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stevestevesteve, in Mouse - Official Early Gameplay Trailer [fps with 1930 cartoon esthetic]

Interesting vibe - hit me up in 2025 when it’s out

hal_5700X, in E3 Is Permanently Canceled
@hal_5700X@lemmy.world avatar

Will, we still got the Game Awards.

LoamImprovement, in Mouse - Official Early Gameplay Trailer [fps with 1930 cartoon esthetic]

The character art and animation look quite nice, but the environments lack the same aesthetic in places, and the greys kind of blend in with one another. I almost wonder if you could put outlines on the object edges without it getting distracting?

pantyhosewimp, in Open source evolution sim Thrive has a new physics engine and big performance upgrades

Entity-Component is so foundational I can’t imagine starting without it. Good on them for changing to that architecture tho

LEDZeppelin, in Windows 12 is likely to debut in the second half of 2024 with AI-focused features

“AI focused features”. Ugh. Goodbye privacy, hello ads!

Time to get into Linux

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.one avatar

Windows 11 was my tipping point. I have to use it at work, and there’s no way I’d install that on my devices at home.

I’m already running Linux on my laptop and mini PC.

LEDZeppelin, (edited )

Windows 10 will be the last windows I will use on my personal devices. It’s already too intrusive for me. Anything more intrusive is a hard no for me.

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.one avatar

My thoughts exactly. Whatever small sacrifices I may have to make by switching to Linux are vastly outweighed by having an OS that doesn’t harvest my data and which has a community that actually cares and provides real support.

@guyrocket@kbin.social avatar

Could you say more about this? I am curious how new you are to linux, what you might be missing in linux, bumps in the road, etc.

My personal PC use is mostly surfing and gaming. Maybe some light office work but I use open office for that. How painful would the switch from W to linux be for me? This is starting to look more and more likely for me as Windoze goes downhill.

I know there are plenty of rabid linux fanbois here and to be clear I am just looking for an average Joe's experience switching...uber geeks with 20 years of Linux need not apply...thx!


uber geeks with 20 years of Linux need not apply…thx!

Well, I would have suggested trying out Linux Mint as a live system to see if it runs on your hardware and fits your needs before installation. Test out wifi, bluetooth, video streaming and printing especially.
Also checking out whether your games are supported on www.protondb.com

But I guess my advice isn’t welcome since I’ve used Linux for too long.

@guyrocket@kbin.social avatar

No disrespect intended, just looking for man on the street's experience.

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.one avatar

I’m that average Joe! In fact, I’m using Linux Mint, which is extremely easy to use and navigate. In fact, I’ve found it much easier to learn than Windows.

So far, I haven’t missed anything. I mostly stream content and use the internet. I haven’t tried much gaming, but it seems to be well supported.

My only barrier I’m aware of for gaming are multiplayer games that require anti-cheat software, but I don’t play such games anyway.

There are a few other little things. For example, since I use my mini PC for content streaming, I had to connect it directly to the TV via USB and use a wireless keyboard to navigate since that’s my primary way to watch movies. (Screen mirroring isn’t supported.) Another example is Proton VPN works on Linux but behaves weirdly. If I forget to disconnect, then next time I launch Linux I have to manually reconnect to wifi, which is weird, but the forums helped me immediately.

The Linux Mint forums are super good: forums.linuxmint.com

So yeah, I literally just started using it, and my experience has been much less frustrating than trying to wrestle with Windows.

Edit: Linux Mint Cinnamon is what I’m using.

@guyrocket@kbin.social avatar

Thanks for the info.

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.one avatar

You’re welcome. Maybe I’ll see you in the forums someday, inshallah.


My last experience with Linux was positive, but I eventually went back into Windows.

So many games are left unsupported by proton that is not a non-issue like some people like to claim. I tried for a year to stay on Linux, but all my friends would be playing games I couldn’t even lauunch.

I tried just passing on the games I couldn’t play at first, to avoid booting into Windows. But that didn’t last long and soon I found myself being in Windows 90% of the time.

I wish it wasn’t the case because I had an install of endeavor os with gnome and I loved the DE so much it was hard to stay on windows.

But eventually I just stopped booting into Linux and haven’t come back.

Maybe in a couple more years when missing out on steam deck revenue is a big deal, I’ll be back.

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.one avatar

There are no games I really care about that much tbh. I’ve never been someone who needs to play a certain game

ILikeBoobies, (edited )

Linux is easier but it has a smaller gaming user base so there isn’t as much native games

The most common experience people have would be Android, Steamdeck, or ChromeOS


Used Linux Mint/Ubuntu after 20+ years of windows and it’s very easy. Most programs have similar equivalents that can run on both windows and Linux (Word/Powerpoint/etc. -> Open Office or Libreoffice, Email client -> thunderbird, etc.), linux distrobutions have their own ‘app store’ so its easy as searching and clicking install.

Gaming is somewhat new to Linux but you can install Steam; for gaming specifically there are some os’ that others know more about than me but Steam OS can be installed unofficially as Holoiso with amd pcs.

Overall you might want to try double booting (windows + linux on the same harddrive) first because of gaming. Linux does detect other os’ and allow the dual booting installation process to be easier.

Three things to make sure of:

  • getting to the linx installation disk from boot is a pain on pre-made windows machines, search for things to change in bios with a youtube video or wiki so it goes to the usb first
  • on the live usb/disk (your installation disk) enable wifi, open a web browser to test the internet is working plus sound and other insert thumb drives/cd disks (it should work on common distros). Some distributions don’t play nice or load on some pcs.
  • create a backup windows disk and save important files before entering linux in case the installation goes wrong

You’re in luck. I have roughly 30 years experience. And first let me chime in with the other recommendations. Linux Mint is absolutely a good starting point. And making a “live” USB is a fantastic way to get an introduction and heads up on possible hardware issues. They’re rare but they do exist for any OS. However installing software etc to a live distro is not usually an easy thing. If you want to explore the software side beyond what’s on a live image. Try an install to virtualbox. You will get basic practice with actually installing a basic distro. And be able to fully explore the app repositories.

The biggest show stopper for switching to Linux these days is either that you have x rare oddball hardware, or you very specifically need y piece of software that refuses to run under wine, or obscure feature z of software package y.

One final recommendation. If you don’t back up regularly or like you should to external media. You will always run the risk of damaging your windows install should you want to keep it around. It’s a right of passage for many of us that did it back in the '90s. But not everyone wants that kind of stress just starting out. If you have a little bit of cash to spare. Go on eBay and pick up an old used HP Lenovo or Dell business system. You can get a fourth generation I7 with a decent amount of RAM and perhaps a hard disk and a windows license for almost $150. If you want to practice dual booting, it will make a perfect system. And with a $30 or so HDMI KVM. It can even use the same monitor. Keyboard and mouse as your main system. So you can use them side by side and see which one really stacks up. And in the end when you’ve made your decision. The old business system will be ready to make a great network file server. If nothing else. It’s sort of a win-win-win win investment.


Linux is pretty fucking awesome I switched relstively recently as a gamer and never looked back


Which one do you have for gaming?


nobara. Ut is just great I would say it is harder than mint, but easier than fedora whixh means it is pretty fricken easy tget the hang of it quickly

Willy, in You’re going to need an SSD in order to play Final Fantasy 16 on PC

I haven’t had an HDD since around 2004, maybe 2002. Sure I cant keep tons of big games installed, but decent internet makes that not really an issue.

@GarytheSnail@programming.dev avatar

What were you storing your stuff on?

The first reasonable sized consumer ssds I remember were the original ocz line. What was it like onyx or agility? And that wasnt until almost 2010 ish.

2002 seems suuuuper early.


Probably floppy disks

@GarytheSnail@programming.dev avatar

I haven’t had an FDD since around 1950, maybe 1970. Sure I cant keep tons of short songs installed, but decent radio makes that not really an issue.


That’s super early to have adopted SSDs solely, no?


Yeah it is, and Windows didn’t get TRIM support for SSDs until Windows 7 in 2009.

The MacBook Air didn’t even get SSDs until 2008, and I believe it was the first mass-produced consumer computer with an SSD. Linux also got support around that time.

I’m skeptical unless OP’s dad worked somewhere that had enterprise drives to discard… and allowed drives to disappear.


Yeah ~2008 is kind of the timeframe I have for people getting SSDs in consumer devices. I mean… maybe you could count compact flash?


The oldest receipt I can locate was from 2009. I think that was my second. The first ssd being from before my son was born. He’s about to graduate high school. I remember when trim came out it was a big deal and I remember vaguely having issues with getting it to work on that first drive.

All that said, you’re probably right that 2002 was way too early of a guesstimate. Say 2006 or even 2010. What have people been doing all these years. Just waiting to boot up? There is a whole generation that should never have had to deal with hdd’s for anything but data hoarding.

@GarytheSnail@programming.dev avatar

That sounds more reasonable lol.

wildcardology, in ‘The Day Before’ Developer Shuts Down Four Days After Launch

What’s also wild is the game doesn’t look like UE5, one of their reasons for the delay was their migrating the game to UE5.


That one’s not really a red flag. If they keep all of the same assets and lighting settings, UE5 will look damn close if not identical. Updated code doesn’t mean it magically updates the graphics, though I bet plenty of UE-sourced assets have easy upgrade paths.

For an example of a game that doesn’t suck that did this, see Satisfactory. It looks nearly the same. Though I think some things have improved slightly, since they at least enabled a few things.


Then why upgrade to UE5 6 or so months before launch for minimal improvements?


In this scam’s case, I’d say purely marketing wank so they could say it uses latest. For Satisfactory, I’m sure they mostly just don’t want their code base to fall behind before they’re even out of Early Access.


Same as any library/framework upgrade in code: if you don’t upgrade, you will not eventually get any new features/security updates/asset etc. If you have stopped development, then no point, but if you plan for support game for longer period, it makes sense. Also in the future if UE 7 brings something awesome, upgrade from UE5->UE7 is much harder than two simpler version upgrades.

And ofc this thing is clear scam, so this was just in general

dangblingus, in ‘The Day Before’ Developer Shuts Down Four Days After Launch

People are so desperate to never experience a moment of FOMO in their whole life that they’ll buy some terrible looking game like The Day Before. Rips off TLOU like crazy, but otherwise looks like complete shit. You’re not going to be a popular youtuber. Stop trying to keep up with youtubers who get sent games for free.


There is never any reason to pre-order a game. Like, ever. It’s always stupid and reinforces terrible incentives that drive the enshittification of gaming. Even when the devs aren’t straight up scammers, preorders mean they can be profitable before they’ve even released anything so they’re incentivized to put out whatever half-baked garbage they can.


But you are missing all the cool pre-order cosmetics! /s

weeahnn, in The Day Before Has Already Lost 80% of Its Players in the First 3 Days on Steam
@weeahnn@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t really understand people who bought this pile of crap. Like I get it that you are hyped, and wanna get into the game, but when I’m hyped for a game, no matter what, I read up about reviews, watch videos, etc before actually buying it.
Just shows how eager people are to throw away their money without knowing any better.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

I feel the vast majority of people bought it for one of two reasons:

  1. Create content about it
  2. Be able to say they got “scammed”, and complain about it to the whole internet.

Or, you know… just factor in how stupid the average overconsumer is.


Like when Aunt Linda got you Superman 64 for Christmas, despite the fact you had an xbox.


Or when I bought Anthem on the PS4, and after a few days of really slow loading screens, I re-bought Anthem on PC…


The one dude I know who bought said he figured it was just server issues or something, and that the game was as advertised.

He played for like 8 hours and got about ~45 minutes of actual gameplay, he’s hoping for a refund given the circumstances.

PP_BOY_, in Fntastic Appears To Have Simply Changed Its Name To Eight Points - Insider Gaming
@PP_BOY_@lemmy.world avatar

Never heard of it before but I gotta check it out. Something about video game release drama is so entertaining to me


The game was out for 4 days and basically is delisted now. Its a dev who has a history of making bad games (and only good game was some litteral 1$ game) and overhyped a spiritual sucessor to a game like dayz

swordgeek, in The Day Before Has Already Lost 80% of Its Players in the First 3 Days on Steam

And a day later, the developer has shut down.


deep narrator voice
The Day Before After


This “Day After”?

(Seriously, I remember watching that movie along with everyone else I knew, back in '83. Scariest, haunting thing I’d ever seen.)

helenslunch, in Epic Games wins antitrust case against Google over Play app store [there's still the Alphabet's appeal ongoing]

Yes, as you may be (not) aware, Google Play is also on PC

Not really the same thing unless Windows was trying to take a commission from Epic for games sold through the Epic app which was downloaded through the Windows Store, and basically everyone used the Windows Store (which I assume almost no one does).

Dimok, in Fntastic Appears To Have Simply Changed Its Name To Eight Points - Insider Gaming

Thankfully you can’t even purchase it anymore on Steam… What a debacle.

RightHandOfIkaros, in E3 Is Permanently Canceled

End of an era. E3 was better as it was more centralized, IMO. Better to get all the news in one place instead of having to go searching for like, 13 different dates for streams. Plus, everyone was in competition with each other, so their presentations had to be good. Now we get Nintendo Directs with like, 90% indie games.

RightHandOfIkaros, in Fntastic Appears To Have Simply Changed Its Name To Eight Points - Insider Gaming

This is a live clown show. A real circus. And I am here for it. What a glorious time to be alive.

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