
Seems like a feature to me.


Oh yeah aunt Greta, I’m still friends with you, but it’s so weird how I can’t see your anti vax “facts”

user224, avatar

That’s the government censorship!

viking, avatar

It sure might be, but the one friend who got blocked is just casually posting stuff from his personal life, nothing spammy going on there. Either facebook is screwing with me, or they are playing out some friend’s posts in the ad-network stream so you are actually losing some genuine content. That would be evil (and totally something Meta would do), but I really couldn’t care less.


I do think that sounds more like they’re hiding it and blaming adblock than pretending something was missed. Wouldn’t be surprised if it starts small and ramps up over time, but that’s just speculation.

otter, avatar

I took a peek at my feed for the first time in years. It’s all junk lol, no one I care about is posting anything

The only thing worth seeing is my local Buy Nothing group, but there are other services popping up which do something similar.

viking, avatar

Yeah all my actual friends are messaging me elsewhere, facebook is more like a picture dump for old people. I only use it occasionally for joining various expat groups since I move countries frequently for my job, and they are rather resourceful.

yote_zip, avatar

How does one block a post from a friend with an ad-blocker? Do some of your friends type like shills? Is Facebook making numbers up for fun?

viking, avatar

It’s probably made-up garbage. If they knew my ad-blocker had actually blocked a friend, I’m sure they would have found a way not to get anything blocked.

Or alternatively they are now displaying some friend’s posts on the same channel normally reserved for ad networks so they are indistinguishable via software? But then it should be way more than one, unless this is some early A/B testing crap.


Sounds they detect adblock and then hide friends posts.


They probably are detecting your ad blocker, and choosing to block random posts as a strange kind of disciplinary behavior.

Sneptaur, avatar

This is it. This is how these companies think.


I’d still take half content without ads over full content with ads. Not like I know what I’m not seeing so can’t I really miss it?

takeda, (edited )

I saw sometimes ads that was claiming that one of my friends like that product too. My bet is on that.

BTW: I started using user script to remove recommendations, suggestions and other crap like that. It makes Facebook so much more bearable but interestingly also feels less addictive.


What is User Script please? I have to use Facebook, and all the crap is frying what’s left of my brain.


After installing it, you will see a floating icon on bottom left, where you can configure it to filter more (I think by my or only blocks clear ads, some people might like the suggestions, but imo they are there to keep you engaged, so I would block them too).


Awesome, thank you :)


Since user posts aren’t ads, yes! But wouldn’t be surprised if on their end what appears to be normal user posts (and are) are served through the ad system, so that it actually works that way.


Other than YouTube, I’m basically off all of these centralized social media platforms and it feels great.

I do need to occasionally use Facebook for market place and messenger for contacting business.

Basically every business operates over messenger where I live.

viking, avatar

Yes same for me, whatsapp is pretty much the only “genuine” communication channel. I only keep a presence on facebook since I have to move countries frequently for work, and the “expats in $city” groups are quite helpful to find people, and then move the discussions off-platform :-)

bluGill, avatar

I'm trying to encourage people to move to peertube. Not much content there, but i'll reward what intersting content I find. You should too

pragmakist, avatar

Yeah, also please, make some content.

Doesn't matter that it stinks, we wont watch it till you get better anyway.

BroBot9000, avatar

I’ve been trying to switch over but haven’t found a good iOS app yet. Know of any?

bluGill, avatar

What is wrong with safari?


There’s just nothing there besides tech content



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    Not really, I am in a third would country and if you call the landline, you still have to pay by the minute. Most businesses do not even have a landline to contact. Typically they give a viber number or messenger number.

    Even when I needed to get a rabies shot, my wife found a place on facebook. They did not even have a website of their own. Sadly that is how the internet works where I live.


    Someone on here linked to which appears to be a better version of YouTube so far, even Louis Rossman is there talking about YT’s new adblock situation as one example:…/youtube's-adblock-war-is-backfiring-…


    Thanks! I always forget about that platform. I did see he made a video about that. I’ll watch it on odyssey now


    It’s YouTube (piped when I can but the servers seem to be down) and for me.


    I don’t like that it doesn’t save video progress mid video. It also is not very reliable for me, so I use an iOS extension called vinegar and use YouTube through a browser.

    MigratingtoLemmy, does though, if that’s what you want. Yes, reliability is a problem; I’m just waiting for when I’ll host my own piped instance


    I will check it out again. I thought it only marked videos as played but did not save the position in the video when you stopped watching.


    bye fb


    Better late than never

    BolexForSoup, avatar

    Best decision I ever made. Weeks later I realized how much better life was without that trash. Totally impacted by demeanor

    downpunxx, avatar

    Ad Blocking is Cyber Security, never ever let anyone convince you differently

    viking, avatar

    Definitely. Ads are eye cancer at best, and infiltration channels for malware at worst. Compromised ad networks pumping out executable code via javascript (or back in the days, Flash) are still a major source of trojan infections.

    Uranium3006, avatar

    if ads were just static PNGs with a link you went to if you clicked I wouldn't have ever bothered. but ads became a major malware and tracking risk so plugging that security hole became mandatory.

    user224, avatar

    I tried finding that website, but I can’t remember what it is. I’ve seen it use the static image advertisement. It changed on each reload too.

    But yes, that website had last update somewhere in the early 2000s.

    RickyRigatoni, avatar

    When I last used it a few years ago ExplainXKCD used static images and had a note about how they hand picked each ad to avoid any problems.


    People are gonna say I’m being hyperbolic or crazy, but I swear that the internet died the day the first line of production Javascript was ever written.

    Uranium3006, avatar

    The internet died in September 1994 everybody knows that


    Hey, that’s not too far away. Javascript came about in December 1995.


    Yeah, there’s no proper screening process and companies aren’t help liable for malicious advertisements. It’s the Wild west out there, and companies take money from anyone due to there being no consequences. Internet advertising has no proper screening process like network television.

    monsterpiece42, (edited )

    It’s true. I work in a computer shop and we see literally thousands and thousands of dollars lost from people clicking on ads that look like normal buttons (things like “Download”, “Next”, etc). And not just the elderly either. Everyone has a a combination of inputs to get scared and comply. Folks that are otherwise extremely competent and savvy can get scammed too.

    The best security you can have online is adblockers, only beaten by using trusted websites.

    Edit, fair points with sites being slimy these days. I meant using legitimate versions of websites rather than copy/fake websites designed to steal credentials.


    I dunno’, the way Google themselves have served vulnerable ads, it might be true that ad blocking is more important than using “trustworthy” sites.


    Does anyone have screenshots of these buttons? I didn’t see an ad for so long that I don’t even know how they look like.


    Yes, these exactly. There does seem to be a bias towards sites with multi-page articles (think Yahoo news, BuzzFeed type stuff), and what I’ll call “disposable income listings” like boat and sports car-listing websites.


    But what websites can you trust these days?

    YouTube? Serves up scammy bitcoin ads. Google? Places ads as “search results” Twitter?

    Maybe that one website unchanged since 1998.


    You can’t trust any website 100%

    You need to continously verify and reverify the details you can.


    Space Jam?


    It was updated when the shitty new one came out :c

    Hamartiogonic, avatar

    I can totally trust the hmpg site.

    Teon, avatar

    And just to add to your important point, Ad Blockers are really Content Blockers. They allow the user to delete annoyances that have nothing to do with advertising. We should all start calling them Content Blockers.


    Have tried the zapper in ublock origin? I love it.

    Teon, avatar

    I use it often for sites I rarely will visit again. It keeps My Rules file from getting cluttered.
    And it's fun!!!


    So fun! I think it gives me a tiny power trip when I feel like Bruce Lee karate-chopping away an annoying part of a website :D


    I have said it before, snd I will repeat it as many times as it takes.

    Adblocking is security, untill website owners take legal and financial responsibillity for the harm that a hacked ad spreading malware or attenpting any kind of deception, I won’t even consider removing my adblocker.

    If this changes, I will consider it, but will still not do it, the risk to my data is too large.


    Ads are malware for the mind, even when they’re not malware for the machine.

    GrappleHat, avatar

    Well put!


    Thanks :) I was quite pleased with that one!

    frauddogg, avatar

    “Your ad blocker is–” uh, uh, uh, it wasn’t doing that before you pushed a malicious commit to make it do that from your side. How about you turn off your ad CDNs?


    I'm sure there isn't, but it feels like that kind of wording should be reportable to someone

    They reworded it to make it seem like it was the adblocker's fault you were losing friend posts, speaking as if the ads were a second thought

    When adblockers don't actually target posts, meaning facebook would have to be the ones doing it.


    Loooooooooooool as if there was a single fuckin thing on Facebook I wanted to see badly enough to disable my ad blocker.

    applejacks, avatar

    pretty bold of them.

    at least youtube actually offers a valuable service in return.


    Sorry, you don’t appreciate getting the highlight reel of everyone else’s life to make yourself feel inferior?


    Actually I do, it actually makes me feel superior for not being dumb enough to project that shit out into the ether 😂

    CheshireSnake, avatar

    Your ad blocker is blocking posts from friends

    Thank fucking god


    My Facebook is hardly even friends these days. It’s basically ads, suggested posts, and posts in groups. Maybe because none of my friends really post anymore, I dunno.


    Yeah 1 out of 10 is a friend’s post. The rest is just garbage.


    I’m at the stage where I check it once a day, maybe twice, for things like birthdays and anything important that my friends post. 90% of what’s there is suggested posts, ads, or reposted shit. ‘What type of gemstone suits you best? Tap here to find out!’


    I find it quite dubious their claim of it blocking posts from friends, vs. ads. Friends don’t post ads, so if it’s blocking posts, they are inserting ads colored up as “friend posts”.


    Ok but who the fuck uses Facebook?


    Boom boom boomers


    So people who don’t know about adblockers, generally.


    I love that go-to. The boomers aren’t the ones using it, it’s their kids. I seriously think 90% of the people that use the term Boomer have no clue what generation their talking about.


    Eh, I see Boomer used as a state of mind as often as a generation. It’s like Karen, calling soneone a Karen isn’t claiming their name is Karen, it’s calling out a state of mind.


    That’s fine, but Karen was always meant that way, Boomer is a very specific generation, which are all geriatrics and even their kids are nothing like them.


    One of my parent’s dozen+ facebook bots that steal their pictures/identity, because they are too dumb to know how to configure FB privacy settings. It’s disturbing how many of them just scour profiles, replicate, and impersonate to scam.


    There are a few countries where Facebook is still pretty popular. The Philippines, for example


    Averyone who wants to have social life in my country


    Oh wow, im sorry for you.


    Call them, text them, there’s a difference between FB friends, and actual friends.


    Or maybe don’t tell other people how to live their lives?


    I did no such thing dipshit.


    You seem pleasant.


    Thanks, I try…

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    My ASD brother, who prefers to be contacted through it. I want to maintain what little relationship I have with him.


    In Brazil, it is useful to contact people that you know in real life, family and friends…

    Plus, it sorta works like a Craigslist here. People sell and buy things from Facebook everyday, and people advertise their business and services here (e.g: restaurants, plumbing services, gift stores, etc)


    I’ll be that sort of person to say that the change starts when you also start. When messengers weren’t a thing here, I started moving people I talk with to a messenger of my choice. Slowly after some time all the people I know were using it without giving any thought because turns out they just use whatever works. Several months go by and I safely use nothing but that messenger of my choice. Whenever a person asks if I use Facebook/Whatsapp, I just say “I don’t have it, do you have (that messenger of my choice) or do you prefer SMS?” - and it kind of works for me.


    Great for the internet! More people will install an adblocker (hopefully ublock origin).


    While i like ublock and use it myself, i hope not everyone uses it! There need to be different adblockers. Same as just one browser, or one forum is vulnerable to different things, so would adblocks be.


    I agree that it’s better to have multiple options. The issue with adblockers I often see is that they are adware themselves when not malware. With ublock origin, you can block contents of various types and not just ads. I prefer people having ublock origin than any bad option out there.

    vardogor, avatar

    why would this lead to more adblocker installs? it’s a message about already having one


    Like it backfired for YouTube, it will be the case for Facebook. People become aware of them through the news it generates.


    How did it backfire for YouTube? According to this source, YouTube has over 2 billion monthly users. Let’s assume that a significant portion of this user base is around 10%, as a substantial loss in ad revenues would be necessary for this situation to backfire. That would amount to 200,000,000 users.

    Do we have data confirming that ad-blockers gained approximately 200,000,000 new installations over the past month, or is there any other evidence to support this claim?


    The argument I heard is that all of the chatter about adblockers is causing normal people who don’t realize that adblockers exist to realize that they exist and try them out. I don’t know if there’s any evidence that this is actually happening, and I don’t know how much I can believe that argument at this stage


    Except it doesn’t work that way. People don’t care. Cambridge Analytica didn’t get people off FB, neither will this.

    Look how many here claim they use Facebook because other people do, many people only pretend to care about their privacy. All it takes is somebody else to not care about theirs, and then neither do they.

    BeigeAgenda, avatar

    It would be funny if the ad blocking community just ignored this, and focused on removing FB tracking on external sites.

    viking, avatar

    That’s what I’m using the ghostery browser addon for. They are pretty effective with external tracker removals.


    Stop using Facebook.

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