skullgiver, (edited ) avatar


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  • mim,

    Thanks for the heads-up.

    Routing my Lemmy mobile app through orbot from now on. Seems to have fixed the issue.


    I wonder why the Baltimore community is so dead, then.


    Finally. Someone noticed 🥹


    Joke’s on you. IP geolocation where I am is an unreliable mess and your image got it wrong by about 1000km!


    Hey. I wanted to do this tomorrow.

    Well I have a new idea which is pretty similar

    skullgiver, (edited ) avatar


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  • newIdentity,

    I’m plannig to make one of these “dox’d memes” where someone says something controversial and another one answers with the ip address.


    Woah this is really cool. Though I was way off for me and I’m not on a VPN right now.


    Great, hot milfs near my location


    Location is right, but I highly doubt anyone near me is using Lemmy (dictatorship here).


    You have the code for this? Very interested in how you implemented it

    skullgiver, (edited ) avatar


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  • kabobglance,

    Damn, PHP is such a sleeper of a language, I always forget how useful it can be.Thanks for sharing!


    PHP is pretty damn awesome really… Sad that it’s gone out of favor IMHO

    skullgiver, (edited ) avatar


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  • kabobglance,

    Nice, sounds like it’s getting modernized. I’ll have to give it another round, thanks!


    PHP is the OG bad-ass for getting shit done. No setup, no compile, no deployment pipelines. Hell, you can create and write the files right there on the server with nothing more than an SSH terminal if you want.

    Rinnarrae, avatar

    I was wondering for a second why my town of all places was posted lmao. Also made me realize I forgot to turn my vpn back on.


    It’s got me about an hour from where I actually am

    altima_neo, avatar

    Hah, not my town, but close. That’s where my ISP is located though.


    This is great, because it located me about a full day’s drive from where I live, so I’m still pretty anonymous :-)

    TriLinder, avatar

    Thought about adding the user’s location, but was worried PythonAnywhere could somehow cache the image between multiple people. A great demo though!


    You can run Geolocation with images now? What the heck? How?


    It’s not the image, it’s a normal image. The server does the hard work when you make the request, and then it just builds the image accordingly.


    Yeah I saw OPs explanation in the comments. That is fucking cool! And scary! I’ve never needed to generate images with code before, so Ive never even considered something like this before.


    I’m not using a VPN and the location isn’t accurate.

    lFenix, avatar

    I’m not using a VPN or anything and it got my location wrong by 700 kilometers 🤔

    RickyRigatoni, avatar

    Are you sure you are where you think you are? When’s the last time you looked outside?


    Oh no! I’ve been kidnapped!


    My location is accurate, to give some good feedback on your program too lol

    skankhunt42, avatar

    I hate this so much. Its super cool but MAN what the hell. I don’t think I’m going to ever turn off my VPN anymore. I’m in a super small town and that image is correct.

    It’s cached somewhere because I can’t get it to update. Maybe time for a new account too. Hmmmm

    skullgiver, (edited ) avatar


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  • skankhunt42, avatar

    Yeah, app cache had to be cleared. We good

    tjaden, avatar

    Jokes on you! I use a Firefox extension that spoofs my browser profile.…/chameleon-ext/

    loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

    unknown device?




    The unkown sounds pretty fucking scary to me

    TriLinder, avatar

    Oh, how did I not notice that before? Now should be fixed.


    Still says unkown for me.


    It kinda knows.

    TriLinder, avatar

    The user-agent detection definitely isn’t great. If it doesn’t recognize a client, it just says unknown. But that wasn’t the main point of the post anyway, this was just meant as a quick proof of concept for anyone curious.

    loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

    Whats the point of unknown?

    TriLinder, avatar

    This is possible because Lemmy doesn’t proxy external images but instead loads them directly. While not all that bad, this could be used for Spy pixels by nefarious posters and commenters.

    Note, that the only thing that I willingly log is the “hit count” visible in the image, and I have no intention to misuse the data.

    targetx, avatar

    Nice example!

    I think proxying everything through lemmy would have a pretty big bandwidth/scalability impact. I expect the lemmy clients dont send any unique user info on these image requests so not sure how useful it would be as a spy pixel? Maybe I’m missing something :-)


    It would be interesting to see just how much info is shared when lemmy requests the image. If there is [potentially] sensitive info being shared, the devs might be interested in working on it too (I have no idea how to check such a thing, this comment is just so I can find the post later when more people have shared their wisdom on it)


    None (by Lemmy), as Lemmy doesn’t actually request the image (that would be proxying). Your browser requests the image directly by URL. Lemmy, technically, doesn’t even know an image exists. It just provides the HTML and lets your browser do the work.

    A_A, avatar

    Exactly. The text of this post is simply :

    ![An external image showing your user-agent and the total “hit count”](
    I get the same result when I browse directly to the link.

    So, if OP links a malcious website we have a problem … (?).


    Oh dangit, it’s simpler than I thought. So the only data being sent is…just whatever is sent in your average GET request.


    Yes. It’s also a pretty standard way of serving images. A lot of Email clients do that too.

    That’s also how these services that show you when a email is read work.


    Not really that huge of a problem. When making requests you also usually send a header which includes the user agent.

    The program just logs how many times the image has been requested and it reads the user agent data. No Javascript is actually executed.

    Well it might be possible to have a XSS somehow but I haven’t really done much research into this possibility.

    In general it’s a pretty standard way of handling embedded images. Email does this too. That’s how you have these services that can check if someone read a mail


    Yup. And to add, your browser will send things like:

    1. Your IP address. Technically this is sent by the OS doing networking and is unavoidable. At best, a VPN can hide this, because the VPN sits in the middle.
    2. Various basic request headers, which most notably contains user agent (identifies browser) and language headers, both which you can fake if you want to.
    3. Cookies for that domain (if you have any). Those can track you across multiple requests and thus build up a profile of you.

    That’s why you should use a native app, which won’t send any of that identifying info (except for IP but there’s nothing you can do on that)

    Seraph, avatar

    Any chance that's why this account is posting the same image and gibberish? @googa

    Erika2rsis, avatar

    From what I remember, that image was hosted on, so I don’t think so.

    ono, (edited )

    Notably, this allows remote parties to associate your IP address with your interests, as revealed by the Lemmy communities that you browse.

    One way is for the image host to use the HTTP Referer field. (Standards-respecting web browsers pass the URL of the web page being viewed to the server hosting the image.)

    Another way is by posting an image with a unique URL.

    Even if Referer is withheld and the image is not unique, the image host can still do basic fingerprinting of your client’s request header and your OS’s TCP quirks, and associate that fingerprint with your IP address.

    An option for Lemmy to proxy media would be very helpful. Small instances could perhaps disable it, although they might not need to, since the additional load would scale with the number of users on that instance.


    Notably, this allows remote parties to associate your IP address with your interests, as revealed by the Lemmy communities that you browse.

    I suspect with a coordinated pool of posts or multiple comments on the same post, you could narrow that IP address down to an actual user account.

    When a new comment is posted by a user, store, against their username, all IP addresses that visited since the last comment in that thread (by anyone). When a second comment is posted by a user, remove any IP addresses that don’t appear in both lists.

    I suspect you would have a very short list after two comments, and a single address after 3. It would also be extremely easy to both lure someone into viewing an image and bait them into multiple replies. Geolocate that IP and you know know vaguely where that user lives.

    Time to make sure you’re always on a VPN I guess.


    Even without that, once your Lemmy interests are sold/shared by IP address, they can be associated with your real identity as soon as you log in to a service that knows who you are.

    TriLinder, avatar

    You could also send the image through a DM if you want to find a particular user


    Oh yeah, that’d be much less effort.


    Were you expecting otherwise? Loading an external image is no different than loading an external website with images. Lemmy and reddit are link aggregators, not proxies. Having to proxy everything would run a significant bandwidth for instance admin who are often paying out of pocket for hosting.

    roon, avatar

    Share source code? I’m curious

    TriLinder, avatar

    It’s just a simple Flask server. I parse the user-agent using the user_agents Python library, apply some conditionals upon the result, render the image using Pillow and send it to the user.

    doom_and_gloom, (edited )


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  • CoderKat,

    Proxying external images means that instead of the image being downloaded from the original link, your Lemmy server would download it and serve it for you. The Lemmy server acts as a proxy.

    But it means performing a lot of extra traffic. And realistically you’d want to cache the image because otherwise your server will likely get banned for the high volume of requests you send. But caching the images requires more storage and can have potential for legal issues.

    And images are one thing, but literally any content is the problem. Images are just the most obvious because they often load without even having to click on the image and thus you’ll get far higher volume of user data. Literally anything you link to has this issue and you cannot proxy all of it.


    How do you get an image to run code? I guess I somehow missed something important in website development.

    Edit: I saw that you said you’re using Pillow to actually render the image from code. That’s neat! …and scary

    • Mlem - knows exactly that it’s Mlem.
    • Memmy - sees Mobile Safari webkit.
    • Voyager - same as Memmy.
    • Thunder - just sees Mobile Client.
    moonsnotreal, avatar
    • Jerboa - also just sees a Mobile Client
    • Infinity for Lemmy - just says Android
    • Connect - also says a mobile client

    Same for Liftoff on Android

    CookieJarObserver, avatar

    My connection says that im viewing it from a unknown device

    1984, avatar

    Doesn’t know it’s sync.

    genfood, avatar
    • Lemmios
    roon, avatar

    Which would be correct as Voyager is a Web App


    Holy shit. How do we avoid this? VPN?

    Erika2rsis, avatar

    I would say a user agent spoofer would be more useful for this particular image. The Mozilla team recommends User-Agent Switcher and Manager for Firefox users.

    ForestOrca, (edited ) avatar

    Where can I learn more about using this Firefox extension? I've installed it, but it hasn't changed the results of (

    I see I am able to black list

    Erika2rsis, avatar

    Here’s a six-minute YouTube video explaining how to use it

    TL;DW: Click on the extension icon, use the drop-down lists to find a browser and OS, select a pre-configured user-agent string from the list, and click “apply (container)” or “apply (all windows)”. Having your user-agent string change randomly with each request is possible but requires writing a bit of JSON in the options.

    ForestOrca, avatar

    TY!! That link works on Invidious, Yay! I'll check it when I get a break.

    TriLinder, avatar

    That’s weird. The extension should definitely work with the image, as that’s what I used when building this quick demo. Does the content of a site like this update?

    CookieJarObserver, (edited ) avatar

    Next DNS Blocks it apparently.

    Fissionami, avatar

    Wow! But mine didn’t. Which filter lists are you using?

    CookieJarObserver, avatar

    Well… Basically all…


    By not using internet. No, seriously, if you access something over the internet, you will leave tracks. This here post is nothing new or inherently scary on its own. I used to have forum signatures that would tell people what browser they were using or from what IP they were coming.

    What you really want to do is disable third party cookies on everything you own. That (and things like hsts super cookies) is what tracks you.

    If you’re using an app to browse Lemmy, you might ask for their implementation to reject cookies and fingerprinting attempts when displaying images and other embeddables.

    a minute later edit: And yeah, if you don’t like web services to know the IP address given to you by your ISP, VPN is a decent option.


    No, seriously, if you access something over the internet, you will leave tracks.

    It’s quite the difference between leaving tracks on only one provider’s servers (where your account is hosted), and leaving tracks all over the internet.

    There were a few comments under this post about how (easily!) this could be used to find out the IP address and though it the rough location of a commenter.


    Lemmy proxying image loads won’t fix this issue at all. Unless you only ever access resources through it, which you won’t. It will even make the problem worse by exposing a single attack surface.

    Don’t trust the collection of random internet services to protect interests they are not set out to protect. You wanna hide your IP? Use VPN or Tor.

    I mean, Stallman has a point here.

    Hamartiogonic, avatar

    I’m using a VPN, and the picture knows everything about me regardless.


    It’s not nearly as nefarious as people seem to think. Effectively all applications that access web resources send along what they are and basic platform information.
    This is part of how the application asks for content in a way that it can handle
    It does a little to let you be tracked, but there are other techniques that are far more reliable for that purpose.


    I posted this further up, but I think it’s worth pasting here too:

    I suspect with a coordinated pool of posts or multiple comments on the same post, you could narrow that IP address down to an actual user account.

    When a new comment is posted by a user, store, against their username, all IP addresses that visited since the last comment in that thread (by anyone). When a second comment is posted by a user, remove any IP addresses that don’t appear in both lists.

    I suspect you would have a very short list after two comments, and a single address after 3. It would also be extremely easy to both lure someone into viewing an image and bait them into multiple replies. Geolocate that IP and you know know vaguely where that user lives.

    Time to make sure you’re always on a VPN I guess.


    Man, I remember I scared the crap out of trolls on Reddit when we started arguing over DM, and I added a link to a meme that tracked their IP and system info (without them knowing ofc). Let’s just say they went AFK quickly after that. Good times!


    Oh neat, Jerboa doesn’t identify itself. Cool.

    charlytune, avatar

    I get “unknown (mobile?) client” using Jerboa

    Automated_Footprint, (edited ) avatar

    Same on Sync (You are viewing this from an unknown (mobile?) client)

    And on infinity (You are viewing this from Android)


    Easiest way to stop this from happening is to use ublock origin to block all third party request on your instance.

    One way to do this is via dynamic filtering. This is for advanced users so be sure to read the info page:

    (Consider backing up your ublock settings before doing this)

    If you are using your rule would be this:

    <span style="color:#323232;"> * 3p block

    if you’re using another instance then change the domain or use both rules cause you might end up visiting the others as well. Note that adding this rule wont work unless enable advanced features in ublock origin.

    EDIT: THIS MIGHT BREAK THINGS ON YOUR INSTANCE, its recommended to learn how to use dynamic filtering to unbreak it:…/Dynamic-filtering:-quick-guideIf it breaks stuff just remove that rule.

    You could also block it using static filters but I can’t remember how to do that exactly, if you know please reply below.


    It tells me I’m an unknown client. Viewing from Jerboa on a Gigaset GX290 phone without an NLP provider or Google Play Services.

    KidsTryThisAtHome, avatar

    I’m also on jerboa, but a Samsung with GPS, and it also tells me unknown device. Must be jerboa


    It says unknown (mobile?) client for me too, using Sync with Bluetooth and location enabled and Play Store Services installed.

    Whoever wrote that image tracking over-hyped it?

    TriLinder, avatar

    The user-agent detection definitely isn’t great, this was just meant as a quick proof of concept for anyone curios.


    It successfully identified Firefox when I checked it from the browser. Maybe some of the apps don’t identify themselves in the useragent string?

    ares35, avatar

    for a little extra creepiness, modify the image-generating script to add geoip location data and http referer to the image.

    TriLinder, avatar

    Thought about adding the user’s location, but was worried PythonAnywhere could somehow cache the image between multiple people.


    I’ll be damned. I tried this from three different platforms and you’ve nailed it.


    I’m using Firefox on Mac and it thought I was on windows. Still a big issue though.


    It said I’m on Mac OS X, but that’s wrong. It’s been macOS for some years now. /s

    It still makes me wanna cry.

    TriLinder, avatar

    Yeah, I just use whatever the user_agents Python library gives me as


    I’m fine with this. Instances shouldn’t proxy or cache images because it opens instance owners to a lot more liability than text. A client side setting to not load images in comments by default is better.


    Each instance stores post thumbnails locally even if the post was on another server. It actually takes up quite a bit of hdd space.

    skymtf, avatar

    I feel like there isn’t a real way to fix this, since lemmy isn’t a single service, like I can choose any image host I want. The only way I could think of would be to have your instance download the images but that’s currently not even support on the mastodon alike platforms even. The only thing you can do on Mastodon that I’m aware of is cache the images on your own server which could get costly


    All these people correcting the result effectively giving useful data to improve data collection and detection methods.

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