dottedgreenline, avatar

Piracy is part and parcel of the global economic system, and since that system hasn’t changed since time immemorial, well it always has been too.

LeHappStick, avatar

Thank goodness I only openly supported piracy from 2019 to 2023 with 5 different accounts lmao

Dodged a bullet there

Dinodicchellathicc, avatar

🫡 not all of us were as forward thinking as you.


Your sacrifice won’t have been in vain


Imagine when film companies pay Google for access to pirate’s gmail registrations. I’m glad I switched to Protonmail years ago. Any of these “free” services will sell your information for the right price.

ReepusVanguard, avatar

Thats creepy as hell.


Ha! I torrented all my shit on December 31st 2010 so you can suck my fucking deek lawyers!


Well, Reddit isn’t in my good books right now, but I hope they fight this fight hard, and I hope they win. Good Luck Reddit


And why are they demanding it? Just scrape it like the rest of us.

Warped, avatar

It seems strange to me how many these days openly discuss piracy, and what they are doing, how often, etc… It’s one thing to give vague instructions or point someone towards a website. But to actively say, ‘I downloaded X, from Y. It worked great.’ and/or ‘I’ve downloaded loads from X, I have over a thousand X, and they all work.’ it makes me cringe.

Possibly has to do with age. Piracy started for me by exchanging tapes of Dragon 32 games, and I guess recording the top 40 on a Sunday. You kept a low profile. I didn’t think I would get caught. My father was friends with a policeman who was our main source for pirated VHS videos and many games. So I felt whilst it was illegal, nobody gets caught unless you put your head above the parapet. That’s the point today, many seem to be a little too carefree. Helping each other out is great, and after all, piracy is about sharing. But do try and cover your tracks. Be sensible.

Holzkohlen, avatar

Silly nonsense. Just cause I said I downloaded something isn’t proof I did it. If I said I murdered someone you still have to proof I did it especially if there is no god damn body. In other words: they have to link my comments to a download I did via vpn years ago. Yeah, good luck losers.

Warped, avatar

I do know the law. You should try walking into a police station and saying, ‘I murdered someone.I’m just talking shit, there is no corpse or murder, just saying this for shits and giggles.’ then see what happens.

Seriously, maybe it’s just me, I prefer a quiet life. I don’t want the added stress of a corporation or lawyer threatening me, even if it is going to lead nowhere.

blomkalsgratin, (edited )

They would never get a conviction on the statement alone though. What it probably would do, is lead to them turning over every stone in your life to find proof. They’d do that because it’s enough to arouse suspicion but not enough to get you convicted in any way.


Alright buddy, that’s a horrendous example. You’re comparing MURDER to downloading End Game…

Here’s the real comp, go into the police station with a grin and say I just littered 3 towns away in a park, I threw a candy wrapper on the floor, it even has my fingerprint! But you’ll never catch me coppers!

They’d shrug and ask you to leave. No-one is starting a manhunt.

Holzkohlen, avatar

Bit of a leap there. I’m talking about confessing to murdering someone on reddit for instance cause that is what we are talking about: comments made years ago on reddit. Yeah, sure, maybe someone will tell the cops and they will have to investigate you based on your comment about murdering someone, but then what? Sure, it will have consequences for me, but they cannot convict me based of a single comment and nothing else. How the hell is that going to hold up in any court?
And now think back on what we are actually talking about: comments admitting to having illegally downloaded some content. I would assume they won’t even try to start investigating that. Like how on earth are you going to get proof of that?

TheYang, avatar

I… don’t think that’s true.

I’d expect to get convicted if I make a (reasonable) confession of murdering someone who vanished, even if there is no single other bit of evidence.


Not if you made that confession outside of any prosecution process and then withdrew it saying you were just making shit up, I wouldn’t think.

TheYang, avatar

I would expect that to be true as well.
For some reason I can’t really explain anymore, I was thinking of a situation where the confession is made, and reiterated at every step in the prosecutorial process, without any other evidence (for or against) being available for the process.

Mugmoor, avatar

You won’t. It happens all the time. Youd be amazed how many people try to claim credit for crimes they didn’t commit.

Holzkohlen, avatar

Right, if you go to the police and confess to the murder of someone who vanished you are going to be in trouble. But we are talking about some reddit comments “confessing” to downloading something illegally. I could have been more specific with the example though.


If they have no proof prior, they will absolutely wreck you with a comment like that linked to an account you own. That’s a confession, which you made, it is idiotic as you gained nothing admitting to it.

Only because many people don’t care, doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter.

jerkface, avatar

A comment on social media is not a confession.

LoreleiSankTheShip, avatar

Also it’s no proof that any piracy took place. It would be a different thing altogether if they already had evidence and you confessed to it, but as is, not everything said on the internet is true. Here, my “confession”

I broke into Area 51 on September 5th 1997 at 07:43 AM and I took photos of a top secret spy satellite program meant to track UFOs.

The fact I said that in a comment on Lemmy doesn’t make it true.


…Did you see any alien friends during your raid?

LoreleiSankTheShip, avatar

Depends. Are you with the US gov?


Bold statement, i can find countless cases where a confession posted on social media was used as evidence.


Actually no. Pretending to have committed a crime is a crime itself. At least here in Germany.

Also: saying you committed a crime is basically the same as a confession and can definitely be used against you

jon, avatar

The lawsuit does not involve Germany in the slightest


Sure, but it could still have an Impact on Germany since the copyright law is pretty similar


Pretending to have committed a crime is a crime itself

Gotta listen to some Götz Widmann haha.

Holzkohlen, avatar

Also keep in mind that at least in Germany the act of just downloading something is not illegal. Only the uploading/seeding of content is. So just admitting to having downloaded something is not admitting to a crime at all.


No, downloading is illegal too. It’s just the uploading/seeding that gets actively enforced since it’s a more serious crime


It’s like people are forgetting that piracy is actually illegal.

jerkface, avatar

What is illegal for Americans is not illegal everywhere.

  1. I’m not American either.
  2. The vast majority of countries in the world have copyright.

Now I’m not morally against piracy, pirate away. It’s just illegal.


They’re just lying about pirating to look cool.

I highly doubt there are any actual pirates on here, it’s just users being edgy. A bunch of dorks that don’t even own a boat role playing badass pirates.


I’d like to be that variety of pirate, at least in the older style. Not so much a modern nautical pirate though.


Being a pirate back in the day was also less pleasant than creative media has led us to believe, I’m afraid

ikidd, avatar

Does a canoe count?


I think many people just couldn’t care less about pirating and believe the companies can’t figure out who they are. For example, I discuss pirating stuff pretty openly on my reddit account. But every single comment I make, I consciously make sure to not reveal enough for people to dox me.

I also don’t have Facebook which is how most people figure out identities.

“Hmm, they’re an underwater welder from a specific small town and they have three sons. Well this is the only Facebook profile that matches that so I bet it’s this person” type of thing.


You are only truly anonymous if you always use a VPN or Tor. If not, Reddit has your IP and the ISP knows who is behind the IP. If LE knocks at Reddit’s door with a warrant, they will give them your IP, with which they go to the ISP to get your name.

they’re an underwater welder from a specific small town and they have three sons

You would be suprised of how much less info than that is needed to ID a person. There are studies about ID’ing people via their favorites and last-watched lists on netflix.

jerkface, avatar

. But to actively say, ‘I downloaded X, from Y. It worked great.’ and/or ‘I’ve downloaded loads from X, I have over a thousand X, and they all work.’ it makes me cringe.

Not evidence of a crime.


I came to confess. I was the 2nd gunman on the grassy knoll.


Liar, I shot first. You were third

Pika, avatar

I think a lot of it is to do with the actual chance that the individual is going to get charged with it, big companies generally go after the Distributors and not the individuals regarding it. Plus staying online that you did something doesn’t prove that you actually did it so they would still have to get solid evidence that you actually did it which costs money A lot of times more money than they would have lost from the pirating activity in the first place which is why a lot of them just settle for sending a dmca to the ISP and the ISP for as it saying LOL you better not be doing this


Been teaching my kid this. Do what you’re expected to do, follow directions from teachers and parents, so that when you do something you’re not supposed to and if you get caught, they won’t even believe you did it. Hide in plain site and cover your tracks by thinking of what you’d look for trying to catch someone.


Seems this has become standard operating procedure for much of this industry - make shitty movies, wonder why they flop at the box office, then go scorched earth against alleged “pirates” and blame them for your “losses”. When the studios make movies that are worth seeing, people will go to see them. See: Top Gun Maverick and Avatar 2, among other recent multi-billion dollar hits.

It is worth noting that many of the more egregious abuses of the legal process as of late seem to be by this one company Millennium Media and their many subsidiaries (Bodyguard Productions, HB Productions, etc.) They are basically just a bigger version of Strike 3, just professional trolls who would rather profit off of legal shakedowns than make good movies.


Funny, those are the same movies I’d point to as what’s fundamentally flawed with the film industry; chasing the lowest common denominator and avoiding interesting and artful risk.

ikidd, avatar

Name 10 interesting and artful films and you’ll have also named 9 box office bombs. Hell, Fight Club didn’t even gross half it’s budget at the box office. Very few people want good films.


Now is a good time to remind users that you are placing some trust in the instance that you use. Lemmy is not anonymous. It is pseudo-anonymous. Your instance can do pretty much anything with your account up to and including turning your account into a sock puppet, and they know exactly where you’re connecting from.

With that said, it’s a lot better than most social media today that actively tries to violate your privacy at every turn.

circuitfarmer, avatar

To add to this: some instances require your email address, and others don’t.

Obviously there are plenty of other ways you won’t be really anonymous, but if it’s important to you, one step in mitigating issues is not to have an email associated with your account.

Bootheal0179, avatar

You can always use for the required email. No muss no fuss


I’ve been partial to, but some services are getting wise to it (and blocking * addresses). Thanks for sharing an alternative!


What about using something like a protonmail address for all social media email?

circuitfarmer, avatar

A good strategy, but still less secure by definition than no email at all.

Historical_General, avatar

Iirc proton mail has a backdoor. Though they likely won’t be used outside of ‘nať-sećurity interests’.

Historical_General, avatar

Guys, this is fact, also downvotes aren’t private.

thetreesaysbark, (edited )

You may know the answer to this. If I’ve signed up with no email, and whilst on a secure VPN, how are they going to track me?


This is part of why I signed up through FMHY. If anybody is going to try to protect my privacy it is probably going to be the very actively pro-piracy group.


Why not just scrape it? 4head


In a way this does make me slightpy concerned about Lemmy servers, Reddit has a team of lawyers and tonnes of funds behind it to fight pointless demands like these

A lot of server owners won’t and will be much easier to coax into giving up information about it’s users


The thing is, chasing individual instances is a game of whack-a-mole, with a lot of downside and not a lot of upside. Established companies follow laws and regulations because they are easy targets, with local assets, offices, and public figures that are worth serving/seizing and can be compelled to comply to court orders. How TF you going to enforce a court order in a country that doesn’t recognize your jurisdiction or laws?

The other thing thing is, if you run an instance with moderation rules that skirt the law, you are incentivised not to log personal information and disseminate it because a) that makes you a target, and b) you’ll get called out by your own users for logging and leaking IPs, and people will just move to a different server.

It seems pretty obvious to me that you should assume at all times when you are online that you are basically in a public space, like in a public cafe: People can see you, even if the fact that they are not paying close attention to you creates the illusion of privacy. If you start doing something to stand out, people will start to pay attention to you, and it’s all visible to see unless you actively take precautions to hide your identity. That starts–but doesn’t end–with not browsing piracy on main.



  • Loading...
  • ArcaneSlime,

    Both IVPN and Mullvad have just removed port forwarding. I hear the options now are proton (which I hear may not have port forwarding on linux yet, but say they will) and AirVPN.



  • Loading...
  • ArcaneSlime,

    While it can be abused, it can also not be abused, surprisingly enough. I don’t want a secondary cheap vpn for DOWNLOADING, I happen to SEED, you leech, and also use slsk which means I now can’t connect to anyone who also can’t forward their ports because they also use one of your cheap VPNs with no port forwarding for DOWNLOADING.

    You are condescending, have added no new info, and you’re clearly just a leech, I’m pretty done with this conversation, sorry “pal.”

    Miyagi1337, (edited )


  • Loading...
  • ArcaneSlime,

    Wah wah wah, I called some guy out for being a leech and he is now mad at me, whatever will I do?!

    Go “danger” your own colon, I’m done talking to you.


    Alternatively, run TOR and a VPN while downloading. The speed will suck, but you should be way harder to track


    2011!?!? Lmfao

    Jaysyn, avatar

    LOL, that's cute. Reddit doesn't even know my real email address.

    Nobilmantis, avatar

    Makes me want to screen record DRM protected stuff and redistribute it right now :)


    Yeah this is the kind of crap that encourages people to pirate simply to spite them.

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