@WoofWoof91@hexbear.net avatar

don’t paladins have an at-will detect evil?
or did they take that out in 5e?

@blashork@hexbear.net avatar

They do but it’s 1+charisma mod per day uses. The 5e players I know would immediately start stabbing people just to save on resources.

@WoofWoof91@hexbear.net avatar

did they change what at-will means in 5e?
cos in 3.5 it means no usage limit, just takes a standard action

like so https://hexbear.net/pictrs/image/c90da849-ad58-462f-b522-ca3ed8ce1d58.png


It simply says they can use the feature that often. It never says that it’s an at-will action/feature. “At-will” isn’t even a game term in 5e as far as I’m aware.

@WoofWoof91@hexbear.net avatar

fair enough, i’ve only played 5e a couple of times and never as a paladin or gm

@Lag_Incarnate@ttrpg.network avatar

Certified Faces of Evil moment. “This is my Smart Sword!”


Without lawyers, the kingdom was unable to resolve disputes and fell into chaos.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

All the lawyers had previously been stabbed.


See, here’s my problem with that: humanity is inherently evil so everyone would be killed by such a thing.


An human isn’t humanity.


If humanity were inherently evil, we WOULD NOT BE HERE RIGHT NOW


Yet here we are, and evil we are. Case closed

You can go ahead and waste time beleaguering the point if you want. It’s not gonna change the fact that humanity is inherently evil whether you like it or not.

If it makes you feel better, it means I am evil too. Then again, so are you. We all are. It’s just the natural state of being human.

@Susaga@ttrpg.network avatar

The sword’s power changes with time, and as it racks up more kills. Soon, it gains a +1 to attack and damage. Then, it can become wreathed in flame as a bonus action. Then, it grants advantage to checks made to locate creatures. Then, its base power inverts and it can only kill non-evil creatures.

Do not tell the player about that last one. Insist to the player that it works exactly as you first described. The Paladin can kill innocent shopkeepers and little old ladies, but cannot kill this assassin working for the BBEG.

Will he question his own stab-first ask-later methods? Or will he turn evil without even noticing?

@KairuByte@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I personally hate this kind of twist. If you need to actively lie to your player, not just mislead with some clever wordplay, it always feels like you’re breaking trust.


Why explain it in meta, instead of the old trustworthy totally-not-a-witch saying it only affects evil?


Still is a betrayal of trust if the player prices the sword effects are over way then it changes. Video games rarely do this because breaking that trust feels terrible.


It also defeats the point of the exercise. The paladin is nolonger responsible for the murder of those innocents because he was lied to about the true nature of the sword and would have no way to find out the truth without killing an innocent person.

So it’s not the paladin doing the killings, it’s the DM.

@Susaga@ttrpg.network avatar

I think you missed the point of the exercise.

The Paladin is using the sword in place of a moral compass. They stab people upon first meeting and trust that anyone who dies deserved it. If the sword weren’t good aligned, this would be heinous behaviour.

So make the sword evil. How long does it take for the Paladin to stop doing evil deeds in the blind belief that they’re doing good? Does the Paladin take responsibility for stabbing random townsfolk, or do they try to blame something else for their actions? Does the Paladin just straight up fall to evil, supporting wicked people in the blind belief that they must be the real good guys?

@kyonshi@dice.camp avatar

@Susaga @pinkdrunkenelephants you are not getting the real twist. Replace the sword with a fake, completely non-magical one.it doesn't have to be evil. The paladin only has to believe it only hurts evil people.

@Susaga@ttrpg.network avatar

I did consider that. I like it not affecting evil creatures cause it might make the Paladin question things if it fails to harm one of the BBEG’s minions. Whether they question which side their on or the sword itself is up to them.


It’s still wrong as it would still be the DM’s fault for manipulating someone else to harm other people.

Or did going full Joker become moral while I was away?


No, you’re not understanding my point. I’m analyzing what’s happening and rightfully blaming the DM for those deaths because they’re his fault.

Would you blame someone if they gave an AR-15 to someone they knew was gonna commit a mass shooting?

@Susaga@ttrpg.network avatar

…I very much do not understand your point.

You get that, no matter who provided the gun, the mass shooter shouldn’t have done that, right? Even if they thought the gun was only going to fire blanks, they shouldn’t point it at people and repeatedly fire. It’s only manslaughter if they stop at one death, and manslaughter still carries a sentence.

You get that the DM is supposed to cause evil, right? They create monsters and villains and the players have to overcome the evil in the world. The DM isn’t evil because they sent an army of orcs to attack a village, no matter how many villagers die in the assault.

You get that the people in the game aren’t real, right? The DM made them up. Nobody is actually dying, no matter what happens in the game. The morality of the people at the table is not rigidly tied to the morality of the characters they play as.

Just so I know where I’m standing here.


If I were doing this, I wouldn’t describe the effects exactly (except the +1). I would just tell them it misses every time they attack a non-evil character first, and describe it being wreathed in flames. Then for the swap just tell them who it misses or hits still, but they have to figure out both times what the effect is (or that it changed).


As if you aren’t evil by lying to the player.

And as if they won’t successfully dispute it.


Good thing the DM can’t be stabbed by it! How would they dispute it without metagaming? Wouldn’t that be a great plot arc?


D&Dpool breaks the 4th wall!

@Rheios@ttrpg.network avatar

Have him stab the mayor who’s evil because he’s greedy and selfish and borderline abusive in trade-deals with neighboring regions but is otherwise beloved (and has rewards heaped on him) because he’s so good at actually keeping order in the town and keeping their goodwill (although probably at least a little bit through some passive-aggressive blackmail). That’s always fun.

@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

Back in 3rd Edition D&D there was a spell called "Holy Word" that could kill non-good creatures within a 40 foot radius of the caster, if the caster was sufficiently high level relative to the creatures. Good creatures were completely unaffected.

When tightly packed you can fit about 2000 people into a 40-foot-radius circle (total area is 5000 square feet). So one casting can deal with the population of a good-sized town. My gaming group speculated for a while about a society where it was a routine ritual to round up all the peasantry and nuke them with Holy Word to keep the population clear of evil. Never incorporated it into any campaigns, though. It's a bit of a sticky philosophical puzzler.

@The_Picard_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

Only good? What about neutral alignment? (if that was a thing)

@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

I hate these filthy Neutrals, Kif. With enemies you know where they stand but with Neutrals, who knows? It sickens me.

Here's the SRD entry for the spell. It definitely nukes the neutrals.

The evil equivalent is Blasphemy, which nukes all non-evil creatures. Yes, the neutrals get it from both sides.

Then there's Word of Chaos and Dictum, the Law and Chaos equivalents of those Good/Evil spells. Neutrals, believe it or not, death!

Pick a side, you neutral scum!

@The_Picard_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


Clinical depression

@joelfromaus@aussie.zone avatar

I have a sunny disposition that’s balanced out with depression. True neutral.

@sundrei@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Well, my parents were worshipers of Ishtar, so I was kind of born into it…

@RootBeerGuy@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

All I know, my gut says maybe.


I now want a campaign based on those 4 spells, as swords.


The ‘both sides are the same’ idiots certainly deserve it


Tell my wife I said… hello


I hate these filthy neutrals. With enemies you know where they stand, but with neutrals, who knows? It sickens me.


What turns a man neutral? Lust for money? Power? Or were they just born with a heart full of neutrality?

@melmi@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

This is a weird one because despite being a “good” spell, it entails the mass murder of innocent neutrals. It really doesn’t seem like a good action to me.

It seems like anyone who was okay with this would fall to neutral or evil simply by virtue of being okay with mass murder, and in turn fall victim to the Great Neutral Purge.

@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

Indeed, hence the sticky philosophical puzzler. I would think that the clerics themselves would start getting affected by the spell. Fortunately (for them), the effect of the spell when cast on someone of the same level as yourself is only deafness for 1d4 rounds. The Church could probably cover that up.

There was another interesting related situation that came up in an actual campaign I was in, involving the Blasphemy spell (a variant that only kills non-evil targets). My party and I were in our "home base", a mansion belonging to an allied NPC noblewoman, planning out our next excursion. A powerful demon we'd been tangling with attempted to scry-and-fry us, teleporting in and nuking us with Blasphemy. Unfortunately there were a lot of low-level NPC staff working in the noblewoman's household and the spell wiped them out instantly... except for one guy, who happened to be of evil alignment. He survived the encounter because of that.

Even though his alignment was evil, though, he'd never done anything wrong and didn't seem like he had any reason to do anything wrong in the future. So we weren't sure if we should fire him or what. It wasn't illegal to simply be evil, you had to actually do something evil before you could be punished. We just warned him we'd be keeping an eye on him, in the end, and kept him on staff.

@AlexisFR@jlai.lu avatar

I’m pretty sure if you aren’t a creature from a celestial plane of evil or good, only your actions define your alignment, not the other way around.

@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

Okay, he hadn't done anything wrong to us. I guess we could have paused the main campaign to spend a while investigating him, but we were doing one of those save-the-world things so we didn't have the time. :)


What is being good except having self-imposed restrictions to avoid doing something evil? This spell seems perfect. There will rarely be a time where a good aligned character could justify using it in an overpowered way. If it were inverted then you would see evil characters using it all the time. It’s a self-imposed balance. You have a very powerful tool, but you must avoid using unless absolutely necessary.

@melmi@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Ah, but there is an evil equivalent, Blasphemy. It affects non-evil creatures instead of non-good creatures, and as such has no self-balancing properties. There are even equivalents for Law and Chaos, which are… worryingly abstract.


Hmm, yeah. That doesn’t seem like a great idea to give to people…

@AlexisFR@jlai.lu avatar

Almost as if the whole objective good vs bad system is kinda poorly thought out…


Another aspect of the puzzle is that not every evil deserves death. A bum who does minor theft almost as a habit, a hateful bitter man who antagonizes everyone but obeys the law, a teenager, a greedy business person who employs half the town but makes everyone’s life a bit worse, and so on.

Good should have the self restraint to not go straight to murder.


a hateful bitter man who antagonizes everyone but obeys the law

As one of those hateful bitter people in the eyes of others who still is lawful, I emphatically tell you that we are evil and absolutely would and should be killed by Holy Word and other such spells.

a teenager

Wait, what?

Actually everyone on your list should be killed by that spell, even the teenager though I vehemently disagree with that.

Like you can sit there and quibble about what is actually evil or not but this is magic, and what matters is what the majority of people consider evil, and they all hit the mark. Most adults are ageist bigots who’d wipe out all teenagers on a dime if they could, for example, even though that’s pretty evil.

Good and evil are honestly pretty meaningless.


That’s what he’s saying, the spell can’t discern between the mass murderer and the lowly thief, the user of that spell should have the restraint to not jump straight murder. Not all evil beings deserve death.


The system in question relied on a hard Alignment metric. So addressing each of your examples:

  • A bum who does minor theft almost as a habit: Theft would qualify as a Chaotic act and would have no bearing on the Good/Evil axis
  • A hateful bitter man who antagonizes everyone but obeys the law: This is a Lawful act and may or may not have an effect on the man’s Good/Evil axis.
  • Teenager: there is no alignment associated with angst
  • A greedy business person who employs half the town but makes everyone’s life a bit worse: How he makes their life worse would matter in this instance, but he may be committing acts that affect his soul’s alignment.

One of the things that everyone everyone forgets about this system is that Alignment has nothing to do with morality, but rather which prime plane the individuals soul was aligned with. Good is aligned with the Positive Energy plane, Evil with the Negative Energy plane, Lawful with Mechanus, and Chaos with Limbo. Each alignment also had a Power Word spell.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Right, so anyone who is just somewhat selfish and more concerned about their own well being than others would die, even if they are not actively harming people.

Does the “harm evil” spell affect the now clearly evil cleric who is taking part in genocide?


If the caster is not of the alignment of the power word spell then yes they are effected by it, but since it’s based off of HD vs CL they would likely only be afflicted with the lowest effect.


If one were to base their diet around moral responsibility, would eating only what the blade can cut be reasonable? Can it cut vegetables? Can animals be evil? Would training a cow to be evil in order to avoid starvation be morally justifiable?

@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

A paladin whose diet consists of roast demonflesh. Hm.




Training a creature to be evil so you can kill it is definitely evil.

@Bizarroland@kbin.social avatar

Okay but if this became common enough that every paladin had a sword that only killed evil things and they also had the restriction that they had to only eat what they killed then it would be a good thing to raise evil creatures as food sources for the paladins, even though the people doing the raising are doing an evil thing.


Then they’re paying to sustain an evil industry, which is itself evil.


I don’t think a cow can be good or evil.

@Nepenthe@kbin.social avatar

Made me think of Eddie Izzard's evil giraffe clip

You really need higher cognition for that, although I will grant that even cats on the higher end do understand that they are not supposed to be doing the thing they're about to do and will simply wait for you to look away or do it really really fast. They're just not capable of any greater evil that isn't running across the dinner table.

So now the question becomes how dedicated to evil does one have to be, in order to be evil? Does a life committed only to scratches and bodyslamming others out of the way of free food count, since it's a life committed only to selfish pursuits?

.....I'm pretty sure I had an evil cat once.


Now throw him a good character with some magic immunity that negates the effect of the weapon.

@PlexSheep@feddit.de avatar

It makes perfect sense. The paladin found the exploit.


Link: The Faces of Evil




I mean, that sounds very much like a paladin in unapologetic violation of one or more of their oaths.

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