
reminding me I need to manage to archive my data off reddit. XD And ready the kill script on June 30ths to delete my posts.


We love to see :3

yarr, avatar

I'm curious why this is classified as "losing battle"... seems pretty successful so far to me.


agreed but i woudnt call it won just yet lets see what happens after the 3rd party apps stop working and people who may not have been paying attention get affected


Battle's not over until the third party apps go offline. That's when the real damage is bound to start.

Manticore, (edited ) avatar

Only if you define mods winning as 'things go back to what they were'.

The CEO is only 'winning' in the sense that things will never return to what they are. He will undermine the protest at every turn, and then he will release his changes as intended.

His contributing users however, are leaving in droves. His 'victory' will be pyrrhic at beast.

Users were working for free in mutual trust; now they are expected to produce and moderate for free, and then buy back their own product. Moderators are booted because they're locking subs as private, and then subs stay private anyway because nobody wants to moderate for free. Even those who would see moderating as a grab for power (the expected scabs) are less inclined to moderate while admins are proving they actually have little power at all (just unpaid labour).

We are his livestock. We thought we were meeting in a community hall to socialise, and then Huffman revealed we were congregated in his barn. The content we produced is to be sold off for his gain; it's not ours. The space isn't in any way ours, it merely shelters us while we produce his product: content.

Well, what's happening right now is that the people who produce the content are leaving. Reddit will still have a ton of users, but they'll mostly be the 90% lurkers and low-effort users that went there to consume that content contributing users aggregated for them.

Contributors are readily welcomed in almost any community; they don't need to stay. It is the consuming users that are addicted, that Huffman (correctly) predicts will accept it.

Huffman will still have most of Reddit's chickens, and that's why he thinks it's worth it. But the hens are leaving the barn, and Huffman will be left with the confused roosters who'll produce nothing for him other than noise.

Mods are losing... but so is he.

s_s, avatar

Dude runs one of the world's most popular websites and he can't turn a profit with 20 years of free content and free labor.

You tell me who's the fucking loser...


In what way? Reddit's outlook was a lot brighter before this thing started. Maybe they're not losing as fast as one would like but they are losing.

yarr, avatar

Reddit still has hundreds of millions of active users per month. They may have lost some people, but this many eyeballs has a huge potential for profit.


No longer being viable as a business would be "lost", not "losing", if you ask me. In the long term we'll see how many volunteer mods they can shed without the platform becoming shit.

yarr, avatar

No longer being viable as a business would be “lost”, not “losing”, if you ask me. In the long term we’ll see how many volunteer mods they can shed without the platform becoming shit.

Those are just users numbers, which didn't dip all that much even during the blackout. The doomscrollers will keep coming until it sucks.


I do fee so much better now that reddit is dead to me. I check lemmy few times a week.


Reddit ceo Steve Huffman is an idiot, and also a massive prick.


Right now it looks like it's a decisive victory for spez, contrary to the article's title.

Of course, the long-term consequences aren't clear yet, the moderator exodus might result in the whole platform becoming too low-quality to sustain the user interaction, leading to people moving away from it.


I think we're gonna see another huge blow to Reddit in a few days when all the third-party apps go permanently offline. I'll bet that a lot of people who haven't been paying attention so far are definitely going to start having something to say about it very soon.


This will be when the true test for Reddit begins; if the outcry is large enough that spez ends up relenting in some way then he will have already alienated a lot of users. If the outcry is minimal then I guess he won, but the prize hardly seems worth the drama that has been spun up.


It isn't going to be outcry, it is going to be drop in traffic. Spez is gambling that third party app users will switch to the official app. I won't, and I hope most others don't.


I’ll bet that a lot of people who haven’t been paying attention

At least Apollo put up a huge honking alert dialog about the situation, it was impossible to miss.


So did RIF.


It looks like it is going to be a pyrrhic victory for Spez. You're right in that we don't know the knock-on effects of this decision, including if Reddit can get long time users to jump to the official app and if moderators will continue volunteering time.

I suspect a lot of subs are now going to create contingency plans for leaving Reddit, even if they don't implement them.

Banzai51, avatar

Sure, and Digg got its way with the redesign back in the day.


Back then, there was an easy and viable alternative. Lemmy, sadly, is neither of those two.


I, for one, just signed up on this website specifically so I can leave reddit


The time frame up to the IPO (I don't know how that timing works) seems to be what is critical. Right now Reddit has been unprofitable. The CEO took on massive new levels of expenses via staffing with no real plan (or it didn't work?) for how to pay for those expenses. This bad faith "negotiation" on API seems aimed at... I guess trading 3rd party utility and to some extent the community for the ability to sell data to AI industry?

I guess we will see but pick a time frame and none of it looks good for Reddit.

somefool, avatar

Or it becomes mostly unmoderated, near a major election, at the same time as twitter turns into disinfo central.


This will happen no matter what.

cousinofjah, avatar

@somefool @anlumo yeah it's enshittification in full force. The good info will be in archived posts.

BitPirate, avatar

I burned my account to the ground and sent them a GDPR request.


There has already been a relatively large population that has left the site (myself included) in a short amount of time. I doubt the rate will stay that high, but even though, integrating over time I see this is as the beginning of the end for Reddit and spez. The guy is a greedy jackass and I hope he loses it all.


A Pyrrhic victory. If he loses a large portion of his moderators, the whole platform will turn to shit. The whole thing was held together by passionate people in key places. Remove and replace with paid goons and the whole site suffers.

snowe, avatar

This article has so many inaccuracies… I haven’t talked with a single person that thinks Reddit shouldn’t charge for api access. And the final comment about being legally obligated to pursue profit is just factually incorrect.

You can find plenty of other sources just like that one saying the same thing. I’m pretty sick of this myth, because it gives all these companies a bogeyman to hide behind.


You're right. Would you recommend I take the post down?

snowe, avatar

no haha, I like the title. and it started a good conversation! leave it up! hopefully people read the comments though :D

mem_somerville_kbin, avatar

This point struck me too:

Reddit is under no obligation to make its API free. But, it seems, the company has overreached in enforcing the new policy. If its target is the largest AI firms, then it should focus on curbing their parasitic proclivities and not going after beloved and useful software its users and moderators depend on.

This is my feeling. I understand that it could cost something. But the eye-watering rates for the small fish and the speed of the extortion is the issue.


Reddit knows the rates it proposed are extortionist. They don't have the nerve to honestly state that 3rd party access will be stopped from July 1 and accept responsibility, so instead they tried to find a way to blame 3rd parties.


Think of it as killing two birds with one stone: they monetize users by getting AI firms to pay for all the valuable content redditors have posted over the years, and they kill off app competitors who are giving redditors alternatives to the mobile app.

That’s really all it’s about.


AI firms will just scrape anyway.

ag_roberston_author, avatar

Which, somewhat hilariously, will be more resource intensive than the API. It's a part of the reason why companies have APIs, to dissuade scraping.

Banzai51, avatar

Because the point isn’t the costs of the API. Reddit wants all its users to go through the official access points, the Reddit app and the redesigned web. This will allow them to hover the maximum data to sell and ensure ads flow.


They should've just been effing upfront about it instead of trying to scapegoat API creators. Did they think users are too dense to understand what they were/are really up to?

sanols, (edited )

Have corporations always been this dishonest and they're only now getting caught? Am I old enough to see when a corporation is lying, or are corporations blatantly lying more often now?

ryven, avatar

I didn't originally think that reddit shouldn't charge at all for API access, but after spez's recent interviews I wouldn't go back to the site without a promise that API access will be free forever. Is that reasonable? No, but fuck spez.


Reddit's maltreatment and disrespect of its user community, mods, and 3rd party access providers is inexcusable.

freebrick, avatar

It's his site. He will always win. Fuck him and greedy capitalists fucks like him.

PS: Enjoy Lemmy

pirate526, avatar

Wasn't lemmy created by tankies? Avoided it for kbin (I'm aware of the federation) due to this.


Doesn't matter since they don't and also can't retain control over the network, and the network by and large all defederated lemmygrad.

Lemmy kinda belongs to its users now.


Lemmy kinda belongs to its users now.

Not until its users actually start developing Lemmy the software.


I mean they are?

You can host an instance, and if the instance is doing something you don't like, you can certainly change it and prevent it from doing it. If the main Lemmy devs put stuff in most people don't like, the software will just get forked, and most instances will use the non-shitty version.

Lemmy is what the majority of users want it to be, since everyone can just start a competing site that's not suffering from the "outside-the-walled-garden" effect, with a different featureset. Users will move to the instance with the best featureset for themselves.

Zagorath, avatar

It doesn't really matter who created it. If you're using an instance not hosted by by creators, then they can't in any way benefit from it. That's the beauty of federation.


It's open source so who cares

PerogiBoi, avatar

When I see people say what you’re saying, I know that they don’t have a basic handle on how the Fediverse or Lemmy works.

They developed the platform and currently run The whole point of federation is that they cant control other instances.

You’re safe from the big bad scary communists on Lemmy.


You’re safe from the big bad scary communists on Lemmy. doesn't defederate, so either way we're playing by their "don't say Uyghur genocide because we don't think it's real and we will ban you based on that belief" rules if we accidentally stumble into there.

This is where I would like to see individual-level instance blocking so that it doesn't show up in the home feed, same as how I can block everything that pops up in a language I don't speak.

Edit: Turns out we have that! Just found another thread showing how. On kbin, it's possible to view entire instances separately, and there's a "block" button similar to individual magazines/communities/users. To see, the link would be

but replacing the part with any instance should take people to that instance just the same.

PerogiBoi, avatar

I’m glad you found a solution!

StrayCatFrump, doesn’t defederate

Again, is just one instance of kbin. Go find another if it doesn't suit you. See


And Reddit has been backed by Tencent - CCP supporters by default - and Peter Thiel - a white supremacists and actual, literal fascist.

The politics of the people behind for-profit endeavours that the public has no actual control over regardless of stake seemingly never comes up. The politics of people behind things that challenge for-profit endeavours and gives control of things back to the public is often under the microscope.

We don't know ernest's politics. What if it came out tomorrow that he was an anarchist? Or that he was also a Leninist? Or was a white supremacist? Or that he liked Nickelback?

Valliac, avatar

Or that he liked Nickelback?

I'll see past many things, but Nickelback?

Not even once.


And Thomas Edison electrocuted animals to death. Yet we still use lightbulbs.

hoshikarakitaridia, avatar

I mean he always has the power to strongarm everyone else.

But the consequence is giant boycotts and decay. Idk if winning is the right word. It's like going to war and declaring a win because both nations are destroyed.

jherazob, avatar
xXxOxhamxXx, avatar
mcburgs, avatar

Dickbutt is here?

It's official. Lemmy is the new it place to be.


Feels like Spez won't be taking this one to the chin. Let's just see how deep the ship will sink with its captain.

mobyduck648, avatar

I don’t think the ship is doomed yet but they’re definitely in ‘what is that ominous noise coming from the bilge’ territory. To carry on the analogy they’ll plug the leaks as best they can and try and make it to the safe harbour of the IPO (where she can sink at her mooring for all Spez cares) which they could still well do, but it’s also likely the captain and his officers being half-baked sons of lubberly farts will smash into several reefs on the way and sink their already damaged vessel.


Judging by the recent less big brand advertising, I think he was trying to shore up the IPO but failed. At the very least Reddit is still alive but it's going to be valued less.


Didn't Reddit already drop at least 40% in valuation from when they started the IPO process a year or so ago?


Yes, but almost all ad-based business models in tech fell, too. There's less advertising money on the internet today than in 2022 or 2021, so investors are more skeptical in business models that primarily rely on internet ad revenue.

Throw in the fact that Reddit's advertising platform is actually difficult to use and not particularly effective, and you have the problem where Reddit simply can't charge the same rates that Facebook and Google can. That's what's going to kill the site, when advertisers decide it's just not worth advertising on that platform.

Banzai51, avatar

I mean, Digg is still around. It didn’t go under, it just lost a huge chunk of users, which is Reddit’s most likely fate.

PurelySnype, avatar

For me, no matter what Reddit is dead. Lemmy is enough for my time wasting and has enough content that I have not missed it one bit. I feel like the communities are smaller, less toxic, and I want to contribute more here. They could completely reverse their decision and I will not return and I hope there are enough like me to make a difference. It just amazes me a site that exists to link to other content on the web and store text comments about said content isn't profitable.


Lemmy is also ad free. Love that.


Any instance or community can include paid content, but the numbers are still a bit low for that now.


Thing is, if there was in instance or community doing ads, I now can simly block, mute or defederate them. With reddit I had to use an adblocker, scriptblocker and the reddit enhancement suite to be adfree. And I could not be sure it'd stay that way.

stown, avatar

The whole internet can be ad free if you want it to be... even from your phone.


I'm always astounded at how few people use ad blockers. Fuck the entire ad-based system, it is cancer.


Same here. Reddit had me going only on inertia for the past few years. Whether they revert their API lalala doesn't matter - the communities are broken and I don't feel like getting up again.

And even if through some divine intervention they manage to repair the communities, I'm like... eh. I went to sit over here now and it's comfy.


Im pretty close to this as well. I think if they did a 180, and like, showed an ACTUAL attempt to right the ship, I would consider going back via Apollo.

But that said, I've been using Lemmy this week, and out of curiosity I've been comparing it with my reddit feed at the end of the day, and yeah. I really haven't missed out on anything important.

I mostly used Reddit as a way to waste time, or get info on the latest big things, like all the Trump stuff for example, and Lemmy is doing just fine getting me that kind of info.


I'm currently refusing to visit Reddit on principle. If Reddit relented, I would stop actively avoiding them, but I would not go back to it as a primary social outlet.

rm_dash_r_star, avatar

Lemmy is filling that void for me nicely. My only complaint is some bugs and lacking features, but that will get ironed out as Lemmy matures. Being wholly community driven is a hugely more solid foundation. And yeah, no ads. I see them rarely anyway because I mainly use a browser with an adblocker, but it's good to know there's no profit motivation for the Fediverse and never will be.

iamhazel, avatar

I'm a big fan of running dev software because I love to experience the updates as they come :)

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