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TwoCubed, in You’re going to need an SSD in order to play Final Fantasy 16 on PC

So what? I accidentally installed Baldur’s Gate 3 on a hard disk and it was unplayable, because the assets took ages to load. Transferred everything over to an NVMe drive and it’s butter smooth. Just don’t put anything that requires interaction on a hard disk and get with the times and plop in an SSD. Best bang for your buck in terms of an upgrade with a massively noticable effect.


Too true. Upgrading to NVMe was the most noticeable speed boost I’ve experienced all at once in my history of building my own rigs. It’s was like black magic. Wouldn’t shut up about it to all my friends for a month.

Kolanaki, in Counter-Strike 2 players warned not to play CS2 as huge exploit could leak your IP
@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

If you’re worried about your IP being “leaked” you have no idea what an IP is. You can literally grab everyone’s IP using the console commands to list the players.


No, most multiplayer games and services these days only share your IP with the server, and not with other players.

Leaking your IP to someone malicious can mean DDoS attacks and rough geolocation. IP can be a good narrowing to find your address when combined with additional information.

SC2 is not a game one would expect to leak your IP and is a valid, small concern.


It can be very rough geolocation, currently my IP geolocates to a city around 300 Km away, other times the right city.


Server owners can be just as malicious many games support private servers


Choosing to join a private server is very different from having your IP leaked on official servers.


Can you please clarify what you mean? I think I get the gist but may be misunderstanding.

Serinus, (edited )

Being aware of the small risk you’re taking with one person (the server owner) versus being unaware of the risk you’re taking with many different random lobbies.

Server owners are more likely to ban you than DDoS you. And it’s a single digit number of people with access to that information vs hundreds in random lobbies.

The risk, while still small, is hundreds of times greater than a private server.


Ah thank you very much for that. I see now :)


Status no longer reports user Ips as those are hidden through some steam routing, I’m not sure if rcon status still reports it but that would be limited to server admins. If you open the steam overlay while in CS it shows some of the details.


Man shut down the net. When you visit a site your IP is leaked, well be the next headline.

alessandro, in PC gaming news: New Microsoft Windows open, Fntastic door closes; also counter risk from valve and more
@alessandro@lemmy.ca avatar

…after being feedup with elevenlabs (popular TTS service) I choose to use a different route.

TTS is made with ttspeaker… and then added a bit of “flavor” by passing the output to a RVC model to give the newscaster a more poignant flavor. Let me know what you think about.

(also I am planning to change the newscaster model)

@olicvb@lemmy.ca avatar

Have you looked into doing TTS on your own hardware? I recently managed to get this running (free !!).

It’s pretty good imo, i found that the trick is to generate the voice with Bark and use “RVC Beta Demo” on top after. Coming from image generation RVC feels like a Lora.

Now i barely played with it, but i’m sure you can end up with some crazy level of details and customisation.

Have fun ^^

@alessandro@lemmy.ca avatar

The current problem with running these AI on local hardware is that, as supposedly tiny tools, they require huge packages to download and often require specific version of Python (3.8 while most modern Linux distro come with 3.10+) and most of the time you’re required to make these massive download (+6GiB of libraries, pip packages and various dependencies/sdk)… just to give one single try. If you mess with something, it’s all over again.

What I’ve found more useful, is using huggingface.I was forgetting about Bark! thanks for remind me… luckily is already available on hugface here

RizzRustbolt, in ‘The Day Before’ Developer Shuts Down Four Days After Launch

So it was just a take the money and run scam.


I wonder how much they really will get. As per Steam’s policy, they won’t receive the payments until January 30th. By then, tons of people have time to request for a refund. They are also apparently more generous on the refund window. (more than 2 hours)


They ran with their investors’ money, not the money from Steam.

@Pxtl@lemmy.ca avatar

Uh, have you not seen how many game studios are collapsing? It’s more likely an “oh crap we’re bankrupt interest rates jumped and we can no longer pay our loans’ carrying costs”.

The interest rate jump screwed a lot of businesses that depend heavily on loans to make it to profitability.

They probably took one look at their launch-day take, compared it against their loans, and said “fuck this we’re filing for bankruptcy and I’m and going to go get a regular-ass job”.


Lol no, not for this one. This was scammy from the start. The weird thing is they had decent games out before this. Why would they intentionally screw up so badly idk.

@Pxtl@lemmy.ca avatar

Why would they intentionally screw up so badly idk.

“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”

They probably started with an overambitious design, took some ill-advised short-cuts, and pivoted the to the “extraction” format after they’d already marketed it as a different concept, and made a bad gamble or two. Normal gamedev stuff. Same as every Molyneux game.

A few years back this could’ve been another No Man’s Sky story where they fix it after launch… but that means going deeper and deeper into debt while you salvage the mess you’ve made. Post-COVID interest rates make that impossible. So now they’re broke and the project they spent the last years on is a stinker and they don’t have enough runway to fix it.

So they’re done.


I mostly agree with you, but I’m pretty sure NMS took home about $15M in the first month ($78M sales in first month). If they hadn’t, they might have closed shop, too. Now, we have a small group of millionaires who can make whatever they want.


They claimed a 5 year development time, and what they shipped was a tutorial that lasts 2 hours (to cover the refund window) and a completely empty game afterwards, that consists of you wandering around a map they bought as an asset pack.
They used the hype about the game to make “behind the scenes” videos which were actually ads for an app they made on the side.
The last 2 games they released were abandoned in similar circumstances shortly after launch.
There’s enough evidence of malice here.

@Sturgist@lemmy.ca avatar

Same as every Molyneux game.

Fuck, I totally forgot about that dingus.

Destraight, in ‘The Day Before’ Developer Shuts Down Four Days After Launch

I know OP, you’re not the first to post about this. Try harder next time

simple, in You’re going to need an SSD in order to play Final Fantasy 16 on PC

I’m a bit baffled that some people still use HDDs considering how cheap SSDs have gotten. You can get a 2TB M.2 for around $100. If you’ve got the specs for new games, there’s no excuse.


I can get a 10TB HDD for under 250€, and there are some technical advantages. For example, if you have an ssd lying around unpowered, it will lose data much quicker than magnetic storage


HDD as data storage is fine, but neither will you need 10 TB of storage for games nor will it lie around for 10 years or so.


You run programs or operating systems off that 10 TB HDD?


The PS4 has an HDD, and only partway through its life upgraded from SATA2 to SATA3 even.

Personally, I’ve got my boot drive, plus a 2TB SATA3 SSD for games that benefit from it’s plus a 12TB HDD for the vast majority of games that don’t need it (or to temporarily store games- it’s faster to move them between drives than re-doenload them). So if I was planning on playing this games hearing this from the devs would let me know I need to free up some SSD space.


The PS4 has an HDD, and only partway through its life upgraded from SATA2 to SATA3 even.

And has load times measured in minutes on many games.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I have a 6TB one and yes mostly for single player games since loading screens typically aren't that big of a deal. OS always goes on your best drive and you know you can have multiple drives in a singular pc since you are sort of implying you can only have 1 drive.


Well good on you for not caring about load times, but for FF16 that 6TB won’t cut it. Moving forward platter drives will only be useful for storage, hell I’d argue that’s how it is now.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean games that finally make use of SSD speeds sure but most people have games before SSDs were standardized. Hell most people's libraries are filled with those. Hell you don't even need NVME drives since most games never make use of them. Until games start actually using direct storage the difference between sata and NVME are very minor for games at least.


Some games do load quite fast on the HDD, I keep those there. Most games do go to the SSD first.


Games keep getting bigger and bigger. This game is expected to be about 100GB, and that’s not uncommon for modern AAA games. The CoD games have been over 200GB for a while now. Previous FF games have been similar size. RDR2 was 120GB.

I would expect most people playing FF16 on PC to have a small SSD drive with their OS, key programs, and maybe a couple of games, then a HDD for bulk storage.

I’m not interested in the FF series, but if I was this message from the devs means “clear up some space on your SSD”. Which can sometimes be an inconvenience.


It is an inconvenience. AAA games will alway try to push hardware, and SSDs just happen to be one of the things that can do that.


It’s because the upgrade for this console generation was an SSD

@ares35@kbin.social avatar

i don't play 'new' games, i don't have the hardware for them. most my gear is older salvaged stuff that didn't cost me anything to get. between constant rent increases and the cost of groceries these days, i simply can't afford to upgrade unless i get lucky and salvage something useful.


You’re not the target market for FF16 then.


I’m baffled that some people update their hardware before it stops working.

But then I just keep playing old games that run on my system, so I’m probably not the target demographic.


I’ve seen too many people spend more money keeping a system alive than they would have spent upgrading to modern hardware and I refuse to be like them.


I mean I play pretty much exclusively old and 2D games. If you asked me to give up my SSD or my GPU, the GPU would be the first to go.

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

Well what do you mean by “stops working?” Like, literally the hardware no longer functions, or would you also consider hardware that just doesn’t run the newest stuff as well as older stuff?


More the former than the latter, because I have the same attitude towards the software, too. I don’t need to be able to run the newest stuff because the oldest stuff works just fine. I’m not doing CPU or GPU intensive stuff, and I try to run lightweight software that doesn’t bog down my computer.

I can absolutely see how that would be different if I were gaming, video editing, or doing any sort of data modeling.

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

I tend to see others in gaming upgrading all the time and I’m fine with most mid-range stuff for anywhere between 6 and 10 years, depending on advanced in tech. I’m currently behind because of raytracing and DLSS becoming a thing only like a year or two after building my current rig; but I don’t need that stuff (it’s not even mind meltingly good anyway; I’ve compared stuff side by side with RT on and off between mine and another machine and couldn’t really see a difference unless it was with full RT reflections) and most new things still run acceptable for me.


RT isn’t worth it unless you’re already upgrading IMO


Then why're you even commenting in an area that you don't partake in? This is like saying "I don't get why people buy sports cars" in a forum of racing enthusiasts. Or saying "I don't see the need for cast iron woks" when you're happy to have boiled pasta every day.

ono, (edited )

It’s simple: My SSD can only fit so many 100-300 GB games, while I already have hard drives with plenty of free space.

(Also, running Linux means that an SSD doesn’t help game performance much anyway, outside of initial loading time.)

You can get a 2TB M.2 for around $100.

More like $150-200 if you want a good one.

If you’ve got the specs for new games, there’s no excuse.

What a very privileged perspective. I don’t have much money, but most new games are playable on my existing hardware if I tune the graphics settings. I would rather spend what money have on things like food and heat. (Or if the basics are covered, then maybe a newish game.)


Just to share my recent experience: I found that games of that size compress quite well. So if you’re using a filesystem like btrfs that supports transparent compression, you can fit much more onto your disks, at the cost of slightly slower reads and writes (M.2 ssd). With my HDD, compression actually increased write speed!


Compression can increase read and write speeds to storage because you’re sending over fewer bits. The tradeoff is that you need CPU resources to do the compression (and decompression).

I haven’t found games to compress that well. On my steam folder 809GB compressed down to 724GB, so I save maybe 10%. That’s certainly not nothing, but it’s not game changing either. That said I don’t install a lot of hundred gig plus games.


If you needed one terabyte, SSDs have been affordable for a while.

If you needed ten, nope. Not until recently.

If you need a hundred, to-day, still no.


Man, even 100TB of HDDs won't come cheap.


100 TB of HDDs is negotiable. $2000, maybe. You could blow more on a GPU. There are people who will buy that much hard disk storage, on this website, on any given day. Data hoarders could nitpick the dollar figure I just named, without double-checking.

100 TB of SSDs would cost at least three times as much. Nobody should buy 100 TB of SSDs in 2023. Most likely, nobody should buy 100 TB of SSDs in 2024. Gavin Free of the Slo Mo Guys has a ridiculous RAID cluster… suitcase… for downloading and editing obscenely large video files, and it’s still only 48 TB, and he got it for free to advertise the company that sells such ridiculous objects. If money means anything to you, or “time is money” is not as literal as it is for a slow motion photographer, I cannot recommend buying one.


SSD for newish games, OS, and programs, HDD for videos, photos, music, and old games.


This. My HDD also holds local copies of games in case I want to move them to the SSD.

My PC was built in 2015, the case, PSU, 2xHDDs, 2xSSDs, and fans are all original. No reason to change what isn’t broken. If I ever move on to a new case, I’ll just turn these into a server farm ¯_(ツ)_/¯


If you’re just buying a terabyte or two of storage there’s absolutely no reason to buy spinning rust at this point. If you want many terabytes of storage 12tb+ hard drives are going to be a fair bit cheaper than SSDs currently. SSDs have been rapidly dropping in price and increasing in capacity, though, so hopefully it just gets more and more cost effective to have a bunch of storage with SSDs.


SSD’s with more than a 500gb-1tb start to get way more expensive than hard drives


I’m a bit baffled that some people still use HDDs considering how cheap SSDs have gotten. You can get a 2TB M.2 for around $100. If you’ve got the specs for new games, there’s no excuse.

I don’t know why you got some downvotes. Buying an SSD to store the latest games is much more cheaper than buying a GPU. If one already has a powerful GPU, I don’t know why they consider an SSD “not affordable”

maniel, (edited ) in Windows 12 is likely to debut in the second half of 2024 with AI-focused features

You think AI fad will survive that long?

swordgeek, in Windows 12 is likely to debut in the second half of 2024 with AI-focused features

One of our PCs in the house has Windows 11, and it’s already a nightmare - even after stripping out as much adware/bloatware as possible.

Now we’re going to be getting something far worse, with extra surveillance features and AI interpretation of them. Wonderful!


If you still have bloatware/adware, you didn’t strip out as much a possible. If you lack the understanding to do so, feel free to ask a professional computer technician for help.

~Sincerely a Windows user without bloatware.

@small_crow@lemmy.ca avatar

“Hire a professional to make your computer stop being hostile” is a more user-unfriendly solution than telling them to switch to Linux. It also only works until a Windows Update re-enables whatever they disabled for you, without notifying you or asking permission.

Waluigis_Talking_Buttplug, in ‘The Day Before’ Developer Shuts Down Four Days After Launch

I remember seeing a video on this game a loooong while back saying it’s “very obviously too good to be true” and the footage released was sus as fuck. I distinctly remembered that when this came out last week and I said I’ll pass.


Killzone 2?

KairuByte, in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League won't have an offline story mode at launch
@KairuByte@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’ll never understand online only single player experiences. Makes no damn sense, even as DRM. The moment a players internet is slow, it all goes to shit. Not to mention unstable connections and server issues.

RightHandOfIkaros, in Jurassic Park Survival Could Fill the Void Left By Dino Crisis

Uh, no? Dino Crisis is not what this game is. It looks closer to Lost World Trespasser than Dino Crisis. Did this author even play Dino Crisis?

HATEFISH, in DUSK HD + SDK & Steam Workshop out now - needs Proton on Linux / Steam Deck

Their modding support is still being worked on though as they had to “basically rewrite the entire game and engine from scratch” and so the full DUSK DDK (Dusk Development Kit) built on the new DUSK is “still a few weeks away” but once done “you will be able to play all the custom maps with both Classic or HD visuals, replace weapons, models and more”. It even supports Quake and Half Life maps.

Being able to easily run other games maps seems cool, I guess this is on some sort of version of the quake or source engines then?


The original Dusk was written in Unity and just used the same map format as Quake. I would assume those aspects are still true for the rewrite, but I could be mistaken.

eyes, in Jurassic Park Survival Could Fill the Void Left By Dino Crisis

Kinda weird to call a 1 nanometer hole a void but ok.

rikudou, in ‘The Day Before’ Developer Shuts Down Four Days After Launch
@rikudou@lemmings.world avatar

Reminds me of the fabled MMO where your character would age, the world would be constantly shaped by player actions etc.

@chris@l.roofo.cc avatar

I remember this marketing. What was the game again?


Chronicles of Elyria?

Ashamed to admit I put a few dollars on their Kickstarter back in 2016. I was young and naive

@rikudou@lemmings.world avatar

Yeah, that’s it, couldn’t remember the name. No need to be ashamed, if I had the money to spare back then, I probably would’ve given them some money as well.

It sounded really great and at the same time doable.

Ecksell, in You’re going to need an SSD in order to play Final Fantasy 16 on PC
@Ecksell@lemmy.one avatar

I hope I dont need to upgrade my Sound Blaster audio card!

@ares35@kbin.social avatar

that would be awesome.

@r00ty@kbin.life avatar

The AWE32 was the best sound card ever change my mind.


2 words: no pci

@Ep1cFac3pa1m@lemmy.world avatar

Still rocking my SoundBlaster X-fi Titanium Fatal1ty edition. It’s not necessary, but I have it and it still works, so I may as well use it.


Wow, that's gotta be like, 15 years old by now? Creative stopped using the Fatal1ty branding around 2010, I think!

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