
This, like cancel culture, is a direct result of a justice system that pretty much never delivers justice to the victims of the rich and the powerful. Fixing that is the only thing that can stop this escalating cultural phenomenon.


Prosecute the shit out of the people making death threats because I don’t want to live in a society that’s cool with that either.


They already do that in most jurisdictions. Solve the root problem, and the surface problem will be fixed. Only fix the surface, and…well, it’s like weeding dandelions.


Somehow I get the feeling that this may not just be some unhinged internet troll throwing out online drivel from his mom’s basement. Unity’s pricing changes are posing an existential threat to smaller studios that meet the minimum income threshold and are placing the livelihoods of countless thousands of smaller game studio workers at stake. This is one of those changes that is going to impact whether you can continue to put food on the table.

John Riccitello has pissed off a lot of people with his disgusting levels of corporate greed, to the point where even the fourth circle of Hell may not be enough to punish his avarice once he pops his clogs. This move may even be worse than the crap Martin Shkreli pulled as a big pharma executive.


It’s bad, but it’s not “denying medical treatment to millions of sick people because they can’t pay” bad.


Martin gave the medication for free/reduced prices to people who couldn’t afford it. It was literally a smear campaign.


Really? Everyone who couldn’t afford it had access through him? This is certainly a revelation, and not something made up from the internet.


his real goal is to invent new drugs for rare diseases. Turing recently announced discounts of Dara­prim for hospitals, and Shkreli says that for people without insurance it will cost only $1 a pill. For everyone else, insurance, which he argues is paid for by corporate America’s profits, will cover the cost.


I’m surprised, it does seem that this is true. I read a lot of articles where he announced that people could apply for medication, or medicaid would pay $0.01 per pill. I couldn’t find anything about where to apply or one people who have applied and been able to get this medication, but there is already a generic alternative, so this program might be dead in the water.

As for smear campaign, I’m not so sure. Everytime I read quotes from him, it seems he just really likes to play the “bad boy”. Maybe he just wants people to think pharmaceutical companies are scumbags, so when he ran one he purposefully made himself look bad. Shkreli definitely didn’t seem to care that people got a bad impression of him.


Bruh it’s video games.


People here are having a fuckin real one man.


Bruh it’s people’s livelihoods.


Video game development is some of the worst paid tech sector jobs. Most developers will be able to move on to other work with relatively little interruption. It’s not ideal by any stretch but it’s not nearly on the same level as price gouging life saving pharmaceuticals


I don’t think devs that work for corporations really care about this change, if their group used Unity for some reason, they will just move on to their next job (and they’re the ones who are worst paid). Every indie dev or otherwise small dev company that has used Unity ever in it’s last ten years are now open to serious bad actors. A single person running a script can cost a dev hundreds of thousands of dollars on their own, whether a troll, just same guy pissed off for some reason or another, or even a competing dev. Hell, the one idiot living in his mother’s basement who sent death threats to Unity could also do it.

There is no “relatively little interruption”, as not only have people lost a lot of work on something they already paid for, they also have to remove all previous work they’ve made or published with the engine. It’s all susceptible to attack.

I agree it’s not on the same level as pharma scum, but saying “it’s just a video games” is much too far off the other end of the spectrum. At least Shkreli never managed to bankrupt people who had purchased anything (from him) in the past, or made them ‘regurgitate’ any benefits they had seen. Though I’m sure he’d have loved to.

Draconic_NEO, avatar

You are correct but in the opposite way, it seems it was a single employee at their company instead which the boss took and decided to say we’re getting death threats we’re going to close for the day, basically so he could go home early and people would feel bad for him and maybe not give him the flak that he deserves for such an awful decision that’s going to ruin the lives of smaller legitimate game developers who use unity.


This is partially what “eat the rich” rhetoric meant when acted on.


There is seriously a mental health pandemic going on and it’s scary. Everyone here who has messages or upvotes messages about bringing out the guillotine or killing billionaires really needs to seek help.

And there is a fucking lot of you here on lemmy.


Well then, do what you tell people who condemn rapists and pedophiles to do: learn some empathy.

People who hold different opinions and worldviews than you aren’t fucking mentally ill. You are by insinuating such. You are not the center of the universe and your opinions are not automatically facts just because you hold them.

Americans actually do still have a constitutional right to advocate overthrowing their government if they want; the whole fucking point of the first and second amendments is to enable the people to do just that.

I’m tired of people like you and your vile bullshit. Don’t like it, get out of the thread. But don’t come in here with your holier-than-thou act thinking you’re going to bully or guilt trip or emotionally blackmail anybody into sitting down or submitting to your opinion like you’ve been doing to the American people for decades now.


I’m sorry I don’t condone the killing of people simply because they make more than I do.

Seriously grow the fuck up.


I’m sorry I don’t condone the murder and enslavement of millions around the world by a small dominant group of people who have no one’s best interests at heart but their own.

I’m sorry I don’t condone the perpetuation of a broken system that purposefully subjugates billions of people.

I’m sorry you’re butthurt I and a bunch of other people on the internet won’t validate your massively unjustified sense of superiority and self-importance.

You grow the fuck up.

Grow. Up. And stop protecting and defending evil people. Stop hurting society and stop hurting us.


How equivalent is

“I don’t condone the killing of people simply because they make more than I do.”


“[condoning] the murder and enslavement of millions around the world by a small dominant group of people who have no one’s best interests at heart but their own.”?


Go read actual history and find out.


What I found out is the outcomes of events like the French Revolution and the rule of the Khmer Rouge i.e. vastly different dependent on the circumstances of the place and time.


Well, what the rest of us found out is the outcome of almost every other revolution in modern history including the American Revolution, which kickstarted modern democracy and led to the liberation of 60 other countries from enslavement, colonization and oppression.

In other words, you are just biased and here with an agenda just like you shitlords were when you inundated the Danny Masterson thread and the other news threads where you hounded on anybody who dared oppose your vile little sacred cow.

Take your political agenda out of our lives and respect our right to make up our own fucking minds. You are hurting us by acting this way: you enable and defend evil, you help the ruling class continue to subjugate the working class, and you do it all because you yourself benefit from the status quo and don’t want to miss out on McDonald’s and 7-11 because of the workers getting riled up.

  1. Hurting you by acting how?
  2. Aside from “killing the rich”, how should one attack evil and break the working class’s subjugation?
  1. Since you refuse to read:

you enable and defend evil, you help the ruling class continue to subjugate the working class, and you do it all because you yourself benefit from the status quo and don’t want to miss out on McDonald’s and 7-11 because of the workers getting riled up.

  1. By rejecting pond scum like you.

I read it clearly, but how exactly did I enable and defend evil?


Seems to me like you’re far more butthurt judging by this comment thread lol.

You’ve put a lot of words in my mouth that I’ve never said.

I almost guarantee you and I have more in common than you may realize unfortunately you’re so blinded by hate you’re unable to think clearly.

Mark my words we are working towards WW3 and it scares the living hell out of me because people like you are so built up in your echo chambers and you’re frothing at the mouth. There’s no difference between your attitude and those of an average Trump supporter. It’s blind rage. Looking for simple solutions to a complex world.

I seriously worry for my children. The anger is so unfocused or focused on the wrong area.

We can change the system but we have to want to. The problem is people increasingly on the left and right just want to burn it down.


People who hold different opinions and worldviews than you

“Threatening to kill people and not wanting people to threaten to kill people are equal worldviews, actually.”

pinkdrunkenelephants, (edited )

Strawmanning and attacking memebros actually is equivalent to enabling actual violence by condemning anyone who opposes nonviolence, actually, and it’s why you all are finally, finally being downvoted and rejected by everyone else. Ackshually


No I’m being downvoted because gamers have really rustled jimmies, and this place has a lot of commie-leaning people.

Wanna know how I know? The actual rest of society thinks this is a terrible thing to do.


And it couldn’t possibly be that you’re just wrong.

Wanna know how I know? Because I actually think and don’t resort to blatant bandwagon fallacies like you do. Actually recent polls have even shown the number of Americans who agree with sentiments like or who accept political violence is rising, and it’s more Democrats doing it than Republicans, so you’re doubly wrong.

Take your status-quo-or-die bullshit elsewhere. We’ve had enough of it. No one has to agree with you on the issue. No one has to agree with you on nonviolence or political violence or any sort of -ence. People have the right to feel the way they want to feel and as someone with a vested stake in a liberal democracy that pretends to care about such things, by extension you have to respect that.

Let it go.


I don’t give a shit and didn’t read this, because I think you’re a bad person. Your parents failed you.


Tell us you don’t want to admit you’re wrong without telling us you don’t want to admit you’re wrong


Call your dad and tell him I told him he’s a terrible example.


Go to that gravestone and ask it if honor matters. Its silence is your answer.


Didn’t read, nerd.


Thanks for the link. Some of those results were interesting. Question. Your link says that 84% disagree with the statement that “political violence against those I disagree with is acceptable”. How have you concluded this is “rising”? What is your base of comparrison?


It was lower and now went up to like, 16-17%.

In a normal society, that number should be close to zero not because of propaganda, but because people genuinely are happy in the society they’re in.

Which clearly is not happening.


I’m assuming you read this elsewhere because your source does not have a comparrison number. So at present, there is nothing to indicate the number is rising. For all we know the number of people who agree with that type of violence could have been sitting at 16% for many years.

It isn’t realistic to expect the number to be zero. There will always be radicals. Always. Even if we somehow create a perfect utopia, there will always be a handful of malcontents.


You literally could have just Googled it instead of trying to bad-faith your way to the position you want to believe, but whatever, I Googled it for you, there you go. The one poll I posted is not the only one that shows the trend. Civil war’s a-brewing, fren.

I also didn’t say zero, I said close to zero. Jesus Christ, if you’re going to speak in bad faith you could at least try to be subtle about it. At least the assholes in the other threads would have the decency to use a motte-and-bailey. You’re just lazily throwing out strawmen and obvious garbage.


Wow. You’re an angry person. I had no ill intent. Just curiosity. Hope your day goes better.

Edit: also, your provided sources are in conflict. You say it’s on the rise, but your second link is from Jan 2021 which states 33% - 36% of people “feel somewhat justified in using varying levels of violence to achieve their political goals”. However, your first link is from Sept 2022 states only 17% feel using political violence against those they disagree with is acceptable. By your own sources, it would seem to be decreasing.

Try not to put too much faith in polls.

kamenlady, avatar

They just delivered what you asked for…


Not everyone on the internet is American bozo


Most of us in the thread are. Sideshow Bob.


Found the rich guy


I am usually against such and still am, you should never send anyone deaf that’s, that is a felonious offense.

That said I don’t feel sorry for the victim. You can’t blackmail every game developer in the world simultaneously and expect nothing to happen.


I do feel sorry for them. Death threats are not ok in this scenario, boycotts and protests are. Death threats makes them a victim, and this shifts away the discussion from the victims they’ve created. The people making death threats as well as those who do not condemn them are helping support Unity indirectly.


I’m torn, they’re people I don’t want workers harmed but I think more harm needs to come to C suites that just get greedy


When you call for violent threats you give ammo to the very groups that you wish to inflict harm upon for the masses to side with them

Accountability for CEO actions needs to be done financially. It needs to first and foremost affect shareholders - because that’s the only point for a public company to exist - and then after that it needs to personally penalize CEOs.

If you just target the figurehead of a company the owners won’t really be affected. You need to get them where it REALLY hurts - in the wallet. Only then will the dynamic change.


We can see clearly that that’s not happening. No one has any actual sympathy for Unity and even the most highly upvoted comments in this thread are of people justifying it.

No one in the masses sides with them. People are not that stupid.


I have a fuckload of sympathy for this company after people call in death threats.

You people are acting insane. The proper response here is for devs to stop using unity not to fucking threaten to kill people dude.


You only have a fuckload of sympathy for them because you either have a political agenda or they’re lining your pocketbook. Either way, your opinion is irrelevant.

You’re acting insane. And vile, and despicable. The proper response to people saying is to leave them the hell alone. If people agree with the dumb death threats and stupidity, that’s their right. Not everyone has to think like you to be good or valid people. You’re deeply problematic for thinking otherwise.


You’re right. I’m being paid by unity and not just appalled at the insane gamer moment going on here

That’s the only explanation.

And no I won’t leave alone someone who is a piece of shit.

kamenlady, avatar

Are you always handling yourself? Must be exhausting.

Leave yourself alone.


My dick knows what it did.


I’d say being dead really hurts them. Seriously though I get what you’re saying but it isn’t the reality and we know it. The rich take advantage of us, write the laws and just win overall.

I don’t see it as wrong for us to be violent toward these people

avater, avatar

okay the pricing changes were stupid as fuck and should be discussed and criticised, but death threats are on a completely other level and not acceptable. So calm the fuck down whoever is posting them and I really hope those dipshits will get caught and be dealt with in a proper way…


it’s just edgy teens saying that they’re gonna go murder them, it’s not really going to happen but they have to take safety precautions

avater, avatar

still stupid and those people should end up in jail for some time.


Yeah, these people would need to be real for the jail haha

People making up false crime deff should go to jail


You have to take those seriously unfortunately.

Draconic_NEO, avatar

Not even, it was a single employee (probably for reasons not even related to this change) and CEO used that as an excuse to close for the day and probably to make people feel pity for him and therefore more likely to give him a pass for these awful decisions.


I’m not one of the maniacs making threats of any kind, but honestly it really seems like death threats are the only thing that gets any attention anymore, so I can understand why it’s done…

Is “eat the rich” not a death threat in its own right?


That's a warning tbh


There is no meaningful difference between a threat and a warning. I’ve never understood why we see that retort so often when someone asks “is that a threat?!”. It’s the same damn thing.


Threat in criminal sense requires that subject of the threat is identifiable....

Who is the rich in that "threat" above?

dual_sport_dork, (edited ) avatar

It is, and here’s the thing: All of society, laws, and legal recourses ultimately just boil down to “might makes right, but with extra steps.” We all love to act like this isn’t the case in a civilized society, but it is. That might usually rests with the police, the military, some governmental organization, or some megacorporation. Violence both literal and metaphorical is inflicted on the common person continually by those at the top. Who are the police after all? Just guys with guns. Who are judges and politicians? Just guys with access to the police. Who are megacorporations? Just guys with access to judges and politicians, and so on down the line. So when someone says they have the law on their side, and you don’t, what they’re really implying is that they can call the guys with guns, who if you don’t do what they say (no matter how ridiculous) can literally kill you. And we treat this as normal and proper and reasonable, because we’re stupid.

These motherfuckers want to act like their only their violence or threat of violence is justified, and that’s it’s a one way street.

Well, it ain’t. Nobody’s invulnerable.

Maybe it’s “just” video games. (Or “just” a cell phone app, or “just” a predatory subscription, or “just” an apartment with exorbitant rent, or whatever.) But big corporations are fucking with people’s livelihoods, here. There’s a reason we colloquially call such a thing “a living.” These are assholes taking food off of someone’s table, just for greed, just because they can, because they think they’ve above reproach. Because the whole teetering facade is lopsided. It doesn’t matter who the fuck they are at that point.


Yeah, this is basically why I’m not buying these arguments against a struggle of any kind, just because methods of it are illegal.

Illegality =/= your cause or methods are wrong


Call me whatever you want but Im happy the people who make these bad decisions from their insulated lots in life have to face at least some kind of consequences now, because the law is explicitly set up so that they typically never have to. Sucks that it comes to this but its behavior analysis 101, if you dont introduce consequences for undesirable behaviors, you’d be an idiot to expect change.

I don’t love that it’s probably caught up a lot of people who have nothing or little to do with it though, but the guys at the top need consequences or nothing will change, and beggars cant be choosers.


Is “eat the rich” not a death threat in its own right?

Maybe it is but I always took it as “let’s take their money and redistribute the wealth.”


Frankly that doesn’t sound honest. Especially when picture of guillotines are sent by the same crowd. Even more considering that wealthy people are not going to volunteer their wealth through reasonable debate.

theneverfox, avatar

It comes from a poem. It’s very literal


What poem if you don’t mind me asking?

theneverfox, avatar

Apparently this might have been created recently, even though the phrase goes back at least a few hundred years. Here’s a transcription of the one I was talking about though:

“We are starving. There is no more bread, and we have nothing to eat.”

The rich man said,

“Not my problem you don’t work for your bread,”

as if he did not snatch away the grain by his own greedy hands and create filling bread for his own overflowing mouth.

The poor cried,

“We are dying. There is no more medicine, and we’re all ill.”

The rich man said,

“Not my problem you don’t take care of yourselves,”

as if he did not buy all the medicine and raise prices so high

the gods themselves would not

be able to reach.

The poor people

stopped crying,

and the rich man was satisfied…

Until they came knocking at his door one night;

their faces were sunken,

their flesh decaying,

their eyes sightless.

They were monsters

of the rich man’s

own making.

As they devoured his flesh,

the rich man cried,

“Please, spare me!”

The ravenous zombies said,

“Not our fault

you fattened yourself

for slaughter.”


Well here I thought it was a metaphor, but if you’re down for literally eating the rich I guess us steves gotta stick together


Looks like meat’s back on the menu, boys!


Yeah, it’s not like voicing disagreement and concerns amicably is listened to. It’s not like these executives negotiate with the users before making decisions that can ruin their livelihoods. As the avenues for civilized protest close, as people are left powerless towards the decisions of the wealthy, what else can they be expected to do?

It might seem much when it comes to games, but it’s also a matter of worker’s rights. Sometimes it seems like people today are a bit too passive and overly concerned with civility as their rights are undermined. Comes to mind the other news about the Australian CEO saying that he thinks more people should be unemployed and feel pain to be reminded who they work for. What is the appropriate response to that?


That’s the idea. Here’s hoping they get it.


You got a lot of faith in bad actor's claims...


Death threats are not OK, but this can destroy years of work for people, and it can threaten their livelihood. I’m guessing this has pushed some people into a sense of desperation. And these threats are acts of desperation, not threats that have a huge chance of being carried out.

John Riccitiello needs to be fired, if he isn’t Unity deserves bankruptcy for this move.


I’d be willing to bet it wasn’t developers sending death threats but “gamers.”


Why would they do that? They are not directly impacted by this. Developers losing years of work have much more reason to be super angry.


Ever been in a game forum where the players pretty much worship the developers as if they were gods? It’s way too common. Those people can get crazy protective when they make it part of their identity.


Nope, but I can imagine that to some degree.

Despite that, I doubt gamers are very involved in payment methods of game engines, or even know which game engine their games are running on.

So unless some VERY popular game developers have been out saying expansions for their favorite games will not be released because of this, I don’t see the mechanics for what you claim working at this point.


Actually, they are talking about canceling silk song, and expansion for hollow Knight that has been in development for ages now, simply because they are looking at the possibility that the game will have to be delisted in order to avoid bankrupting the developer


The same way people who aren’t directly affected by people being queer threaten to bomb places that host drag events.

Some people are just assholes.


Depending how it’s implemented, gamers are absolutely impacted by it.

Some of the chatter is that even already-released games would be subject to this change, meaning a lot of devs might pull their backlog to avoid going broke on a game they put out years ago and is now free (or heavily reduced). Or games that have always been free, now the dev has to choose if they want to charge for a historically free game or pull it completely.

This is dev hostile, but it’s also consumer hostile.


This is dev hostile, but it’s also consumer hostile.

I 100% agree on this, I’ve even made a post about it, where I mention for instance that this will cause a need for more DRM where we need less.

I’m not saying it isn’t gamers, but unlike you, I find it unlikely. You may be right IDK.


I never said I found either option likely, I was only addressing the “this doesn’t impact gamers” bit.


I wrote DIRECTLY, of course they are impacted, but 99% don’t know that, of the remaining 1% 99% don’t care.

While for developers 100% both know and care.


Maybe you know, but what happens if a dev pulls a game and someone still has the installer and installs the game? Are they going to charge for that still? It makes not sense to me.


Unity clearly didn’t think this part through- probably because they never intended it to do anything but rake in money as the company dies. They never had a real way of precisely tracking downloads, but they want all the info so they can decide how much to charge. So would they charge on a local installer? Almost certainly if they could find out it was used.


There already Indie devs that are talking about delisting their games in order to avoid paying Unity fees they can’t afford.

This contract changes criminal, especially since it punishes the developer for no fault of its own. Sometimes I have to reinstall a game multiple times in order to figure out why it suddenly doesn’t work. I’m not the only one, that’s going to rack up fast.

And if you think review bombing is bad now? I imagine people buying the game not to leave a negative review, but you run a script that continuously reinstalls and uninstall the game.

They could bankrupt any developer they wanted to. Hell, it might not even be the gamers, if a company with a game on Unity doesn’t want to make it epic exclusive, Tim Sweeney has the choice to just continuously reinstall that game in order to sink any company that doesn’t play ball

Draconic_NEO, avatar

Which game devs are they? I want to know which games I should buy now before it’s too late?

Draconic_NEO, avatar

See my other comments, it was neither. It was a single employee at their company. Not sure how long that’ll stay true though, especially when it comes out that he made it seem like there were death threats being sent to him when it was a single employee making threats. Probably just so he could close the office.


Oh I’m willing to bet that Disney and Nintendo are getting their most expensive lawyers. Keep in mind, there are a lot of Marvel and Star Wars games out there, the mouse doesn’t like to share his cheese.


There aren’t a lot of Unity Disney games out their, I would struggle to name any. And there definitely aren’t any Nintendo ones.


Actually some of the newer Pokemon games are in Unity, and Disney has a lot of Marvel phone games in Unity

Draconic_NEO, avatar

Unity is actually quite a popular engine for a lot of games both 3D and 2D and on multiple different platforms. It’s very popular among indie developers, though there are actually quite a few games from Big publishers that are released under unity as well.

Draconic_NEO, avatar

Which is why he probably used it as an excuse to close the office, when the only known death threat to occur was from one of his employees.

I don’t know who that employee is and I don’t really care point is he’s using that basically to get pity from other people and distract from the bad things that his company is doing right now.

ChaoticEntropy, (edited ) avatar

This shouldn’t be a distraction from the core issue, but obviously people should cut this shit out.

You can’t sneeze online without some sociopathic child threatening to slit your throat.

Edit: Annnd it was an employee of Unity that made the threats…





ChaoticEntropy, avatar

One day you’re going to sneeze, and then you’ll get yours.

kamenlady, avatar

I was gonna point out, that they would have to sneeze online

I sometimes forget, we’re not in 2000, where else would they sneeze? Irl?

ChaoticEntropy, avatar

Ewww… what kind of luddite would ever sneeze analogue.


I take it you don’t use the engine

Robaque, (edited )

Unsurprisingly, it’s likely that this “death threats” situation was made up by the ceo:…/the_truth_behind_the_unity_death_thr…

It’s a reddit link, ik… here’s a copy of the post:

The truth behind the Unity “Death Threats”

Unity has temporarily closed its offices in San Francisco and Austin, Texas and canceled a town hall meeting after receiving death threats, according to Bloomberg.

Multiple news outlets are reporting on this story, yet Polygon seems to be the only one that actually bothered to investigate the claims.

Checking with both Police and FBI, they have only acknowledged 1 single threat, from a Unity employee, to their boss over social media. Despite this their CEO decided to use it as an excuse to close edit:all 2 of their offices and cancel planned town hall meetings. Here is the article update from Polygon:

Update: San Francisco police told Polygon that officers responded to Unity’s San Francisco office “regarding a threats incident.” A “reporting party” told police that “an employee made a threat towards his employer using social media.” The employee that made the threat works in an office outside of California, according to the police statement.…/unity-credible-death-threat-offices…

Polygon also contacted Police in the other cities and also the FBI, this was the only reported death threat against Unity that anyone knew of.

This is increasingly looking like the CEO is throwing a pity party and he’s trying to trick us all into coming.


Everyone blaming “people” in the comments and they just fell to the CEO charade to get sympathy points.


Yeah if I were the CEO I would be avoiding a town hall like the plague.

He essentially just called a bomb threat on his highschool before a final he was going to fail. Then came home to his family crying about how scary it all was.


Yep, a lot of companies will make shit up to make people feel bad for them, and to try to make themselves seem like the victims in all of this while hiding the real victims when they are the abusers.

It’s honestly fucking disgusting behaviour, it makes me sick.

Draconic_NEO, avatar

Yep it doesn’t surprise me, I’ve seen many people claim “death threats” to get out of responsibility for doing or saying something that was not respectable, or that was flat out evil.

They do this because it works very well, death threats are so serious and so scary that if somebody said they got them you would immediately give that person a pass (unless they’re a Nazi then they deserve it, you don’t give Nazis a pass for anything) no proof required, though it also would be incredibly easy to forge proof of such an event for anyone skeptical and it would be enough for 99% of people, the remaining 1% of dissent would then be written off as crazy people.

I’m willing to bet that this will continue to happen and people will continue to go along with it because there are enough cases of people making real death threats to innocence cover up the false ones and make them seem more real than they actually are.


That just redirects to thread 16j21jg. They’re generating opaque unique IDs so they can track permalinks now?


Damn, that’s scummy as fuck. I’ll try to get the proper permalink.


Talk about blowing shit out of proportion. People need to realize that making death threats is a good way to make the bad guys look like the good guys.

Draconic_NEO, avatar

Which is probably why the CEO made it up using the single death threat from an employee as an excuse to close the company for the day and probably also get pity from people for it (see here for more details).

I bet it probably won’t stay that way though, he’ll probably realize people are onto his lies and make some death threats from sock-puppet accounts and claim “No 4 reAl pEopLe arE sENdiNg m3 deAth tHreAts” I wouldn’t put it past him if people don’t keep falling for the current one, and if people keep the heat on him for his current bad decisions.

Eezyville, avatar

Well looking on the bright side. If death threats are starting to become common for the decisions that companies make then maybe WFH should also be common to protect employees. Can’t target employees at an empty office. The employees will have to be careful with social media however.

stevedidWHAT, avatar

Personally I’m leaning more towards wanting to handle the death threats themselves.

Because ya know they would continue and now you have to arm your home because corporate greed

Hate this idea a lot


because or corporate greed

Corporate greed didn’t force these lunatics to have a gamer moment. There are ways to express displeasure that aren’t fucking death threats man.

stevedidWHAT, avatar

Never once did I say corporate greed was a root cause , just the logical cause to the specific predicament I was speaking of.

No shit the terrorist is the source of the issue.

Draconic_NEO, avatar

Well it seems like there we’re no death threats and the CEO largely made this up basically as an excuse to close the office.

For the record it was a single employee, there were no people sending them death threats.

Eezyville, avatar

I like how you included a Lemmy link to a Reddit thread. We’re gonna go full circle soon!

Draconic_NEO, avatar

It would certainly be funny if someone linked this thread there.


Hey! Don’t threaten people! Don’t hurt anyone! Just move to Godot. That’s it. Abandon ship, peacefully. These people care more about money than employee lives anyway.



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  • pinkdrunkenelephants,

    Because developers totally saw something like this coming. 🙄



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  • aesthelete,

    Those after school specials were all bullshit.


    Nice try Mr. Marijuana Pusher. Thanks to Nancy Reagan I’ll “just say no”


    No one’s. You’re just victim blaming.


    Because companies demanding more money from their customers for the same product is such a rare thing, right? Who could possibly have anticipated it!


    Yes, retroactively changing ToSes to impose tyrannical taxes and fees that will bankrupt most users is, in fact, kind of a rare thing. The ruling class is usually a lot more subtle. And what they do is usually not so in-your-face that it is arguably illegal.

    Victim blaming is not a good look for you.


    Have you actually looked at what they’re charging? Nobody is gonna be bankrupted. The pricing structure they announced guarantees the cut Unity takes is a tiny sliver of any developer’s revenue unless they’re literally only charging like $1 for their product in developing countries.

    There are no victims in this story, and even if there were, what I said would not be victim blaming. Seriously, point to where I said developers were asking for it. You can’t because I didn’t, but you’re so high on your own farts you can’t read a single sentence without wildly misinterpreting it.


    Fuck, I didn’t know Unity had sockpuppets on Lemmy.

    Or is this guy just a dyed-in-the-wool simp?


    I’m just someone who can read.

    If you think I’m so far off, I’m sure you’ll have no trouble telling me exactly how much they’re planning to charge, right? Right?


    I find this and other comments like this hilarious because you’re 100% correct and yet at the same time lemmy is a cesspool of people on every post about an owner, or landlord, or millionaire/billionaire about killing them, or beating them, or bringing out the guillotine, or eating them, etc etc.

    Again, you’re right. It’s amazing how tone deaf people are here though to not be aware their behavior reeks of the same extremism.

    It’s why I’m very much on the fence about continuing here outside of the memes. The people here are disgustingly naive and not healthy quite frankly.


    Idk why the downvotes. It’s seriously off putting to be surrounded by people that clearly have no idea how the world works. It was funny before Trump. Now I take these meme waves with a grain of salt. Idiots in large numbers are dangerous. At least reddit was easy enough to use that the cesspool was diluted with less intense morons.


    Please teach us how the world works.


    I’m a landlord. Never evicted anyone. It’s a super high risk position to be in. My mortgage isn’t free. The upkeep to my property isn’t free. Time spent vetting renters so my neighbors don’t have to live next to crackheads isn’t free. You pay rent so you don’t have to think about maintenence costs, mortgage, risking allowing others to live in property you spent money you worked for on. All of that and any other subtly is lost on here. Going to work and enjoying it is possible. The world isn’t black and white. Communism doesn’t work on a large scale. Etc.

    stevedidWHAT, avatar

    Rich choking and killing the planet knowingly with no regard for human or any other life = unity devs

    500 IQ


    join a community with your values, lemmy is federated, if you don’t like your community join another :)


    Where do I find one of those? Most communities with any traffic feel like they’re full of the same people with the same axes to grind, just talking about slightly different subjects.


    Pretty amazing how a small group on Lemmy can make Reddit look almost sane.

    Ozymati, avatar

    One threat, from and employee. Sigh.

    More realistic outcome - some game loving tweenage hacker does something fantastically destructive in whatever part of their infrastructure they can get into.


    How to destroy your company 101

    DocBlaze, (edited )

    nobody who makes public death threats is gonna do shit. why would you announce and make a public record of a crime you are about to commit? hashtag ? another joke of a corporate move, unless it’s a lie to get sympathy. Way overblown reaction for somebody just angry and probably talking shit.

    BrudderAaron, avatar

    I mean, people live stream themselves committing crimes and shit quite often. Never underestimate the stupidity of our society.


    feel like a beefed up law enforcement presence for a couple weeks enough to stop that if it’s just one person dumb enough to stroll in the front door with a facetiming iPhone and a .45, this seems like an extreme reaction for something that was probably not even a literal death threat to begin with.


    I strongly recommend looking in to how this has gone down for a lot of Influencers and the like (since coders and journalists tend to be a lot more quiet about it). For all his flaws, moistcritikal did a really good video on this a few years (?) back regarding one of the bigger female streamers. He, of course, ruined it by treating it like a cool ass event when the stalker got arrested but…

    The reality is that cops don’t give a shit. You can provide the details of the death threats against you and they will just say to call them if something happens. And even then, they will do their best to not get involved even while someone is standing outside your door. This is why, every so often, you hear about something like Gavin Free and Meg Turney having their stalker break into their home with a loaded weapon and either dying by suicide or cop. They had reported it countless times before but it wasn’t until the guy was forcibly breaking into their home that the cops gave a shit.

    And there are plenty more situations like that which don’t involve two of the most public people on the internet who work for a company that will farm clout out of anything.

    Like, back during the height of Gamergate, a very good friend of mine literally had to go into hiding because he was targeted by the mob for the crime of… writing a few articles. He, his wife, and their newborn had reported the death and rape threats to the cops repeatedly and even had a different friend help track down the sources of some of the more credible ones (let’s not go into details on how…) and provide a paper trail. Nothing. He was literally on the phone with 911 begging for help when one of the stalkers was standing outside his home with an assault rifle. Dispatch only even sent a cop AFTER they heard the gunshots on the call as the monster unloaded on their home. And guess what? Cops didn’t give a shit after the fact either and it was up to him to take his family and go into hiding for a few months before taking a new, much lower profile, job writing press releases.

    For what its worth? His former employers wanted to go public with that. He threatened to sue them to hell and back if they did because all he cared about was keeping his family alive. And that is not an isolated incident.


    sorry tbh I’m sure this may have been a legit point but this was too long of a rant for me to fully read. can someone tldr this for me?

    I dunno this feels like some truths were stretched, if you call the cops with a man standing outside your house with an assault rifle they would definitely dispatch someone in any state but maybe texas


    People are indeed stupid. There’s a reason the Mafia’s #1 rule was “keep your fuckin’ mouth shut.” If you’re going to commit a crime, don’t talk about it just do it.

    DocBlaze, (edited )


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  • Uniquitous,

    Discuss, yes, but only verbally. And even then obliquely. “Take him to that spot, you know the one, over by where Leon used to work.” Stuff should never be written down because you’re just asking for it to turn up as evidence somewhere.


    I hate humanity sometimes, why would they send death threats? Just don’t use their engine; this is the way you actually make a change – switch to something else, threatening people does not help you prove your point. I hate their new pricing changes too, but death threats are never warranted


    I absolutely agree. I’d want to say those threats are people outside of the industry. People in the industry have received death threats themselves so they understand that it’s real shitty, right? I hope so.

    CryptidBestiary, (edited )

    While I’m not defending those who sent these death threats or justifying these actions, I’m sure a lot work and progress will be lost for many companies because of these outrageous changes. It should be no surprise that many if not all of their clients are gonna be angry. Switching to another engine isn’t like switching from reddit to the fediverse.

    lolcatnip, (edited )

    They’re changing pennies per install, and only after the publisher is receiving over $200,000 per year, and they don’t count the first 100,000 installs. The price goes down dramatically for customers at the higher subscription tiers. I don’t understand why people are so pissed about them wanting such a tiny cut for providing the software that does so much heavy lifting for game developers.


    Their new pricing is not horrible, but it’s pretty wonky at best

    After the first wave of outrage they had to clarify that it wouldn’t take reinstalls into account, which should have been clear from the beginning

    Also the fact that they take money on a game install wether or not that install generated any money is just dumb, most people would rather pay more as long as they have the guarantee that they only pay AFTER having made some profits

    Even with the qualifiers, it makes it super hard to make any financial projections as your profits are totally uncorrelated to the fees you’ll have to pay

    ObsidianBlk, avatar

    First of all if you’re a poor (and possibly solo) developer who could only spring for the lowest tier you’re being charged the highest rate per install. That rate is 20 cents… per install… not per purchase… per install. If I buy the game once and install it on my desktop machine, my laptop, and my steam deck, the developer has to pay 60 cents. one of those computers breaks down and I need to reinstall the game, that’s an additional 20 cents every time. I have a young nephew who thinks nothing of installing a game to play for a day or two then uninstalling it to make room for another only to reinstall that first game again later. He does this with a lot of games… almost all of which are Unity games (I know, because he wants me to play these games with him quite often, so I see that logo pop up). Come January 1st, every time he installs that game, BOOM, developer owes 20 cents. My nephew isn’t special and, if he’s uninstalling and reinstalling games like that you can bet there’s 1000s of other kids doing the same! Hell, you don’t even have to be a kid. I might play a game for a few months, uninstall it, then reinstall it years later. That’s another thing… this 20 cents is perpetual! As a developer, what happens when you’re done with your game? You do have the time or energy to maintain the game anymore? This pricing model doesn’t care. You abandoned your game 5 years ago? Don’t care, 100 people installed your game, you owe us $20!

    lolcatnip, (edited )

    I didn’t realize they never “per install” quite so literally. That does make a big difference and it’s a really weird way for them to charge.

    Edit: Ok so according to another commenter your interpretation is common but wrong, and Unity clarified they mean the first install per customer only. So my position that this isn’t a big deal stands.

    ObsidianBlk, avatar

    Sorry, no. This is not accurate either. According to Unity’s own FAQ regarding the subject… Which you can look at right here…

    Do installs of the same game by the same user across multiple devices count as different installs? We treat different devices as different installs. We don’t want to track identity across different devices.

    So, again, if I install the game on 3 different devices, Unity considers that 3 installs. If I build a new computer later, then reinstall the game there, it’ll count as a new install. The scary thing is… what if someone hates you as a developer? They now only need to buy your game once, then setup a script to roll VMs and install your game on VMs (each VM counts as a seperate device), and you, as the developer, will be hit with the new install cost each time.


    Does the Unity Runtime Fee apply to pirated copies of games? We are happy to work with any developer who has been the victim of piracy so that they are not unfairly hurt by unwanted installs.

    The issue here is… the developer would already have been charged the fee for a “pirated” install, because, how is a developer supposed to even know their game was pirated in the first place. Here, the developer may already be financially hit for a pirated game and now has to spend time and resources with Unity to convince them that some percentage of installs are pirated installs. Earlier in their FAQ, Unity claims they do not have a “phone home” when a Unity game is run, so, how are they determining installs in the first place? “Aggregate data”… or, another words, “trust us”.


    Im some cases I could see how this could destroy someone’s livelihood and people have killed over that sort of thing before. But my guess is that the people sending the death threats probably aren’t even developers.


    What’s more curious to me is what kind of people are those that resort to such lows?

    I mean they might have mental issues,yes,but it’s scary to see that people seemingly intelligent and able to create games (asset flipping not included) can have such low morals and problem solving capabilities.


    Looks like it’s bullshit.


    Unity is the sort of company Steve Jobs called out in this 2 min video clip.


    I still don’t get how a guy with such brilliant insight could be an absolute moron in other areas (such as his personal medical treatment)…


    I don’t understand, could you expand on his medical treatment?


    He had easily treatable cancer if diagnosed early enough (which it was). He refused treatment, because he insisted on curing himself only using his exclusively fruit-based diet.

    When that didn’t help (what a surprise), he finally caved and did try to get treatment, but by then it was too late.


    Thank you for your explanation. I didn’t really know about his cancer more than the fact that he died from it.

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