YouTube's anti-adblock rollout has finally arrived for Firefox users

I’m sure many of you are already aware that YouTube has been rolling out anti-adblock detection for Chrome users for a few weeks now.

Today, as a long time Firefox user with the fantastic uBlock Origin extension installed, I got my first anti-adblock popup on the platform. Note that this may not happen to you personally for a while, but it is inevitably coming for everyone.

Thankfully, the fine folks at uBlock Origin have already advised a simple workaround (on Reddit, yuck!) which I will duplicate in a simplified form below for your convenience. I have tested it on Firefox and it is working fine for me (so far).


  1. Update uBO to the latest version (1.52.0+) . <== The extension itself, for technical improvements. You do this in your browser.
  2. Remove your custom config / reset to defaults. <== This means removing your custom filters (or disabling My filters) and disabling ALL additional lists you’ve enabled. It might be quicker to make a backup of your config and restore to defaults instead.
  3. Force an update of your Filter Lists. <== This is within the extension. Lists are what determine what’s blocked or not. How to update Filter lists: Click 🛡️ uBO’s icon > the ⚙ Dashboard button > the Filter lists pane > the 🕘 Purge all caches button > the 🔃 Update now button.
  4. Disable all other extensions AND your browser’s built-in blockers. <== No need to uninstall, just disable them. They might interfere with our solutions.

Make sure you follow all 4 points above. If you’re seeing the message, it’s likely due to your custom config (either additional lists or separate filters in My filters).

Restarting your browser afterwards may help too.

Once you’ve gotten rid of the issue on default settings, you can slowly start restoring your config (if you really need it). Do it gradually, to easier find out what was causing the issue in the first place. Once you find the culprit, simply skip it in your config.

If you want to use Enhancer for YouTube*, you have to* disable its adblocking*.*

May the force uBlock Origin be with you!

yote_zip, avatar

Emphasis on #4 here - the anti-adblock will trigger if it detects any subpar adblocker, including e.g. Brave Browser’s “Shields” thing (even if you also use uBlock Origin). Helped a friend figure this out lately and found out they were running 3 adblockers and Brave Browser. Some people are truly special.


Does he use two condoms at the same time to avoid pregnancies? Same principle.


I use three so the middle one doesn't get dirty.


Reduce, reuse, recycle!


Front to back, back to front, inside out, then back to front and front to back again.

shadowbert, avatar

It's more like using the pill and a condom. Different ad blockers can block different sets of ads.


Two- with hot sauce in the middle, so you know which one broke.

Flatworm7591, avatar

Definitely, and note that (for me anyway) I didn’t have to disable any of my other extensions. I think they are referring mainly to adblocking extensions in that step.


I thought Brave Shields was just repackaged uBlock Origin?

yote_zip, avatar

Not as far as I know, but I don’t have much experience with Brave Browser. They probably use the same ad-filtering lists on the backend but their implementation is probably not identical. I know that for this situation in particular, Brave Shields was causing Youtube to act up but Ublock Origin wasn’t (might be fixed at this point in time).


Ah thanks for clearing that up, I don’t rember where I got this misconception


#4 says “all” other extensions. Does it really mean all? Password managers, gui shit, source citation extensions?


That’s too figure out which extension is causing an issue. If everything works right then you have nothing to worry about.

If things do not work, the easiest is to get to a working state (latest version, removing any custom filters, disabling extensions) then once confirming that it works, gradually enabling things back until you can identify the offender.


What sucks about these measures (and others) is that they usually do a decent job of subverting the adblocker AdNauseam, which clicks on ads in addition to blocking them.

This forces me to us uBlock Origin, ironically causes the people who implement these countermeasures to make less money off of my visits.


Alternatively, some folks can also try Freetube for an ad free youtube experience as a desktop app

Maajmaaj, avatar

I’ve been telling people I use libretube on my PC, but freetube is actually what I use (I’m dumb). It’s dope. Plus if you use the libredirect add on for Firefox, YouTube links just automatically open up the video on freetube after adjusting the add on’s settings of course.

Mnky313, (edited )

didn’t know libredirect could redirect to Freetube, I’ve just been having mine go to an Invidious Instance… I’ll have to look into this.

jaykay, avatar

As much as I’d love to use it, I can’t until each profile has its own “watch later” playlist. Afaik it puts everything into one playlist. And why do I need a profile with all subscriptions, that’s why profiles exist, to not have all in one. I appreciate the work, but it’s not there yet for me


The only right answer.

IonAddis, avatar

I’ve been using it on Linux and it’s pretty nifty.


Not sure what site that is you’ve linked, but the official site seems to be this one:

It works perfectly with Libredirect. Thank you!


It’s the flathub repo, which is also listed on their official website! But your link is valid too

PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S, avatar

That’s the link to the official FreeTube Flatpak. More generally, the linked site, Flathub, is the largest source of Flatpak applications. If you click through the .io site, you’ll land on the Flathub page if you look for the Flatpak.

I actually switched from the .deb to the Flatpak just this afternoon so I can do updates with my package manager. The .deb version “phones home” (you have to enable it I think) every time it starts up to check for updates, but Discover (my package manager) fetches updates for Flatpak apps along with everything else. It’s basically been the same experience as the .deb so far.


Thanks, I have no idea what you’re talking about though as I’m on Windows :)

PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S, (edited ) avatar

Briefly: My comment was basically a remark that the way FreeTube works is independent of how it is installed.

A very vaguely similar idea for Windows would be to compare the installed edition (usually distributed as an .exe) versus the portable edition (zip or 7z, i.e. an archive). For FreeTube there’s probably no difference, but in general, Windows programs break when made portable, so “portable editions” need to be tested separately.

Probably not important for a Windows user, but it’s something a Linux user might want to know. 😀


Thanks for the explanation!


Most Linux distros have an app store AKA “package manager” to manage software.

Flathub is the main repository where updates are sent.


snazzy app, thanks!


This is amazing, definitely gonna try this when I get home! Do u know if it does SponsorBlock as well?

yukichigai, avatar

And for those of you on Android, there's always SmartTubeNext and NewPipe.


If you’re on Android I’m actually going to recommend a new app from Futo called GrayJay. It’s cross-platform so you can watch videos from YouTube, Twitch, PeerTube, Rumble, Kick, etc. all from a single app.

JoyfulCodingGuy, avatar

Thank you! I didn’t know they also made an app that does this. For anyone looking for the link it’s the following:

I’d also recommend looking into their other projects such as their Android voice input app:

Or other projects:

Sir_Kevin, avatar

NewPipe+SponsorBlock is a fantastic fork that’s pretty awesome.

JoyfulCodingGuy, avatar

And/or with SponsorBlock if you don’t care about sending that data to the open APIs. It’s pretty useful if some channels you watch have a lot of sponsors, self promotions, etc.


I’ve been very happily using YouTube ReVanced, do u know how SmartTubeNext and NewPipe compare to it?


Now that we are recommending alternatives, iPhone/iPad/Mac have Yattee. It uses Piped/Invidious as backend and is in the appstore

UntouchedWagons, avatar

Can I watch livestreams in freetube?

CrypticFawn, avatar


Dmian, avatar

For those using Safari, a simple custom browser stylesheet with a few styles is all you need, and is undetectable, as anti-adblock works with javascript, so no pesky “Why you blocking the ads? Mimimimimi…”

Maximilious, avatar

Go on..... As an avid non-apple\mac household I would install safari pretty quickly just to watch ad-less YouTube.

Dmian, avatar

I think this should work with any browser that allows you to apply a custom user stylesheet. This used to be normal in the past, but Chrome took it away, and I don’t know if Firefox still allows it. Copied from a reply I put in another post:

Ok, do this: download this stylesheet: it somewhere where you can find it easily. Open Safari and go to Safari > Settings > Advanced. In the “Style sheet” dropdown, select “Other” and navigate to the style sheet. For maximum effect, do this while you have YouTube open… :D

The stylesheet is organized in a way that you can comment/uncomment blocks to customize what you want/don’t want to see on YouTube. Right now it has my preferences, but if you want to keep something, or hide something I had viewable, just comment/uncomment as you wish. The ads part is clearly marked, and the rest is menu things and navigation elements (I don’t need most of those). I also hate Shorts with a passion, so I hide those too. Keep in mind that this can only be used in the desktop version. It doesn’t work for mobile or any of the apps. Sadly, you’ll have to suffer with the shitty ads there. But at least, you can have a decent experience while watching on your Mac. And since it’s a user stylesheet, and has no Javascript whatsoever, YT has no way ob detecting or blocking it, so they can do nothing (other than changing the names of the titles, but that is easily fixed).

Have fun.

P.S: you’ll notice that sometimes, where there should be an ad, you’ll see like a blink in the video. Don’t worry, it’s normal. The video will continue without problems, and you won’t see the ad.

P.S.2: This stylesheet sometimes blocks shitty Google (or other sites) pages (because people are assholes and put things there that shouldn’t be there). If you happen to find yourself in this situation (a page that is suspiciously blank, or don’t allow to scroll, or behaves oddly) you can temporarily change the sylesheet to “None Selected”, and see if the problem is fixed. When you’re finished, remember to switch back to the stylesheet, or you’ll have a shock when you go to YouTube… XDDDDD

WoodenBleachers, (edited ) avatar

Genuine question, why be avid anti-apple? I’m a mac fan, but I still use Linux and windows in my daily life. I’be never understood the anti-mac hate

vicfic, (edited ) avatar

Apple is a snobby company with terrible overpriced repair. All of their products are heavily locked down wildly expensive milled aluminium.

Sure the new m1 chip is good but the amount of vendor lock in is too much and of course mac OS is a trash bsd distro. TLDR: overpriced products, trashy company.

WoodenBleachers, avatar

Thanks. Their repair pricing is obnoxious, I’ll give you that, but their pricing model really isn’t ridiculous otherwise. For the performance you get it’s great. I’m willing to bet most companies source their alumni from the same place, but my only genuine issue is that MacOS is a great piece of software. I still like Catalina/Mojave myself, but the newer variations are still good. Do you have specific gripes with the OS?

vicfic, avatar

tbh, I’ve only had limited experience with MacOS, and it wasn’t very great (compared to my Linux setup), and afaik this is the general consensus among technically inclined people.

About the pricing model, it’s ridiculous is everyway, not just for repairs. Like, you can get a laptop/PC with almost double the spec compared to what apple has to offer at that price.

All this is said without considering the fact that apple stuff costs almost twice the price in my country (India).


but their pricing model really isn’t ridiculous otherwise.

I mean, $1600 for a phone is ridiculous. I’ve had iPhones for the past 12 years, but it never even crossed my mind to buy the latest model. It’s just speculation at that point.

WoodenBleachers, avatar

Fair enough, the iPhones are ridiculous, but I was mostly thinking of macs, that’s on me


Not OP, but genuine answer: because I loathe being forced into their way of doing things. Every little thing on the Mac seems engineered with an "our way or the highway" mentality, that leaves no room for other (frequently, better) ways of achieving anything.

Adding to that, window/task management is an absolute nightmare (things that have worked certain ways basically since System 6 on monochrome Mac Classic machines, and haven't improved), and despite all claims to the contrary, its BSD-based underpinnings are just different enough to Linux's GNU toolset to make supposed compatibility (or the purported "develop on Mac, deploy on Linux" workflow) a gross misadventure.

I just find the experience frustrating, unpleasant, and always walk away from a Mac feeling irritated.

(For context: > 20 year exclusively Linux user. While it's definitely not always been a smooth ride, I seldom feel like I'm fighting against the computer to get it to do what I want, which is distinctly not my experience with Apple products)


Also if you want an “our way or the highway” attitude you can buy a PC, install a gnome distro, and not pay like 1000 bucks more for 16G more RAM that you won’t be able to use in another machine because Apple locks everything down for reasons that definitely don’t involve unadulterated greed.


Just curious, how many years have you used Macs?

WoodenBleachers, avatar

I got my first mac 7 years ago, the 2017 macbook air. I put that lovely machine through its paces, even got it to run Destiny 2 and gta 5 at one point. Until last year I was issued a work laptop and it’s windows. I have a windows desktop at home, but Mac just works with my slightly chaotic flow better.


Okay, this context helps. I think a lot of people who hate apple do so blindly but also a lot of people who hate apple have decades of reasons piling up. I started in the former camp, having a general distaste for Macs because they were pretty intentionally not interoperable with other computers. When I discovered they had become much less like that in the OSX era (early 2000s), I got really really fond of the OS. Since those days, they’ve done quite a lot of annoying and shitty things to the Mac os, but more importantly, their mobile products are designed very much to prevent interoperability. It’s the business model. Pretend every other product sucks and yours is best, but you really just worked extra to prevent smooth operation with other products.

Apple is on my shit list these days since most of their decisions are corporate asshole ones, designed to make them profit at the expense of users or even society at large. They likely would’ve never even adopted usb-c on their mobile devices had the EU not forced them. They’re a pretty garbage company. I say this fully acknowledging that Mac os is still pretty good despite the bonehead decisions. I do often feel that they keep ruining it slowly though.


I think the whole USB-C business is the worst example of an axe to grind with Apple. Who says that standard must be the only one? The EU have forced something that didn’t need to be forced. I’ve got a household full of Apple gadgets and no USB-C, so when we do update something later than iPhone 15 and it has that connector, it will be the only one, and no other charges will work with it expect any adapters I might have from C to A. I just don’t get it that it was that important.


The EU absolutely made the right call. If your household wasn’t entirely apple ecosystem it would fully make sense why all devices should conform to a connector standard. You’d be maddened by it. In fact your anxiety about how this will play out is precisely the reason this needed to happen years ago. People with android devices have been experiencing that same annoyance for years now every time a friend visits who forgot their iPhone cable.

jecht360, (edited )

Just a quick list.

  • Apple actively makes device designs more difficult to repair. Everything is either glued or soldered together.
  • They purposely make it more difficult to get tools and parts. Some tools are proprietary.
  • Performance per dollar is terrible. The better, slightly more repairable machines cost a ton of money. Spend the same amount of money on a regular PC and you would have a beast of a machine.
  • Apple sues and/or attacks anyone who tries to help people repair their devices.
  • They purposely push out OS changes that make older devices less usable.

That’s not even including the treatment of employees or condition of the factories where Apple devices are built. I don’t know as much about that. But I can definitely comment on the above after managing iPads and Macbooks in a corporate environment.


Personally, I don’t like the way Apple does business. Primarily, that you aren’t just buying the product, you’re buying into their ecosystem. Almost everything apple does well only realistically works of you stay confined to their stuff. And you’re fucked if you wanted compatibility with older software. Remember when Apple just decided 32 bit was dead to them?

And while their hardware is pretty good, it costs wayyyyy too much. I just got a new pc with the top end amd cpu and an rtx 4090, and it cost under half what a Mac pro costs. I seriously doubt their ARM desktop chips are really that much better. Maybe if I were to buy a Mac and use it the rest of my life without upgrades, the efficiency of using an ARM cpu would save me the difference on electricity?

takeda, (edited )

They are doing same stuff as the other companies, but are better at PR.

If you use their products you are even more locked down, but for some reason that’s more acceptable than on pc. I think many apple fans are wearing rosy tinted glasses and don’t notice any of that for some reason.

For example there was a big deal recently by Google adding attestation mechanism that likely will be used to prevent ad blockers blocking ads. Safari already has this implemented.


Cope Goolag.


Why remove all the filters and not just update?

Flatworm7591, avatar

I think because people may have added additional filters manually that might trigger the ad block detection, but that’s just a guess. The guide was written by the uBlock Origin developers so I assume they have a reason for that step. But you can try without that step, it might well still work, especially in stock configuration.

rufus, (edited )

Thx. Yeah I figured that’s the only reasonable explanation. They probably want easy instructions so it works for every messed up configuration without them getting lot’s of support requests. But I like being taught what I do and why. Not just: click on this, click on that and it’ll work somehow.

Des, avatar

youtube seems to be making changes as fast as the ublock people are so if it doesn’t seem to work you might have to wait for the ublock volunteers to catch up again.


I’d honestly just stop using YouTube rather than deal with all this crap. Fuck Google


Good thing I use invidious instead of their official front-end


I’m using TubeBlock on Windows (Edge). Hasn’t hit me yet?


Following step 3 (and only step 3) so far worked for me.

The popup reappears every now and then, but updating filter lists again always fixed it. Let’s see how it goes longterm.


fingers crossed I’ve never had any issues so far, I’m keeping my UBO updated and the lists updated and hoping for the best. I thought people were doing something wrong with I first saw this popping up, but I’m sad Firefox users are actually suffering now too.

Peekystar, avatar

I've started encountering the ad-blocker blocker myself over the past few days, but fortunately it proves to be terrible at its job in my experience, as a small X allows it to be dismissed after 3 or 5 seconds, which is outright better than waiting for the 5 seconds plus load time of a skippable ad, or the many more seconds of an unskippable ad or two. This might be useful for me if they ever decide to remove the ability to dismiss the ad-blocker blocker, though.

IonAddis, avatar

They took that X away from me a few days later. I’ve switched to Freetube and it’s been pretty smooth.


I believe they’ve already started slow rollout removing the ability to do that on Chrome so


Concern I’d have if I didn’t use Piped:

I’m on AdNauseum and not uBO because I like the idea of actively resisting advertising culture and protesting through obfuscation, etc. So might not work for me


I don’t think Adnauseam ever registered clicks on YouTube (correct me if I’m wrong) just blocks the ads.

Prethoryn, (edited ) avatar

“(on Reddit (/comments/). yuck!)”

Guys, we fucking get it. You hate mainstream apps like reddit but the solutions aren’t on Lemmy until someone finds them elsewhere like reddit.

Do we really need to emphasize our hate for something every damn time we make a post. Thanks for the solution but why couldn’t you have just posted the solution.

God I hate Lemmy, they want a bigger user base to stay away from content controlled by big corps and to move to federated content but will shove their ideals on the community every time and that is what keeps pushing people wanting to stay here away. We don’t need to hear about FOSS and Linux every time. And we get it. We hate reddit that is why the user base moved here.

EDIT: God I love Lemmy.

Sterben, avatar

Just relax mate. This was an unnecessary comment.

2d, avatar

sees one word, writes three paragraph angry response about it


That’s the Reddit way.

snooggums, avatar

We did it reddit!


That you, Spez?

moog, (edited )

Fuck reddit and fuck you


I use both, don’t you? Obviously OP does as well. You’re talking shit about Lemmy, they’re talking shit about Reddit here.

Hooray for the freedom to shittalk! (Works on both platforms!)

I’m always down for downtalking corporate bullshit - YouTube & Reddit have both done some almost-Elon levels of managerial idiocy as of late & it should be heard how people feel about it.



Holzkohlen, avatar

Nice try spez. Kindly fuck off now.

lars, (edited )

has finally arrived

Finally !


Anyone else remember the first ad-pocalypse?

Like when OG AdBlock was created and there was an all-out race between individual websites and AdBlock?

Then OG AdBlock sold out and allowed “approved” ads to still show.

We are seeing history repeat. The only reason ads survived was due to increasing number of users who weren’t using adblock.

Now, with market saturation, Google is starting to fight back.

I would absolutely love to see a revitalization on proxy software specifically designed to eliminate ads and tracking. I haven’t looked into this in quite some time but I think we’re crossing into this territory now.

The pessimist in me says to look out for a bill authored by Google to make adblocking illegal.

But the optimist in me says “the Internet sees censorship as damage and routes around it.”

IzzyData, (edited ) avatar

If adblocking becomes illegal I’m done using the internet.


If adblocking becomes illegal people will still do it (and you should too), some really stupid article tried to claim circumventing Anti-Adblock was illegal under DMCA a while back (interestingly they took it down when people continued to block their ads) and the filter providers did it anyway. Piracy still happens in countries where it’s criminalized, ad blocking will continue, though the Quorans (used them as an example because they’re the biggest snobs about the law and ethics) and people like them will likely use it less, though it’s not like they don’t already think it’s wrong (some also think it’s already illegal).

IzzyData, avatar

To be fair I don’t think it is possible to come up with a legitimate argument for making adblocking illegal. You would have to argue that people aren’t allowed to own anything such as their computers.


The only real argument that could work would be that watching ads to get content is a form of transaction and not watching ads is therefore akin to piracy. However, this exact same argument could be used to ban ALL forms of unsolicited advertising (billboards, junk mail, etc) because under that model, many advertisers are essentially committing theft of your time and attention, which is shown to have some amount of monetary value by the previous transaction argument.


as long as data caps exist all advertising on the internet is theft.


Whoa, like they’re stealing from ME? Never thought about it like that…


There will always be a free internet. It just may not be the one currently dominated by corporate datacenters.


I am going back to irc and telnet bbs

JavaScript was a mistake


Without JS, you wouldn't have ad blockers and youtube could just bake their ads on the videos themselves while streaming them. Thinking about it, I don't think it's off the table for them.


changing displayed elements does not need js.


In order to delete an element or replace it based on a list, you definitely need JS. You have no other way to access the DOM.


yes that is what exists in this reality.


The pessimist in me says to look out for a bill authored by Google to make adblocking illegal.

“These brave content creators, who produce such culturally significant shows as ‘Ow my balls’ and ‘Matrix 1999 [full rip]’, are being literally murdered by hackers who use adblockers. These pirates use their hacking technology to steal this content and threaten our very way of life. While we regret resorting to legislation, we are left with no choice but to show these thieves the harsh reality of the criminal justice system.”


The pessimist in me says to look out for a bill authored by Google to make adblocking illegal.

Not a lawyer, but that doesn’t sound legally possible. It’s like turning off the sound when the ads on TV start, you must have the right to consume the data that has been delivered to you however you desire.


Do you know what the DMCA is?


A user rights violation that caters to enterprises and claims that it protects the creators?


The current Google approach is adding attestation to Google Chrome. They claim that it is to stop bots, but it can (and will be, they are slow boiling us) also used to block adblockers.

Anyone who cares about free (as freedom) should stop using chrome and clones and switch to Firefox.

Engywuck, (edited )

No, thanks. Mozilla is the worst of the open source world. I prefer not to give them market share. Brave works beautifully for me and YouTube may disappear tomorrow and my life wouldn’t change a single bit.


Brave the chromium based crypto browser better than Firefox? Mozilla isn’t perfect but you’re off your rocker if you think that is better.

Engywuck, (edited )

Boy, I’ve been a FF user for 20 years before. Don’t try to school me, please. And yes, Brave is actually much better than FF and I enjoy a lot using it.


You keep saying that you were a proponent of FF back in the day, but the fact that you aren’t giving credence to the experiences that made you switch lessens your credibility and weakens any persuasion power you might have on people switching from FF to Brave.

It would help your cause to explain what made you switch so others might understand you.

But from your demeanor, it seems like you dgaf about other people. So I guess that’s fair.


Brave is based on chromium, which is open-source via Google. Now, I may have this wrong, but my understanding is that the reason why Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Chromium-based browsers are the only browsers still around is because Apple, Google and Mozilla are the only companies with the money to keep up with all the new “standards” and features Google keeps shoving into Chrome. While Chromium may be open-source, if Google pulls the plug then it’ll only be a matter of time before the Chromium browsers run out of steam and can no longer keep up. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s part of Google’s plan. Keep people in the ecosystem by giving them the illusion that they’re using a different browser while maintaining control over the browser they use and the ability to force them onto a different browser at any time.

This is all ignoring the fact that Brave is a shitty browser. I can’t remember where I read this, but supposedly Brave collects a lot of data on your usage despite advertising itself as a privacy-conscious browser.


FUD and ignorance. Please stop bothering me.

yukichigai, avatar

I would absolutely love to see a revitalization on proxy software specifically designed to eliminate ads and tracking. I haven’t looked into this in quite some time but I think we’re crossing into this territory now.

Privoxy is still being actively worked on. Not sure how well it works for YouTube though. I suppose we may see a flurry of activity on that front if they keep pushing this.


I would absolutely love to see a revitalization on proxy software specifically designed to eliminate ads and tracking.

You’re in luck because we already have several. Namely Piped and Invidious.

Holzkohlen, avatar

Do regular apps and desktop applications like freetube and newpipe count?


FreeTube uses Invidious proxy (if enabled).

Newpipe uses Piped proxy.


The pessimist in me says to look out for a bill authored by Google to make adblocking illegal.

But the optimist in me says “the Internet sees censorship as damage and routes around it.”

They’re both right.

doublepepperoni, avatar

They’re just being dicks considering how tiny the Firefox userbase is

I fully expect to have to be fingeprinted, DNA tested and retinal scanned to access cOnTenT in a year or two

n3er0o, avatar

They already requested my ID a couple of years ago, because for some reason they classified some RDR2 channel I was watching to be 18+. I literally blacked out EVERYTHING besides my name and date of birth and they accepted it lol.

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