YouTube's anti-adblock rollout has finally arrived for Firefox users

I’m sure many of you are already aware that YouTube has been rolling out anti-adblock detection for Chrome users for a few weeks now.

Today, as a long time Firefox user with the fantastic uBlock Origin extension installed, I got my first anti-adblock popup on the platform. Note that this may not happen to you personally for a while, but it is inevitably coming for everyone.

Thankfully, the fine folks at uBlock Origin have already advised a simple workaround (on Reddit, yuck!) which I will duplicate in a simplified form below for your convenience. I have tested it on Firefox and it is working fine for me (so far).


  1. Update uBO to the latest version (1.52.0+) . <== The extension itself, for technical improvements. You do this in your browser.
  2. Remove your custom config / reset to defaults. <== This means removing your custom filters (or disabling My filters) and disabling ALL additional lists you’ve enabled. It might be quicker to make a backup of your config and restore to defaults instead.
  3. Force an update of your Filter Lists. <== This is within the extension. Lists are what determine what’s blocked or not. How to update Filter lists: Click 🛡️ uBO’s icon > the ⚙ Dashboard button > the Filter lists pane > the 🕘 Purge all caches button > the 🔃 Update now button.
  4. Disable all other extensions AND your browser’s built-in blockers. <== No need to uninstall, just disable them. They might interfere with our solutions.

Make sure you follow all 4 points above. If you’re seeing the message, it’s likely due to your custom config (either additional lists or separate filters in My filters).

Restarting your browser afterwards may help too.

Once you’ve gotten rid of the issue on default settings, you can slowly start restoring your config (if you really need it). Do it gradually, to easier find out what was causing the issue in the first place. Once you find the culprit, simply skip it in your config.

If you want to use Enhancer for YouTube*, you have to* disable its adblocking*.*

May the force uBlock Origin be with you!

Sterile_Technique, avatar

I was worried we’d be seeing waves of this kind of anti-user aggression from large websites. My hypothesis is that twitter is running an active experiment to see just how user-unfriendly you can make something with an established userbase / what level of profitability corresponds with what level of fuckiness.

YouTube n’ friends have been watching from the sidelines and picking their own jaw up off the floor after seeing just how much the average user will bend over and take.

…which all makes me absolutely LOVE to see communities like this. Yo ho, motherfuckers!

floofloof, (edited )

It’s all about boiling the frog slowly. People will put up with almost anything if it creeps up on them slowly enough, and these companies know it, as do authoritarian governments. We always say we’ll kick up a stink if the next step happens, but then hardly anyone else does, so we stay quiet too. And this happens again and again.

Sterile_Technique, avatar

That’s the scary part about Twitter.

Most companies turn the burn up slowly. Musk took one look at the frogs, then turned the stove up to max, hired a technician to hold a welding torch up to the base of the pot, hired a chemist find an additive for the water to increase its boiling point and heat retention, pissed in the pot, and is actively pouring gasoline all over the kitchen with one hand while flipping the frogs off with the other.

And the frogs are just taking it.

What message does that send to YouTube?


To be fair, I don’t think much has changed for small time twitter users.

yukichigai, avatar

It also hasn't changed much for the porn/adult content side, though a lot of those users are slowly migrating to other places, especially bsky.


Well… The government’s coming for those people, trying to scan everyone’s face before they can view anything.

Karyoplasma, (edited )

Random question because of your username: are you the one behind the YUP for New Vegas?

yukichigai, avatar

That's me, yeah. Though these days it's handled by sandbox6, who took over for me when RL intruded.

But yeah, hi!


I still get the FNV itch from time to time, so I recognized the name and wanted to express my thanks for your work, it’s much appreciated.

yukichigai, avatar

Hey thanks. Just wanted to make a great game even better.

WarmApplePieShrek, (edited )

He turned off the like and retweet numbers. He filled everyone’s feed with ads that don’t say ads. He bans everyone he disagrees with about anything, as soon as he notices them.

tev, avatar

wait, did he actually turn them off???

Corgana, avatar

What message does that send to YouTube?

Exactly the one you think it is


Firefox read mode works


I fucking love Inspect -> Delete Node. I shouldn’t have to use it but it’s a life saver sometimes.


Unfortunately doing anything like that on mobile is a real pain in the ass.


I wonder if long ads across all videos while they scroll content will make the kids of non tech savvy parents get fed up and turn to other entertainment (games, streaming… books?). I’m sure a not insignificant portion of yt views are tablet addicted children mindlessly scrolling all day, so I’ll be curious if there’ll be any drop in traffic from this.

I mean, GI Joe and He-Man had a lot of ads back in the day, but not nearly to the extent yt does.


GI Joe and He-man were ads, but they were enjoyable ads. Advertising has gone from a masterful creative craft, to an industry where they just shove the cheapest shit they can produce in front of your face as many times as possible, while loudly screaming their name. It’s pretty pathetic that it still works.


twitter’s not meant to be an experiment. Musk is just really stupid. But other platforms are learning from it anyway


Seriously though, what does it say about people that still think he’s a genius and secretly has a plan he’s working on? Those guys are reaching levels of stupid I struggle to comprehend


Yo dude, Facebook has been doing this for a decade or more. They intentionally break parts of their website and then track how often someone will come back and try to use it, assuming they ever left in the first place. Now they’re about 99% absolute dog shit, and people still go there. It’s actually kind of amazing.


I see a lot of people saying “but that’s how creators get paid”.

Listen: I didn’t put ads on my video. YouTube did. I can’t take them off and I don’t see a cent from them. Block away.


I think that's how some creators do get paid. Large enough channels will get some form of revenue sharing from YouTube. That's why when a video is demonetised the creators get very upset. As is when YT does some fuckery with their algorithms and their views plummet.

Mind, the rates keep getting worse, from what I hear. Hence more and more pateron and in-video promos, it's a better and more stable source of income.


I’m sure some do, but I also don’t hang out to watch “10 most fatal crashes (#2 will amaze you)” and “here’s a 10-minute SEO-optimized video to tell you something that would otherwise take 20 seconds to read” videos, which are probably typical “creators”.


Not to mention a majority of those channels are content/ad farms that probably deserve to die anyway. AKA you should block their ads or better yet avoid watching them entirely because they are leeching off the platform and hurting legitimate creators because those channels are run by companies who pump out highly produced videos faster than any legitimate creator could to rake in money from ads and sponsorships, their videos are also often filled with disinformation.

I’m talking about channels like TroomTroom, 5 minute crafts, etc. but there are also others out there centered around subjects outside of DIY.

Kichae, (edited )

The criteria for getting monetized really aren’t that big. They don’t have to be that large, and most small to medium sized channels will usually make more from direct sponsors and supporters. But also, those are the creators working on the thinnest margins, and they definitely feel the loss of the YouTube ad money.

But the bigger issue is that demonitized videos just don’t get promoted as heavily. The reduction in reach is a major blow to small and medium sized channels, as reach is how creators find new supporters, and it has an impact on future direct sponsorship potential. Plus if you have multiple videos demonitized, you can get your whole channel demonitized.

Edit: Autocorrect believes “deminitized” is a word.

TwoGems, avatar

Except they don’t. They get demonetization from literally breathing from Google who treats them like shit, so it’s best to donate to their patreons anyway.

captain_aggravated, avatar

Their demonetization “policy” or lack thereof is a major reason why I block ads. I don’t believe that Alphabet operates in good faith in this matter.


The RIAA and MPAA are the driving force behind the copystrike behavior. I do think Alphabet has the resources and standing to resist and battle it in court, but that’s clearly not their business model. Alphabet is not invested in protecting content generators, only in what metrics they can sell to ad agencies.


Those aren’t this only things that cause you to be demonetised though. Having the wrong opinion is enough.


And not the usual “wrong opinion”. Some platforms demonetise you for the wrong opinion “hitler had the right idea” but youtube demonetises you for the wrong opinion “right to repair”

captain_aggravated, avatar

In the words of TomSka: “Ayy it’s Youtube. We’re going to demonetize and age restrict this video.” “WHY?!” “Ohoho we ain’t gonna tell you. But don’t do it again.”

I have so little sympathy for Google.


It’s not a copyright problem. You get demonitized for saying “suicide” for example. They want an artificial happy place where no bad things happen and we can all have fun watching ads forever.

aceshigh, avatar

… and rape and sexual assault and pedophile… some videos (like on cults) are really weird to watch cus so many words are bleeped out.

zkfcfbzr, (edited )

That’s not even always the issue though - like recently Veritasium had an ancient video demonitized for mentioning that the subject of the video committed suicide, so now their most recent video is a censored re-upload of it. They include a new segment talking about the frustrating demonitization scheme Youtube has.


Alphabet doesn't have to battle it.

If they just had copyright owners use the DMCA process, creators could counterclaim illegitimate takedowns and Google would have no liability for leaving the content up as proscribed by the claim process.

They choose to do their far more aggressive alternate system instead. It's not out of any obligation or legal exposure.


Next step from Google will be to make creators that have Patreon set up be ineligible for ad revenue or ban linking/mentioning Patreon outright.

RagingNerdoholic, (edited )

Not even, though. Practically all the YouTube “creators” these days have [this part of the video is brought to you by scandanavian interwebz to keep out teh hax0rs] sponsored segments that are [Have you shaved your fuckin’ nutsack lately bro? Check out this ball hair trimmer from clipyerjunk dot com] littered throughout [zzzzzzzzzip … ^reecrootah ] their videos.

That being said, some of them at least put effort into finding and vetting content-relevant sponsors that can actually be helpful. I can kinda just barely tolerate those.


I can strongly recommend the SponsorBlock extention (also available in revanched).


I run a private invidious instance


Oh sheeeit! I used revanced on Android, but I had no idea there was also a Firefox extension for that. Thanks!


I see a lot of people saying “but that’s how creators get paid”

And they’re not wrong. But they put themselves in this position when they uploaded their videos to servers owned by one of the worst corporations in the world, with massive privacy implications, and no alternatives.

I watch them on other platforms when they make it available.


They are wrong. Most creators don’t get paid from ads.


…yes? They do.


No, they don’t. Only a very small percentage of the videos on Youtube end up making any money for the creators.


its why even with ads they use sponsers

HughJanus, (edited )

That’s because only a very small percentage of creators get enough views to make tangible amounts of money…probably the same ones you actually watch.


I think you need 1000 subscribers to be able to monetize your videos. That’s not an issue for the well known youtubers but the vast majority of them don’t make a penny.

Also, you watching hours of ads makes few cents for the content creator. By donating one dollar directly they’ve already made more than they ever would from ads.


id actually love to see the breakdown of channels with content by subscriber count/youtube partnership status. I suspect a very large percentage will be non monetised. speaking from experience it either takes a shitload of work to get the ability to earn literally a few dollars or you somehow get lucky with a “viral” hit. even people in my niche the “big ones” make maybe a couple hundred bucks a year in ad revenue


But it wasn’t always that way. Creators had to survive multiple crises as Youtube made sudden changes that impacted their livelihoods.

Those that survived rely on merch, patronage platforms, paid promotions, and promoting their content on other paid platforms.

Corgana, avatar

Creators are victims here too. For most of them YouTube was a very different place when they were beginning their careers on the platform.

Not that it changes your point, I just feel it’s important to keep in mind that the process of “Enshittification” sucks for everyone (well, except shareholders).


Yeah, Nebula is an alternative that’s trying to grow. Think it’s creator owned too which is nice. I haven’t made the switch yet, but if I wanted to support creators directly I’d choose Nebula over YouTube. And if I could, I’d send money straight to them via Patreon or PayPal or other.


I mean I have >200 subscriptions so that would get expensive quickly.


Use adblock, then work an extra 3 minutes and donate your salary to the creator.


Genuine question:

Do you host your content on other platforms (like lbry/odysee) as well?

Nihilore, avatar

I have a note in the description of every video that say “seeing ads on my videos? Use ublock origin!”


That’s a really good idea!


To add, you have to become a partner before ever seeing a penny, which means you’ve fronted all the start up costs.

ininewcrow, avatar

Even with videos I enjoy from channels I really like, I block all ads … and if they have a 30 second spot in their video to plug some product or service, I fast forward it to skip their personalized ad spot.

I don’t want ads … if I want to give you money, I’ll give you money because I like you out the things you do or the things you make … not because of some dumb product that you think makes you look good.

If I like a channel or personality or artist or singer or someone just makes me laugh … I send a dollar, a fiver or even a ten depending on how good it was.

If everyone did that, no one who makes a video would care about ads.


SponserBlock and Return YouTube Dislike don’t cause any issues, btw

Thorned_Rose, (edited ) avatar

I (had) YouTube Premium and despite that I'm now shadowbanned on YouTube for what I can only assume is using Return Dislike, uBlock and/or Enhancer. I've never made a single comment that would warrant a ban so I have no other explanation but that Google decided to screw over a paying customer just because I use add ons.

L_Acacia, avatar

Some ips are shadowbanned, if you are using a VPN/proxy it might be the reason.

Thorned_Rose, avatar

It's unfortunately my account that's shadowbanned. Kinda moot at this point because fuck Google regardless. Just seems absurd to me (but not surprising) that they would shadow ban a paying customer.

Yoru, avatar

I’ve been using everything you mentioned for months and my videos still get in the algorithms, and my comments can be seen.

Thorned_Rose, (edited ) avatar

Yep, I used the add ons for many many years. But it's the only explanation I have. I'm not a content creator so I'm not worried about the tiny number of videos I have uploaded, almost all of which aren't listed anyway (and I don't think mot people would consider unlisted videos, "Is my aquarium pump supposed to be making this sound?" or "Here's how you use a tap adapter to attach a hose to a shower mixer" to be controversial lol).

I really don't know how to explain it. One day it was all good, the next day my comments couldn't be seen anymore.

And no I'm not someone who cries that I never make arsehole comments but actually does. I'm only ever respectful and I have zero interest in contributing to outrage circlejerks or drama.

So all I have left that Google wouldn't like is my use of those add ons 🤷🏻‍♀️

EDIT: Maybe my sin was commenting on Second Thought videos and being anti-capitalist and anti-Google 😅✌️


Thanks, this is super-timely. I opened this thread, decided to try playing a video, and the prompt popped up.

keksi, avatar


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  • PainInTheAES,

    Yeah they’re doing AB testing right now


    It might be that your uBO version is already blocking them, I’m not sure how you test that though, which is probably why they use the whole “not out in your region” comeback when it’s already discussed how uBO already defeats them (just like it does on your average bottom of the barrel porn-ad ridden sites that employ this exact same tactic).

    The secure aspect of Anti-adblockers was defeated long ago, the security theater part is still holding on though, maybe this YouTube thing will finally kill that part as well.


    Is it known whether this popup appears only in specific geographic regions, or is it worldwide?


    Just got my first message here in Malaysia.

    Critical_Insight, (edited )

    Gotten it twice thrice, Finland.


    First time today, Australia, Firefox, linux

    Faydaikin, avatar

    Denmark checking in. Got it as well this morning


    Safari with Ghostery, AdGuard, AdBlock, 1Blocker, and Vinegar, and I am doing a-ok.


    I’ve been fine for a while, then as soon as I read this post, I start getting the warning. Time to move to an alternative. Might try and revitalize my old newsboat/yt-dl set up again


    I just yt-dlp any videos I want to watch and copy them over to my plex server. No ads to be found and none of these bullshit games.


    Check out tubearchivist. Now has Plex plugin so can grab the videos from subscribed channels automatically


    Oho, this sounds interesting. Thanks for mentioning.

    SnailMagnitude, avatar

    I’ve been using the ‘Open With’ extension on Firefox to play video through mpv with a click


    Last I knew this worked with vlc also, no ads

    Lem453, (edited )

    There should be a plugin that replaces the actual YouTube video with an embedded mpc or VLC player that streams the video like this on the website itself


    Those who disagree with what YouTube is doing, why don’t you stop using it? No views = creators are forced to find another platform.

    I think working around their service T&C is just as scummy as anti-adblocks.


    I’ve been saying for years that the biggest streamers should band together and either demand YouTube/Google fix their shit or threaten to start their own competitive platform. They’d have the least to lose assuming they’re being smart and investing their YouTube income or diversifying into other sectors like Mr. Beast.


    Nebula is like this


    Because the content is on youtube. What if we mirrored it?


    I mean, do you really have to consume the content on a platform that you dislike?

    Holzkohlen, avatar

    But no ads = no money for youtube and creators. So won’t they have to find another platform anyways? The answer is no, because there are plenty of people watching youtube on smart TVs or the regular youtube app without any kind of adblocking.
    It really does not matter what we few nerds here are doing or not doing.

    adzsx, avatar

    But I think most of the audience watches on a PC, and most of them have Ad blockers


    And hows it work with a pihole?


    You cannot block YouTube ads with a pihole.

    Holzkohlen, avatar

    Pihole can’t block youtube ads to begin with. Or rather if you do, you have to block the actual videos as well.


    Good thing I’ve been using LibRedirect with Invidious and Piped for a while now. YouTube really has been going downhill.


    It rolled off the hill years ago and is plummeting into the ravine.


    I started getting them earlier last week. I’ve just been ignoring them for now.


    Does noscript block the anti adblock rollout?

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