
Google’s search results are absolute garbage lately. It pushes the most advert-heavy spam sites first.

DuckDuckGo has more reliably been giving me the technical documentation I was looking for in the past year.


If I recall correctly, DuckDuckGo uses Bing's search database (not search itself, just the database).


They say that’s a myth, that they have their own search engine and database.


It might be a myth, but it would probably be the best search engine.

Bing is too good, they’re trying to capture market share and likely operating it at a loss. But if people leave Google, it’s most likely because they dont want tracked. And Microsoft is probably at best just as bad as Google.

A go between that anonimizes the results would be exactly what people want.

Neato, avatar

Bing is too good,

You mean that they just don't frontload ads on results?


Of course, we have more traditional links and images in our search results too, which we largely source from Bing.

So I wasn't totally right in that it doesn't all come from Bing, but it largely does.


I was going off of an interview he had, that’s interesting.


Their own CEO admits they are required to allow Microsoft tracking in their "privacy" browser due to the contract for search. They use Bing for search, it's not a myth.

For non-search tracker blocking (eg in our browser), we block most third-party trackers. Unfortunately our Microsoft search syndication agreement prevents us from doing more to Microsoft-owned properties. However, we have been continually pushing and expect to be doing more soon.

— Gabriel Weinberg (@yegg) May 23, 2022

NiaTheCat, avatar

This is no longer the case as of August last year, they managed to get the terms of the agreement changed…/duckduckgo-will-now-block-microsoft…

Edit: Duckduckgo’s statement on it


They still have the disclaimer on the app in the pay store. It was added after they were called out.

The fact that they hid it in the first place is disqualifying for a privacy focused product.

NiaTheCat, (edited ) avatar

Oh definitely, I’m a bit hesitant about them because of things like that, I just consider them as an “it’s at least better than Google” kind of thing


Yeah, I agree with that. I would never use their browser or other products but their search fits the "at least it's not google/MS".

I even think what the CEO is saying is correct here, Google is doing it's best kill competition.

KSPAtlas, avatar

afaik they use multiple, including bing and their own indexer (duckduckbot afaik)


They literally state this themselves, it’s not a myth.


I can’t find shit anymore, always spam sites angry at my ad blocker or YouTube videos, which are angry at my ad blocker.


The first half of the first page is all ads now on Google. It’s utter shit - the things it’s a lot better at than DDG is NLP, being able to understand questions, and anything news related. If you know exactly what you’re searching for though, using the old style of search words works great on DDG


What does NLP stand for?


Most likely Natural Language Processing - being able to understand what you’re searching for

Neato, avatar

When I built my PC last year I decided to just let Edge and Bing go for a bit instead of immediately downloading another browser or changing the search engine. I can count on one hand the number of times I needed to enter in to get a different or better result. And almost every one of those was because I wanted a google maps results and not whatever weird maps MS has.


I used to be able to search for a tracking number by Google and it would link to the correct delivery tracking service. About 1-2 months ago Google stopped doing this and just gives no results. Why would they stop linking you to FedEx or UPS? Who knows, but my wild ass guess is since Google was not able to link “related” sponsored links along with it they just removed the functionality. They are just actively making their service shittier anytime something minor doesn’t dish out a shitty ad along with it.

I’ve gone on to using Kagi and DDG. Rarely do I miss Google search.


I do this all the time for work. It still works for me when I put a FDX trk # in

Sendbeer, (edited )

Not sure what I am doing wrong, work is when I discovered problem. This is what happens when I try to search in android. Doesn’t work on my work pc or on mine. Maybe it is a Firefox thing?

EDIT: YUP. Tried it with chrome and DuckDuckGo browser and ups tracking search works fine. Wonder what’s going on with Firefox preventing it. Don’t think it’s an extension because doesn’t work in Firefox focus either and my work pc doesn’t have any addons.


User agent. Google wants you to use Chrome. You can spoof the user agent in Firefox to get the same results.


Google search is less than useful nowadays. Google assistant seems to be Google’s inbred idiot cousin. DDG doesn’t seem to be any better. Most of my searches give the same clickbait results that google does.

Honestly, outside of Google Maps, is there any legitimate value to any google product? Is there a single search engine that is brave enough to give 0 results and also literally parses what you’re asking instead of valuating against what the advertisers want you to see?

I dream daily of Google imploding, and every single investor at that useless company going immediately bankrupt and destitute for the disgusting, addled, brain-malware they push.

amju_wolf, avatar

Kagi looks neat but they’d have to have absolutely amazing results if they want me to pay for them, which I doubt they have… And sorry, but paying $10/month for a fucking search engine (where the actual cost per user is negligible and profit scales with number of users extremely nicely) is just insane.

I guess Google would make at most about $1/month off of ads from me… if I didn’t block them. I’d be willing to pay that, maybe up to $3 for a really good service. But this is just insane, and continues the trend of “oh you like a service that’s not complete crap? I guess you should pay an order of magnitude (or several) more than what’s necessary to provide that service, because fuck you, what can you do?”

If I had to pay for every service like that I’d probably spend $500/month just for that and then they’d still figure out that hey, we can still put ads in and make a little bit more cuz why not, what are they gonna do?


You are not wrong, but Kagi is basically still a baby. They started maybe like last summer or so? And already decreased their prices twice (well, relative prices.) I think if we give them some time there will be a good priced tier for everyone.

P.S. Search engine is not the only thing they have.


Their lowest plan is $5/mo for 300 searches.


Weird, I stopped using DDG because it was useless for troubleshooting IT stuff.

cupcakezealot, avatar

Good thing about DDG is you can just add a simple bang to search another site right from the results


Depends on what you’re doing. I look up Linux admin stuff. DDG points to the Arch Linux wiki which is solid, even for non-Arch Linux stuff. Google points to random sponsored blog tutorials that are sometimes outdated or the author doesn’t have a full understanding of what their copy-paste terminal commands do.

Recently I used google to look up a Kotlin coding thing. It pointed to every source except the official Kotlin documentation.

cupcakezealot, avatar

I love searching for something on Google and have the entirety of the above the fold be sponsored results


My favorite is when I ask how to do something in Google Slides and Google gives me answers on how to do it in Google Docs. So helpful. Not at all frustrating.

cupcakezealot, avatar

or how every answer is a youtube video like just put it all on a page i can skim and read

amju_wolf, avatar

That’s largely a problem of “modern internet culture” than anything. Resources locked behind proprietary crap like Discord “servers” is a big issue, too.

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

Ublock Origin


I miss the 2000s/2010s Google. Now I need to endlessly scroll down the page in an attempt to find something barely useful.


DuckDuckGo has been giving me poor results lately - especially when I look for news, everything is a redirect to Bing now - so I instead use Brave Search. It’s kind of disappointing since DDG had always worked great for me


But Weinberg testified that getting users to switch from Google was complicated, requiring as many as 30 to 50 steps to change defaults on all their devices, whereas the process could be shortened to just one click on each device.

Full disclosure, been using Duck Duck Go for a while but…

30 to 50 steps? On a Samsung it’s one click from the address bar to select a search engine and then another to select Duck, Google, yahoo, or bing.

The way it’s worded they’re adding steps for like 10 devices together.

And for it to be a single click, all the options would have to display every time you click the address bar, which would make it look like a 90s web browser.

I’m all about Duck, but that reeks of bullshit because they know most politicians don’t know as much about the internet as a 9 year old does.


Step 1. Pickup the phone Step 2. Look at the screen Step 3. Power the phone on Step 4….

mifan, avatar
  1. Profit?

Step 0 put hand in pocket

IzzyData, avatar

That does seem like an exaggeration, but there is truth in the power of defaults for the mainstream audience.


Pixel phones it’s harder:

Change fucking launcher… The google bar is always there, cannot be removed and it’s always google.


You're talking abut the search bar at the top of the first home screen right? It's always google but it can be removed.

That should be fixed for sure, it's annoying. Personally I use firefox anyway so I change it to the firefox search widget which uses your firefox default.


You can’t remove it on a pixel without changing launcher or root. It’s at the bottom. It’s not a widget


Yep. I wasted hours on that. Worst thing is that it is combined with the app and setting search.

HeartyBeast, avatar


Settings > Safari > Search Engine


I can change the browser search just as easily on a pixel. Just the default device search is always Google.

HeartyBeast, avatar

Same with iOS


Do people even use that? I’ve literally never. Even if I want to search something, I’d rather just use my browser where I have tabs. Relatedly, why don’t more apps have tabs? Like apps for Reddit or Lemmy. Literally none that I ever tried have tabs. I know they don’t perform that great, but not even an option?


This fucks me up to no end. I love this phone but that fucking search bar made me switch the launcher. I also love the Pixel launcher (if it wasn’t for that search bar), so I run the alpha release of Lawnchair. Problem is, there is no proper release bc there is not enough manpower to develop it.


Pixel owner here. Changed to Nova launcher on day one. No search bar on my home screen and DDG is my default search engine.


I use Firefox and DDG on my Pixel but I do keep a small Google option for those (usually location based} particular searches


Other launchers are better anyway. But it does become another big step for those that never leave defaults.


You only need one shitty device that has “30 to 50 steps” to say “getting users to switch from Google was complicated, requiring as many as 30 to 50 steps”.


How come that one shitty device has a range of steps rather than a single number of steps?


I would guess that it involves rooting the device or flashing a custom ROM but I don’t know for certain.

avidamoeba, avatar

How many clicks does it take to change the search on the home screen?


I didn’t know anyone uses those…

But aren’t they widgets? I don’t even know if you can change it, you might have to use a different widget

StandingCat, avatar

Is that part of the problem?


I have a Pixel. The Pixel Launcher that comes stock on the phone has a Google search thing that is not removable except via switching to another launcher. It looks like a widget, but you can’t remove it. It exists on every “panel” of the screen, below the app shortcuts.

I do use it quite a bit when making searches, but only because it’s there already and can’t be removed. If I could remove it, I would.

avidamoeba, avatar

It’s supremely useful if you want to use Google search. If you don’t on the other hand… 🥲


I have a phone with stock android 13, which would be the same experience as a Pixel or other stock android phone.

Here's the process for me:

  1. Tap chrome
  2. Tap vertical ... menu
  3. Tap settings
  4. Tap search engine (it's the top option under basic settings and visible without scrolling)
  5. Tap DuckDuckGo (or bing or whatever)

Definitely not 30-50 steps on a phone setup by Google. Only real complaint is it can't be changed from the search field itself.


Nope. The pixel phones have a Google widget on the homescreen that cannot be removed.

I have a pixel and it would be those steps +

Open Google play, find a launcher, find a new search provider. Set new launcher as default, insert new search provider widget. Probably missed a few steps.


Yeah, that was my experience as well as a Pixel user. That said, it didn’t take too long to just finally switch to Firefox, Nova launcher, and Duck Duck Go. Mostly painless, and I’m over 40 👴


I’ve done all but the launcher. The gestures became super choppy with another launcher (nova).

I have put a FF search bar above the Google one and I just ignore it.

KSPAtlas, avatar

I personally use kiss launcher, bit of a different paradigm to regular ones but i like it


I’ve been using Niagara on my pixel 7. It takes a bit to get used to, but is so much cleaner. Add that with a browser other than chrome, and duckduckgo. Works pretty well.


If I hold down the home button on my phone, it launches the stupid Google Voice Search thing. Try as I might, I can’t find any way to remap that function.


For each browser on your phone* for the default on your phone*

I have 3 browsers on my phone for various stuff. If each is 5 steps, that’s 20 steps just to change them on my phone alone. People have multiple phones, multiple tablets, multiple computers…….


My Samsung phone automatically reverts my favourite browser to the Samsung browser all the time without asking.

Dawn, avatar

Interesting, I’m using an s20fe for around 3 years now, and haven’t had it happen once, was using an a50 before that, and don’t remember it happening there either


I have an S20 regular and it does it constantly. It’s annoying.

Dawn, avatar

Huh, must be a region thing


Yeah my last few phones were Samsungs, same with my parents and friends and none of us have ever had that issue. In the US


wE hAd aN uPdaTe bUG tHAt ACCIDENTLY cAuSeD sOmE tHInGs tO rEseT


Yeah, what the fuck is that number? Are we just straight up lying in court now?

I decided to see how long it would take me to find out how to change it with no help. Took about 30 seconds. In mobile Chrome, it’s basically the first setting on the settings page. So the steps are (1) open chrome, (2) hamburger menu, (3) settings, (4) search engine. Even if I have to count turning my phone on and opening Chrome if it wasn’t on my home page, it still wouldn’t even add up to 10 steps.

I checked Firefox and it has one extra step. There’s still a search option literally at the top of the settings, just it goes to a page with multiple search related options (default search engine is still at the top). The fact that it worded it as “default” also made me immediately realize you can tap the Google icon in the address bar to choose another option, which must be what you used. 2 steps in that case.


Daily reminder that unregulated capitalism hurts all of us.


Laziness or not giving a damn is a choice



Nice to -for once- see someone else who recognizes that capitalism in itself isn’t a problem as long as it is very well regulated and doesn’t immediately go “Communism is the answer!”


I always look at people who jump to “Communism is the answer” just have issues with properly articulating what they feel and just jump to a reactionary catch all comment.

I myself don’t like a lot of flaws with the core tenants of capitalism, so I often find myself saying reactionary shit like “capitalism bad” sometimes too.

I think this goes for a lot of discussion on economic models. There’s a lot of nuisance to it, and I think so many folks range somewhere between knowing nothing and knowing enough to be dangerous, but lack the energy, time, patience, or skill to really get it across online.

Often we see people posting about stuff so frequently because of a frustration with the current system, so unless it’s like a bad faith argument I mostly just tune it out, or go “hell yeah” in my little monkey brain depending on if it’s something I agree with slightly.


It’s not reactionary to say that capitalism is bad. Capitalism is literally terrible. Not commerce, capitalism. Buying and selling things isn’t wrong, but extracting and consolidating surplus labor from the working class is.


No, you’re right. I’m saying it’s reactionary to write only “Capitalism is bad”, and nothing else. Mostly because in terms of a discussion it makes it hard to keep talking about why capitalism is bad with such a broad statement. This is just the opinion of one dude on the internet who thinks of comments in a very specific way, and I get that others agree probably fine with broad comments of that style.


What worries me about it is that since for various reasons a lot of people just don’t have it in them to spare any thought on the question of how the economy works, they buy into rhetoric about economics being a fake conspiracy where supply and demand isn’t real and actually all economic problems are trivial and only require putting the bad guys in their place. The frustration is justified but stuff like rent control just doesn’t work and you can see why it doesn’t work if you’re willing to honestly think about it.


You say “Rent Control” doesn’t work, but having seen locations with rent control, and living in a place without it I fundamentally disagree with that statement.

In any economic model, housing is a basic need for humans. While rent control isn’t a solution, I don’t think it’s ever intended to be one. It is a stop gap, or a step implemented in a larger plan. It’s basically regulations for combating price fixing.

If you live in a place fraught with renoviction, the act of using a renovation as an excuse to evict people and charge more for the same thing, then the person who has been forced back into the market does not have to become homeless.

To another point, I don’t think rent control would prevent development of new housing either, as landlords aren’t the only folks who buy properties, even though it’s almost financially impossible to buy a house in certain inflated markets these days no matter who you are.

chicken, (edited )

While rent control isn’t a solution, I don’t think it’s ever intended to be one

The rhetoric I see around it paints it as a solution, and there are people who say with full sincerity that supply and demand is capitalist propaganda.

renoviction, the act of using a renovation as an excuse to evict people and charge more for the same thing

This whole dynamic is only surface level. The excuse doesn’t matter; if the whole market can get those prices, it’s because of the number/means of people seeking housing vs the supply. It will happen with or without an excuse to smooth things over. There are plenty of very run-down places in high demand low supply areas that cost huge amounts without any such aesthetic justification.

I don’t think rent control would prevent development of new housing either, as landlords aren’t the only folks who buy properties, even though it’s almost financially impossible to buy a house in certain inflated markets these days no matter who you are.

It demonstrably has prevented and does prevent the development of new housing, among other market distortions, and afaik this is one of the few things economists broadly agree on. To your point, maybe it would be possible that over time, eventually, all rental apartments would be converted into condos etc. as a market response to rent control. But given the demand specifically for rentals (for which there is then artificially reduced incentive to meet), and the difficulty you mention for most people actually buying a home outright, it’s easy to see why in practice there will be an extended, possibly indefinite, period where housing supply will be suppressed by the policy. One reason it could end up indefinite is that homeowners as a voting class have an incentive to protect the value of their properties, and that often means passing regulations that in practice constrain housing supply. When most voters are renters, this is less of a problem.

The way I see it, looking at housing markets as being “inflated”, as if the prices were the result of some trick of greedly landlords, is completely wrong and missing the bigger picture. Real estate is a wealth asset, a store of wealth, and all of those are skyrocketing in dollar terms beyond official measures of inflation, as part of a process of wealth being transferred away from the majority of the population and the value/negotiating power of labor declining. If people only look at their personal situations and false ideas of what prices “should” be and what is subjectively “fair”, they miss this bigger picture and overlook solutions that could actually work.

Which, in the case of housing, is more housing.


The key is “very well regulated”, starting with the ban of corporate lobbyists and abolition and criminalization of PAC donations.

COMMERCE in itself isnt bad. Leveraging money and power to extract resources and value without actually creation anything of value-i.e. Capitalism- is very, very bad.

Make a product and sell it? …good. Perform a service for money?..good. Buy wholesale, sell retail?..fine. Steal natural resources, fund political coups for resources, start wars for resourcces, force destruction of oroduct or allow corporations to hoard resources to corner a market?..BAD


I’m sorry but your definition of capitalism is incorrect.

Leveraging money and power to extract resources and value without actually creation anything of value-i.e. Capitalism- is very, very bad.

Yeah, it’s something that capitalism as currently is (mostly in the US) allows, but that isn’t the basis of what capitalism is.

I fully agree with you that capitalism needs very strick limits to not be abusive, but it’s still a hundred times better than communism, something that too many people here propose as the final great solution


Actually I think the problem is capitalists entering into forums and insisting that any regulation of capitalism is communism by default. It’s not a case of one or the other, but there is absolutely no way to reform the system from within its current structure. We would have to first abolish any and all corporate lobbying and criminalize the submission of donor checks to legislators, and then repeal any and all tax breaks and pro corporate laws and regulations passed since 1980.


Also: the stock market and hedge fund architecture is an absolute sham and should be criminalized. Virtually none of it is about entrepreneur startup money; all if it is about creating value out of thin air with nothing to support it. It collapses and destroys our economy on a regular, nearly predictable basis and results in greater wealth disparagement as the whales grab up all the collapsed wealth


Capitalism in itself is very much the problem. There is no positive aspect to the extraction of surplus value (“profit”), hoarding the vast majority of it into the hands of the wealthiest “private” property owners.

Marxists are opposed to free markets, at least as a long term goal (in achieving a stateless, moneyless, classless society - i.e. communism). But some leftist ideologies aren’t necessarily opposed to free markets (though are still of course anti-capitalist). This includes democratic socialism and market anarchism.

Robaque, (edited )

Daily reminder that capitalism hurts all of us.

Capitalism isn’t about free markets, it’s about private property and profit extraction.


He’s probably right, but from what I see, the reality is that like 95% of people simply don’t care, and the rest will find an alternative.


Thing is, Google is also (still) just better.

I use DDG as my primary search engine, but I find myself repeating searches with Google so often, I wrote a userscript to add a “Search with Google” link to the top of the DDG search results.


I’ve seen a lot of chat recently about Google search quality tanking and it’s made me realise that I haven’t re-searched a DDG query in Google for a really, really long time. when I first started using DDG as my main a few years back, I would repeat searches in Google probably 25% of the time? but I honestly can’t remember the last time I had to now. Been at least 6 months!

WuTang, avatar

unfortunately, I do that often. Even when using meta search engine which sources to google, Google UX and results are simply better but sometime feeling is just not rationale

regarding duckduckgo, it is simply too long to type and people rarely configure their browser, especially on mobile.

so yeah, in a sense, Weinberg is right. At the very least, a choice should be provided on first run but you can’t force people to be curious.


I agree. At least in my experience Google does a better job when it comes to search engine. I use DDG as well but when it comes to searching specific things Google beats it unfortunately.



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  • RustedSwitch, avatar

    Sure, but I think there’s still benefit to what the other person did. Search DDG by default, and then if you don’t see good results, it’s one extra click for the google search… vs mousing, clicking, 2 keystrokes…

    Sanctus, avatar

    Its the easiest thing in the world. I degoogled everything in my life in like 2-3 days after work. People aren’t switching because the bulk of the world’s populace likes the centralization and using the popular option. They just want to use what everyone else is.


    I think if you were to ask “most people” about which search engine they prefer, they wouldn’t really understand the question. I remember in highschool a teacher asked someone what operating system they have at home, and she replied “I think it’s Microsoft Office”.

    Tech people tend to severely overestimate non-tech peoples’ understanding of tech.

    TeddE, avatar

    Counterpoint: tech literacy is irresponsibly low for a modern developed world that now requires it for everyday operation.


    Both of these things can be true at the same time.


    Fuck you spez


    tips fedora

    owatnext, avatar

    I am lucky my husband likes to learn about this sort of stuff. When we started dating he barely knew the difference between Mac and Windows. Now he uses Linux. Granted, I have to install it, but he keeps on top of maintenance.


    Seriously, most people don’t even know you can go into browser settings, let alone change your default browser there.

    amju_wolf, avatar

    Migrating email alone is a huge pain. To be truly independent you need your own domain in case whatever provider you choose goes to shit. Any decent one will cost money. Now, most people don’t even know what a domain is, let alone where and how to buy it and use it for email. They also have to pay that mail provider, configure everything and migrate their old emails and forward their old mail. Oh and now they also have different logins everywhere, and because they probably don’t have a password manager either they need to get one or just have different logins for different things.

    That’s … a gargantuan task. for an average person - even if you provide them with a rough outline of what they’d need to do they probably wouldn’t be able to do so without help.

    Also, as a side note, what do you use for watching videos? What phone do you have? What maps do you use? It’s not so easy to “de-google” completely.


    Migrating emails isnt that hard if u dont set yourself a deadline. Some services like proton offer migration and forwarding from google and you can just slowly update them as you use it. I myself got tutanota and anonaddy and going through my bitwarden entries updating different alias for everything for the past couple days. Still gonna keep the gmail accounts around for emergency but will slowly disassociate from it.

    Takes a while but you can just stick with updating them when you do use it if you dont have the time or feeling lazy. For an average person who doesnt value privacy, they have no reason to move out of google anyway so gmail will always be the popular one unfortunately.


    This is how I did it. Set up a Protonmail account with my own domain, and set all my Gmail emails to forward there. I set up a special folder for all forwarded mail, to remind myslef that I should change my email on that service, and every time I logged somwhere or received an email from an important service I use, I made sure to change my address there.

    It has already been several years, but I think I’ve managed to replace it everywhere within a few months. I haven’t seen a forwarded email in months, so I think I’m finally done.


    I made a list of the Google services I needed to replace, replaced a couple of them, but ultimately that list had dozens of items on it and I’m too tired already to complete it

    It is not easy. This comment must be satire?

    For example have you tried navigating in a car with a navigation app besides Maps? I don’t have an iPhone and the ones I’ve tried so far suck. I mean, I think Waze isn’t even all that good and Google owns even them now.


    I tried Mapquest recently for the first time in 18 years. It was astonishing just how terrible their app and directions were.

    I would gladly pay a few dollars a month for an alternative to Google Maps or Waze, but it’s like no company even wants to try and compete with Google and Apple maps.


    While I don’t believe you can degoogle that quickly, because some of their services take quite some time to properly switch, such as email, in the end it’s not too hard, but just takes time and some work.

    Changing email is easy, if you don’t mind it being a slow process. Just forward your google email, and start slowly replacing any service you notice in the following months/years to your new address.

    Google Drive is harder to replace, I went for just running a NAS with Nextcloud, which takes care of most of Google Drive/Docs/Calendar stuff. If self-hosting isn’t your cup of tea, Proton is slowly setting up usable google alternatives - they have Drive and Calendar IIRC.

    Now for phone, that’s the hardest task. You wouldn’t help yourself by getting an IPhone. While it would de-google you, there’s basically no point in switching google for apple. Getting android to be usable for stuff like banking, MFA and other bullshit you need your phone for while being degoogled is hard, due to the bullshit Google Services. The only solution I found is to either just go with dumb phone with an obscure OS, or just get a Google Pixel and run GrapheneOS.

    Maps are another issue, but thankfully we have a local , which is a pretty OK alternative to Google maps for our country, and I guess they even work worldwide. I don’t drive a car, so I don’t really need it that often.

    The only remaining Google service I use is GCloud VPS, because I have some websites running there on the free instances that I’m too lazy to move. But I’m slowly migrating it to Amazon. Not that it would help much, anyway. And also Youtube, but I’m trying to go through the alternative front-ends as much as possible.

    And for browser, I’m using Fuck chromium.


    DuckDuckGo CEO apparently is just another CEO. I’ve been an early adopter that’s been using their search engine long before there were apps or a browser.

    What’s stopping people from using DDG isn’t switching to DDG, it’s getting absolutely dogshit results 90% of time. As an advanced user I know I can prefix my search with “!g phrase” to use Google instead of DDG. The sad fact is that despite the ad-ridden result page and tracking, Google is still lightyears ahead in providing relevant, and especially timely results for a user that is both tech-savvy and critical.

    They need to improve their product, users will follow a good adfree search engine, that’s a given. Only a fraction of users will put up with degraded results in order to search without tracking.

    I sincerely hope they will get their tech up to par. And that their browser on mobile reaches feature parity soon. (as a Z Fold user, DDG browser doesn’t have tabs. Brave, Vivaldi and Firefox does).

    The new kid on the block needs humility and good tech, not shittalk. Fuck that CEO,. he’s undermining something very promising and important.

    PP_BOY_, avatar

    I’ve never had a problem with DDGs search results that simply rephrasing my query didn’t solve. What are you all searching for that Google’s results are “light-years ahead” of DuckDuckGo’s? (Honest question)


    I agree. Honestly anytime I’ve resorted to having to use Google for something I feel the results are even worse than DDG.


    Not OP, but I get completely trash results on a ton of technical questions no matter how I phrase it. Not a specific example, but if I’m having an issue with some niche distribution of Linux that requires a specific fix, it’ll instead insist on showing me the massive pile of results for the normal distros instead of the couple of links containing the answer I want.

    For as shitty as Google has gotten, it’ll at least give you the one or two better hits before piling on the generic results.

    It’s like DDG changes the query to get more results whereas Google will just run the damn search even if they stuff the results with ads and tracking.

    Daft_ish, (edited )

    The only thing I goto Google for is when I’m looking for local attractions. With Google maps being native everything is just smoother. Also, Google reviews are much more relevant with whatever duckduckgo has integrated (yelp?). Just my 2 cents.

    I offset any inconvenience with how Google is not much of a search engine but more of an ad company. Also, I disabled all Googles data scavenging shit and I can’t even load the site without getting hit with a captcha. As someone who saw Google rise from the librarians favorite search engine, when a cable modem was life changing, it’s devastating to see it become everything that’s wrong with the internet.

    amju_wolf, avatar

    Oh right, don’t get me even started on DDG using fucking Apple maps which are complete garbage in my region. Why can’t they support OSM? :/

    sonnenzeit, (edited )

    In my recent experience Google still delivers better results for tech troubleshooting queries. “linux drivers for acer e15 card reader” at least points me to some semi-relevant pages on Google that could lead to a solution or more ideas where to look while ddg throws a lot of generic stuff that is only faintly related.


    Until recently I would have agreed 100%.

    But Google’s search has turned to dogshit since it’s started trying to be smarter than it is, and DDG is now giving me results on par with old Google - that is, a list of exactly what I was searching for on the first try.


    DDG isn’t the only alternative to Google. I use Kagi and love it. The results IME are definitely better than Google’s.


    I just signed up for kagi and so far i like what i see. I am still in my 100 search trial though.


    I always see people saying Google provides better results, but to me it’s awful. I don’t even use DDGO anymore, but Google only shows ads and SEO optimized results that look AI generated. Is this common or am I just an isolated case?


    I only ever hear people say the opposite. The comment you’re replying to is I think the first time I’ve seen someone say google is better than ddg in the wild. I keep feeling like I’m going crazy when people say ddg is better than google. Google is the only search engine capable of actually finding the results I’m looking for. Half the time it feels like it’s reading my mind.

    I genuinely don’t know what people are searching for that yields better results on ddg than google. Every time I’ve gotten someone to give me an example, the thing they supposedly couldn’t find was the first result.


    I gotta say I’m pretty good finding stuff, but i swear Google makes it more complicated for me. In DDGO I only need to change words, in Google I need to filter out half the results to get something human.

    But that was when I used to use DDGO, I now self-host SearXNG and only use DDGO for simple searches and when using my phone.

    I guess Google needs constant use to give something better(?, which would be another reason for me not to use it hehe


    Lol, yeah right? I feel the same way most of the time. On top of that, I’m in Google’s beta AI thing so usually I just get a summary of whatever the hell I’m searching for right at the top and I don’t even have to look at any of the actual results what I’m looking for data.


    My experience has been similar to yours. It’s disheartening.


    Google results are garbage compared to 10 years ago, but they’re still miles ahead of ddg.


    I often don’t find what I want in DDG; and I then try !g to look for it with Google… and Google doesn’t find it either.

    In my experience it is very rare for Google to help me with a search that DDG failed with. As for the converse, I wouldn’t know - because I never search Google first. Why wouldn’t I? They’re evil.

    That said, I will point out that I don’t use a google account, and I block most google-related cookies. I know that some people find Google gives better results due to its personalised results; and obviously I’m not ‘benefiting’ from that. So it is believable that you get better results from Google than I do, due to it knowing more about you, and thus guessing what you might want to see.


    In my experience, DDG has less relevant results than Google most of the time, but will occasionally end up being way better than Google if you’re looking for something that goes against corporate interests. It’s a lot easier to find free movie sites and whatnot on DDG.

    amju_wolf, avatar

    I used DDG as my main for about half a year recently (and also a few times in the past). I always eventually end up back with Google. Don’t get me wrong the results aren’t that much better; but they’re definitely marginally better, at least for me. The personalization helps, too.

    This time I had a brief detour using Neeva for a while and I was really happy with it; was kinda like a better DDG; but that got defunct so I ended up with Google again in the end and I just don’t see a way out.

    euphoric_cat, avatar

    I’ve found that for me, the results are good 90% of the time but the images suck, if I’m looking for a specific image then google does a sometimes much better job of showing me relevant results, that’s where I start using !g a lot


    I made the switch a week ago. For two days at work, I always used Google, DDG and ecosia(uses bing) at the same time to compare the results. They are the same most of the time for the first 10 to 20 results. There’s sometimes a blogpost that one engine shows that the other doesn’t, but that post never made a difference.

    When DDG does not get me helpful results, I can still ask Google to help out.

    nudnyekscentryk, (edited ) avatar

    ecosia(uses bing)

    Ecosia is a fucking scam. They claim that “every search plants a tree”, except the monetary contribution towards their “tree-planting” stuff comes from clicking ads – therefore if you are a knowledgeable user who purposefully skips over ads (or just use an ad-blocker) then Ecosia makes exactly $0 off of your traffic.


    I agree that DDG’s results suck, but so do Google’s.


    They really are both just awful. I’ve yet to find a search engine as good as Google was 10-15 years ago.

    Stumblinbear, avatar

    I wonder how much of that is Google being worse and you making more complex searches because you’re older


    You got me there, but only you didn’t at all and I just feel sorry for you. Great baseless conjecture though.

    Stumblinbear, avatar

    I wasn’t trying to “get” anyone. It’s genuine curiosity. Christ, dude. Send your toxic-ass Reddit attitude back to that shitty platform it belongs.


    It was an absolutely unnecessary comment and in no way a relevant quesiton. Odds are I’m better versed in technology than you. Don’t act like you were reasonable and you’re the one being attacked now. You’re one of those people who thinks they have the right to say whatever crappy thing they want and then look all confused when you illicit whatever response you absolutely deserved. Then accuse the other person of exactly what you started. I’m not facilitating this childish banter any further. Have whatever day you deserve.

    Stumblinbear, (edited ) avatar

    Man you really think I’m being wildly more hostile than I am. It was genuine curiousity. It was in no way unnecessary, it wasn’t attacking you in any way, it was prompting a conversation. If you think every response to you that’s only tangentially related to what you said is off topic, then I fear for anyone who even attempts to have any sort of conversation with you at all. That’s how conversations work.

    Fifteen years ago my searches were limited to Minecraft and basic programming questions. Now they’re more like searching for specific research papers and other significantly more complex topics and I get much less useful results. Are they related? Who knows! It’s an interesting idea, though, which I was hoping to explore with someone who might be interested. But no, you decided to be whatever this is.

    Fuck, dude, get your head out of your goddamn ass. Learn how to talk to people. Fuck.


    I’ve switched to DDG almost a year ago, and I never had issues with my search results. Quite the contrary, every time I tried using !g because I simply wasn’t finding an answer, the Google was ad-ridden bullshit full of promoted pages without relevance to what I was looking for.

    I guess I’m just used to DDG quality of results, but I never felt like it’s as bad as you say.


    I am with you. I don’t know what this guy’s about about the search results of Google. A couple comments above people were complaining about the terrible results googles ad driven engine spews out. Also saying he’s so tech savvy and needs the Google “quality”, somehow not knowing !g just completely circumvents the benefits of DDG


    I work in IT and use the search engine around 100 times a day in order to find specific answers to specific edge cases. DDG results are just too generic most of the time.

    But once they get better, oh yeah.


    That depends very heavily on what your searching for.

    If you’re a programmer or similar, like the poster you’re replying to appears to be, then you absolutely will find DDG crap compared to Google.

    I use DDG as my primary search engine, but if I have a tech question, I usually skip it and go straight to Google.


    I work part-time as a game developer, and part time as a pentester, so I do search for technical questions quite a lot.

    Hmm, now I wonder whether I’m just used to it. I haven’t used any other search engine in more than a year. I’ll have to compare the results more, but as far as I remember every time I couldn’t find what I needed on DDG and resorted to !g, the Google results were even worse.


    Yeah, I e had worsening search results from DDG over the past 6+ months. I’ve set it to my default browser, but I often have to switch because the results are not specific enough compared to Google.

    And now Googles AI results are a huge time saver.


    I installed a custom launcher that’s close to the stock one on my Pixel 3 specifically to make it possible to remove the Google Search widget. Now I have a Firefox widget that points to DDG.

    If any are interested, the launcher is Lawn Chair, and it can be installed via F-droid.

    Asudox, avatar

    That launcher is abandoned

    Overlock, avatar

    Well, it’s only maintained through dependency updates


    It’s true (and it feels a bit dusty), but it’s still meeting my needs. I hope it’ll get picked up again or perhaps another project will replace it.


    It is updated on the github


    Last update was from more than one year ago, last I checked. Has it been updated since?


    Still more recent than 4 years ago

    nudnyekscentryk, avatar

    F-droid relesae is 4 years old, you can get August 2022 releases on github


    For more convenience, the newest version is also available via the IzzyOnDroid repo, you can enable it with one tap in Drod-ify.


    If you have a Pixel, why not go all in with


    I like the ‘ground up’ approach they mention that doesn’t rely on insecure ‘adversaries’. I’ll check it out soon.


    I e been debating switching the graphene for weeks weeks now. But I just know I’m gonna end up installing Google play services on it and completely defeat the whole point of the OS. I’m probably gonna buy the pixel 8 when it comes out so once I have that I’ll put graphene on my current phone and see how I like it.


    I’ve just switched to it literally yesterday, and while you will probably not avoid Play Services, being able to install it into a different profile that’s only limited to the few apps that need it is nice.

    Also, just the fact that on Graphene Play Services do not have the special privileges as on any android phone, and are subjected to the same limitations as any other app (which are even stricter on Graphene) helps a lot. It also means that even if you end up just running the play services at all times, they can’t do as much as they can on other android phones, and the data they can access without your explicit permission is really limited. So, even that helps by a lot.


    This is actually great to hear. I’ll probably still ending up holding off until I have a spare phone to test with just because wiping my phone and redoing everything just isn’t something I’m up for right now though. Thank you very much for the info.


    Play Services is sandboxed on Graphene and is treated as a regular app, so you can actually disable most of its features, including network access.

    bennieandthez, avatar

    this absolutely wouldn’t happen if there were no regulations - a libertarian

    Grant_M, avatar

    DDG rules


    Bullshit. It’s not that hard in the least bit to change search.

    Fazoo, avatar

    Agreed, but the plebs don’t know or care.


    But on Google Pixel for example, you have no trivial way to get rid of the google search bar on every pagw on your home screen, and the global phone search also always uses google for the web results. This can only be changed by replacing the launcher or OS. this is not a fair competition. Google are abaolutely abusing their ability to control the platform.

    EmperorHenry, avatar

    duckduckgo started censoring results and selling user data about a year ago now.

    I’ve been using brave search ever since I heard about that.

    EmperorHenry, avatar

    I don’t believe the creator is actually a bigot. There’s been too many false bigotry accusations going around and now it’s a “boy who cried wolf” type situation


    Source on that?

    But I mean, if you prefer anything Brave does, sure.

    Brave browser CEO apologizes for automatically adding affiliate links to cryptocurrency URLs

    EmperorHenry, avatar

    You can disable the crypto stuff very easily.


    Not the point. Crypto injection links shouldn’t be sneakily added into a “privacy” oriented browser.

    However, you never provided any proof that DDG censors and sells user data. You’ve made big claims, but didn’t back them.


    Brave is malware made by a company run by a fucking bigot who used his millions to try to strip people of their human rights. They are not your friend

    EmperorHenry, avatar

    I don’t believe the creator is actually a bigot. There’s been too many false bigotry accusations going around and now it’s a “boy who cried wolf” type situation


    Brendan Eich literally spent millions of dollars to push for the passage of Prop 8 in California, which would have banned same-sex marriage.

    That’s the literal definition of a bigot.

    EmperorHenry, avatar

    Again. There’s been way too many false bigotry accusations going around.

    Big tech, namely google, has quite a few a reasons to smear the creator of brave in an attempt to get people to stop using it.


    Not false. He admitted it and was forced to out of Mozilla because of it. It was a massive scandal.

    EmperorHenry, avatar

    Does he still think that way?


    Why do you seem so invested in the fact that well-known bigots might not actually be bigots?

    When people tell you who they are: believe them.

    No one is throwing “fake” bigotry accusations at anyone. And if you believe they are, then you also are a bigot. Period.

    EmperorHenry, avatar

    Why do you seem so invested in the fact that well-known bigots might not actually be bigots?

    Because there’s too may false bigotry accusations going around for me to believe any of them anymore. I’ve already said that multiple times. Why do people keep asking me that same question?

    Think about it. Google wants people to use chrome and to stop using adblockers. Brave is a chromium-based browser that has adblocking, tracker blocking and fingerprint randomization all on by default, but made better when those things are set to aggressive.

    People who become aware of brave start using brave and stop using chrome.

    google is constantly manipulating results for certain search queries to push an agenda. They do the same shit on youtube by selectively enforcing the rules, elevating garbage channels and demoting good channels.

    So why wouldn’t google come up with some bullshit about the creator of brave being a bigot to get people to stop using it? Lots of people are smeared in worse ways for doing even less.


    What does being a bigot have anything to do with developing a search engine or a browser? Mozilla has also gone woke, dwelling into politics instead of developing a browser.


    gone woke

    The fact that you unironically use the phrase “gone woke” means discussion with you is pointless.

    Enjoy being blocked.


    Can’t provide any actual arguments so you just block people you disagree with? Not like I expected much logic or sense from someone such as you.

    slacktoid, avatar

    Im just here to watch the slimeballs duke it out.


    Maybe if they made DDG give better results, I wouldn’t use Google quite as much


    DDG does have better results than Google. I’ve not used the latter for years and was surprised by the bad quality of results when I used it once accidentally last week.


    Exactly my thoughts as well. You need enable your country, though.


    It depends and that’s why both your answers aren’t quite the full truth.

    If you are a deep resident of the Google ecosystem (maps, Mail, android etc.) Google’s results are second to none. That’s because Google knows exactly what you care about and what is relevant to you. They know where you work, where you are, what you talk about etc etc.

    With all that knowledge google can optimise both ads and answers to you almost perfectly.

    If you’re not a deep resident, ddg is better - their results have to work harder, so to speak, because they don’t have your every waking thought to hand as a relevancy scale.

    So, yeah, if you give Google everything they make money off it and keep you dependent on them.

    Sounds like a dealer, right?


    No, I mean that DDG doesn’t provide summaries or skip to the section of video Tha answers your questions. Google has some great features

    I am a regular DDG user but it depends what I’m searching for. I also use Qwant


    Yeah brave has a bit of an upper hand on that front but I switched to ddg recently because of news on brave’s ceo being a not nice guy.


    Bing says what?


    Ker-ching! 🤑


    I could switch but I don’t see any need to. The lockin from apple apps and google play apps is far stronger.

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