YouTube's anti-adblock rollout has finally arrived for Firefox users

I’m sure many of you are already aware that YouTube has been rolling out anti-adblock detection for Chrome users for a few weeks now.

Today, as a long time Firefox user with the fantastic uBlock Origin extension installed, I got my first anti-adblock popup on the platform. Note that this may not happen to you personally for a while, but it is inevitably coming for everyone.

Thankfully, the fine folks at uBlock Origin have already advised a simple workaround (on Reddit, yuck!) which I will duplicate in a simplified form below for your convenience. I have tested it on Firefox and it is working fine for me (so far).


  1. Update uBO to the latest version (1.52.0+) . <== The extension itself, for technical improvements. You do this in your browser.
  2. Remove your custom config / reset to defaults. <== This means removing your custom filters (or disabling My filters) and disabling ALL additional lists you’ve enabled. It might be quicker to make a backup of your config and restore to defaults instead.
  3. Force an update of your Filter Lists. <== This is within the extension. Lists are what determine what’s blocked or not. How to update Filter lists: Click 🛡️ uBO’s icon > the ⚙ Dashboard button > the Filter lists pane > the 🕘 Purge all caches button > the 🔃 Update now button.
  4. Disable all other extensions AND your browser’s built-in blockers. <== No need to uninstall, just disable them. They might interfere with our solutions.

Make sure you follow all 4 points above. If you’re seeing the message, it’s likely due to your custom config (either additional lists or separate filters in My filters).

Restarting your browser afterwards may help too.

Once you’ve gotten rid of the issue on default settings, you can slowly start restoring your config (if you really need it). Do it gradually, to easier find out what was causing the issue in the first place. Once you find the culprit, simply skip it in your config.

If you want to use Enhancer for YouTube*, you have to* disable its adblocking*.*

May the force uBlock Origin be with you!

tiita, (edited )

I wouldn’t even mind giving some money to youtube if it was asking for donations or keep the the prices low and accessible, like $4 max per month to support the up keep)

YouTube could be one of the wonders of the world of we are looking at it at a content perspective.

It should be almost protected by UNESCO, if you ask me… yes even the stupid stuff as it is a record of mankind.

But google instead of recognising the value, they got greedy.

humankin created a massive information library which google at some point decided to monetize.

We all know what happened to unity right, just as a recent example ? it doesn’t take much to turn the users away, and I truly believe, even youtube can fail


Unity has competition. That’s why people could leave.

YouTube will (unfortunately) not fail, because there is no viable competition. I was subscribed to Nebula for a while, but obviously that doesn’t have nearly the amount of content YT has.

Aetherion, avatar

the competition would be to stop consuming that much and instead search for the content you like in the remaining free part of the internet


the content you like

The content I like is on youtube though

nicetriangle, avatar

They even had a semi reasonable premium tier that was just "no ads, that's all" for something like $7. Now they're kicking everyone off that plan and removing it and your next option is to pay 50+% more and you get a bunch of additional crap that I didn't ask for. I just wanted no ads.

These people seem to adamantly not want me as a customer.

Aetherion, avatar

platform capitalism


Yeah I’d pay up to $7 per 1000 videos, that does seem like a fair price. It’d cover about 3 years of my typical usage.


To bad there are upkeep costs. I mean it seems nobody realizes how much it costs. I imagine they well start pruning videos next because it isn’t worth it to keep it all available.


My CPM numbers are pretty out of date, perhaps their costs have gone up with inflation. On the other hand perhaps they’ve gone down with storage and bandwidth costs.

nicetriangle, avatar

This has way less to do with upkeep costs and way more to do with "big number must go up at all costs." This publicly traded company capitalism bullshit won't be satiated until it eats eats itself alive and before that happens it'll chew consumers up first.


Youtube’s margins are 38%, much lower than most of its competitors (that are in the 80% range). The primary reason for the margin being so low is that they give a far higher percent of their revenue to the content creators.

Just a reminder… 38% margins are kinda low for the type of product Youtube is.


Man how low have we fallen … Don’t mind paying someone to not do something he shouldn’t be doing in the first place … YouTubers dont start to make videos as a job but for passions someone found a way to monetize other ones free time and passions and only when it comes clear he was making so much money he agreed to pay the creators in the most horrible way catching everything vane excuse to not pay them at all …


Why should YouTube be compelled to operate for free?


Yeh here we go fine… do you think that a 8.63 to 7.96 billion dollars salary in advertising is a fair salary for basically just hosting some content ?

null, (edited )

Of course not, but I certainly don’t think they should be expected to survive without any revenue.

Auli, (edited )

You do know YouTube was not profitable for a long time. I can see them wanting to make some of their money back. The storage and bandwidth cost must be insane for them. Saying that yah I block the ads but I know I don’t because I want to and it isn’t a right of mine or anything.


Stop shilling, YT already cut their costs drastically. If they can’t pay the bills, it’s because they burned their own PR with advertisers by running the company like morons.


YouTube, Gmail, Google search, and more are all really utilities and should be run like them. Google tried/is trying to do that by living off ads but the privacy problems are catching up to them. The service degradation in the name of profit problems are already caught up to them.


exactly, they’re being so obnoxious and arrogant and they act like they just get to do it

query, (edited )

I might agree if Google had nothing to do with YouTube. But since it’s theirs, I would only be worried about individual content creators and archivists, and they’d be better off with a support mechanism not controlled by Google. The ones not already raking it in with Google’s, I mean.

hal_5700X, avatar

The Adblock Wars continues…


Grandpa, did you fight in the Adblock Wars?


That’s way too much hassle. I guess, when the anti-adblock kicks in on my devices, I’ll just stop watching YouTube. I have tons of better stuff to do anyway.

KneeTitts, (edited ) avatar

I made a user script that will make a button on each video which jump you to piped, that way you can continue to use YT to manage your subscriptions and see your feed, but you never have to watch to video there…/477267-youtube-add-watch-on-pipe…


google admins arw here reading all this mate. i give that solution 15 months max

KneeTitts, avatar

They’ll have to find a way to shut down all the piped instances too… its a losing battle for them quite honestly as people will always find ways to pirate their signal as people always have found ways around stuff like this. At the same time they take a very loud, very smart minority of their users and turn them into pure haters, for no real benefit to themselves.

Boozilla, avatar

I’m trying piped and invidious for now, but I like where you’re going with this. It’s a good opportunity to kick my stupid youtube habit.

aceshigh, avatar

you excluded an important piece - YT has been updating their script (idk terminology) several times a day. so the instructions may not work. see the below -

I followed the 4 steps, but I’m still experiencing issuesThe latest fix for anti-adblock was made on Oct 12, 2023 and currently corresponds to ID cc87ee3e *.

  • The ID mentioned above refers to YouTube’s latest anti-adblock script. You can monitor it via this link: (top to bottom = oldest to newest). This means that the current fix is matched with the script with corresponding ID.

For example, in…/desktop_polymer_enable_wil_icons.js, the c97476a7 part is the ID.

If the latest ID (the last line) does NOT match the current one written above, it means YT has updated it recently and you may encounter anti-adblock again. PLEASE DO NOT REPORT IN THIS CASE.

If the ID does match and you still get anti-adblock, kindly repeat the 4 steps above. Thank you.

Uninstalling + reinstalling uBO, then force updating all your filter lists like in step #3 may also help.

A_Asselin, avatar

I started using freetube for linux a month or so ago. This is so much better than native youtube. The entire interface is smoother, I get less “loading” moments (none really) and it does not try and constantly reduce my resolution by “auto adjusting”. No ads, no BS. Just better all around.


Thanks for the heads up, I’m going to check it out. For anyone else that bites; there are windows and mac versions as well.


ugh, I wish they didn’t use Electron.


use youtube-tui then nerd


ah right, I forgot there are only two ways of creating a software - making the user install a separate Chrome browser that eats 10 times as much resources as it should for what it does, and a command line tool. there are no options in-between.

doublepepperoni, avatar

They’re just being dicks considering how tiny the Firefox userbase is

I fully expect to have to be fingeprinted, DNA tested and retinal scanned to access cOnTenT in a year or two

n3er0o, avatar

They already requested my ID a couple of years ago, because for some reason they classified some RDR2 channel I was watching to be 18+. I literally blacked out EVERYTHING besides my name and date of birth and they accepted it lol.

Dmian, avatar

For those using Safari, a simple custom browser stylesheet with a few styles is all you need, and is undetectable, as anti-adblock works with javascript, so no pesky “Why you blocking the ads? Mimimimimi…”

Maximilious, avatar

Go on..... As an avid non-apple\mac household I would install safari pretty quickly just to watch ad-less YouTube.

Dmian, avatar

I think this should work with any browser that allows you to apply a custom user stylesheet. This used to be normal in the past, but Chrome took it away, and I don’t know if Firefox still allows it. Copied from a reply I put in another post:

Ok, do this: download this stylesheet: it somewhere where you can find it easily. Open Safari and go to Safari > Settings > Advanced. In the “Style sheet” dropdown, select “Other” and navigate to the style sheet. For maximum effect, do this while you have YouTube open… :D

The stylesheet is organized in a way that you can comment/uncomment blocks to customize what you want/don’t want to see on YouTube. Right now it has my preferences, but if you want to keep something, or hide something I had viewable, just comment/uncomment as you wish. The ads part is clearly marked, and the rest is menu things and navigation elements (I don’t need most of those). I also hate Shorts with a passion, so I hide those too. Keep in mind that this can only be used in the desktop version. It doesn’t work for mobile or any of the apps. Sadly, you’ll have to suffer with the shitty ads there. But at least, you can have a decent experience while watching on your Mac. And since it’s a user stylesheet, and has no Javascript whatsoever, YT has no way ob detecting or blocking it, so they can do nothing (other than changing the names of the titles, but that is easily fixed).

Have fun.

P.S: you’ll notice that sometimes, where there should be an ad, you’ll see like a blink in the video. Don’t worry, it’s normal. The video will continue without problems, and you won’t see the ad.

P.S.2: This stylesheet sometimes blocks shitty Google (or other sites) pages (because people are assholes and put things there that shouldn’t be there). If you happen to find yourself in this situation (a page that is suspiciously blank, or don’t allow to scroll, or behaves oddly) you can temporarily change the sylesheet to “None Selected”, and see if the problem is fixed. When you’re finished, remember to switch back to the stylesheet, or you’ll have a shock when you go to YouTube… XDDDDD

WoodenBleachers, (edited ) avatar

Genuine question, why be avid anti-apple? I’m a mac fan, but I still use Linux and windows in my daily life. I’be never understood the anti-mac hate

vicfic, (edited ) avatar

Apple is a snobby company with terrible overpriced repair. All of their products are heavily locked down wildly expensive milled aluminium.

Sure the new m1 chip is good but the amount of vendor lock in is too much and of course mac OS is a trash bsd distro. TLDR: overpriced products, trashy company.

WoodenBleachers, avatar

Thanks. Their repair pricing is obnoxious, I’ll give you that, but their pricing model really isn’t ridiculous otherwise. For the performance you get it’s great. I’m willing to bet most companies source their alumni from the same place, but my only genuine issue is that MacOS is a great piece of software. I still like Catalina/Mojave myself, but the newer variations are still good. Do you have specific gripes with the OS?

vicfic, avatar

tbh, I’ve only had limited experience with MacOS, and it wasn’t very great (compared to my Linux setup), and afaik this is the general consensus among technically inclined people.

About the pricing model, it’s ridiculous is everyway, not just for repairs. Like, you can get a laptop/PC with almost double the spec compared to what apple has to offer at that price.

All this is said without considering the fact that apple stuff costs almost twice the price in my country (India).


but their pricing model really isn’t ridiculous otherwise.

I mean, $1600 for a phone is ridiculous. I’ve had iPhones for the past 12 years, but it never even crossed my mind to buy the latest model. It’s just speculation at that point.

WoodenBleachers, avatar

Fair enough, the iPhones are ridiculous, but I was mostly thinking of macs, that’s on me


Not OP, but genuine answer: because I loathe being forced into their way of doing things. Every little thing on the Mac seems engineered with an "our way or the highway" mentality, that leaves no room for other (frequently, better) ways of achieving anything.

Adding to that, window/task management is an absolute nightmare (things that have worked certain ways basically since System 6 on monochrome Mac Classic machines, and haven't improved), and despite all claims to the contrary, its BSD-based underpinnings are just different enough to Linux's GNU toolset to make supposed compatibility (or the purported "develop on Mac, deploy on Linux" workflow) a gross misadventure.

I just find the experience frustrating, unpleasant, and always walk away from a Mac feeling irritated.

(For context: > 20 year exclusively Linux user. While it's definitely not always been a smooth ride, I seldom feel like I'm fighting against the computer to get it to do what I want, which is distinctly not my experience with Apple products)


Also if you want an “our way or the highway” attitude you can buy a PC, install a gnome distro, and not pay like 1000 bucks more for 16G more RAM that you won’t be able to use in another machine because Apple locks everything down for reasons that definitely don’t involve unadulterated greed.


Just curious, how many years have you used Macs?

WoodenBleachers, avatar

I got my first mac 7 years ago, the 2017 macbook air. I put that lovely machine through its paces, even got it to run Destiny 2 and gta 5 at one point. Until last year I was issued a work laptop and it’s windows. I have a windows desktop at home, but Mac just works with my slightly chaotic flow better.


Okay, this context helps. I think a lot of people who hate apple do so blindly but also a lot of people who hate apple have decades of reasons piling up. I started in the former camp, having a general distaste for Macs because they were pretty intentionally not interoperable with other computers. When I discovered they had become much less like that in the OSX era (early 2000s), I got really really fond of the OS. Since those days, they’ve done quite a lot of annoying and shitty things to the Mac os, but more importantly, their mobile products are designed very much to prevent interoperability. It’s the business model. Pretend every other product sucks and yours is best, but you really just worked extra to prevent smooth operation with other products.

Apple is on my shit list these days since most of their decisions are corporate asshole ones, designed to make them profit at the expense of users or even society at large. They likely would’ve never even adopted usb-c on their mobile devices had the EU not forced them. They’re a pretty garbage company. I say this fully acknowledging that Mac os is still pretty good despite the bonehead decisions. I do often feel that they keep ruining it slowly though.


I think the whole USB-C business is the worst example of an axe to grind with Apple. Who says that standard must be the only one? The EU have forced something that didn’t need to be forced. I’ve got a household full of Apple gadgets and no USB-C, so when we do update something later than iPhone 15 and it has that connector, it will be the only one, and no other charges will work with it expect any adapters I might have from C to A. I just don’t get it that it was that important.


The EU absolutely made the right call. If your household wasn’t entirely apple ecosystem it would fully make sense why all devices should conform to a connector standard. You’d be maddened by it. In fact your anxiety about how this will play out is precisely the reason this needed to happen years ago. People with android devices have been experiencing that same annoyance for years now every time a friend visits who forgot their iPhone cable.

jecht360, (edited )

Just a quick list.

  • Apple actively makes device designs more difficult to repair. Everything is either glued or soldered together.
  • They purposely make it more difficult to get tools and parts. Some tools are proprietary.
  • Performance per dollar is terrible. The better, slightly more repairable machines cost a ton of money. Spend the same amount of money on a regular PC and you would have a beast of a machine.
  • Apple sues and/or attacks anyone who tries to help people repair their devices.
  • They purposely push out OS changes that make older devices less usable.

That’s not even including the treatment of employees or condition of the factories where Apple devices are built. I don’t know as much about that. But I can definitely comment on the above after managing iPads and Macbooks in a corporate environment.


Personally, I don’t like the way Apple does business. Primarily, that you aren’t just buying the product, you’re buying into their ecosystem. Almost everything apple does well only realistically works of you stay confined to their stuff. And you’re fucked if you wanted compatibility with older software. Remember when Apple just decided 32 bit was dead to them?

And while their hardware is pretty good, it costs wayyyyy too much. I just got a new pc with the top end amd cpu and an rtx 4090, and it cost under half what a Mac pro costs. I seriously doubt their ARM desktop chips are really that much better. Maybe if I were to buy a Mac and use it the rest of my life without upgrades, the efficiency of using an ARM cpu would save me the difference on electricity?

takeda, (edited )

They are doing same stuff as the other companies, but are better at PR.

If you use their products you are even more locked down, but for some reason that’s more acceptable than on pc. I think many apple fans are wearing rosy tinted glasses and don’t notice any of that for some reason.

For example there was a big deal recently by Google adding attestation mechanism that likely will be used to prevent ad blockers blocking ads. Safari already has this implemented.

Stamets, avatar

Also got the damned pop up a few hours ago myself. Luckily all that it seems to do is cause the pop up. Once I clicked close it would start playing.

YouTube really is trying to generate competition fast as possible with all the nonsense over the past couple years. Sure. Ads a big revenue. But forcing people to watch them will not work. People will leave and go elsewhere or at least break it and use ads anyway.


Thats only step one. Step 2 adds a timer until you can close it. Step 3 completely locks the video. So far ublock filter updates are working though

nicetriangle, avatar

I've heard anecdotally that they've done small user trials of fully blocking people for X amount of time for using adblock.


I’m going to right click and try to use adblock to block the popup for the adblocker if it comes up.


Thank you for the comprehensible instructions!
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work with Edge (yet?).

Ayo who tf uses Edge?

Me, sadly, as it is the only browser installed on my work pc. We can’t install any other programs (working with highly sensitive data).


F for our brother


working with highly sensitive data uses windows

that sounds like it’s going to blow up at some point

Petri3136, (edited )

I work in government and spend all day remoting into judges’, prison officers’, and social workers’ PCs. The most sensitive material you can imagine and all of it on windows.


Now look up how old your hospital’s systems are which store all your health records lol

westyvw, (edited )

Uh, if it’s work:

A. Shouldn’t you be working?


B. Ads while I get paid, doesn’t seem too bad.

C. Principle of the matter dammit!


YouTube has a lot of great instructional and educational content. I use it at work fairly regularly for that.


Yeah, I was just joking around, surprised people took it that seriously. I mean if there are ads, I am getting paid either way…

I noticed that the best of the educational and instructional videos, particularly from the companies using it for training and demonstration have turned off ads anyways. Youtube is not quite yet forcing ads on everyone are they?


If you can run EXE filles on your work PC and you just don’t have administrator rights to install software, you should be able to download a portable version of your favorite browser.

I used portable Firefox, Chrome, Notepad++, Eclipse, Sysinternals stuff and many more without problems that way.

Disclaimer: Althought this probably works technically, it might still violate some company policy.


Can confirm. I did that at college. Yes, it technically violated the policy, but even though my lecturers and everyone else knew, nobody batted an eye. When OP is working with sensitive data, however, things coupd be different.

ShellMonkey, (edited ) avatar

If it’s a significantly controlled environment then executable whitelisting is likely in place. With my employer not only are applications whitelisted but even limiting it to specific versions of them. Makes for a bureaucratic nightmare if you want to do something outside the approved channels, but good luck ever pulling a drive-by on one of their machines.

loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

Quit your iob


Ask your admin if he can allow other browsers.


Why would a sysadmin do extra work so someone can watch YouTube lol


I watch on duckduckgo video search results (no ads, fully private) or yt-dlp if I want to watch it again later.

Good to have the ad-block instructions for using the actual YouTube site.

Also thanks other commenters for recommendations of freetube and futo, reminders of pipe. Will try em out soon!

NiaTheCat, (edited ) avatar

btw its not actually fully private when watching them from DuckDuckGo, they give a warning that the video provider can still track you when watching from ddg. Likely much less, but they still have their ways

Interesting to know that it doesn’t have ads from there though


Decided to start using Freetube on desktop, Newpipe on mobile. It works!


Also try (Invidious instance)


Apologies for my ignorance, but… What are they?

Are they front ends that strip YouTube of ads or straight different hosting websites, which will certainly incur in high costs to maintain the amount of videos posted to YouTube?

I guess I’ve also seen someone mention Piped. Is it the same thing as Newpipe (if you know)?



NewPipe is a YouTube frontend (on android), it’s like invidious minus the “instance” part, where it basically just grabs the video directly and just plays that. With NewPipe the video still gets views on YouTube’s end, I don’t think videos watched through invidious count towards the view count on YouTube’s end.

Freetube is something that I’ve seen and/or heard of once or twice; because of that, I can’t really say what it is. It’s definitely something that is either like NewPipe or Invidious. (I have only heard about it once or twice due to being a Linux user (I use Arch BTW) and stubling upon it’s github repo.)

I really only ever watch YouTube on my phone and because I’m an Android user, I have heard of NewPipe and been aware of it for quite a while. Invidious I know about for kind of the same reason. There’s an Android app called LibreTube that is basically a frontend for Piped. (Piped is either an alternative to Invidious or is an instance of Invidious, or just straight up uses Invidious as like a backend. Don’t entirely remember)


Thanks, I’ll check them all out!

So they’re all front ends or apps, they’re not really alternative hosting services!

I have Android on my phone and MacOS on my laptop (I’ve been on Linux for several years, but I unfortunately don’t have time to work on installing it and making sure everything works. Just life changes)

bonegolem, (edited )

So far, I’ve seen nothing on Firefox – but I am getting some minor hiccups on ReVanced which seem to be consistent with the influence of the AdBlock detection. Stuff like playback stopping after 3 videos until I unpause it, probably coming from the pop-up appearing.

Thank the good god for the incredible folks maintaining uBlock origin.

Edit: and ReVanced, and SmartTube, and Newpipe, and everything… But especially uBlock origin. That thing is a security necessity.


Stuff like playback stopping after 3 videos until I unpause it, probably coming from the pop-up appearing.

Yep, that’s exactly what happened when I blocked # on


SponserBlock and Return YouTube Dislike don’t cause any issues, btw

Thorned_Rose, (edited ) avatar

I (had) YouTube Premium and despite that I'm now shadowbanned on YouTube for what I can only assume is using Return Dislike, uBlock and/or Enhancer. I've never made a single comment that would warrant a ban so I have no other explanation but that Google decided to screw over a paying customer just because I use add ons.

L_Acacia, avatar

Some ips are shadowbanned, if you are using a VPN/proxy it might be the reason.

Thorned_Rose, avatar

It's unfortunately my account that's shadowbanned. Kinda moot at this point because fuck Google regardless. Just seems absurd to me (but not surprising) that they would shadow ban a paying customer.

Yoru, avatar

I’ve been using everything you mentioned for months and my videos still get in the algorithms, and my comments can be seen.

Thorned_Rose, (edited ) avatar

Yep, I used the add ons for many many years. But it's the only explanation I have. I'm not a content creator so I'm not worried about the tiny number of videos I have uploaded, almost all of which aren't listed anyway (and I don't think mot people would consider unlisted videos, "Is my aquarium pump supposed to be making this sound?" or "Here's how you use a tap adapter to attach a hose to a shower mixer" to be controversial lol).

I really don't know how to explain it. One day it was all good, the next day my comments couldn't be seen anymore.

And no I'm not someone who cries that I never make arsehole comments but actually does. I'm only ever respectful and I have zero interest in contributing to outrage circlejerks or drama.

So all I have left that Google wouldn't like is my use of those add ons 🤷🏻‍♀️

EDIT: Maybe my sin was commenting on Second Thought videos and being anti-capitalist and anti-Google 😅✌️

blake, (edited ) is unstoppable. unshackle yourself from the g**gle gulag


I use freetube now, is invidious better?


I think Freetube uses Invidious. It’s just a desktop client.


I’ve been using CleanTube on my android. So far that’s been doing the trick for me


Use LibRedirect too, really helpful tool that I wish I had discovered sooner.

cypherpunks, avatar

invidious and piped instances regularly get rate-limited or blocked. it’s a perpetual arms race where google can decide to fight harder at any time.


I wonder what made youTube decide to fix this loophole? These days the vast majority of people use phone apps or smart TVs to watch. The number of people using Firefox plus ad blockers must be quite small and it’ll be a constant effort to keep updating their anti ad block algorithms.

joseangel, avatar

Use the revanced version of YouTube.


Maybe they want to start pushing ads harder and are afraid that more people will discover ad blockers? Once people switch it may be harder to bring them back. So you first close all the exists and than start increasing ads per minute. Because where will everyone go? There’s no where else. Ad blockers are the only option really.


They probably are just asking for a loan right now and need to justify that they are going to increase profits.

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