
Sometimes Microsoft is such a turd… I’ve seen this thing posted several times, however I didn’t see the fix in this thread, so I’ll post it here. Sorry, I couldn’t find the Lemmy post that had the information on how to remove it, but I found one on Reddit:


It’s basically a combination registry changes, and also directory modifications to prevent writing to the directory where BGAUpsell.exe resides.

It’s pretty shitty we have to do this. Please, hold all your “switch to Linux” comments, because they are stupid, and superfluous; I see that dumb shit all the time since I came to Lemmy.


But I like being superfluous…

What if I suggest switching to BSD?


Only HardenedBSD.


BeOS is best OS ^^


I did try out Haiku a long time ago. I wonder how that’s doing.

@Prethoryn@lemmy.world avatar

Finally, a person with an actual voice. I feel like the, “Switch to Linux,” don’t realize they sound like, “Just get an iPhone people.” To me it all sounds like, “well if you don’t like being in this country then just leave.”

Linux is not the answer for all people the same as switching to an iPhone should never just be the answer.


I don’t get it. If a product sucks, why wouldn’t you switch away from it?

“Don’t suggest I leave my abusive husband, instead I’ll complain about him to my friends until he magically gets better.”

Christ, you guys sound like you have Stockholm syndrome.


The overwhelming majority of people who work on a computer are stuck with windows.

Another mass majority of people will buy a computer and use whatever is on it. They aren’t tech savvy enough to switch OS’s and they know how to use it because they use it for work.

You want more people on Linux? Get more companies to switch to Linux and get more box stores like Walmart and Best Buy to stock Linux OS’s on PC’s at sale.

Linux growth right now will be slow. It will still happen, but it’s not going to be fast. Steam released the steam deck which runs Linux and the OS saw a MAJOR spike in users. That’s because a device is being sold with Linux stock on it. Now do the same with laptops. Some will say desktops, but desktops aren’t as popular as laptops. It won’t hurt to package with desktops but laptops are key to that.


Honestly, I would like more people using it as support from companies would improve and my experience would get better, and competition breeds innovation. But I’m not going to push for it. I’m happy with what it does for me and I don’t really care if other people use it or not. I just get annoyed when people complain without wanting to hear about solutions or alternatives. I know people who complain because they are chronic complainers and they are not interested in actually fixing any of their problems.

@Prethoryn@lemmy.world avatar

Because the product doesn’t suck for everyone on the entire planet because you think it sucks.

“Christ you guys sound like you have Stockholm syndrome.”

You guys sound like a fucking cult sometimes. Like Linux is this perfect OS or that doesn’t break when a repository fails to update.

Wanna know what my first time with Linux was like, Everytime my mouse moved the screen refreshed. Every, frame.

Linux is not the answer for every person especially for my mom who barely knows how to send an email and the answer is to tell her how to boot from a live USB and expect her to understand partitioning a drive.

Look, I love Linux just as much as you guys but I also appreciate Windows especially doing the work I do. Linux is not the damn answer to everything.

And your analogy to abusing another human is honestly quite shit. Humans abusing another need to seek help.


I disagree, Microsoft is very abusive to both its users as well as other companies. Just because you want to bury your head in the sand about how they have zero respect for their customers, build shit software, are anticompetitive and have a stranglehold on the entire industry, that’s on you.

I’m not suggesting you use Linux, honestly every OS sucks, but Windows actively works against you. If you want to complain about these problems deliberately created by Microsoft but reject any suggestions of something that might be a better alternative, you’re just a whiner.

But hey, at least Apple didn’t win the OS war. We’d all be stuck with only Apple hardware, no standards and walled gardens. I guess we can thank Microsoft for having an alternative to that.

Anyways, use whatever works for you. And I guess you can complain without wanting a solution to your problems, a lot of people complain like that.


Not backing down from your comparison of a computer OS change to domestic abuse is… definitely a take


I’ve been running Linux on all the machines I own for years, but I still have to run Windows for work. Not everyone can just switch and I doubt there are many reading this who are unaware they could switch to Linux (or Mac, BSD, etc.).

Oh I also have one MacBook running MacOS because Apple decided to only allow iOS development and parental controls, of all things, on Apple devices running Apple software.

Yes MS and Apple suck but it’s not as simple as “just switch.”


Agreed. You’re making compromises no matter what you choose as an OS.


AutoCAD, Revit, Photoshop, InDesign, SteamVR.

Pretty much sums it up.


I’ll add Visual Studio.

And, no, VS Code is not a comparable replacement no matter how many extensions you add. I say that as someone who uses VS Code for almost everything…except C#.


Yep, definitely have to pick the right tool for the job. If you use these things, you’re stuck with Windows. Would be nice if you could install needed software on whichever OS you choose.


More importantly, the reason why all of those apps don’t have Linux versions is not because of some anti-Linux conspiracy, but because Linux userspace has for most of its existence prioritized distro-packaged-and-provided software, at the expense and sometimes even exclusion of binary software distribution.

This is not just a technical limitation, but I’d also argue a cultural one, driven by folks who consider proprietary/nonfree software irrelevant and not worth supporting in a first-class way. Unfortunately, the companies who make both the software that entire industries are built around and the games that you play when you get off work disagree. Valve was probably the company in the best position to make native Linux games a trend, and the fact that they’re more focused on Proton these days is pretty telling.

The only developers in the Linux ecosystem who I feel are taking the problem seriously are the Flatpak developers. They do amazing work, with great tooling that builds against a chrooted runtime by default. But it needs more widespread usage and acceptance, as well as better outreach to developers from other ecosystems who might’ve had horrendous experience making Linux builds in the past.

There is a future out there with native Linux builds of industry-standard tooling and even games. But it’s a future the Linux community has to willing to actually work towards.

@tabular@lemmy.world avatar

Is it not “serious” to work towards a better future because that’s more difficult to obtain? There is a future out there where more industries are dominated by software that respects user freedom. The games industry has changed over the years and it is my hope people will not tolerate it forever. Even if I achive no impact with my games I can look back and see I tried for what I thought was the better moral outcome.


Why not both? I don’t see how proprietary software on Linux will slow down FOSS at all, and it’ll only bring more users to Linux who otherwise have to use windows for their software, so overall more FOSS users in the community

And programs like Blender have already matured to a professional level, so I’m pretty optimistic that other FOSS apps will eventually follow, too

@tabular@lemmy.world avatar

If the goal is software freedom for everyone then proprietary software working on Linux isn’t the end goal. Maybe it’s good - a step towards the end game - but I worry it’s a peak which is difficult to get down and up to a higher peak. Proprietary software on Linux is convenience above freedom.


Yeah, that’s what I’m getting at, proprietary software on Linux is just a step forward towards a fully FOSS future

For the most part, there aren’t many professional fields that have a good FOSS option, so in the meantime their only option is to keep using the industry standard until a good alternative matures like Blender has

At the very least, people would have the freedom to not use microsoft or apple while still working professionally in their respective industry, so that’s more free overall


AutoCAD has been industry standard for 40 years now, and it’s never going away. Can’t run it on Linux. It and Revit are 100% mandatory in construction/ arch / engineering

@tabular@lemmy.world avatar

I have heard of those examples before but I have no use for that so I have not learned specifics to talk about.

Would bet it is harder to combat that “this will never change” mindset in the userbase than actually making alternatives. For 20 years from the 50’s it was normal for ALL software to be public domain. Times change, and it’s up to us users if they want better.


Is it not “serious” to work towards a better future because that’s more difficult to obtain? There is a future out there where more industries are dominated by software that respects user freedom.

I do not believe that distros ignoring the problem of binary software distribution is actually accomplishing anything productive on that front. All it does is put a gigantic KEEP OUT sign for most outside developers who might have briefly considered porting their software. Package maintainers are also incredibly overburdened, and are often slow to update their packages even on rolling release distros.

Worse, it also inconveniences their userbase, pushing them to solutions their that bypass the distro completely such as third-party repos, Steam, Wine, Flatpak, Docker, or even running Linux in WSL. All of them function as non-free escape hatches, but all of them are inferior to distros getting their act together and deciding that binary software distribution is a problem worth collaborating on and solving together.


I tried to get wine to work on my RX580, and the card could t even support it. It’s only the last few AMD video card generations that do.


I think they’ve finally heard the appeal for functionality before idealist principles. Debian, since version 12, are following the trend of abandoning the purist approach of only offering FOSS at install. They now detect and offer to install proprietary drivers at install.

@tabular@lemmy.world avatar

If the alternatives are not there or lacking then people can’t switch. If people don’t use it and contribute (e.g. reports, donations) then it is difficult to justify creating alternatives.

This is not a stalemate however. It is a slow transition of pioneers frustrated with the status quo.

@ToyDork@lemmy.zip avatar

“Please don’t.” looks lovingly but fearfully at her two year old daughter “He’ll… He won’t like it.”

Sorry to anyone who may have PTSD related to abuse, my point is this…



I kind of get what you mean.

But I do find it kind of funny to compare the “walled garden” phone to the os that gives you the most freedoms. lol

@Prethoryn@lemmy.world avatar

It’s not what they do it’s the answers people give.

Compare them all you want but the day Linux truly becomes an OS you are crazy to think devs will keep all of of the stuff FOSS when their is money officially to be made. Just ask the RedHat users.


Yeah it wasn’t a great analogy.


What else would be the answer, then? Windows is a commercial product by Microsoft. They will never get better unless forced to. They will keep getting worse for profit because, well, that’s what they do.

The whole point about an open-source operating system is that you can make it yours, and nobody can take that away from you. And the more people use linux, the better it gets. Commercial closed sources products can never have the same qualities.

@SquishyPandaDev@yiffit.net avatar

Please, hold all your “switch to Linux” comments

Linux is not as great a replacement as every one makes out to be. The community is hella toxic. Frequently leads to them shooting them selves in the foot. Right now they’re trying to pick a fight with Nvidia because they dared to call Linux’s sacred GPL syscalls


The Linux community is full of elitist assholes who think they’re special because they have the ability to install an OS. However, there are also amazing people making amazing tools, completely free of charge. You can’t paint everyone with the same brush.

Honestly, I wish our governments would pump money and resources into open source operating systems so that we’re not all bound to one OS under the complete control of one company.

My understanding of the Nvidia situation is that they are not respecting the kernel’s GPL license, which isn’t right. Nvidia has always done awful, selfish things, which makes sense as they are a market dominant company. It doesn’t mean the Linux developers have to allow them to break the license agreement. Intel and AMD seem to be doing just fine, it’s always Nvidia…

@SquishyPandaDev@yiffit.net avatar

Honestly, I wish our governments would pump money and resources into open source operating systems

They do. The US NSA being of note with SE Linux.

It doesn’t mean the Linux developers have to allow them to break the license agreement

Yes. Completely agree. The problem is, from my reading, is that Nvidia violated GPL by calling GPL functions as opposed to code stealing. The problem with GPL is that it forces everything to be GPL or you’re in violation of the license. Link a GPL library, your code now has to be GPL. Called a GPL function, congratulations, your code has to be GPL. This critical fault in GPL has been brought up time and time again. Thankfully this issue is infrequently enforced. But that just means it becomes a ticking time bomb.

Let me be clear, I’m not defending Nvidia’s actions. Just that in the blame game, GNU’s toxic attitude should be called out


Interesting, I kinda figured that there was some funding by governments but not nearly enough. SE Linux I always assumed was maintained by Redhat, like many other Linux components.

That makes the Nvidia situation a little more interesting. I’d imagine other proprietary software uses GPL’d libraries, like Steam? Doesn’t seem fair if only certain software is being targeted for violating the license. At the same time I’m annoyed how little Nvidia contributes back. It feels like AMD is creating open standards like Freesync while Nvidia won’t let others play with their toys in the sandbox, like G-Sync.


The Linux community is full of elitist assholes who think they’re special because they have the ability to install an OS.

I personally was elitist because of having a different taste which made me wish to use something open, more personal and more customizable. Do not mix us, please.

Honestly, I wish our governments would pump money and resources into open source operating systems so that we’re not all bound to one OS under the complete control of one company.

Corruption likes one or few big private companies to supply stuff. So it’s maybe better that governments don’t finance these things at all.

Intel and AMD seem to be doing just fine, it’s always Nvidia…

Well, on the other side of things - Nvidia has an official proprietary driver for FreeBSD.


Linux people like security, it’s a security concern to give Nvidia’s proprietary drivers such low level access

If their calls violate GPL then I don’t even know why you’re being sarcastic. Not acceptable. Copyleft licenses HAVE to be respected legally. Silly to pretend like the license shouldn’t have to apply to Nvidia. If a user wants to install proprietary Nvidia drivers, they still can. But Linux isn’t picking a fight, GPL is what makes Linux Linux.


Yeah well said.

I see it here on Lemmy all the time, and you can just see it in this whole comment thread too.

I’ve been a software engineer for decades. I know my way around Windows, OSX, and Linux systems. I’m not a casual computer user. I AM a gamer though, and jumping through hoops to play games on Linux is not worth my time. Unless there is a native Linux distribution of the game, you’re jumping through hoops trying to get it to run through Proton, or whatever other means. Driver support is another thing… Yeah it’s gotten better, but sometimes it just like forcing a square peg through a circle hole.

No thanks, I’m very happy with my native gaming experience.

And sure, for dev systems, or servers, Linux is great. All of my professional work is interacting with Linux based systems, containers, etc. I also work on a MacBook Pro, so I understand the tooling for Unix systems is great for that work.

My personal life though, I’m not fighting Linux just to game.

BTW Starfield is great… Check it out lol. I just did a quick search for “Starfield on Linux”. First results are something like “Runs on Proton after some tweaks”. I’m good.

@tabular@lemmy.world avatar

Penguin sighing noises.


I did this with the registry edits on my personal computer. However. This does nothing at all to help with those of us still seeing this stuff on work computers or places where we are not the administrator.

@egeres@lemmy.world avatar

I find it ironical when a huge company diverts efforts into aggressive marketing instead of improving the product itself, it feels like a loss-loss


I installed Pop OS on my laptop since it’s pretty gaming friendly. Between that and the Steam Deck, Windows 10 might be my last version of Windows for personal use.


It’s in Windows 10 now too


Peachy. Thanks for the heads up. I haven’t noticed anything intrusive yet.


I swear windows keeps getting worse, I have switched to MacOS 6 years ago and switched to Linux 3 years ago. I seriously never miss windows


and switched to Linux 3 years ago. I seriously never miss windows

If only I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that…


You’d have, like, five dollars?


I’ve been using windows for nearly as long as it has existed and I used to always be happy with updates. Even windows vista, despite all its problem, still felt like an upgrade compared to xp.

Then windows 8 started changing things in a direction I was not happy with, but at the same time it also had improvements over win7. Windows 10 repeated that with plenty of bad things but still overshadowed by massive improvements in many areas.

At this point windows was at its peak in some areas, like stability (when was the last time you saw a BSOD without actual faulty hardware?) and usability. Multiple Desktops, WSL2, the new Terminal…so many great things added in win10 updates.

And then comes win11 and shits at everything. Removed a ton of core features that didn’t need removing, broke a lot of compatibility with older stuff (something that Microsoft used to care deeply about) and adds… Nothing. It’s been quite a while since win11 released and there’s still nothing I can point at and say it does better than win10.

If you’re going to do all sorts of stuff with my data you should at least try to make me happy with your product in exchange, not make me dread using it every time.


Thoughtful take! Ditto.

@Yoru@lemmy.ml avatar

what does “Ditto” mean?


It’s a bastardisation of the Latin idem dito

@Yoru@lemmy.ml avatar

“say the same”. I assume it means something like “this”?


Yes. “Likewise” and “I agree wholeheartedly” work as well

@Yoru@lemmy.ml avatar

that’s cool


It an expression that means “I agree with what you just said”

@Yoru@lemmy.ml avatar

ahh, make sense. Thanks


Ditto (Japanese: メタモン Metamon) is a Normal-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I.

In its natural state, Ditto is a light-purple or pink blob-like Pokémon with vestigial facial features. It is often referred to as amorphous, but has a relatively consistent appearance in official artwork, including two small nubs on its “head”, a few soft lumps at its base, and two pseudopod-like protrusions in place of arms. The face consists of beady eyes and a simple mouth; almost always pulled into a smile.

It is capable of transforming into an exact replica of any physical object or living creature, including its form and abilities. Each Ditto has its own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to transforming; being unable to remain transformed while laughing and getting details of its transformation wrong if based on memory being apparently universal.

@Yoru@lemmy.ml avatar

brooo LMFAO


It means “I feel the same way you do and would have said it myself, so I acknowledge and applaud that you said it first”.


Which core functions did they remove and which did they break?

I can’t say that I miss anything from Windows 10 or before that. I disliked the new settings they introduced at first but I think it has seen some improvments (or maybe I am better at navigating it?) but it has really grown on me.

Being backwards compatible can be important (I really appreciated it when I wanted to install a game for Windows 95 on Windows XP) but you have to cut support at some point in order to implement features otherwise not possible, or to just save time and money doing it. It is like trying to develop for the web and you still see people talking about support IE6 (or IE in general).

@RealAirBoon@lemmynsfw.com avatar

Win 10 and 11 are nowhere close to a fully transitioned unified settings menu, they somehow made dialouge box hell worse. its easier to list what doesnt.

  • Android
  • most Linux systems
  • IOS
  • TVs
  • IOT
  • non IOT things like Microwaves
  • Chromeos
  • off-brand feature phone OS’es
  • Microsoft Windows

Control Panel will propably remain for another 20 years, just like everything else in Windows, but I still like more. Combined with winget-cli, installing and uninstall is almost as good as on Linux.


I’m sorry, but I just have to mention that I find funny that the features you chose to illustrate “peak” Windows are all prime Linux features. Including installing Linux itself as a sub-system. At that point might as well cut-out the middle man.


I do use Linux every day as well. It has its own set of problems, but not the subject here.


There needs to be a legally mandated option to turn off all recommendations and tracking, and to require consent to enable it in the first place.


So pretty much just an extension of GDPR. Sounds good.


Or the courts should force MS to split off into an os company, an online services company, an office productivity software company, and a gaming company.

@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

If we had an actual anti-monopoly/umbrella corporation law that would be badass.

Hell Amazon would tank instantly, since they just operate on pumping AWS profits into their loss leader (Amazon delivery) constantly.


So would Google to some extent. This actually sounds like a good plan. We should go back to the 90’s antitrust law. Before we made it toothless and basically unenforceable.


Fuck yeah! Lets do some trust bustin!


And it’s pissing users like me off. I have one laptop for work and one for home. My work laptop has a professional work profile and for some of the programs I’m required to use I need Microsoft apps like edge and office. As a result I get these popups non stop when opening edge. I also am not an administrator on the work laptop so I literally cannot just decide to upgrade from windows 10 to Windows 11. If the damn thing would stop blocking my work flow with full page ads, that would be awesome.


It’s because of shit like this that I’m glad I switched to Linux.


Amen to that.

@nostradiel@lemmy.world avatar

My man! (y)


Lookin’ good!


I want to dual boot because I prefer Linux for everything but some niche games. Just never got around to it. This is pretty motivating.


Do it. It’s not as hard as it used to be thanks to systemd-boot existing. I literally reinstalled Windows the other day and nothing happened to systemd-boot. GRUB, is a bit of a mess though.


Check www.protondb.com to check the status of compatibility of the game on Linux


The only issues I had with dual booting is an out of sync clock (due to Windows using local time), and Windows wiped one of my Linux drives (I installed Windows second, so unplug any unused drives before installing Windows). The last issue I am still unsure what caused it, however I remember installing Windows and the next time I use Linux the drive is empty.


This is a good way if someone really Like some games not working on Linux. Also it can keep work and fun separated.

I can recommend setting up encryption when installing Linux system to make Windows programs unable to access your files.


My reason was that I had heard windows 11 was considering ads in their file explorer. Win10 already has enough prompts pushing edge and OneDrive. That, and many of my professors use Linux, and the ease with which they would install Python or C compilers was too much.


Can’t use VR or HDR on Linux sadly. Those are the only two things holding me back.

@Goodtoknow@lemmy.ca avatar

SteamVR exists on Linux. HDR is coming


So I can use my Rift S on Linux? If so, then awesome.

@euphoric_cat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

yes, but only with monado’s driver for it. and yes vr on linux works on nvidia too, that’s what I used to run before I got an amd gpu


Running my Valve Index in Mint Xfce rn.


I wish I could. My gaming rig has an nvidia gpu and linux support really sucks because of the proprietary driver situation…
Steams new gamepad ui is a slideshow running at 5fps and I loose HDR so I have to remain on Windows for now. Every other desktop I own is UNIX tho.


I use a gaming laptop with an Nvidia GPU and linux support does not ‘really suck.’

The only downside I have is one you wouldn’t experience because you’re not using a laptop.


The only downside I have is one you wouldn’t experience because you’re not using a laptop.

Optimus/Bumblebee/IGPU switching/whatever?


It’s just optimus now.

The issue is that in order for a program to use the dedicated GPU, I need to launch it with prime-run prepended to it.


There’s probably some programs that you always want to run with the dedicated GPU, though.

Copy the launchers for those from /usr/share/applications to ~/.local/share/applications, and edit the Exec= line to include prime-run?

Or, assuming prime-run is inheritable (since otherwise apps that need renderer subprocesses wouldn’t work), run an application launcher/menu itself with prime-run?

Actually, it looks like https://gist.github.com/abenson/a5264836c4e6bf22c8c8415bb616204a just sets a couple environment variables anyway. So set those however you want for each program.

What does “NVIDIA Control Panel” look like these days? It’s been a couple years since I’ve seen it. No options in there?

I’m assuming you still want the IGPU and not the discrete GPU for rendering the desktop/simple programs, for power consumption and performance reasons, so you’re not willing to just turn the IGPU off or stick your entire session under prime-run or export its environment variables in ~/.profile or whatever.

It looks like there are also GPU switcher taskbar applets for both KDE and GNOME. This sounds like it would be easy enough.

…I think back when I was setting up a NVIDIA laptop, I might have just put a toggle for optimus-manager somewhere, or something.


My gaming rig has an Nvidia GPU as well, and it runs mostly without any problems (I’ve had to manually update drivers a couple of times) on POP!_OS


Can you try to run the big picture/ gamepad UI and see if it lag? This my only real issue blocking me from switching back

@mjpc13@lemmy.world avatar

I have a RTX3070 and I never felt any lag using big picture/gamepad UI in Ubuntu/Manjaro/Endeavour.

But you can Dual Boot and only use Windows for gaming. I did that initially


I got a RTX 3080 myself and no matter what distro I used the new gamepad UI lagged so much that it was unusable… maybe this has been fixed, I haven’t tried it in a while.
Also are you using x or wayland?

But you can Dual Boot and only use Windows for gaming. I did that initially

Sadly I wont switch until this is resolved. But I use this rig only for gaming and navigate through gamepadui so I dont have to see Windows lol.
I use UNIX (Linux / macOS) on all other hosts.


Use X not Wayland on NVIDIA GPUs. I’m running nixos on my laptop / desktop and big picture works without issues on both hosts.

4800hs + 1650m / 13900kf + 3070

@mjpc13@lemmy.world avatar

I was using X in all of those. Now I am on NixOS and Wayland, but haven’t tried steam/big picture yet.



Curious about why both?


I’m guessing they’re distro hopping. People often jump from Manjaro to Endeavor to get a more clean Arch experience. This is what I did too, on my laptop a couple of years ago, and I’ve stayed on EndeavourOS since.


Do you ever run into upstream bugs, or Idk, package version incompatibilities, on Endeavour? The idea that the 2-week package grouping and delay might help avoid those is one of the main things that drew me to Manjaro.

@mjpc13@lemmy.world avatar

I did run into a few package version incompatibilities 1 or 2 times, but it was rare to have issues. I think I had more issues on Manjaro tbh.


No, I personally haven’t had any problems with package incompatibility on Endeavour. Anecdotally; on Manjaro I had two system breaking updates.


Well, nuts.

@mjpc13@lemmy.world avatar

Started on Manjaro but I was annoyed when they let their SSL certificates expire several times so I moved to EndeavourOS. Now I am using NixOS, and I probably stay with it for a while.


Nix is a good tool, but don’t think I’d personally want to give up the Linux FHS for it. Manjaro’s management does indeed have a somewhat concerning track record.


I don’t currently own a gamepad, so I can’t help you. I hope somebody else can help.


linux support really sucks because of the proprietary driver situation.

Stop listening to everyone online. The driver situation “sucks” because of ideologies (which I happen to agree with), but from a functionality perspective Nvidia’s Linux drivers are solid.

The same driver you install is the same driver they use in their half a million dollar DGX AI systems. And those systems don’t run Windows. Only Linux.


Those drivers are stable, but older. I get errors playing new games because my drivers are always 5-10 versions older than their windows equivalents.


That could be a consequence of the distro you’re using. I’m going to guess you’re using Ubuntu and maybe an older LTS.

If that’s the case you can switch to use the Nvidia driver PPA. It’ll give you the latest drivers.


He’s right about the new gamepad UI for steam though… it’s completely unusable in Linux from my experience (the old big picture UI worked fine)


I don’t know why you’re having that issue, but I have three systems with Nvidia cards (1080ti, 2060 laptop, 1660 laptop) that I use Steam on and the new big picture mode is entirely usable. It’s not perfect, and does hiccup someone’s, but it works fine.


I’m guessing the laptops are using Optimus and are maybe running big picture using the integrated graphics, hence being smoother on them. 1080ti I don’t know, maybe it’s just in issue with RTX cards or something. iirc it was to do with HW acceleration but not sure


Nope. I made sure the Nvidia card is used for everything.


A few others have mentioned Pop_OS! for their Nvidia driver support which is what I’m running too. I think I’m on version 535.93 or something like that. Most of the Ubuntu downstream (Ubuntu, mint, pop_os, etc,.) already include The proprietary drivers in their repos. Pop_OS is known for Nvidia support being a bit quicker than the others.

I’d suggest looking into dual booting (thats what I do, there are a few things that work better on windows). It’s super easy to set up, and it’s an easy low risk way to see if it works for you.


lol I use Linux




Lol I tried that, doesn’t support like 95% of the apps I use. Or od switch.

Would be nice if they would at least support printing.

@nostradiel@lemmy.world avatar

If you want to use Linux like windows you most likely won’t succeed. You have to be willing to make some changes to alternative programs, but as long as you persevere you will be unplugged from the Matrix and start enjoying the freedom of choices.


Very weird. Switched to Linux and haven’t found anything I’m not able to run yet. Maybe takes a little more effort or there are some quirks, but running well most of the time.


I’m also a Linux user and plenty of professional software and games just don’t work. Anything Adobe, MS Office, professional video editor except DaVinci, a good CAD program, etc. Most multiplayer games won’t work either, and even some singleplayer games (like Nioh) just won’t work properly.


Who prints?



Some fields still do.


Man i need to take the plunge but i don’t want to screw with my games. Does Linux still hate dual boot? I fucked myself trying with mint a few years ago and spooked myself


Linux loves dual boot, windows is the problem and always has been. But as long as you install windows first and Linux second, there’s no problem whatsoever, the installer detects your installation and automatically adds multiboot. Installing windows after Linux means that you will have to restore the bootloader.


Ooh, this might have been my mistake. Ill give it another shot

@tabular@lemmy.world avatar

Are you confident opening up the computer and replacing the storage device (probably SSD)? Dual boot can’t screw up much of anything when you only put one OS drive in at a time.


Anyone who uses windows these days gets what’s coming to them.


So sick of people saying stuff like this. Linux blah blah blah. Linux is not suitable for the vast majority of business and home users due to software incompatibility. People don’t want to mess around with wine or whatever else just to use photoshop or word.


Linux is absolutely suitable for most people.

If you are dependent on software that locks you into windows, then you deserve what you get.

Maybe if you had higher standards, then software vendors would be forced to reach them.

@Kevnyon@kbin.social avatar

Some software just literally isn't available for Linux. And lets face it, even Ubuntu requires more tinkering than the average user is prepared to do, or in other words, any tinkering at all because they would have to install it themselves and they do not know how to do that. And the few times I've bothered to use Linux even as my backup, the tinkering never stops. Its not worth the hassle at this point in time.


I’d love to be able to replace all my software, but 80% of what I use a computer for is not possible on Linux.

There’s no Linux alternative to Lightroom (that actually works) there’s no way to play almost any online game with an anticheat.

Even if someone had “higher standards” that’s not going to change anything, they’re just not going to be able to do their job.


Even if someone had “higher standards” that’s not going to change anything

Wrong. If enough people had higher standards, businesses would have to meet those standards or go out of business.

It’s a very simple concept, and ya’ll deserve to suffer together because you can’t work together.


There’s no way to meet anticheat standards on Linux. It’s inherently a less secure platform for all the reasons you love. That’s not a dig against the OS, it’s a fact that enabling Linux in anticheats makes it less secure on all platforms due to the level of open customization Linux gives. That’s great for the user, but a pretty much unsolvable problem from game companies.

I don’t use FOSS most of the time because it doesn’t meet my needs. My standards are too high for Linux by your logic then.


You sound like a complete cunt.

@RanchOnPancakes@lemmy.world avatar

I mean on one hand, terrible behavior. On the other, good.


I mean, if it’s just a switch to Bing it’s not really any better.


I mean I see your point, but you cold also argue that anything that can weaken a monopoly is a good thing, in the grand scheme of things


Who’s monopoly are we talking about? If that’s the goal then Firefox + DuckDuckGo would be more sensible right?


100% but Microsoft and Google splitting 50 - 50 would be better than the current Google 90 - 9.9 - 0.1 it currently is.


Of course it would be more sensible, but that was not the point

@Yoru@lemmy.ml avatar

DuckDuckGo’s search results suck, is there another alternative I can use that gets its indexes from google? I don’t care about censorship


I think Ecosia pulls results from Bing if that’s any better? I use them occasionally but generally prefer DDG.

@Yoru@lemmy.ml avatar

I use StartPage but it’s incredibly slow.


Ah yeh, I tried StartPage for a while. IIRC the image results page wasn’t so great. Not many filter options and so on.

@RanchOnPancakes@lemmy.world avatar

I mean, if it’s just a switch to Bing it’s not really any better.

Search wise? No. Competition wise? Yes.

Google has too much power.


Maybe it’s because I disable things and go through the settings with a fine tooth comb after a fresh install but I never see this stuff. Not discounting others’ experiences either. Can’t imagine being inundated with this stuff like some are claiming they are.


I mean, yes, you can do that, but then that brings us to the question: why does the user have to do that, spend a lot of time changing settings to make an OS bearable? Imho, any OS should ship with sensible defaults that have the user in mind.

@kuneho@lemmy.world avatar

If there’s little to no need to go through the settings, you probably will miss a lot of them and never know.

Also, I think after a fresh install going through some settings to check out what you have, what you don’t have and what you can have is not something only power users should do, but that’s a power user’s opinion 😅


Thing is, most normal users do not care about the settings. They use the computer like a TV, turn it on and expect it to work.

Nothing is stopping power users from looking through the settings to find good things to tweak, of course, but setting weird defaults to make a user look at their settings is indefinitely worse than, say, an optional tour of the OS that greets the user on their first login.

kuneho, (edited )
@kuneho@lemmy.world avatar

Same. With Windows 10, everyone was like there are ads and shit in the Start menu and browser nagging and all that jazz - never ever seen any of them. After fresh install, I do my settings, let it sit for a while to do the Windows Update, delete (uninstall) all the unneccessary tiles from Start and that’s it, literally.


I just got an ad in my PAID for MS Office subscription Outlook. If they start showing me ads, I’ll be cancelling and using the free shit.

It’s the only place I have seems ads so far…


I didn’t feel like it was that much when I used windows either. But then I started dual booting linux, and I realized just how much I had been ignoring. I had just gotten used to closing every notification without reading it. It’s kind of cursed knowledge thing. It only takes like <10s a day, but once I noticed it it really bothered me.

@TheGiantKorean@lemmy.world avatar

My personal laptop updated itself from 10 to 11, and 11 is infuriating. Never mind the pop ups and ads, the whole thinf just sucks. This was just the extra bit of incentive that I needed to switch back to Linux Mint. Thanks, MS!


I’m never installing windows 11.

I’m switching to full time Linux after Windows 10 becomes 100% obsolete.

@ComradeKhoumrag@infosec.pub avatar

I’m praying that the steam deck helps Linux support for games enough to fully uninstall windows


How far behind do you think Linux gaming is?

Check protondb, I’d be surprised if you couldn’t play 9 out of your 10 most played games.


Fuckin A. Same.


Been using Ubuntu Jammy for about 6months now. Have had 0 issues with any games on Steam.

Takes some slight tweaking for other games, such as RA2 Yuri’s Revenge, but it works.

If you have the patience for the occassional Google search you can switch any time.


You can switch to Linux before Windows 10 becomes unsupported. The sooner the better for you, your privacy and your digital freedom in general.


I’m already dual-booting.

So I already have one foot in the door. LoL


That’s great, I wish you the best of luck on your journey towards freedom.


I am the only one that use Linux and bing as a default search? (On firefox) I personally think bing have better results than google right now

@telepresence@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Check out some alternatives:
searXNG - open source & self-hosted meta-search engine (aggregates results from many others, like google, bing, qwant, duckduckgo - configurable which ones.) list of public instances just pick one that’s close to you physically and has a good uptime.
duckduckgo - uses bing for most search results, but is way more private
brave search - uses their own index, has a privacy-respecting privacy policy and the results are pretty damn good


I already know Searxng but never tried extensively, I might give a serious try

I’ve used duckduckgo but I remember was really slow loading results 🤔

For brave search, I’ve never took it seriously, I should try also this if you say results are good. But how they found themselves?


If you’re using Bing anyways, consider switching to Ecosia, it’s a non-profit search engine, they pull their search results from Bing and plant trees across the globe with their profits.

It might not be for extremely privacy conscious people because they do send some of your data (obfuscated IP addresses, user agent string etc.) to Microsoft because they use Bing but it’s still orders of magnitude better than using Bing directly.

@tr11@lemmy.world avatar

If you want privacy, I would recommend duckduckgo.


I’ve tried time ago but it seems to take the results and nothing else (I mean, no summary on top of the results, no table with restaurant number/time of opening ecc…) -> I don’t know how to call this

@tr11@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t like bing, duckduckgo is much better and privacy-friendly


I also agree bing is nowadays often superior to Google, they’re also better than DDG imo.

While it’s a good thing that Google gets serious competition, I don’t know if Microsoft is the best company for that role. In both cases the incentives are not necessarily aligned with the customer.


If you choose to use bing, then great. Problem is being forced to, or constantly nagged. (I personally use ddg)


DDG still uses Bing on their backend. But you won’t get tracked for using it.



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