MashingBundle, (edited ) avatar

I saw this tweet a while ago that was like “Piracy lore is crazy, there’s only like 2 people who know how to crack Denuvo. One of them is a psychotic transphobe who speaks like a JRPG villain, and the other only cracks football games”

I’m paraphrasing, but honestly it’s so accurate…

Edit: For anyone confused, here is a great writeup on the history of Denuvo cracking, and Empresses lunacy

DrJenkem, avatar

Football manager uses a really old version of Denuvo too.


You have to be crazy to crack denuvo, and Empress fits the bill

Onii-Chan, avatar

What a crazy fucking read. Thank you for posting that.


Only two people willing to crack denuvo games. And publicise their cracks.

Usually talent like that leads to well paying jobs, well paying jobs usually lead to wanting to not go to prison.

That doesn’t mean people don’t have the skill, it means they’re not willing to use it, when someone else is already taking the heat

meldrik, avatar

Is it actually illegal to crack Denuvo?

theneverfox, avatar

Illegal? Probably not, so long as you were careful about not hosting any of their code/data

Would doing it publicly end with you getting buried in lawsuits? It might. Anyone can sue for any reason, and copyright holders love making examples of people

Billy_Gnosis, avatar

Holy smokes. Got sucked into that one. So is she still the only one that can crack Denuvo? You mentioned 2, is the other not very active or something?

clitoris, avatar

that was a great read, i recommend it to everyone who sees this post

CrypticFawn, avatar

Welp, that was a wild read. Thank you for sharing!


Both are based in their own charming ways


The other cracks football games? You mean like FIFA? Because I haven’t seen any cracks of those…


Football manager.

iagomago, avatar

who is this cracker? Asking for a friend…

SexualPolytope, avatar

I think they mean MKDEV.


And only football manager

neshura, avatar

absolute legend

amarnasmoths, avatar

This was a fantastic read, thank you for sharing!

BrooklynMan, avatar

Aside from balking at the audacity of using a platform for piracy as her own personal blog, the community was quick to knock her down a peg.

So I guess you read them all? The great thinkers? To verify how you are above and beyond their thinking? Do you understand how utterly arrogant this post makes you? I will tell you why. To put yourself above thinkers like Arthur Schopenhauer, Adam Smith, John Locke, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Immanuel Kant, Thomas Hobbes, Baruch Spinoza, Francisco de Vitoria, Friedrich Nietzsche and so many others. Human beings who have helped shape the foundation of the world we live in today. I am talking about the most basic of basic stuff we now take for granted like property, human rights, democratic governance and rule of law. Without these ideas and those who dedicated their lives to refine them, our world could not be like it is today.

This was a strong argument, but as someone else jokingly pointed out:

removed shut up, they pirated rdr2

Which, to be fair, Hobbes and Kant never did.

I’m fucking dead 😂

Sepix, avatar

That was a fantastic read, thx!


and the other only cracks football games

I actually LOLd at this


Great read. Thanks 👍

AphoticDev, avatar

I knew about Empress, of course, because how could I not? But I’ve not been in the game piracy community for years, and I had no idea she was this… Unstable.


Football as in FIFA?


Football manager looks like

samus12345, avatar

psychotic transphobe who speaks like a JRPG villain

Crab Juice

only cracks football games

Mountain Dew


That was one of the wildest things I read in a while


The popularly linked post in this thread has a link to empress’ Indian rant but that’s dead now, so here’s a screenshot :

BrooklynMan, (edited ) avatar

lol @ windows users and their precious viruses. so cute.


When I use Linux… I am the virus

BrooklynMan, avatar

ok, there, Zero Cool, lol

IverCoder, avatar

No need for a virus that wipes your bootloader if you’re the one who’ll do so yourself




So what lol. It’s still better than Linux.

BrooklynMan, avatar

lol, enjoy those downvotes


To be fair, I was trolling the linux users, never used linux lol. As seen by my voting, i succeeded.


I’ve still never had one in like 30 years lol. My husband got that weird dolphin one forever ago and that’s it. That one was just kinda funny tbh. It’s not that hard to avoid them even if you’re donning your pirate cap. Not that uh… Not that I know that from experience or anything.


you know whats sad - there are no denuvo crackers right now other than this psychopath bitch


I’m just going to assume if she disappears, at any point, that she is in rehab for meth. Lots of meth.

IverCoder, avatar

I heard there was this other one who’s in a healthy mental state but only agrees to crack football games


The first part of your comment contradicts the second.


Isn’t it specifically Football Manager games?

NoTime, avatar

Is this what cracking Denuvo does to people?


Crack’s certainly involved in all this.


Wait, so crackers don’t publish any documentation on cracking Denuvo? They just keep all the knowledge to themselves? Or is it just that nobody else wants to do it?

Dace, avatar

She’s the only one to have cracked it.

minnieo, avatar

they keep it to themselves to remain on top. empress also accepts donations, even going so far as to refuse to crack a game unless she receives a certain amount of money like $500.

she doesn’t release info because then she won’t be needed, and therefore won’t receive money for something that many crackers can do


That’s crazy. Those people are no better than the companies that put DRM in their products then.

I wonder if we could do crowdfunding to pay someone to write and release the documentation? This way Denuvo cracking would be easy for any experienced cracker to learn.


isn’t that sort of what’s happening? she wants money for her work, and she won’t be able to live off of doing this if there is enough competition. this lady, insane as she is, isn’t the problem. it’s that finding something rewarding to do, and live off, isn’t easy. in fact, it is incredibly artificially hard

granted, i know nothing about this woman’s financial situation. im just speculating as to why she wouldn’t want to share her knowledge or expertise


By keeping the knowledge to herself, she is slowing down the society’s progress on destroying Denuvo. She also created a single point of failure. If she is gone, a lot of that knowledge will be lost. What will the community do then?

I’m not saying she doesn’t deserve to earn money for her work. But she has the power to make it easier for other crackers to crack Denuvo. With enough people like that, maybe Denuvo could be destroyed entirely? Wouldn’t that be a more worthy cause to support? But it seems that instead of actually helping the society, her priority is to be the only one who benefits.


If she is gone … What will the community do then?

I think Empress disappearing would be a net-positive for the cracking scene.

If there is nobody cracking the latest releases, the pressure will mount for new crackers to enter the scene. And perhaps we’ll get a new generation of crackers that bring some competition back into the space.

There’s also a lot of money involved in pirated games, with shops in poorer countries selling cracked games for pennies on the dollar to people who would otherwise be unable to afford, or even download the latest games.

So it’s my opinion that denuvo cracking will never go away, it’ll just evolve over time, like it has since the beginning.


Is that really good enough for you? Wouldn’t you prefer to make this area as easy for new people to enter as possible? Keeping this knowledge secret benefits only those few people. I don’t understand why anyone would be ok with this.


What will the community do then? Carry on. There’s always a new hotshot waiting in the wings. This cycle has been going on since before I was born and it’ll continue long after I’m dead. There will always be new cats and new mice in the scene.


Since only one person is doing it right now, I’m not sure that it’s so certain that there will be other people who will want to do this. Even if someone new shows up, how many years will it take them to learn all of this? There is no reason to be ok with this secrecy. It only hurts the community.


I’m not “okay with it”. Empress is a psycho the scene would be better without, but when they’re gone, it doesn’t all just burn down. There’ll be someone else. There always is.


I admire your optimism. To me it seems like the situation is getting worse. Corporations invented a DRM that’s difficult to crack in order to make pirates less effective and they succeeded.


People have been cracking games and pirating for absolutely nothing for decades. In fact, I’d almost guarantee she got where she is off the notes and info freely given by the people that came before her. Make a living off of it? Seriously, ew. It’s just wrong. Also, she’s a huge bigot. Some comments elsewhere in this post elaborate.


And those people can continue to do it for nothing, but there’s no requirement that she should need to. It’s her choice if she want to do it for nothing or not, and it’s everyone else’s choice whether they want to support her with their money


Sounds like a smart tactic for a hat she wants


Well her argument is, if Denuvo knows how she does it, they will patch it and it the process becomes more suicidal that it already is.


That’s actually pretty strange. Person who is able to crack Denuvo should have superior hacking skills. Such skills obviously allow to work as information security specialist, and such job easily delivers salary of 5+ thousand of $ per month even to specialists who are not skilled enough to crack Denuvo. So Empress asks to sponsor her for the money that she could easily obtain in less than two working days. This makes no sence.

indicah, avatar

Maybe they don’t have formal training, or live in a country where those jobs are unavailable.

samus12345, avatar

She lives in Russia.


tbh from what I’ve seen of her, I’m not sure that she has the temperament for a corporate job. Like, despite having the technical skills, she would probably be wholly unable to function in a typical white collar environment.


If she didn’t charge it would be free labour regardless. Also if what I am reading here is true and she is russian then the wages are likely more poor than you think. $500 would be worth more in that country.


Can we blame them? When you invest so much time acquiring skill and knowledge at one point you gotta eat and sleep somewhere.


Correct, they never published documentation, which has led us to this situation. The lack of “training” for newer crackers is something i even remember empress herself pointing out. There is some crackjng training centering around archaic drm like securom on spore. However cracking groups had gone more and more “closed source”.


That’s a shame. I wonder what it would take to change that. I would really like to see Denuvo become useless some day.

esty, (edited ) avatar

Probably one of the big things keeping them from open sourcing their knowledge is denuvo though, they download games with their (cracked) DRM to RE and prevent future cracking

and also, empress cracks cost $$$ C:


More people working on breaking Denuvo would mean more cracked games and more vulnerabilities being found. Even if Denuvo team could keep up with that, it would be extra cost for them.

esty, avatar

Which clearly is money they have considering how much publishers pour onto that fire, tbh


Probably, but they raised the cost for us, so we should do the same to them. Maybe we would eventually reach a point when companies using that product decide that it’s not longer worth it to pay X amount of money for a game to be “protected” for only Y amount of days. I think that should be the goal. To raise the costs, to make DRM as impractical for them as possible.

esty, avatar


ghostinthessh, (edited )

I think that the cracking groups could have released better explanations on how their tooling worked so that others could at least be closer to “up to date” with the current DRM technology. Right now public cracking info is years behind because the groups that did have any knowledge took it with them. The idea that this would help only denuvo was a bit myopic since either way when they left cracking it would help denuvo. However I heard that many cracking groups now work for denuvo so that may be part of it. But considering they did all that work for free, I don’t want to conspire about them or claim that I am entitled to their work.

Edit: Also the people who have released “how to break denuvo” guides have been some of the more aggressively persued legally. So my lamenting over no documentation/explanation may be a bit “man i wish someone would break the law for MY benefit.”

Holzkohlen, avatar

I believe the assumption is the Denuvo people would fix their workarounds quickly.


Perhaps, but more people knowing how it works would help find new ones faster.


so much hate. why do you judge others before taking care of yourself? What’s the need of pointlessy insulting someone? /me shrugs


Have you seen her SPECIAL MESSAGE that was attached to the crack of Hogwarts: Legacy? There’s an awful lot of hate there, too. What was the need to pointlessly insult an entire group of already marginalized people? Pointing out someone’s bigotry and disliking them for it is nowhere near as bad as spewing bigotry, but that might just be my opinion.

133arc585, avatar

Jesus, that’s a rough read. What a horrible person.


Oh. Well damn. Nah, I’m with you on this one fuck her.


The yin yang duality of day/night and hot/cold is so hilarious to me every time. You’re the greatest mind ever but you don’t know about the existence of twilight or room temperature?


Familiar with Temple OS and its creator? There are super brilliant people that don’t fit in society and end up with vile views. I mostly feel bad for them.


Not gonna get involved in a political conversation here but I still don’t see what warrants the hatred you and others spew on Empress, particularly when you do so because you deem awful the hate for a marginalized group. Kind of hypocritical to hate someone because they hate someone, isn’t it? If all you want is tolerance you should be the first to practice that and show tolerance for those who have different opinions on things.


You should start be reading about the Paradox of Tolerance, which pretty nicely describes why you shouldn’t be so accepting of bigotry.

I still don’t see what warrants the hatred you and others spew on Empress, particularly when you do so because you deem awful the hate for a marginalized group.

Why are you so eager to defend bigots? Do you really not understand the difference between hating someone for their beliefs they hold versus hating someone for who they are as a person?

Although I will admit it's kind of funny you're making the exact same argument Empress was.“THE WOKE SYSTEM” of today runs with and “claims” that it mainly wants “fairness, justice, equality and total freedom”. But then … when someone with views against trans and tries to express themselves today, they are treated as GARBAGE and fired/banned from wherever they are, is a clear sign of huge “Contradiction”.


I think she’s definitely not a bigot. Just fed up with this extreme left wing woke b/s. With that said, I’ll block you: I can’t help but keep reply if I see a reply and this should be a topic about piracy, and I don’t want to be offtopic. Don’t take it personal: it’s not because of you, it’s because of me who can’t refrain himself from talking about politics. I hope you’ll understand. Take care. (I’ll read that, I like Popper).

VampireHunterB, avatar

there´s something hilarious about her going on a transphobic tantrum and talking about how she supports jk rowling while giving a out a harry potter game for free making sure that rowling receives less money for it since she still gets payed in royalties(yeah I know she´s rich but it´s the irony of the situation for me)

VampireHunterB, avatar

she´s still at it i see


Crazy bitch

Lemmchen, (edited ) avatar

Can somebody enlighten me on who this is and why I should care?

VioletteRei, avatar

It’s the only person who can crack Denovo-protected games

MargotRobbie, avatar

She’s also a delusional wannabe cult leader and may actually be insane.


this sums her up pretty well surprisingly


The one where you have to pay 1000€ (or $) to enter, so she could share some life truths? 😅

flatplutosociety, avatar

Okay well now I’m interested. I’ve been looking for a fun new cult to join.

Viking_Hippie, (edited )

I know a better one that has excellent coffee and also open bar karaoke every week. It’s sorta like Lions Club, except we’re the Liars Club. We mostly recruit from law schools and political campaigns, of course.

Polymorph, avatar

You should check out her rants. They release with each of her releases. Little info file.

neo, avatar

You should see her rant on Hogwarts Legacy.


Every other group got legal action taken against them so they stopped cracking denuvo, Empress doesn’t care since she’s in Russia. Denuvo’s legal team is more competent than their developers unfortunately.


As crazy as that makes Empress sound, I’m definitely willing to look past this kinda stuff because it’s best not to bite the hand that might feed you.

Also, we definitely need more crackers (especially of the d€nuvo kind) to step up and train the next generation of crackers instead of just ranting online about their torrents being removed from popular sites.


Excusing crazy people doing crazy things cause they give you free stuff is the shittiest take I’ve seen on lemmy

imaqtpie, avatar

Everybody’s crazy. It’s 2023.


Are you really comparing “everyone” to empress?

imaqtpie, avatar

I’m just saying getting stuff from Empress is no worse than getting it from a corporation. She’s going to be equally crazy whether you download her cracks or not, at least she’s not exploiting child labor or destroying the environment in the process.


Corporations aren’t going to fill their software with crypto mining malware and when exposed go torched earth trying to put the blame on their accusers.

imaqtpie, avatar

Exactly. I’d rather take the unhinged rants and malware than the destruction of the planet and perversion of human society, thank you very much


Do you download cracked games?


I mean it is not hard, you have only been there for 3 days 😁


I personally believe that, since piracy is already illegal in the developed world, and since I live in a politically divided first world country, that we don’t need to bring politics and stuff into this.

Besides, we don’t have many better options when it comes to d€nuvo than to accept the people who crack games with modern variations of it. I especially don’t since I’m not smart enough to crack it and also since I go for pre-cracked games for the convenience of not having to apply the cracks myself.

Polymorph, avatar

But that’s capitalism.

zsnell02, avatar

Didn’t someone do a write up about a general how to hack Denuvo?


There are different versions. I don’t know of a guide cor the newer ones.

zsnell02, avatar

Oh alright. I vaguely remember seeing one about v4 and thinking “I need to come back to this” but never got around to it


Fwiw I think that video still has valuable information to introduce you to cracking at all. As it does explain a little of what is happening, and why it works.


can you send a link to it?


Try looking up denuvo v4 work around. IIRC it basically removes some early assembly neutering denuvo’s ability to exit or interfere with the execution of the game.


The unlisted video!


I am fully lost most the time on here but I am learning a lot


Apparently that’s NOT an acceptable thing to say while performing brain surgery for the first time! Oh well, my patient kinda almost survived 🤷

Walk_blesseD, avatar

Incidentally, that’s the Empress origin story.


Sounds about right 😁

rodneyck, avatar

OMG, its like being at the point in your RPG game where you are tasked to retrieve the DRM-free game, but you know the price from the crazed troll is going to be your rogue’s head and all your gear, else more violence.


wtf is the context here and who is this person


Empress is a video game cracker, the only active cracker who releases games protected by Denuvo. That’s an extremly popular digital rights management system for stop game cracks used by Triple A game publishers. She is also completely nuts and regularly has very odd rants. It appears she’s accusing 1337x owners of inserting malware into releases. 1337x is a popular site for accessing torrents of cracked games and one Empress regularly released on.


Any idea on if her accusations are actually true?


Pretty sad that this bitch is getting paid to crack things. I don’t know what’s stopping a band of people to just hack her shit up and take what’s been helping to crack denuvo so it isn’t bottlenecked by unchecked individuals such as she.


I honestly think her mental illness is what gives her the ability to Crack denuvo

lvxferre, avatar

Me, five minutes ago: “who’s this Empress?”

Me, now: “I need to follow her, it’s free popcorn!”


Man, this is just the tip of the iceberg. There’s a whole writeup about Empress, and she used to be 10x as psychotic


Wow, what a ride. Thanks for sharing.


I was hoping it would be a HobbyDrama writeup, but this blew me away, this feels like a gold standard post that I can’t believe I’ve never seen before. What a talented, skillful writer! The detail, the flow, everything is just right - just the perfect amount of background, just the perfect amount of depth. Thank you so much for this link!

JoeKrogan, avatar

Interesting. Thanks for sharing

lvxferre, avatar

That was… weird, to say the least. More than her inviting people to her sexting game.

Deadeyegai, avatar

Wow that was quite a rollercoaster!


Theres no used to be when it comes to these rants. It’s just a ticking clock to the next one


Thanks for this wild ride!

Melody, avatar

Empress is a neurotic narcissist who needs to be NUKED at every release and HARD MUTED, IGNORED, AND DEPLATFORMED by every sociopathic rant she makes.

We should not be giving her attention by talking about her; she needs to be SHUNNED into OBSCURITY. Let her fucking philosophize in her own damn isolation. Her behavior is unacceptable by most social standards and her contributions to society are not so significant we can’t do without them.


you are incorrect.

Melody, avatar

No. You are incorrect.

Relected, avatar

no u

Melody, avatar

No, you are incorrect.

IverCoder, avatar

Stop arguing and feed me instead master :3

IverCoder, avatar

I think both of you should elaborate further. This argument is giving me traumatic Reddit vibes


Empress has a long history of narcissism and delusions of grandeur. I hate to link back to reddit, but there’s a good but outdated writeup on hobbydrama. She’s only gotten worse since and is now going hard on bigotry. She’s trying to form her own little cult too.


I would agree except for the fact that the only person out there who cracks denuvo is a delirious psycopath. The denuvo piracy lore is so fucking hillarious


Why does spiderman get to wear tights and assault people on the streets while being called a “hero”, while this person fighting the real fight is called a delirious psychopath??

Life ain’t fair.

samus12345, avatar

Found J Jonah Jameson’s Lemmy account.


I don’t give a fuck as long as those games get cracked.

Neato, avatar

Indeed. She's an unrepentant bigot and should be ostracized.

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