reddit r/movies isn't doing too well

Why is this subreddit now just askreddit for movies?

Some time in the last few months, r/movies has been entirely consumed by askreddit-style questions like “What’s your favorite hidden gem??” or “What actor fell off the map??”


What is now causing all these unique, seemingly-non-bot posters to suddenly start flooding this particular subreddit with their discussion posts, instead of going to askreddit? Did the whole reddit protest shit change the moderation rules? Has the subreddit been infiltrated by a secret Buzzfeed content farming cabal? I unsubscribed from r/askreddit because I got sick of this shit, but now it’s back on r/movies!

What is going on??

I think the comments are most interesting though

Because the audience for reddit has dwindled since July. Reddits offial site and app push controversial posts over just well yovkted ones. Most controversial posts asks inane questions. Then there’s bots reposting those questions for karma and then websites juicing social media for content to get crammed down your throat via SEO.

They should make a second internet just for people

This all started with the boycott.


I’d assumed things would go back to “normal” after the boycott, but it looks like a lot of power users really did take their ball and go home. (I wonder what they’re doing with their time instead? Hopefully some new hobbies? Time with friends?) Maybe reddit will regret removing the 3rd party apps, after all? Maybe we’ll just accept a future where niche subs become little more than BuzzFeed polls, but we get paid if our poll does well, so users won’t care?

It’s because Reddit is trying to drive engagement. I don’t know if you noticed, but since the purge of third-party apps, the comment sections have been kind of meager, and things don’t get as many upvotes as they used to. Heck, half the comments act like bots anyway. It seems like reddit has been distilled down to those most addicted to it and has taken a hard lean into all the most extreme views.

When Reddit killed third party apps, the quality fell off all over the place. It took me about a month to realize the timing and why r/all had so much AITA rage bait stories and celebrity gossip and stuff now. I think a lot of the quality posters and people who liked more high brow discussions just left Reddit.


My question is this: Does Spez know? And how? Do they have analytics tracking the same decline we are aware of via anecdotal evidence but they are looking at in in a graph that resembles the Hindenburg’s last landing?


It never was about the quantity of users leaving reddit, but the quality. Those that didn’t care about the changes were not those who were posting the most. They weren’t the moderators, the power users, people making original shit. Those all cared about the site and about the changes.

And they all left.


I definitely noticed in the immediate aftermath of the Great Enshittening, how the quality of the discourse on subs fell through the floor. The people who left seemed to be the ones that had some level of empathy, leaving shithouses behind to snipe and gripe everywhere.

ComradeKhoumrag, avatar

Empathy would make sense, given the tendency of empathic people willing to actually protest instead of being indifferent


Where did they go? They sure as hell aren’t here.


I don’t understand. I was told in no uncertain terms from many news outlets that “Reddit won.”


Reddit’s bottom line in the short term is unimpaired that is how they won.

But in the long term- they are dead. I mused on this before.

Social network need monopoly - otherwise the business model struggles. One Facebook. One Reddit, one Instagram. Facebook, Insta, Snap, and TikTok however are struggling because they are now the same thing in different packages.

Not so Reddit. Reddit was a true monopoly. Nothing else compared. Well no longer. All their hiking have spawned a true credible alternative in Lemmy/Kbin. This will kill them. No matter of it’s Fediverse or something else - now there use than one place for Reddit. That means a third, fourth and fifth place is in the realm of possibility. And they WILL emerge. Others will try to enter the Reddit space.

Reddit had a niche and it was so dominant. No one truly tried to enter my ya niche. But that was not good enough. The enshittified it over and over again. And now the. Have competition. As they will never have a monopoly again. They will struggle to get their ads money. They will struggle with the margins. They will struggle. Yahoo will buy them in 10 years and do the mercy blow.


There’s also Tildes, and Hacker News. Reddit has really shit the bed with their decisions.


There’s also Tildes, and Hacker News. Reddit has really shit the bed with their decisions.

Can those and similar sites federate with us? Seems like the more that happens, the deader Reddit becomes.



Part of the appeal if Tildes has been the right-knit, invite-only community. So no, they probably wouldn’t federate with Lemmy(and shouldn’t).

jackpot, avatar

‘via SEP’ whats that mean


‘SEO’ stands for Search Engine Optimization.


Search Engine Poptimization.


Symantec Endpoint Protection


Reddits offial site

I like that this is closer to “offal” than “official”.

samus12345, avatar

Reddit’s awful offal official site.


/r/movies has always had tons of those generic hidden/underrated gem/actor threads about huge blockbuster films that everyone has seen. It’s in no way a new phenomenon. The /r/moviescirclejerk subreddit has existed for years, and lives off those posts.


I’ve seen it happen in a lot of smaller communities since July. /r/Subnautica, for example, used to be primarily memes and gameplay questions and was fairly low-traffic. Since July it’s been a steady stream of polls and “what’s your favorite” questions - low-effort posts that drive easy engagement.


looks like a lot of power users really did take their ball and go home. (I wonder what they’re doing with their time instead? Hopefully some new hobbies? Time with friends?)

Nah we’re doing the same shit just on Lemmy now

viking, avatar

That’s the home they talk about, no?


Are they not allowed to mention lemmy or do they not know?

If people don’t know, how can they be reached?

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Most predditors are centrists or righties that suck US government cock, and hate the fact that communist developers made Lemmy. They will prefer becoming slaves to touching “open source communist” software.


There’s more normal people on Lemmy than you think. I posted the other day that this place really needs to try to be less of an echo chamber if we want to grow it at all.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Every place is an echo chamber of some kind, and there is no free speech. Reddit was a USA/Canada content only shithole, with some sprinkles of Western Europe. Many people are tired of it and do not want it.


You are not wrong! I guess that we just have to accept that Social Media is as perverse as it is. Never in the history of my life I thought, oh hey you know what? I want to know all of the political views of all of my friends and associates. I think that actual pornography is less terrible for you than social media in most forms.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

That does not say much about porn, though. It grips people, but makes it more obvious. Social media is even more refined and vicious at that drip feeding of dopamine, as it has both a very subtle start and subtle drip, which is definitely worse psychologically. Its kind of like ganja (porn) versus LSD or ayahuasca (social media).

You know, it is insane how social media is worse than porn, you are correct.


I’m going to keep repeating that until it’s popular. I think we need to start to view social media like it’s a porn addiction

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

With you. I have already tried to voice against the psychological manipulation of human psyche using colours and slot machine effect, and even a place like Lemmy downvotes it and dismisses it as some conspiracy theory.


Yeah it’s just always necessary to filter content in some way inevitably for user interest but when does interwar turn into evil whatever that Goldilocks zone I don’t know but finding it I hope doesn’t cost our humanity


it is insane how social media is worse than porn

It’s sort of like how texting while driving is more dangerous than drinking and driving. It’s not the intuitive answer but after thinking it over it makes sense: at least the drunk is looking at the road.

Maybe it’s worth trying to start a No Social September event for next year and get people to drop social media for a month. Make them see how much better it feels to limit consumption of this crap.


English speaking countries?


248 Million English Speaking Indians are under represented though.


I agree. I feel like Lemmy is the place I go to when I want to be angry. All the most active submissions are about some injustice that’s happening in the world - not that they aren’t legit issues, but it’s very tiring. Now I’m sure someone will tell me I should be raging all the time about all of these injustices, possibly by calling me a lib or whatever.

What’s missing are the more niche subs. Risa’s memes have definitely been a lot of fun, but beyond that, the hobby subs are extremely slow and there’s just not enough content in them to keep it interesting.


I really hate it when a tool makes me angry

Che_Donkey, avatar


Every girl loves singleminded political personality!


They will prefer becoming slaves to touching “open source communist” software.

That’s likely got nothing to do with it for most of them. Reddit still has people, and people go where people already are. Most people do not want to be a pioneer building a new community, they just want to go read shit and maybe throw a comment on it.

Number1SummerJam, avatar

I thought there would be a lot more discussion on reddit about the new privacy changes and migrating to Lemmy. Either people genuinely don’t care or Reddit is actively suppressing discussion about this to keep their user base.

OpenStars, avatar

Or both:-)




You get shadowbanned for mentioning lemmy. The post likely wont even be visible either.


Yep, it’s been removed.


Make a reddit account and tell them


Where are the good movie communities on Lemmy? I searched a couple of times but couldn’t find one that matched the old Reddit one.

can, (edited )

!moviesandtv is fairly active.


Thank you!


My pleasure


This comment showcases a major problem I have with Lemmy. The latter loads correctly in the Instance I subscribe too. But there’s no way for me to view the former the same way is there?

can, (edited )

Browsing another instance’s local feed? No, that’s not presently part of the official lemmy front end. But many apps have added it on top.


They might not exist yet. You can create one if you wish.

ParanoidFactoid, avatar

I left r/movies many years ago. I found that any new release movie under discussion was heavily policed by promoters and marketers with masses of bot accounts to downvote critical comments. So, one example was Alien Covenant, which was a stinker of a film.

I saw it on release, and the review posted at r/movies gave it a big thumbs up. But I’d seen it and I knew it was an awful film. So I said so and got downvoted like thirty times. Everyone who had seen the film and told the truth were bombed with masses of downvotes. Everyone who promoted the film got masses of fake up votes.

This kept happening for so many new releases I just gave up on the sub. I can’t be alone there.

Justfollowingorders1, (edited )

Gaming subs were similar.

Starfield, despite having potential, feels very unfinished. Which is kinda expected for Bethesda, but the games also just boring and underwhelming in addition to the bugs. Yet, I’ve seen across reddit as there seems to be an open campaign to try and make the game not seems as bad as it is.

I don’t know maybe I’m spoiled - I came off the incredible high of baldurs gate 3 into the slop that was starfield.


MS seems to have the infrastructure to manage public opinion. How do they manage it without anybody spilling the beans? Is it already entirely AI generated?


I’ll offer a real and genuine human opinion. I think Starfield I great. I also just generally love the Bethesda gameplay loop, so I guess I’m a bit biased.

It has its boring moments and I think it doesn’t respect your time with so much artificial time wasting (long walks to objectives, slow menus). It definitely isn’t the most polished game, but I have really enjoyed my time with it and I’m hoping the modding scene can clean up a lot of the issues people have with the game.


Well, some people actually do like the game.


Some time in the last few months, r/movies has been entirely consumed by askreddit-style questions like “What’s your favorite hidden gem??” or “What actor fell off the map??”

That’s nonpolitical discussion and adheres to @Civility therefore it’s good. so-true

goatmeal, avatar

Apparently nobody has enough to watch somehow


They used to farm kharma to sell accounts to other parties. This resulted in a WHOLE lot of karma-farming bots that just reposted old content. Now they’re going to just pay those bots directly instead. Now do we think things will get better or worse?

Paradox, avatar

Reddit has been dying for a decade or longer, it’s just now the people who saw it through all the previous crap, and tried to make it have some semblance of the site it once was, have up and left, leaving it to the brainless hordes.

RubberElectrons, avatar

I’d been a lurker for almost a decade, and had noticed the quiet variation in post/community “quality” over that time… I’d kinda wondered where everyone else went too.

Corgana, avatar

If I had to name a year when Reddit turned sharply for the worse, it would be 2015 when Gamergate-style ““discussion”” tactics took over everything. It’s not entirely Reddit Inc’s fault, but they also did nothing to stop it or slow it from devouring the platform. Good moderatrors who didn’t tolerate fools could only do so much to preserve their communities when the Admins openly embraced engagement at the cost of everything else.

Gsus4, avatar

Oh, was it gamergate that started the trend of calling each other a bot/paid shill?


Idk if it was gamergate that started that, but it was around that time when the 2016 election was happening.

Corgana, avatar

tbf that election brought a lot of awareness to mis/disinformation, propaganda, and secretive advertising. It could have been going on long before to a lesser degree.


I think that goes back to the start of the internet. Maybe has become more common over time


Start of the internet? Is this hyperbole?

IRC bots were common, but they were seen as admin tools, not drivers of participation.

ParanoidFactoid, avatar

Some of us remember the Kuro5hin and how voting was gamed there in the very early 2000s.


When you monetize karma, this is the result. Reddit will be Buzzfeed / WatchMojo / Snapchat Top 10 lists in a couple months. But number 1 will shock you!


Well, what is it? And is it the hit 1996 film Kazzam starring Shaquille O’Neil?


Let’s get back to talking about Rampart.


But first, Raid Shadow Legends. Sign up now and use the code “Really, this again?” to get three 6-star obscure characters and 20000 diamonds right of the bat!


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I wonder what they’re doing with their time instead? Hopefully some new hobbies? Time with friends?

Way too much Lemmy…

agentshags, avatar


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