Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x09 "Subspace Rhapsody"

LoglineAn accident with an experimental quantum probability field causes everyone on the USS Enterprise to break uncontrollably into song, but the real danger is that the field is expanding and beginning to impact other ships—allies and enemies alike.

Written by Dana Horgan & Bill Wolkoff

Directed by Dermott Downs


thoughts after rewatch. This episode is solid. The second gimmick episode this season BUT like the last they keep the story lines going. I mean important stuff is dropped in this one. Some earned heartbreaker stuff (Discovery crew did cry a lot but I never felt it was earned. Not the case here. Some of the heartbreak feels real. Chapel trying to wash away her love for Spock is more complex then her just dumping him.)


honestly who knew La’an and Uhura would be the main characters this season? And I’m crushing on Chapel and Uhura and La’an right now. This episode only made it worse. Yeah there are three damned handsome guys on the show. But those ladies… might be my favorite of all star trek. La’an’s doomed relationship was heartbreaking btw. I knew this was happening with Spock so it didn’t hit so hard (I thought they’d last longer). Meanwhile Pike’s love (who is also insanely cute with that smile) may be heading for danger now. We need to do a poll to see if the woman on SNW are more loved then the men. And good songs.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I just want a full on Erica Ortegas back story episode already. But this was a very enjoyable episode. Im not that picky with music in general, and yet also enjoy musicals generally, so I was happy.


It occurs to me that her partner died around the filming of.this season, and she may not.have had it in her to be a lead for an episode.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I didn’t know that.That’s a fair assessment, and makes sense. I hope she takes good care of herself and takes the time she needs to mourn.


She has written a heart-wrenched, tragic letter about this experience and grief. It was very moving/difficult to read and gained me a lot of respect for her:


@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

And I just read every inspiring, touching word. Thank you. Deeply, thank you for sharing this.


But but lotus eaters was that "she is Erica Ortegas...she drives the ship"....../s

z3rOR0ne, (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah, strangely enough, while this kind of character development doesn’t make the show worse, it does make it more obvious (at least to me) that her character hasn’t been given the screen time the others have that dives into her backstory.

Plus that episode is a tease because she starts off excited to do something other than fly the ship with an inner monologue and everything.

Had she gone down to the planet and somehow realized by the end of the episode that she loves flying the ship, or the other characters learning that she’s so much more than just a pilot, that would have been satisfactory to me (at least for a season).


This was the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Not just of Star Trek but of anything ever. It was so cringey. I forced myself to watch it (on 2x speed) for completion sake, and I regret it. Thankfully I’ll never watch this again.


Ironically your post is at least as cringy lol


If you don’t find that “singing” cringey, you’re a soulless monster.


Two days later and you’ve managed to dig a deeper hole. There are other hobbies out there…


It was wacky and I loved It! I laughed my ass of with the Klingon part


Oh my god, we had to rewind that twice. I haven’t laughed so much in a star trek show as I have with that.


Me too I wanted more of them tho lol

@47_alpha_tango@lemmy.zip avatar

I thought it was fun but borrowed a little too much from Buffy’s Once More With Feeling. The whole, the songs are making us spill out feelings. Although the bunny reference was a nice touch.

@danielquinn@lemmy.ca avatar

I loved the bunnies reference until I realised that in that moment they were talking about alternate realities. A better Buffy reference might have been to mention the reality where everything was shrimp 😆


I mean, a lot of people who watch this probably don’t even know what Buffy is. I’ve never watched Buffy, it’s a pretty old show.

@47_alpha_tango@lemmy.zip avatar

Well thanks for that. Now I feel old. 😥


Next you’ll tell me you weren’t even born in this century!


Damn…get off my lawn, whippersnapper!


I didn’t even register the bunny reference! Oh, that was epic…

I also appreciated that they added vocals to the intro, but not over the top, just enough.


I’m a fan of musicals and Star Trek. This episode was definitely one of the most unique I’ve ever watched. It was original, inspirational and fun. And as an added bonus, we received a collection of beautiful songs.


What. The. Heck. Just. Happened. I always hated musicals but this was incredible! This show is KILLING it. OMG


I hated musicals until the structure and theory was explained to me. Maybe you liked this episode because it directly addressed the plot conventions it was hitting and the structure of musicals. Check out the channel Sideways on youtube, he does a great job explaining musical theory in cinema, including musicals and nonmusicals.

ThirteenthWorrier, (edited )
@ThirteenthWorrier@mstdn.social avatar

Subspace Rhapsody is the greatest episode in all of Star Trek canon.

I will die on this hill.

Edit: cannon -> canon


I’ll join you, great episode.

@ThirteenthWorrier@mstdn.social avatar

Then you're gonna be my cha'DIch from now on!

All the haters will draw their last breaths at the end of our Mek'Leths!


Yep, it’s the best episode

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ve come to the conclusion that SNW is the entry point series.

Do you like legal dramas? Perfect, here’s a great LGBTQ allegory episode!

Do you like goofy animation like Rick and Morty? Here’s the crossover with Lower Decks!

Do you like gritty serious war stories? We’re still dealing with the trauma of the Klingon War!

Do you like showtunes? Somehow we pulled that off too! (also Chapel’s song is a straight banger)

SNW is the show I’d introduce my friends to in order to get them into Star Trek as a larger thing. I think it’s an easier entry point than any other series.


You can also use the episodes they liked to recommend other Trek shows. Someone that likes the zany episodes would probably like TOS or VOY, for example.

@const_void@lemmy.world avatar

We felt like this was painful and nearly unwatchable. Individual performance aside…please no more!


This episode will forever be the test of whether someone who likes Trek is a fun person.


@theinspectorst@kbin.social avatar

Looks like the test is already working!

@theinspectorst@kbin.social avatar

Don't go around being a dick to people who have different tastes to yourself.


I was making a very obvious joke and you didn’t even respond with a comment, you just dropped a link with no context. You’re the one taking things overly serious here and broaching “dick” territory for absolutely no reason.

@theinspectorst@kbin.social avatar

Go back to Reddit if you wanna be a troll.

@theinspectorst@kbin.social avatar

Mate, you're literally the one who showed up here saying that if you don't like this particular episode then you're not a fun person.


Which is literally so outrageous of a statement that idk how you could take it as anything other than light hearted, like most other peoples comments on this post.

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

And while that tongue-in-cheek claim isn’t true, your responses lend credence to the notion that you are not, in fact, a fun person.

settoloki, (edited )

I’m gonna take a wild guess and say this person is on the spectrum.


I don’t know. I generally like the fun episodes and I think I like this one overall (and there are some incredible voices in this cast), but most of the songs just plain missed for me. Most are rhyming words set to music but not enough structure. I’m not sure how often I’d want to see this episode.

Maybe my headache last night made me grumpy.

@RootBeerGuy@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Yeah same, I am only posting here now since it took me a bit to actually finish the episode. I really don’t like musicals much in general so this was a hard watch.

I am not saying it was not well done, for what it was they really put their soul into it which is great. Just not at all for me. And I loved the Lower Decks crossover, so its not about it being silly.


It’s funny to think that the return of Trek in 2016 had Klingons eating captured Federation officers and Starfleet commiting war crimes out the gate in the first episode and now we’re getting an animated comedy series and musical episodes. Trek shouldn’t be afraid to be a bit silly and camp sometimes and I’m glad it’s free to be again.

frankPodmore, (edited )
@frankPodmore@slrpnk.net avatar

No, sorry. Very bad. Only Rose-Gooding and Chong could sing, the autotune was obvious and jarring for all the others. The songs weren’t memorable (I confess I really dislike the modern US showtune style, but it can at least be catchy — this wasn’t), the choreography and even the editing was shoddy. The first episode of Trek, other than Enterprise, that I’ve wanted to switch off.


I enjoyed the episode well enough as a gimmick. It was clear the cast really enjoyed themselves and I’m glad we get episodes like this.

I am a fan of musicals and musical theatre. While it’s nice to see them have a go, it certainly is one of the musicals of all time. Nothing impressed me. It wasn’t particularly inspiring or interesting. Forcing that dreadful auto tune on several of the characters felt even worse. It would have felt charming for them to not necessarily nail every note. In the end, I now see in retrospect why the marketing for this episode contained none of the musical numbers; the executives might have thought it would put people off.

I never mind when a good Star Trek show does an average episode because I’m always happy to see more of the characters I love.

After last weeks episode, which in my opinion could be one of, if not the best Star Trek has done in 30 years, I feel like they can take the small L here.


I actually loved the bad autotune for the same reason you mentioned thatd you’d like the bad singing lol. It was kind of fun going “whelp, that actor is an actor not a singer”. I guess auto-tune has been around enough it’s in that “charm” category for me: “eh, they got the spirit”.

triktrek, (edited )

SNW continues to break new ground really well. This was a really refreshing episode and very well done. I for one loooved this episode.

Alright, I get that musicals are not everyone’s cup of tea, but as a person who watched multiple dozens of Broadway musicals, I must say that the songs were really on par with actual musicals. The cast can really sing well – I expected many great things from Cecile Rose Gooding and wow she did not disappoint. I was very pleasantly impressed by Christina Chong, Rebecca Romijin, Ethan Peck’s performances as well.

I think the director made sure to highlight those actors that can sing well and put those that can’t sing into secondary positions. Clearly Grammy-Award winning/Tony Award-nominated Gooding was at the center of the story, and they cut off Anson Mount’s song, because well, he isn’t the greatest singer. They even fully acknowledged that Babs Olusanmokun can’t sing in universe as well. :) The ensemble pieces in the teaser and the finale were superb though and was a lot more entertaining than the solo pieces (which I get is probably much easier to rehearse/record and produce).

I loved that the episode intertwined music as a piece of the story, pushed the character arc forward between Spock/Chapel and La’an/Kirk. I am not so much of a sucker for La’an/Kirk but the alternative universe scenes were really a nice touch. The only cringey part was the Klingon K-pop/rap, but I suppose it was intentionally cringey/funny.

Whether you like this musical episode or not, you gotta admit that SNW really boldly goes where no one has gone before.

@CeruleanRuin@lemmy.world avatar

The Klingon bit was the best part. Imagining them being forced to sing like that while having no context for that style of music is hilarious.


Hehe, yeah, I guess, there’s no honor in that. :)

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

Poor guys didn’t even get to sing Klingon opera. “Aktuh Maylota!”

@croxis@kbin.social avatar

Or is this what Klingon Opera is really like? What we heard with worf was the "edgy emo" version


That has to be right! Worf would absolutely listen to the emo version, and he’s probably just calling K-Pop “opera” to impress Picard and the other 90s-Trek captains.

@rand__althor@lemmy.world avatar

Makes the line earlier in the episode about their dishonor even better.

@AuroraBorealis@pawb.social avatar

Are those actually all of the actors singing? I thought they just got separate singers


I think they are real cuz they included Chapel’s song and the amount of autotune they added probably wouldn’t have happened if they hired a professional singer. Still liked the song, it was just very noticeable.



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  • NuPNuA,

    It was kind of swingy, big band esque I’d say. Not miles away from the lounge stuff in DS9.



    @StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website avatar

    They also didn’t have a great deal of time to record. They did their studio work over weekends.

    For those who weren’t musical theatre performers (Gooding, Chong, Romjin) earlier in their careers, getting a clean run through or even portion of a song would be a difficult challenge. Just the stress of getting it done in a single day or two of sessions would be likely to put them out of tune.


    Gooding and Chong came from musical theatre though.


    Oh no. Those are the actual actors singing.


    Anybody who went to acting school has some background in music and dance. Obviously not their best talent or else they’d be a singer instead of an actor. I often consider that most people on television can sing and absolutely knows how to dance, we just never see them do it.

    Sweeny Todd is a good example of this. You know almost the entire cast from something else and had no idea they were capable of doing music all this time. But, a classically trained actor has definitely been in a musical before, we just never knew about it. Alan Rickman wasn’t exactly a vocalist, but he could keep up with one.


    If someone would have asked me a year ago if I thought Spock/Chapel and La’an/Kirk were gonna be my favorite ships in the Star Trek universe I woulda laughed at them.

    Yes, this a starship joke lol


    Yeah, they used the songs well to pack huge amounts of character work into one episode for most of the cast. Clever move in a ten episode a year TV landscape.


    I honestly never fancied musical episodes, but this was so well done, I loved it!

    @End0fLine@startrek.website avatar

    Only a minor part of the episode but I enjoyed that the intro was done with mostly vocals instead of the usual. I was absolutely not expecting a different intro after we got one with the Lower Decks crossover.

    @StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website avatar

    And different music for the end credits as well!

    @End0fLine@startrek.website avatar

    Well now I feel kind of silly because I turned it off before it got there I guess… I’ll catch it on my rewatch.

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