
Y’all send me an SMS when you wanna hang out

PD: tell zuck I said fuck off


He for a group Matrix might work better.


Seems like an unnecessarily douchey email from your roommate. Hope they’re chill otherwise.


That is my impression as well. We shall see how he is in person.


Its not just gen z. But to be fair, they might not want to download another messaging app for just one group chat. This isnt a hill to die on.


There are other ways to express this than “your suggestion sucks, let’s do it my way instead”.

And even not caring about privacy, Signal is an instant messaging application, Instagram is a social media around photos. What is the better chouce to text your roommates, I wonder.


When you don’t want to download a messaging app, you still have SMS…

You all still have SMS

EngineerGaming, avatar

To be fair, at least where I live SMS are paid so not quite an alternative. I’d rather suggest email instead.


When you’re negotiating you have to take a position you’re comfortable moving away from, but not so obvious it’s a feint.

If you had suggested something like irc they would have seen through the ploy.

Here’s your grandmaster opener move: Google groups mailing list

SexualPolytope, avatar

Still probably better than the steaming pile of shit that’s GroupMe. I hate that app with every atom of my existence.


I was told to download it for my orientation and as much as I hated it I actually tried everything to sign up and it just would not work. It would never send a text to my phone number. Dogshit application and service I really don’t understand why it is popular in universities


Out of curiosity, is your phone number real or virtual ( like Google Voice) Many services won’t send to virtual numbers anymore because they’re used for scams so much.


real number and it just would not send it

GnuLinuxDude, avatar

That sucks. Good luck convincing them, or good luck if you failed to convince them and have to use spyware.


We settled for SMS. At least it is not system level spyware and just basic message and contact spyware

GnuLinuxDude, avatar



Have you considered the postal service?


Have you considered one time pads and running your own UHF numbers station?

“8 3 36 24 13 7. The Stork in Prague crows at Midnight. 4 78 1 8 52.”

(Hey dudes, let’s meet at O’Flannagans after class and get fucked uuuuuup)

SexualPolytope, avatar

Just leave post-it notes on the fridge, duh.


I love unencrypted messages 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


I won't install Facebook Messenger because fuck Zuck and his privacy-raping software.

EricHill78, avatar

My wife insists on using it. I learned to pick my battles.


So, how’s single life?


Sorry, I had to quit Instagram. How about just a normal group text?


You mean talking to people and expressing your thoughts or opinions? No thank you, I rather stare angrily at my mail thank you very much.


Bleh, had an argument with someone about switching to signal or something other than FB messenger and he flat out refused on the basis that it would require him to have another app on his phone.

Three months later, he had signal installed on his phone. No idea what happened there, probably someone with more social clout than I had got him to install it. No mention of the prior argument.


Maybe you got through to him

ominouslemon, (edited )

Instagram, FB Mesenger, SMS…? IDK why you guys don’t just use WhatsApp. It’s the standard messaging app everywhere in the world (except the US, of course)

EDIT: Wow, lots of people in denial ITT. Look, it’s simple: you can hate Meta/Facebook as much as you want (and I do), but you can’t deny that WhatsApp is a great product, feature-wise. People who compare it to SMS, Instagram chat, FB messenger or anything else are honestly laughable. The only service that can hold a candle against it is perhaps Telegram

Lemongrab, avatar

Owned by meta but better than fb and insta messages because of e2ee.

Still wish i could delete it (have it inside a shelter work profile).

Matrix bridging is an option for whatsapp as well as sms, discord, and others, although it does make using these services more private (beyond not having the app installed).

Elon_Musk, avatar

If everyone is already on platform X why would they install app W?


Because this website is an echo chamber that hates big corporations and think the holy grail is to avoid having an online footprint by not using big apps, thus achieving “privacy”.

In reality they’re a minority of about 100:1.

livus, avatar

For me the main reason to avoid that stuff is Zuck's a dick and I don't appreciate how facebook lets people spread incitement to genocide.

It's kind of like avoiding Nestle. Just more chill for your soul.


Sure, but most of the people on here have no clue what they’re talking about and think using a VPN gives you pRiVaCy, or that not using Facebook somehow is sticking it to the man


Fair enough. BTW that’s the first and only coherent response I’ve read yet


You might wanna scope the username. Lol


Found the bootlicker. How does it taste?


Yeah disagreeing with a tiny army of lemmings is bootlicking, makes sense


disagreeing with a tiny army of lemmings

You think you’re standing against a both-too-weak-and-too-strong army of conformists by… stanning for corpos that don’t care if you live or die.

That’s sad.


You care too much about their regard for your well-being. Of course they don’t give a shit. Why would they? It’s business.


You care too much

You care a whole lot about performatively not caring. Contrarianism for its own sake is juvenile.

Of course they don’t give a shit. Why would they? It’s business.

“Hurting people for profit is cool and the best system should reward more of that!”

You are incredibly fucking ignorant and pathetic.

LARPing as your corporate masters by admiring their ideology won’t elevate you.

Licking that boot won’t earn you the privilege of wearing it. bootlicker


Hurting people for profit? Who are they hurting? It’s a free market, and it’s your choice to use their products or not. Just stop fucking whining about it all the time.

You’re a corporate slave only if you choose to be. This isn’t some 1984 dystopia as you try to make it out to be.

Start worrying about real issues. You’re a free person and I believe in you :)


You seem to care a lot about not caring. You keep posting. That apathy is looking as hollow as your ideology.

Hurting people for profit?

Yes. If you weren’t ignorant, you’d understand that “it’s just business, businesses exist to turn a profit” and implying that’s a good thing and the best possible system means lots of extra pollution, safety corners cut, and sometimes even bloody coups for the sake of additional profits in far corners of the world or outright slavery in impoverished nations. Again, all for profit. That hurts people. You’re that dense.

Just stop fucking whining about it all the time.

Stop whining about people calling out an obvious reality that you don’t like.

You’re a corporate slave only if you choose to be.

People around the world don’t have that choice, especially when toxic waste is dumped where they live or when their governments are destabilized and replaced with puppets representing corporate interests to further loot their lands.

This isn’t some 1984 dystopia as you try to make it out to be.

Of course that’s your only frame of reference. Because you’re ignorant.

You’re a free person and I believe in you :)

Your concern trolling attempt, smiley and all, makes you sound like the juvenile contrarian that you are.


Now you’re talking about the real issues I mentioned. I’m glad to have awakened your sense of justice, and hope you stop crying about optional internet cookies.

You instantly resort to name-calling and personal insults while calling me juvenile, like a true keyboard warrior, so I think we’re done here.


In reality they’re a minority of about 100:1

You care too much

No one else here is licking boots like you are in this thread and you’ve been doing it for hours. You care that much about other people caring about corporate greed fucking them over, as well as fucking society and the planet we live on.

You instantly resort to name-calling and personal insults

Because this website is an echo chamber

Yeah disagreeing with a tiny army of lemmings

You’re an exceptionally hypocritical crybully that gets off to feeling so very smart by being contrarian in a thread full of people that dare to acknowledge reality, unlike you.

and hope you stop crying

You can log out any time you like and return to a circlejerk website of your choosing where you can all pretend you’re free thinkers for agreeing with each other there.


Oh, the irony…


In reality they’re a minority of about 100:1

You care too much

You’re a minority of one that’s been posting for hours while complaining about other people ostensibly caring too much.

How many more hours is your circus going to be running today, corpo clown?

sour, avatar

that doesn’t justify them exploiting people

sour, avatar

big corporations are hated for a reason



sour, avatar

you said it like it’s a bad thing


No, and I’m not siding with them, but selling ads and anonymous information you agreed to share doesn’t automatically make them evil


Because this website is an echo chamber

that hates big corporations

Your own implication is that being an enlightened free thinker is to stan for big corporations, for free, that don’t care if you live or die.

You’re fucking pathetic and I feel sorry for you. pathetic


That’s not the implication at all and the fact that you even think that just shows how fucking dumb you are. The weeb shit is just the cherry on top lmao


That’s not the implication at all

It is, even if you say “nuh uh.”

You’ve come, voluntarily and unsolicited, to stan for corpos that don’t care if you live or die.

The weeb shit is just the cherry on top

Using an emoji is weeb shit? Okay boomer. grillman


Ending with that doesn’t hide your impotent rage.


Why does a corporation’s opinion of you mean anything? Why do you care if they care? You choose to use their products. Nothing is free, and if you don’t like them earning money by showing you ads, don’t use their products.


Why does a corporation’s opinion of you mean anything?

Because they don’t need your simpering sycophantic posting here. They got legal teams and lots of political protections.

Why do you care if they care?

Because they’re making society and the world worse entirely for profit and they’re also conditioning ignorant people like you to stan for them.

You choose to use their products.

In general, not as much as you think and when I have no choice to do so, that isn’t a choice, is it?

Nothing is free, and if you don’t like them earning money by showing you ads, don’t use their products.

You are a laughably pathetic bootlicker if you’re sinking to those thoughtless platitudes.

Pollution happens whether or not an individual buys into the product. Erosions of personal legal protections happen when the lobbyists encroach a little more. “Vote with your wallet” does absolutely nothing at a societal level but I think you’re too willfully sycophantic to understand that.


Because they’re making society and the world worse entirely for profit and they’re also conditioning ignorant people like you to stan for them.

Yes. But not via Whatsapp, that’s all. It’s probably the least bad app they own


That wasn’t the bootlicker’s argument. The full context of what he was arguing was “businesses doing whatever they want to make money is good actually and voting with your wallet is all you’re allowed to do no matter how systemic and societal consequences harm you.” galaxy-brain

Venus, avatar

Noted weeb UlyssesT who loves shonen manga and jpop, everybody knows him


Shhhhhh! Don’t give away the game.

The bootlicker’s ignorance is producing such amazing takes. I want to keep this bootlicker going as long as possible.

sour, avatar

you can be on multiple platforms


I only have WhatsApp because I have so many non-American friends ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I dragged my mom and sister over to using it, and everyone has been warned that the second I see Meta trying to monetize it, I'm going to whine until they all move to Signal (which has pretty much identical functionality.)


If the creator of WhatsApp was willing to walk away from billions of dollars because he didn’t agree under principle with where it was going under Meta, I’m willing to not use the app.


It's just another meta owned messenger. It's no better than FB or instagram.


Definitely not as good as signal but at least Whatsapp is e2e encrypted unlike Instagram

Anamana, avatar

And it’s the middle ground. Doesn’t make sense to die on the privacy hill in every group situation.


Not that I use it or am fond of it, but wouldn’t Telegram be more of a middle ground in this context?

It’s not big corporate (Meta), nor smaller nonprofit or decentralized/self-hosted (Signal/Matrix~Element), and is a business offering a messaging app with encryption options one may enable as desired.

Anamana, avatar

Whatever works ;) problem with telegram is that group chats are not E2E encrypted


That doesn't make it any better. Still owned and controlled by meta.


How is it not better? Are you actually arguing that plaintext and e2e encrypted messages are somewhat equivalent? It IS better, period. Not ideal because it’s still owned by Meta, but definitely better


Already answered, and no I did not say they are equivalent.

It's not better, it's a meta product.


That’s just plain false. WhatsApp is at least e2e encrypted and its UX is great, compared to the other apps


That shitty app sucked even before Meta acquired it 🤡

polskilumalo, avatar

🎶"He’s gonna take you back to the past. To use shitty apps that suck ass. He’d rather have-"🎶


You either don’t know what you’re talking about or you’re just commenting in bad faith


Huh, dude, I am forced to use WhatsApp because it is the number 1 app here where I live, nobody even used SMS, which I actually didn’t believe was a thing until another lemming pointed it out lol.

WhatsApp has always been behind other options such as Telegram, for example their WhatsApp web implementation is a huge joke compared to Telegram, or the way it stores the data too.


The way Whatsapp stores data is arguably more secure than Telegram, i.e. not in the cloud but only locally. It sucks if you lose access to your phone and you have not set up backups via iCloud/Google Drive, but it’s definitely better in terms of privacy and security.


For the same reason that I don’t use Reddit as a link aggregator.


Except at least WhatsApp is a great product, feature-wise


I don’t know anyone who uses whatsapp in my friend group lol… Tbf noone uses anything privacy related either so I know I’d never use whatsapp, looks like it’s straight from 2012


I’ve never had a Facebook account, I’ve never had an insta account, but I do use WhatsApp.

Pretty much everyone I know whether old or young uses WhatsApp. When I was travelling, a lot of apartments, hotels and booking services used it too.

Seems to be the one messaging app that cuts across all generations, countries and also the Android/IOS divide.

skymtf, avatar

as a gen zer myself I would follow it up with WHY? give me a reason WHY. I don’t really see a difference between instagram groups and signal groups. I think what it is for most people is some lame app they will download for only that specific purpose. The only reason why iMessage is popular is it’s the default. If the EU passed a regulation to force Apple to have a default messager that only supported SMS, and iMessage to be a separate appstore app, or even just an extension for the messages app. it would die within a year. Meta groups are only popular cause they are tired to 2 of the biggest social platform being facebook and instagram.

skymtf, avatar

Signal is just a messaging app, and worst of all to a ton of people you have to share your phone number, something that is kinda intimate and you might only share it among the closer people in your friend group, even when signal launches usernames unless it builds something around signal it’s just another annoying messaging app to keep track of.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

There’s an app called Session that is similar to Signal without the phone number requirement but then you have the issue of moving people to an even more niche platform


For some reason the session network (oxen network) now blocks my Hetzner VPS connection (I use for VPN). Have been a session user for around 2 years now and now I have to reconsider Signal.

Opafi, (edited )

There’s also threema which is pretty tried and tested and quite popular where I live (and also not connected to weird crypto schemes) but it of course has the same issue.


I’m using SimpleX chat, which works great, and no phone number. It’s niche too


I love SimpleX because you can have multiple users and you can use 1-time invite codes so you don’t actually have to give anyone an identifier of any kind if you don’t want to.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

Do you have any issues getting notifications?

Cheradenine, (edited )

I do occasionally, but my friends don’t, I think it is my phone because a reboot fixes it.

ETA: ‘occasionally’ about every 1-2 months

krimsonbun, avatar

I’ve tried to use session to talk to a couple family members but I just don’t get notifications, so I just use signal. (no I’m not on slow mode, I just use microG)


If only there was some messaging app that basically every college age student already has installed. That would be convenient.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

I’m not sure if you meant that sarcastically but besides Instagram I really haven’t come across one


have to share your phone number

Lol, lmao even

What great security

Same shit with Telegram and how you literally can’t use it without a phone. You have to use your phone to log in on desktop, even. Just lollll

nix, avatar

You don’t have to share your phone number with people to use telegram with them though.


Security and avoidance of anti-features != anonymity. If you wanted that you would have to use something like GNU Jami which has account archives and is peer to peer.

I’m just grateful that the phone number requirement means less of a hassle for others.


you’re just saying a bunch of words at me that mean literally nothing if you think it being tied to your phone + phone number = good

boboblaw, avatar

Good for what?


Having an app, the entire point of which is encrypted communication, tied to your fucking phone number is fucking stupid shrug-outta-hecks

boboblaw, avatar

Is there another app you’d suggest instead? Signal seems to work well for OP’s use case.


So the obvious better privacy option is… Instagram?

skymtf, avatar

I think you can try to create the group with end to end encryption


You pretty much hit the nail. I doubt he has ever even used Signal in his life. And even if it was some lame all for a specific purpose, it is a better experience than SMS since Apple loves to gatekeep iMessage and Android users can’t use it.


The EU is supposed to pass some laws to make iMessage accessible from other devices


I tried this before, but with asking someone why they liked the iPhone so much.

I kept asking why and they’d keep giving me non-answer types of answers. Basically, they had no reason. But that still didn’t stop them from liking their products.

I don’t know, dude. Even asking ‘why’ doesn’t work anymore.


as a gen zer myself I would follow it up with WHY? give me a reason WHY.

So that spooks and advertisers can’t read your messages and use the information to help them brainwash you. Isn’t that reason enough?

skymtf, avatar

I mean for them to explain why they think signal sucks


I got the same response from my 65 yo in-laws, it ain’t Gen Z


Came here to say exactly this.


My boomer parents use it daily without any trouble. If they can do it anyone can

girl, (edited )

I didn’t mean to imply it was an ability issue, they are just unwilling to change lol, they don’t care about privacy. Classic “Well I don’t have anything to hide” fallacy.

I just get so annoyed whenever someone broadly says “god I hate the youth for being so dumb”, idiots come in all ages y’all


If they’re in college and don’t have anything to hide they’re missing out.


true, but my in-laws graduated about 40 years ago so their secrets are buried in the past


Yep those people make me puke when they say they don’t care about privacy


Same. I use it to chat with my parents exclusively, who are 68 and 75.

skymtf, avatar


  • Loading...
  • MagneticFusion,

    Guarantee he has never ever even used Signal in his life. He just says that because bandwagon

    morrowind, avatar

    wtf is instagram group chat. Is that the same as facebook messenger? I hate that app


    It is not it is the direct messaging system built within Instagram itself. It is extremely popular among Gen Z because they get to spam each other with thousands of Instagram reels and shitty memes



    jvrava9, avatar

    As a Gen Z without any social media, I approve.


    Nice to see a fellow zoomer that does not have any social media. I was the biggest social media addict for years and refuse to ever go back. Fuck those algorithm driven psychologically manipulative social media services that also spy on everything you do.


    I was the biggest social media addict

    I was, a long time ago. Back when you actually used it to follow your friends and see what they were up to. Meta fixed that right up for me when they enshittified it with rampant ads, “Reels” and “suggestions”, not to mention cloning literally every other social media feature, to the point that I can’t even find my actual friends anymore.

    ccf, (edited ) avatar

    without social media

    posted on lemmy


    Smoke, avatar

    @ccf @jvrava9 and the fediverse

    jvrava9, avatar

    Besides Lemmy


    Lemmy and the like are closer to a series of forums than social media, I’d argue.


    I’m fairly certain they combined Instagram DMs and FB Messenger into one thing a couple of years ago. Instagram DM is now just FB Messenger but in the Instagram app, and its chats can be viewed and interacted with fully from Messenger.


    I have several people that I have blocked because they continuously send me Reels, despite me never replying to a single message and asking them to stop sending them.

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