but I have to admit that it’s a bit tedious to setup if you want an experience similar to Netflix for example.


    Have you tried Stremio + Real Debrid? It’s a game changer.


    I use Emby and have had no issues.


    I’ve lost track if Jellyfin is a fork of Plex or what

    Jellyfin is a fork of Emby. Plex is proprietary software.

    The Jellyfin project was started in early December 2018 primarily as a result of Emby’s decision to take their next release (4.x) closed-source.


    @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

    What is ironic about this is that Bezos could probably make all of their video streaming free and have no ads and still be making gobs of money. Their AWS ecosystem is practically a license to print money. Oh and that little store he runs on the side, too…

    @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

    But it’s not enough to make a lot of money, you have to make ALL the money.


    I pay for Prime for the next day postage, prime video is just an extra i occasionally use. I’ll just pirate their stuff in future and ignore their clunky TV app


    Seriously what is with amazon hardware and apps? They are all garbage, lack support, janky in every sense.


    Their Fire TV stick one was decent before but has become meh


    Only ever had the 30 day trial. Pirate people. Pirate. Yaps.cc is a new one to try.

    @Exec@pawb.social avatar

    How do I pirate people?

    @TheSaneWriter@lemmy.thesanewriter.com avatar

    Pirating people is generally considered immoral.

    @koolkiwi@lemmy.world avatar

    You wouldn’t download a person.

    @captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

    No but people are weirdly okay with making them from scratch.


    The making was okay, but now there’s a small dude living in our home. He keeps us up at night, too!

    @koolkiwi@lemmy.world avatar

    Same here. And she smells really foul on occasion! Maybe some uncured resin?


    You can’t go wrong with a VPN (PIA, Cyber ghost, Atlas), and just use QTorrent (open source torrent Software) and look up what you like on Pirate Bay.

    Easiest basic option.

    You can use a website like Showrss to get an RSS feed of all your favorite TV shows, and have them ready to download with Q Torrent.

    For most people this would be sufficient.

    If you want to an be clever and set up up your torrent Software so that it never staffs without your VPN.


    Is yaps better than 1377x?


    Asking the important questions.

    @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

    This is why I refused to ever buy cable: I am not going to pay for a service that forces ads on me. One or the other fuckers.

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