ArugulaZ, avatar

Funny, knowing Elon, I assumed he would have gone with a whites only mode.


What the fuck is wrong with you.

ArugulaZ, avatar

I get that a lot.

LazaroFilm, avatar

No, what the fuck is wrong with Elon‽

Ganondorf, avatar

Nothing wrong with argulaZ. They are bothering to read news.

"Hate speech is soaring on Twitter under Elon Musk, report finds"



Biff, avatar
Rottcodd, avatar

It's like a 15 year old got ahold of his mom's credit card and bought a social media corporation, and now he's up in his room, all juiced up on Doritos and Mountain Dew, banging away at his keyboard and giggling to himself.

PupBiru, avatar

mark is a robot, elon is a 15 year old, both wearing grown up suits! all signs point to yes tbh

blivet, avatar

I was thinking pretty much the same thing. He’s got the sensibility of a teenage boy. He thinks things like the letter X and the color black are totally cool, and he thinks naming his company “Space-Sex” and one of its spacecraft “Big Fuckin’ Rocket” is the height of humor.

TimeSquirrel, avatar

I think black is cool. But only because I'm lazy and it by default looks good with every other color and doesn't clash.

ArugulaZ, avatar

His parents should have been a little firmer with him. "Young man, I don't want to see you on that computer until your comedy is at least at a Colbert level!"

Xeelee, avatar

Spot on. He's been spending far too much time on 4chan.


I’m dark mode everything, everywhere, but options are good and taking away options is bad. If people want to sear their retinas by using light mode, they should be able to.

stopthatgirl7, avatar

I use light mode because dark mode is far more likely to trigger migraines in me. This is legit an accessibility issue, and he fired the entire accessibility team.

thingsiplay, avatar

@stopthatgirl7 I also often use light mode on most websites. Since 2 years or so I started using dark mode on several applications or websites as well, but most dark modes suck. Some give me headache or burn my eyes.

Taking the option is really an accessibility issue. Elon tries every trick under the sun to destroy the platform, in ways I could not imagine or forgot. I'm sure there will pop up addons for browsers at least to change the style. Everyone else, good luck.


Try the "Dark Reader" plugin (works for all chromium-based browsers and Firefox - at least). It lets you customise the "darkness" of the dark mode to your hearts content. I have most of my sites set up so that they're more "very dark grey" rather than black.

Doesn't always work nicely, some sites get their images mangled, or the text will get a weird shade that makes it illegible, but overall, it's great. And you probably can fix most of these issues by tweaking the filter settings.

thingsiplay, avatar

@Alaknar I actually used that mentioned plugin (on Firefox) for a month or so. But embarrassingly forgot why removing it later. That one is actually a good point, as it exists today.


Can it be used to make everything light mode?


Yes, you can set the theme for all websites to Light in the add-on’s settings.

phi1997, (edited )

The thing is, I don't think he's deliberately trying to destroy the birdsite. He's exhibiting the same mentality as the billionaire who got himself and a few others to die in a faulty submersible. He thinks he knows better than everyone but is completely out of touch from reality because his money usually shields him from consequences.

Elon Musk is just an idiot. A useful idiot to those who fund him like the Saudis, but an idiot all the same.


Elon Must is just an idiot. A useful idiot to those who fund him like the Saudis, but an idiot all the same.

He’s a useful idiot to us as well in lots of ways. The current EV situation only exists because of him. Space travel etc is only happening again because of him.


Keep in mind if it weren't for him, the USA would have started building high speed rail by now. And remember that the ego rockets have a massive detrimental environmental impact.


Keep in mind if it weren’t for him, the USA would have started building high speed rail by now.

Elon Musk doesn’t control if the government builds a high speed rail or not. If the Government wanted a high speed rail line they would have started building one by now.

And remember that the ego rockets have a massive detrimental environmental impact.

Calling them “ego rockets” is silly. Those “ego rockets” are better for the environment than normal rockets, and they’re helping to further mankind.


California had plans to build high speed rail. Elon Musk convinced them to fund his hyperloop project instead.

Remember that recent SpaceX rocket that exploded on the launchpad? That pollutes the area and could have been predicted by any actual expert. It's a waste of resources when the society needs them elsewhere.


California had plans to build high speed rail. Elon Musk convinced them to fund his hyperloop project instead.

So who’s fault is that? The people that decided to give elon musk the money. Why on earth would they go with a private company instead of building a public high speed rail? That story doesn’t make any sense.

It’s a waste of resources when the society needs them elsewhere.

What resources are wasted in SpaceX rockets that society would otherwise use elsewhere?

FaceDeer, avatar

Remember that recent SpaceX rocket that exploded on the launchpad? That pollutes the area and could have been predicted by any actual expert.

It did not explode on the launchpad. It exploded 4 minutes into flight, at an altitude of 39 kilometers.

There was no "pollution" in the area. A bunch of pulverized concrete and sand got thrown around. They actually did expect the pad to be damaged by the launch, just not quite to that extent; they already knew they would need to rebuild it with a more robust design but figured it would survive one test launch so they delayed the planned renovations until after the launch.

Even if it had exploded on the launch pad, it would not have polluted the area, Starship is fuelled with liquid oxygen and liquid methane. Whatever didn't burn would have simply evaporated away.

If you're going to criticize Elon Musk or SpaceX you should use criticisms that are actually based on real facts, otherwise you end up hurting your position.

TheSaneWriter, avatar

liquid methane

Isn’t methane one of the worst greenhouse gasses? It doesn’t have as much longevity as carbon dioxide but traps significantly more heat and will decompose into carbon dioxide afterward. The debris apparently also affected hundreds of acres of land, including damaging the habitats of protected wildlife. As well as that, Musk chose to forgo launchpad frame trenches which are historically used to keep launch pads from exploding but didn’t have his water-cooled steel plate idea ready, so instead idiotically used nothing (Source). In the past, I would have been willing to write off these mistakes as unfortunate but unpredictable, but after seeing the debacle with Twitter I’ve honestly come to believe that Elon Musk is a profoundly stupid man that just got lucky.

FaceDeer, avatar

Yes, methane is a greenhosue gas. The amount that would have been released would have been negligible on a global scale, and it certainly wouldn't have "polluted the area" as phi1997 stated.

The debris apparently also affected hundreds of acres of land, including damaging the habitats of protected wildlife.

It "affects" hundreds of acres of land in the sense that it is part of it. It's gravel, essentially. Gravel on a beach.

Do you have any evidence that it damaged the habitats of protected wildlife? The FAA has been conducting environmental assessments and they have the authority to shut down operations if they think there's a danger. They haven't.

Musk chose to forgo launchpad frame trenches which are historically used

The water table is just a few meters below the surface of the ground. Building a flame trench is impractical. It would also be far more environmentally disruptive. And just because it's "historically" used doesn't mean it's the best approach. Rockets are historically disposable, the whole point of Starship is to break with historical traditions.

but didn’t have his water-cooled steel plate idea ready,

Indeed. As I explicitly said above:

they already knew they would need to rebuild it with a more robust design but figured it would survive one test launch so they delayed the planned renovations until after the launch.

If they'd decided to delay launching until they had the steel plates in place they'd only just now be getting ready to do their first test launch rather than their second.

stopthatgirl7, avatar

Why did you conveniently leave off the rest of my sentence there?

Also come on…talking about how many birds might have died from the rockets explosion way up in the sky, when the likely answer is zero? Really?

stopthatgirl7, avatar

Why did you cherry pick the one thing you can dismiss and ignore that they’ve been causing actual environmental damage?

TheSaneWriter, avatar

They did the same thing in my comment thread. Ignored my source, cherry-picked a single argument they had a rebuttal for, and dismissed any culpability SpaceX could have had.


When that’s one of the first and main points brought up in the article and it’s so stupid it basically screams “this article is garbage”.

You’re talking about environmental damage limited to some tiny little area around the launch site. If that’s the best you’ve got, give up.

stopthatgirl7, avatar

Some people are definitely worth talking to and discussing opposing viewpoints.

You do not seem to be one of those people. Have a lovely day.

HopeOfTheGunblade, avatar

Yeah light mode doesn't work for me but why in the name of the gods would I want that to mean it's not an option for other people? Compulsory light mode is bad. Compulsory dark mode is bad. But Elon seems to have incredible trouble believing other people are a thing to model, let alone actually doing the modelling. It sucks, and I am sorrowful for people like you and thingsiplay for having the internet get less useful for you and having this dipshit providing a bad example for other people with too much power and too little wisdom.

killall-q, avatar

Honestly, dark modes are hard on my eyes

peter, avatar

Someone please make a lemmy client with a word filtering option so I can stop hearing about elmo

stopthatgirl7, avatar

Or just scroll past things you don’t want to read about? That is a very viable option.


Not viable when every single post is about him.

Madbrad200, avatar

There’s plenty of communities on Lemmy that don’t discuss Elon at all. Curate your own homefeed

Zima, (edited )

are there any communities that discuss technology advancements ? I can't find any sub for technology enthusiasts.

edit: ah gotcha you're just telling him to go away while trying to sound reasonable.

Itty53, avatar

You and the other guy both sound like you're whining that free content isn't being catered to your every taste for you when you have every tool at your disposal to curate your own content.

Y'all are entitled as shit.


You might want to start paying more attention to what people say instead of focusing on how it makes you feel when you participate in an argument.

Itty53, avatar

I thought about it.

Y'all are entitled as shit.


You sound butthurt lol.

Itty53, avatar

You sound like you're a teenager.

stopthatgirl7, avatar

Unless every finger on your hand is broken, it’s always viable. And if every finger is broken, I’m pretty sure you’ve got bigger problems.


Elmo loves you even if you don't love Elmo

crowsby, (edited ) avatar

I can do you one better with a Tampermonkey script that will replace every reference to his name on every webpage to either "the biggest twat on the planet" or "this dipshit", depending on which works better syntactically.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Text Replace
// @version      0.1
// @description  Text Replace
// @author       SiameseDream
// @include     *
// @grant        none
// @namespace beepboop
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

var replaceArry = [
    [/ Elon Musk/gi,' the biggest twat on the planet'],
    [/Elon Musk/gi,'The biggest twat on the planet'],
    [/ Mr. Musk/gi,' this dipshit'],
    [/ Musk/gi,' this dipshit'],
    [/Mr. Musk/gi,'This dipshit'],
    [/Musk/gi,'This dipshit'],
    // etc.
var numTerms    = replaceArry.length;
var txtWalker   = document.createTreeWalker (
    {   acceptNode: function (node) {
            //-- Skip whitespace-only nodes
            if (node.nodeValue.trim() )
                return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;

            return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
var txtNode     = null;

while (txtNode  = txtWalker.nextNode () ) {
    var oldTxt  = txtNode.nodeValue;

    for (var J  = 0;  J < numTerms;  J++) {
        oldTxt  = oldTxt.replace (replaceArry[J][0], replaceArry[J][1]);
    txtNode.nodeValue = oldTxt;

In practice it looks like this

FaceDeer, avatar

Why didn't you downvote this thread? In kbin I can see who downvoted it and you're not there.


Beeshaw actually won’t let you downvote. Has it’s pros and cons

FaceDeer, avatar

The user I'm asking is from

peter, avatar

Because the downvote button isn’t for what I personally don’t want to see, it’s for what isn’t relevant. As much as I don’t want to see this, it is technology

lowdownfool, avatar

Options that empower you:

  • Downvote button
  • Ignore button
  • Unsubscribe button
peter, avatar

Downvoting is kind of unfair because it is technology based, ignore button just ignores that specific post, unsubscribe unsubscribes me from all technology posts which I don’t want

Infiltrated_ad8271, (edited ) avatar

... You are putting the responsibility on the victim?!



Cool, can't wait until they ban the use of the letter 'e' for non-verified users and wii all hav to wrayt layk this


Avoiding the letter E is already a creative writing style, except you don't hav to wrayt layk this. There's even a Mastodon instance dedicated to it and a funny writeup about what happened when they came across another mastodon instance where the letter E is the only allowed letter.


I was initially excited to hear about the Oulipo community, but they seem to have an very limited take on what Oulipo is/was. There is a lot more to Oulipo than lipograms (avoiding a character) as even the Wikipedia page says.


Can you elaborate?


The whole point of Oulipo is "the seeking of new structures and patterns".

Constraints inspire creativity, so let's come up with new constraints.

If you only allow one structure/constraint, that's the opposite of what Oulipo is about.

"Oulipo Compendium" is a fun book if you can find it.
Motte's "Oulipo: A Primer of Potential Literature" is OK but a bit dry. Looks like there've been a couple new surveys recently too.

The mastodon community only allows one structure/constraint, so it's not that interesting. If you know of any good Oulipo communities in the fediverse, I'd be thrilled to hear about them.


surely this will save them

Calcharger, avatar

Why is Elon Musk J.P from Grandma's Boy?

wave_walnut, avatar

I have a suggestion for him: wouldn't it be a development cost savings if Twitter just provided an API and users could see it on their own clients?

TheSaneWriter, avatar

That would require Elon to give up control, so I’m guessing it’s gonna be a no from him.


As if I needed any more reason to never use that garbage.


He already backtracked because of public outrage, dark will be default, light will be an option, dim black (or whatever it was called) is no more. Like 15hrs later. Yet another clueless idiotic decision that backfired...

ArchmageAzor, avatar

Musk continues to make decisions that he thinks are cool but nobody asks for


Actually a good fucking change

stopthatgirl7, avatar

Not for people with astigmatism, dyslexia, or photosensitivity.


I have astigmatism, doesn’t stop me using dark modes in most cases?

stopthatgirl7, avatar

It depends on your level of astigmatism. For a lot of folks with it, white text on a black background gets blurry thanks to an effect called halation.

Infiltrated_ad8271, avatar

Thank you for thinking about accessibility. I am unable to see white text on a black background for more than half a minute, or end up seeing just a blur.

stopthatgirl7, avatar

I’m photosensitive and also contrast sensitive, so going from dark mode to light mode can trigger migraines in me, on top of astigmatism making reading on dark mode more difficult in general. Elon Musk, along with sadly a lot of folks, can’t see beyond his own experience.


I agree. What ever helps to destory twitter faster is fine with me.


Death to ummm Twitter or whateger

doctortofu, avatar

Hasn't it been in dork mode for a while now? Oh wait, I misread... ;)


Huh, I guess app users are fucked, but what for the website I bet there would be workarounds.

TimeSquirrel, avatar

Yup. You can't stop a browser that has the capability to pick and choose what elements it downloads, and can also insert its own.

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