MrCharles, avatar Why do they make so few small phones? We have the tech, and people like me really prefer it over the behemoths of the modern day. WHYYYYYYY?

EDIT: That gif came out WAY bigger than I expected. Apologies to your eyes, my friends.


As I get older, the smaller screens are more difficult for me. As for others, I don't know.


Have you tried just getting bigger hands


The solution is obvious. Don’t buy another goddamn iPhone.


There aren’t that many Android phones that actually are smaller.




I can see the appeal of these little phones, but I think the batteries weren’t as good as the other counterparts… so that aspect alone made me pass them.

Ghostalmedia, avatar

They also couldn’t fit the pro cameras. If you wanted a small phone, you had to accept shit battery and base model cameras.


Android welcomes you brothers and sisters


Android also has no small phones anymore.


None of these are small


Some of those are small, but those are from lesser known brands. My experience with those is that their long term support is often lacking. It’s also going to be difficult to find replacement parts in case the display cracks or something.


Most of them are outdated

Ghostalmedia, avatar

lol. That’s article is full of ancient discontinued phones.


Check the screen size/ dimensions, none of them compare.

Asudox, avatar

There’s Asus’s ZenFones.


Which android phone is as small as iPhone 13 mini?


Asus Zenfone 9


That’s just a few mm smaller than iPhone 15




I posted this from my galaxy s23 while wiping my butt with my other hand


iPhone 15 is just 1 mm larger than S23


The galaxy S23 isn’t small. 6.1 inches isn’t small

ForestOrca, avatar

I'd been using an iPod Touch 4G thru 7G, for my everything pocket computer. Apple killed the iPod Touch, so I migrated to iPhone 13 mini just over a year ago. Sorry folx, they prolly killed the 13 mini cuz of me. Any other Apple products you'd like me to latch onto, so Apple will kill it? :-(

BertramDitore, avatar

Lol I feel like this happens to me too. You like the fit of that T-shirt? Discontinued. You like the shape of those eyeglasses? Discontinued. You want a new car that starts up without 5,000 microchips? Haha too bad. You like buying phones that you can’t use without physically hurting your hands? Cool, enjoy the new 16 inch iPhone, it’s the smallest available. You’ll never leave it in your pocket or bag, because it doesn’t fit in either one. Oh and you need a speaker adapter to hear things without earbuds. That’ll be $2,500.

Sent from my dying iPhone SE 2020.


I only want a phone that cannot double as a scutum is that too much to ask

Aatube, avatar

A what?


I had to look it up. A scutum is a type of Roman shield.

Aatube, avatar

Huh, I searched it up and got an insect.


Ha, I read it as scrotum on the first go :')


You and me both.

ForestOrca, (edited ) avatar


  1. A scute.
  2. A shield-shaped dorsal sclerite or plate of certain insects and arachnids.
  3. An oblong shield made of boards or wickerwork covered with leather, with sometimes an iron rim; carried chiefly by the heavy-armed infantry of the Roman army.

I'm assuming the third definition is the one we're after. But it could be an alligator scute, ya never know. ( And having looked at scutes, I think a phone shaped like that would be all kinds of amusing!



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  • thethrillman,

    Luckily for you the pixel 8 is rumored to be around the same size as the pixel 6a, smaller than the pixel 7.


    If you’re not married to iOS, the Asus Zen phone 10 is small and compact. I’ve honestly considered getting one myself because I hate large phones.



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  • Noodle07,

    I wish I could pay for a better phone with a shitty camera myself

    redditReallySucks, avatar

    The hardware is good but Asus was never known for software.


    For the most part they use stock android on their Zenfones. Their camera software, I have no experience with, but the pixel phones are typically the best quality photos out there because of Google’s machine learning and tensor chips, so any competition is going to have a hard time catching up to the pixel in terms of photo quality.


    The software is actually really good but it’ll probably only get 1-2 updates.


    He’s talking about a Pixel, not an iPhone

    2fat4that, avatar

    I’ll never part with mine!

    ares35, avatar

    not to worry, forced obsolescence will take care of that for you.


    was just doing the math yesterday to see when I was going to have to get rid of mine. I get it, I just wish they would have kept it going

    FireWire400, avatar

    It’s probably not gonna happen but maybe they’ll fill that gap with the next iPhone SE


    I’m hoping against hope that Google copies Apple and turns the Pixel 5 into a mold for the Google version of Pixel SE. I know it’s not happening, but that phone is close to perfect for me, it’s still my daily driver. Just give me a P5 SE with updated guts every two or three years.


    Sadly I think the latest rumours were that they’d use the Xr/11 chassis for the new SE. hopefully not because if they use the 12/13 mini… oh boy it’d be great

    FireWire400, avatar

    That would be unfortunate, I always saw the SE as not only the cheapest but also the smallest model but I guess it’s really just a way for them to use up old parts?


    Yeah that’s exactly what it is and why it’s cheap. They have a bunch of leftover or recycled chassis that they can shove new guts into and sell for cheaper.

    Ghostalmedia, avatar

    Thing is, very few people bought the small phone. The community that wants them is very vocal, but they don’t show up in big numbers at the cash register.


    Perhaps the perfect opportunity to stop buying Apple products?

    pavnilschanda, avatar

    I find that to be a good option. Unfortunately, given my current needs, the Apple Watch is the best device to meet them, so I’m stuck with the iPhone. And yes, I’ve researched the Galaxy Watch, too, but app integration and health measurements are considered lackluster compared to the AW.


    that’s always the problem with android based stuff. good software is the one thing they can’t do.



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  • Aatube, avatar

    It’s not impossible, it’s just a chore level difficulty. Either buy it in Apple Music or just pop the audio file into garage band and export as ringtone. iOS is way better than Android in every aspect except sideloading and expensive development and restrictions on what apps can do, but it’s already enough for your needs.



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  • GrayBoltWolf, avatar


    You’ve been able to download files since like iOS 5. You’re just being obtuse at this point.


    Why would I email it to myself if I have already downloaded it?

    And what world do you live in where downloading a PDF and sending it via email is something the iPhone can’t do? Are you living in 2007?



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  • Aatube, avatar

    Just long/3D touch the link and click save link as or if you can’t just take a screenshot and click full page; it’ll save as PDF. Better yet just press share on the page and either share it wherever you share or save to files if it’s like a PDF. If you wanna transfer local-only files then just host an Apache server on your computer or send it over your favorite instant messaging service.


    dude… it’s 2023. Why are you fighting for a mega corporation that cares nothing for you. Just let people use what they want to use. If they are happy with their color box, then leave them being happy with their color box.

    It’s a tool, nothing more.


    My lawyer sent me a pdf via Gmail on my iPad, I signed it with the pencil and sent it back in five seconds. What are you talking about?



    You have already shown you are brainwashed by apple. Have you ever even seen a modern android phone that costs more than $500?

    Aatube, avatar

    Why quote sideloading?

    Lol, there are a TON. The Fairphone, pretty much every Samsung phone, Google Pixel, OnePlus 11, Motorola Razr… I could go on and on


    Because sideloading is a fake concept developed by apple because they want you to think that you can only install from the app store. It is called downloading and installing. On android, you have the benefit of multiple app stores to choose from, not just one. You can also download .apk directly and install that. With iOS you are SOL unless you have one of the few jailbreakable phones, which will fall behind on security updates and become inherently insecure.

    Every one of those phones even in their standard configuration smack iOS flagships 6 ways to Sunday. I know this because I have used both, android since 2007 and iOS since 2012 to 2020.

    Yes, it is harder to break an iOS system, but android offers infinitely more freedom, and the UI is not bad either. If you don’t like the UI, you can simply install another launcher.

    Aatube, avatar

    I hate word choice arguments. It’s literally just a different word/phrase. It doesn’t matter as long as it’s unbiased and people know what you mean. It’s also generally better to categorize things and make a distinction and not start your argument by a personal attack.

    There’s AltStore. Granted, it’s slightly inconvenient, but as long as you have contact with your server you’ll be fine.

    While it’s not something I care about, iPhones are widely known to be significantly ahead on performance on running things. One thing I do care about is how it runs smoothly. I use some Chinese apps for reasons and all their different services clog up the background and make things laggy. This isn’t really Android’s fault, but in practice it makes Apple a better choice for my needs. It also has a great UI design across apps. Yes you can change your launcher but you can’t change the appearances of apps to be better and I haven’t found good-looking apps on par with Apple’s on Android yet. I also just like Apple Emojis, fonts and bells and whistles more. I’m curious on what advantages you’re referring to.

    Android offers more freedom, but Apple’s lack has not hindered me in doing my stuff, which is all I care about for a touch device.


    I am sorry, but altstore is trash. iOS needs more options.

    There is nothing wrong with liking what you like, it is just not fair to try and tout something as superior when they are not really comparable. Android and iOS are phones and that is where the similarities end. Using an android phone is more akin to using a portable computer (especially if you are a power user) while iOS is a simpler experience for those who don’t need all of the features you would get on android. They both do what they do really well, some of the things they do are better than the other, but neither is TRULY better than the other.

    For instance, three of the biggest things for me when it comes to android is:

    1. Alternative ROMs
    2. Filesharing
    3. Modularity

    On android, I use GrapheneOS (custom ROM) which has a level of security I absolutely need in my day to day life if I am going to be carrying around a networked computer on my person at all times. I sync certain files and folders in realtime with my Linux machines using syncthing, and I install most of my apps from fdroid, one for privacy and security reasons, but also because I love free and open source software.

    iOS can achieve things similarly, but what I don’t like is that they want you to use it within their ecosystem. For instance, file sharing on iOS to your computer is easy on MacOS, a PITA on windows, and damn near impossible on Linux unless you either use a VM or you are just accessing your pictures.

    I guess that’s the biggest thing about iOS to me is that apple wants you to be in their walled garden and ONLY in their walled garden. MacOS is not a great choice for the work that I do and as such, I stay away from having iOS as a daily driver.

    That being said, I have a friend who is an apple freak to say the least. He has a workflow that integrates perfectly with his apple devices. His m1 macbook air, his m1 Mac mini, his iPhone, his apple watch, his homepod, etc etc. He doesn’t have a technical workflow and doesn’t do anything seriously complicated or application specific, and he loves it. One joke he commonly makes is that “nothing integrates as well as apple” when it just isn’t the case.

    I can’t comment much off personal experience when it comes to the airtag system equivalent on android, but believe it or not it is actually a thing and it isn’t bad. It actually works similarly to the apple system but the only thing is, there are less android users in the US. I personally stray away from that because I do not like location services at all and go out of my way to NOT use them.

    Aatube, avatar

    Android and iOS are phones and that is where the similarities end.

    I agree. I'm more responding to the ridiculousness of Captain's purported shortcomings of iOS. I daily drive an Arch laptop and a WIndows PC(I also have a 2014 secondhand 128g macbook air which I never use now for obvious reasons), so I have a very odd combination that can run anything. I just like Apple's approach better.

    It does have more options like SideStore and Sideloady, though these can't install really large apps (which I use) for some reason


    Don’t get me wrong, iOS DOES have its shortcomings, but literally everything does, nothing is perfect and if there was a perfect system, everyone would use it (although I think we can both agree that Linux is about as perfect as an operating system can get so long as you are capable of properly tuning your system).


    in sheer things you can do, android is clearly superior. but there are some things that apple products will do best, like integrating everything so well.



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  • KpntAutismus,

    i didn’t refer to any specific feature, but stuff like airdrop, the airtag system, sharing files between apple devices.

    never actually used any apple product besides the 2nd gen ipod touch, but i’ve been told they’re pretty rad.

    also i’m never gonna buy any of that overpriced, planned obsolescence bullshit. not for 800+€



    sharing files between apple devices

    Uh, what about syncthing? Syncthing is literally better than anything apple has ever pumped out in the name of file sharing, because it is multi-platform and does it in essentially real time (configurable).

    Airdrop is borderline pointless too, it does pretty much the same thing as any messenger worth a damn when it comes to filesharing but has a much lower limit than most of them, both in filesize and filetype.

    Asudox, avatar

    I am not sure what you mean by they can’t do good software.


    As if there are equivalent and small phones with Android.

    pavnilschanda, avatar

    Depends on their needs. If they purely want a phone that fits nice in a pocket, a Z Flip will do. But if they really want the small screen, there are niche brands like Unihertz, which recently released the Jelly Star, a 3" phone with pretty decent specs.

    lol3droflxp, avatar

    Isn’t the Z flip the one with the screen that has the consistency and hardness of jelly beans?

    redditReallySucks, avatar

    Yes if you open it. You could also only use the outside screen which would give you a phone with a small screen.

    lol3droflxp, avatar

    That’s a bit of a painful workaround considering paying for and not using the main selling point and then having to use a phone that’s twice as thick as it should be.

    redditReallySucks, avatar

    That was a joke


    i wish fairphone filled that market gap, and throw in a headphone jack as well.


    My pixel 5 was awesome but then they started making their phones big again


    Pixel 5 was the sweet spot. Then Google decided to only cater for people with enormous hands…


    There are a couple. Namely the Zenfone 8.


    The options on Android aren’t much better, unless you go for some obscure manufacturer who won’t support the phone with updates 1 year after its life cycle.

    Apple was for a while the only remaining flagship manufacturer who actually provided mini models. Ironic, because Android is supposed to be the alternative providing more options.


    Moto is still kicking, Samsung has small models too, Asus is going alright, Sony at least the are skinny.


    I haven’t seen any phone offered by these manufacturers that is as small as iPhone 13 mini. At best they’re just marginally smaller than iPhone 15.

    There is no good alternative anymore if you’re looking for a truly small phone.


    The options on Android aren’t much better

    Literally every one of them is better, because none of them are running iOS. That’s my subjective opinion.

    unless you go for some obscure manufacturer who won’t support the phone with updates 1 year after its life cycle.

    Samsung and Google both support devices for 5 years now. Doesn’t matter how long Apple “supports” the software because they don’t support the hardware.


    I’m talking about small phones. iPhone 13 mini was the last decent option when it came to small phones. Neither Google or Samsung make phones that small. The smallest phones they make are same size as a regular iPhone 13.

    Now there’s only a few “obscure” manufacturers left who make small phones. “Obscure” manufacturers usually lack long term support on both the software and the hardware side to be a decent option.

    pavnilschanda, avatar

    As someone with tiny hands and tiny fingers, I’ve been thinking long and hard about this and in the future, when my 13 mini lets out its last breath, I’ll probably just go with a regular-sized iPhone and use Voice Control to swipe right and “go back” when I use it one-handed, since reachability doesn’t address how I struggle to reach the far end of the screen with one-hand (I even have to struggle a bit with the mini). Sucks that I’ll have to use voice control as a workaround, but I mostly bought an iPhone for the Apple Watch anyway.


    The solution that I have been bouncing around is to get the watch for quick use, and then a larger phone to act more as a tablet. Of course this requires me to have multiple devices, which is annoying. But here we are.


    I considered getting a Mini a couple years ago. I tried one. It was not small enough for the reasons you describe. I have a regular sized iPhone for that reason.

    I’ve long said the mini flopped not because people don’t want small phones, but rather because it wasn’t small enough to be worth the tradeoff of a smaller screen.


    Run a Pop Socket on your phone and buy a couple of these:

    PopSockets Flexible Phone Mount & Stand, Phone Tripod Mount, Universal Device Mount - Black

    It makes an S22U so much more ergonomic for smaller hands. YMMV.


    In Settings -> Accessibility-> Touch -> Assistive Touch you can configure a small button the floats on the screen (you can move it around), providing access to all sort of gestures and functions one handed.

    pavnilschanda, (edited ) avatar

    Tried that but none of the gestures include “go back” nor “swipe right” (the closest thing is “scroll right”). Even used a custom gesture as well and that didn’t work.


    Samsung Galaxy S10e is pretty good and still available. Can recommend.


    Even Samsungs good update policy doesn’t beat Apple, where I can easily get 7 years worth of major versions (and still minor updates afterwards).


    For my needs it works out much cheaper to buy a new android phone every few years, but it is such a waste.

    Depending on manufacturer you get up to 5 years of security updates, but the phone usually costs up to 800 euros less so it simply doesn't make sense to buy the iphone.

    You end up throwing a perfectly good phone in a drawer, never to be used again.

    In ye olden days, it didn't really matter that the phone was less secure. But with banking apps, you have no real choice in the matter.



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  • Hyperreality, (edited )

    I buy them cash, no contract, prepay.

    Trade in value is usually really low, something like 20 euros max. I keep the old phone as a back-up and there's no need to wipe it.

    Usually cheaper to buy the new phone on amazon or wherever. They don't offer trade in, but it still works out cheaper. No contract, cheaper phones.



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  • Hyperreality,

    They won't refresh it or resell yours either, unless it's an expensive model.

    In Europe you have e-waste recycling. I hand my electronics in there when I have too much in my drawer or donate it if it still works.


    My problem with cheap phones is, that they also degrade fairly quick. At the beginning they still feel fine but after just a few months of usage I already start to feel the micro stutters again. And I hate that. I blame Android in general for that and like that iOS’ ecosystem is typically a lot more efficient in that regard.

    Hyperreality, (edited )

    Never had that issue, tbh. For all their flaws and limitations, the affordable motorolas usually run a relatively stock android, so that might be it.


    Maybe. All the Androids I had pissed me off after 2 years latest. Since there were no small Androids at the time, I took the dive and bought an iPhone 13 Mini. I’ll see if it also pisses me off after 2 years ^^ But at least what I saw from other people who have their iPhones for far longer, I am optimistic.

    CarPlay works much more fluent than Android Auto. That alone already made the switch worthwhile. Oh and having a unified backup solution via iTunes is really nice. While many Androids cannot be backed up at all unless you root them (which I don’t want).


    I’ve only ever used Androids, all my phones have been at least 4 or 5 years with me, I’ve also never bought a flagship model. Honestly, at first having a smart phone for so long aged pretty fast, for the speed of software and hardware upgrades was frantic. But nowadays, I’ve had my current phone for 5 years and just now I’m considering an upgrade, just because I’m bored with it and want a phone with more storage space and a nicer camera. But otherwise the phone is still solid and functional, just had a software update a few months ago. I honestly hate that most Apple fans like to compare Apple with Chinese shovelware. But there are pretty good solid Android phones if you shop around.


    The only worthy ones I found were Samsung and Pixel. At least in regards to update duration. I don’t like Samsung’s customizations though. So I effectively end up with Pixel. Which would be fine… but that doesn’t solve my initial problem of wanting a “small” SmartPhone. At least not at the time I bought the iPhone Mini.

    Since Apple buried the Mini series, this might very well mean this is not only my first, but also my last iPhone again. Time will tell.


    Get a flip. That seems to be the format that most manufacturers are looking at for a smaller option. I had a friend who was small phone obsessed as well and nowadays he just uses a dumb phone and is starting to turn into a kind of Luddite.


    Not yet good enough for me. With small I don’t just mean width and height. Also weight and thickness. Even the Xperia XZ1 Compact I had was too bulky for me, even though width and height were perfect. But it was heavy and thick. So are the flip phones.


    The Sony Xperia series is reknown for being extremely nice phones as well, the only reason I don’t have one is that I don’t know if you can build grapheneos for it or not.


    but Samsung isn’t cheap. it’s reasonably priced. cheap phones are 50€ . I use a cheap one as an alarm clock.


    The A series from Samsung starts at €120 or so, which is pretty cheap. But also low-end specs.


    iPhone 15 is not that much bigger compared to S10e, so if you want a small phone like iPhone 13 mini you’re out of luck.

    frazorth, (edited )

    Unfortunately it hasn’t received a security update since March and Samsung have put it as EOL. Still a great phone but it’s not a small phone, it’s about the same size as the S23, it was just small compared to the S10 and S20 which were stupidly big.

    At this point, get an S23 or a normal iPhone if the S10e was a suitable size.

    Sent from my Galaxy S10e.

    GuyDudeman, avatar

    I feel lurched.

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