The final nail in Reddit's coffin dropped today:

Dear User,

We will soon begin rolling out changes to Reddit’s User settings. It is getting a refresh that includes changes to ad personalization, privacy preferences, and location settings.

As part of these changes, we are retiring a setting that you have previously turned on that limited how we used your activity from the Reddit platform to personalize ads. We have replaced the setting with a new option to select categories of ads that you may not wish to see.

More details are available in our announcement and help center.

These changes are rolling out starting today and you may see the changes over the next few days.

Users will be tracked with no opt out. Posts may be monetized, which will make content even worse No refund or any type of usable credit for users that spent hundreds on Reddit coins The entire vibe has done a 180° since all these new “positive changes” are rolled out.


Just deleted my account

H2207, avatar

About to go do the same, I still can’t believe how hard they fell.


You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.


How can we help improve Reddit? Fuck Spez


I told them the same


On my to do list for today. Did you submit a formal CCPA delete request? Or just log in and delete?


I just logged in and deleted. I’m not even sure if CCPA has relevance for me as European.


It technically doesn’t apply to you, but it totally does. They don’t have any way to validate who you are or where you’re from. So CCPA gave everyone the protection. Just ask and they have to delete the data.


It just reminded me to as well, I was reluctant after 13 years but they can fuck off!

hiramfromthechi, avatar

If you wanna keep your bookmarks and the subreddits (communities) that you’re subscribed to before deleting your Reddit account, I made a free tool to help you store and offload that data.

It’s called Reddit Account Manager, and it’s 100% free.

You can also use it to manage your Lemmy account(s), of course.


Thanks for such an awesome trip!

Users can also use Redact to delete their data, and then delete their reddit account…/reddit_seppuku_how_to/

hiramfromthechi, avatar

Yep, the ideal workflow for migrating would be something like this:

  1. Use Reddit Account Manager to neatly organize and store your Reddit accounts, bookmarks, and subscriptions
  2. Request your data archive from Reddit itself
  3. Use something like Redact or Power Delete Suite to remove your content from Reddit
  4. Permanently delete your accounts from Reddit
  5. Move to a federated alternative (optional)

how do I get it without giving away my email address to some random website?


You should be using an email forwarding/alias service such as SimpleLogin, or apples proprietary hide my email service for example. You can have an infinite amount of alias emails that all forward to your main, and have 100% control over.

The other option is older school, just make another account somewhere. You can also create automated rules to just forward all emails from their to your main too.


sure, but people could also host their freeware in a way that doesn’t require me to do any of those.

hiramfromthechi, avatar

I’d open source it if I could, but since Reddit Account Manager is built without code, I can’t host it on GitLab or GitHub.


I agree, but your question wasn’t phrased that way :p


sigh because sometimes instead of telling someone “it sucks that in order to get that one piece of software from your website you make me create an account despite me never going to visit it again”, you can phrase it a bit more politely and hope that they, you know, figure out the intent behind the question rather than take it so incredibly literally.

hiramfromthechi, avatar

You could use a service like SimpleLogin, Addy, Duck, or just a temporary fake email generator. I don’t mind if you give me a fake email address—you have a right to privacy.

If it helps, my website’s I realize that’s still “random” in the grand scheme of things, but it should at least show you I’m a real person, and I build stuff to build a better web.


Can I use this with Android?

hiramfromthechi, avatar

Your question’s a little nuanced, so let me try to answer this as thoroughly as possible:

The short answer is: If the platform you choose to use it is accessible from your Android phone, then yes. But it’s not Android- or iOS-specific.

Out of the platforms that it’s available on (Airtable, Notion, Coda, ClickUp, and Baserow), all of them except for Baserow have native mobile apps. With that said, Baserow is also mobile responsive, so you don’t need a native mobile app to work with Reddit Account Manager.

  • Reddit Account Manager is a template built on top of those tools (Airtable, Notion, Coda, ClickUp, and Baserow), so you’ll need an account with at least one of those to use it.
  • Reddit Account Manager is built without code.

Hope that clears things up. :)


Uhh yeah that didn’t clear things up.

I don’t have a computer and I want all my Reddit content deleted without having to do manual labor for the next several months.


Fuck spez. Aaron never would have done this


Aaron was also only with the company for like 3 months.


I still mourn him. Such an avoidable tragedy.

Uranium3006, avatar

Fuck the US government for driving him to suicide


Aaron was a shitty libertarian pedo


ah yes, just like how the oh so mighty mods pissed their panties with the blackouts, really killed reddit too that one huh


Yeah I think it’s pretty clear at this point that 99% of reddit users don’t care about this, which is why reddit continues to thrive while lemmy is facing lower and lower user numbers


Is Lemmy? I’ve been pretty happy over here, frequent it often once I learned of it not long ago.


Do you mean lower growth in numbers? recently posted users for August and it grew by a healthy amount.


I’m referring to this link that showed the active monthly users for lemmy as a whole across all instances trending downward


The numbers of comments is growing. I would take that as the reliable engagement metric. The falling number of active users could be a sign of people settling on a main account.


I disagree. I think more ppl are leaving Reddit each day. My irl friends are bailing on it one by one.

A10, avatar

I also feel the same, Lemmy is well…,. an echo chamber supporting Lemmy . Communties I used visit are doing just fine on reddit. But I a happy with the lower numbers and better quality of discussions


I mean, yeah. Have you been on reddit since the API stuff? It’s absolutely flooded with bots trying to make up the difference. Which is like, reddit playbook 2009. The broken links are pretty prolific too at this point.

It’s not going to like, close its doors, but it certainly isn’t in the position it was just a few months ago.


I hope you’re right and I’ll take your word for it. I don’t go to that site anymore.


no difference, why you may ask?

just look at youtube, same shit different color, it keeps getting worse but they are still the king in terms of video hsoting


Yes but the emperor has no clothes, and more and more people are realising this.

Also reddit is made up primarily by users and the posts/comments they make, YouTube is made up by paid video creators. YouTubers don’t have anywhere else to go, but reddit users do and just need a critical mass somewhere else for reddit to go the way of digg.


i just hope, honestly, that you are right


Although it makes it harder for me, I actually quite like hitting a Google result on Reddit and seeing swaths of editted/deleted comments.

Uranium3006, avatar

Digg and MySpace still technically exist


I don’t think this will move the needle at all

Reddit mods had a chance to migrate but decided to sit and wait thinking they could change Reddit

PP_BOY_, avatar

“Two days broooo”

Zeroxxx, avatar

Nah, they just don’t want to lose their god given right (and status) to be volunteer mods of reddits.


It’s not about the needle, it’s about how Reddit acts during its death throes.

Reddit can’t make money unless they monetize every user in every way possible, including selling their personal data if they have it. The API garbage was an attempt to monetize users in ways even their own app doesn’t, and also an admission that advertising isn’t paying the bills, or they would have just started advertising through the API.

So now we’re seeing how Reddit behaves once they realize that charging for API access doesn’t work. They will sell everyone and everything until they shut down.


People should have assumed they were before


Reddit mods

I know tons of mods that left reddit and are on lemmy instances now. Had a chance to migrate? what does that even fucking mean, we can’t bring subreddits over. we can’t hold a gun to the subreddit population and say “goto lemmy now” and most of us were locked out by reddit for shuttering our subreddits anyway, and replaced with scabs.

Explain yourself for this shit take.


When the big subs had their vacations they had to put their lemmy instance (or other place of migration) on the page


most of us were locked out by reddit for shuttering our subreddits anyway, and replaced with scabs.


Hence the lost their chance


So it’s mods fault reddit went all musk? get fucked


It’s the fault of mods who tried shutting down subs instead of moving people

Anyone with a brain would know shutting down a sub would just see them being replaced so the ones doing that were just providing scapegoat outrage to keep people on Reddit

Uranium3006, avatar

Yeah it.should have been done on day 1


I’m not spending much time on Reddit these days but in no way is this the end for Reddit. The VAST majority of the user base just doesn’t care. We may see more users trickling in and Lemmy is sure more ready now than ever but people are so used to being advertised to, that this won’t be a big issue long term. People are dumb.


The hope is that the non-dumb people will leave for here, and that they’re the ones who make quality content.



  • Loading...
  • Rhynoplaz,

    All I’ve done is shown people my politics and bitch about assholes!

    skillissuer, avatar


    Send_me_nude_girls, avatar

    I can’t find the asshole post.


    Like an average thursday night with friends.

    camr_on, avatar

    Keep up the quality content lmao


    Fuckin legend


    Reddit users will be reposting Lemmy content for real money gold by 2025. Fucking spez…

    JohnnyEnzyme, (edited )

    One thing I hadn’t thought much about until recently-- the quality of comments is so much higher here, and I don’t have to typically scroll through a wasteland of dudebro jokes to get to relevant replies.

    So, comments are also ‘content,’ and from what I’m seeing, Lemmy already has a distinctly smarter / more mature userbase.


    Yeah no one who’s still there cares at all.


    I’m sure they care at least a little bit but not enough to move on

    vanontom, avatar

    2016: All I need, to have hope for the future, is a large majority of people willing to slightly inconvenience themselves to produce positive changes.

    2023: Human intelligence has peaked, idiocracy is here, I for one welcome our AI overlords, earthonfire.jxl, etc.


    Idk man, literally asked a bunch (3) of friends how reddit is lately who had no idea what was going on this summer with the API changes and didn’t care when I told them. Here are there responses:

    “They’ve gotten really bad at putting relevant shit in front of me”

    “Been a ton more ads lately”


    “dude thank you for telling me reddit had porn lol”

    Emperor, avatar

    “dude thank you for telling me reddit had porn lol”

    There’s what now?!


    Emperor, avatar



    Jesus had abandoned us. To go watch porn.


    I always wondered if there were people oblivious to porn on reddit. It always seemed like common knowledge those days.

    It’s not the usual manufactured porn by companies, it’s usually people showcasing a video of themselves.


    A lot of people’s approach to social media is

    • login an absolute total of times equal to one, on an app, and never again, that session better last
    • do zero content curation, what comes is what you eat
    • mostly scroll past shit, don’t interact, don’t produce
    • maybe click on a navigation link once or twice per month

    So of course they don’t know there’s porn. They’re basically only seeing their feed (which is a clone of /r/popular, so a bunch of clones of /r/funny and ragebait) and the default subs, which doesn’t have porn by default ever since reddit removed its ability to show up on default feeds.


    I meant more around “reddit is known for having porn channels” and less “reddit pushes porn in your default feeds”.

    You’re right though, the casual dead-minded scroller wouldn’t know about it.


    It used to be moreso, but before i left reddit it turned into people spamming promoting their onlyfans accounts, some subs felt like scrolling through a gallery of ads.


    The amount of porn on reddit is astonishing.

    Just go to r/randnsfw a few times.


    Aww man it’s banned…


    Nah it works fine.

    You might have to use old reddit: (WARNING the link might be extremely NSFW)

    It should redirect you to a random nsfw sub, just like /r/random


    Redirected me to r/welding, wtf

    KSPAtlas, avatar

    hot sexy welders in your area

    dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

    Only if you have an account, can’t view NSFW subreddits or posts without one


    I completely agree with this!

    Also, it’s an unfortunate rule of thumb that, when you see a sensationalized headline, most likely it won’t have the effect it claims to have…

    Well, let’s hope there’s a steady migration to Lemmy (though numbers are small here)

    Edit: added last line


    This is for sure the final nail, it’s going to collapse just like Facebook and Google did after all that ad stuff. Profiting off a user data is clearly a failed business model and we see that time and time again.

    mysoulishome, avatar

    That infographic with the most profitable companies in the world…both of them are still on it. And Reddit wants to be.


    Facebook, the site with 3B MAU?

    Uranium3006, avatar

    The weird thing about the internet is it's hard to make money. Information is free in.both senses of the term

    Smacks, avatar

    No, this won’t kill Reddit. If they can essentially remove every third-party app, they’ll easily be able to start selling user data. Whether we like it or not, the majority stayed on Reddit.

    Nothing short of somehow breaking through ad blockers like Twitch did will make people stop using it, even if that.

    cactus, (edited )


    beefcat, avatar

    If you have irl friends/family that’s only on facebook you can’t really leave.

    they can all still talk to you via phone, text, email, in person, etc. that is what i told all my family when i hopped off facebook


    No easy way to share vacation or gathering photos. If I post one and my aunt comments everyone can see that discussion and join. Not so with just chat groups. Overwhelming majority want this layout and there is no easy way around it.


    Facebook kind of died and used the momentum it had to reinvent itself. Back in the day I used to see updates from my friends, and I used to interact with them. I stopped using Facebook at some point a few years ago and recently got back to it. I use Marketplace, and in my country people with the same hobby as me seem to interact over Facebook more than anything else. Younger people rarely upload except for a few very active outliers. Most of the content is these clickbaity short videos of 5-minute crafts or live-feeding frogs to slightly larger frogs because Facebook thinks I’m into it for some reason. They just made an addictive never-ending stream of content.


    Thanks for bringing up Twitch. I’m one of the folks who quit using the site after the ad block changes. Did an alternative ever come along?


    Alternate twitch player.


    Can you offer some examples?

    RVGamer06, avatar

    Xtra for android. You can find it on F-Droid


    Is there an alternative on PC? I usually watch Twitch on my computer

    CosmicCleric, avatar

    Whether we like it or not, the majority stayed on Reddit.

    The fight may not be over though.

    Where people didn’t really care about an API change for third party apps, they may care a lot more about having ads shoved in their faces whether they like it or not.

    It’s all about breakings their inertia to change.


    People en mass make “economic” decisions. If they view an alternative such as lemmy as too difficult to use, or their communities are not here they will rather tolerate the ads. Learning to use a new app or having to start the community themselves is too much effort for most people.


    If there are still Facebook and Twitter users, of which we know there are, nothing will kill Reddit.

    However, I’ll say I’m someone not good at change but am agoraphobic, so my only “connection” was Reddit, and I finally gave in and deleted for good.

    Still getting used to this platform, but hopefully can find less toxic users here. Social media seems to be made special for bullies.


    It’s a pretty great place. Glad you’re here.


    I think I will be okay as long as there is content on Lemmy


    This place won’t really win out as long as it’s exclusively just a big giant liberal communist fuck fest it has to be balanced or else it will never gain traction.


    Go to Truth social for the balance YOU are looking for, fasci.


    I like that you can’t differentiate speculation from your delusion


    I like that you’re a fasci loser. It’s cute.


    that’s okay we can both misunderstand reality I’m sure for our own reasons and that’s a beautiful thing.


    You’re so close to acknowledging you’re absolutely stupidity it’s almost cute. Selfawarewolves should become a thing here.


    Penultimate, not ultimate.

    The final nail will be when they kill old.nazidigg


    Looking at Twitter/X, this won’t be the final nail. People stick to the platforms they’re on as long as it doesn’t directly Negative impacts them too much.


    The difference, I think, which may make it easier to switch is that, on Twitter, you follow specific people. On Reddit, you only subscribe to specific communities, many of which have already been replicated in some way on Lemmy. You can’t replicate people, though. Yet.

    Resol, avatar

    I think you forgot that Mastodon exists. Either that or you simply refuse to mention it because it’s so desolate in there.


    No, I didn’t forget it. It’s just that the “specific people” haven’t moved over to Mastodon, so people who follow those specific people haven’t moved over.

    The “specific communities” (or at least the large ones) have moved over or been copied to Lemmy, so it’s easier for people who subscribe to those communities to move over.

    Resol, avatar

    I understand your point.


    God I wish people would actually make content here on Lemmy.


    Agreed, but I think we have to be the change we want to see in the fediverse.


    One thing holding me back from stopping to use reddit as a whole is using old.reddit in the browser. Can’t stand the new design, and once they remove that option - never looking back for real.

    On mobile, Lemmy all the way.


    I’ve found myself in the same boat.

    Not sure how I feel about it, but it’s interesting to see someone else commenting about doing the same.

    Wolpertinger, avatar

    That’s where I’m at. I only access reddit from a browser using these days. Once that option is taken from me, I’m gone.


    With RES of course


    tbh I can’t understand why people liked old reddit sorry I’m a zoomer idiot but still can someone help me understand?


    More lightweight = faster and more content on the screen? Nowadays cool looking websites are slow and with 25% margin on both sides.

    I feel the same all annoyed for example when doing some extensive search on PC vs mobile. No matter if it’s a shopping hunt on ebay or gathering information. On PC i scroll-click 10 links, iterate through them, Ctrl+w the ones being useless and chosing/read betwend the ones left. Something unclear? Double Ctrl+C and deepl pops up with a translation.

    5min on PC vs 20min on mobile, where I have to click each link, fight those pop ups and cookies consent, go back, wait anoyingly long 2 second webpage loads and repeat.


    For discussions and news and long form text it’s infinitely easier to browse and read in the old layout. The new one is designed for media and for making you quickly jump between threads


    I’m more of a list person than someone who prefers cards type of style. With a list, I find it easier to navigate and get a better overview of everything, rather than seeing just a few posts at a time without scrolling.


    I used to use reddit with Reddit Enhancement Suite (RES), a browser add-on/extension that has tons of customizations. This was even before there was an old/new reddit, it was just reddit.

    So it’s not that we chose to use “old” reddit, it was that we chose not to use “new” reddit. Going to the new design breaks RES and we would’ve missed out on all of those customizations and quality-of-life features that were missing without it.

    Plus, “new” reddit is designed for doom-scrolling and serving adds, and not about promoting users to engage in dialog. Most of my reddit interaction was around niche content, where I actually dived deep into threads. New reddit got in the way of that.




    It’s like reading a endless wall of text on old reddit. New reddit has so much more white space


    oh ok thanks


    Can I interest you to old reddit like theme in Lemmy.


    More here…/4d591ffdcbaab1c49efa406885efd81…


    interesting, thanks! and it also looks identical. bookmarking this right away


    This looks awesome! How about a clone of the reddit website that masks as a MSN webclient?


    Well, I’ve kept my reddit account as I use it occasionally from desktop… Guess it’s time to finally say goodbye.


    This was the final push I needed to make a formal break and delete my account after 9 years.

    knacht1, avatar

    Just installed Boost for Lemmy. I’m populating the communities now. This will take time but it looks good from here!

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