USB-C confirmed for the iPhone 15 in new leaked images - Macworld

We’ve known that the iPhone is switching to USB-C for a while now, but there was always a possibility that Apple would stick with Lightning for one more year. Based on the latest leaked images, however, Apple is all-in on USB-C for the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro models, with USB-C parts for the iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, and iPhone 15 Pro Max all shown in a leaked image by X user fix Apple.

With the switch to USB-C, nearly all of Apple’s devices will have adopted the new standard, with only AirPods, Mac accessories, and the iPhone SE remaining aside from older iPhones and the 9th-gen iPad.

briongloid, avatar

One year early, so they can make a big deal about proprietary restrictions if you don’t use Apple accessories, which won’t be the case the following year with no mention.

This is the one iPhone left that they can do anything they want regarding USB-C, without being under the new law as it won’t be in place yet and won’t apply to product SKU’s that were released prior.

quortez, avatar

Props for MacWorld's editors for digging out the OG Blue Pixel for this device shot†

†(back when they originally took it)


Could have had superior BNC, pathetic.


Bayonet Neill–Concelman?


No more loose charging ports.


I bet it’s USB 2.0. Sidenote: DAE hate all cloud transfer options/nearby share/airdrop and just plug in a good old cable like me any time they need to transfer stuff lol?

quasar, (edited ) avatar

I’m still surprised they didn’t just go MagSafe only for non pro models.


I’ll start saving up then. Still on the XS max but this is finally worth the upgrade.


EU is the real MVP. Hoping that a few more years now and we’ll have iphone with USB C, app sideloading, user replacable battery. I’ve never owned an iphone before but if that happens, I might consider one.


This and we are gonna have replaceable batteries in the future as well. Thanks EU!


If you don’t need access to iMessage or are not part of the iCloud ecosystem (i.e. do most/all of your work on a Mac), it’s still not worth it. I switched ~3-4 years ago for iMessage and the Lidar sensor. The lidar is shit for technical work, or really anything other than the simplest in-phone diversions. If iMessage were available on Android I’d almost certainly swap back. It’s not that the phone is bad, per se, just that there are weird limitations that pop up from time to time that wouldn’t exist with an Android device.

Edit: I was going to jump on the 15 for the USBC, but I’ll probably wait for the hype to die down unless I get a sweetheart upgrade deal from my provider. My airpod case is still lightning, so there’s no economy for me in getting my phone switched over.


If you’re happy using a third party app then you can use iMessage on Android.


Good to know. That’s an interesting app all around.

I moved because of the insular iMessage (including facetime) system my family uses, and have tried several hacks over the years prior to access it on my phone/desktop. During the time we were auditioning apps, there simply wasn’t a more reliable mobile system that worked on iOS with the features we wanted (and, trust me, I tried several).


I don’t really care about imessage or icloud. But apple have a much better track record for providing updates for old iphones. Android is quite enshittified these days. Filled with sponsored unremovable apps, abandonware stock rom, and if you try to use something else like lineage os, it is no longer possible to use banking apps etc. Really all iphone need for me to consider it is sideloading apps which is presumably on its way.


[edit - my first response was combative; I didn’t intend it to be]

Sadly, iOS is filled with sponsored, unremovable apps - the only difference is that they are Apple branded. I lock down my notifications pretty hard, and I generally don’t subscribe to streaming media. I get regular, invasive pop-ups to join Apple Music and Apple TV+. You can’t turn those off, you can’t uninstall them. Yes, they keep devices updated for longer, but once you fall out of that period almost none of the apps will work anymore and you can’t get versions that will work with your OS revision until you’re left with a brick (it’s happened on multiple iPads for me). It may be the lesser evil, but it’s still annoying at times.


Damn that’s a bummer. So the strategy of all the tech corporations now is to annoy us into paying yet another subscription.


About damn time


I wonder how they’re going to announce it at their keynote. Because Apple was strong armed into doing this they didn’t want to. At all. They kicked and screamed the whole way but they did comply.

So. Will they present it as an evolution like they almost invented the thing? Will they be passive aggressive about it? Or will they just say nothing about it.

I’m also expecting Apple to basically use the worst USB-C standard possible, which, just like Lightning, will basically be USB 2 in terms of speeds and so on. At least on the non-pro models. :/


Maybe they won’t even announce it.


I think they’re going to hint at it for a few seconds and very quickly move on. I wonder how it’s going to affect MFI products though


They wanted to software-limit non-MFI usb cables, not sure if the EU will stop them in time.


Iirc the EU said it was expected to have feature parity between apple and non apple cables.

Also, if they did that, it would be a characteristic that makes iphones look worse than android. Just imagine being an iphone owner needing a charger and your friend hands you their fast charging android one only for it to be slow as piss for you right after they spent 10 minutes getting 40% charge.


They already stopped them … the EU law that mandetes the USB-C conenctor also mandates support of USB-PD if the device supports fast charging.


But that still won’t affect 3rd party accessories other than just chargers.


Apple actually pioneered and pushed USB-C use with their Macbooks which had only USB-C ports. Pretty sure they kept lightning out of pure greed.


That Macbook was too ahead of its time… 12 inches was such a good size. It was so thin, too. Wish they’d make a MacBook SE or some sort and bring it back with an M1 or M2 chip in it.


The big MacBook Pro was shit. Almost switched to other brand after it.


You’re 100% right.

The 12" MacBook had a great form factor right at the time that Intel CPUs really started to struggle with performance at lower power consumption, so the design turned into a huge weakness for thermal management. If they had similar performance per watt as the base M1 later showed off, that device would’ve been perfect for an ultraportable laptop, the spiritual successor to the discontinued 11" MacBook Air.


I thought I read there was an agreement with accessory manufacturers about keeping the same port for 10 years. Because they didn’t want to run into previous issue of the iPod pin port being discontinued quickly.


Yup, and as far as I can tell they still require custom chips for “made for iPhone” approval.

The lighting port has one good thing though, it’s robust and easy to clean. I’ve cleaned my fair share of dirty charging ports on phones and USB-C is a bitch to clean sometimes. Really depends on what you have at hand.

Also funny to hear when people replace their phones because the USB port was dirty (cable doesn’t stick and the “phone just doesn’t charge anymore”. A toothpick and a blast of compressed air later and the phone is as good as new.


Yes USB is annoying to clean. We were on a trip and had nothing at hand except a piece of a plastic zip tie lying on the ground which worked wonders. It took a while though.


They will probably introduce some dock to monitor mode that is super limited in functionality and talk about how they just couldn’t get it working right with lightning or something.


Honestly, some kind of dock that would turn iOS into iPadOS on a display sounds kinda neat.


Why not just full blown MacOS?


It’s Apple we’re talking about, I’m being realistic. Plus, that would require two OSes on the device. iPadOS is not really another OS, just iOS for larger devices.


Samsung is doing it with Dex. I don’t think MacOS and iOS are that different anymore. I’m not saying there isn’t work to do, but it’s far from being outside of Apples ability.


Yes because wireless charging is still very inefficient. Most of the energy seems to go into cooking your phone for you rather than actually recharging the battery.

It’s fine for a quick top-up but if you want your phone to go from flat to 30% in 15 minutes you’re going to need wired charging for the foreseeable future.

Going over to full wineless charging would have been very anti-consumer. Not that I’m going to get an Apple device, but I’m glad that they didn’t try and screw people over on that one.




though Apple is expected to adopt curved edges for the first time since the iPhone 11.


Damn, I use a Pixel but I’ve always liked how the 2018+ iPad Pro and 2020+ iPhones looked. I wonder if the front will still be flat with a curved back, like the Nothing Phone 2


Next up: allow side loading!

I might actually consider getting an iPhone.

(it’s crazy you still cannot get a version of Firefox with both adblock and bookmarks sync on ios)


Apple knows that consumers don’t want that. Apple knows everything.

I feel so suffocated by their products!


Never, Google pixel and machine learning


I use Safari with AdGuard to get AdBlocking.


God I waited. I was tempted to go for the 14, but suspected the 15 would have usb c. This will be a tidy upgrade from my 12 Pro.


Apple is honestly garbage. This would have been news 5 years ago. Now it’s just sad.


This is not sad. Progress is progress.

Good on EU to force their hand, we should be cheering for regulatory agencies making life better for consumers.


It’s sad that it took so long


It’s depressing that they were forced into it rather than realising for themselves that it’s bad for their own consumers to continue to have to use their crappy proprietary port. Of course they don’t care they make money out of lightning and that’s all that matters.


The EU rocks, but it is sad apple had to be forced to do this instead of choosing to not be dicks


Not saying it’s the right thing to do but sticking to lightning was more profitable to them due to licencing fees. Switching to usbc means they’re losing money


This is exactly why they didn’t do it before, despite it being the right move to make. But they lied and said lightning is a better tech


Wait until you hear the same Apple fans who kept repeating the iPhone is better because of the lightning port suddenly praise Apple’s genius to switch to USB-C.


I can’t wait to see tweets from people claiming that Apple invented the USB-C port.

SnowdenHeroOfOurTime, (edited )

Ya know what’s ironic actually? They were one of the companies that helped create that standard. They just couldn’t be bothered to use it as long as they could make a buck filling up landfills with their proprietary bullshit.


As an iPhone user since the 3GS, I couldn’t really give a shit which port my phone has, because I almost never actually use it. Data transfer is usually via iCloud or Airdrop, and charging is almost always on my MagSafe stand.

That said, it’ll be nice for my next phone to be able to use the same USB-C adapters that I have for my MacBook for those odd occasions they’re needed.


The lightning port is literally the USB-C standard but with a bunch of features removed, a lower max voltage rate, and it’s less safe. It’s not going to blow up on you, but it is less safe then usb-c.


Yep. That’s what they always do. I cannot wait for Tim Cook to be giddy about it on stage lol


I like apple 👍


I don’t. But their hardware is top notch. Fuck Apple. I like my Google Pixel. But fuck Google too.


Their 10 years of no charger port change promise hadn’t yet expired 5 years ago. So it sure would’ve been news if they’d broken it. In fact it ran out a year ago, so I guess they went 11 years.


Watch them roll with the most barebones feature set possible just so they can point and say, “see, lightning was obviously better!”


There’s no point for Apple to self sabotage like that. Why make your new shiny $1500 phone look bad just to praise a discontinued products? Switching back to Lightning is impossible. Better to just move on with it and because it’s Apple, they will more likely to pull some bullshit like “Reinventing USB-C” or “The Best USB-C in the world”.

Apple would rather just ditch all physical ports and move to 100% wireless than praising Lightning over USB-C.


Remember that this is Apple, the company which has already been crippling its phones with lightning for the past decade(?). Although you’re probably right about them just going with whatever and then marketing the crap out of it.

As for ditching all physical ports, I was honestly thinking that’d probably be the road they’d go just to spite the EU. Oh well, I guess there’s always next gen?

snowe, avatar

Crippling? Lightning is way easier to use than usb c and USB C literally didn’t even exist a decade ago, no clue what you’re on about. Yeah USB C is really nice, but lightning doesn’t get junk in the ports and in general is a much sturdier connector and for the time was a much better option than all the other ports. I didn’t even use apple at the time and it was clearly superior to things like usb superspeed and all the other proprietary junk that other manufacturers had.


lightning doesn’t get junk in the ports

How the heck are you getting gunk in your USB C ports? 🤨

for the time

Indeed, it was probably fine ten years ago. But, as Mac Address (among many others) rightly pointed out, transferring gigabytes of HD video over a shoddy USB 2.0 line is a less-than-ideal experience.

way easier to use than usb c



Do you not have pocket lint build up in your phone’s ports over time?



snowe, avatar

How the heck are you getting gunk in your USB C ports? 🤨

I’m not, but other commenters in this thread are. And with the internal pin in the female connector you have a much higher risk of damage, also the connector is larger. Also have you never had lint get into a phone connector in your pocket? That was a huge issue for years with my Android phones. I had it fuck up my Dell streak port all the time.

I have an iPhone and have never had anything get stuck in the port, unlike all the Android stuff I’ve owned. But like I said, other commenters in here are complaining about things getting stuck in their USB C ports.

Indeed, it was probably fine ten years ago. But, as Mac Address (among many others) rightly pointed out, transferring gigabytes of HD video over a shoddy USB 2.0 line is a less-than-ideal experience.

Huh? Why in the world would you be doing that? And shoddy? Haha dude, usb 2 ran the world fine fora decade and continues to work fine today. Lightning supports up to USB 3 anyway, but USB C came out and they didn’t bother expanding their cable selection.


No need to worry about whether the cable you’re using supports PD, bidirectionality, hdmi, etc. All lightning cables are the same. Power and data. I literally have a device to plug usb c cables into to verify what they support. Even Android news sites agree it’s a mess.

I’ve soldered up USB C cables. They’re not “it just works” like lightning is. I don’t even use lightning anymore since I wireless charge everything but apple not putting usb c on their phones is completely inconsequential and really not the massive deal everyone thinks it is.


Also have you never had lint get into a phone connector in your pocket?


Huh? Why in the world would you be doing that? And shoddy? Haha dude, usb 2 ran the world fine fora decade and continues to work fine today. Lightning supports up to USB 3 anyway, but USB C came out and they didn’t bother expanding their cable selection.

Because some people actually use their iPhone to record videos, since the iPhone has a pretty damn good video camera. I’ll just link this excerpt from Mac Address that I hinted at before.

No need to worry about whether the cable you’re using supports PD, bidirectionality, hdmi, etc. All lightning cables are the same. Power and data.

USB C is a mess, sure. But if your solution to that is to try and justify sticking with an old, proprietary standard that supports only a fraction of the features of the competitor, then I guess it’s your money to burn.

snowe, avatar

USB C is a mess, sure. But if your solution to that is to try and justify sticking with an old, proprietary standard that supports only a fraction of the features of the competitor, then I guess it’s your money to burn.

I most definitely am not doing that. Lightning was good for the time, and the benefits of USB C now are overwhelming (compared to a few years ago). What I am talking about is the blatant whitewashing of the past. USB C didn’t exist, and the lightning cable was amazing for what it replaced. Absolutely astounding honestly. And the connector still is. But time moves on. But lots of people love to hate on Apple and just completely ignore history.


I have not and would not deny that, for the time, lightning was a hell of a lot better than micro USB and whatever other shit we had going on. That said, it’s missing a lot of must-have modern features that myself (and others who need > USB 2 transfer speeds) would need. Type C is a mess, but I’m not to be convinced that Apple isn’t more than capable of implementing it in a manner which offers a far better experience than what lightning is offering now. Either way, the deed seems to be done and Apple appears to be gearing up to offer Type C. I can only hope that they can do so in such a manner as to push other smartphone manufacturers to up the ante as well (looking at Google with its crippled Type C implementation on the Pixel.)

snowe, avatar

Apple will definitely not sell a single type c cable that isn’t capable of at least 30W PD, so they can charge a shit ton for them, even if the product will never use 30W charging. Actually not sure about that. I should go check my beats cable to see what PD it’s capable of.

What’s up with the Pixel’s Type C impl?

MangoKangaroo, (edited )

Google, unlike many of their competitors, doesn’t support display out on the Pixel. (Maybe to incentive people to use Chromecast?) I originally thought this was a feature they had and then removed, but apparently they actually never had it at all. Either way maybe we’ll see Apple do some impressive things with the PD on their implementation… Or add a lint filter to it ;)

snowe, avatar

lol daisy chaining your 3 5k monitors with your cell phone!

weird that the pixel doesn’t allow display out. wonder if it caused massive battery problems or screen overheating or something. that’s usually why they outright disable features like that.


How the heck are you getting gunk in your USB C ports? 🤨

How are you not getting lint and dust in your USB C ports? Not really a problem with computers due to the cleaner usage environment but I have to clean out the port on my phone every few months or the cable will start losing connection at the slightest bump.

I wouldn't expect Lightning is immune from this either but it likely is less of an issue there due to having less narrow gaps for lint to get caught in the port.


I don’t know, but given the apparent volume of people having this issue I’m starting to think I might just have a special talent. Maybe my case is getting in the way?

Edit: okay I actually went and shined a light in my Pixel 7 Pro’s port. It has the tiniest bit of dust build-up but nothing that’s prevented my charger from working properly. Unfortunately, my speaker grills have not been so lucky.


I’ve had my phone for near 4 years now and have never once had to clean out the charging port or the headphone jack for that matter. What are you doing to have that issue?

Auk, (edited )

Just carrying it in my pocket all day, nothing unusual. I might get a bit more lint forming or dust falling into my pocket than some people since I have a fairly active job but that applies to many others too. It's not just a USB-C thing either as I found micro USB to similarly build up stuff inside the port. Headphone jacks I never had a problem with when I had a phone or mp3 player with one, I guess they're less prone to this issue.

Edit: Never had issues with lint build up in the old Nokia charger port either, micro USB was the first port I really noticed it happening with.


They released lightning about 3 years before the first USB-C phones, so they could have worked with the standard, delay the connector switch a bit, and use USB-C. They could even have released the first USB-C phone if they’re so keen on being “innovative”.

That would have save their users from 10 years of incompatible connectors.

But Apple never cared about standards, on the contrary they choose lock-in over standards whenever they can.

snowe, avatar

I really cannot tell if you’re joking or not…

They released lightning about 3 years before the first USB-C phones

3 and a half years before the first usb c phones showed up in china. It was 4 years until it showed up anywhere else.

so they could have worked with the standard,

They literally did work together to create the standard.

delay the connector switch a bit,

You seriously have to be joking. Stop working on getting rid of their shit 30 pin connector that everyone had been complaining about for literally a decade? Why in the world would they stop development for something that was never guaranteed to actually make it out of a standards body? Standards don’t just pop up at a set time. They had no clue USB Type-C would succeed or if it did, how long it would take. Not only that, but it’s not like they just started developing lightning in 2012. They had to have been developing it for several years, along with the phones to go with it. This is honestly the most ridiculous suggestion I think I’ve seen in this thread.

They could even have released the first USB-C phone if they’re so keen on being “innovative”.

… they were innovative. They released the first symmetrical connector for a phone, ~4 years before anyone else. Theirs was (and still is) thinner and more robust than other phone connectors. You’re literally just trying to rewrite history.

That would have save their users from 10 years of incompatible connectors.

dude… like… are you seriously joking? why in the world do you think this?

But Apple never cared about standards, on the contrary they choose lock-in over standards whenever they can.

… this is where you clearly reveal that you are ignorant on this topic. Apple (and every tech giant) collaborates on standards all the time. Please. seriously. Go look at any standard and you will find apple, google, facebook, etc. on the standards body.

You might go ‘oh iMessage’. Well apple did try to create a standard for iMessage. Carriers didn’t want it

Just because you believe all the apple hate doesn’t mean it’s true. Just like believing that Google sells your data doesn’t mean it’s true. Sometimes you have to research stuff yourself.


Also, I feel like not enough people appreciate just how much shit Apple got for moving everything from the 30 pin to Lightning. There was a barrage of comments across the message boards from people bitching about how they’d have to replace their iPod docks and all the cables they’d amassed. There was no way Apple would have gone through that again lightly to switch to a new standard that wasn’t mature.

snowe, avatar

I completely agree. It was terrible how bad all the connectors were (including that fucking 30 pin, my god I hated that fucking thing) before lightning. This includes micro and mini USB.


I quite like the 30 pin, though that may be because I coveted iPods at the time but couldn’t afford one. I had a couple of Sony hard disc Walkman, which seemed to have a different connector every damn time, meaning you couldn’t buy one dock like you could with an iPod. On top of that, it was a solid connection that clicked nicely every time. But yeah, ya boy was wiiiiiide. I have a dozen of them knocking about now, as my little collection of iPods grows…

Also, it’s hilarious that Samsung straight up copied the 30 pin for their original Tab, but flipped the pin position so the cables weren’t interchangeable.


iPad Pro (2020 model onwards if I recall correctly) already uses USB type C already so it shouldn’t be any different.

I could charge my android phone with it for example and in couple occasions I have done so.


Honestly, the fact that apple used usb-c on it’s “pro” iPads but not the regular iPad is all the proof we need that even apple thinks usb-c is better


It’s likely more to do with the iPad Pro architecture being essentially the same as a MacBooks. Makes it easier to produce multiple devices based on the same components. But they kept Lightning on the cheaper devices because the people using them are less likely to care how they (very infrequently) plug stuff in.

Zeroxxx, avatar

Not gonna happen.

They are a perfectionist company.


You’re probably right, but imagine the meme potential 🥺


side-eyes the 10th gen iPad with its 1st gen Pencil and usb-c > lightning adapter…

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