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Zikeji, in What's going on with major changes to privacy on Chrome?
@Zikeji@programming.dev avatar

So right now when browsing the internet if you take no steps to protect your privacy, it’s like your house is surrounded by corporate spies collecting data on everything they can see you doing through the windows. And these are some huge windows.

Taking steps like adblocking, blocking known trackers, blocking third party cookies, VPN, and / or, blocking JavaScript altogether is basically just closing / blocking those windows to make it harder for the spies. Sure, they can still glean some info but significantly less.

With Chrome’s recent change, now you’ve been opted-in to having a tracker strapped to your chest. They promise the data is less exposing than the current data being collected, but that can change They claim it’ll protect your privacy because instead of the spies collecting data directly to provide to their employers they simply have to walk up to a terminal and collect the data the chest tracker has collected and curated.

This is just my interpretation, I haven’t thoroughly researched it I simply decided it was too much and moved back to Firefox as my primary browser after using Chrome for over a decade.

tunawasherepoo, in What's going on with typescript?
@tunawasherepoo@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I’m not really involved in javascript land so im parroting off of what i’ve heard for "why js over ts?"

  • it reduces file size since you no longer need to ship source maps
  • ctrl+clicking stuff will take you to the definition rather than an unhelpful type declaration
  • if you spot a bug in the library, you can edit the source directly than having to recompile/reimport
  • ts adds some unnecessary type “gymnastics” (can’t speak for what this means), when all they really want is intellisense thru jsdoc

So mainly: devs who don’t prefer strongly typed languages, and library devs who find typescript to be less transparent and more time consuming for new and old contributors than it’s worth

naught, (edited )
  1. Why do you have to ship a source map? It compiles to vanilla js
  2. Not sure what editor, but in neovim (which uses tsserver on my end for LSP) I can either jump to the type declaration or the actual implementation. This is a tooling problem not inherent to typescript
  3. This doesn’t make any sense. You’d have the same problem with minified js or css etc.
  4. It means they are forced to use types properly and do the tiniest bit of thinking and planning that results in fewer type errors (think undefined variables and properties, etc)

Not a bad summary, but I take issue with all the points

Edit: The sourcemap comment is relevant to package size and not to final bundle size per the HN comment linked below. Also, the cmd+click critique rings truer now that I know it’s in the context of an installed package. Another critique is build time which is fair enough.


I understand why some hobbyist individuals with small-ish scripts might not see the value, even though I even still disagree there.

The more code and people touching the code, the more value you’ll see.


Hell I even write my tiny userscripts in TS and compile it to JS. The editor/“intellisense” support is nice

@tunawasherepoo@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Thanks :) I didn’t see anyone mention the points made by the svelte guys news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35892250 which is a shame since I thought they made better points than the dramatic “type gymnastics” argument haha (i am biased toward type-safety, as long as there is idiomatic, algebraic data types w/ pattern matching)

Overall it sounds like a major change with a few minor/moderate benefits, but it’s their choice and time will tell if it was worth it :P

jamon, in What's going on with typescript?

As a person who has been writing JS for a very long time, and was building SPAs before the term existed…

It all comes down to return on investment. The arguments I always hear in favor of TS are solutions to problems I’ve never had, at the expense of writing more code to do the same amount of work.

It’s the same for people who tell me that they think everything should be tested then show me the tests they spent the last 40 hours working on, which I can quickly see are extremely brittle and unlikely to ever show any ROI. You will never be able to test every scenario, increasing the amount of things you test arbitrarily just increases the cost of building and maintaining your software. Each test you add should be something worth building and maintaining.

Excess code that isn’t providing value is far more detrimental than not having a few extra tests or type safety.

OscarRobin, in What's going on with typescript?

Basically some JS library devs have decided that JSDoc will work better for their specific use case as libraries than TS.

cerement, in Unity License Changes
@cerement@slrpnk.net avatar

Unity (led by an ex-EA CEO to give you an idea where this is headed) decided to change their pricing model to charging $0.20 per install (if you’re over $200K revenue and 200K installs) – they haven’t clarified how they’re planning on tracking install numbers (ie. can someone use a VM to tank a competitor?) – then someone pointed out they quietly changed their TOS back in April to “allow” this to go through – and apparently they’ve sent out letters saying they’ll wave the install fee if you use their own IronSource ad system instead of the AppLovin ad system – needless to say, devs are panicking, Godot is seeing a huge influx, and Unity has maintained radio silence all weekend … Monday should be “interesting” …


You missed their latest response a few hours ago


We have heard you. We apologize for the confusion and angst the runtime fee policy we announced on Tuesday caused. We are listening, talking to our team members, community, customers, and partners, and will be making changes to the policy. We will share an update in a couple of days. Thank you for your honest and critical feedback.


Hey, no worries, Unity, we weren’t confused at all.


To put some perspective on that. If you make $200,000 in sales, $60,000 is paid to the digital store.

Out of your remaining $140,000 if half of your 200k users reinstall your game then that’s another 100k x $0.20 = $20,000 out of your pocket.

And you can still get billed for future reinstalls.

Say an indie game with decent polish can easily get to 3 development years worth of effort, that leaves the developers with the equivalent of $40,000 each.


Does this apply to software that was made before the terms change?

@cerement@slrpnk.net avatar
  • if you’re using Unity, you definitely want someone knowledgeable looking over all the terms and details (ie. I am not a lawyer)
  • from Sunday’s tweet, it seems they’re considering changes to their new pricing model in reaction to the blow back (“what? people got upset?”)
  • new pricing model doesn’t take effect until 1 Jan 2024
  • looks like they were planning on charging for any installs (for new and old games) from that point on
  • the changes to the TOS they sneaked through a few months back makes it look like they are trying to apply the new terms retroactively and replace whatever terms were in place when the game was developed – which sounds all sorts of shady (but then again, it’s an ex-EA CEO … )
theKalash, in Who the fuck is bill Maher and why is he such a scab?

He’s a well known polticial commentator and talkshow host, known for the shows “Politically Incorrect” and “Real Time with Bill Maher”.


Ahh I see thanks for the info - I’m not from the US so I’ve not come across those shows. They sound awful. Are they as full of right wing apologist talking points as they sound ?


I’m also not from the US but I’ve been watching Real Time for many years and I think it’s a great show. He’s an outspoken democrat (at least since the Trump era).

And while he does invite on republicans and right-wing guests, he’s usually quite critical when interviewing them.

But I guess just talking to people makes you an “apologist” in the eyes of some people.


Fair enough fair enough. Do you know what’s going on with him somehow breaking the writers strike?


No, I don’t really follow him personally and the show is in break, so no idea.


Fair fair thanks for the context tho - appreciate it my dude

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

He’s a malignant narcissist who can’t stand being out of the spotlight that long. He’s been saying bad things about the WGA strike since it started. It was only a matter of time before he crossed the picket line.


Yeah he used to be pretty decent to watch but now he is just neoliberal, asshole, rich white dude who is completely out of touch with the people who used to watch his show.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t even care about his political views much. They’re mostly the sort of thing you would expect from your typical selfish Boomer. I’m more concerned about his health views. Apart from vaccine “skepticism,” there’s other medical woo. I never liked him much, but I watched his show for the great guests. Then one day he had on the so-called doctor from Mexico who claimed to have cured Charlie Sheen’s HIV and didn’t push back on a single bullshit claim. I never watched his show again. If that hadn’t done it, his vaccine position would have done it by the time COVID rolled around, but this was years before.

Also, as a former professional stand-up, I absolutely hated the way he berated his audience when a joke fell flat. That’s like the number one never do.


Don’t get me wrong, he has my respect for grilling so many right wingers. But he gave a deliberate platform to anti-trans talking points. No pushback provided. And I really hate him for that. He has since gotten much more right-wing in his New Rules. I felt like I was being scolded for being a leftist and enjoying the show. By the show’s host.


Believe it or not, he made his name as a wry liberalist, antagonising established conservatives (and Democrats).

I’ve only watched some Real Time, in the early days it was kind of interesting, but it quickly becomes clear he holds conservative ideals. Nowadays he’s mostly a talking puppet for the conservatives. He strikes me as one or two rungs below Sean Hannity.


How odd and interesting. Who do you reckon is the main audience for his shows? 🤔


Don’t know about interesting, I’m guessing he got paid and thought “fuck you, I got mine” as conservatives are wont to do.

I haven’t watched in many years, but back then he geared himself towards “intellectuals”, but as the politics have become more polarised and the messaging dumbed down, maybe “middle class conservative” is more his brand.

Don’t know about actual viewership though, only his presentation.


My suspicion is his audience is the “smarter than thou” “centrists”. People who think both sides are the same and miss the Clinton administration. They probably on average think race was a non issue except people on the left keep making it one, they’re not pro union but support an amount of social safety, they may be cool with gay people but think that trans is too far (though they probably don’t like that pride is still a thing), probably support abortion but think it’s too common… And overwhelmingly his audience likely thinks they’re smarter than they are.

@Spiracle@kbin.social avatar

Last I checked, his audience was those self-proclaimed "intellectuals". The kind of atheists who define their identity by dunking on religious people, and the kind of mediocre people who feel superior by laughing others.

People who look at cherry-picked and out-of-context examples of progressivism and then dismiss the entirety as anti-science wokeness. People who cherry-pick scientific beliefs (without deeper research) in the same way most religious people cherry-pick passages from their holy text. Take the (out-of-context) quotes that reaffirm what you already belief in, ignore the rest, and most importantly: Declare that your "truth" is superior to others.


I imagine the audience of his shows has changed a lot in recent years. HBO went from HBO Go and Now to HBO MAX, which excluded a LOT of customers for a year while they negotiated with Roku and LG. Then HBO changed programming a lot. All the while Bill Maher started using more anti-woke talking points, and Twitter fell apart, this all shakes up who would listen to Bill.


I don’t know, he always came across as a creep to me, even when he was “left wing”


I’d say more “smarmy” than “creepy”. Not that that’s better.


I remember him talking about how much he loves to fuck with some uncomfortable guests. He'd say things like 'its what makes life worth it's


I think kinda both. He feels like the sorta guy who’d coerce a yes out of someone who clearly doesn’t want to do stuff with him.


Yeah my vibe was always that he went Democrat because he was a contrarian, an atheist, and smart enough to understand how ridiculous republican economic policies were. But it’s crystal clear he has no love for marginalized people or the working class and thinks that if he doesn’t understand something it’s ridiculous and that if he pisses people off that means he’s right and speaking truth to power.

@Mothra@mander.xyz avatar

I’ve seen snippets of Politically Incorrect from the 90s, as there were a few guests I was interested in. It seemed to be just another talk show, not right wing apologist at all. I’m chiming in just so you get an idea of the long career on air this man has, he’s been decades on tv.

Whatever he’s said recently that may have caused a reaction, I’m also out of the loop. I’m also not from the US.

weariedfae, (edited ) in Who the fuck is bill Maher and why is he such a scab?

The other commenters covered it but before Politically Incorrect and Real Time he was a minor comedian in the 80s. He did standup, bit parts on a few TV shows, and I think he got a movie.

So he had a career to speak of before he became primarily a political commentator. His standup act was very reactionary and critical of the “growing trend” (at the time) of political correctness/basic human decency, which is how he got his first show.

Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention he is somewhat left-leaning. He claims to be a liberal, or rather people claim he is, but his stances are all over the place. He’s mostly cultivated a brand of a smug asshole who would call out hypocrisy while being hypocritical…but it’s “okay” because he’s open about being a hypocrite?

He tried to fill the role of THE democrat-hard-hitting-common-sense-political-comedian but was quickly overtaken by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show. In my opinion Bill Maher never truly fulfilled that role because he lacks empathy.


Also, it should be noted that he was an antivaxer for a while.


Oh, I forgot to mention he is somewhat left-leaning.

He’s not really a left leaning person IMO, just anti-religion and pro-pot.

On the last episode I watched of his show he had a twenty minute gripe session about how COVID affected the partial ownership of some ball club he had. I think that was what it was but I don’t 100% remember anymore because he sounded so fucking out of touch I turned it off.

Kahlenar, in Who the fuck is bill Maher and why is he such a scab?

20 years ago he was the only talking head that was atheist and given any mainstream time. I don’t know much about him other than that and I don’t think he does anything very interesting but I think a lot of people still have him sort of bookmarked for how he was in the early 2000s

x4740N, in What's going on with Google's search engine?

Google is really useless for some things unless you know how to use search operators

captainlezbian, in Who the fuck is bill Maher and why is he such a scab?

So basically imagine a bad takes factory. That’s him. He’s an actual liberal elitist who seems hell bent on being a condescending jackass who’s rarely right

AllonzeeLV, (edited )

He used to make the occasional refreshing point… decades ago on politically incorrect.

The one that lost him that role honestly, pointing out that you can call the 9/11 suicide attackers a lot of things, deluded, fanatical, etc, but cowards doesn’t fit and there are plenty of derogatory concepts that fit, just not cowards.

I like when people point out that language and words have meanings and your enemies aren’t just all the bad words you know.

Since those days though, his politics shifted rightward from somewhat progressive to Neoliberal in the early days of Real Time to Conservative about 10 years ago, while still calling himself a real progressive. In recent years he’s been doing shrieking the opposite of his once insightful 9/11 point and telling anyone who will listen that all followers of Islam are a dangerous extremist group and a wholesale threat to civilization.

I stopped being able to stand tuning into him years ago.

marcos, in Unity License Changes

Also, do the changes apply to previously released games

It applies to new installations of previously released games. Notice that it’s “installation” and not “sale”.


So basically if i finally get around to playing all the free games from GOG if the dev used Unity they are screwed?



If you want to install your games on multiple computers too. If you sell your computer and installs on the new one too.

Unity pinky promises that if you get into an argument with the game author and decides to install it in 10,000,000 virtual machines, that they won’t screw the author. They aren’t telling how they will be able to do that.

Anyway, there are new terms coming, as they may need a few more years to screw all their customers without pushback.

BertramDitore, in Who the fuck is bill Maher and why is he such a scab?
@BertramDitore@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve tried to stay out of controversial topics on Lemmy for my sanity, but I get the sense that many commenters haven’t watched much of Bill Maher (not just in this thread). I’ve watched him pretty regularly for years, so I have a fair amount of context. I’m about as lefty as it gets fwiw (not a libertarian).

Here’s the way I’ve interpreted Bill Mahers perspective and belief system: he’s a very intelligent, well-informed yet blunt asshole, who genuinely says what he believes, even if it doesn’t fit in a box that’s on a recognizable political spectrum. He is willing to have frank discussions about issues that other arms of the media are afraid to touch, even though he knows it will piss off a big chunk of the public.

He has some opinions that I find appalling, but I very much respect the way he conducts himself and the way he exposes the voices of some truly poisonous people in society, as well as some truly heroic and often lesser known activists and community leaders.

I believe people need to be seen and heard to be understood, and Maher will talk to anyone and try to understand their point of view so it gets some oxygen. Because of that, he has had some terrible people as guests on his show. Though I’ll concede his interviews can be a bit inconsistent, he’s usually pretty relentless in trying to pull the real shit out of people.

I’ve seen some comments that he is conservative. He is not. Please watch a few episodes and report back. He TALKS to conservatives, but clearly is not one. He’s also not what we might call a liberal these days, but that label might have applied to him a decade ago. Now he’s mostly just a skeptic with a traditional left-leaning perspective, but he’s one of the few out there willing to engage with extremists on the right.

He’s a complex individual, and there is a lot of reductionism when talking about Maher. Like I said, he holds some beliefs that make me very uncomfortable, but he’s a great example of the fact that the world is not black and white, and not everybody fits into a neat little box.

It might help if he was slightly less of an asshole, but that’s a big part of his schtick. I value his voice, and hope he stays on the air for a long time.

But also, don’t scab, that’s not cool.

@Sir_Kevin@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Very well said. He’s a free thinker that has no bias and for that I respect him.

He’s still doing a couple of podcasts I believe. One being political and the other about chilling with a guest while getting lit.


I’m glad to hear from someone else who actually watched Bill Maher. I even kept watching after he dropped the N word to shock an interviewed guest.

But I think in some more recent episodes his pushback against his audience being “too sensitive” and “woke” has been misguided. He’s platformed a ton of grifters since then. His show became downright exhausting, compared to the fun I used to have. He’s bringing on LGB not the T anti-trans grifters. He’s constantly whining about California. The jokes and in-between segments that used to lighten the tension have gotten super corny. The New Rule at the end has him preaching absolute shit.

@BertramDitore@lemmy.world avatar

Absolutely. The way he treats his audience is one of the things that bothers me, and his view on trans folks is another one that I find pretty abhorrent. So yeah, great examples. I still think he brings a valuable and unique voice to an otherwise homogenous and unchallenging discourse.


What discourse: Trans issues? Progressivism? Since then I’ve gone so far left. I think I started with The Young Turks. It’s a lot harder to find people who are having fun and making jokes about leftist issues, though, and that’s one reason I’m here on Lemmy.

@BertramDitore@lemmy.world avatar

I mean discourse in the most general sense. Not specific topics per se, but the way we talk about and engage with societal issues that are not always cut and dry.


I think he’s what we need a lot more of in this country, thoughtful, honest, well intentioned. Regardless of what we may think on an individual topic, being able to discuss it and not being locked into the confines of two radical ideologies is sorely missing in today’s society.

@BertramDitore@lemmy.world avatar

Bingo. Couldn’t agree more.

McJonalds, in Who tf is Unity and why’s it become such a talking point?

game program bad want more stupid money

Donjuanme, in Who tf is Unity and why’s it become such a talking point?

A game engine.

Because gamers need to have a knee jerk reaction about freaking everything.

YoBuckStopsHere, in Who tf is Unity and why’s it become such a talking point?
@YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.world avatar

All I know is Unity is a Apple IOS developer and I don’t own anything Apple so I didn’t care.

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