
RagnarokOnline , (edited ) in What's going on with major changes to privacy on Chrome?

Google is rolling out a new feature called “Privacy Sandbox” that also enables websites to use Google’s new “Topics API” to view web addresses in your browser history.

People are generally concerned because it allows a site like Petsmart.com to learn that you bank at WellsFargo.com and that you also visit Nickelodeon.com frequently. Petsmart may then use this information to target ads at you.

The larger concern is that just about any website can learn this information (so not just Petsmart.com, but SouthernRecipeMamaOfFour.net can also get this information, which is excessive access for a site like that to say the least). The fear is likely overblown, though.

What can you do to protect yourself? Don’t use Google products or Chromium-based web browsers.

Edit: Looks like my understanding was off. Shout out to NicoCharrua and a couple other users who clarified that Topics API doesn’t expose URLs, but instead looks at the URLs in your history to create topics (kind of like tags) that other sites can see. Hope my potential employer doesn’t find out about my love of large ethnic butts!

dannoffs ,
@dannoffs@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Cool comment except for this part:

The fear is likely overblown, though.

NicoCharrua ,
@NicoCharrua@lemmy.ca avatar

The fear is sometimes overblown, though. It’s awful for privacy, but it gets exaggerated a lot of the time, even in the comment you’re replying to.

(…) enables websites to use Google’s new “Topics API” to view web addresses in your browser history.

People are generally concerned because it allows a site like Petsmart.com to learn that you bank at WellsFargo.com and that you also visit Nickelodeon.com frequently.

This isn’t true. Websites only see some of the topics you visit, so in this example maybe Banking (or something a little more specific like savings account), and comics and animation. Here is the list of topics.

What can you do to protect yourself? Don’t use Google products or Chromium-based web browsers.

It’s a good idea to stop using Google products and Chromium based web browsers, but you don’t have to if you want to avoid Topics API. You can opt out of it (at least for now), and some chromium browsers like Vivaldi, Brave and Ungoogled Chromium will probably remove it from their browsers.

Imo the biggest problem with it (over other types of tracking), is that like RagnarokOnline said, any website can get the info, not just the advertisers. So say, the company you’re working for could be told you’re interested in Job Listings, or Retirement & Pension.

RIP_Apollo , (edited )

I would say, if anything, the fear is likely under-blown.

Sure, you’ll find many users here on Lemmy who hate what Google are doing… but we’re not the typical internet user. I mean, we specifically found this niche platform called Lemmy rather than use one of the mainstream social media platforms. The typical “normie” who uses Chrome probably has no idea about the privacy risks of using it (either in its current form or when the Topics API is being used). We need to help others understand, and hopefully convince these people to move over to Firefox.

BanditMcDougal ,

Which includes the Steam client. It’s a CEF-based application.

federalreverse ,
@federalreverse@feddit.de avatar

Electron apps are largely irrelevant in this discussion, unless they include a general-purpose browser. The Steam client is exclusively used to display things from some Valve-owned API domain (or is there a general-purpose browser somewhere in there?). All the data generated by Steam is completely separate from the data generated by the normal Chrome browser.

And the same thing goes for Electron apps like Signal Desktop, Atom, VS Code, Slack, Teams, …

Krotiuz ,

Theres a general browser in the in game overlay

wheeldawg ,

An extremely bare bones and outdated one, but definitely there.

Dlayknee ,

Don’t use Google products or Chromium-based web browsers.

So… Firefox? Are there even any other viable alternatives?

kratoz29 ,


Junkers_Klunker ,

IIRC safari is chromium based too.

klangcola ,

No, Safaris engine is called WebKit. It’s different, but they’re related:

Once upon a time there was KHTML. Apple forked it to make WebKit. At some point Google forked WebKit to make Chromium. So now WebKit and Chromium development has diverged from each other over the years.

Anyway, use Firefox :)

Firefox is made by a non-profit for the purpose of making a web browser, it’s not made by a giant corporation for the purpose of pushing ads.

vermyndax ,

You did not remember correctly.

chris ,
@chris@l.roofo.cc avatar

I don’t think that is quite right. As far as I understand it the new feature generates topics from your browser history that website can use for targeted ads. So if you visit banking websites it might add to the finance topic. I don’t think Websites get access to the history. Still it is a shitty idea and please use Firefox.

maporita ,

But it is optional … why not just turn it off?

Blizzard ,

How long do you think it’ll stay optional?

mathemachristian ,

To add to that, its not just about targeted advertising, but a concern is also what happens to data when (not if) leaks happen and targeted pricing. If someone has frequently visited Nickelodeon.com it could be that they have kids who are already applying pressure to purchase a hamster or bird and therefore the parent is likely to have a higher price tolerance for such a product than a childless person.

Lojcs ,

enables websites to use Google’s new “Topics API” to view web addresses in your browser history

That’s just false. It generates generic topics from domain names in the history and provides some of those topics to advertisers. Nobody gets to know which domains you’ve visited. It also has measures to make it hard to build a profile on you based on the provided topics.

Any kind of tracking is bad. You don’t have to misrepresent what kind of tracking it is

Zikeji , in What's going on with major changes to privacy on Chrome?
@Zikeji@programming.dev avatar

So right now when browsing the internet if you take no steps to protect your privacy, it’s like your house is surrounded by corporate spies collecting data on everything they can see you doing through the windows. And these are some huge windows.

Taking steps like adblocking, blocking known trackers, blocking third party cookies, VPN, and / or, blocking JavaScript altogether is basically just closing / blocking those windows to make it harder for the spies. Sure, they can still glean some info but significantly less.

With Chrome’s recent change, now you’ve been opted-in to having a tracker strapped to your chest. They promise the data is less exposing than the current data being collected, but that can change They claim it’ll protect your privacy because instead of the spies collecting data directly to provide to their employers they simply have to walk up to a terminal and collect the data the chest tracker has collected and curated.

This is just my interpretation, I haven’t thoroughly researched it I simply decided it was too much and moved back to Firefox as my primary browser after using Chrome for over a decade.

sdw , in What's going on with typescript?

Where do y’all get your programming drama? I’m missing out

odium OP ,


Saw a couple of posts like this one.

Edit: I just went on local new on programming.dev and this was the second post: programming.dev/post/2807882

fubo , (edited ) in What's going on with major changes to privacy on Chrome?

Dumb business law bullshit that shouldn’t matter but does.

Dropping third-party cookies entirely would be a security and privacy boon for users, and the Chrome folks have wanted to do it for a while. But they can’t drop third-party cookies without giving some kind of replacement to the “adtech industry” people. (Not their own ad people — rather, Facebook and the folks who put up the nasty teeth ads.)

Why? Because antitrust law. If Google undermines “adtech” — even though literally no users want “adtech” — then the “adtech” people (possibly including Facebook) will sue them and win. Because in American law, a big business isn’t supposed to directly undermine another big business like that.

Sensible folks should just turn off the ad-targeting setting and third-party cookies.

To be clear, yes, I’m saying that this move by Google is not evil. It doesn’t take away any privacy that users weren’t already losing to third-party cookies from Facebook and other “adtech industry” folks. Rather, it makes it possible to limit how much of your privacy the “adtech” folks get to mess with.

And you and I can already turn it off, and turn third-party cookies off.

And yes, I do think “adtech” is basically a bunch of spammers who (in the words of Douglas Adams) will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes; and that Google is at least slightly better than that.

And yes, antitrust law is, in general, a good thing. This is a weird corner case that, if it had been better anticipated, could have been avoided. It sure would be nice if Chrome were completely separate from the Google business that makes money from ads. Chrome is actually pretty damn good at a lot of things; including (back in the day) getting lots of Windows users to ditch Internet Explorer when it was actively being used by criminals to take over their computers and do crime.

ozymandias117 ,

It’s difficult to trust them when they’re also the largest adtech business

No third party cookies is a good thing. It’s very unclear whether this new tracking technology should exist at all

fubo , (edited )

Anyone who tells you all ads systems are a little bit evil is telling the truth.

Anyone who tells you all ads systems are equally evil is trying to sell you pop-ups, spyware, email spam, and worse.

The “adtech marketplace” is a pit of festering corruption that goes way, way beyond anything that you can do with Google ads. There are shitholes out there still trying to figure out how to show you pop-ups just like back in Y2K before pop-up blocking — by compromising your browser security to do it.

I’d suggest anyone who’s interested in what ads systems are actually like, go sign up as an advertiser on Google and then on Facebook for comparison. See what you can do. See what they actually do want to sell you. Don’t spend a dollar; don’t buy a single ad; just see what the product being sold to advertisers actually is. You might be surprised, one way or another.

Like they say, “do your own research”. But not by watching videos that agree with you. If you want to see what these companies really sell to advertisers, go try pretending to be an advertiser. They’ll let you do that.

chickenf622 ,

Anyone who tells you “all ads are equally evil” are rarely selling anything other than a FOSS software they are a part of, but not anything that could be considered adware. Now granted the are shills out there that your should be aware of. Thankfully there are groups that care about your privacy, like Mozilla in my opinion, that give a shit, but not every group is driven by profits.

fubo ,

It’s a fair point, but do check Mozilla financial statements for where they get their revenue.

sep ,

Hardly a secret you need financial statements for. That google pay mozilla for beeing default search engine. And this is why you all also should donate to mozilla!

On the topic of firefox. I realy like the cookie jars blog.mozilla.org/…/firefox-rolls-out-total-cookie…

AssPennies ,

a big business isn’t supposed to directly undermine another big business

Apple has entered the chat.

(See: Their walled gardens, e.g., any browser that wants to bring their own engine to iOS.)

fubo ,

Apple never let them in to begin with. If Chrome turned off third-party cookies for all users today, Facebook (among others) would sue and probably win.

otter ,
@otter@lemmy.ca avatar

Which feels like one of those things that’s technically legal, but against the spirit of the original law

InternetUser2012 , in What's up with the Trump mugshots?

He might need a doctor, looks like he smells burnt toast.

ElanoidesWahl , in What's up with the Trump mugshots?
@ElanoidesWahl@slrpnk.net avatar

Yep, he’s been charged with election tampering in Georgia. thedailybeast.com/trump-mugshot-former-president-…

sanguinepar ,
@sanguinepar@lemmy.world avatar

To add to that, this is technically the fourth time recently that he’s been arrested and indicted. It’s the first time he’s had a mugshot though.

kryptonianCodeMonkey ,

To add to that, his Georgia indictment is related to his attempt to convince the Georgia Secretary of State to “find” 11,780 votes for Trump, i.e. exactly one more than needed to turn Georgia into a Trump win. Compelling an election official to lie to overturn an election and disenfranchises voters.

His other indictments include the case in New York about falsification of business documents. In order to reimburse his lawyer, Michael Cohen, for the hush money Cohen had paid on Trump’s instruction to Stormy Daniels in order to keep her quiet about their sexual encounter before the 2016 election, Trump billed those reimbursement payments to Cohen as legal fees to the business. Essentially he embezzled from the company. “Allegedly”.

The other two cases are federal charges related to his intentional incitement of/ complicity to the insurrection attempts on January 6th, 2021 in order to overturn the election he lost, and the illegal mishandling and possession of classified documents he took from the white house and hid away at his Mar-a-lago resort and then repeatedly lied to the feds about and tried to hide from them. Most recently, he’s had charges added to his classified documents case for ordering the destruction of evidence related to the case, specifically he asked an employee to destroy surveillance footage that was evidence to this case.

Diprount_Tomato ,
@Diprount_Tomato@lemmy.world avatar

Just googled it. It’s kinda disappointing tbh (I expected the typical mugshot)

MrBakedBeansOnToast ,

Easy to make it look a little more traditional

Diprount_Tomato ,
@Diprount_Tomato@lemmy.world avatar

Nah looks like an album cover

kometes ,

Strong get-off-my-lawn energy…

Munkisquisher ,

Wait until you see his fingerprints imgur.com/gallery/WKO4bt6

ristoril_zip ,

You win the Internet today, stranger

BuboScandiacus , in Whats with the Lemmygrad hate?
@BuboScandiacus@mander.xyz avatar

Lemmygrad is a tankie instance

BuboScandiacus , in Why is everyone talking about Sync? How is it better than other apps for Lemmy like Connect and Jerboa?
@BuboScandiacus@mander.xyz avatar

Use infinity for lemmy

It’s free software and yu can get it on fdroid

CookieJarObserver , in Why is the "sari roti" meme popular on indonesian tiktok?
@CookieJarObserver@sh.itjust.works avatar

Please don’t link Spyware.

leonardrua OP ,

Link now replaced.

maniajack , in What ever happened to the time Trump tried to get dirt on Clinton from a Russian spy?

I think the gist is Mueller investigated Trump and the shady Russia stuff and had enough to charge him with obstruction but did not due to DOJ policy (to not charge a sitting president). He laid out a plan for congress to do something about it, congress impeached but the GOP controlled Senate blocked it.

So I guess some of that could be dug up? But there are bigger fish to fry now, considering the current indictments.

Forestial ,

You’re right that the DOJ didn’t charge him (as sitting president) from Mueller’s report, but he was not impeached for that matter. The impeachments were for 1) soliciting foreign interference, and obstruction and 2) incitement of insurrection.

vzq ,

Congress did not impeach based on the mueller report.

Congress impeached because of the IG report based on the NSC whistleblower report of the Zelenskyy call, where Trump attempted to blackmail the president of Ukraine to do him a favor in exchange for him approving the sale of a shipment of javelin missiles.

And then again because he led an insurrection against the government he was leading to prevent peaceful transition of power on January 6.

But not because of the Mueller report.

jeebus , in What's with all the controversy surrounding lemmy's creators?
@jeebus@kbin.social avatar

Oh no time to cancel Lemmy bcz the founders believe in stupid things. Let's all move to the next thing until those founders are found out to believe in crazy shit. It's free and open source. So fork it.

jsdz , in What's with all the controversy surrounding lemmy's creators?

I’ve nothing against communists in general or I wouldn’t have signed up on lemmy.ml, but now that I take a look it appears that u/dessalines does maintain a “socalism faq” that includes quite a lot more apologising for Stalin than I would’ve expected and what appears to be some Uyghur genocide denying among many other objectionable things. It looks pretty bad, although I suppose there’s some good stuff in there as well.

To be fair, the political views of reddit, twitter, and facebook management are probably just about as far from my own.

TheSpookiestUser ,
@TheSpookiestUser@lemmy.world avatar

Those factors are what help identify a “tankie”, among other things. Communists are cool, but apologia of atrocities is not an inherent tenet of communism, despite what some people on the sketchier parts of Lemmy would have you think.

spez OP ,

yeah, that does make sense

CookieJarObserver , in What's with all the controversy surrounding lemmy's creators?
@CookieJarObserver@sh.itjust.works avatar

They are political extremists but the software is good so far and its open source.

If things go south there will be someone making a fork and staying away from BS.

Lemmygrad, Hexbear and Lemmyml are tankie territory just like Exploding-heads is nazi territory.

TheSpookiestUser , in What's with all the controversy surrounding lemmy's creators?
@TheSpookiestUser@lemmy.world avatar

…It seems like you’ve described the problem yourself in the OP, but dismissively?

spez OP ,

Do they deny those things? If yes could you please cite the comments.

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

Flip it.

Rather we prove they denied it, instead provide sources of their controversial statements.

Thehalfjew ,

OP is saying they’ve heard people claim it but hasn’t seen evidence. They’re wondering if anybody has some, because otherwise they’re treating it as a rumor.

glad_cat , in What's with all the controversy surrounding lemmy's creators?

With the 2 pictures on lemmy.ml/u/dessalines, the guy is either a 4chan troll, or a person that I would not enjoy having as a friend.

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