Open source devs: please, please add screenshots...

I beg you, if you are a developer of an open source app or program - add screenshots of your app to the README file. When looking for the perfect app, I had to install dozens of them just to see what the user interface looked like and whether it suits me. This will allow users to decide if the app they choose will suit them… Please, don’t think about it, just do it…


Hey, all you folks ought to get together and publish a guide to writing good FOSS documentation,

noodle, avatar

Sometimes I’d settled for a simple description of what the tool even is. Sometimes the readme is just straight into compilation steps and I feel like we’re rushing into something.

Shadow, avatar

Foreplay is important! Gotta get me excited for that app.


🛠️ Building

To build the app install the gamete dependencies and run the following

<span style="color:#323232;">make child

A lot of documentation is like that.

Its terrible when the software is called some random word that has nothing to do with the programs functionality


I also hate it when it has a name that is a super common word or phrase. Our last 3 records management prograns at work have been like this, and their help fires are terrible to non existent. Good like trying to search the internet for information on the software with those common names. Even adding terms relevant to what the software does, didn’t help much.

(Apologies if this is terribly typed, I’ve got an impending migraine aura that stayed right as I hit reply and have lost a good chunk of my vision. I can’t see most of what I’m saying.)

01189998819991197253, avatar

Unrelated, but I used to get them often. I found one article about vitamin D deficiency as a potential cause, and figured, “what what hell”. Started taking 5000IU every day of the Swanson’s brand. It took a month or so, but I’ve been aura migraine free for months (still get migraines sometimes, but they’re MUCH less severe than they used to be and no auras). Ask your doctor first, in case you can’t take vitamin D, but it’s worth a try if it’s safe for you.


I actually know what causes most of mine, there are some nerves in my neck that get pinched/aggravated and trigger them. And for some reason, if I have multiple days in a row where I don’t get much sleep, those nerves get extra cranky. They are extra cranky right now.

01189998819991197253, avatar

I’m so so sorry! I guess, at lease, you know why. That’s something, right? Not really, but :shrug: seriously, I’m so sorry you’re going through that!


A README file is usually comprised of text.

Other than that - usually if it has a webpage, it has some screenshots.


README markdown files allow for inline image links to be “expanded”


There’s an awful lot of comments in this post from people complaining that developers aren’t making their projects attractive and user friendly enough, or the READMEs descriptive enough.

Can I just say, as a developer with some open source projects on github, I don’t care; you’re not my intended audience.


I find this unnecessarily derisive. There are good reasons for a UI or README not being user-friendly, the top-most one being (imo) that it is really, really hard to get right, takes a lot of time and doesn’t primarily solve the problem the project was started for.


You mean you think I’m being derisive? I think it’s important to remind people that not every open source dev shares their priorities, or indeed any interest whatsoever in whether other people use their code.

This whole post is filled with a really disappointing amount of entitlement and lack of self-awareness.


I think you generally can’t know if someone shared their code with the intention that others may use it, but it’s a reasonable assumption.

Blurghglurgh, avatar

I don’t care; you’re not my intended audience.

That’s pretty ignorant


That’s quite an accusation. Can you elaborate further on that please.

Blurghglurgh, avatar

No. (I don’t care; you’re not my intended audience.)


I totally agree that screenshots and a proper description of the app in the README are a must-have for all foss apps, but as a developer I know that most of the times you prefer use your time to add new features to your app rather then documenting existing ones…

Personally I’ll try to add them to all my future projects but what I would suggest to everyone who use and love a foss app is to check out its README and, if needed, submit a pull request with an updated version of it with screenshot etc (You don’t need to be a developer to do that and it can be really appreciated)


Also please begin the Github page or whatever with a description of what the app is actually for or what it does. I know that sounds super obvious, but the number of times I’ve seen links that are like “I made this app from scratch for fun, let me know what you think!” and then you click through and the app is called Scrooblarr or something and it has no indication of what it actually does is… more than it should be.


It scroobles obviously!


That’s Sctooblerr. Scrooblarr is completely unrelated.


Wait what? I thought the read me file was to put as little info as possible to prove how awesome anyone was who can use the program.


Including the documentation link, which only has incomplete getting started section

Getting Started
  1. Clone the repo
  2. Install dependencies
  3. Compile the project: TODO
  4. Copy the executable to /bin
  5. Add your app.json config to ~/.config/app*

Oh hey, they have an file. Let’s check that out!

<span style="color:#323232;">{}
skankhunt42, avatar



README is usually a text file. While some platforms can now use markdown, that is nowhere near universal. So it might be better to ask for screenshots to be put on the website / wiki.


GitHub and GitLab both support inserting images into your Here’s the syntax:

<span style="color:#a71d5d;">!</span><span style="color:#4183c4;">Description of the image</span><span style="color:#a71d5d;">

Just like

Anafabula, avatar

And anything that supports CommonMark. It’s even in the original Markdown

Pyroglyph, avatar

And Lemmy!

GlenTheFrog, avatar

Not just a text file, a markdown file. And markdown has supported images since forever


README.txt will be a text file, can be much more


Anyone know of good Gitlab CI or GitHub actions for auto generating GUI screenshots and links them in the README? I only barely know testing tool and frameworks like OpenQA and Robot for GUI. Even better if we can get AVIF/GIF linked in there to see an app in motion.

Honestly though, documenting is a pain enough, I really don’t want to be doing screenshot walk throughs on anything I’m not paid to do.


While I get the sentiment, historically, readmes have been text only, and should predominately focus on usage options, not a sales pitch. Today in GitHub, these files support markdown, but the level of effort is probably two orders of magnitude higher than a text readme alone.

Think of a readme file on GitHub/distributed with the binary more as a man page than a proper website.

mypasswordis1234, avatar

So why not add a ‘Screenshots’ section with hyperlinks to PNG files?


Or, hell, just add a “screenshots” folder to the repo and mention its existence in the readme.


The best solution is to create an issue and attach the pictures there. You can then link in README and not bloat the repository.


If I clone the repo I expect everything to work, including the readme.


That’s a good point non-text shouldn’t be in the git tree, git-lfs is another solution for that though


I mean, yes, it’s a little more effort, but I think you’re over playing how much effort is required. Writing a half decent readme is vastly easier than frankly any feature or bug fix. Taking a couple of notable screenshots is super easy. Writing docs is hard (I’ve written tons for large and complicated projects), but readmes are the easiest and including screenshots is really quite easy.

Everywhere supports markdown in readmes now. Literally everywhere I’ve ever hosted code. And markdown with links to images is perfectly fine even if viewed in plain text mode. They’ll just click the link and view the image standalone. I’ve done that plenty of times, too. Every editor (plus in-browser code hosts in plain text mode) makes it easy.

TCB13, avatar

Dear open source app user: feel free to improve the README file of the projects you come across by adding a few screenshots you believe are relevant.

TCB13, avatar

Although I understand the OP’s perspective open-source is a community effort and people should have a more proactive attitude and contribute when they feel things aren’t okay. Most open-source developers aren’t focused / don’t have time for how things look (or at least not on the beginning). If you’re a regular user and you can spend an hour taking a bunch of screenshots and improving a readme you’ll be making more for the future the project that you might think.

jecxjo, avatar

When the last big Twitter migration to Mastodon occurred there were a lot new users complaining about things like documentation, bugs, etc. Old users and FLOSS supporters kept pushing the “its open source, write a doc or fill out a bug ticket” and evem included documentation on how to do those tasks.

Most people just continued to complain. /facepalm


We just don’t live in a world where making the changes you want are encouraged. We have been thought to just accept whatever changes happen or at most file a suggestion that almost noone will listen to. Obviously open source is different but it’s still such a tiny minority compared to how the rest of the world functions

jecxjo, avatar

The big difference here is there is already this “learning curve” about the whole fediverse that people were struggling with that many of us wrote blog posts and had toot chains we’d forward explaining how this universe works. Adding in links and screen shots and templates for how to submit a bug…

…I hate saying this but the vast majority of people are just lazy. It’s not a culture issue or not something too difficult. People like to complain and not put in effort to things. People expect others to do things for them and don’t get that free comes with a cost.

FOSS isn’t really that small, it’s just that most people don’t do any type of investigation into what they use for technology. Much of what you use may have a for-profit company in front of it but huge parts of their products are open source andnyou can directly influence the products by actually engaging the projects themselves.


Yeah people are very much lazy and that’s fine, you just have to work around that and well culture is one way of getting people to do what should be done.

As you say Foss does impact quite a lot of those company products however what is the important part of the casual user is what and how they interact directly with the products and well at no point are they expected to directly impact the project, it’s just you use what you are given. That is why they have that people will do things for me mindset bc that is what happens with almost everything the use

urshanabi, avatar

I think this is interesting, certainly screenshots and giving an idea of how something works is important. It seems more important to many users rather than say developers. I guess developers have a different set of priorities, maybe it does make more sense for users to add screenshots or contribute as it is in their interest whereas maintaining and fixing critical bugs is more within the interest of the developer?

How would this even be communicated effectively to users? I find that most calls to support are vague and maybe if they were broken down by interest or skill set it would help people understand that they too could do something.

E.g. Having a headline that says contribute, and like a table with icons for different professions or areas people could contribute with different processes for each. I have friends who are good typesetters or editors, but they would not put in the effort to use github, they would prefer to use something closer to social media or word/docs at the most. It feels like github samples from only a subset of the population and is actively trying to ensure the comfort and curation of that community to the expense of others and collaborative work in general.


This mentality explains a lot of open source.

jelloeater85, avatar

Yeah, and please have EASY setup instructions or complied binaries.

Ricaz, avatar

Why is your name red?

jelloeater85, avatar

Site mod, I mostly do the infra tho ❤️

TCB13, avatar

So… can you unblock !piracy and !piracy so we can have free speech again?

Rooki, (edited ) avatar

Please read the first line of the “Principles that Guide Us”


As both user and developer - user CAN contribute but the developer/maintainer SHOULD add the screenshots.

southsamurai, avatar

There’s both an ignorance and fear barrier to that.

A lot of people don’t know they can, and don’t know how. And even the ones that do know, often worry their contributions would be shit.

And there’s folks that just don’t think the project would accept that kind of submission.

I’m not contradicting your suggestion! It’s a great thing to let people know that they can contribute without knowing how to code. Just adding in both an explanation as to why it’s so rare, and hopefully allaying some of those worries for passersby.

Zalack, avatar

I think it depends on the project. Some projects are the author’s personal tools that they’ve put online in the off-chance it will be useful to others, not projects they are really trying to promote.

I don’t think we should expect that authors of repos go too out of their way in those cases as the alternative would just be not to publish them at all.

southsamurai, avatar

Totally agree

RickyRigatoni, avatar

What if I do a PR for a program that isn’t even related to Linux and Linus still sniffs it out to tell me I’m a dingus :(


NGL I actually didn’t know that I can do such a thing. I do still kinda have a closed source mindset in that anything I use I cannot change or Influence. Like I knew that other people can do that but I didn’t know I can do that

southsamurai, avatar

Yeah, it’s a thing :)

I’ve only done it once, and it wasn’t pictures, it was rewriting a horrible section about how to install a program my cousin was trying to build. He abandoned it three months later, but still.

From what I’ve heard from people that code, it’s polite to approach whoever is maintaining the project before jumping in, and it makes sense so that nobody wastes resources on something that isn’t going to get used.


If the app sucks, few people will add the screenshots. Therefore, most apps without screenshots will suck. So new apps will need the developer to add screenshots, or people will assume it sucks.

And we’re back to square one. The developer has extra responsibility to highlight the features.


This is good advice, but having a screenie there in the first place might make someone more likely to try it out.


One thing though: I’m likely not to stop and consider looking closer at an app if I can’t judge if it’s going to be what I’m looking for. I’m not going to go over random GitHub repositories and create screenshots for their projects. So if the assumption is that the user contributes screenshots I don’t think it will ever change anything for the majority of projects.


As a user, I completely agree. People often make decisions in a few seconds, and you’ve done all this work developing an app. That little extra step will allow you to make a difference to more people!

As a developer of a Lemmy web UI, I’ve been thinking about adding screenshots to my README for weeks but still haven’t done so 🙈


It’s easier said than done for sure


Get to it, mate! You can do it!


No. ReadMe files should be concise, explicit, and text only. UI/UX screenshots can be part of the repo, wiki, or associated website but they shouldn’t be in the ReadMe.

If you don’t understand the software you’re installing from some rando stranger’s git repo then you shouldn’t install it. Period. Take the opportunity to learn more or use another tool.

Git repos are not app stores. The devs don’t owe you anything.

The vast majority of software in publicly accessible git repos are personal projects, hobbies, and one-off experiments.

Your relationship with the software and the devs that create and maintain it is your responsibility. Try talking to the devs, ask them questions, attempt to understand why they constructed their project in whatever specific way they have. You might make some new friends, or learn something really interesting. And if you encounter rudeness, hostility, or incompetence you’re free to move on, such is the nature of our ever-evolving open-source community.

We bring a lot of preconceived notions into the open-source / foss / software development space as we embark on our own journey of personal development. I try to always remember it’s the journey of discovery and the relationships we curate along the way that is the real prize.


For a lot of open source at the moment the root level readme is fundamentally the homepage too. It absolutely should include screenshots, maybe even a gif. If your software has a GUI or TUI it should follow that a concise visual will do more to explain it’s usage than a text document


I prefer install instructions. Not everything is in AUR.


Won’t hurt to also put in a description of what your software actually is or does. Countless GitHub repos with instructions on how to install, but zero information about why I’d want to.


Grnrrth is a FOSS native qualitivate built with the Jot framework. It comfortably handles 2NUT, xrr, .gif, and any other Banbo hierarchies in a windowed, cross-system integrated module.


It’s like I’m in the readme of every project I’ve stumbled across from Google to a forum to GitHub pathway…


And that’s what having a stroke sounds like


You’ve heard of adjective foods? Get ready for adjective software!

regular_human, avatar

<span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">TODO

Added a readme, boss




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