
Who the fuck uses instagram for group chats?




My friend group just uses our discord server for that shit, then again we’re all older zoomers so maybe thats why.



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  • mom,

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t zoomer = gen z?


    Here’s my correction: you’re correct

    pixelle, avatar

    Honestly discord might even be worse.


    Zoomer genocide is the only solution

    BrezhnevsEyebrows, avatar

    A lot of young people do


    Bro if I had to use insta for a group chat I would fucking snap lmao, give me Facebook messenger any day. At least that app tries to be decent


    I hate Gen Z

    Dude. I have a group that only talks on Facebook Messenger. It’s 100% Gen X and Millennials. Don’t blame the generation, it just makes you sound like an old man yelling “get off my lawn”.

    EngineerGaming, avatar

    Exactly. What’s annoying are oblivious people, who are the majority in every single generation.

    darcy, avatar

    true, but ive noticed that at least older people pretend to care about privacy

    nik282000, avatar

    Since when? Boomers will click anything you send them, Gen X think they are too clever to be phished on their XP desktop, and Millennials will give you their entire credit history for $50 off a streaming service. The majority of every generation doesn’t give a shit about digital privacy.


    Don’t blame the generation, it just makes you sound like an old man yelling “get off my lawn”.

    I’m assuming that they are also Gen Z, with the whole college roommates thing.


    I went to college at 29. And it really doesn’t matter how old you are, complaining about a younger generation makes you sound old.

    Take it from a Gen Xer who’s heard The Greatest, the Boomers, and my own generation do it 😁


    I went to college at 29.

    Did you also have just-out-of-highschool roommates though?

    Also, fair on the rest of your point. Don’t have to be old to act old.


    complaining about a younger generation makes you sound old.

    Complaining about any generation, as if it’s a monolith, makes you sound small minded and ignorant. This is as true for older people as it is for the young. Many Gen Zers constantly blame all the world’s problems on Baby Boomers and seems to think all their troubles will magically disappear once the oldest living generation is dead and buried. They’re gonna be real fucking surprised the day they wake up and realize the only thing they ever accomplished socially with all that ageism was to normalize blind hatred of anyone over 40, which will be them before too long.

    And, yes, I know that I’m unironically complaining about a generation in this post. Or at least a segment of them.

    hexi, (edited )


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  • s20,

    Okay. We’ll take that as a given.

    I didn’t say they were wrong. I just said they sounded like an old man yelling at kids to get off his lawn.

    And I stand by that.

    ETA: okay, I’ll admit that I might have implied they were wrong. Sorry about that.

    xj9, avatar

    millennials were doing that in their 20s though. it was a whole drama with some of my friends when i switched to android back in the day (5-8 years ago, mind). you just want to be a grumpy old.


    Im a 36 year old millennial and when I was in my 20s no one gave a fuck what you used we were just stoked to have smart phones lol


    I had a fucking Nokia brick phone in my 20s and nobody gave a shit what kind of phone I had. Maybe your friends were just…shall we say, not of the quality of person I would desire in members of my social circle.

    nik282000, avatar

    Did you have a Razor? Best phone I ever had.


    I think it was a 2220 or something similar. One of those old school Nokia slide phones.

    Commiejones, avatar

    you just want to be a grumpy old

    Doesn’t everyone just want that? I cant wait till I can wear my stubborn ignorance as a badge of pride.

    nik282000, avatar

    iDevices are a cult. Same as Facebox, Instapot and TicTac.


    My hot take is that Gen Z is less tech literate than Millennials and it’s almost entirely due to iOS.


    Definitely agree


    I’m not sure either part is true given how many software and hardware engineers get churned out every year. I think what happened is the same kind of people who would never have touched a computer in 1992 now have even more powerful computers in their pockets, but they are used for only 3 or 4 different apps. For the most part, it’s very consumption driven versus interaction. Designed to be put into the pockets of plebs in order to drive revenue because it can’t be too difficult.

    I would posit that most people working in business at this point don’t even need things as powerful as a modern PC.


    I would posit that most people working in business at this point don’t even need things as powerful as a modern PC.

    I’m not going to speak to the rest of it but this hit a sore spot. You’re exactly right. Most applications that most office workers use are web based. Heavy lifting is done on the server or, more commonly these days, through SaaS. Most workers could do what they need on a Chromebook.

    Obviously there are some exceptions but not too many depending on what business and department you’re in.


    They need the ram not the processor


    All my friends have android phones and they are tech illiterate. This is common thing in every generation ig. Not a gen z specific thing. I have seen millennial tech nerds and tech illiterates


    I think it’s less to do with IOS vs Android and more to do with phone vs PC (potentially even ones where you had to use command prompt to do things). File systems, OS corruption, ability to replace parts, etc are not really things a typical phone-only user is going to deal with. There are a lot of primarily phone, tablet, Chromebook users these days and it abstracts away a lot of the lower-level stuff that millennials were forced to deal with to use AOL Instant Messenger to chat.


    Yeah you can say that also i recently fixed a friend’s pc which was not booting to windows, all i had to do was change the boot priority to the one with windows on it.

    wintrparkgrl, avatar

    This is why I never tell anyone I am tech literate. The solutions are always so inane.


    yep, a lot of people at my school have no laptop except the school provided Chromebook, use mostly iPhones, and due to using Chromebooks and iPhones for everything they never actually touch the inner workings of the OS

    People have said that Linux sucks because there are barely any games and game mods for it

    Yeah, go tell that to Steam about the steam deck lol, Stray runs great under proton, you can even get it to kinda-sorta work on low-end hardware


    Android is also dogshit for power users these days


    Still better then iOS, it’s a trade off tho, I used to flash a new rom like once a month for fun and because I was hoping to get an extra feature or a little extra power, really not necessary anymore with a good android phone. I did still root and rom my old android devices recently tho :P


    If you really want to get angry have a look at this list. Storage and screen casting are some of the most egregious examples. Android may still be somewhat ahead of iOS but they are definitely converging. I don’t find Android to be the bastion of openness, customization and powerful features that I once did.…

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    How is Storage and Miracast removed? This is just scaremongering. Yes some of the root directories can be an issue, but storage as in internal and SD card storage are fully accessible. Also, my Android 10 phone has screen mirroring that casts to more or less any TV (never tried Apple TV though).

    Android has its pain points but they are not these.


    No I’d say that it has more to do with improved usability and better design overall making them unable to fix issues when they do occur. There isn’t one specific company or system to blame. Nearly everything has, for better or for worse, been boiled down into a webapp where there is minimal potential for error.

    It’s also not really fair to compare gen z to Millenials as Millennials have had nearly twice as much time to figure things out.


    The way I see it, things have been filtered down to a design concept of “simplify until a toddler can figure it out” and that’s been followed by so many designs that everyone has overlooked all the drawbacks of designing in that fashion. People have become wildly content with simple apps that lack personal configuration or extended functionality because users now lack so much basic knowledge or expect crazy things to the point that if they come across any small issue they will call technical support, leave a crazed email, or complain loudly on social media long before they every actually considered solving the issue themselves or even checking online to see how others arrived at the issue. I kinda feel like I’m just rambling right now but for a long time society, at least here in the US, normalized and and removed negative connotations from the term “computer illiterate” to the point that it’s become not only the norm but the design goal.


    You used to be able to find solutions to issues online, but now all you get are sites that scrape Stack Overflow and paywall it, or you get those 30 paragraph long articles that are actually 4 sentences to describe the fix.


    Download driver whateverthehell.exe today to fix your issue! Free scan!

    rikudou, avatar

    Sounds like bullshit. I’m a millennial and most people I know know shit about computers. Even those who use them every day only know how to do the few things they need to do and that’s it.

    So I don’t think gen Z is any worse in that, most people suck, regardless of generation, with computers and that’s it.

    DarkDarkHouse, avatar

    More people drive a car than understand how it works. They push the pedal and turn the wheel and get where they want to go. Of course that’s fine most of the time and we can’t all understand everything like a mechanic does. But when it’s something like a car or a computer that you use so, so much in your daily life and you don’t care to have even the most basic understanding of how it works… seems strange to me.

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    Its a phone vs PC thing. Less than 5% of Android community exists as enthusiasts who actively or formerly modded their phones in some capacity (rooting, bootloaders, one click root). Rest of the Android users are negligibly more literate than iOS users, and its mainly because of a real open filesystem and some people needing call recording feature.


    I did put your claim that most Android users know more than ios users, I think most phone users only know and care about the squares on their home screen. They’re all terrible, but at least they can’t break their device by default.

    I’ve basically never needed to open the files app on Android or iOS except on rare occasions when I needed to find a downloaded file.

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    If you used it, that is all that matters. It does not matter when even its just once that your friend or colleague or work guy sent you a document file, which you can work with in Android/Windows/Linux, but not iOS. The file manager also allows for your phone to work as a USB pendrive in clutch situations.


    It’s because computers and phones have shifted to be simultaneously more complicated and with more intuitive UI for casual users. 75 years ago most people who owned a car could do a lot of routine maintenance and even some more advanced engine work because the cars were way simpler. Millennials just lucked out that they grew up in a tome when computers were way less complicated and also cheap enough to be consumer goods. It’s not because of any one company, but the natural evolution of the technology.


    I wouldn’t say it’s lucky, there are tons of jobs that require & presume you to have the most basic knowledge about filesystem or folder hierarchy and the young hires I’ve had in the last few years act like I’m throwing them into an advanced calculus class. Mouths agape and eyebrows scrunched up as I slowly show them where files go, like I’ve invented fire in front of their eyes.


    Never take tech advice from someone who hasn’t removed the device manufacturers advertisement from their email signature

    whodoctor11, avatar

    Put in mind that’s only in Murica. In the rest of the world Android rocks


    Hasn’t helped most of them in western Europe though, in a lot of elementary schools they now teach about basic computer skills like how folders work (and they spend weeks on that).

    It’s never been about a specific company or anything, it’s just that more people are using computers and don’t actually have to learn anything to use them.


    Your hot take is really just facts.


    I train my company’s end users weekly and your just stating facts. People graduating college don’t have the computer skills that the 60 year old receptionist does, because she took the time to fucking learn because her job depended on it.

    I’d piss on Steve Jobs’ grave if I knew where it was. And the propensity for schools to take the cheap route and use chromebooks in the classroom is the next wave.

    “Apple just woooorks!” fuck off. Use on-prem enterprise accounting software, line-of-business applications or boutique software, anything in a manufacturing space and tell me how fucking well it just works.

    Yes, there are 17 different packages from 25 different sources that you can Frankenstein together to make that enterprise work, but despite the bullshit that comes with it, enterprises run on windows desktop. And Sally, your word processor frankly is the same damn thing either way. You’re not that special.


    iOS doesn’t even have a damn file browser. How backwards is that.


    The Files app says hello.


    That app is not a file browser. Hello.

    DarkDarkHouse, avatar

    What? It’s a file browser. You know, open, copy, move, delete, share etc.

    It’s not a very good one, I’ll agree to that.


    I thought gen z was already adults and this is some kind of new wave of kids that didn’t get social skills because of the pandemic.


    I got the same response from my 65 yo in-laws, it ain’t Gen Z


    Came here to say exactly this.


    My boomer parents use it daily without any trouble. If they can do it anyone can

    girl, (edited )

    I didn’t mean to imply it was an ability issue, they are just unwilling to change lol, they don’t care about privacy. Classic “Well I don’t have anything to hide” fallacy.

    I just get so annoyed whenever someone broadly says “god I hate the youth for being so dumb”, idiots come in all ages y’all


    If they’re in college and don’t have anything to hide they’re missing out.


    true, but my in-laws graduated about 40 years ago so their secrets are buried in the past


    Yep those people make me puke when they say they don’t care about privacy


    Same. I use it to chat with my parents exclusively, who are 68 and 75.

    pH3ra, avatar
    1. Create an IG account with a burner email and join the chat
    2. Sell all other member’s data to advertisement, scam telephone services, mailing lists, etc… subscribe all of them to newsletters from amazon and pornsites (or just wait for all of that to happen naturally)
    3. Wait for someone to bring this up
    4. "I told you, we should move to Signal"
    5. Bring everyone over
    6. Win
    mishimaenjoyer, avatar

    „I want people to care more about their privacy so I’m going to give away their data and seriously harming their privacy to tell them that i told them so“ - what kind of mental gymnastics is this?

    pH3ra, (edited ) avatar

    First of all I was joking, as I know that selling your friends’ personal data without thier consent is not only immoral but also ILLEGAL in all free countries. If you, for some reason, need this to be be clarified, I do not endorse giving away other people’s personal data.
    Second: when my father found two boxes of cigarettes in my bedroom when I was 13, he made me smoke all of them in one sitting. I never smoked again.
    Shock therapy works sometimes, so there’s your logic kid.


    well they’re already giving their data so it’s just accelerating the process


    hmm really? I’m pretty its very different in the US

    pH3ra, avatar

    in fact I said “in all FREE countries”


    US is the freest country around as long as you can afford it.

    pH3ra, avatar

    So US isn’t “free”, but “discounted” at best?


    I’d say there’s heavy dealer markup over msrp


    I would actually argue that this argument is more suited for Greece. I was born here and live here now, and the bueraucracy is absolutely horrendous. If you have money, however, you pay a lawyer and they do everything for you. And, at least on the islands, the police literally doesn’t work. I used to drive about 30 km daily… when I was 13. I saw a police car at least once a week (way too frequently for Greece), even drove by them, greeted them, never got caught.

    Bonus points:

    1. The GDPR, while far from perfect, still applies here;
    2. many people live here that cannot, for the life of them, use computers. Digitalization is starting to emerge here and it’s still in it’s infancy, but even when they are done, you will still be able to do any government actions the “analog” way;
    3. since this is Greece, where democracy emerged, people do their best to protect it (although lately this isn’t working out too well).

    so, basically, “paid”.


    Freedom is only free if you have rich parents.


    smoked 2 boxes of cigarettes in one sitting

    that seems like an extremely reckless way to scold your child

    pH3ra, avatar

    I threw up twice and got a sore throat so bad I had to take medicines for two weeks.
    But hey, it worked. Maybe if you have to do it, just stop after the first pack…


    I’m pretty sure it’s straight up child abuse


    Desperate circumstances call for desperate measures. Smoking will ruin your life.


    Is your father Hank Hill???

    snowbell, avatar

    Nah, Hank made bobby smoke a whole carton.


    Well yes, but… the whole thread is about sending messages!


    You son of a removed.


    “Jokes = mental gymnastics” -u


    Can you create an account with a burner email? When I tried it about a year ago, plus some legitimate addresses, it never worked or it straight asked for a phone number. I gave them a temp number, received a code, it ‘ran into an unexpected error’.


    lol cope and be normal I guess? I understand insta isn’t great with privacy but it’s a group chat for your room mates. Make a burner account instead of forcing all of them to download some app they’ve never heard of for one group chat with people they are forced to be acquaintances with.

    They’re likely all thinking you’re the odd man out because you’re making a fuss over a group chat.


    This my advice too. Just make a burner and chat through there.

    If there weren’t a housing crisis then I’d say fuck em, but it’s hard enough finding roommates as is.


    More info needed here. I don’t see OP “making a fuss” but putting down someone’s suggestion so bluntly is kind of rude.


    You don’t have any context. I never made a fuss about it I simply suggested that we make a gc on Signal because it’s like iMessage for iOS and Android (cross compatible), but someone else suggested we can just create an old fashioned SMS group chat because they tend to miss notifications on other apps which is understandable and what we ended up doing. But the way this guy responded is a bit douchy for someone who does not know any of us and this is the second message we are ever receiving from him.


    Why don’t you just respond why you think Signal is a better choice? Comments here won’t help regular people get with encryption.

    I also don’t see how this relates to anything specific to gen z as I see the exact same behavior in my gen x / millenial peers.

    kshade, avatar

    I also don’t see how this relates to anything specific to gen z as I see the exact same behavior in my gen x / millenial peers.

    Yeah, my whole life feels like a parade of shitty messengers winning.


    Can I ask why you didn’t post this context in the OP post?


    The post does say he(OP) suggested(not requested) use of signal. I don’t think more context is needed


    yeah but without the context in the OP, I saw a lot of people making assumptions


    Problem: group messaging

    Smart solution: private lean messaging app

    Stupid solution: a bloated social media app that will still fingerprint and track you and feed your data back even on a burner account

    They’re likely all thinking you’re the odd man out

    Blah blah friends jumping off a bridge.


    Why don’t you get a potato and some drawing pins and you can all attach notes to the potato.

    Simple. Low tech, nobody need to download anything


    What’s wrong with jumping off a bridge?

    JoeBigelow, avatar

    Couple summers ago we met some friendly folks drinking high proof vodka out of a Powerade bottle, hanging out on a dock outside Millinocket, and they invited us to go jump off a bridge. 20 miles down a dirt road they pull off their clapped out crown vic, miss the ditch, get out and walk onto a logging road bridge. Best day ever. Invitations to jump off bridges should be seriously considered.


    Couple summers ago we met some friendly folks drinking high proof vodka out of a Powerade bottle

    holy shit I was a little worried this was about to be a story about how you met me and my ex.


    I’m sure Zuck really gets a lot of mileage out of messages like "Who keeps filling the trash and not taking it out?!*


    Maybe the content itself isn’t useful, but they can analyze the sentiment and determine if you are diplomatic, passive aggressive, etc. which can be used to create a stronger profile of your preferences.


    Most people care about comfort and ease of use more than about privacy. Deal with it and stop complaining about what app others use.


    Roommates aren’t exactly people you can painlessly choose not to communicate with. This isn’t about other people personally choosing to using an app on their daily life, this is them pushing OP to install spyware on their phone.


    Deal with it and stop complaining about what app others use.



    No, that’s not how it works.

    If an app is ugly, that I can deal with.
    If it is slow, then still, but I may disallow it from running in the background because of my battery. I’ll just check in at the end of the day or something.
    Too few features? That sucks, don’t really care, it’s only for this group, they choose it. Same when it’s not comfortable for me or complicated.

    But when it is spying on me, that is an absolute dealbraker I’ll not accept.


    Here among the hillfolk we actually have a day for jumping off a bridge, this year it’s Oct 21. 800 foot drop. Just look up Bridge Day for the New River Gorge.

    It brings a whole new meaning to that age old question when it’s not necessarily a metaphor.


    I have been in these kind of conversation a lot with my friends who work in tech. Even in tech circles, people wills till fall back to ‘unsafe’ solutions due to convenient an network effect. It sucks that we don’t have a universal protocal for instant messaging that work for all platforms and is secured (f**k Apple for that). At this point I agree that it’s just easier to just move on and use a normie chat app with burner accounts (which is increasingly harder to make nowadays)


    And a decade ago, Google itself sabotaged XMPP in their version of embrace, extend, and extinguish:…/google-abandons-open-standards-instant-…

    kender242, avatar

    Wow! A 2013 article talking about federation and Google going evil, and now here we are.


    Who TF is using Instagram for group chats?


    I see LOADS of younger looking people using messaging on insta when I take the bus.


    If I saw that, I’d have to ask at least one of them, why? Such an odd choice given that’s not its main use case, but I’m guessing the answers would be something along the lines of, “Why not?” & “It’s what my friends are on.”


    yeah I think its that last one. They do it cause that’s what other people are using too. Also talking to random’s on the bus is like playing russian roulette here unfortunately.


    It’s the same reason people don’t get caught up on researching and buying the best socks, the best toothbrush, the best light switches, and so on. Most of the time people just want their stuff to work, and sometimes they may want the best option but most people don’t care about how exactly their messages are being sent


    Underground street racing teams. I’m not joking.


    That’s my kid’s primary way of communicating with friends. It’s popular among high school students, or at least the band nerd subset of high school students.


    Yeah I’ve never seen insta used for group chats, but it is a commonly used app so I see their reasoning of “let’s just use the app that almost all of us already have set up”


    This is why I never go in my friend group’s line chat, we have a discord channel with everyone in it but for whatever reason like half of them only want to use line


    I do think you have to pick your battles when interacting digitally with people in your life, and I agree that you shouldn’t force anyone in to a solution they don’t want to use. But were I OP, I’d pick this battle. Refuse to use it, tell them they can leave you notes on the fridge.

    ALostInquirer, (edited )

    I agree that you shouldn’t force anyone in to a solution they don’t want to use

    Yeah…Person you’re replying to is saying, “Cope and be normal?” but also: the others are essentially trying to force/peer pressure OP/source of the image into a solution they don’t want to use. How is it that pushing people to do/use whatever’s “normal” is so acceptable compared to asking them to meet on more comfortable terms?


    IG sucks

    Neps, avatar

    Normal = using instagram lmao

    whodoctor11, avatar

    Dude, I agree that everything is fucked up there but don’t blame Gen Z for that. The only reason zoomers are like that, IN THE US, is that they grew up with a large lobby of social media above them and their fathers. “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing"

    Generation war is a very stupid thing that was created precisely to keep us from those responsible for the current state of affairs: the big companies. It is true that most zoomers are stupid, but this is not their fault and it does not have to be that way forever.


    I never let a boomer get away with the “it’s just how I was raised” excuse when they show support for racist or homophobic views. I’m certainly not about to accept the same excuse from college kids who are at a school in order to learn new things.

    Learn new things. It’s not a suggestion, it’s the entire point of being where they are.

    nik282000, avatar

    Dude, I work with a bunch of kids who have_never_owed_a_computer, either an iPhone or iPad from birth until their 20s. Having to explain how to use a computer to some one 15 years younger than me make me want to rip out my rapidly greying beard.


    yeah, I work in tech and often talk to zoomers who can’t figure out how an app works.

    nik282000, avatar

    f. Its an app. The lowest form of tech after the clay tablet.


    the worst part is that a lot of them like want to fight me on what to do in the app? Like little child… you asked ME for help.


    Generation war is a very stupid thing

    It is true that most zoomers are stupid



    It’s working !!

    whodoctor11, avatar

    I am a zoomer I have place of speech!


    Most people of any generation are stupid, including zoomers


    Humans are stupid by nature

    ColdWater, avatar

    “sent from my iphone”


    nachtigall, avatar

    Such signatures are so annoying. Who in the history ever read this and thought “yeah, you know what I’ll get an iPhone for email”? Stupid preset.


    It’s meant as an excuse. “Sorry for the crappy typos and autocorrupt. It was my iPhone.”


    Dude iPhone keyboard are fucking horrific.


    I hate software keyboards as well, hence I built this:

    lemonadebunny, avatar

    I absolutely love this! You should post it to !foss


    I didn’t know that community exists. Will do, thanks!


    …I switched from Android to iPhone when they stopped making physical keyboards, after comparing on-screen keyboards on Android devices to iOS’ keyboard. Android’s on-screen keyboards were horrible at the time.

    I’m sure they’ve improved, but there nothing horrific about iOS’ keyboard—I have always found it to work very well.


    That’s why I switched back to a Blackberry keyboard on a Fairphone 4 ;)


    Not in my experience, and they’ve improved the error correction / prediction logic quite a bit with iOS 17.


    And yet they’ve never fixed the size, added a number row or a second layer for punctuation…


    “Brevity due to mobility”


    Probably some people, back when smartphones were novel in 2007.

    At this point though, it’s tacky and implies that you don’t care enough about the conversation to turn it off.

    Gush, avatar

    Instagram group

    Signal sucks

    Sent from Iphone



    Just remember: it’s ok to be the weird guy that doesn’t use instagram and isn’t in the group chat.


    Just don’t be surprised when you get left out of most all group activities.


    Like filming hilarious TikTok vids!


    Like any parties, meetups, day to day activities, group activity planning, reminders about bills, etc

    Don’t act like you’re not missing anything from being the only person excluded from a group chat due to ridiculous standards.


    If the friends in the group chat don’t hit you up individually to let you know about those things, then why would you want to spend time with them in the first place?


    Because most of the time they’re not leaving you out because they’re doing it intentionally, but because everyone else already has the info, you’re just making it much harder to invite yourself.

    I was this person. I got left out of a lot of stuff because I wouldn’t join group chats. It’s not a hill worth dying on.


    I would say not inviting that person is doing it intentionally, as everyone knows that person isn’t in the group chat. Also, it does not make you much harder to invite, it’s literally just letting your friend know outside of the group chat.

    If your friends leave you out of things for this reason, they don’t want to hang out with you very much.


    I’m 21 and a decent amount of my friends assume I’m already in the group chats where plans are made, and when they remember I’m not, push me to get an iPhone instead of switching to a platform where I can be included. It’s shitty, but everyone else gets the info so it’s okay.

    Even my 36-year-old cousin said she wouldn’t date anyone who didn’t have an iPhone.

    At this point, I’m happy Instagram has come up as a platform everyone usually has an account on (even if it fucking sucks) just so that I am accessible for friends to easily add me to groups.

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    You have no standards for privacy, if you cannot stand your ground. If you are so desperate for socialising that you cannot find a different set of friends, you will never really form lasting bonds.

    Even my 36-year-old cousin said she wouldn’t date anyone who didn’t have an iPhone.

    She has a shallow character. I would reject just after hearing that.

    settinmoon, avatar

    When I quit mainstream social media platforms half of my friend added me on signal and the other half agreed to just text me. Would I miss out on some group events? Maybe, but I don’t need to be in every one of them. If I want any sort of group gathering I’d just organize one.

    Your cousin just sounds miserable and it’s really her loss for judging people by a tool of communication.


    If your bills don’t remind you to pay then because you’re not on Instagram, why would you… be… paying them in the first place?


    That comparison makes no sense.


    I know. I was quoting the person you had responded to.


    Ah, I totally misunderstood. Downvote recinded !


    Friends will tell you about all those things anyway. If someone didn’t tell you about a party because you’re not on instagram they didn’t want to hang out with you anyway.


    Lawl I’ve never NOT been invited to a party because I don’t have accounts on social media. What kinda of friends exclude you from “day to day activities” (I can’t NOT read that in the voice of Hank Hill) if you’re not on fucking Instagram?

    Reminders about BILLS?! The fuck are you on?!

    What an insane comment.


    My roommates and I had a groupchat that was used explicitly for all of those things.

    Planning on the group chat was about the only talking about activities we’d do. If something was missed in the group chat, that was on the person who missed it.

    We paid shared bills. That’s where we did all of the breakup of responsibilities and money requirements.

    Being left out of group chats will absolutely have you left out of day to day activities since they now have to go out of their way to invite only you, since everyone else already has the info.


    If now that youve left the groupchat your roommates just forget to invite you, even if that what they’re used to, that says A LOT about your friends.

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    Friends can absolutely drop a SMS or phone call if Instagram/Snapchat mutuals is not possible. The pre condition is that you must be worth being a friend, and they must not be dumb enough. Usually all the “internet socials” people I see are shallow and stingy with fake smiles and good short talk upon first interaction.

    morrowind, avatar

    wtf is instagram group chat. Is that the same as facebook messenger? I hate that app


    It is not it is the direct messaging system built within Instagram itself. It is extremely popular among Gen Z because they get to spam each other with thousands of Instagram reels and shitty memes



    jvrava9, avatar

    As a Gen Z without any social media, I approve.


    Nice to see a fellow zoomer that does not have any social media. I was the biggest social media addict for years and refuse to ever go back. Fuck those algorithm driven psychologically manipulative social media services that also spy on everything you do.


    I was the biggest social media addict

    I was, a long time ago. Back when you actually used it to follow your friends and see what they were up to. Meta fixed that right up for me when they enshittified it with rampant ads, “Reels” and “suggestions”, not to mention cloning literally every other social media feature, to the point that I can’t even find my actual friends anymore.

    ccf, (edited ) avatar

    without social media

    posted on lemmy


    Smoke, avatar

    @ccf @jvrava9 and the fediverse

    jvrava9, avatar

    Besides Lemmy


    Lemmy and the like are closer to a series of forums than social media, I’d argue.


    I’m fairly certain they combined Instagram DMs and FB Messenger into one thing a couple of years ago. Instagram DM is now just FB Messenger but in the Instagram app, and its chats can be viewed and interacted with fully from Messenger.


    I have several people that I have blocked because they continuously send me Reels, despite me never replying to a single message and asking them to stop sending them.

    pomodoro_longbreak, avatar

    The iPhone is just the cherry on top


    And that’s why I have no friends, because when I propose “walking to my house to tell me” as an alternate method of communication, they throw their hands to the air and say “that’s it, you’re too much of a hassle”


    Yeah you must be unbearable


    I’m not so sure about that. Lots of unbearable people seem to have very active social lives.


    Are you saying using signal is just as inconvenient as walking to someone’s house to talk to them? I’m confused.


    You know, there are several built-in functions in phones, that are already viable methods to communicate remotely?


    This comment is the perfect balance of sarcasm and valid analogy


    I have had people say right to my face in person that, they were never going to talk to me online and would only ever talk to me in person.

    I lost a lot of friends when COVID happened. Because they all refused to talk to me online.

    skymtf, avatar

    as a gen zer myself I would follow it up with WHY? give me a reason WHY. I don’t really see a difference between instagram groups and signal groups. I think what it is for most people is some lame app they will download for only that specific purpose. The only reason why iMessage is popular is it’s the default. If the EU passed a regulation to force Apple to have a default messager that only supported SMS, and iMessage to be a separate appstore app, or even just an extension for the messages app. it would die within a year. Meta groups are only popular cause they are tired to 2 of the biggest social platform being facebook and instagram.

    skymtf, avatar

    Signal is just a messaging app, and worst of all to a ton of people you have to share your phone number, something that is kinda intimate and you might only share it among the closer people in your friend group, even when signal launches usernames unless it builds something around signal it’s just another annoying messaging app to keep track of.

    CorrodedCranium, avatar

    There’s an app called Session that is similar to Signal without the phone number requirement but then you have the issue of moving people to an even more niche platform


    For some reason the session network (oxen network) now blocks my Hetzner VPS connection (I use for VPN). Have been a session user for around 2 years now and now I have to reconsider Signal.

    Opafi, (edited )

    There’s also threema which is pretty tried and tested and quite popular where I live (and also not connected to weird crypto schemes) but it of course has the same issue.


    I’m using SimpleX chat, which works great, and no phone number. It’s niche too


    I love SimpleX because you can have multiple users and you can use 1-time invite codes so you don’t actually have to give anyone an identifier of any kind if you don’t want to.

    CorrodedCranium, avatar

    Do you have any issues getting notifications?

    Cheradenine, (edited )

    I do occasionally, but my friends don’t, I think it is my phone because a reboot fixes it.

    ETA: ‘occasionally’ about every 1-2 months

    krimsonbun, avatar

    I’ve tried to use session to talk to a couple family members but I just don’t get notifications, so I just use signal. (no I’m not on slow mode, I just use microG)


    If only there was some messaging app that basically every college age student already has installed. That would be convenient.

    CorrodedCranium, avatar

    I’m not sure if you meant that sarcastically but besides Instagram I really haven’t come across one


    have to share your phone number

    Lol, lmao even

    What great security

    Same shit with Telegram and how you literally can’t use it without a phone. You have to use your phone to log in on desktop, even. Just lollll

    nix, avatar

    You don’t have to share your phone number with people to use telegram with them though.


    Security and avoidance of anti-features != anonymity. If you wanted that you would have to use something like GNU Jami which has account archives and is peer to peer.

    I’m just grateful that the phone number requirement means less of a hassle for others.


    you’re just saying a bunch of words at me that mean literally nothing if you think it being tied to your phone + phone number = good

    boboblaw, avatar

    Good for what?


    Having an app, the entire point of which is encrypted communication, tied to your fucking phone number is fucking stupid shrug-outta-hecks

    boboblaw, avatar

    Is there another app you’d suggest instead? Signal seems to work well for OP’s use case.


    So the obvious better privacy option is… Instagram?

    skymtf, avatar

    I think you can try to create the group with end to end encryption


    You pretty much hit the nail. I doubt he has ever even used Signal in his life. And even if it was some lame all for a specific purpose, it is a better experience than SMS since Apple loves to gatekeep iMessage and Android users can’t use it.


    The EU is supposed to pass some laws to make iMessage accessible from other devices


    I tried this before, but with asking someone why they liked the iPhone so much.

    I kept asking why and they’d keep giving me non-answer types of answers. Basically, they had no reason. But that still didn’t stop them from liking their products.

    I don’t know, dude. Even asking ‘why’ doesn’t work anymore.


    as a gen zer myself I would follow it up with WHY? give me a reason WHY.

    So that spooks and advertisers can’t read your messages and use the information to help them brainwash you. Isn’t that reason enough?

    skymtf, avatar

    I mean for them to explain why they think signal sucks


    “I use Signal to hide my data from the US government and big tech”

    “Wait, you seriously still use Reddit? Everyone switched to the Fediverse!”

    “Wow, can’t believe you use Apple! Android is so much better.”

    No one who isn’t terminally online understands what these statements mean. If you want people to use something else, don’t make it about privacy and choose something with fancy buttons and cool features that looks close enough to what they have. They do not care about privacy and are literally of the mindset “if I have nothing to hide I have nothing to fear”. They sleep well at night.

    fujiwara, avatar

    Thank you, sometimes I feel like I’m going crazy reading comments here lol


    if I meet you and you ask for signal straight up either your a criminal or hella 🤓. we can move to signal after we know each other.

    fujiwara, avatar

    What are you talking about?


    real talk this makes perfect sense I forgot lemmy skews to the type of people who text in full sentences and all punctuation


    I feel the same way when someone asks if I use kik.

    Like I just know that’s not someone I want to continue to associate with.


    I’m also of that mindset. I moved to Lemmy to support the protests, not because of privacy.


    And that’s why the world is rapidly going to hell. Everyone is under attack and almost no one is willing to so much as lift a finger in resistance.


    They don’t feel like they’re under attack. They’re moving in the opposite direction than the defence.

    nik282000, avatar

    Fuck them. Life should be hard for the lazy and ignorant.

    [continuously makes life hard for himself]


    My point would be that the poster is going to a university that has access to all their records, plus they are still part of their parents’ data.

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